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Hospitality Review December 2018

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Hospitality Review - December 2021 PRESIDENT’S UPDATE THA PRESIDENT PAUL JUBB CHRISTMAS is nearly upon us and an early prese

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or vicinity for a specified period, not exceeding six months. Section 81 of the Liquor Licensing Act

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Jill. More memory tips to come.” But, Alex replied to me saying “Please don’t send me these types of

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The Mercury “People get really get excited about the fact that they can stand there and have a beer

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www.hobartrunthebridge. and if you can’t get to it on the day, tune in to the livestream and

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HR Manager after Alan was sadly forced to resign due to ill health. Merv brings with him, extensive

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fewer than 38 ordinary hours per week over a roster cycle. • Employers and employees must agree on t

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2 Launceston 4 [email protected] 03 6220 7300 Hospitality Review Photos appear courtesy of Touris

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Hospitality Review December 2018

HOSPITALITY REVIEW The Official Journal of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association - December 2018

December 2018


Corporate Partners

• Premium Beverages • Tasmanian Hotel & Catering Supplies • Tourism Brochure Exchange • Moov Music • Silver Chef • Performance Automobiles • Lion Dairy & Drinks • Hoshizaki Lancer • Collins SBA • Knight Frank • Workskills • Samuel Smith & Son • Red Bull • Tas Water • Oakley Textiles

• Commonwealth Bank • National Australia Bank • Westpac Bank • Entertainment Publications • Europcar • The Smiths Snackfood Co • ANZ • Qantas

December 2018


The Board and Staff at the THA would like to wish Members and Industry Partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to working with you in 2019

December 2018



PAUL JUBB President


WILL HODGMAN Premier, Minister for Tourism, Hospitality and Events


NICK RONEY Membership & Corporate Engagement Manager

CHRIS SYMONS Deputy CEO Chairman [THAT] Foundation

MERV SALTMARSH ER & Business Improvement Manager


STEPHEN LONG Industry Skills & Workforce Development Manager

REBECCA WHITE Tasmanian Labor

INSP. JOHN WARD Southern Districts Support Services

MAX HITCHINS Hospitality and Memory Expert

Leader and Shadow Minister for Tourism, Hospitality and Events

25/93 Salamanca Place, Hobart TAS 7000 PO BOX 191, Battery Point TAS 7004 Phone: 6220 7300 Email: [email protected] Web:

4 [email protected] 03 6220 7300

Hospitality Review


FEATURES & ARTICLES 5 President's Report 6-7 CEO'S Report 10-11 Feature Drysdale 13 Tasmanian Police

John Ward, Southern Licencing changes

15 Premier's report 16-17 member feature Barnbougle 18 Introducing Chris Symons 19 John Fitzgerald Tourism Tasmania Update 22 Business events Tasmania 24-25 Upcoming events 29 Max Hitchins Three Simple Marketing Ideas for 2019 30-31 THAT Foundation

December 2018



FACT AND FURPHY Long before furphy meant tall stories, it meant water tanks made by the Furphy family of Shepparton. We couldn’t have built our Geelong brewery, or made this beer, without them. To pay our respects to the Furphy family’s services to Australian refreshment, we thought it only fitting that we name this beer after them. True story.

