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Kaizen PT - August 2022

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Kaizen PT - August 2020

4 tsp ground black pepper • Cayenne pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, add all ingredients ex

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Kaizen PT - July 2022

or enjoy. Once in a while, replace overly salty or sweet snacks with fresher alternatives. 4 • Kaize

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Kaizen PT - April 2022

leg strengthening. Natalie guided me through gym machines to utilize going forward. She was encourag

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Kaizen PT - June 2022

shoulders and work with me on exercises to improve my range of motion and overall pain level. I’m no

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Kaizen PT - September 2020

kaizenptrcworkshop. Looking forward to seeing you, P.S. –Dr. Colin Sisco, PT This event is limited t

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Kaizen PT - June 2021

4 tsp cayenne pepper • 2 tsp turmeric • 1 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp ground black pepper • 2 tsp

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Kaizen PT - January 2021

or pasta can become mushy and underwhelming. Season gradually — but generously. No one enjoys a blan

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Kaizen PT - February 2021

workshop PLUS, you'll get to read real-life stories from clients who've been treated right here at K

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Kaizen PT - January 2020

carbohydrate cycling, and meal plans that include 6–8 meals per day. Ate Ate bills itself as a “visu

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Kaizen PT - April 2021


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Kaizen PT - August 2022

AUGUST 2022 | 206-524-6702


I never thought I’d run a marathon. I knew several people who had done it, but it seemed crazy. I couldn’t understand the point. Aug. 27 is National Just Because Day — a holiday that celebrates doing something because, well, why not? And that’s more or less how I ended up doing the thing I never thought I’d do. It was 2017, and I’d been treating a patient experiencing significant back and hip pain. Nevertheless, she had plans to run the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in Seattle that June. It was only about six months away. I certainly had no intention of participating until, one day, the patient challenged me to run it with her. Considering how much pain she was in, I figured that if I could get her into shape to run a marathon in six months, there was no reason I couldn’t do it. Soon, I was knee-deep in the process of training. My colleague decided to join me on my journey. But he had done marathons previously, while I wasn’t even a runner. I grew up playing sports like baseball and football. But if you’ll pardon the pun, they’re a completely different ballgame. Those sports require short bursts of energy where you sprint at maximum capacity and then get to rest. Marathons are long and constant, and you need to pace yourself. Still, the training period wasn’t as bad as I’d expected. There’s a standard four-month schedule that helps beginners get ready. I spent the first few weeks doing walks and very slow

if you need to go to the bathroom? You need to consider these things in advance! Unfortunately, I suffered a minor stress fracture during my training and still had a bit of pain going into the marathon, so I had to walk for periods. A medical crew tags along in a cart at every marathon and picks up the slowest runners to shuttle them along.

Otherwise, they’d still be out there when traffic opened back up. I kept looking over my shoulder, expecting to see that cart, but thankfully, I never did. There were many times throughout that first race when I wanted to give up. I considered slinking off to the side of the road and calling someone to drive me home. I had to play some mind games with myself, but I finished and proved that I could do it. I have run several more marathons, but my most recent one was in 2019. The pandemic, plus time constraints of parenthood and owning a business, have caused that hobby to fall by the wayside. But life is its own sort of marathon — it requires endurance, hard work, the ability to take the long view, and the patience to wait for rewards. There will also be ups and downs and times when you feel like quitting. But you’ve got to get back up and see things through to the end. Inevitably, you’re always glad you did. I imagine I will return to marathons someday, and I’m glad to have crossed the item off my bucket list. I’ve done something that many people will never do. But I now also believe anyone can do it if they want to badly enough. A marathon is no walk in the park, but it’s worth the effort in the long run. –Dr. Colin Sisco

jogs, and I kept following the instructions as they progressed. When it told me to run 3 miles, I ran them. And when it said to run 10 miles, I did that, too. The runs got progressively harder, and I had to run some of them on pretty hot days. The longest training run was 20 miles, which requires a lot of planning. Where will you run? Where can you leave water for yourself? What

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GARDENING While gardening doesn’t seem as vigorous as other exercises, it is a hearty physical activity. Digging around in the dirt is actually great for your immune system, and it strengthens your arms, legs/knees, and balance. Mycobacterium vaccae, which is a bacteria commonly found in gardening soil, can alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, and even psoriasis. CYCLING Whether it be in a class or outdoors, cycling can be very beneficial for stiff or sore joints. You’re able to get your blood flowing and build muscles in the front and back of your legs as well as your hips. Your arms are also strengthened due to the resistance of balancing your arms and shoulders to steer. YOGA Holding a series of poses can stretch and strengthen your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It also helps lower heart rate and blood pressure and can even relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Your body undergoes a variety of changes over the years, many of which are degenerative and can be debilitating to your health. But exercise can help slow these age-related issues, like heart disease or high blood pressure,

and even prevent them in the long run. Here are four ways you can get moving without

overexerting yourself.

