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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - August/September 2021

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - June/July 2021

JULY 2021 CALL US: 423-267-6715 Meet the Animal Lovers of Fukushima 2 MEN CARE FOR AN ABANDONED CITY

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - October/November 2021

or label them Everyone says keep your lid on, but nobody says what to do with your lid 2 423-267-671

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - April/May 2021

fireplaces), micro- organisms, or various contaminants brought into the home from outside. The air i

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - April/May 2020

2 years before, so I was charged with a second offense and had to wear an alcohol monitor that immed

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - December/January 2020

or safeguard your follicles. Try adding more eggs, berries, spinach, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, avo

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - February/March 2020

4 cup of the mixture onto the griddle. Repeat until the griddle is filled. 5. After 3 minutes or whe

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - April/May 2019


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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - April/May 2022

MAY 2022 HOUSTONALEXANDER.COM CALL US: 423-267-6715 Do Fitness Trackers Do More Harm Than Good? SOME

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - December 2020 / January 2021

JAN 2021 CALL US: 423-267-6715 The Future Is Bright and Promising DON’T GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS When

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - December 2021 / January 2022

chlorine solution. (Don’t forget to wear a protective mask!) Clean all your soft surfaces. You proba

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Houston & Alexander, PLLC - August/September 2021



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You’ve probably seen articles and studies that talk about why regularly spending time outdoors can lead to a variety of health benefits, including lower blood pressure, reduced depression, and even more creativity. I doubt that will come as a surprise — anyone who’s spent some time outside after a long day of being cooped up indoors will probably attest to feeling more rested and at peace. However, one problem with these particular studies is that some of them dangle spending time in nature as the solution without addressing a key issue: Some people just don’t have access to the kind of nature that benefits our health. Whether they live in a city where nature and greenery are hard to come by or because a disability keeps them from getting outside much, some people can’t pop over to the nearest group of trees for a quick pick-me- up. That’s why I’m glad there are a few ways you can bring the great outdoors to yourself, along with its health benefits. “Anyone who’s spent some time outside after a long day of being cooped up indoors will probably attest to feeling more rested and at peace.” Bringing in the Mental Health Benefits of the Outdoors

watering plants difficult, you can try getting some plants that don’t need much watering, like succulents, ZZ plants, pothos, or ponytail palms.


If you’re a little more active but not within a convenient distance from a park or outdoor area, gardening might be the best way to get the benefits of time in nature without having to leave your property. In fact, it can lead to a whole host of other benefits that deserve their own article. Nurturing plants can produce endorphins in the brain, which have positive effects on our mental health. Plus, activities like weeding and sowing seeds can have the same calming effect that meditation has on the brain. Sunflowers, marigolds, and morning glories are just a few flowers that gardeners can easily start planting.



Apparently, the peace we feel in nature is so ingrained in our psyche that even just being around the color green can lead us to feel more at peace. So, if you’re not interested in taking care of houseplants or tending a garden, you can at least paint some of the walls in your house a soothing green. It’s been shown to lessen anxiety, so even just having a backsplash or accent wall with some green on it could have positive effects on your mental health. As summer continues, I hope you’ll find somewhere you can be at peace in nature, whether in the mountains, at the park, in your backyard, or in your living room. 1 423-267-6715 |

Aegis Living Bellevue Overlake in Bellevue, Washington, took plants and greenery into account when designing the layout of the building to reduce the number of illnesses among their patients. This practice is called “biophilic design,” and while you might not be able to rebuild your home in accordance with its principles, adding some greenery to the rooms in your house can similarly benefit your health. One study found that simply having plants in hospital rooms can help patients feel better, so imagine what having a home brimming with leaves, stems, and flowers could do for you! If you have a condition that makes constantly

Double Your Vegetables in Days! How to Regrow Your Store-Bought Veggies With Food Scraps

If you usually toss your vegetable scraps straight into the trash can or compost bin, stop now! Bok choy, green onion, celery, romaine lettuce, and many other vegetables are easy to regrow right in your kitchen with a bit of water and sunlight. This trick will save you money on produce and prevent extra trips to the grocery store.

seeds. Visit for a list of 39 fruits and vegetables to start with and tips for which part of each plant to use.


regrowing process, pick up “Regrow Your Veggies: Growing Vegetables from Roots, Cuttings, and Scraps” by Melissa Raupach and Felix Lill.

