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Jon Carson Consulting December 2018

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Jon Carson Consulting - December 2019

Jon Carson Consulting - December 2019 December 2019 TESTER time What We Do for Sales Is Good for Our

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Jon Carson Consulting April 2018

4 cup molasses • 1 egg • 2 cups flour Directions 1. Heat oven to 375 F. 2. In a large bowl, mix

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Jon Carson Consulting - December 2021

Jon Carson Consulting - December 2021 December 2021 Okay, maybe I didn’t quite achieve the legendary

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Jon Carson Consulting July 2018

4 cup vanilla • 1 cup whipped cream • 16 graham crackers, crushed Directions 1. In a double boiler,

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Jon Carson Consulting June 2018

2 tablespoon of cinnamon, and sprinkle evenly over batter. 6. Bake at 350 F for 35 minutes. 3 Tester

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Jon Carson Consulting October 2018

4 cups sugar • 3 teaspoons soy sauce • 1 tablespoon salt • 2 cups cornstarch • 4 teaspoons garlic po

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Jon Carson Consulting March 2018

2 cup mayo Directions 1. Mix dry mustard and cider vinegar and let sit overnight at room temperature

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Jon Carson Consulting September 2018

4 cup olive oil • 1 teaspoon dry mustard • A sprinkle of brown sugar be prepared for everyone tellin

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Jon Carson Consulting May 2018

2 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon pepper • 1 teaspoon minced dried onion • 1 teaspoon garlic • 1 8-ounce

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Jon Carson Consulting November 2018

Jon Carson Consulting November 2018 November 2018 When You Get, Give Oprah Winfrey says when you get

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Jon Carson Consulting December 2018

December 2018

SMART Goals for 2019

Will you personally — or for your business — set goals in 2019? Before making plans, keep this number in mind: 41 percent of Americans give up on their New Year’s resolutions (goals) by the end of the first

not something that’s measurable. But saying you’ll encourage five people per day is. Here’s another measurable goal: I will never let a negative issue affect me for more than 120 seconds.

And finally, one helpful Tester rule for setting goals is to discover your “why.” Why is the goal so important to you? When you assign meaning to your actions, you’re much more likely to achieve success. Ask yourself this: Why do you want to make a million dollars? Maybe the answer is that you want to retire early. Why do you want to lose 50 pounds? Because you’ll be able to start running again to stay in shape. The nugget here is once you define your “why,” you’ll find your way . It is your deeply held purpose that will keep you on task. I’ve had a goal for a long time of 38 and 250 — that’s my waist size and weight from high school days. It’s been a while since I’ve visited either of those. But I can tell you that since we moved to our little farm in July, I’ve refocused on that 38-and-250 goal again. You can see how far I’ve come in just a few months. The key for me is reminding myself why I want to get in shape. I want others to think to themselves, “Man, what is Dave doing? I want some of that!” I can be an even more effective encourager when I treat myself with respect and healthy choices. The world needs more encouragers. I give glory to God for this little farm. It’s been a fun few months of hard work, good living, and enlightenment. I found my “why,” and it has helped me uncover the way. Just two more inches and 20 pounds to go. If I can do it, so can you. I’ll be there to encourage you all the way. Sit down and set your S.M.A.R.T goals for 2019 right now! -Dave Tester


After (Nov. 2018)

week of January. The No. 1 reason for goal failure is failing to write down the goal. Only 7 percent of goal-setters typically achieve their goals, and that’s because they have a plan. Your goals should be smart and create a path toward self-improvement and success. But the goals should also be S.M.A.R.T. It’s the tried and true method recommended by the goal-setting gurus. I’m getting transparent here to illustrate how S.M.A.R.T goal-making applies to me this year. The S stands for specific. My plan is to increase my business revenue by 14 percent. On a personal level, I plan to lose 17 pounds this year. Notice how I chose a specific figure for each. The next letter is M, for measurable. Saying you want to be happier this year is

The next two letters of the acronym are A for attainable and R for realistic. These two work hand in hand. Can a new salesperson generate a million dollars in revenue in one year? I suppose so, and I’m sure it’s been done. However, I’m not sure how realistic that is going to be. Let’s apply that to a fitness goal. Can I work out three times per week? Yes. Can I bench press 500 pounds? No, that’s not realistic. Let’s make certain those two qualifiers are being met. The last part of S.M.A.R.T. is T, for time- bound. A goal without a deadline is just a wish. If you want real, tangible results, you need to set milestones along the way to ensure you’re on track.