6 [email protected] 03 6220 7300

Hospitality Review

President's Report

As we finish the busy month of December where we all look to celebrate another year and enjoy time with our families and friends, it is an opportune time to reflect back on 2018 and what we as an association have achieved and dealt with on behalf of our members. As we also look towards 2019, we must all remember that with a Federal election due in the first half of the year, the start to 2019 is going to be busy in more ways than one. I strongly encourage everyone to get their memberships locked in for what is going to be another important 2019 for the hospitality industry. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome two (2) new people to our THA Membership team. Firstly, our new Deputy CEO Chris Symons who will be taking over from Greg Astell at the end of January 2019. Chris has started with our office and will be doing a hand-over with Greg throughout the month of January. Secondly, Nick Roney our Membership and Corporate Engagement Manager who is working hard in his new role and getting out and about and meeting all our members and corporate partners. We welcome both gentlemen to our team and I encourage everyone to contact either of them should they have any membership queries. I would also like to say a big thanks to Steve and the team at the THA for another wonderful year representing our members and industry and also wish all our members and corporate partners a happy and safe Christmas and a prosperous 2019. A focus for the association as we move into 2019 is to implement our strategic plan and government funding to the benefit of the industry. We have $6.8 million in funding over the next 4 years to assist the industry to strengthen and grow. The THA along with the AHA National Office will be working hard to deliver outcomes at the federal level that assist our members also. The AHA National office is in regular contact with politicians and parties from all persuasions as they strive to influence policy decisions that our members need in the upcoming election. With the recent local government elections now held, the industry will need to also maintain a close eye on each council as they look to implement policies and ideas that may affect members of ours in different ways. In the first weekend of May 2019, there will also be three (3) Legislative Council seats up for grabs. Seat Held by Party • Montgomery Leonie Hiscutt Liberal Party • Nelson Jim Wilkinson Independent • Pembroke Jo Siejka Labor Party Once again, the THA will closely monitor each of these elections and study what each candidate is offering to our industry and members and make our members aware. In any election, whether local, state, federal or legislative council, the THA and our members must help elect those members and parties that seek to help our industry. In the end, it is our businesses that must thrive and prosper if we are to employ staff, invest in venues and assist the communities that we live and work in. To keep up with all of the above as we move into 2019, I urge everyone to listen to the THA Podcast show that Steve has implemented every fortnight to replace the written newsletter. It is an easy listening option to keep you up to date with the latest industry information and news. Please read Steve’s article and download the podcast and listen each and every fortnight. It is and will become our way of communicating with the industry.

December 2018


CEO's Report

THA PODCAST The THA now has a podcast, called ‘Hospitality in our Community ’, where we explore the news, issues, and personalities affecting the hospitality industry in Tasmania. We also interview iconic characters across the state, and get an insight into life on the ground, chatting about issues ranging from the challenges posed by the sharing-economy to the trends in food culture, this is the directors commentary to the activities and interests of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association. You can listen by visiting our website, or searching in your favourite podcast app for ‘Hospitality in our Community’ and subscribing.

A podcast by the Tasmanian Hospitality Association. The THA’s podcast 'Hospitality in Our Community' has been approved by and listed with Apple podcasts, the world’s largest podcast directory. You can view it here. You will be able to find the podcast by simply searching for ‘tasmanian hospitality’ on most podcast apps on your iOS or Android device. You can also listen to the podcast on the Tasmanian Hospitality Association's website - We want this to be a rallying point for the Tasmanian hospitality and tourism industries and would appreciate you sharing the podcast with anyone involved in these industries. You can hear our first episode with special guest The Hon Martin Ferguson MP, and the second episode with Premier of Tasmania The Hon Will Hodgman.

December 2018






December 2018


December 2018



As we enter the festive season , I would like to remind readers to examine your trading needs and if necessary, apply for an out-of-hours permit or extension of an existing out-of-hours permit before December 10, 2018. For those premises holding a general, on- licence or club licence, authorised opening hours have been extended for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Details of this information is available on our website. While the Branch will be closing at 4pm on December 21, 2018 and re-opening on January 2, 2019, compliance inspectors from the Branch will continue to monitor activities at licensed premises around the State and will be attending major events during the holiday period. I would like to remind licensees of the requirement to notify the Commissioner for Licensing if you will be away for more than 14 days. Notification must be in writing (or email to licensing@treasury. and specify the length of absence and details of the person left in charge. Recently, there have been queries raised over whether licensed premises are trading within designated council planning permits and conditions. For clarification, liquor licences and permits do not override planning permits issued by councils so please check that council requirements relating to your premise are in order and ensure that you trade in accordance with those requirements. One of the changes to the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 that took effect in 2016 related to the sale of liquor through the internet or other media. The Branch wrote to all licensees in mid July 2017, following an audit showing that a number of licensees selling liquor over the internet were not meeting the requirements of the legislation. A Fact Sheet was provided to licensees to help in complying with the legislation and is available on our website under or through the link below. SaleofliquorthroughtheInternetorothermedia.pdf

