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Holy Week Devotional Booklet

The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew September 2021 – April 2022

Devotional Booklet #4 Series 8 – Holy Week April 10 - 24, 2022

The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series Overview Ask a random group of people why anyone should take Jesus Christ seriously today and the answer might be, "I don't know… why should I?" That was the question that motivated the Gospel of Matthew to be written. Who Jesus is, what he taught, what he did, how he died, and that He rose, has moved many to take him seriously. The message of Matthew is that he is a king to be followed, for all people, of all nations, for all times. Join us this year as we consider the message of the Gospel of Matthew. What does it mean for us if Jesus is still King in 2021? How would you live if he was your king? Booklet #1 – Series 1-3 Series 1 – The Kingdom Begins: Setting Our Expectations September 11-12 to 25-26, Matthew Overview & Chapters 3-4 Series 2 – Kingdom Culture: Living Like Jesus is King October 2-3 to 16-17, Matthew Chapters 5-7 Series 3 – The Kingdom Expands: Establishing His Power and Authority October 23-24 to November 27-28, Matthew Chapters 8-13 Booklet #2 – Series 4-5 Series 4 – Christmas in the Kingdom: The Origin Story of Jesus the King December 4-5 to 25-26, Matthew Chapters 1-2

Series 5 – Kingdom Clarity: Managing our Expectations January 2 to 23, Matthew Chapters 13-17

Booklet #3 – Series 6-7 Series 6 – Kingdom Community: A New Approach to Life Together January 30 to February 20, Matthew Chapters 18-20 Series 7 – Kingdom Authority: Confronting the Status Quo February 27 to April 3, Matthew Chapters 20-25

Booklet #4 – Series 8 Series 8 – Kingdom Love: The King Shows His Love Holy Week April 10 to 24, Matthew Chapters 26-28

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Table of Contents

Series 8: Kingdom Love The King Shows His Love

Matthew Chapter & Verse

Week Date


32 April 10

4 8


Thursday, April 14 26:17-56

10 12 14 18

Friday, April 15


33 April 17, Sunrise

27:62-28:4, 11-15

April 17


34 April 24


Holy Week Devotional Guide Week Date Holy Week Devotional Guide Instructions

Verse of the Day Page


Palm Sunday April 10

24 27 29 32 35 38

John 12:13

Monday Tuesday

April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16

Matthew 21:13 Mark 12:30-31 Matthew 26:1-2 John 13:15-16




Mark 15:39



Matthew 27:66 Matthew 28:5-6 John 20:21-23 Luke 24:46-47 Matthew 28:19-20

Easter Sunday April 17

43 46 49

Monday Tuesday

April 18 April 19 April 20



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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love

Week 32 – April 10, Anointing and Betrayal Love always draws a response when it's genuine and sincere. Jesus' love is that kind. He is ready to lay down his life. His love is tangible, felt by all around. Some are repelled but one woman gives the perfect response. This week we are challenged by his love. How will we respond?

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 26:1-16

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Small Group Discussion Questions 1. What are your observations about the text? What stands out to you, what is new, what makes you pause to think?

2. Think about the paradox between Judas’ attitude toward Jesus in these moments versus the attitude of the woman who anointed Jesus. Why do you think these 2 people could have such different attitudes toward Jesus and His mission?

3. Has there ever been a time in your life when you found yourself angry at God? In contrast, have you ever felt in a way that resembles this woman’s heart toward Him?

4. If somebody were to watch your day-to-day life right now, where would they rank you in a scale of 1 (Judas) to 10 (the woman)?

5. How can the group pray for you to move closer to that 10?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Prayer / Journal

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love

Week 32 – April 14, Last Supper Service The Bread and the Cup

He did it on purpose. He knew he needed to give us something tangible to help us remember his love. He took the bread and cup and shared it with us. We are weak. He is strong. Tonight we celebrate his commitment to us.

