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January 2022 Oracle

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Oracle January 2021

Oracle January 2021 IN THIS ISSUE 3 Board of Directors General Manager 4 Architecture & Aesthetics F

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Oracle JANUARY 2018

60s Music and Food 5-8 PM! All ORPS residents welcome. More details coming soon. February 25, 2018 –

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ORACLE January 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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ORACLE January 2019 for Printing

Capital resources that are steadier going forward or our present financial picture will reverse itse

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April 2022 Oracle

Security 260 BBQ ISLANDS 909 735 5009 COUNTRY CLUB CARPET CLEANING 760 774 2889 DAVIES AUTO CARE 760

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March 2022 Oracle

Security 260 DAVIES AUTO CARE 760 397 6082 DESERT STAINLESS STEEL RESTORATION 760 702 2095 La Palma

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February 2022 Oracle

Lifestyle Director. Her enthusiasm for her job is very evident. Interacting with residents, managing

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Feb 2017 Oracle


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November.December 2016 Oracle


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Oracle 4 2017

Oracle 4 2017 ORACLE APR I L 2 1 7 In this issue: Outdoor Resort Palm Springs - the Number

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January 2022 Oracle



It’s a Lifestyle!”

Outdoor Resort Palm Springs - the Number One RV Resort in the USA

Board of Directors General Manager

2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9

Architecture & Aesthetics


Fmca Golf

Tap Dancing

Ladies ’ Bible Study






10 11 11 12 12 13 14

Health & Fitness


Safety & Security


At Your Service

Support Our Vendors

The McMahon Group is now ready to present that plan to the entire Association Membership. I hope every Owner attends, either in person (depending on Covid rules in place) or tune in via Zoom, to listen to the presentation. I ask you all to give the ideas/concepts presented, the attention which I believe is incredibly important in determining the future course of direction for the Resort; one where we stand pat and continue to age; or one where we invest and re - invest in the Resort ’ s future. It will be up to everyone of you to evaluate the ideas and concepts presented. As it is your Resort, it will be up to you to decide what is important to you. There are some interesting stats to keep in mind. In the last five years, Ownership of almost 60% of lots has changed hands. Over the same five years, more than 1,600 lot improvement applications have been reviewed. While we don ’ t track the $$ value of those lot improvements, it is safe to say Owners have invested at least $2,000,000 in improvements. That is very significant to us. It tells us that Owners don ’ t just want to be a part of the ORPS community, but that you ’ re confident in investing in ORPS as a Premier RV Resort, and your future in ORPS. Lot property values at ORPS primarily comprise of two components, your lot and its improvements certainly, but also the overall value provided by the Resort, it ’ s facilities, amenities and condition. The Facility Improvement Plan to be presented, and your choices will, we believe, go a long way toward determining the future of ORPS as a Premier RV Resort property, and improving the overall value the Resort provided every Owner, as we head toward the half - century anniversary of the community.

Well, another year has come and gone. And all I think any of us can say is 2021 was a challenging year and we thought 2020 was tough! But onward and upward. October through December, has been one of the busiest season beginnings we can remember. Many new Owners wanting to enjoy their lots, unprecedented level of rental lot occupancy and, for many Owners, the opportunity to get back to the Resort after remaining home for all of last season. The last three months – Welcome, and Welcome Back, to all. In late January, a presentation of a Facility Improvement Plan, part of an overall Strategic Plan, will be made. This presentation will be the culmination of a process that started two and a half years ago at a combined meeting of the then Board of Directors and the chairs of the various committees. At that meeting the participants all agreed that the Resort needed to develop a long - term Strategic Plan. To that end, the Board of Directors engaged The McMahon Group – Private Club Planners & Consultants ( ) in November, 2019 to assist the Board and the Resort in the development of a strategic plan. In March 2020, all Owners were asked to complete an Owners Opinion Survey. For those interested, both the summary and full report results are posted on The Official Website of Outdoor Resort Palm Springs - Documents - Strategic Planning Survey . Under Strategic Issues in the report, one statement stood out: “ It is important for the Resort to enhance and maintain its facilities in order to attract new Owners and maintain property values. ” 87% of the 891 respondents responded yes to that statement. In December, 2020 the Board of Directors formed an ad hoc committee of ten Owners, to meet with the McMahon Group to formulate ideas on ways to improve our two clubhouses, La Palma and El Saguaro, both built in the 1980’ s when the Resort opened. At its June 2021 meeting, the Board of Directors voted unanimously (Director Allen absent) to authorize The McMahon Group to develop and prepare a presentation on the Facility Improvement Plan for Owners ’ consideration, from the ideas developed by the Aad hoc committee.