be delivered to an adult or in accordance with the purchaser’s instructions (excluding acceptance by a person under 18 years of age). Licensees who sell liquor online are strongly encouraged to review and address their compliance as a priority as a further audits will be conducted and non-compliance may result in disciplinary action. The Branch has reviewed record keeping requirements relating to Responsible Service of Alcohol and Responsible Conduct of Gambling. The requirement for licensees or licence holders to maintain a physical register has been removed and this information can now be stored electronically. Licensees must be able to produce RSA certificates or evidence of RSA enrolment when required. Details of the new record keeping requirements have been provided to licence holders by the Branch and additional information is provided on the Liquor and Gaming website. The final transitional changes following the review of the Responsible Gambling Mandatory Code of Practice for Tasmania took effect on November 1, 2018 . Consequential changes have been made to the associated Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission Rules. One of the more significant measures related to the location of coin change machines, which are now required to be located in line of sight of main staffed areas of the licensed venue and in the position approved by the Commission. These areas will typically include bars and cashier areas, but are not limited to these examples. The key principle is that these areas must be regularly staffed to routinely monitor patron expenditure patterns and effectively observe situations that may require intervention. Following approval by the Commission, the locations of coin change machines will be subject to an on site inspection by the Branch to complete the approval process. This will be undertaken as part of the normal audit program and will confirm whether the location is adequate or whether a more suitable location is required. Should you have any queries or require further information regarding suitable locations for coin change machines in your venue, please contact the Branch on (03) 6166 4040 or email [email protected]. On behalf of the Liquor and Gaming Branch, I wish all readers a happy and successful festive season.

December 2018


Drysdale Scholarships assist tourism and hospitality professionals to share their skills

December 2018


ARTICLE DRYSDALE Tourism and hospitality professionals will be trained to share their skills with others in the industry as part of a new Drysdale Centre of Excellence scholarship program. Eleven industry experts have been awarded the inaugural Industry Trainer Scholarships to give them the formal qualifications to train others in the industry. Announcing the scholarship winners at Drysdale Hobart recently, Minister for Education and Training, Jeremy Rockliff said the scholarships allowed people who were successful in tourism and hospitality to give something back by sharing their knowledge with others and helping to train the next generation of workers and entrepreneurs. “The scholarships recognise that our future tourism and hospitality workforce need skills that are contemporary and reflect current industry best-practice,” Mr Rockliff said. Drysdale Interim CEO, Lisa Punshon, said the calibre of people receiving scholarships was extremely high and they came from a diverse range of backgrounds including commercial cookery, event management, adventure tourism, accommodation services and hospitality management. “Recipients will gain qualifications through TasTAFE to work as a trainer in a vocational education training environment. This could include as a sessional or casual teacher at Drysdale or within an industry setting. “The scholarships will enable them to undertake TasTAFE qualifications such as the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, along with mentoring support to meet the formal requirements to work as a trainer or assessor in a vocational education environment,” Ms Punshon said. Grand Chancellor Hobart Front Office Manager, Kate Wittison said she was excited to be selected for a scholarship. Kate did a Certificate III in Events at Drysdale before progressing into an Advanced Diploma in Tourism and then on to a university business degree majoring in tourism. “When I graduated my degree at uni, I started at the Grand Chancellor as a casual receptionist and was lucky enough to progress into Front Office Manager. I have been in this role for 3 years now." “I like to hire staff with limited experience and invest in them and train them up to the high standard of the Grand Chancellor. My favourite part of my job is training so I’d like to come in to Drysdale and teach the areas I have knowledge of and pass my passion for the industry onto the students,” Kate said. Blue Eye Seafood Restaurant Manager, Shayne Jupp, described receiving a scholarship as a return to his roots. His career in hospitality began at the Drysdale North West Coast campus where he did a Certificate I and Certificate II in Hospitality. “Since then I’ve enjoyed every single moment of my work so it’s probably an opportunity where I can certainly reinforce the positives associated with hospitality life. “I’m a surfer and I’m a dad. The hours I work in hospitality suit me because I get to be able to drop my children off at school almost every day. I get to go surfing on a Monday or Tuesday when there’s nobody else in the water. So there are huge advantages.

