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How to Improve Your Posture Quickly and Easily

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Northern PT: How to Improve Your Posture Quickly and Easily

4 cup ketchup • 1 tbsp cornstarch • 2 tbsp cold water Exercise Essential Patient Success Spotlight S

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Lonoke PT. How To Improve Your Posture Quickly & Easily

Lonoke PT. How To Improve Your Posture Quickly & Easily Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your H

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RegionalPT_How To Improve Your Posture Quickly and Easily

2 tsp ground cumin • 10 small flour tortillas • Sea salt & black pepper to taste • Chili powder to t

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Advanced PT: How To Improve Posture Quickly & Easily

785-543-4807 Located at: 1525 North Main, Newton, KS 67114

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Pittman_How to Quickly & Easily Improve Your Posture


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Back To Action_ Improve Posture Quickly and Easily

19. We enjoyed meeting all of you and hopefully we were able to successfully answer all of your ques

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Willow: Improve Posture Quickly & Easily

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South Valley: How to Improve Your Posture Quickly

4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped • 2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice, or to taste • salt and freshly groun

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2 inch border. Cover filling with grated cheese and fold over the empty side of the tortilla, pressi

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PanettaPT: How To Improve Poor Posture

EMG testing) and musculoskeletal Ultrasound imaging (MSKUS). She enjoys utilizing these skills, on a

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How to Improve Your Posture Quickly and Easily


Dr. Kymwill nowbe in our Kanata clinic onWednesday 3:00pm-6:00pm

81 MetcalfeStreet • Ste 1100 Ottawa, OntarioK1P6K7 613.564.9000

30Edgewater Street • Ste 121 Kanata, OntarioK2L 1V8 613.831.5554


HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring for Your Body



When you think about growing older, what do you envision for your future? Do you picture yourself spending time with friends and family? Do you imagine remaining active and vibrant? Do you envision continuing to use your unique talents and skills to make a contribution to your community? Good health doesn’t just happen. There are many empowering actions you can take throughout your life to increase the probability that you will age gracefully and enjoy a high quality of life well into your golden years. Here are a few reminders why getting adjusted regularly and maintaining good posture have numerous benefits for your health as you age. PROPER POSTURE Too often you will see seniors whose posture has deteriorated to the point that they are no longer able to walk upright. Regular chiropractic adjustments will help to maintain the integrity of the structure of your spine. Proper posture promotes good health and makes you look years younger! Proper posture also lends itself to encouraging the following points…

cause of non-fatal injury-related hospital admissions. Improved communication between your brain and body via the spinal cord, and proper alignment of the spine improves balance and coordination, lessening the chances of a dangerous fall. REMAINING ACTIVE Maintaining the structure and function of your spine will help to keep you active. An active lifestyle is key to maintaining your quality of life as you age. The health benefits of exercise are numerous and well- documented. Some of them include increased stamina and muscle strength, reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes, reduction in anxiety and depression, and healthier joints and bones. All of these benefits and more increase the probability of living independently for longer and enjoying a higher quality of life. “Only staying active will make you want to live 100 years.” JAPANESE PROVERB

IMPROVED BALANCE AND COORDINATION Some sobering statistics have demonstrated that among older adults, falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common


Forward head posture (FHP) is an abnormality that can be identified by examining the position of their head with respect to the cervical spine (CS). Interestingly in FHP, not only does the head project anteriorly over the CS, but simultaneous tilting of the head in a posterior direction also occurs promoting hyperextension of the upper CS (Patwardhan et al., 2018). The backward rotation of the head on the CS is a compensation that enables an individual with FHP to look straight ahead instead of towards the ground . If FHP becomes chronic, it can place large stresses on the muscles and connective tissue in the neck. As with other postural and movement dysfunctions throughout the body, FHP often results in movement compensations due to regional musculature becoming excessively inactive or overactive. The muscles that tend to become inactive in individuals with FHP include the deep neck flexors, cervical erector spinae, lower trapezius, and rhomboids (Clark et al., 2014). Inactivity in these muscles contribute to the inability to maintain an upright position of the CS. Muscles that often become overactive in those with FHP include the upper trapezius, levator scapula, scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, and suboccipitals (Clark et al., 2014). Overactivity of these muscles facilitate forward head migration, as well as in some cases, rounding of the shoulders. The adult human head weighs approximately 10-12 pounds, however when the neck flexes forward to look down at a cell phone , the relative stress placed on the neck increases significantly. When the neck is flexed to 15 degrees, the relative stress on the neck can increase to approximately 30 pounds; 30 degrees of neck flexion can increase the relative stress to 40 pounds; 45 degrees can increase the relative stress to 50 pounds; and 60 degrees of neck flexion increases the relative neck stress to 60 pounds.

NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF FORWARD HEAD POSTURE Advanced stages of FHP can contribute to upper CS compression which significantly reduces the ability of the first cervical vertebrae (C1) to rotate around the second vertebrae (C2) as it normally would. If the upper CS loses its ability to rotate, the middle and lower segments of the CS must attempt to make up for this restriction which predispose them to becoming hypermobile (having the ability to move past a normal range of movement) . This can result in an increased risk for spinal instability, degeneration, and pain (Pop et al., 2018). Other conditions associated with FHP include myofascial trigger points, anterior neck tightness/pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, rounded shoulders, as well as its promotion of respiratory inefficiency. MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINTS AND HEADACHES: Myofascial trigger points (MTP) are painful regions within a tight band of skeletal muscle and also give rise to referred pain (pain perceived at a different location than the source) (Simons et al., 1999). FHP results in increased load bearing on the musculature in the upper CS which can reduced pain thresholds as well as predispose MTP . Overactive musculature and MTP’s in the upper CS can predispose and contribute to the development of cervicogenic headache . TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT (TMJ) DISORDERS: A link also exists between FHP and TMJ function (Chaves et al., 2014; Zafar, et al., 2000). FHP contributes to the development of pain in the TMJ region by altering length- tension relationships in head and neck musculature (Chaves et al., 2014). FHP creates excessive tension in the muscles above the hyoid bone which, in turn, places greater force demands on the muscles that close the jaw (An et al., 2015). Over time, excessive force demands on the jaw muscles can lead to the development of myofascial trigger points and TMJ pain.