Don Renoe Board President




entertainment events had an immediate impact as we try sorting out how to best to meet resident ’ s needs and desires. He even displayed his versatility as he knows how to tap a keg! What I don ’ t have, he does and vice - versa . . . for what more could you ask? The partnership is now launched and nothing would please me more than developing the 3 rd GM of my career. Sean shows great promise to be one of the better ones. His role as Operations Manager will include over- seeing the general physical plant, including the Maintenance Department, as well as the Security department, Lifestyle department, Resort Services and Communications, as it pertains to day - to - day flow. Besides having overall responsibility for Member satisfaction and Board Policy governance, I will concentrate on managing contractual services, such as the Concessionaires & Landscaping, as well as overseeing infrastructure upgrades along with the Accounting, including budgeting and reserves, and Compliance Departments. I ’ ve already had some Members wish me good luck in retirement! No, not yet! I ’ ll be around for several years as Sean learns the ropes and then the transfer will occur. Frankly, I like to think you will greatly benefit having the two of us using our combined efforts, along with the current team members who are committed to giving you the best there is. Leadership Needed While the leadership team is now settled from a managerial point, the Board will also have some openings in March as the terms of President Renoe and Director Leahy expire. While they may consider throwing their hats in the ring for another three years, it also gives the opportunity for other Owners who may want to rise to the challenge. I like to think of a Board position as a Responsibility rather than a Job, and urge Policy Governance, where the Board decides Policy and on occasion Procedure, but allows management to implement day - to - day Operations. Are you interested in that? If so, a Candidate Declaration form is available by emailing Jennifer Miranda, Executive Assistant, at [email protected]. The deadline is January 14, and if you ’ re elected, the Responsibilities would begin on March 21 . . . and continue for three years. Let ’ s all Cross our Fingers that 2022 will allow us to emerge healthy and happy from the long shadow of the pandemic. Best wishes to you over the next 12 months!

The Arrival of the Future? As announced by President Renoe and Vice - President Boudin early in December, an Operations Manager has been hired to assist with day - to - day operations of the Resort. But it is more than just a “ new ” position. When I had the good fortune of becoming the full - time General Manager in April of 2020, the Board immediately inquired as to my intent on length of service. As retirement was looming, I offered a time - frame of no longer than 5 years. With that understanding, we launched a partnership with the agreement that a succession plan would be put in place, as the Board didn ’ t want to go through a departure with limited time to find a replacement, as had happened in early 2020. The Facility Manager's departure this past summer provided the opportunity, albeit a little earlier than anticipated, to launch the succession concept and make the decision to search for a candidate to fill the position of Operations Manager, and to ultimately become the General Manager. As indicated in the Board announcement of an Operations Manager, learning the ropes of a seasonal, RV Resort is unique and takes time to learn all of the nuances. Being here almost two years, I still find that I ’ m adapting my HOA and Hospitality skillset on a regular basis. Covid has masked some of the challenges as well. The Board gave some guidelines in what they wanted for qualified candidates and tasked me with a search for someone with those needs and then to train that person in the “ ORPS Way. ” The Board acted quickly when an ideal candidate surfaced just as quickly. Come to find out, he was only 10 miles or so down the freeway! Sean Archer comes to the Resort with a unique

background. Not only does he fulfill the hotelier - type/hospitality/ food & beverage niche which the Board was looking for, he has also served, for a short time, as the GM of an RV resort, but

certainly not with the breadth of necessity as ORPS presents. The HOA side of it, regarding legal issues, including certifications and process, will come to him over time. Sean has hit the road running, for which I ’ m grateful. Most satisfying is that our philosophies of “ Member Service ” are very similar. His contacts regarding food opportunities, particularly during our