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 26:17-56

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love

Week 32 – April 15, Good Friday Service The King of the Jews Trials / Crucifixion / Death / Burial / Tomb “Are you the Messiah?" "Are you the king of the Jews?" He was asked. He was arrested, tried, convicted and executed and he said very little. But what was there for him to say? He did not profess his innocence because he was there to bear our sin. Tonight we celebrate the love that redeemed us.

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 26:57-27:66

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love

Week 33 – April 17, Sunrise Service The Changing of the Guard

They thought they could stop it, but they couldn’t because they didn’t know what they were stopping. They thought they just had to discourage a few zealots but there was a greater force at work. And then, when Jesus rose anyway, they concocted a plan to lie about it. This resurrection morning, we remember the folly of resisting God.

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 27:62-28:4, 11-15

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Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love Week 33 – April 17, Out of the Tomb into the Kingdom The resurrection of Jesus from the dead opened the way for a whole new relationship with God. The kingdom would take a different path than anticipated. It's impact deeper, more personal and life changing than just another nation-state. The empty tomb would be the doorway to a whole new life for all who believe. This week we celebrate the risen King.

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 28:1-15

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Small Group Discussion Questions 1. What are your initial observations of the text? Anything new that you’ve never noticed before?

2. Read the words that the angel speaks to the women in verses 5-7 again. Discuss how the words, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus,” might take on a new meaning as we seek His heart moment-by-moment?

3. In contrast, discuss the reaction of the guards and the chief priests. What does this say about their hearts?

4. How does the Resurrection change the way that you approach this day? Each day in the future?

5. How can the group pray for you in this pursuit?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Prayer / Journal

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Series 8 – Kingdom Love Week 34 – April 24, Great Commission: Making a Kingdom Difference

Until he comes again those who call him king are commissioned as his witnesses. The call is clear. Taking all we have learned over the last months of studying the Gospel of Matthew, we are prepared to answer his call. We are ready to share his story until the whole world hears. This week we receive his commission.

Personal Observations from Reading Matthew 28:16-20

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sermon Notes

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Small Group Discussion Questions 1. The Gospel of Matthew ends with this final

appearance, words, and instructions from Jesus.

2. Why do you suppose some still doubted in verse 17?

3. How might Jesus’ statement in verse 18 fill you with hope?

4. Faith is often described as a personal relationship with Jesus. While that may be true, how do Jesus’ instructions in verses 19-20 compel us to make sure that our faith does not remain private?

5. How did you first hear about Jesus? When did you begin your relationship with Him?

6. It is often helpful to write down the names of people that are in your midst that need Jesus, so you can refer to this list and regularly pray for the people on it. Who is in your life right now that needs to see your faith in Jesus and receive His mercy and grace?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Prayer / Journal

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

HOLY WEEK DEVOTIONAL GUIDE God has revealed Himself to us in a few ways, but one major way that He has done this is through Scripture. This is why it is important for us to continually engage with His Word. What better time to do this than during Holy Week! Whether you read the Bible regularly or you are a beginner, Holy Week is a great time to dive in and spend some time aligning your heart with God’s. In this devotional, we will experience most of the events of Holy Week as they happened each day, beginning with the Triumphal Entry (what we refer to as Palm Sunday). Each day, spend some time reading the selected portions of Scripture, consider some of the included questions, then spend some time in prayer and journaling your thoughts for the day.

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Here’s how it works: Each day has a selection of readings of the events of the coinciding day during Holy Week. So, for Sunday, you are reading the events that happened on that Sunday, and so on. Each daily reading has 5 elements to it. 1. Verse of the Day – This is a verse that is selected from the reading of that day. If this is all you have time for, at least read and pray over this one! 2. Quick Read – This is a smaller sampling of the events of the day. It is pulled from the more thorough reading, in order to give a snapshot of one of the more significant events of the day. 3. Full Read – This is a larger reading of most of the events of that day. Many of these are multiple accounts of the same event or passage, taken out of a few or all of the Gospel accounts.

