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J. Sabo - December 2019

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J. Sabo June 2019

J. Sabo June 2019 Highland Springs HERALD June 2019 701 Highland Springs Avenue, Suite 12 Beaumont,

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J. Sabo March 2019

ChiChiRescueDog. What Does That Clicking in My Jaw Mean? Click … Click … Click ... You’d expect to h

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J. Sabo July 2019

J. Sabo July 2019 Highland Springs HERALD July 2019 701 Highland Springs Avenue, Suite 12 Beaumont,

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J. Sabo September 2019

11 What Do I Do When My Jaw Is Locked? Make Drinking Water Fun! Take a Break Anger May Be Harming Yo

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J. Sabo August 2019

clicking. This painful condition influences many components of a patient’s well-being, including the

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J. Sabo May 2019

J. Sabo May 2019 Highland Springs HERALD May 2019 701 Highland Springs Avenue, Suite 12 Beaumont, CA

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J. Sabo April 2019

J. Sabo April 2019 Highland Springs HERALD April 2019 701 Highland Springs Avenue, Suite 12 Beaumont

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J. Sabo - October 2019

or procedures can limit the negative impact of incorrect positioning on growth. The dental experts a

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J. Sabo - January 2020

7 to assist passengers, while others host animal visits every few weeks or months. These days, regul

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J. Sabo - December 2019

Highland Springs HERALD

December 2019

701 Highland Springs Avenue, Suite 12 Beaumont, CA 92223 951.769.1616

‘All I Want for Christmas Is a Good Night’s Sleep’ Giving Back

I ’m often reminded of just how powerful a good night’s sleep can be, but it’s always gratifying to hear about it from our patients. I recently saw a mom who came in for her one-week follow- up appointment starting the use of an oral appliance. She explained that her kids have all been late to school every day that week because she has so much energy each morning that they spend their mornings chatting the time away. I was moved as this mom was in tears describing how life-changing getting a good night’s sleep had been for her and her kids. Everyone deserves that feeling. Good sleep should be the norm, and this is true for bed partners who struggle to get a good night’s sleep because of loud “secondhand snoring” side effects, too. Anywhere between 50 million to 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from a sleep condition every night. While this statistic fluctuates annually, I believe it is always much too high. I have devoted a major part of my career to helping those with sleep disorders find relief and healthy sleep. I am passionate about people getting good rest, and I don’t believe this care should be available only to those who can afford it. That’s why I am partnering with the CPAP Assistance Program with In the years since it began, the program has provided more than 5,000 CPAP machines to those who cannot afford the equipment. I am asking my patients with gently used — or virtually unused — CPAP machines to donate their machines to the CPAP Assistance Program through my clinic. Please bring in your old machines, and as a thank-you, we will gift you a $100 credit toward the purchase of an oral appliance for your sleep-disordered breathing treatment.

through a patient’s airway while they sleep, mitigating the effects of a sleep- disordered breathing diagnosis. The equipment is highly effective if a user regularly wears it. However, some patients complain about noise or discomfort, which causes them to regularly avoid using the machine. An oral appliance may be a more comfortable solution. This device fits

like a mouthguard and better positions your bite for proper airflow. Rather than blowing air into the lungs like a CPAP machine, oral appliances position your jaw in the most advantageous position possible to improve patency of the airway. Both treatment options can work wonders for patients, but if you are experiencing discomfort with your CPAP machine, an oral appliance can offer an alternative solution. And we will take your old CPAP machine so someone else can experience a restful night’s sleep!

If you’re interested in helping others and yourself through the assistance program, please call our office. Learn more about guidelines and restrictions at

Thank you for your assistance, and have a wonderful holiday season!

God bless,

–Dr. Jessica Sabo

Help others living with sleep apnea by donating your old CPAP machine! Dr. Sabo’s office is partnering with the CPAP Assistance Program, which donates CPAP equipment to those who are unable to afford it. In return, you will receive a $100 credit toward the cost of an oral appliance for the treatment of your sleep apnea. Your act of kindness could save a life and provide you with a treatment option that fits your lifestyle. Learn more by calling 951.769.1616.