To regrow most vegetables, all you need is a small glass container, water, sunlight, and time. To regrow bok choy, for example, place the end of the bunch cut side-up in an inch or two of water and set it in a sunny spot. Soon, new leaves will start to poke out of the chopped end! You can continue growing the vegetable until you have enough for your next recipe. Then, keep snipping off pieces to enjoy as long as you’d like. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can plant your re-grown vegetables in soil or compost them knowing they’ve done double duty. If you want a more detailed guide to the



The short answer is yes and no. Most vegetables can’t thrive forever on water and sunlight alone, so unless you turn your little regrowing operation into a full garden, you’ll still have to visit the farmers market after one or two regrowings. That said, regrowing food can become a lifelong habit that saves you money and helps prevent excess waste. It’s a win-win!

The list of vegetables you can regrow is almost endless: basil, romaine lettuce, carrots (although you’ll only create more tops), green onions, green garlic, celery, cilantro, bok choy, lemongrass, ginger, sweet potatoes, onions, leeks, rosemary, and lemon balm (to name a few). Some people even regrow fruit by planting pineapple stalks, kiwi seeds, or lemon

Have Celebrity Divorces Always Been Crazy?

What is it about celebrity marriages — and their subsequent endings — that fascinates society? Depending on how you measure, telling the stories of makeups and breakups is a multibillion-dollar industry for media organizations online, in print, and on TV. Are we really that hungry for nasty headlines? Or is something deeper going on in the human psyche? In the last 12 months, we’ve seen some of the worst marriage breakups in Hollywood history, but Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s libel suit took center stage. As usual, “Whom do you believe?” was the question of the day, but it became obvious that both parties needed a therapist to work though serious emotional problems but tried unsuccessfully to do it on their own, instead.

You could argue, though, that we’re getting better. When we look at the roots of the “celebrity divorce” phenomenon, it goes back in time to the realm of myth. The gods of Greece and Rome were always leaving each other and getting back together, a clear indication of the drama that interested our ancestors. But the most famous celebrity divorce of the pre-19th century (and perhaps of all time) was Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. It had all the hallmarks of modern public breakups: People took one side or the other, with other parties still “shipping” Henry and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Henry and Catherine’s divorce led to the trauma of war across England and Europe. Like today’s celebrity cases, it didn’t last long. Anne was executed a few short years later when someone new caught the king’s eye. Henry VIII was the

Perhaps the most disturbing element in the Heard/ Depp trial was the violence that seemed to pervade their daily lives. But that’s nothing new; in fact, the violent behavior of both partners is likely what drew so much attention in the first place. That was certainly the case with O.J. Simpson’s breakup with his wife, which didn’t get half the headlines her murder would (and the “trial of the century” that followed) two years later.

archetype of the modern Hollywood actor with the wandering gaze, and Catherine and Anne typified the women willing to give him “one more chance.” Seeing how that ended, perhaps we should be grateful that things today are aired out in the media — instead of on the battlefield!


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3. You can make sure ALL of your money is insured. The FDIC only covers up to $250,000 per depositor, per bank. So, if you have high-value accounts, depositing with multiple banks can ensure all of your money is covered.