4. Consider – This is a series of questions regarding the reading for you to ponder, pray over, and answer.

5. Journal – This is a section for you to journal your thoughts and prayers concerning the daily reading. Some may even be inspired to draw a response here. Some days have more reading than others. Let’s make it a priority to block out some time each day this week to read these passages of Scripture as we remember, appreciate, and celebrate all that Jesus has done on our behalf!

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sunday, April 10 (Palm Sunday)

Verse of the Day - John 12:13 “They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Quick Read Mark 11:1-11

Full Read Triumphal Entry and Jesus Weeps for Jerusalem : Matthew 21:1-17, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-48, John 12:12-19

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. After reading all 4 accounts of the Triumphal Entry, what are some of the elements that jump out at you?

2. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

3. What is the difference between the people’s posture in that moment versus Jesus’ posture? Is there a difference in focus?

4. In Luke’s description of this event, he states that Jesus wept over the city. Why did Jesus weep? How might reviewing this bring your heart in line with His?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Monday, April 11

Verse of the Day – Matthew 21:13 “’It is written,” he said to them, “’My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a den of robbers.’”

Quick Read Mark 11:15-19

Full Read Jesus Clearing the Temple : Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48

Consider 1. After reading all accounts of the Temple story, what are some of the elements that jump out at you?

2. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

3. What does this reveal about Jesus’ mission and His character?

4. What does this say about the human condition? Is there anything for you to change in light of this?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Tuesday, April 12

Verse of the Day – Mark 12:30-31 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Quick Read Mark 12:28-34

Full Read Jesus having His authority questioned : Matthew 21:23-27, Mark 11:27-33, Luke 20:1-8 Jesus giving the Greatest Commandment : Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-37 (w/Good Samaritan)

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. After reading all accounts of Jesus having his authority questioned, what are some of the elements that jump out at you?

2. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

3. What about the conversation between Jesus and the Pharisee concerning the Greatest Commandment – do you find something new in these today that you’ve never seen before? 4. Concerning the Greatest Commandment, put yourself in the place of the Pharisee for a moment. Why would this be a difficult thing to hear? Back to the here-and- now, what is the most difficult part of this for you?

5. What needs to change for you to better follow the Greatest Commandment today?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Wednesday, April 13

Verse of the Day – Matthew 26:1-2 “When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, “As you know, the Passover is two days away— and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.”

Quick Read Mark 14:1-11

Full Read The Plot to Kill Jesus : Matthew 26:1-5, Mark 14:1-2, Luke 22:1-2

Anointing at Bethany : Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:1-9

Judas Agreeing to Betray Jesus : Matthew 26:14-16, Mark 14:10-11, Luke 22:3-6

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. After reading all 3 of these stories in the multiple Gospel accounts, what are some of the elements that jump out at you?

2. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

3. Think about the different players in these stories (Peter, Judas, the religious authorities, the anointing woman, etc.). What are some of the attitudes and actions going through the hearts and minds of each? How are they different?

4. What about Jesus’ posture through all of this?

5. Has there ever been a time in your life when you found yourself angry at God? If so, how did you work through it? In contrast, have you ever felt in a way that resembles the anointing woman’s heart toward Him?

6. How might you align your heart closer to Jesus’ heart today?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Thursday, April 14 (Last Supper)

Verse of the Day – John 13:15-16 “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.”

Quick Read John 18:1-27

Full Read Jesus Washing the Disciples’ feet : John 13:1-17 The Last Supper : Matthew 26:17-35, Mark 14:12-31, Luke 22:7-38

The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus, Scattering of the Disciples and Peter’s Denial : Matthew 26:36-75, Mark 14:32-72, Luke 22:47-62, John 18:1-27

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. After reading these accounts, what have you noticed that you’ve never noticed before?

2. The Gospels are written by men with different perspectives on the accounts of Jesus’ life. Do you notice any subtle differences in any of these accounts that the Holy Spirit used to speak to you in a new or fresh way?

