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Immigration & Injury Attorneys May 2018

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys Spanish May 2018

Immigration & Injury Attorneys Spanish May 2018 MAYO DE 2018 EL ABOGADO DEL MES 678.934.4958 www.Imm

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys English October 2018

Immigration & Injury Attorneys English October 2018 OCT 2018 THE MONTHLY ADVOCATE 678.934.4958 Immig

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys June 2018

immigrationinjurylaw to watch the video — just not while you are driving. If you must take a call, u

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys Spanish June 2018

immigrationinjurylaw para ver el vídeo — pero no lo veas mientras conduces. PREGUNTAS 1. SE CREE QUE

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys August 2018

20 and they didn’t quite make it all the way, unfortunately. Still, it’s fun to recognize the strong

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys September 2018

Immigration & Injury Attorneys September 2018 SEPT 2018 THE MONTHLY ADVOCATE 678.934.4958 Immigratio

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys Winter 2018


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Immigration & Injury Abogados Septiembre 2018

Immigration & Injury Abogados Septiembre 2018 SEPTIEMBRE 2018 LA PROPUESTA MENSUAL 678.934.4958 Immi

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Immigration & Injury Abogados Invierno 2018

immigrationinjurylaw. “Impresionante integridad la de esta pareja! Tienen mucho conocimiento y el me

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Immigration & Injury Abogados Agosto 2018

o, Cerebro puede encontrar las oportunidades que has estado buscando para avanzar en tu carrera y tu

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Immigration & Injury Attorneys May 2018

MAY 2018



You may be familiar with Keren’s stories and my own. As immigrants ourselves, adding immigration law to our practice was a priority from the beginning. We’ve witnessed the obstacles that people face when they come to this country and how one helping hand can make a world of difference. We wanted to help our community navigate the confusing world of immigration law because we’ve seen how it can change people’s lives. Our path to personal injury is also based on our personal experiences. Not long after Keren and I got married, we were victims of a very bad car accident. We were both injured, Keren more seriously. I saw the ramifications of that accident play out in the following months. We had a newborn baby while Keren was dealing with serious neck and shoulder problems, which were so severe that she had to get three epidural treatments. I saw what she was going through — the day-to-day struggles of being injured, going to work, and having a family — and it was hard to see my wife dealing with the physical pain and trauma that the accident left behind. I can only imagine how tough it was for her. We learned the hard way how an accident can make life a lot more difficult Can you imagine going through all of this, and on top of all the other challenges, not being fluent in English? This is a reality non-English speakers face all the time. Often, insurance companies will try to lowball people and try to get out of covering their treatment. Most Latin American countries don’t have a system in place for accident-injury compensation, and our experience shows us that the majority of our clientele doesn’t know that there’s a system in place here to help them be compensated. It can be daunting to know where to begin. Knowing how difficult it can be to recover from a car accident and understanding the challenges many people face while seeking compensation led us to personal injury law. After our own experience, it became clear that it should be a focus of our firm.

We are continuously growing, and last year was great for our firm. Our new name includes a new logo that you will see and hear everywhere, from our website to social media, radio, events, and additional promotional channels. This new look reflects the areas of practice where we are leaders: immigration and injury. This stepping stone will allow us to spend more time and effort assisting you, our clients, exclusively in these areas of the law where we confidently succeed. We’ve changed our name and look, and you were the driving force behind it! READY … SET … GO!!!

Watch for more updates as we continue to offer you the best experience with your immigration and/or injury needs. Follow us on Facebook, as we constantly provide free information and share tips that will empower you and your loved ones. Our new name and tagline say it all: Immigration and Injury Attorneys … Where You Matter.

–Jorge Virgüez

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Summer is right around the corner, which means you’ll soon pile the whole family into the car, ready to brave the road for a vacation. Everyone knows that riding in the car for hours can be torture. But with a little creativity, you can turn the worst part of a long trip into a fun event. PACK A TRAVEL GAME When the excitement of the family vacation starts to wear off, keep the peace and entertain your kids with a travel game. Many board game manufacturers offer travel-sized versions that are easy to pack and play in the car. Before your next road trip, consider purchasing digital Yahtzee, which packs all the fun of the classic game without the dice, or IQ Fit, a logic game with over 100 challenges. Both games cost around $10 and can provide hours of entertainment. INCLUDE THE WHOLE FAMILY Once the travel games no longer pique anyone’s interest, try an activity that can be fun for the whole family: a traditional road trip game. If you have a car full of storytellers, try “Fortunately, Unfortunately.” The rules are simple. The first person starts by saying, “fortunately,” and mentioning something good about the road trip or the destination. The next person (moving clockwise) then follows by saying something “unfortunate” about the previous person’s statement. Take turns with every passenger in the car. If someone stumbles, they get a strike; three strikes and you’re out. The last passenger standing wins. ROAD TRIPS DON’T HAVE TO BE PAINFUL Try Games, Audiobooks, and Podcasts to Pass the Time

