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Johnson Law Group - February 2021

4 cup pure maple syrup (or honey) Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Line a 12-cup muffin tin w

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Izquierdo Law Firm February 2018

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4 cup brown sugar • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Directions 1. Heat oven to 400 F. Line a baking she

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2 teaspoon sesame oil Salt and pepper, to taste For the Dressing: • 1 large carrot, roughly chopped

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4 cup brown sugar • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Instructions 1. Heat oven to 400 F. Line a baking s

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Johnson Law Firm - February 2018


February 2018 (571) 298-0517

7th Time’s the Charm


W hen I first met my wife, Steffany, I was taking a break after law school by teaching special- education math and coaching football. Steffany’s mom was a teacher at the middle school I was at, and sometimes, Steffany would substitute at the school. One day, my coaching buddy said,“Hey, I bet you can’t get a date with the cute substitute.” I had to ask Steffany out seven times before she finally said yes, and when we did go out, it was awful. Hands down, our date was the worst first date I have ever been on. Steffany and I couldn’t hold a conversation for more than a couple of words, and it was so awkward. I left feeling like,“Well, she got a free meal, and I won the bet,” but the whole situation kept bothering me. So, I decided “Then we texted back and forth every day that week, and by the time the wedding rolled around, I was hooked.” that I needed to redeem myself and ask her on a redo date. She agreed and suggested that Saturday, but my brother was getting married, and I was in the wedding, so it wouldn’t work for me. Instead, we settled on the Sunday after, and we went out for drinks. Then we texted back and forth every day that week, and by the time the wedding rolled around, I was hooked. Steffany had And I said,“Okay, I’ll take that bet.”

the most infectious laugh, something that attracted me to her right from the get go, and we were able to get to know each other better over text. Once we got over the initial awkwardness, we became inseparable. Even though I won Steffany over, it took a very long time to convince her mom. To Steffany’s mom, I was the guy from the wrong side of the tracks, although I was a teacher, I was a simple football coach, and I wasn’t good enough for Steffany. Her

I didn’t know when I wanted to propose, so I put the ring in my safe for a couple of weeks during football season. Halloween finally rolled around, and after spending the day driving around, trying to find a costume for Steffany to wear to her friends party, I asked myself what I was waiting for and decided to propose that night, so she could share the moment with her friends. After we got home, Steffany took a nap. I let her sleep for a while, and then I mustered up the courage, got the ring, kneeled beside the bed, woke her up, and

mom had no idea that I had my law degree and was waiting to see my bar results, and when she found that out, her attitude toward me

asked her to marry me. She repeated, “Oh my God,” for what seemed like an eternity.

changed slightly, but not very much. She and Steffany were best friends, and by dating Steffany, I

I said,“Hey,‘Oh my God’ ain’t going to cut it. I need a yes or no.”

was messing with the dynamic duo. In fact, after our redo date, Steffany and I went out 18 days in a row, until her mom planned a surprise girls trip to Vegas. I’m pretty sure her mom knew that Steffany was falling in love, and she was hoping that she could change her daughter’s mind. But, it didn’t work, and Steffany called me as soon as they landed so we could go out again. It took until Mack was born for Steffany’s mom to admit that she liked me, but now, we have a great relationship. I knew that I wanted to marry Steffany for a long time, but when I first started my firm, I couldn’t afford to buy her the ring.After shopping around a little, I bit the bullet and bought the ring. It took every penny I had.

And she said,“Yes, you idiot!” I put the ring on her finger, she called her parents to tell them the news, and she was able to show off her ring at a Halloween party that night. Steffany has been with me through thick and thin these last 10 years.We’ve worked so hard to make our lives exactly how we want them to be, and she’s been right by me every step of the way. I wouldn’t have anyone else by my side.

I would like to wish you all a HappyValentine’s Day! Especially to my love, Steffany.

Jamie Johnson 1

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MATH Baking is a numbers game. Just take a look at any recipe, and you’ll recognize the importance of math in building a beautiful cake. Having children measure out ingredients helps them learn about fractions and ratios. You can also test your kids by doubling or halving a recipe for multiplication and division practice.With older kids, practice unit conversions by asking, for example, how many pints are in half a gallon. FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Not unlike computer science, baking requires a strict order of operations.The wet and dry ingredients often need to be mixed separately and then folded together. It only takes one deviation from the instructions for a pastry to go from delicious to disgusting. Spending time in the kitchen, then, is a great way for kids to learn the importance of reading directions carefully and comprehending what they’ve just read. lowered in some cases. If you are arrested, one of your first priorities should be hiring a criminal defense attorney who can help you get a fair bail amount. By paying bail, you can be released to work on your case with your attorney. Although you don’t need an attorney to go before the magistrate, you will want an attorney for a bail hearing. Having a lawyer working on your case can help you secure the lowest possible bail. Sometimes you can be released on your own recognizance, which means that you promise to return to your court hearing without paying any bail. If you are arrested, you should contact an attorney about getting out of jail as soon as possible.

CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING Cuisine is a fundamental part of every culture. Introducing your child to dishes from around the world will expand their horizons.Want your child to be a less picky eater? Involving them in the cooking process is the surest way to get them excited about trying new flavors and ingredients. NUTRITION Now, you might not think that baking cookies will encourage greater nutritional awareness, but hear us out. Sugar is often buried within packaged foods.When you bake something at home, a child gets to see, firsthand, just how much sugar goes into certain sweets. Meanwhile, cooking savory dishes also allows them to learn what constitutes a balanced, healthy diet.