“And job satisfaction is instant – you can see on someone’s face so you don’t have to chip away at a project or a long-term goal - it’s instantaneous. People can give you feedback straight away. Most of the time it’s instant gratification or an instant lesson. “I think that’s something that, whilst the students that are advancing through TAFE now have a huge amount of knowledge and skill, that one element where customer interaction and enjoyment of your job may not come naturally, I can certainly encourage the people that I work with and the people that I stand in front of to be able to embrace the lifestyle and enjoy it. “I was lucky at Drysdale, I had amazing teachers and mentors and I’m more than interested in being that person for someone else if I can help,” Shane said. Willie Smith’s Apple Shed Venue Manager, Cara McEwen, said she was keen to use the scholarship to inspire and help others working in the industry. “I guess I’d like to help out, help train the new generation of hospitality students and get them inspired about what’s going on in Tasmania and what this state has to offer. There are so many opportunities and I’d love to be a part of that,” Cara said. Round two of the Industry Trainer Scholarships will be released in February 2019. Drysdale is the tourism and hospitality training division of TasTAFE. For more information about Drysdale tourism and hospitality courses: visit or contact the Drysdale Education Manager in your region: o South: Varun Khetarpal ph: 6165 6614 o North: David Dunn ph: 6777 2483 o North-West: Tim Cox ph: 6478 4263 The Drysdale Industry Trainer Scholarship Program recipients are: • Cara McEwen, Venue Manager Willie Smith’s Apple Shed – South • Danielle Hyland, Sous Chef Bayviews Restaurant & Lounge Bar - North West • Fiona Gordon, Partner/Director – Great Expeditions Unique Tours/Contractor for THA’s Great Customer Experience Program/Consultant-Project Management – Wukalina Walk - North Harry Cuthbertson, Chef The Chapel Café – North West Kate Wittison, Front Office Manager Grand Chancellor Hobart - South Mette Dawe, Senior Team Leader Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre - South Shayne Jupp, Restaurant Manager Blue Eye Seafood Restaurant – South Stephanie Stinkens, Front of House Supervisor Blue Eye Seafood Restaurant – South Steven Wierzbicki, Head Chef Entally Estate and Quamby Estate & Food Consult for Tasmanian Walking Company - North • Urs Grueter, Senior Guide Cradle Mountain Canyons – South • Victoria Kubiak, Duty Manager Mackey’s Royal Hotel – North West • • • • • •

December 2018



Have you stopped to think about the music you are playing? Switching from your summer to your winter menu is the perfect time to switch your playlist. We like different music when we eat depending on the weather, says Dr Krause! Her advice from hotel-related research in a (organic, free-trade) nutshell: 1. Don’t leave them out in the cold: music for the seasons .

I’ve done some research which indicates that our musical preferences for playlists differ – in part – based on the season! Staying up to date with seasonal music trends (think summer compilation albums or Triple J’s Hottest 100 around Australia Day) or altering the music based on the season (cosy for winter, light and airy for summer) is really important. If your dining area is going for an old-school Italian vibe with chequered table clothes and darkened, cosy corners, the latest Melbourne bangers probably won’t fit the aesthetic. But if you’re an up-and-coming laneway bar serving great coffee and cocktails, being on top of music trends is essential to your audience strategy. 2. Hearing is a sense as important to eating as taste . If you want to build repeat patronage, lift your image or even enhance the flavour of your food, get your music right. Music is a part of a business’ atmosphere so be conscious of its power. It’s not just about the taste of your fare, it is about enjoyment overall. We are all multi- sensory so why ignore one of the five senses? 3. Make music part of your marketing strategy. I think a successful music strategy should seamlessly integrate with the rest of your business and marketing plan. The soundscape should match the atmosphere/image and be used to strengthen it. Play pop music and your hotel will be thought of as lively and youthful; play classical music and the same hotel will be considered upmarket and sophisticated - play ‘piped’ music and you’ll look decidedly downmarket.

Follow Amanda on Twitter @StudyListening

4 .

If you’d like to speak to APRA AMCOS please call 1300 852 388 or email [email protected] reviews and check out the fans’ music taste. There is even an Aussie dentist who asks their customers what type of playlist they’d like when they book. It’s time hotels came to the party! Tune an audience with music. Music can influence consumer emotion. Think about a shop selling teen clothing/jewellery in the mall – you can picture it blaring ‘teeny- bopper’ music. They’re trying to attract (and deflect) two very specific crowds: the teens will be drawn in and older shoppers will stay away. Music for a restaurant or café or bar is tuned in the very same way. 5. Crowd-sourced music? Customisation and engagement is key. Getting your customers involved in what music is played is a way to get them involved in their experience – ask, take a written vote while they wait for their meals. Have a look at your Facebook