Ed Vitrano General Manager




Please have patience. By mid December the Committee had already received 163 permit applications. Please have patience with the Committee as they are all volunteers and spend numerous hours every week undertaking consultations, performing site visits, reviewing permit applications, and finalizing prior completed permits. I would also note, that if you are doing any work that requires a Cathedral City Permit, patience will be needed there as well. The City is taking longer than usual to approve their permits, so consequently lot remodels, and other improvements are going to take longer to complete. If in doubt, ask. We all live in this HOA we know and love called ORPS. And with every HOA there are rules for what you can and cannot do on your property. If you are considering making any modifications to your Lot and are uncertain as to whether they require a permit application, please request a consultation with the A & A Committee. Consultation requests can be made through Julia Miramontes, our Compliance Officer, at [email protected] or by calling (760) 328 - 3834, and selecting 3. Lights, Lights, Lights. Driving around the resort at night you will see a growing number of lots with lights wrapped all the way up to the top of the Washingtonian palm at the front of the lot. Currently there are no rules regarding these lights. If you want it to stay that way, please be respectful of your neighbors and keep the lights unobtrusive - not too bright and stay away from flashing or blinking lights, or alternating colors. Permits Required. I will continue to remind owners that Permits are required for all Lot improvements and repairs including, without limitation, the construction, installation, alteration, removal, or remodeling of any walls, privacy screens, fences, landscaping, golf ball screens/netting, antennas, utility lines structures, installations, and improvements of any kind. For repairs to lot lights, fifth wheel enclosures and stairs, and for the removal of landscaping materials and hedges, a No Fee Permit will be issued. For all other improvements, you must submit a Permit Application and pay a $25 fee. NO WORK CAN START PRIOR TO A & A COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF YOUR PERMIT APPLICATION . If unpermitted work is done, Owners could be subject to fines and possibly removal of this unpermitted work. Approved Permits must be posted on your Washingtonian palm tree at the front of your Lot until the work has received a final inspection. Odds and Ends ... All Lots and RVs for sale within the Resort must undergo an inspection prior to sale...if you change your contractor/vendor while work is being done on your lot a change order with the new contractor/vendor is required...During your project, if irrigation lines need to be removed or moved please contact Vintage to have this work done. And if you want to stain or paint your patio, an approved permit is required prior to doing the work.

The Ukulele Crew of ORPS spread holiday cheer to the audience at the ES pool deck with their Christmas perfor- mance. The Crew meets on Saturdays in the East Room in LP, beginners at 1 -- 2PM and all players 2 - 3:30PM and Wednesdays in the East Room, 2 - 3PM.

For additional information, contact Marilyn Sabens, Lot 363 [email protected] - 909 - 754 - 7492

Volunteers Needed. If you have time on your hands and are interested in helping Owners improve their Lots and maintain the beauty and architectural standards in the Resort, please consider joining us as a Committee member. Suggestions Welcome. The A&A Committee welcomes suggestions and ideas from you, the Owners. Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your continuing efforts to keep our Resort the beautiful place we all love. Happy New Year. On behalf of all the members of the A & A Committee, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year. May you all have a year filled with love, good health, adventures, and happiness. Kathy McCune A&A Chair




DECEMBER 2021 PICKLE - BALL/FMCA CHRISTMAS UGLY SWEATER DANCE Besides yummy dinner and dancing, we raised over $2000 for “ Santas for a Senior ” program in conjunction with Jessica Lamb, Cathedral City Police Department and co - founder Santa ’ s for Seniors sponsored with ORPS Pickleball and our local chapter of FMCA. We are so grateful for everyone who contributed goods at Suzanne and Rich ’ s drop off tub, bought raffle chances at the dance and all those who volunteered to make the evening so successful. We volunteered our time to shop at local stores, bag individual gift bags and make the meals to distribute to our local Cathedral City Seniors.

