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HR L&D Developing Excellence

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HR LD Developing Excellence 2020 v01.20

C1. The course context places an emphasis on professional language and skills such as email writing

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HR LD Developing Excellence v 22.10.19

C1. The course context places an emphasis on professional language and skills such as email writing

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17, periodically we will offer short breakfast sessions that aim to help us all have more great days

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HR L&D Developing Excellence

Developing Excellence

Overview of KAUST Internal Learning Programs

1 HR Learning & Development


Welcome and Overview ................. 3 HR Learning & Development .................... 6 Booking Information................................. 7 Courses Overview..................................... 8 Target audience for each program............ 9

Management Development 28

Management Series 29

Management Series Continued .................. 30

Introduction to Management .................... 31

Managing People........................................ 32

Manager as Developer ............................... 33

Personal Development ................. 10

Leading Across Cultures.............................. 34

Negotiation Skills .................................... 11

Leading Innovation ..................................... 35

Persuasive Presentations ........................ 12

Coaching for Performance .......................... 36

Dealing with Conflict .............................. 13

The Performance Management Process ..... 37

Developing EI through Mindfulness ........ 14

Evaluating Individual Performance ............ 38

Emotional Intelligence ............................ 15

Leading and Influencing Conversations 39

Intercultural Communications ................ 16

Professional Development Program .......... 40

Constructive Conversations ................... 17

Asserting Yourself Professionally ............ 18

Courses for Developing Teams ......... 41

The Foundations of Influence 19

Teams and Customer Focus ........................ 42

Professional Presence Program .............. 20

Collaborative Working ................................ 43

MBTI in Teams ............................................ 44

Business and Desktop Skills.......... 21

Time Management ................................ 22

English Program .............................. 46

Project Management Professional .......... 23

English Courses .......................................... 47

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals ... 24

Effective Business Writing........................... 48

Intermediate Powerpoint ....................... 25

Intermediate Excel 26

Advanced Excel 27



Welcome and Overview Welcome to our overview of KAUST internal learning programs This catalog provides information about the different types of learning programs we offer. Our programs are designed to assist participants to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviors associated with the successful delivery of work objectives. The options in this catalog have been developed to meet the learning objectives in the annual performance and learning plans, and feedback from individual departments on what they need to support staff development. We hope you find it useful. Where there is role-specific specialized learning needs that are not met by our internal programs, there are other options available. Managers can request approval for their staff to participate in a specialized learning program or event. Alternatively managers can discuss options for providing onsite and bespoke learning opportunities with their Performance and Learning Partners to address specific team or departmental needs. Many different ways to learn and develop Research shows that up to 70% of learning occurs from real life and on-the-job experiences. Activities such as working with colleagues, practicing work tasks and skills alongside someone with greater experience, and getting coaching and feedback from managers, are equally or even more powerful ways of learning and developing than formal courses and programs. Our learning framework provides other suggested ways to learn at work click here. HR Learning and Development If you don’t find what you need?



New Hires Orientation Welcoming new starters to KAUST and helping them become effective members of the organization as soon as possible is important to us. Orientation explains the University’s vision and values as well as providing useful information about working and living in KAUST. It also offers a great networking opportunity through meeting other new starters. Specialized Learning As mentioned in our Welcome page, where a particular learning need cannot be met internally, managers can request approval for their staff to attend an externally provided learning event. Managers should complete the Specialized Learning Application Form on behalf of the individual, providing a clear business case for the request. Guidance and support is available from your Performance and Learning Partner and more information can be found here English Language Program English is the working language at KAUST. We offer programs to improve learners’ level of English and develop their ability to work proficiently using the working language. We offer upper intermediate and advanced levels, each of which is divided into four courses. These courses focus on developing the English skills of non-native English speakers, with an emphasis on professional language and skills such as email writing and presentations. Further information on our English program can be found on page 47 .



e-Learning Our online learning resources can be accessed from our Learning Center in the Portal. Powered by Skillsoft, our online learning is a learning tool that you can use at times that suit you and at your own pace. Available twenty four hours a day, our online learning has been designed to complement internal programs, specialized learning opportunities and any informal work-based training that is relevant to your role. Skillsoft online learning provides staff with access to a diverse library of content, including certified learning courses with access to online mentors, learning resources that can count towards CPD credits, and videos that can be used for individual and team development. Click the e-learning Quick Link from your Learning Center home page



HR Learning and Development The Learning and Development Team is committed to helping staff grow and develop personally and professionally. We support the achievement of the University’s goals by helping develop the capability of individuals, teams and people managers. We strive to assist staff to be successful in their jobs by enabling a supportive learning and development environment. Performance and Learning Partners Each department and faculty division has a Performance and Learning Partner. The partners are there to provide professionally qualified advice and support on any matters relating to staff and team development and performance. For contact details go to Meet the Team. Tailored Activities In addition to the courses in our Catalog, the HR L&D team can provide a range of services such as bespoke learning programs for departments and team and individual coaching. Contact your Performance and Learning Partner for more information. The Learning Center Navigate around the Center to view learning options, book courses, launch e-learning or videos and access information and forms. Log in to the Portal and ensure you have Adobe Flash Player installed to use the full functionality of the Center.