14 [email protected] 03 6220 7300

Hospitality Review

ARTICLE John Ward - Tas Police Southern Licensing Services has recently undertaken a changeover of all staff with four new members being seconded into the section. The background of the four new members is as follows: Sergeant Peter Andricopoulos has been a member of Tasmania Police for twenty years and has a background in general uniform duties at Hobart, Bellerive and Glenorchy. Sergeant Andricopoulos played a significant role with the inception of Road and Public Order Services within the Southern District when they were created during 2013, therefore is familiar with all facets of public order issues that occur in and around licensed premises. Senior Constable Brett Pullen has been a member of Tasmania Police for twenty two years and has a background in general uniform duties in Glenorchy, Bridgewater, and Bicheno. Senior Constable Pullen has an extensive background in Criminal and Drug Investigations and more recently has been attached to Southern Road and Public Order Services. Senior Constable Pullen has previously performed duties within Southern Licensing Services therefore is very familiar with the licensing role and issues faced by licensees. 1/C Constable Armando Pasa has been a member of Tasmania Police for twenty three years and has a background in general uniform duties at Launceston, Glenorchy, Zeehan, Bridgewater, Drug Investigation Services and Road and Public Order Services. Constable Pasa has previously performed duties within Southern Licensing Services therefore is also very familiar with the role and issues faced by licensees. 1/C Constable David Provan has been a member of Tasmania Police for eighteen years and has a background in general uniform duties at Hobart and Glenorchy. Constable Provan has also performed duties at the Hobart PCYC and most recently at Southern Road and Public Order Services.

All members have a significant background involving response to public order matters hence they are very familiar with issues which affect public areas (anti-social behaviour which encompasses drunkenness, fighting, serious assaults etc.) which will prove to be an advantage in their new role. The team’s philosophy revolves positively around pro-active policing and as such they have spent the majority of their time to date ‘on the road,’ checking licensed premises and familiarising themselves with licensees and their staff. The team will aim to provide a strong influence in education and compliance within the Hospitality Industry relevant to responsible service and associated liquor licensing legislative requirements. The team also has a strong interest in working closely with relevant stake-holders within the Hospitality Industry and seek to influence a change in attitude across the board including staff, licensees and in particular anti-social patrons. In their short time thus far, the Southern Licensing Services team has conducted numerous licensed premises visits, and several conducted joint operations with external stake-holders including Liquor and Gaming Branch, Hobart City Council and the Tasmania Fire Service. Their performance has been well documented to date with an increased focus on the issue of Licensee based infringement notices, both cautionary and with monetary penalties attached, and a significant increase in the issue of Police Barring Orders, which has resulted in numerous persons being formally excluded from licensed establishments for up to six months. Sergeant Andricopoulos and his team have a strong belief that to have all stake-holders working together with a common goal, which is to improve everyone’s experience in and around licensed premises, and to make those areas safe and enjoyable for employees, the public and their families alike, is the way forward.

December 2018



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16 [email protected] 03 6220 7300

Hospitality Review

ARTICLE Will Hodgman

It is a priority of the majority Liberal Hodgman Government to ensure that even more Tasmanians and their communities benefit from the jobs and economic growth generated by our strong visitor economy. Our plan to boost visitation and the benefits visitors bring for all Tasmanians is working and 2018 has certainly delivered many highlights for the tourism and hospitality industry. All four regions of the state experienced growth in total visitor numbers this year, with latest figures showing a record 1.3 million visitors spent more than $2.4 billion in Tasmania. It has been great to participate in the opening of many new developments, including Peppers Silo Hotel in Launceston, the Spirit of the Wild boat operated by Gordon River Cruises, the Three Capes Lodge Walk and the Wine Wall in Richmond. There are too many new products to name them all, but it was fantastic to see the high-level of private investment in the sector this year. We know that new products and experiences are key drawcards for visitors and they encourage repeat visitation. The Government has again worked hard to deliver for the sector in 2018. Last month we launched the new Western Wilds drive journey, which will get visitors off the beaten track and exploring more of Tasmania’s spectacular west. Projects like this are key to our plan to encourage tourists to spend more time in regional areas. The Western Wilds builds on the success of the Great Eastern Drive , which has delivered a 20 per cent increase in visitors to the East Coast. Based on the success of this initiative, we’re providing even more funding to further improve the road infrastructure on this route. We’re delivering on our commitment to transform Cradle Mountain into a new world-class experience, committing more than $56.8 million into the Master Plan, in addition to securing Federal Government funding for the project. We’re getting on with the job and recently released the Dove Lake Viewing Shelter Development Proposal and Environmental Impact Statement for public comment. Our plan to further boost Tasmania’s reputation for world-class eco- tourism products is progressing and a key activity has been the launch of an Expressions of Interest process to discover our Next Iconic Walk . The Government will invest up to $20 million in a new multi-day, hut- based walk, and we have extended the deadline for submissions due to massive interest across the State. In September we launched the new $4 million Events Attraction Fund , to build an even stronger calendar of events across the state. The fund will help to ensure Tasmania hosts a broad range of events throughout the year, which ensure every region benefits from this