CPAP machines are considered the gold standard for care in sleep apnea treatment. The machine pushes air


Horsing Around

Meet a Different Kind of Therapy Animal

Patients suffering from all manner of ailments blossom when Peyo comes to visit, laughing and smiling while being nudged by his soft nose. He seems to have a keen sense for patients who are truly suffering, and though his handler is always nearby, Peyo often chooses which rooms to enter of his own volition. Having a horse in a hospital room may not sound very sanitary, but Peyo goes through a strict grooming regimen to be deemed hygienic enough to be around patients. His hooves are greased, his mane and tail are braided, and his entire body is rubbed down with antibacterial lotion before being covered by a blanket.

Horses have been loyal and useful companions to humans for centuries. But unbeknownst to many who fear these long-legged, 1,000-plus-pound mammals, horses are also naturally intuitive and extremely sensitive to the moods of people around them. These traits make them excellent therapy animals for those with autism, cerebral palsy, chronic illnesses, and PTSD, among many more. In fact, there are dedicated horse-riding camps geared toward chronically ill children and adults all over the world. However, riding horses isn’t the only way to benefit from equine therapy; horses are also fantastic comfort animals that can relieve anxiety and promote a positive environment for bedridden patients — as long as the doorway is big enough. Meet Peyo, the 14-year-old “love stallion” from Dijon, France, who is cheering up chronically ill patients one nuzzle at a time. This accomplished artistic dressage competitor accompanies his owner, Hassen Bouchakour, on visits to hospitals and nursing homes, bringing joy with every clop of his hooves.

Before Peyo became a therapy horse, he was almost put up for sale by Bouchakour, who had a hard time wrangling Peyo’s fiery personality. But, over time, when they traveled to shows and competitions together, Bouchakour noticed the horse was drawn to the injured and disabled and would instantly calm at their touch. “It is one of the most pure, honest, and sweet things,” Bouchakour says. “They like each other very much without asking for anything else.”

Conservative Treatment Options for Whitening and Improving Your Smile Say Cheese!

As you prepare for holiday photos and parties, you may be nervous about your smile dampening your style. If you shuddered reading that statement, you’re not alone. Many people are uncomfortable with their teeth because of wear and discoloration. If you’re hiding behind discolored teeth, you should know there are options, and we can offer you so much more than just a set of pearly whites.

prevent it from occurring in the future. We don’t want to just treat the symptoms and make your teeth whiter. We want to give you a healthy, working smile that you love to show off. Most of us are born with strong enamel covering our teeth. This enamel protects the internal dentin and nerve. Dr. Sabo prefers to approach aesthetic changes in the smile in a conservative manner, saving as much enamel as possible without compromising our desired outcome. With discoloration of the front teeth, we typically start with the least- invasive treatment option. For example, microabrasion is a minimally invasive treatment that gently prepares the area for restorative resins to remineralize or mask areas of damage. Sometimes, the desire for change is dramatic enough that a more involved procedure is needed to achieve the effect. Veneers are a great example of how we may create a more significant change to your smile. Dr. Sabo and her team love to discuss the potential in every smile, touching on the risks and benefits of all treatment options so you may make the best decision for you. We want to make sure you have lifelong confidence in your smile, and our goal will always be to marry beauty and function to protect the look and integrity of your smile. Don’t hide behind your hand or mustache any longer. You can laugh bigger and smile brighter with a makeover treatment plan designed by you for you. Learn more about how Dr. Sabo and her team can help you by calling 951.769.1616 to set up a consultation.

At Dr. Sabo’s office, our first concern is functionality. What’s most important is ensuring your upper and

bottom teeth work together for optimal functionality. Our team will determine what caused the discoloration and how can we


‘The End of Alzheimer’s’ By Dale Bredesen

Ah, winter break! Your kids are enjoying a few days away from school, and you’re busy making last-minute preparations for holiday parties and trips. As the holidays wear on and your kids become a little more restless, you may find you’re in need of just a little more “me time.”

