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Joe Adams - Spring 2019

2–3 hours. 3. Let meat rest for 15 minutes. If desired, serve alongside grilled veggies. (336) 342-0

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Joe Adams - Fall 2020

Joe Adams - Fall 2020 Fall 2020 1109 S. Park Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320 www.caringmoderndentistry.c

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Joe Adams January 2019

Joe Adams January 2019 3 Wives’ Tales Proven True MOM REALLY DOES KNOW BEST of raw garlic lessens th

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Joe Adams December 2018

Joe Adams December 2018 December 2018 1109 S. Park Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320 (3

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Joe Adams February 2019

Joe Adams February 2019 February 2019 1109 S. Park Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320 (3

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Joe Adams D.D.S - March 2019

2 lemon • 1 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil • Salt and pepper, to taste • 12 ounces asparagus • 1 tab

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Spring 2020

och.htm Citygarden Keep heading a few blocks west to the Citygarden, a 2.9 acregreenspace filledwith

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Adams: Tendinits & Sports

19 1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. Has Your Pain ComeBack? 2. Your thera

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2020 Spring Compliance Seminar

or your employer has not designated you as a Member Employee authorized to receive Confidential Info

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Timbuk2 Spring 2020


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Joe Adams - Spring 2020

Spring 2020

1109 S. Park Drive, Reidsville, NC 27320

(336) 342-0889




As you can imagine, it’s been an interesting few months at the Caring Modern Dentistry office. It’s been interesting for everyone — and like everyone else, we’ve gone through a few temporary changes as our community works together to slow the progress of Covid-19. Right now, in the interest in public safely and stay-at- home orders issued by the state government, our office is temporarily closed for most appointments. We are, however, available for emergency treatment. If you have a dental emergency, do not hesitate to give us a call. We will get you in and taken care of! Unfortunately, we don’t yet know when we will be able to safely open our doors for regular appointments. But you can be sure, we’ll let everyone know the moment we do. Safety is our No. 1 priority — but so is keeping you informed. Stay tuned! This updates aside, there is other good news we’ve been excited to share with you. Because of the wonderful work our staff does, we’ve started a Rockstar of the Month program, where our team votes on acknowledging who has gone above and beyond in their role. This is important to us because our core values focus on creating a family atmosphere and making sure our team is happy at work. After all, that’s how we keep our patients happy. The Rockstar of the Month is the person who best exemplifies those values. Once we’re back up and running, you can be sure this program will be kicking into high gear. To further freshen up our team spirit, we purchased brand- new uniforms! All the staff members match and complement one another now, so not only are we looking even more unified, but a change of color and design makes us feel a little refreshed and sporty too. It’s been a great way to bring new vibrance into our office. It’s another thing we can’t wait to share with patients as we return to business as usual.

Even though Dr. Adams isn’t one to toot his own horn, we want to let our patients know that he had a great close to 2019. As of December, he was close to completing 1,000 hours of continuing education credits. He’ll soon have a mastership of academy in general dentistry, which is a distinction that less than 2% of general dentists qualify for. His dedication to the work he does astounds us, so we want to tell him thank you and congratulations! From all of us here at Caring Modern Dentistry, we want to send a big thank you to our patients for being so wonderful. We’re excited to continue providing you the best dental services possible and to do our part in keeping you healthy. If you have questions about anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Stay safe and we’ll see you soon!


Providing quality dental care for you and your family

(336) 342-0889 • 1


The Best Eco-Friendly and Kid-Friendly Activities for Earth Day

PLANT A GARDEN. Gardening is one of the most rewarding ways to spend time outdoors. Your kids can learn about caring for another living thing and grow their own vegetables and fruits! A great way to start is to find out what’s in season in your area. If you don’t have an outdoor garden, you can pick out some indoor plants or create a hanging garden with recycled bottles! BUILD A COMPOST SYSTEM. If you have a garden, the next best thing you can do is start composting at home! Did you know that you can compost your cardboard products? Instead of waiting for the recycling truck every other week, you can use your spare green and brown waste to create incredibly nutritious soil for your garden! Green waste includes vegetable and fruit scraps, eggshells, nutshells, coffee grounds, etc. Brown waste includes cardboard, dead leaves, paper egg cartons, wine corks, and more. Get a bin and maintain a green-to-brown ratio of 1-to-2. Layer, water, and turn the compost to keep it healthy. It can take anywhere from two months to a year, depending on what you put in and how often you turn it.

It can be tough to figure out how to switch up family game nights. Kids can be very attached to their electronics, making it hard to get them invested in anything else. With Earth Day coming up this month, you have the perfect excuse to put down the phones and get outside to save the planet. If you’re looking for ways to spend time with your kids on Earth Day, try these eco-friendly family activities! PICK UP TRASH AND MAKE ART WITH IT. You can teach your kids a lot about downcycling and upcycling through recycled art. Downcycling is when waste is recycled to become a new product, but there’s a loss of quality as a result. Upcycling is the opposite: Whatever you recycle becomes a product with a higher value. One way to upcycle is to create recycled art. Use old newspapers or magazines to create collages or papier-mâché bowl sculptures around balloons, jars, or your own custom shape with chicken wire. You can also use old plastic or glass bottles as beautiful hanging planters or create a memorable wind chime from jar lids, tin cans, plastic silverware, and old rubber bands.

We hope you and your family have fun with these planet- loving activities! Stay clean!


