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Innovative PT: How Bad Posture Affects You

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How Bad Posture Affects You

4 teaspoon salt 1 cup rolled oats Visit us on Facebook for more tips and updates! Exercise Essential

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How Bad Posture Affects You

or an active, full lifestyle. Our physical therapists are trained to evaluate and treat the source o

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Lonoke PT: How bad posture affects you

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Benton PT: How Bad Posture Affects You n° 315994 - Level Hard CALL TODAY!

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Avenues PT. How Bad Posture Affects You

4 cup Greek yogurt, thinned with milk • Chia seeds DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients (except those for

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Agility PT: How Bad Posture Affects You

Agility PT: How Bad Posture Affects You Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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Malvern PT: How Bad Posture Affects You n° 315994 - Level Hard CALL TODAY!

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Kewanee PT. How Bad Posture Affects You

4 cup cheddar cheese, shredded • 1 tbsp butter, melted Directions Fill a large pot with water and br

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Choice PT: How Bad Posture Affects You

chest muscles take over as the primary breathing muscles and your diaphragm takes a back seat. As hu

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Nestor PT: How Bad Posture Affects You

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Innovative PT: How Bad Posture Affects You

Innovative Newsletter

“You Can Reduce Pain With Better Posture” HOW BAD POSTURE AFFECTS YOU

Your posture affects how you look, feel and move. Your neck, back, low back, hips and even your legs are affected by how well you carry yourself. Your muscles can become weak overtime from poor posture and this can cause pain. The good news is that we are specialists when it comes to posture and we can get you standing tall again!

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Cheryl Howard PT, DPT, Cert. MDT Ownerr

Innovative Newsletter

“You Can Reduce Pain With Better Posture” HOW BAD POSTURE AFFECTS YOU


When was the last time you looked in the mirror or saw a photo of your posture? If you suffer from frequent aches and pains, your posture may be to blame. In today’s society, we spend an increasing amount of time sitting looking at the TV, computer screen and looking down at our phones. If you fit into this category, then changes in your posture can have numerous negative effects on your body. What happens to your body with bad posture? Forward head posture – This creates strain on the neck, shortening the muscles in the back of the neck. Neck pain, radiating pain to the shoulders or arms, chronic headaches and even low back pain can result. Mid-back slouching – This can change the shape of your ribs and drive your head forward over time.The result can be pain in the mid-back and problems with your neck. Eventually, compression of your lungs, heart and digestive system can occur, causing internal problems. Low back - Low back pain is very common with poor posture. The back muscles have to contract excessively to keep you upright, causing you pain. Bad posture also causes abnormal wear and tear on the low back, increasing the risk of arthritis in the spine. Hips and legs – With sitting for prolonged periods, the hip joints lose range of motion and the muscles in the front of the hips stiffen. These tightened muscles then pull on the low back, causing low back pain. Walking – Your center of gravity changes with bad posture, causing your balance to decline. In addition, weakness to the hip muscles with prolonged sitting causes problems with walking. All these changes can have a serious impact on your mobility and ability to walk safely. The good news is that with the right physical therapy treatments, a lot can be done to help you regain proper posture and quickly relieve back and neck pain. Call us today to learn how we can help you live a pain-free life!

How Bad Posture Effects You 5 Steps to Improve Your Posture 11 th Annual Super Science Saturday

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quote of The Month:


(315) 786-0655

5 STEPS TO IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE “Stand Tall and Be Healthier, We Can Help!”

Patient Spotlights: “It is wonderful to be able to use my arm again.” “I can’t thank you and Brittany enough. You have really made a difference in my breast cancer treatment. It is wonderful to be able to use my arm again. I promise I will continue to do the exercises so I don’t relapse…” Carol W. “This place has relieved 80% of my pain!!” “This is the best place in Jefferson County I feel. Two months of therapy for severe neck pain this place has relieved 80% of my pain!!” Joann S. Good posture is an ongoing fight against gravity. Gravity wants to pull you to the floor and your muscles have to counteract that to keep you upright. While your posture may have changed over the years, the good news is that there is a lot that you can do to improve your posture and reduce your pain: 1. Physical therapy – We are experts in evaluating posture and guiding you on the proper techniques to change your posture and reduce your pain. Call us if you are having frequent aches and pains. We can examine your posture and put you on the right road to a pain-free life. 2. Get up frequently – When working at a computer or sitting in front of a TV, get up at least every 30 minutes to walk around for at least one minute. 3. Proper computer setup – Make sure that your computer is at the proper height so the top 1/3rd of the screen is eye level and keyboard is low enough, at or below elbow height. 4. Sitting properly – Keep your feet on the floor, don’t cross your legs and keep a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. 5. Exercise frequently – walking, running, stretching and strengthening are very important. Strengthen your back muscles to maintain a better posture. To see how we can improve your posture, eliminate your pain and get you back to the activities you love to do, call us today!

Winter Recipe

Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa

• 2 oz. quality dark chocolate (or to taste) • 1 C milk • 1 tsp brown sugar • 1 T heavy whipping cream • 1 pinch cinnamon

Heat milk to just before boiling. Add brown sugar and stir till dissolved. Stir in dark chocolate till melted. Stir in whipping cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Exercises To Help With Pain: Try these simple exercises to help your posture... Share this with a friend or family member to help keep them healthy too!

STANDING EXTENSIONS While standing, place your hands on your hips and lean back to arch your back.

PRONE ALTERNATE ARM AND LEG While lying face down and keeping your lower abdominals tight, slowly raise up an arm and opposite leg. Slowly lower and then raise the opposite side. Do not allow your spine to move the entire time.


Stay Healthy in 2018 With Smoothies!

Green Juices And Smoothies For years we have seen a surge in the number of people who drink healthy green juices. However, we think that green juices and smoothies will be an even bigger hit in 2018, easily becoming one of the trendiest ways to stay healthy. These juices and smoothies are made from fresh fruits and vegetables, which makes them very nutritious. Here are some good smoothie recipes we recommend you try. Mix a number of different fruits and vegetables to your own liking: • Tropical green smoothie made from bananas, papaya, and pineapple • Apple, spinach and carrot juice • The avoccado-pear smoothie • Basil-avocado smoothie • Cranberry pineapple smoothie We hope this tip will inspire you to stay healthy in 2018!

Practice News

Innovative Physical Therapy Solutions showcased an interactive exhibit at Jefferson Community College (JCC) 11th annual Super Science Saturday (SSS) on February 3, 2018. The exploration of math and science event for kids in grades 5-8 and their family members provided the opportunity to explore and see how much fun science can be by participating in hands-on demonstrations.