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Kaizen Physical Therapy - March 2020

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - March 2021

3j7abBa. Looking forward to seeing you, P.S. –Dr. Colin Sisco, PT When you register, you can invite

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - March 2022

3GVltDz . Looking forward to seeing you! –Dr. Colin Sisco P.S. When you register, feel free to invit

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - May 2020

4 cup olive oil • 2 ripe avocados • 1 tsp chipotle peppers in adobo sauce • 1 tsp Dijon mustard DIRE

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - October 2020

Kaizen Physical Therapy - October 2020 OCTOBER 2020 | 206-524-6702 OUR AT-HOME RES

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - June 2020

4 cup apple cider vinegar DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. To make the “bacon” bits: In a large

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - April 2020

neuropathies » Toenail fungus » And more » Lower back pain » Neck pain » Sciatica » Arthritis » Burs

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - November 2020

4 cup almond milk • 4 oz vegan dark chocolate, chopped • 2 large avocados, pitted and skinned • 1 ts

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - February 2020

moc.elttaesneziak ?klaw ro dnats uoy nehw niap gel ro niap kcab htiw reffuS * ?stnaruatser ta ro gni

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - November 2021

2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS 1. In a skillet over medium

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - July 2021

3irnv4V . Looking forward to seeing you, –Dr. Colin Sisco, PT P.S. When you register, feel free to i

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Kaizen Physical Therapy - March 2020

MARCH 2020 | 206-524-6702


main focus is on timing and finding the “right time” to do something and includes scientific explanations for why we are so productive at certain points of the day and struggle so much at other times. At one point, Pink discusses identifying which point in the day you’re most successful and structuring your day around that. Rather than strictly outlining what needs to get done, Pink encourages readers to identify when the tasks need to get done to maximize their achievement with said tasks. This idea resonated with me, and it’s changed the way I approach my meetings, schedule, and tasks. I believe that’s one of the most powerful parts of reading. Sure, every chapter in each book may not give me that “aha!” moment, but if I can improve how I think and act, then opening a book is worth it. I’ve even seen the way reading opens up that curiosity in my kids. We read two books to our middle child, Julien, every night. (Of course, in typical kid fashion, he’s been trying to get us to read more than two books in an effort to stay up later!) As we keep reading, it’s cool to see the way Julien interacts with his world. We hear him reading signs he sees or talking about the stories we read. It’s a good feeling to have as a parent. We also read to our youngest child, Allison, and even

Reading was never much of a hobby for me. I read out of necessity during high school and college, and by the time I graduated from physical therapy school, I never wanted to read again! Once I was working in the professional world, I didn’t pick up as many books, because I wasn’t being told to do so. But when I became a business owner, I knew I had to shift my thinking. I knew that some of the best leaders in our world are avid readers. Bill Gates reads 50 books each year, while Elon Musk credits his rocket-building abilities to reading. Warren Buffett even claims to read 500 pages every day! In order to become a better leader and create a clinic environment that empowers healing, I had to peruse the bookshelves. While I may not be as ambitious as Warren Buffett, I’ve learned from the success he’s found. Today, I read because I want to and because I know it will help me grow personally and professionally. The books I pick up may not be the most exciting or riveting to everyone, but I’ve learned new tactics and habits that improve company culture for my employees and the healing experience for our patients. One of the biggest influences on the way I approach my work was “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing” by Daniel H. Pink. The book’s

though she’s just 1 year old, you can see her responding to the stories and our noises in these interactions. For both my business and my kids, I’m grateful to have found my way back to reading. If it’s been a while since you cracked open a good book, then I would recommend trying it out again. I’d love to hear about what you’re reading, and if you have a suggestion for my bookshelf, let me know!

Happy reading!

–Dr. Colin Sisco

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Meditation has different meanings for different people. Traditionally, the act of focusing one’s mind has been used in religious and spiritual practices around the globe. More recently, it’s become a popular method of relaxation. Now, new research shows that this ancient practice may have yet another benefit: pain management. In 2008, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that over 100 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis and debilitating injuries. Because of this, care providers have become focused on finding ways to help patients manage these persistent aches. The sensation of pain is caused by a complex interaction of biological and The days are getting longer, the temperature is rising, and the great outdoors are calling your name. It’s time to start planning your summer adventures! Just remember to watch out for the enemy of all outdoor enthusiasts: poison ivy. Found in every state except Hawaii and Alaska, poison ivy — or more accurately, the rash- causing urushiol oil on its leaves — can quickly ruin a trip. Before you head out on your next outdoor adventure, make sure you get your facts straight. Many people believe the poison ivy rash can spread if the blisters pop, but the only thing that can cause the rash is urushiol oil. This is why it’s so important to clean your skin and wash your clothes as soon as possible. Urushiol oil can spread onto objects like doors or chairs, and you don’t have to touch poison ivy to have a reaction to urushiol oil. THE POISON IVY RASH IS NOT CONTAGIOUS.

