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Holland & Usry - September 2021

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Holland & Usry September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Holland & Usry September 2017

2 cup butter, softened • Vanilla ice cream, optional • 4 cups chopped, peeled apples Directions 1. H

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Holland & Usry - September 2020

panning-for-gold-activity for a great step-by-step guide on how to go panning for gold in your own b

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Holland & Usry September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 small loaf French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes (6 cups) 3 tablespoons

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Holland & Usry - March 2021

Holland & Usry - March 2021 INDUSTRIAL TRAGEDY ANNIVERSARY Has Us Thinking About Your Rights “The fi

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Holland & Usry - October 2021

4 cup vanilla frosting (store-bought or homemade) 4. Spread the peanut butter over the cooled cookie

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Holland & Usry - June 2021

ivm to access the map and see what’s near your hometown! If you’re dreaming up travel plans beyond y

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Holland & Usry - April 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided 864.582.0416 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 * T

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Holland & Usry - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste 4 small shallots, thinly sliced 4 green onions, thinl

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Holland & Usry - February 2021

3 cup scallions, thinly sliced 2 tbsp walnuts, toasted and chopped 1 sprig of fresh mint leaves, tor

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Holland & Usry - September 2021


Summer was fun, and here comes fall already! Labor Day is known as the “unofficial end of summer” and is usually celebrated with barbecues, cheeseburgers, parades, and picnics. However, many forget that it carries a much larger meaning. Labor Day celebrations date way back to 1894. It was founded to show appreciation to the American working class and their contributions to our country and society. As Labor Day approaches, I’ve put much thought into our own staff and all of the hardworking employees out there. When I think of a restaurant, store, medical office, or landscaping company, the employees are the ones who carry out the mission of the business. Here at Holland & Usry, our seven employees work hard to make it happen — they are the backbone of our firm. Without them, so much would not get done, and words cannot express how appreciative we are of them. Speaking of Labor Day, I’d also like to take some time to speak to all those whom we celebrate this Sept. 6. Serious job-related injuries do occur, and as always, it is most important that you practice safety in all that you do. However, in the event that a significant injury at work takes place, it is paramount that you contact an attorney to make sure your rights are protected. Many times, when individuals are injured on the job, they have no idea how serious their injuries are or what kind of medical attention will be required. Even if you aren’t sure of the extent of your injuries, it is a good idea to seek legal advice. Here in our office, if it is determined that you do not need representation, you will hopefully leave with plenty of pointers to help you with your case.

Some serious injuries that will require representation include a neck or back injury that numbs or hurts your arms and/or legs, paralysis, spinal injury, broken bones, brain injury, or anything requiring surgery. Hiring an attorney provides you with a much stronger position facing the insurance company that you are up against. Insurance companies like to play hardball, and a trained lawyer can level the playing field. The same is true for car accidents. If you commute via car to work, you are at risk of an auto accident every time you get in the car to head into the office or go home for the day. If you are injured in an auto accident, it is important that you contact an attorney right away. Insurance companies can be brutal to deal with, and an attorney can help you obtain the best possible outcome. Attorneys provide a voice for those who are seriously injured. I’m wishing everyone a very happy end to their summers, and I’m looking forward to the fall months full of lots of time for family, friends, and delicious food! As always, be safe!

Here at Holland & Usry, our seven employees work hard to make it happen — they are the backbone of our firm.


REMEMBERING THE HEROES AMID THE TRAGEDY The Everyday People Who Saved Countless Lives on 9/11

As we approach its 20th anniversary, Sept. 11, 2001, remains one of the darkest days in American history. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives when terrorists flew passenger airplanes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. The infrastructural damage was severe, but the damage done to thousands of families across the country was even worse. While 9/11 remains a day of remembrance of these tragic events, it should also be a day to remember the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to save others. These are just a few of their stories. BETTY ONG AND AMY SWEENEY After five al-Qaida terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11, Ong and Sweeney, two flight attendants, used the crew phone to call their colleagues and give them information about their attackers, including what they looked like and what seats they had been sitting in. Both attendants perished, but the information they shared helped the FBI jump-start their investigation. RICK RESCORLA A Vietnam veteran who had earned a silver star for his service, Rescorla was no stranger to stressful life and death situations. As the head of corporate security for Morgan Stanley in the South Tower, he defied orders from Port Authority to stay put and instead escorted 2,700 people out of the building before it collapsed. After that, he headed back in to look for stragglers. That was the last time anyone saw him.

PASSENGERS OF FLIGHT 93 While two planes hit the World Trade Center towers and one plane hit the Pentagon, another plane that headed for the White House never reached its destination. That’s because passengers aboard this flight, upon learning their plane had been hijacked, decided to rush the cockpit and overtake the terrorists. They caused the plane to crash in an empty field in Pennsylvania, saving the White House but killing everyone on board. Sad though their deaths may be, these heroic men and women continue to inspire people even 20 years later. We should never forget the tragedy of 9/11, but we should also remember these regular people who decided to take extraordinary lengths to save others.