Find New Leads in Old Clients

Do you have a system to reconnect with your old or lost clients? If not, remember that previous clients are an excellent funnel for finding new leads because they are already familiar with you. Former clients may not always be happy with how they were treated in the past, but they may be willing to give you a second shot. I always ask previous or disgruntled clients, “What is the statute of limitations on being angry at us?” Normally, they laugh. They could reply, “Two more years.” In most cases, we tend to forget about these clients instead of trying to rebuild a rapport with them. Ask your team to work on an “I miss you” letter or a “We’ve done a poor job of staying in touch with you” letter. Find a reason to set an appointment. This is not a sales call but a chance to build a relationship.

began this project in sixth grade when I made my first cold call. (You will have to read the first chapter of the book to see how I fared with that call.) I wanted you to be one of the first people to get a copy of the book. As always, I value your friendship and business. I wanted to connect and see if I can help you or your company in any way. I could provide my one-day live cold-calling seminar to your sales team. If it’s okay, I would like to touch base with you from time to time, and I will follow up with a phone call soon. Again, I appreciate all you do. If you like what I do, please tell others. If I can improve, please tell me (and that includes any feedback on the book).

Here is a copy of our last “I miss you” letter to a former client:

Build a system to follow up with previous clients. If you need to, feel free to steal my letter and take action today!

Dear Jim,

“Previous clients are an excellent funnel for finding new leads.”

We haven’t talked for some time. I wanted to reach out and let you know how much my wife, Claudia, and I appreciate you and miss working with you. I also wanted to share that I finally finished the book. After two years in the writing process, “Dialing Strangers: Overcoming Hangups and Producing Cold Calls That Sell,” is on bookshelves today. I actually

“What is the statute of limitations on being angry at us?”

“Build a bridge to turn a former client into a current one!”



“I really appreciate your effort. Your training is good. If someone doesn’t pick it up, it’s not the training. It’s good and it works. I want to thank you for your effort and the fact that you care about us and want us to be successful. It means a lot and it’s really valuable. Thank you, Dave.”

John Nesmith Owner, Meridian Automotive Meridian, Idaho


Don’t Get Complacent

Are you letting the robust economy trick you into lackluster performance, or are you still building a better business for when it does get tight? Most companies we work with are enjoying great growth during this vigorous economy. It won’t last forever. Those who tell us they are not focused on building a stronger business presently say things like, “We are rocking and rolling right now,” or “We are too busy to think about that.”

Check out the grand opening sign for the new Mongolian grill. Is a bed sheet and red ink all you need to make a sign?

Don’t confuse busy with growth. If you’re not up 20–40 percent, it’s time to revisit your sales system. Now is the time to improve, not the time to be complacent. Here is the latest story of the economy misleading a new business owner. A pizza shop, of the drive-thru variety, closed after being open for only four days. The reason was this: “We’re too busy.” Come on, now. You can have too much fun, but you can’t be too busy. Ask for help. Get an outside set of eyes to help you evaluate your business. Don’t confuse being busy with being profitable. They are not the same. Also, don’t let good times lull you into becoming stagnant or closing after four days of “too much” business. Always strive to improve and build your business, no matter what!

“Are you letting the robust economy trick you into lackluster performance?”

“Don’t confuse being busy with being profitable. They are not the same.”

“You can have too much fun, but you can’t be too busy.”

Russian Friendship Tea

Here is Uncle Jon with his nephew (me) and his great nephew, Carson, my son. Carson and I are named after Jon. Jon is my middle name and Carson’s first name. Carson was proud to work for his great uncle on Capitol Hill over the summer.


He’s just Uncle Jon to me — the honorable U.S. senator for Montana, Jon Tester celebrated re-election in November. It was a memorable time with family as we awaited results overnight before victory was claimed. Believe it or not, we don’t talk politics very much when we’re together.

• 2 teaspoons cinnamon • 1 teaspoon clove • 1 teaspoon allspice

• 2 cups tang • 1 cup sugar

• 3/4 cup instant tea • 1 package Wyler’s

Instant Lemonade mix


1. Mix ingredients together in hot water and steep. 2. Enjoy!


Tester TIME 17707 Madison Rd. Nampa, ID 83687 (208) 707-9807


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SMART Goals for 2019

Find New Leads in Old Clients


Don’t Get Complacent

Choosing the Right Charity

Choosing the Right Charity

FIND HUMAN CONNECTIONS The most powerful charity work your business can support is a cause that stems from the needs and passions of people connected to your work. Maybe a member of your team lives with a disability or a significant number of your customers face social, cultural, or economic challenges. Putting time, money, and effort into supporting a reputable organization that helps the people and communities connected to your business is one of the best ways to show you care. CHECK CREDENTIALS Good intentions only go so far. To really make your charity efforts count and ensure your donations are used appropriately, you need to do some research. Thankfully, organizations like the Better Business Bureau, Charity Watch, and keep >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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