Angie is our detail-oriented staff member who handles medical records at the firm. We’re so thankful to have her organizational talent on our team! She makes sure patients get connected with the treatment they need and tracks everything that goes along with that. When she met Keren and Jorge, Angie says they noticed her skills right away. “When I came in, Keren said it seemed that I was good with details, and she thought I would be a good fit for this position. It sounded like something I typically like to do — I’m very detail oriented.” Keren’s instinct was spot on. Angie is enjoying her role, especially helping clients. “When I call [clients] for a follow-up, they say the place they’re going to is helping them and they’re getting better,” she says. “If they say the treatment isn’t good, I’m able to find them somewhere else. It’s great to help them out and be the problem-solver.” “I love the fact that I get to help clients who are usually feeling pain and are just waiting for us to send them somewhere to get pain relief,” says Angie. “It’s a good feeling to call and say, ‘We have the place for you.’” Often, that means many calls to medical providers to find the perfect fit for our clients. Angie is happy to do it, and even if a client needs a specialist, Angie is happy to find one. Angie also fits in seamlessly with our team. “I really like the atmosphere,” she says. “Everyone is willing to help out and is always offering to show each other how to do something. It’s a good environment.” We feel she is a great contribution to the culture here. Beyond connecting our clients to the care they need, Angie enjoys spending time with her three kids by going to the park. “My kids like being outdoors, running, and playing sports. It’s fun watching them,” she says. “I knew I’d be one of those parents who would have their kids play sports, so I’m glad they enjoy them!” Angie’s Ace Problem-Solving Skills ALL IN THE DETAILS

PLAY AN AUDIOBOOK OR PODCAST We get it. Sometimes passengers don’t want to play games. Occasionally, they’d rather relax or take a nap. However, your listening material doesn’t have to be limited to Dad’s favorite music. Instead, consider listening to a family-friendly audiobook or podcast, which can make the longest and most boring parts of your trip an entertaining or educational experience. Almost any popular book is available in audio form, but it can be hard to find an enjoyable podcast. “Transistor” is a science-focused podcast that explores subjects kids and adults will find fascinating. Or if you’re looking for something fictional, try “Storynory,” in which the narrator tells fairy tales and legends from all over the globe.

Thank you for your passion for our clients and everything you do for our firm, Angie!



A wreck happens so fast, but in the minutes after a car accident, time may feel like it’s standing still. Questions race through your mind: “Is everyone okay?” “Is my car okay?” “How did this happen?” If there’s any uncertainty as to who’s at fault in the accident, there are important steps you need to take in those minutes immediately after an accident that could save you thousands of dollars and a lot of worry. We hope you never find yourself in this situation, but if you are involved in a wreck, it’s important to know what to do. 2. Call the police. The police will want to file an incident report. If you don’t speak the language, this is when you should call a friend or somebody who can help translate. You’ll want to make sure the police officer understands exactly what happened. Otherwise, he or she will not have a clear picture of what happened, and misinformation could affect their attempt to decide who is at fault for the accident. The other driver involved may try to change their story, or they may not clearly remember how the wreck occurred. So it’s important to make sure your version of the events is clearly documented. If you are injured, let the police officer know. Do not be afraid to take the ambulance and get treatment. The longer you go without treatment, the weaker your case is. 1. Make sure everyone, including yourself, is okay. If anyone is in need of medical assistance, call an ambulance.

3. Start taking pictures. This includes pictures of the damage to your car, the other car, and anything at the scene of the accident. These may be used by your lawyer as evidence to show an insurance company that you are not at fault. From there, call the immigration and injury attorneys. We’ll make sure your rights are protected and you get the treatment you need. If you’re worried that you can’t pay for medical services out-of-pocket, we have great connections with doctors who are willing to provide treatment on a lien basis. Once your case is settled, the doctor will be paid from the settlement.


If you’ve been in a car accident, call us today to learn about your rights and how to get the compensation you deserve.





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678.934.4958 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

4799 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Suite K Lawrenceville, GA 30044

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How to Make Your Road Trip a Breeze

Meet Our Awesome Staff


What You Need to Know if You’re in an Accident



3 of the Most Formidable Moms in History



IRENA SENDLER (1910–2008) When the Nazis invaded Warsaw in September of 1939, Irena Sendler, a 29-year-old social worker and mother of two, hatched a scheme to rescue Jewish children from the brutal ghettos. Along with many friends and colleagues, she smuggled out nearly 2,500 Jewish orphans, hiding infants on trams and garbage wagons and guiding kids through a labyrinth of secret passageways beneath the city. children — two of whom died tragically young — Emmeline Pankhurst became one of the fiercest advocates for women’s suffrage in the late 19th century. After founding the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, she and her cohorts adopted an aggressive strategy to raise awareness for the issue; they began by buttonholing politicians and staging rallies, then progressed EMMELINE PANKHURST (1858–1928) Despite being a wife and the mother of five

Moms make the world go round. After running the gauntlet of childbirth, they raise and guide us throughout our lives, shouldering the tremendous burden and responsibility of motherhood. Mothers are in turn formidable, kind, powerful, gentle, wise, fierce, patient, supportive, empathetic, driven, and full of love. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are three historic moms who never stopped fighting for what they believed in.

SOJOURNER TRUTH (1797–1883) Before she escaped from New York slaveholder John Dumont, Sojourner Truth had at least three of her children sold away from her. When Dumont went back on his promise to emancipate Truth and her infant daughter in 1826, she took the girl and fled to an abolitionist Quaker family, but she was forced to leave her other daughter and her 5-year-old son, Peter, behind. Soon after, she learned that Peter had been illegally sold by Dumont to a slaveholder in Alabama, so she went to court

and secured his safe return. It was the first successful case brought by a black woman against a white man in American history. Truth went on to become a prominent abolitionist and a speaker for women’s rights, delivering her famous impromptu speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?” in May of 1851.

to vandalism, window smashing, and arson. She was instrumental in the movement. Pankhurst lived to see women gain the right to vote in 1928.