Turn to Your Oral Health

high blood pressure rates, so if you have healthy gums, you’ll respond better to medication. Other recent studies have shown similar findings. For example, scientists in the United Kingdom reviewed 81 different studies that tested a collective total of 250,000 people, and they found that those with moderate to severe gum disease were 22% more likely to have high blood pressure. Five of those studies also asserted that blood pressure dropped when a patient’s gum disease was treated. This might leave you wondering how exactly poor oral health and high blood pressure are so intertwined. Research on this connection is still in the early stages, but for now, the short answer is that no one is quite certain. That being said, a growing body of research seems to support a correlation between the two. So for now, if you want to do everything you can to lower your blood pressure, keeping up on your dental hygiene is a good first step. It’s no secret that good oral health plays an important role in our overall health, so the next time your dentist tells you to floss more, it might be wise to listen.

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition that many Americans suffer from without even realizing it. To spread awareness about hypertension, May has become the designated National Blood Pressure Month. Certain risk factors like stress and poor diet can increase the chances of suffering from hypertension, but did you know that your oral health is also linked to your blood pressure? According to a study published by the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, healthier gums can lead to healthier blood pressure levels.

According to the study, people with gum disease were 20% less likely to respond well to medications targeting

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Providing quality dental care for you and your family

Does the FDA Regulate What’s in Your Toothpaste? THE TRUTH ABOUT ‘NATURAL’ DENTAL PRODUCTS

responsible for substantiating the safety of their products and ingredients before marketing.” One thing to note is that toothpaste with fluoride is considered a “cosmetic/drug,” not purely a cosmetic, so it’s subject to more oversight than fluoride-free options when it comes to safety. With all of this in mind, do not take the terms “natural” and “organic” on your dental products at face value. When you’re picking out a new toothpaste, always read the ingredient list. If a toothpaste really is made with natural ingredients, then it won’t list chemicals like parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, artificial colors, or artificial sweeteners. Instead, look for recognizable ingredients like charcoal, aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, and coconut oil. You can also do a quick Google search for the company to read more about their ethics and scope out product reviews. Even more importantly, if you really have your heart set on a natural, fluoride-free toothpaste and want to make sure it will be safe and effective, then take it with you the next time you go to the dentist. They’ll be able to tell you whether you’ve made a good choice, and they’ll recommend what to look for the next time you shop!

If you’ve recently bought a new tube of toothpaste, roll of floss, or box of teeth-whitening strips, then you’ve probably noticed that the terms “natural” and “organic” are all the rage right now in the dental aisle. These products claim to be better for you and better for the environment by using whole, often plant-based, ingredients instead of synthetics and fluoride. But do the words “natural” and “organic” emblazoned on those boxes really mean anything? Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the answer is no. While the organic food industry operates under strict guidelines, the cosmetics industry — a category that includes makeup, shampoo, and toothpaste without fluoride, according to the FDA — has no such regulations or standardized definitions for the terms they can use. Even more alarming, cosmetic products aren’t even subject to federal oversight to ensure their safety. As the FDA puts it, “Cosmetic products and ingredients are not subject to FDA premarket approval authority, with the exception of color additives. Cosmetic firms are

Easy Deviled Eggs

Have a Laugh!


Inspired by

• 1/2 tsp ground mustard • Salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper, to taste • 12 large eggs, hard-boiled • Fresh parsley, minced, and paprika for garnish

• 1/2 cup mayonnaise • 2 tbsp milk • 1 tsp dried parsley flakes • 1/2 tsp dill weed • 1/2 tsp fresh chives, minced


3. In a small bowl, mash yolks.

1. In a large bowl, combine

mayonnaise, milk, parsley flakes, dill, chives, mustard, salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper. Mix well and set aside. 2. Cut eggs lengthwise and remove yolks carefully to preserve egg whites.

4. Mix mashed yolks with mayonnaise mixture. 5. Spoon or pipe the mixture back into the egg whites.

6. Garnish with fresh parsley and

paprika. Refrigerate before serving.

(336) 342-0889 • 3

Providing quality dental care for you and your family

1109 S. Park Drive Reidsville, NC 27320


(336) 342-0889

This Issue

1. 2.

Practice Updates Our Patients Will Love

Eco-Friendly and Kid-Friendly Activities for Earth Day The Connection Between High Blood Pressure and Poor Oral Health


The Truth About ‘Natural’ Dental Products

Easy Deviled Eggs


Classic Comedies for Tweens and Teens

Laugh It Up With Your Loved Ones Classic Comedies for Tweens and Teens

‘SCHOOL OF ROCK’ According to Common Sense Media, many parents choose to ignore the PG-13 rating on this 2003 comedy and show it to their tweens. Besides brief strong language and a few scenes with adults consuming alcohol, this Jack Black movie is surprisingly tame for being about rock ‘n’ roll. Beyond the endearing characters, Black’s hilarious antics, and an amped-up soundtrack, the movie lands its message of self- acceptance so well that you’ll be clamoring for an encore. ‘MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL’ There’s nothing quite like the comedy of Monty Python. Surreal, witty, and unabashedly ridiculous, “Holy Grail” defies nearly every convention of storytelling and revels in doing so. That said, this film is recommended for teens since it has some strong elements of innuendo in one particular scene. Another scene contains over-the-top violence that is intentionally made to look fake, but it may still scare younger viewers. If you’re looking to show your teens a whole new world of comedy, then this 1975 classic will make their imaginations run wild.

For parents, movie selection can sometimes seem pretty limited. When your kids are young, you may feel shackled to the latest Disney animated features. But as they get a little older, you might want to introduce them to

some real classic comedies. After all, who doesn’t like to have a laugh with their loved ones? Here’s a look at just a few side-splitting films that still hold up. ‘THE PRINCESS BRIDE’ Endlessly quotable and full of heart, this 1987 irreverent fantasy story is perfect for kids looking to graduate from fairy tales. While the dialogue contains a handful of swears and enough mild innuendo to earn a PG rating, most of the violence is played up for comedy rather than appearing gritty and real. Be prepared for your kids to repeat Inigo Montoya’s lines again and again.

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Providing quality dental care for you and your family