Life is Better With Friends, Especially our ORPS FMCA Friends

Welcome new members : Sherri Crouch

Lot 214 Lot 888 Lot 555 Lot 663 Lot 302

Sandy Allen

Kris & Susan Olsen

Robert & Marilyn Riley

Cindy Stoneback

January 2022 •

9: Opening Day Polo Season Empire Polo Club, 81800 51st Ave, Indio Contact Jeff Buchman • 12: 16th FMCA Western Area Rally , Indio, CA • 19: 4:30 – 7PM Chapter Potluck Dinner. El Saguaro Card Room February 2022 • 9 : 4:30PM – 7PM Wine & Food Pairing Dinner El Saguaro Ballroom and this is a very special event and limited tickets will be available for sale. • 12th Tour de Palm Springs benefit ride & walk March 2022 • 2 - 3:On - Site Rally • 2: Golf Tournament Tee - off times TBD ORPS Golf Course • 3: RV Life Seminar - El Saguaro Card Room • 3 : Pickleball Tournament ORPS Pickleball Courts • 3 : Rally Dinner , Cocktails and Business Meeting • 18 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - LP • 23 - 26 FMCA 104 th International Convention & RV Expo —Pima City Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ Who are we? We are 72 families strong and growing. • President - Sue Strauss - 518 - 368 - 8084 Lot 632 • Past President - Jeff Buchman - 202 - 577 - 6478 Lot 835 • Vice President - Kristen Damazio - 425 - 770 - 3864 • Secretary - Ken Hearn - 610 - 573 - 3747 Lot 835 [email protected] • Treasurer - Vicki Hilmer - 253 - 312 - 0193 Lot 1082 • FMCA National Director - Doug Hibl 209 - 480 - 8971 Lot 99 Please direct comments or questions to: Sue Strauss Lot 632 [email protected] You will find local membership applications in both Clubhouses in our wall displays. Membership in the National FMCA is required for membership in our local chapter FMCA ORPS. Please sign up first at to get your national FMCA ID number. (Local $25 dues & $10 badge for each person).

Santas for Seniors shopping frenzy Officer Jessica Lamb Jeff Buchman Suzanne Strauss Rich Strauss Glenda Hengesh Barbara VanDyke






Eva Norcross Dennis Pelletier Jamie Erickson Teresa McHugh Roman Orenchuk Gina Sanstrum

#18 # 8 #12 #11 # 3 #13 # 5 #13 #10 #10 #15

11.20.21 11.21.21 11.21.21 11.24.21 11.24.21 11.26.21 11.28.21 11.29.21 11.30.21 12.07.21 12.10.21 12.10.21 12.11.21

Netty Vogels

Ann Pfaff

John Mullins Lynda Lahmen

Wes Michaluchuk

Tammy O ’ Shaughnessy #10

Ann Pfaff


For more information on golf ’ s new Rules, please visit or

Remington Post , PGA Director of Golf (760)328 - 3834 ext. 280 [email protected]




Tap at Two on Tuesday It ’ s time to put on your tap shoes and join the Beginner dance class on Tuesdays in ES 2 - 3PM. Dancers will learn short routines. No class fee. For more information contact: Marilyn Sabens: [email protected] Deanna Joe: [email protected]

Starter Shack Hours of Operation 8AM— 4 PM DAILY Early opening on Tuesday & Thursday 7:30AM


For those of you who enjoy sewing, we would like to invite you to join us in the West Room Monday – Sunday, from 8AM to 5PM.

This group allows us the room and time to work on individual projects, as well as group projects. The group projects, such as the charity raffle quilts helps the club raise money and give resources to the Cathedral City Fire Department First Responders and to domestic violence victims at Shelter From The Storm. This year we have three charity quilts. We are completing the finishing touches now on each of the quilts. They will be on display in the West Room. Raffle tickets can be purchased from anyone in the group during sewing times in the West Room or at any of our pop - up locations during ORPS events. The cost of the tickets are one(1) ticket for $5 or five(5) tickets for $20. The drawing for two of the quilts will be held at the March Ladies ’ Luncheon. Winner need not be present. During our upcoming Quilt Show we will hold a silent auction for the third charity quilt. Some dates to remember … • ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club Quilt Show February 12 • Ladies ’ Luncheon - March 9 Sponsored by the ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club This club is open to everyone. Please drop in and see us or email us for more information at [email protected] . You can join our Facebook page by searching for: ORPS quilters & sewing club. Laura Moore, Lot 646 ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club Reporter