investment. I’m proud to say we have already announced two significant events that have received support under the new fund. We have secured the Special Olympics events in 2020 and 2022, and a five-year deal for the Australian Musical Theatre Festival ; both of which will be held in Launceston. We also led a successful mission to China , which has opened new opportunities to increase trade, boost investment and create new jobs in regional Tasmania. Nine of our biggest export markets are in Asia and China recently became our first ever $1 billion export market. China accounts for the majority of international visitors to Tasmania and contributes significantly to the $2.4 billion that tourists now spend each year in this State. We also welcomed record visitor numbers to our Parks , with visitation increasing 7 per cent to 1.4 million visits. The Government’s vision is for Tasmania to be the environmental tourism capital of the world and these figures show our Plan is working. Our National Parks support 200 nature-based tourism operators who create thousands of jobs for Tasmanians, and we are investing more than $65 million in the management of our parks and reserves to protect our wilderness assets and provide even more opportunities for people to visit our natural areas. The Government absolutely rejects the notion of tourism levies or bed taxes, which would only serve to send a message to visitors that we don’t want you here. A tax would also unfairly punish businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector. Instead, we’re committed to supporting you and your businesses. Our focus on yield and dispersal will help to identify opportunities for further growth and development across the State, and will enable us to make sure we have the right infrastructure and developments taking place to not only manage growth, but also draw visitors into regional areas. TASMANIA’S ECONOMY IS BOOMING AND OUR VISITOR ECONOMY IS ONE OF THE MAJOR DRIVERS OF THAT GROWTH. My Government has been a strong supporter of the sector and worked hard, in conjunction with industry, to promote growth. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate the THA for the support it has provided to industry throughout the year, and acknowledge the efforts of President Paul Jubb and the Board, and CEO Steve Old and his team. As we head in to what is typically the busiest time of year for our tourism and hospitality operators, I wish you the very best for the future and congratulate you on a job well done in 2018.

December 2018



Barnbougle Polo

are separated by the Great Forester River. Between the courses there was a plot of farmland (which is part of Barnbougle Farm) that wasn’t utilised for the courses as it was too flat – terrible for golf, perfect for polo fields! The location was very close to infrastructure and the course maintenance sheds which meant that there was power access to the site. This was essential - being able to host a professional polo event is dependent on being able to provide an exceptional hospitality experience in addition to having a high-quality polo field.” We ask ourselves every day of the week leading up to the event why we do it but I guess it's because we love to throw a good party! Polo and golf are quite similar ¬– they are both ball sports and both very difficult to play! They are also both great spectacles that attract similar sponsors and target demographic and are played outdoors in a stunning setting. It was the perfect opportunity to show off our part of NE Tassie, of which we are so proud, in a different light. There are not many big events up in our corner of the state and we don’t host golf tournaments at Barnbougle. Polo was a great opportunity for a single day event and also a fun way for local Tasmanians to experience the “Sport of Kings” in their own state and enjoy a fun day out. The polo also gives us a great outlet to showcase our amazing Tasmanian producers and give back to the local community. This event wouldn’t be possible without our amazing sponsors, Fairfax, Stella Artois, Sprit of Tasmania, Bass Strait Beef, Tassal, Pipers Brook Wines, Aperol Over 3500 people attended this year and we hope to top that in 2019.

“The polo event will be in its 5th year in 2019 and it all started with a crazy idea, we had very little knowledge of the sport however felt that polo and golf were a match made in lush green grassy heaven!” THA Membership Manager, Nick Roney recently sat down with Penny Sattler, General Manager of Barnbougle Tasmania, to talk about all things relating the upcoming Polo event on the 19th of January 2019. One of the major struggles for us at the beginning were the costs, they were significant to get the event off the ground. This included the cost of building, irrigating and maintaining the field and of course the payment for professional players and horses. As with any festival or event, the first year is always difficult to gain traction but with such a strong brand already in place with Barnbougle Golf Courses it made things a little easier. The event speaks for its self, Barnbougle Polo is exactly that, a polo event showcasing some of the best players in Australia and indeed the world. “We have had the captain of the Australia and NZ teams play and we even had the captain of the English polo team play two years ago – he regularly has a hit with Prince William and Harry!” In addition to the match, it’s a great opportunity to dress up, catch up with friends and enjoy amazing food, wine and beer. The views of north east Tassie are pretty good too! “At Barnbougle we have a course maintenance team that work around the clock 365 days per year to ensure the golf courses are in great condition. The quality of the Polo field is very important for the horses and players to ensure a good fast paced match. The two golf courses – Barnbougle Dunes and Barnbougle Lost Farm –