Booking Information

To offer flexibility, courses in are offered on different dates throughout the year according to demand. Bookings for the courses are made via ‘The Learning Center’ in the KAUST Portal.

To access Click ‘Learning’ on the top menu bar of the Portal



Courses Overview

The table on page 9 provides an overview of the courses that are currently available. We continually review our offerings and develop new courses. Details will be provided throughout the year. Please note - some of the courses are open to all staff and others are targeted at specific groups or level of employees. Bookings can be made via the Learning Center for those who are eligible to enroll.



Target Audience for Each Program

All Permanent Staff Negotiation Skills Persuasive Presentations Dealing with Conflict Developing EI through Mindfulness Emotional Intelligence (EI) Intercultural Communications Constructive Conversations Asserting yourself Professionally The Foundations of Influence Professional Presence Program Time Management Excel – Intermediate, Advanced PowerPoint for Business Professionals Finance for Non-Finance Professionals Introduction to Management Project Management Professional English Language Staff English Program Business Writing for Staff

All People Managers Management Series (8x0.5 day workshops) * Managing People Coaching for Performance The Performance Management Process Evaluating Individual Performance Senior Professionals and People Managers Leading & Influencing Through Authentic Conversations

Leading Across Cultures Leading for Innovation

Managers (M-Level) Manager as a Developer

Nominated Programs Professional Development Program

Spouses of Staff Spouse English Program

* Can be taken as individual workshops or in a combination



Our core courses for individuals provide opportunities to develop a range of communication and interpersonal skills which are aimed at making you more effective in your role. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT



Negotiation Skills

Course Overview Negotiation is one of those words we tend to associate with labor relations, hard selling or the United Nations and not necessarily with ourselves. While it is different from influencing (see page 19) it is however, something many of us do everyday. This workshop examines the different contexts in which the use of negotiation skills may be appropriate. It is an interactive workshop, with the morning focusing on the principles of negotiation and the afternoon providing the opportunity to practice the techniques.

Course Objectives


 Define the characteristics of effective negotiation

 Differentiating negotiation and non-negotiation activities

 Clearly recognize a negotiation situation

 The Four Phase Model for Negotiation: - Preparation - Discussion - Proposal - Bargaining

 Distinguish between different forms of negotiation  Identify and practice the different stages of negotiation  Understand and practice preparation and closing techniques  Understand and practice the different skills required to be an effective negotiator

Negotiation skills

 Team roles and responsibilities

Closing techniques

Keeping track


Participant Profile


This workshop is for any member of staff who needs to negotiate within their role and wishes to develop the underpinning knowledge of effective negotiation


One day



Persuasive Presentations

Course Overview Presenting to external audiences or internal colleagues, from a podium or round a table, can be a stressful and testing experience. With knowledge of the subject and your audience, the application of a set of skills, behaviors and good practices and the personal confidence that comes from planning and practice, your presentations can be impactful and successful. Course Objectives Content

 Deliver persuasive presentations that meet the needs of the audience  Describe how to design an effective presentation  Practice techniques that help develop the confidence to deliver to a range of audiences  Identify how to build rapport with the audience An Intermediate level workshop targeted at people who are required to regularly give presentations to others. As there are a number of opportunities on the course to practice presenting, the number of participants is limited to 6. Participant Profile

 The qualities of an effective presenter

Planning and structuring a presentation

Setting clear objectives

 Choosing and using visual aids

 Body language and presentation style


One day

Need new- photo





Dealing with Conflict

Course Overview

Conflict is a natural part of work and organizational life. Well-managed conflict can produce benefits and lead to positive changes, both in productivity and relationships. The course will provide the opportunity to explore the nature of conflict in the workplace and introduce strategies for managing it more effectively.

Course Objectives


 Recognize the behavior patterns that lead to conflict.

 Understanding our response to


Describe how avoid conflict

 The Thomas Kilmann instrument

 Use empathy to find win-win solutions.  Identify the role of non-verbal communication in conflict situations.  Outline how to successfully in intervene in conflict situations This program is suitable for all levels of staff who would like to develop their ability to manage conflict more assertively. Participant Profile

 Our conflict mode preferences

 Handling conflict techniques and


Handling conflict in groups

Action planning


Half day


Participants should be prepared to bring real examples from the workplace to work on within the workshop.



Developing EI through Mindfulness

Course Overview According to Daniel Goleman, leader in the field of EI, the development of emotional intelligence relies on becoming more self-aware, which is can be trained through mindfulness. Mindfulness enables stability of mind and insight into how we are feeling, thinking and reacting. Mindfulness leads to better judgment and emotional balance, especially in difficult situations. The workshop gives an overview of mindfulness and how to cultivate it as the foundational skill that enables emotional awareness, a calm and clear mind and interpersonal effectiveness.