ORPS Ladies ’ Bible Study will join together once again! WEDNESDAYS January 12 – March 9 East Room 9 to 11AM We will be studying 2 Corinthians All Things New by Kelly Minter. Purchase the work study book: LifeWay , available on Amazon (free shipping with Prime). We hope you will join us. You will meet warm, Jesus ’ loving women. It will be the most rewarding part of your day! Donnice Koch




Committee Corner In this Committee Corner, We are featuring Julia Buckland . Julia is new to the committee this year and has taken over the Horse Race responsibilities. Hometown :

Things are pretty quiet here in the resort from early December through New Year ’ s with many heading home to spend time with family and friends. There was no Horse Race or mixer held in December. Things will kick into high gear in January with both Mens ’ and Womens ’ Top Gun, as well as internal Mixed league and Mixed ladders starting early in the month.

Since being raised in a military family, I have lived all over the US, including Hawaii. My husband Eric and I recently sold our long - term home in Bend, Oregon. We then purchased a new summer home in Prescott, Arizona. Occupation : I retired from a 30 year career in real estate just before COVID hit, which turned out to be really good timing.

January Events

• Horse Race - Saturday - January 8 • The monthly Tennis Committee Meeting will be held during the Horse Race with the Town Hall following. • Mixer - Saturday January 22 Thank you to Chris Garber and Mike & Sue Sullivan for their generous donations. . Tennis ball recycling will begin shortly at ORPS!! Stay tuned for more information on this new program in the coming weeks.

Other Hobbies : Hiking, biking, swimming, cooking, eating good food and drinking good wine. What advice would you give to someone new to ORPS Tennis : If you are new to ORPS and have an interest in tennis, you will be welcome here! Get involved, sign up for the morning draw, participate in the fun tennis events that we hold monthly. The Resort truly feels like home to me and the community, in general, has made retirement more fun than I could ever imagine.

Dawn Williams Tennis Communication

Quick Tennis Facts The Royal Tennis Court, located at Hampton Court Palace in London is the world's oldest tennis court and it is still in use. Built between 1526 and 1529, it was Henry VIII's preferred venue to indulge his love of tennis. Legend has it that he was given the news of Queen Anne Boleyn's execution while he was playing tennis on this court. The game played on this court is slightly different from modern tennis, however - the sport is called “ real tennis ” and is played indoors.




Happy Times Are Here Again!!! The Planning Committee is now meeting once a month, the first Thursday of every month at 10:30AM. Meetings are being held in the Boardroom. Community members are welcome to attend. Meetings will continue to be held via zoom. At the Committee ’ s last meeting, lighting at night around pools at both clubhouses was discussed. Committee members took some night walks around both pools to see what things looked like. It was determined that the walkways at the south end of the pool area, closest to the Pickleball courts, leading out to the parking areas were dimly lit. General Manager said this will be taken care of. Shade at both pool areas was discussed. The Resort has more umbrellas. Tables are on order and are being held up due to the supply backlog. A few more tables will be added to the order. There will be 10 tables at LP and 9 tables at ES. At LP pool area, one dying plant was identified; it will be replaced. Landscaping can be very subjective. Committee members will do a walkabout before the next meeting and discuss. Other items of discussion were: Dartboards in the pool room. This item will be passed onto the Activities Committee. Kegerator . More research is needed. Lights and/or cameras for security placed where the old gate was, after it is moved to its new place when the Dog Park is completed. An Owner requested the Committee to look at pathways branching off Hibiscus Drive into living areas (the closest ones to LP). Committee members will make some night visits.