cognitive factors, leading scientists to study how mental exercises like meditation can aid in pain relief. Anecdotal evidence regarding meditation’s ability to reduce pain has existed for as long as the practice itself. However, modern technology has given researchers the means to accurately measure the effectiveness of this age- old tradition. The Department of Health and Human Services has cited MRI brain scans as proof that meditation can lead to moderate pain reduction. These scans revealed that the same areas of the brain stimulated by painkillers are activated when the mind is in a meditative state. This supports the accounts of those who have reported better functionality after meditative sessions. Urushiol oil triggers an allergic reaction in 85% of people, leading to the ensuing rash. Some people believe regular exposure to poison ivy can help develop an immunity to urushiol oil, but this isn’t the case. In fact, it’s just the opposite. About 15% of the population isn’t allergic to poison ivy, but the allergy can develop over time. The more you’re exposed to poison ivy, the worse your outbreak can become. IF YOU TOUCH POISON IVY, DO NOT POUR URINE ON YOUR SKIN TO PREVENT THE RASH. Urine, vinegar, dirt, bleach, and even gasoline are common “treatments” for preventing or curing a poison ivy rash. None of these are effective, and some can really hurt you. If you’ve been exposed to poison ivy, your best course of action is to wash your skin with soap and water. Cleaning off

the urushiol oil within 20 minutes of exposure can greatly decrease your odds of developing a rash. When all is said and done, the best way to treat poison ivy is to avoid it altogether. The next time you’re exploring the great outdoors, just remember: Leaves of three, leave them be.


With the ongoing tragedy of the opioid crisis, there is a dire need for pain management strategies that are noninvasive and not habit-forming, such as physical therapy. Meditation is easily accessible and can be used in conjunction with other pain relief strategies. Whether you sign up for guided meditation sessions, download one of the many mindfulness apps on the market today, or simply make time to sit and clear your mind for 30 minutes, it’s easy to add meditation to your normal routine.

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While the basis of the Mediterranean diet has been a staple in its titular region for centuries, it wasn’t until the 1960s that nutritionists popularized the concept in Western culture. Doctors noticed that Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy have fewer heart disease- related deaths than the U.S. and northern Europe. When they looked to regional eating habits for answers, they found a common plant-based diet rich in healthy fats, seafood, and bread. However, in modern years, misconceptions plague the popular diet, so let’s clear some up. FALSE. There are no defined portion sizes for the Mediterranean diet. Instead, it comes with a loose guideline: Eat a plant-based diet of mostly fruits and vegetables with a weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans, and eggs. Dairy products are allowed in conservative amounts, but nutritionists discourage red MYTH NO. 1: IT’S RIGID.


meat intake whenever possible. To the delight of many Mediterranean dieters, a moderate amount of red wine is encouraged!

1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a colander, toss eggplant, zucchini, and salt. Let sit for 30 minutes and pat dry. 3. In an ovenproof pot, heat 1/2 cup olive oil. Add half of eggplant mixture, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Remove vegetables from pot. 4. Tie thyme sprigs together with kitchen twine. 5. In the same pot, heat remaining 1/4 cup olive oil, and cook onion, pepper, garlic, and thyme for 8–10 minutes. 6. Add half the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. 7. Stir in original eggplant and zucchini mixture and top with remaining tomatoes. Do not stir. 8. Transfer pot to oven and bake mixture for 15–20 minutes. 9. Remove pot from oven and remove thyme bundle before serving. TRUE. But be careful about which type of fat. The Mediterranean diet relies heavily on olive oil instead of butter or lard for cooking. Saturated fats, trans fats, or hydrogenated fats like palm oil don’t contribute positively to your heart health, but a diet based on natural fats can improve your overall cholesterol levels. Fatty fish are also crucial for the Mediterranean diet and include salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore, and lake trout. Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, consumption of these fish improves your blood circulation and reduces inflammation in the body. If you’re concerned about your heart health, try out this plant-based diet with a focus on foods local to you for long- term health and delicious meals. Your body will thank you! RATATOUILLE DIRECTIONS Inspired by Bon Appétit


FALSE. You don’t have to eat only what’s native to the Mediterranean, so don’t swear off avocados just yet. Eat locally by choosing in-season fruits and vegetables that benefit your diet and your wallet. You’ll find that preparing meals centered on vegetables and whole grains is very affordable, especially when you get your grains from dry bulk bins. And while buying olives and cheese might be expensive, you can get away with buying small amounts. Try different brands of canned olives for affordable alternatives to bottled ones. Plus, some grocery stores place cheap cuts of their premium cheeses near the deli.



