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June 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

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Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Feb 2022 - Foresight Newsletter FEBRUARY 2 2 2 ED I T I ON 1 2 After a very

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June 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

communal team resources that benefit all staff. Scan the QR code or click here to complete the short

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July 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

Resuscitaire equipment checklists (RNSH | HKH | Ryde | MV | MHDA | PACH) St 8 Clinical Governance St

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April 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

April 2022 - Foresight Newsletter APR I L 2 2 2 ED I T I ON 1 4 IN THIS EDITION :

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March 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

22 - Safety Alert Red FOOD RECALL Elecare, Similac and Alimentum infant formula - Issued 21 February

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Dec 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

21​- ​Safety risks due to new labelling on the outer carton packaging of intravenous potassiumchlori

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DEC 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

20 - Heroin and cocaine containing fentanyl and acetylfentanyl - Issued 26 Nov 2020 For more informa

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Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter

Aug 2021 - Foresight Newsletter AUGUST 2 2 1 ED I T I ON 8 Useful Information and resources for

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Oct 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

symptoms and evidence-based prevention and treatment of thrombosis among the public and health profe

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Nov 2020 - Foresight Newsletter

Nov 2020 - Foresight Newsletter NOVEMBER 2 2 I SSUE 3 Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associat

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June 2022 - Foresight Newsletter

JUNE 2022


The new streamlined Comprehensive Care Risk Screening and Assessment Pathway has been developed within the eMR to screen patients for key risks and issues. The pathway then generates recommendations and strategies presented for consideration and actioned according to clinical judgment. In addition to the new Pathway, there are new documentation workflows for Medical / Nurse Practitioners, Allied health staff and Allied health Students; as well as a new Smoking Cessation Management Pathway. These all went live on the 7th June 2022 in all Emergency and Inpatient settings across Northern Sydney and Central Coast Local Health Districts. Community services will soon follow on June 14 with the introduction of the Smoking Cessation Management Pathway. Interactive eLearning modules (Comprehensive Care and Smoking Cessation Learning Pathways) are available for nurses and midwives, doctors and nurse practitioners, and allied health staff on My Health Learning. eMR refresher sessions on Care Compass and iView are available by visiting the eMR enhancements SharePoint site for further information.


Comprehensive care risk screening and assessment pathway goes live Release of the 2022 NSW Health Services Aboriginal Cultural Engagement Self- Assessment Audit Tool Clinical procedure safety resources Pressure injury point prevalence audit findings New ACSQHC online Escalation Mapping Template Effectiveness and Appropriateness dimension of healthcare quality

What did you think of this edition? Give us your feedback.

COMPREHENSIVE CARE RISK SCREENING AND ASSESSMENT PATHWAY GOES LIVE In collaboration with the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare, Clinical Excellence Commission, Agency for Clinical Innovation and Local Health Districts, the eHealth NSW’s eMR Connect Program has developed a Comprehensive Care solution for the eMR that supports clinicians in providing comprehensive care to inpatients which aligns with Version 2 of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS). Comprehensive care is the coordinated delivery of the total health care required or requested by a patient. This care is aligned with the patient’s expressed goals of care and healthcare needs, considers the impact of the patient’s health issues on their life and wellbeing, and is clinically appropriate. (NSQHS - Comprehensive Care Standard)

Contact: [email protected] (eMR Enhancement Projects Change Manager NSLHD, ICT)

Comprehensive Care Standard

JUNE 2022



Clinical Governance Standard

[email protected] (District Accreditation Manager) or mob: 0450 880 429 (will lead the implementation in consultation with Peter Shine and Paul Weir) for general matters. [email protected] (Clinical Analytics and Information Manager) for completing the self-assessment tool within QARS Peter Shine (Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service) or Paul Weir (Deputy Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service) on ph: 9462 9017 for queries regarding the development of appropriate Action Plans or refer to the NSQHS Standards User Guide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. For queries or further information please contact; NEW ONLINE ESCALATION MAPPING TEMPLATE (EMT) The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) has produced a new and improved resource for recognising and responding to deterioration in a person’s mental state. The Escalation Mapping Template (EMT) is a quality improvement tool to assist health service organisations to assess the effectiveness of their systems for recognising and responding to deterioration in a person’s mental state. The EMT supports services to identify existing local processes, map their alignment to the systemic recognition and response model, and evaluate their effectiveness. To enhance the user experience and navigation of the EMT, the Commission has updated the previous Excel version to an online web-based application. The new online EMT provides greater user functionality, including self-generated reports, interactive step-by-step prompts, links to Commission resources, multiple user collaboration, timestamps and more.

Estimating our progress by comparing 2020 and 2022 ACESAAT results Identification of focus areas for action and development of action plans for monitoring and review of ongoing progress While the Centre for Aboriginal Health (CAH) will review the >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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