I'VE BEEN RICH....I'VE BEEN POOR We probably all have said or thought this with the same response, "I like rich better." The real question is "are we content with what we have now." Webster defines "content" as being able to limit the desire of. To control oneself in requirements, desires and actions. I like this one; fueling or manifesting satisfaction with ones possessions; status; or situation. The Apostle Paul said in Philippians, chapter 4, the following "I know how to get along with humble means; and also how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I am in to be content. I know how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in prosperity. I have learned the secret of being filled or going hungry, of having abundance or suffering need. ORPS Chapel and friends, thanks to the leadership of Carolyn Hyde and Maryellen Muir, spearheaded raising funds to give the Salvation Army giving out Thanksgiving turkeys. Over $2,800 was given by ORPS to aid folk who had real need. Thanks to so many, the Army was able to provide "hope" for food. Remember those in need. We live in a consuming culture that seduces us into wanting something we don't have. True contentment comes from living humbly and loving and caring for others. As we enter the New Year, let ’ s be humble folk who are satisfied with what we have, being generous to those among us with need. Here is a challenge from Scripture for the New Year. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6. Whether abounding or abased we are blessed people living at ORPS, being loved, and living among friends. Courtesy is contagious, "Lets start an epidemic." Happy New Year .We would love to greet you at chapel with many friends

Michael Curley Planning Committee Chair

you already know. January speakers: 2 Chaplain Gwinn 9 Ron Cline 16 John Guest 23 John Guest 30 The Samoans Jim Gwinn Chaplain 847 - 445 - 0077

Drone shot by Jeff Buchman




UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER TOURNAMENT On December 3, 2021, pickleball Christmas spirit was evident in all the “ ugly ” Christmas sweaters and shirts worn by enthusiastic tournament mixed - doubles participants and spectators! Congratulations to the following category winners! 2.5 (1) Peiteke Pelsma / Norm Friesen (2) Sue Pavelka / Pat McDonald (3) Roiann Ahrberg / Scott Hicks 3.0 (1) Ardis McNeal / Sam McNeal (2) Ava Felt / Mark Hansen (3) Fran Swanson / Dan Omelia 3.5 (1) Chris Minor / David Chu (2) Chavalla Lopez - Bassham / Mike Pavelka (3) Jill Whitney / Richard Block 4.0 (1) Kristy Rostawicki Victorero / Chad Thompson (2) Cheri Boudin / John Boudin (3) Susan Amondson / Neil Amondson Thanks to Kathy Oedekerk for her wonderful organizational skills and to Keith Bassham and Gary Oedekerk for assisting her!

PLEASE REMEMBER TO BE KIND There have been occasions of disrespect toward the volunteers manning the sign - up board during busy hours of play. Please try not to be demanding and impatient when groups and courts are being assigned – these volunteers are generously donating their time to ensure everything runs fairly and smoothly. WOMENS ’ ROUND ROBIN Due to the popularity of this event, another afternoon of play has been added. Womens ’ round robin will now be offered both Mondays and Saturdays from 1 - 3PM. Come on out and have some fun, recreational play!

SHOOTOUTS The competitive play shootouts occur every Wednesday morning. Remember you must have a paid subscription to TrackItHub to receive an invitation to play. If you are having difficulties, please contact either Fran Biddle at [email protected] or Kim Smith for assistance.


No partner is required. Registration will take place January 10 and 11 between 8 - 9AM. The awesome ORPS Ukulele Group will be playing for us after the luncheon!

Submitted by Lynn Barry, Pickleball Public Relations

Th e tournament was followed by an evening pasta meal and dance! A wonderful day connecting with friends.