• 1 eggplant, peeled and chopped • 1 large zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch- thick rounds • 2 tsp salt • 3/4 cup olive oil, divided • 5 sprigs thyme • 1 large onion, halved and sliced 1/2-inch thick • 1 red bell pepper, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, sliced • 2 pints cherry tomatoes

• 3 206-524-6702

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5025 25th Ave. NE, #201 Seattle, WA 98105









WELLNESS ANDWHISKERS 3 WAYS TOWORK OUT WITH YOUR PET Creating a healthy lifestyle is often easier with support, but if you’re

RACKING UP THE MILES A simple way to get moving with your pet is to go for a walk. If you’re looking for a bigger challenge, then try running, biking, or hiking with your pet. Anything beyond a walk may require extra obedience training or equipment — like a specialty tool that prevents your pet from colliding with your bike — but after a few loops around the trail, your pet will be begging to go again. And how can you say no to that face? Plus, this idea isn’t just for dogs. You can find leashes and harnesses for cats, lizards, ferrets, and other pets that love to get fresh air. GOING FOR A SWIM If you have a dog that appears to be more fish than canine, swimming might be the workout for you! Swimming is a joint-friendly cardiovascular exercise that works your entire body. If you’re not one

for a dip in the pool, then kayaking, canoeing, and paddleboarding are great for your arms and core. Meanwhile, your pet can enjoy a relaxing ride or an exciting game of fetch. Just be sure to secure your pet with a life jacket before you and your four-legged friend splash away! KEEPING IT TRADITIONAL If you want a good full-body workout while entertaining your pet, then consider including them in traditional exercises. Entertain your pup with a game of fetch and drop down for a burpee every time it runs away. Balance your bird on your shoulder while you squat and lunge. Mentally and physically stimulate your cat by dragging a string around your body during Russian twists. With a little creativity and a few of your pet’s favorite things, both of you can work up a sweat.

struggling to find someone to join you on your path to wellness, then look to your furry friends instead. Read on for some ways to get active with your pet, and learn more about their wellness and health at

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» The three most common causes of lower back pain and sciatica …

Back pain and sciatica can completely ruin your life … I’ve seen it many times.

» It can make you lean on the shopping cart when walking through the grocery store (how embarrassing) … » It can take your focus away from enjoying your life … like spending time with your children or grandchildren …

» A surefire way to pick the right treatment for the cause of your pain (and save you a ton of time and money) ...

» How a problem in your back can cause pain, numbness, or tingling in your leg …

» What successful treatment and permanent relief looks like without the side effects of medications, injections, or surgery.

» It can mess up your work or force you to do a job you don’t want to do …


How do I register for the Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop?

It can ruin your travel plans …

» And it can take away your ability to live life … you’ll have to rely on others or ask them to wait for you while you sit down for a minute. Less movement and enjoyment of life can lead to depression, increased stress, and a sedentary lifestyle (more sitting and less moving), which leads to bigger health problems and life problems. The lower back and sciatica specialists at Kaizen Physical Therapy have helped hundreds of people from right here in Seattle and the rest of King County who have suffered needlessly with lower back pain and sciatica — it’s our specialty. So by request, I’m hosting a Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop here at Kaizen Physical Therapy (5025 25th Ave. NE, #201, Seattle, WA 98105) on March 24 at 6:30 p.m. If you’re confused about what to do and are looking for answers, here’s some of what you’ll learn: » The single biggest mistake back pain and sciatica sufferers make that actually stops them from healing ...

Call our office to register at 206-202-2883.

When you register, we will mail you the back pain and sciatica worksheet, which you will bring with you to the event.

We only have 20 seats available for the event!

So, if you would like to attend, be sure to register now by calling 206-202-2883.

How much is it to attend?

The event is FREE!

As a special bonus, all attendees will receive a copy of my new book “Back to Normal.” This book will help you understand the cause of your back pain.

Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop,

–Dr. Colin Sisco, physical therapist Kaizen Physical Therapy

P.S. This event is limited to the first 20 people to register. When you register, you can bring a guest at no additional cost. (We do this because many people request to bring their spouse or other family member.)

Attention Back Pain and Sciatica Sufferers! Back By Request …


» Do you suffer from back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk?

» Do you have pain when you sit or drive for long periods?

» Do you experience pain, numbness, or tingling into your butt, groin, or down your leg?

» Does your back ever “give out” if you move the wrong way?

» Are you afraid your pain will get worse if you don’t do anything about it?

If you have answered YES to any of the above questions (or have a stubborn spouse who is in denial), the Lower Back and Sciatica Workshop may be a life-changing event for you!

Patient Testimonial

“I left Seattle at the end of the summer feeling much better, and I attribute much of that to my therapy at Kaizen. I am now able to sit down for longer periods. I can sleep a little better. Most importantly, I’ve started feeling much more functional, which allowed me to return to work and school.”

– Adil B. (Kaizen PT past patient)