18 [email protected] 03 6220 7300

Hospitality Review

December 2018


Introducing... Chris Symons - Deputy CEO

I started with the Tasmanian Hospitality Association on Monday 3rd December and look forward to working with all our members and corporate partners to deliver the best outcomes possible. I do have some limited experience working in hospitality venues but most of my work experience comes from management roles in Education

Services, Department of Education, TasTAFE and UTAS. Most recently I was the Tasmanian Manager for Goodstart Early Learning as well as being part of the Victorian leadership team and delivering training for Goodstart around the country. I have been the President of the associations foundation THAT for the past four years and look forward to further growing this part of our business and continuing to work with the industry to provide a positive influence on children and families within our community. After two weeks I think it is a very exciting time for our industry and I look forward to providing additional benefits for our members and corporates in 2019 and beyond as we introduce many of the initiatives that we have within our strategic plan. Some of my immediate focuses will be improving our systems and processes so that members and corporates get the best value possible from the association, increasing the value adds for members, creating a talent pipeline for the industry and providing better connections between the association, our members and corporates.

Outside of work I have a passion for sport in particular basketball, AFL and cricket but can find time to talk about most sports. Basketball is my main sport and I have been fortunate over the last 30 years to have coached at a club, regional, state and national level which has provided many highlights and lifelong friends.

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Hospitality Review


I’d like to begin this month’s update by congratulating all THA members who entered the Tasmanian Tourism Awards and to those of you who were successful in taking out an award. The awards gala is always a fantastic event and a great way to not only recognise the state’s outstanding operators but also celebrate the year’s achievements with industry colleagues. This year’s winners are especially privileged to be representing the state as finalists in the much anticipated 2018 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards being held at the Cataract Gorge in Launceston next year. Our representation is shaping up to be incredibly strong and we’ll certainly be putting our best foot forward to the nation when our colleagues from across the country visit in March. It’s been yet another busy year for Tourism Tasmania with the team just wrapping up the last of our industry information sessions for the year which involved eight sessions around the state. A big thank you to industry who supported us in this initiative through making the time to attend. All up, we met and spoke with over 300 operators and stakeholders. We provided an update on the two new audience segments we will be targeting with our marketing campaigns, our brand work and our upcoming campaign that will launch from the end of the year. We also hit the road with colleagues from the regional tourism organisations and the Tourism Hospitality Supply Unit of the Department of State Growth who were able to provide updates on their existing and upcoming activities. This collaboration was important because we acknowledge that often it’s not easy to understand who’s who in government when it comes to responsibility over specific elements of our visitor economy. Having everyone in the room meant we could provide some more insight on that for those of you working at the coal face. There will be more of these sessions in 2019, so subscribe to our Tourism Talk newsletter to make sure you get news and updates from us. For those of you who attended our information sessions, you would have heard a little more detail about our new campaign due to launch very soon. In December 2019, the Sydney to Hobart yacht race will be celebrating its 75th year and Tourism Tasmania has been inspired by the very Tasmanian tale of the ‘Quiet Little Drink’ (I’m hoping many of you will know the history of this!) to kick off a new advocacy campaign called ‘a quiet little… (insert moment)’ #TassieStyle. All will become much clearer about how you can become involved when we kick off later this year, but essentially it will be an easy mechanism for you to share your own quiet little moments with the world. For example, you could share your image of your quiet little meal with thousands of your new friends at Taste of Tasmania – A quiet little meal with friends #tassiestyle- or a quiet little moment in a cosy café nook – a quiet little moment #tassiestyle. You will see more examples of quiet little moments popping up over summer that have a uniquely Tassie style and flavour. Hopefully you will join in the fun and share some of your quiet little moments on Instagram and Facebook. It is a great way to generate advocacy

for your business and entice visitors too. Don’t forget to also tag #TassieStyle and #DiscoverTasmania when you share your moment. Finally, I also have some pleasing visitor >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40

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