WALKING OR JOGGING Taking a stroll around the neighborhood or a few laps around the park can help build stamina, strengthen lower body muscles, and help fight against bone diseases like osteoporosis. If you want to sweat it out some more, jogging might be a great alternative. But remember to be kind to your joints: Walk at a pace you’re comfortable with, wear supportive shoes, take breaks as needed, and walk on soft surfaces, like tracks or grass.

For older adults, a well-rounded workout that consists of endurance, strength, balance and flexibility can help in many ways. Some can even be fun!


PREVENTION It’s not enough for us to heal you. We also want to help strengthen

When patients arrive at their very first physical therapy appointment, they usually don’t know what to expect. In many cases, they have experienced an accident or injury and need physical therapy to regain the use of their body so they can enjoy their usual daily activities. They might think that the physical therapist's only goal is to heal their body, but that’s actually only one part of it. Many of us have three goals in mind when we are working with our patients. EDUCATION

your body to prevent future injuries to the same area. Prevention often ties to education: You need to understand what caused the issue in the first place to know how to prevent it. We will also teach you stretches and exercises that you can do at home to continue strengthening the injured areas. If you’ve never been to a physical therapy appointment, it can be intimidating walking through our doors. Now that you know we’re here to heal and educate you while helping to prevent future injuries, that first appointment should be much more manageable.

HEALING Healing is a big part of physical therapy since, in most cases, you’re here to fix a physical issue that’s been plaguing you. We will work through stretches and exercises to relieve your pain and improve your functional abilities. Through physical therapy, we can accelerate the stages of healing while restoring muscle flexibility. After a few appointments, you will really start to notice a difference.

For the most part, education increases understanding. We want our patients to understand why their body is responding the way it is. If you’re in pain, we want to educate you on why you feel that way and what you can do to decrease symptoms. We want to be transparent so you feel comfortable and know you’re in a safe place with physical therapists who want you to feel better. This often leads to positive outcomes when we’re finished with treatment.

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IT’S NICE TO MATCHA Benefits of Powdered Green Tea — And Risks

REAP THE BENEFITS. Matcha can increase your intake of antioxidants, which may help prevent cell damage and even lower your risk of

Matcha is an incredibly tasty, high-quality powdered green tea that has swept the food scene across the globe. It flavors popular hot teas, lattes, bubble teas, milkshakes, and even sweet breads and desserts. But is it worth the hype? Let’s find out. WHAT’S MATCHA, ANYWAY? Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder that has a strong and earthy tea flavor. For most teas, you steep the leaves in hot water. However, with matcha, you put the powder directly into water to create a hot, foamy drink. It’s processed from relatively young tea leaves and pairs well with sweet flavors. That’s why you’ll find matcha in sweetened drinks and desserts on most menus. HERE’S A QUICK NUTRITIONAL BREAKDOWN. On its own, matcha has no sugar or added ingredients. Two grams of matcha contain about 5 calories, 1 gram protein, 1 gram carbohydrates, 1 gram dietary fiber, 0.36 milligrams of iron, 1.2 milligrams vitamin C, and 200 international units of vitamin A. The most surprising numbers here are fiber and vitamin A, which are both 4% of your daily value.

several chronic diseases. Green tea extract is a well- researched ingredient commonly used for weight loss, and matcha may have a similar effect. Green tea’s properties are especially helpful at promoting good liver health. Additionally, matcha has a concentrated amount of caffeine — with an added bonus, if you’re caffeine wary. Matcha contains a compound called L-theanine, which alters the effects of caffeine to promote alertness and prevents an energy crash after caffeine’s effects wear off. AVOID THE RISKS. Unfortunately, despite matcha’s exceptional health properties, it’s often used in not-so-healthy drinks and foods. If you consume matcha, avoid adding a lot of sweeteners. Excessive sweetener will cancel out the benefits. So, buy a bag for yourself and stir a small amount into a cup of hot water — you might be surprised how tasty a simple cup of hot matcha with very few additives can be!

Importantly, matcha has a high level of antioxidants — specifically, catechins. It’s estimated that matcha may have up to 137 times more catechins than other forms of green tea.

Zucchini Corn Fritters Inspired by


If you have a bowl and 30 minutes, you can make these fritters for dinner! Add them to your list of go-to meals that celebrate summer vegetables.



• 4 cups shredded zucchini • 1/2 cup corn kernels • 6 green onions, chopped • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 1/4 cups chickpea flour

1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except oil and toppings. Stir until well combined and let rest for 5 minutes until a batter forms. 2. In a large skillet, warm the oil over medium heat. Scoop 1/4 cup of zucchini mixture into the skillet. Cook for 3–5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another 3–5 minutes until fritter is golden brown. Repeat with the remaining batter. 3. Serve topped with nacho cheese, black beans, salsa, and avocado.