ROUNDED SHOULDERS AND UPPER BACK Many individuals with FHP also demonstrate anterior rounding of the shoulders and of the upper back as well. As FHP is associated with overactivity of the upper trapezius and levator scapulae muscles. This condition can not only contribute to rounded shoulders, but negatively impact the normal movement patterns of the humerus and scapula (Dr. Mark’s term called scapular rhythm ). Rounding of the shoulders also predisposes the development of shoulder pain and impingement . If both FHP and rounding of the shoulders is occurring at the same time, this postural distortion is known as upper crossed syndrome (Janda, 2002). RESPIRATORY INEFFICIENCY Another negative influence of sustained FHP is the promotion of respiratory inefficiency. Normal inspiration (breathing in) is initiated by contraction of the primary respiratory muscles- the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles . However, in individuals with FHP, muscle activity and function of the diaphragmmay decrease, which can reduce lung expansion during inspiration . To make up for impaired muscle power of the diaphragm, individuals with FHP may compensate by utilizing accessory respiratory muscles such as the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle to inspire air . Excessive SCM activity when breathing at rest can cause an individual’s shoulders and rib cage to move up and down rather than remaining in their normal stationary position . Correction of FHP has been demonstrated to improve respiratory function and efficiency (Kim, et al., 2015).



Common sense approach creates a good foundation for a strong immune system to fight viruses such as the Coronavirus. As well as, SOCIAL DISTANCING: WEARING YOUR FACE MASK PROPERLY; WASHING YOUR HANDS AND BEING MINDFUL OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS, other factors to consider for Coronavirus prevention and immune health include:

uninterrupted sleep every night, and consider a sleep supplement if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. 7. PROTECT YOUR GUT. Your immune system and gut work together. After all, about 70 percent of your immune system is in your gut. An out-of-balance gut can weaken your immune system. Good gut health includes eating plenty of fermented and cultured foods, which contain

1. EAT WELL. A strong immune system starts with what you put on the end of your fork. Eating plenty of antioxidant-rich vegetables and low- sugar fruits, for instance, can lower the number of free radicals to keep your immune system strong. The omega-3 fatty acids in wild-caught seafood can help manage inflammation levels. 2. EXERCISE. Moderate amounts of exercise can support your immune system. Strength training and higher-intensity exercise are great,

probiotics to support your immune system. 8. MAINTAIN YOUR CHIROPRACTIC, PHYSIOTHERAPY AND MASSAGE THERAPY. There are many benefits to regular care ...but not being in pain and the ability to move freely will greatly improve your overall health and well-being. 9. GET THE RIGHT NUTRIENTS. Being proactive about a strong immune system requires getting

the right nutrients. Through our nutraceutical lines (Metagenics and Pure) we have products to help strengthen your immune system, so your body is better prepared to defend itself against viruses and illnesses. Inflavonoid Intensive Care and NAC contains immune-supporting nutrients including curcumin and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine. They work together to help lower inflammation and boost antioxidants. Probiotic 50B is a strong probiotic that stimulates healthy gut flora and effectively boosts immunity. This unique blend of ingredients is delivered in a moisture-resistant capsule featuring delayed release technology so your body will absorb it when it needs it the most. Vitamin C Complete (also recommend Emergen-C) combines this immune-supporting vitamin with the antioxidant boost of citrus bioflavonoids and quercetin to strengthen your immune system. Vitamin D3 Talk with us at the Ottawa Health Group as your healthcare practitioner about any particular concerns you might have that can impact your immune system or your health. PLEASE CONSULT OUR WEBSITE FOR THE OTTAWA HEALTH GROUP COVID-19 PROTOCOLS BEFORE COMING INTO THE OFFICE.

but even walking counts. One study found that post-menopausal women who walked 30 minutes daily for a year had half the colds as those who didn’t exercise. 3. MANAGE STRESS . Researchers looked at more than 300 human studies over three decades. They found that being constantly stressed can harm your immune system. Keeping stress under control depends on what works for you: Meditation, deep breathing, regular exercise can all be helpful. 4. STAY HYDRATED. When you’re dehydrated, you lower the volume of blood and lymphatic fluids that support a healthy immune system. Dehydration can also increase inflammation, so your body can’t work as efficiently to fight viruses and other infections. Drink plenty of clean, filtered water throughout your day. 5. MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS. Buy organic foods whenever possible. Be mindful about cosmetics and other everyday products that can contain problem ingredients. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has excellent guides on buying the best produce, skincare products, and household cleaners. 6. GET GOOD SLEEP. When you don’t sleep well, you limit the ability of your immune cells to fight infections. Lack of sleep means you’re more likely to get sick after you’re exposed to a virus, plus your body takes longer to recover from illness. Aim for eight hours of solid,


SITTING POSTURE While sitting, place your feet flat on the floor. Tip your pelvis slightly forward. Straighten your spine until your ears are directly over your shoulders and your shoulders are over your hips. Draw your shoulder blades gently back and together. Tuck your chin. Stretch up tall; imagine a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you up to your full height.

Always consult your physiotherapist or chiropractor before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

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