3. How do you think you would have responded to Jesus washing your feet?

4. How do you think you would have responded during the time of Jesus’ arrest?

5. What is God speaking to your heart in this moment?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Friday, April 15 (Good Friday)

Verse of the Day – Mark 15:39 “And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

Quick Read Mark 15:1-47

Full Read Jesus Going Before Pilate, His Crucifixion and Burial: Matthew 27:11-61, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 23:1-56, John 28:18 – 29:42

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. After reading all 4 accounts of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and burial, what are some of the elements that jump out at you? What is different, what is the same?

2. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

3. Review these again. Look for all of the words that Jesus speaks during this process. What does this reveal about His humanity? About His Divinity?

4. Look again at the words and actions of a few individuals while Jesus was carrying his cross and during the Crucifixion. What do you glean from those encounters and interactions?

5. What do Jesus’ last words on the Cross tell you about Him? About yourself?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Saturday, April 16

Verse of the Day – Matthew 27:66 “So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.”

Quick Read Matthew 27:62-66

Full Read The Sabbath Rest and the Securing of the Tomb : Matthew 27:62-66, Luke 23:56 Consider 1. After reading the Matthew passage, why do you suppose the chief priests and Pharisees were so concerned?

2. Is there something to be learned from the women who continued to observe the Sabbath this day?

3. Consider the somber tone that this day must have taken on with Jesus’s followers. Of course, we know what is to come tomorrow, so we have peace and joy! However, spend a few moments considering your life without Jesus.

4. How does the reality of the Resurrection that was to come change your life today?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Sunday, April 17 (Easter)

Verse of the Day – Matthew 28:5-6 “The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”

Quick Read Matthew 28:1-10

Full Read The Resurrection : Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-9

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. He is Risen! Celebrate this reality today!

2. After reading all 4 accounts of the Resurrection, what are some of the elements that jump out at you?

3. Did you notice anything that you hadn’t noticed before?

4. How does the Resurrection change the way that you approach this day? Each day in the future?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew


Monday, April 18

Verse of the Day – John 20:21-23 “Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”

Quick Read John 21:15-17

Full Read Jesus Appearing After the Resurrection : John 20:1-29

Peter’s Restoration : John 21:1-25

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. What is different about each one of these appearances? Do they carry a specific purpose to the specific audience? 2. Why was it significant for Jesus to restore Peter? Why do you suppose Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” 3 different times? What is different about each of these?

3. What do these passages say about Jesus? What do they reveal about you? Is there an action step for you to take in light of this?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Tuesday, April 19

Verse of the Day – Luke 24:46-47 “He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

Quick Read Luke 24:36-49

Full Read Jesus Appearing After the Resurrection : Luke 24:13-53

Consider 1. What do you find interesting about the conversation that Jesus has with the men on the Road to Emmaus?

2. What jumps out to you in the conversation between Jesus and the disciples?

3. How do these conversations, specifically the statements of Jesus, impact you?

4. What do you need to do in order to align your heart with his heart?

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Wednesday, April 20

Verse of the Day – Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Quick Read Matthew 28:16-20

Full Read Jesus Final Instructions (The Great Commission) : Matthew 28:16-20

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The King and His Kingdom The Message of Matthew

Consider 1. The Gospel of Matthew ends with this final appearance, words, and instructions from Jesus.

2. Why do you suppose some still doubted in verse 17?

3. How might Jesus’ statement in verse 18 fill you with hope?

4. Faith is often described as a personal relationship with Jesus. While that may be true, how do Jesus’ instructions in verses 19-20 compel us to make sure that our faith does not remain private?

5. How did you first hear about Jesus? When did you begin your relationship with Him?

6. It is often helpful to write down the names of people that are in your midst that need Jesus, so you can refer to this list and regularly pray for the people on it. Who is in your life right now that needs to see your faith in Jesus and receive His mercy and grace?

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