Just for fun, I came up with my own personal top 10 list of healthy behaviors (beyond the four basics) that contribute to wellness and satisfaction with one's lifestyle: • Brush and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of disease. • Get a good night's rest . Well - rested people not only cope better with stress, but may also have better control of their appetites. Research has shown that a lack of sleep can put our "hunger hormones" out of balance -- and possibly trigger overeating. • Enjoy regular family or friend meals together. This style can help promote more nutritious eating, and sets the stage for lively conversations. Being connected to family and/or friends is a powerful aspect of a healthy life. • Smile and laugh out loud several times a day . It keeps you grounded, and helps you cope with situations that would otherwise make you crazy. Read the comics, watch a sitcom, or tell jokes to bring out those happy feelings. • Meditate, pray, or otherwise find solace for at least 10 - 20 minutes each day. Contemplation is good for your soul, helps you cope with the demands of daily life, and may even help lower your blood pressure. • Get a pedometer and let it motivate you to walk, walk, walk . Forget about how many minutes of activity you need; just do everything you can to fit more steps into your day. No matter how you get it, physical activity can help defuse stress, burn calories, and boost self - esteem. • Stand up straight . You'll look 5 pounds lighter if you stand tall and tighten your abdominal muscles. Whenever you walk, think "tall and tight" to get the most out of the movement. • Try yoga and or stretching . The poses help increase strength and flexibility and improve balance. These are critical areas for older folks especially, and both men and women can benefit. • Power up the protein . This nutrient is an essential part of your eating plan, and can make up anywhere from 10% - 35% of your total calories. Protein lasts a long time in your belly; combine it with high - fiber foods and you'll feel full on fewer calories. Enjoy small portions of nuts, low - fat dairy, beans, lean meat, poultry, or fish. Last but not least, have a positive attitude . Do your best to look at life as if "the glass is half full." You must believe in yourself, have good support systems, and think positively ("I think I can, I think I can …") to succeed. It's All about You Your list of healthy lifestyle behaviors may be different from mine. The most important thing to remember is that you can make a difference in your health and well - being. Take charge of your life, and be mindful of small behavior changes that can make your lifestyle a healthier one.

BRICK SALES. Fundraiser for health and Fitness . Leave your legacy here at ORPS by purchasing a personalized brick with your family name or a loved one that has passed . Speak to anyone on the health and Fitness committee to personalize your brick located in front of the gym. Chavalla Lopez - Bassham Health & Fitness Chair




Do YOU know where the AEDs Are?

Main Office (Just inside entrance door) Gatehouse (Inside) La Palma Clubhouse (Southeast corner of ballroom near fireplace) La Palma Clubhouse (Northeast corner of pool area near hot tub) El Saguaro Clubhouse (East side of pool area on wall below pergola) El Saguaro Clubhouse (Inside between washrooms on west wing by pool exit) Golf Shack (On east side wall) Golf Marshall Cart (On board when in service) Satellite A,B,C,E (Outside door of men ’ s change room) Satellite D,F (Outside door of women ’ s change room) AEDs - automated external

defibrillators, are portable battery operated devices that check the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart, if it determines it is appropriate.

In an interview with John Muhr, Fire Chief of our own Cathedral City Fire Department, he shared valuable insights: *The human brain can experience irreversible brain damage when it is deprived of oxygen longer than just a few minutes. *So, it is critical for bystanders to initiate and continue oxygen delivery. They need you to “ KEEP THE PUMP MOVING ”. *90 % of the time the Cathedral City Fire Department arrives within 6 minutes, so they will be there to take command in short order, but those first 5 - 6 minutes are crucial. *So, first call or have someone call 911 to initiate their response. *Commence CPR - do not hesitate (even if you do compressions only). *Initiate AED use - it is a highly intuitive device, just follow the instructions it provides. *Virtually all their Firefighters are trained paramedics, and they will assume command on arrival. *The Cathedral City Fire Department is training up and moving to a dispatch model to provide you, the bystander, with pre arrival guidance, so together ” THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME ” can be achieved. REMEMBER - the goal is to keep the pump moving by early delivery of CPR and AED. Help our First Responders Help Us! Thank you to John Muhr , Fire Chief Robert Williams , Battalion Chief Dan Hannah, Safety & Security Chair













69411 Ramon Road Cathedral City, California 92234


760 - 328 - 3834

ALL PRO 951 906 5200

Admin Office

Ext. 244 242

BBQ ISLANDS 909 735 5009


Accounting Front Desk


301/302 Maintenance Dispatch 293 Community Standards 246 Gate/Security 260

DAVIES AUTO CARE 760 397 6082


La Palma Clubhouse Board Office

250 252 254 255 256 270 271 272 277

GTZ MOBILE CAR WASH 760 397 6082


A1 Store Mailroom


Bella Roma


El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle Director

JORGE ’ S LANDSCAPE 760 443 3672

Lifestyle Assistant


MIA ’ S DESIGNS 760 288 1830

Lifestyle Admin Asst.

Golf Shack

SHADEMAKER INC 951 654 0841



Beauty Salon

760 - 328 - 0007