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” But what about “Don’t put all of your dollars in one bank”? Banking at a single institution is the default for most people, but just because something is the typical strategy doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you! Here are five reasons to consider taking the road less traveled. 1. Different banks have different perks. Credit unions are member-run nonprofits and often don’t have minimum balance requirements. Traditional banks have cutting-edge financial technology and more loan options. Some banks offer high-yield checking accounts while others don’t, and online banks can have interest rates on savings accounts up to 15 times higher than brick-and-mortars. By banking with more than one institution, you can get the best of both (or three!) worlds. 2. You’ll have a backup if one bank fails. According to Bankrate, 511 U.S. banks failed between 2009 and 2020. That’s not nothing! If your bank isn’t insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) and it fails, you could lose your entire balance, so diversifying your accounts (or choosing only FDIC- insured banks) is a good backup measure.

4. The more accounts you have, the more withdrawals you can make penalty-free. Many money market and savings accounts have limits on how many times you can pull money out each month. If you bank with several institutions, you can make a few withdrawals from each of them, stay under the limits, and avoid fees. 5. You’ll have access to more banks and ATMs. Do you travel across your city, state, or the country regularly? If you do, it can be beneficial to bank with several institutions so you’re always close to an ATM or bank branch. For example, you may want to use a local credit union at home for the member benefits but bank with a national bank for out-of-state emergencies.

our clients say it best

Dexter and Rita news! Dexter and Rita are healthy and doing great. Although they aren’t crazy about the summer heat, they do enjoy their evening walk. Here they are reminding me not to forget that it is time for exercise!

“Mr. Houston is a talented professional! He was kind and reassuring to my family at a terrifying time. He gave me my son back — our lives back! I highly recommend him.” –Tonya Shepard

Quote of the Month

“I’ve filed a tax return every year since I was 13. The last decade has been about the lowest tax rate. It was tougher when I was selling shirts at Penney’s.” –Warren Buffett


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3417 Dayton Boulevard Chattanooga, TN 37415

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bringing in the Mental Health Benefits of the Outdoors Learn How to Double Your Vegetables Have Celebrity Divorces Always Been Crazy? 5 Reasons to Diversify Your Banking Dexter and Rita News Client Testimonial Wake Up Without Coffee — Really! PAGE 1 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4

Don’t Reach for the Coffee 3 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine


If you can’t start your day without your daily cup — or cups — of joe, you’re not alone. More than 450 million cups of coffee are consumed by U.S. residents every day, and unfortunately, heavy caffeine consumption may not be healthy. (It’s a big reason why celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Jim Carrey, and Kim Kardashian don’t drink it!) Moderate amounts of caffeine can improve your mental health, and some studies suggest it could even prevent some chronic conditions. However, there are major downsides to overconsumption, which equates to more than four cups of coffee each day. These can include high blood pressure, addiction symptoms, and decreased mentality. If you want to break out of the caffeine cycle and reduce how much coffee you drink, try replacing that cuppa with one of these methods!

After lying in one position all night, your body may feel stiff and achy. Stretching awakens your muscles and helps you break out of that groggy morning feeling. Start with your back and do some slow core twists. Then, sit on the floor and lay your legs out in front of you. Stretch forward, then sit back up. Next, position your right foot on the opposite side of your left knee. Keeping your hips centered, turn your torso toward your right foot so that your right arm is on your right knee. Switch to the other side and repeat as needed. Finally, pull your head toward your shoulders to loosen your neck.

walking is relaxing enough that it doesn’t require much effort on your part. Plus, it’s a great way to get your steps in, wake up slowly, and get outside before a busy day.


This might sound like it will lull you to sleep, but there are actually some breathing techniques that can help you wake up! The “breath of fire” is a rapid-fire breathing technique, during which you inhale deeply, exhale deeply, inhale deeply again, and then exhale quickly. Repeat this as needed. Other practices that focus on breathing, like yoga, can be effective, too. Waking up isn’t an exact science, but once you find a healthy method that works for you, you may never need coffee again. (Gasp!)


When you wake up in the morning, head outside! Movement stimulates your brain and improves your mood, and the act of


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