What Your Child Can Learn From Baking WithValentine’s Day right around the corner, you’re probably wracking your brain for the perfect recipe to bake for your loved one. There’s nothing wrong with store-bought chocolate, but there’s no topping the personal touch of some homemade baked goods. If you have kids, baking alongside them can be just as rewarding as enjoying the fruits of your labor.As an added bonus, baking is a hands-on opportunity where your child can learn all sorts of important concepts. Here is a short list of some of the educational lessons hiding in your kitchen. Getting arrested can be a terrifying experience, especially if it’s your first time.The only thing on your mind after an arrest is getting out of jail, which entails determining your bail amount. Within a reasonable time of your arrest, you will be taken before a magistrate and your bail will be set. Bail can be money or a piece of property that has a cash value, given to the court in exchange for your release and promise to return to court for your hearing or trial. The amount of bail necessary to secure your release usually depends on the severity of the crime, whether you have a criminal record, and how long you’ve lived in the area. If you can’t afford to pay the bail amount, you may be able to use a bail bond service that will post your bail for a certain fee, such as 10 percent of the full amount. Most criminal attorneys can recommend a good bail bond service.


At Johnson Law Firm, we are committed to providing you the best possible legal

representation. If you’re in need of a criminal defense attorney, call us today at (703) 763-0780.

It’s easier to get out of jail if you hire an attorney. The attorney can try to get your bail amount




If your attorney is attempting to prove that a property manager should have known about the fall risk, they will have to prove lack of regular maintenance.To do so, your attorney will evaluate the general condition of the property and ask questions about what it was like when you fell. The owner may be asked to present proof of maintenance and cleaning. DISPROVING FAULT Your attorney must also argue that you did not play a role in the fall.To do so, he or she will argue that a reasonable person would not have noticed the hazard and that you did not ignore any warning signs. He or she must also show you didn’t contribute to the fall by doing anything that increased your risk of falling. When you need a slip and fall accident attorney, call Johnson Law Firm at (703) 763-0780.We will get you the compensation you deserve.

How do you prove fault if you were injured after slipping and falling? The good news is that just as you would hire a car accident attorney for a car accident case, you can hire a personal injury attorney who handles in slip and fall accidents. Your attorney will address the following to prove fault in your case. PROVING LIABILITY There are three main ways to prove liability.The first is proving that the property owner or an AROUND THEWATER COOLER

employee caused the circumstance that led to your fall.The second is to prove that the owner or an employee knew there was a hazard and didn’t do anything about it.The third is to argue that the owner or an employee should have known that there was a hazard, because any reasonable person would have seen it and fixed it.This third way is the most common argument in personal injury cases, but also the most challenging, because your lawyer must also prove that your understanding of reasonable is fair.

Hoping to shave off those extra holiday pounds or keep up with your NewYear’s resolution? Look no further than this easy winter detox salad! SWEETAND ZESTY DETOX SALAD


For the Salad • 3 cups chopped kale leaves • 2 cups chopped broccoli florets • 2 cups chopped red cabbage • 1 cup matchstick carrots • 1 cup chopped cilantro • 1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds • 1/3 cup sliced green onions • 1 diced avocado

For the Dressing • 1 large carrot,

• The GOPTax Reform increased the EstateTax Exemption to $11.2m per person

roughly chopped • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger • 1 tablespoon honey • 1 tablespoon white miso • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil • Salt and pepper, to taste

• The gift exemption is $15,000 per recipient (not donor)

• “The worst deception of all is self deception.” -Plato

Recipe inspired by

• Happy 50th Birthday to 80’s icon


Molly Ringwold

1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a large bowl; toss to combine. 2. To make the dressing, add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste. 3. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately. 3

13478 Minnieville Road Suite 204 Woodbridge, VA 22192








SAMPLE THESE CHOCOLATE FACTS C hocolate lovers, rejoice! After 80 years, a new variety of chocolate has finally graced the world: ruby chocolate.This naturally pink chocolate, created by Swiss chocolatier Barry that was first baked in 1852, named for its creator, Sam German, and originally called “German’s chocolate cake.”White chocolate also suffers from a mistaken identity. Made primarily from cocoa butter, white chocolate does not contain any cocoa solids, which means it’s not technically chocolate.

the tree that grows cacao beans,Theobroma cacao, is a Greek word, which translates to “food of the gods.” This just proves cocoa connoisseurs were right all along — chocolate really is divine. A SWEET DEAL Speaking of the Aztecs, their civilization loved chocolate so much that cacao seeds were used as a form of currency in Mesoamerica. During the American Revolution, chocolate was still accepted as payment, sometimes used in soldiers’ rations in lieu of wages. Even today, chocolate remains a valuable commodity.The chocolate industry is worth around $110 billion a year. Humans have enjoyed the sweet pleasures of chocolate for thousands of years.And with so many chapters of candy history left to explore, namely ruby chocolate’s eventual entrance, it’s clear the treat won’t go out of style any time soon.

Callebaut, is not milky like milk chocolate, sweet like white chocolate, or bitter like dark chocolate. Instead, Callebaut describes the flavor of his confection as a “tension between berry fruitiness and luscious smoothness.” Unfortunately, while ruby chocolate sounds like a wonderful treat, it is not yet available to consumers. So, as you wait for ruby chocolate to be stocked in your local grocery store or candy boutique, satisfy your chocolate cravings with some sweet facts about your favorite treat. IMPOSTERS! The names of certain chocolates can be very misleading. German chocolate cake, for example, is not named after the country of Germany. It’s actually an American dessert

WHAT’S INA NAME? The ancient Mayans are credited as the first people to grow and consume chocolate. However, the word “chocolate” comes from the later Aztec civilization.The Aztecs loved a bitter, spicy beverage made from cacao beans called “xocoatl.” And since we’re on the topic of words, the scientific name for


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