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Intecore: Living Life Without Back Pain

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Intecore: Life Without Back Pain

or reduce how much they carry if they : • Struggle to get the backpack on or off • Have back pain •

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Living Life Without Back Pain

or buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Exercises copyright of The above

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Living Life Without Back Pain

Living Life Without Back Pain Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your

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Living Life Without Back Pain

sweatangels Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to keep you moving... PELVIC TILT While lyi

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Living Life Without Back Pain

18 10 Spots Available! $75 Value FREE! Special Offer For Former & Current Patients! We have set asid

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Motion Matters: Living Life Without Back Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard FIND OUT MORE BY VISITING WWW.MOTIONMATTERSPT.COM e codes below :

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Preferred: Living Life Without Back Pain

4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. www.pptFL.c

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Roadside PT: Living Life Without Back Pain

Roadside PT: Living Life Without Back Pain P T N E W S L E T T E R ROA

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Renew: Living Life Without Back Pain

Renew: Living Life Without Back Pain N E W S L E T T E R I S S U E

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Bridle Trails: Living Life Without Back Pain n° 329837 - Level Hard 1 7 3 5 8 CALL TODAY! 425-889-0776 2 9 8

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Intecore: Living Life Without Back Pain

“How Strong Is Your Back?” LIVE LIFEWITHOUTBACKPAIN The Intecore Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

In the old days, when your back was hurting, your doctor told you to rest until it felt better. However a lot has been learned about proper treatment for back pain since those days, and gone are the days of prolonged bed rest. New studies show that proper movements, posture and a gradual return to activities, has been found to be much more successful to control back pain. This allows you faster pain relief and a return to normal pain-free activities. (continued inside)

“Find Out How to Wake Without an Ache!” IsBedRestGoodFor Your Back? APRIL 2018 The Intecore Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

INSIDE: • Are Your Feet Causing Your Back Pain? • Patient Success Spotlight

Quote of TheMonth:

In our Spine Care program, we look at your individual health history as well as your current mobility level and interests. Following a thorough exam, our spine specialists will develop an individualized treatment program specifically for you. We combine our expertise in manual therapy, exercise prescription and patient education to relieve your pain, restore your function and prevent your symptoms from recurring. We want to be your partner in health to guide you back into your previous activity level without pain.

Bed rest and inactivity have been shown to weaken muscles and bones. Whereas exercise in general, increases strength and flexibility of the muscles, aiding in healing through increased blood flow to the affected area. It has also been found that exercise and aerobic activity, like walking, assists in bringing nutrients to structures in the spine. Some of these structures, like the discs between your vertebrae, have a poor blood supply and rely on your body’s movements and aerobic activity to circulate nutrients. When a person is inactive, less of these nutrients are able to get to the structures in the spine to keep them healthy.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou

AreYour Feet Causing Your Back Pain?

When your foot hits the ground, your whole body feels the effect.  Imagine in your car if your shock absorbers were worn out. You would feel every bump and jolt from the road. Your feet and legs are much the same way. The greater the impact of your step, the more impact it has on your body. Sometimes our legs are not quite the same length due to joint replacements or arthritic conditions in the ankle, knee, or hip. Even small differences may cause back or leg pain. A small heel lift can often change symptoms dramatically. Many times tightness in the ankle can also contribute to back pain. When the ankle joint is tight, this essentially makes that leg “longer” which can cause the spine to curve slightly and result in back and leg pain. Your feet and legs need to be able to support the rest of your body during walking tasks. We will evaluate your leg and foot strength and mobility and focus on improving the muscles that are weak and stretching those that are tight. This in turn will allow you to walk with better form and help to eliminate back pain. If we find that you need some type of modification to your shoes or inserts we will make those recommendations as well. We want to look at everything that can be contributing to your back pain, not just your back. This can be done under the guidance and expertise of our physical therapists at Intecore Physical Therapy.

Avoid Aches & Pains In The Garden This Spring!

Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening. These tips can help prevent injuries: • Warm up before you garden. A 10 minute brisk walk and stretches for the spine and limbs are good ways to warm up. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. • Make use of a garden cart or wheelbarrow to move heavy planting materials or tools.Be sure to keep your back straight while using a wheelbarrow. • If kneeling on both knees causes discomfort in your back, try kneeling on one and keep the other foot on the ground. Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling. • Ifkneelingor leaningdown to thegroundcausessignificantpain inyourbackorknees,considerusingelevated planters to do your gardening. • Avoidbendingyourwristupwardswhenpulling thingsorusinggardening tools.Instead,keepyourwriststraight and use your shoulder muscles to pull and lift. • Endyourgardeningsessionwithsomegentlebackwardbendingofyour lowback,ashortwalkand lightstretching, similar to stretches done before starting.

Author: Andrea Avruskin PT, DPT

Shred Event

On Thursday April, 19th Intecore will be hosting a shred event at our Foot Hills Ranch location all day. We will have a shred truck on location and everyone is welcome to come out with their personal information documents and shred them.

Patient Success Spotlight

“I came to Intecore after back surgery. After 4 years of back issues I was worried about my ability to recover. Under the guidance of the team I am stronger and back to my life & I can run, swim, and surf. I now have the confidence that I will be able to maintain for life.” - Daniel “I am stronger and back to my life!”

If you, or a loved one, has back pain or sciatica, join us in a free informative workshop on common causes, treatments, and prevention of your back pain or sciatica. Call today to reserve your spot. Back Pain & Sciatica Workshops FREE BACK PAINWORKSHOP

Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain. Exercise Essential

Aliso Viejo: Tuesday, April 17th at 1pm Foothill Ranch: Tuesday, April 17th at 1pm Orange: Tuesday, April 17th at 6pm

Good stretch if you sit at a computer all day

San Juan Capistrano: Wednesday, April 18th at 6pm Call (949) 393-5346 to register. Space is limited - Call today to reserve your spot

Helps Lower Back

Lower Trunk Rotations Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side-to-side. Perform this 10-15 times in each direction.

Andrew Vertson, PT, DPT, ATC Physical Therapist