Memory loss conditions are devastating, but Dr. Dale Bredesen’s work offers patients, their families, and future generations hope. Dr. Bredesen dives into the inner workings of the disease to uncover options for preventing and reversing the effects Alzheimer’s has on patients and potential patients.

Relax and unwind this holiday season with some of Dr. Sabo’s favorite books!

‘Untangled’ by Lisa Damour

‘GOPex: Good Oral Posture Exercises’ by Dr. Sandra Kahn and Dr. Simon Wong

As a woman and the mom of a daughter, Dr. Sabo knows how complicated life can be for teenage girls. Lisa Damour offers parents an in-depth guide to raising teenage daughters, offering seven tips for understanding this transition and raising a strong girl through her teens.

Dr. Sandra Kahn and Dr. Simon Wong have compiled techniques for improving oral health. This book includes oral health exercises that strengthen the integrity of the mouth and encourage your little one’s face and jaw to grow properly.

Brain Break!

‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear

‘ Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker

As you prepare to head off into the new year, set yourself up for success with a little help from author James Clear. You will learn about the science of breaking habits and creating healthier, longer-lasting ones. With stories from celebrities, athletes, and highly successful people, you will feel motivated to make habitual changes you can stick to. If you pick up any of these five books, we’d love to hear from you! Let Dr. Sabo know if you have a book you think she would enjoy, too.

Ever wonder why we lay in a comatose state for 6–8 hours every night? Matthew Walker breaks it all down in this innovative guide. Learn more about how sleep can impact your mood, productivity, and learning ability. In addition, Walker explains the long-term effects of sleep, such as preventing Alzheimer’s and increasing longevity.

Relax This Winter With 5 of Dr. Sabo’s Book Recommendations


When the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, 2020, the dental benefits you have been paying for all year will disappear. Use up your benefits before you lose them this year. Call Dr. Sabo’s office at 951.769.1616 to schedule your last appointment of 2019. See you soon! Your Dental Benefits Are About to Expire!

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701 Highland Springs Avenue Suite 12 Beaumont, CA 92223

Inside This Issue Give the Gift of Sleep to Someone in Need This Holiday Season

Peyo the Therapy Horse Feel Better About the Look and Function of Your Teeth

Dr. Sabo’s Book Recommendations Take a Break

Boost Your Mental Health This Season

Feeling SAD? Ways to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that people experience every fall and winter. If you find yourself feeling blue as the days become shorter and darker, know there are things you can do to boost your mood until spring returns. INCREASE YOUR ACTIVITY Keeping your body active can increase your energy levels, help you sleep, reduce anxiety, and boost your self-esteem. Summit Medical Group states that a person who exercises for 30–60 minutes a day can manage or avoid SAD easier

than a person who does not exercise regularly. When you participate in physical activity, your body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which have a morphine-like effect on your brain. If exercising outdoors is not ideal, consider swimming, walking, or dancing instead. GET SOME SUN Exposure to sunlight is also significantly beneficial for people suffering from SAD. Sunlight helps your body produce adequate amounts of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. Getting just a few minutes of sunlight a day through a walk or short jog can make all the difference. If you live in an area where the winters are bleak, cloudy, and dark, sunlight can be harder to come by. But technology has you covered: You can purchase “sun lamps,” which simulate sunlight without the damaging UV rays. Just set up a sun lamp in your workspace or living area and feel your mood lift. MAINTAIN YOUR ROUTINE Often, it can be difficult to stick with your daily routine during the cooler months. It may be harder to wake up on time in the morning to work out, or it may be too cold outside to go on your daily run. Luckily, you can find small ways to mitigate this. For example, invest in a sunrise alarm clock, which gently wakes you up with a simulated sunrise, or shop for high- quality thermal workout gear.

If you continue to suffer from SAD and feel there’s no end in sight, it’s important to seek help from professionals. They can determine the best treatment options available for you.