THANKS TO THE HOLLAND & USRY LAW FIRM “To anyone who’s in a rough place like I was seeking professional help, look no further. Rob Usry and his team are EXACTLY what you’re looking for. “I was in a really hard time in my life, and when hope was about lost, I came across Rob and his team. “Rob will give you the best service you could ask for. He is the real deal, keeps it 100% about everything, and is straightforward. He will guide you every step of the way, making the process a lot smoother and giving you better peace of mind.

“I wouldn’t recommend anyone else. He will do everything he can to help you achieve your goal. He truly cares about you and your best interests. So A BIG THANK-YOU TO ROB AND TEAM; you’ll always have a special place in my heart for your hard work! “Again, whoever is seeking professional help, don’t hesitate to make a call now. ROB IS THE MAN!”


Imagining the aftermath of a crash with a bicycle and an automobile is cringe- worthy. Just the thought of what the injuries resulting from the impact of a vehicle versus bicycle crash look like should really drive home the importance of bicycle safety.

federal government survey commissioned by the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, it was found that roughly one- fourth of bicyclists injured in roadway accidents are rushed to the hospital. It was also determined that about 40% of bicyclists hit by a car succumb to injuries to their arms, 55% of bicyclists hit by a car have damages to their legs, 28% of bicyclists wind up with head injuries, and 30% of those riding a bike suffer damages to their face and neck. About 12% of those bicyclists involved in the accident wind up with injuries to their chest, 13% with damages to their pelvis and lower back, and 11% get injuries to their spine or back. Of course, in these types of accidents, injuries can occur anywhere on the body, as the impact is usually very traumatic. When an accident occurs between a bicyclist and a vehicle, sometimes the injured bicyclist ends up facing an insurance company that avidly fights to avoid paying out a settlement. Astonishingly enough, the bicyclist is even sometimes found at fault or partially at fault. With a skilled and professional bicycle accident lawyer, the other insurance agency’s denials can be overturned, and a justified settlement can be reached. For all of the facts on bicycle accidents and professional representation in a bicycle accident case, you can always turn to Holland & Usry. As always, ride and drive safely!

Because bicyclists involved in a crash typically sustain very serious injuries, they can qualify for legal settlements. Severe injuries mean hefty medical bills. In a

Good News

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” –James 1:17 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” –Psalm 28:7


Inspired by


Directions 1.

Preheat oven to 375 F. In a 9-by-13- inch baking dish, add butter and place in oven. Remove when melted. In a large bowl, combine flour, 1 cup of sugar, baking powder, and salt. Then pour in milk and stir until the mixture is smooth.

1/2 cup unsalted butter

1 cup flour

2 cups sugar, divided


1 tbsp baking powder

Dash of salt

3. Pour the batter over the melted butter, but don’t stir!

1 cup milk

4 cups peaches (fresh is best!)

4. In a pot, bring peaches, lemon juice, and remaining sugar to a boil. Stir constantly.

1 tbsp lemon juice

5. Pour peaches over batter, but once again, don’t stir!

Ground cinnamon or nutmeg to taste

6. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg, then bake at 375 F for 45 minutes.


* This newsletter is intended to educate the public about personal injury, workers’ compensation, criminal defense, and family law issues. You can copy and distribute it as long as you copy the entire newsletter. But the newsletter is not intended to be legal advice; you should ask a lawyer about your specific case. Every case is different, and all case outcomes depend on unique facts and laws.


101 W. St. John St. Suite 206 Spartanburg, SC 29306

INSIDE this issue Labor Day Remembering the Heroes of 9/11 Testimonial Common Bicyclist Injuries in Car Accidents Easy Peach Cobbler Willie the Parrot: The Ultimate Danger Alarm





If you no longer want to receive this newsletter, call Pam at 864.582.0416 or email [email protected] .


Willie the Quaker parrot was a pretty remarkable bird. Like many parrots, he had a knack for mimicking certain sounds and words, including barking dog noises, human kissing noises, and a fair share of swear words. However, what made Willie a hero one day was not just what he said, but also when he said it. Meagan Howard, Willie’s owner, brought him over to her friend Samantha Kuusk’s house while she babysat Kuusk’s little daughter, Hannah. Hannah and Willie were both in the kitchen while Meagan prepared a Pop-Tart for Hannah’s breakfast. After placing the Pop-Tart on the table, Meagan stepped away to use the bathroom. While she was away, however, Hannah got her hands on the Pop-Tart and began to scarf it down, lodging a piece in her windpipe. She started choking and was unable to signal to

Meagan that something was wrong. Luckily, Willie came to the rescue.

was wrong, and he knew how to get help.

Shortly after the incident, Willie received the local Red Cross chapter’s Animal Lifesaver Award for his heroic actions.

Willie began squawking and shrieking, saying the words “Mama! Baby!” over and over again. In a matter of moments, Meagan knew something was wrong. She rushed to the kitchen to find a very frantic Willie and a very blue Hannah. Meagan jumped into action. She grabbed Hannah and performed the Heimlich maneuver until the Pop-Tart piece dislodged itself and shot out of her mouth. Meagan may have been the one to stop Hannah from choking, but she insists that Willie was the real hero of the story. If he hadn’t used his unique mimicking skills to get Meagan’s attention, she doesn’t know what would have happened. It’s worth noting that before that incident, Willie had never used the phrase “Mama! Baby!” before. He knew something