Course Objectives


 Increase self-awareness and self- regulation, the first two core emotional intelligence competencies  Gain practical skills: mindfulness, journaling, techniques for self awareness and self-regulation.  Learn to listen in a mindfully and communicate with insight and awareness of others’ emotions and perspectives All levels of staff interested in learning how mindfulness can be a win-win for business and wellbeing by building focus, empathy and emotional intelligence. Participant Profile

 How to develop emotional intelligence

Becoming more present

 Self-awareness, self regulation, motivation








Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Course Overview We have all worked with colleagues we admire. Often when we reflect on what makes them extraordinary, it is the way they connect with people at a personal and emotional level. What differentiates them is their emotional intelligence.

Course Objectives


 Understand what emotional intelligence means

 History of emotional intelligence

 Emotional intelligence defined

 Learn techniques to understand, use and appreciate the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace  Understand the different emotions and how to manage them Individuals who want to understand more about how emotions impact on people and how their own behaviors may impact others. Participant Profile

 Emotional intelligence blueprint

Understanding emotions

Setting a personal vision


One day


Need photo




Intercultural Communications

Course Overview

Course participants will be introduced to models which facilitate understanding of how cultural conditioning shapes the way we think, behave and communi- cate. They will develop sensitivity and awareness to cultural differences and simi- larities and will explore techniques for more effective communication in a multi- cultural environment

Course Objectives


 Increase self-awareness about how your culture has shaped your thinking and communication  Develop knowledge of how different cultures typically communicate and work  Provide tools and techniques to communicate and work more effectively across cultures

 Advantages and challenges that come from working in a highly diverse professional environment  The features of high and low-context communication  The trilemma of adaptation in a multi- cultural community  Recognizing different strategies for communicating effectively

 Build confidence for working successfully in a multicultural environment




Participant Profile

Half Day

Individuals who want to improve their ability to communicate and work effectively across cultures by deepening their understanding communication and working styles in multicultural environment.



Constructive Conversations

Course Overview We each have our own set of factors that contribute to how engaged we feel at work. Our engagement levels can change but are very much linked to the quality of our relationships and how empowered we feel, which can, in turn, be determined by the quality of our conversations. Using the skills to hold constructive conversations on a variety of challenging topics, you can take responsibility for driving your own engagement and help yourself to improve your job satisfaction and work performance.

Course Objectives


 Develop the communication skills for having constructive conversations

 The importance of planning your conversation and knowing what you want  Identifying and practicing assertive conversation skills  Non-verbal communication that enhances your message

 Undertake authentic conversations

 Have valuable discussions with your manager regarding those matters that affect how you successfully contribute  Understand the balance of power in relationships

 Models of types of conversation

 Plan for a constructive conversation

 Essential principles of getting better conversational outcomes

Participant Profile

Action planning

For those who want to develop the skills required to hold constructive conversations with colleagues and managers on a range of potentially challenging topics


One day





Asserting Yourself Professionally

Course Overview Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident, without being aggressive. It involves having respect for yourself and others. This short course will help deepen understanding of what assertiveness is and develop the associated skills.

Course Objectives


Define assertiveness

Defining Assertive Behavior

 Recognize different communication styles and their positive and negative impact Be more effective when communicating and working with others  Act with greater confidence, and be more impactful in the workplace 

Interpreting Body Language

 The Assertiveness Jigsaw: Internal factors  The Assertiveness Jigsaw: External factors

Action planning & evaluation


Half Day

Participant Profile

Any staff member interested in develop- ing their assertiveness skills





The Foundations of Influence

Course Overview Influencing others requires self-awareness and behavioral flexibility. This foundational program allows participants to gain insight into their own values, blocks and drivers and how this affects their influencing behavior, presence and impact in conversations with others.

Course Objectives


 Learn about your personal presence and impact in group meetings  Explore your personal values and drivers and how they help or block your ability to influence others  Analyze typical influence situations and develop behavioral strategies for dealing with them  Identify your personal learning goals for influencing others more effectively  Form action learning groups and agree how and when you will meet to review your experiences of real influencing situations back at work



 The Authentic Conversation Model TM

 Feedback on your presence and impact  Personal blocks and drivers using Transactional Analysis model

Influencing case studies

 Personal learning goals and how you will work on them in the future


One day

Participant Profile

For any staff member interested in gain- ing insight into and develop their influencing, presence and impact



Professional Presence Program

Course Overview This highly participative personal development program provides support staff and early career professionals with increased self-awareness, insight and the skills to develop themselves and progress their goals. The focus is on developing excellent communication skills, positive personal impact and influence.

Course Objectives


 Describe your strengths and development areas Remain assertive in difficult conversations  Recognize and manage emotional responses  Know when and how to modify your behavior  Give effective and constructive feedback  Remain objective and focused when faced with potential conflict  Influence in a convincing and authentic style 

The program includes pre-course and intersessional work including the MBTI questionnaire. Participants must be open to giving and receiving feedback, and exploring their personal strengths and development needs .


 Impact and communication styles

 Collaboration and working in teams

 Self-awareness and self-management

Relationship management

 Influencing and establishing rapport

 Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

 Individual developmental feedback and plan

Participant Profile

Support staff and early career Professionals


Two, 2 day modules approximately 4-6 weeks apart



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