• 2 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp dried oregano • 1 tsp dried thyme • 1 tsp each salt and pepper • 1 tbsp olive oil • Vegan nacho cheese, black beans, salsa, and avocado for toppings

• 3 206-524-6702

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5025 25th Ave. NE, #201 Seattle, WA 98105

1. Dr. Sisco Remembers His First Marathon 2. 4 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Work Out Understanding the Objectives of Physical Therapy 3. Matcha Health Benefits — And Risks Zucchini Corn Fritters 4. 4 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight INSIDE THIS ISSUE


YOU’RE DOING TOO MUCH CARDIO. Though cardio is an important part of a workout routine, it can’t be the sole focus. It keeps your heart healthy and boosts your metabolism, but if you’re doing too much, it can have side effects that reverse your progress. Long cardio sessions can eat away at lean muscle mass; your muscles are important for your metabolism to burn more calories. Try to keep cardio on the lighter side. That way you can also focus on other major muscle groups. YOU’RE NOT TAKING RECOVERY DAYS. When you feel that afterburn and soreness following a workout, it is the prime time to take a recovery day. Recovery and rest are important steps in a workout routine, because

As anyone who struggles with their weight knows, dropping a few pounds can be incredibly difficult. Even if you’re working out regularly and your diet is great, you may still find it hard to get to an ideal weight. Our bodies and metabolisms are complex, working out isn’t always enough, and you need to address all of the issues that may be affecting your body. Here are a few reasons you might not be shedding pounds even if you’re working out. YOU’RE NOT EATING THE RIGHT FOODS. People tend to focus all their energy on burning calories without considering what they’re eating as fuel for their bodies. A great tip is to look for all natural, whole foods. These will have all the nutrients you need, whereas processed foods have little to none. YOU’RE EATING TOO MUCH.

most of your fat burning will be done in that period. Make sure after working hard that you listen to your body and give it the break it may need before your next workout. There may be many reasons you aren’t making as much progress on your weight loss goals as you’d hope. But you can do many things to help you lose weight in a safe, sustainable way.

Your body needs to burn as many or more calories than you consume. Don’t focus on counting calories; instead, focus on eating when you’re hungry, but eat slowly enough to where you don’t get full too quickly. This way you can find a healthy balance between what your body needs versus what you want.

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A special offer for present and past clients of Kaizen PT, chock-full of natural treatment secrets for your lower back pain and sciatica. “Back to Normal” Natural Treatment for Back Pain and Sciatica

Free Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop at Kaizen PT! In this book, you'll discover: • The No. 1 mistake back pain sufferers make • How to know if physical therapy can help your back pain and sciatica • The three common causes of back pain and sciatica • The top three exercises for stenosis and arthritis • The three best exercises for herniated discs BACK PAIN AND SCIATICA WORKSHOP reveals how to naturally heal back pain and sciatica for good. Do you... * Suffer with back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk? * Have pain when you sit for long periods such as driving or at restaurants? * Get pain, numbness or tingling into your butt, groin or down your leg? * Does your back ever "go out" if you move the wrong way? * Afraid your pain will get worse if you don't do anything? If you answered YES to any of the above questions or have a stubborn spouse who is in denial - this workshop may be a life changing event for you. This FREE Workshop is for you if you have... * Missed work due to sciatica or back pain. * Lost out on a family vacation or activities you love because you're afraid of aggravating your sciatica. * Found yourself worrying more about your pain, numbness and tingling rather than living your life. * TRIED EVERYTHING and just want to get Back to Normal. To reserve your seat at our next workshop, go to PLUS, you'll get to read real-life stories from clients who've been treated right here at Kaizen PT.

Colin Sisco Kaizen Physical Therapy PLLC

BACK TO NORMAL Natural Healing Without Medications, Injections and Surgery


Continued on Back ...

WHY READ “BACK TO NORMAL”? ... continued from Front

This book was written for YOU.

The purpose of this book is to help YOU live a happier and healthier life. Inside, you will find tools and information to give you a better understanding of the human body and a better understanding of your own body. As many say, “Knowledge is power.” The more knowledge we have about something, the better we can control that area of our life. The more knowledge you have about how your body works, the easier it will be to live a healthier life. If you’re suffering with back pain and sciatica and feel like everyone else gets to live life and have fun while you’re sitting on the sideline ... You should read “Back to Normal.” Use it. Gain knowledge. Take control of your body. Happy healing! Introduction

Physical Therapist –Colin Sisco

P.S. This book was written by Colin Sisco specifically for back pain and sciatica sufferers who are looking to heal naturally. If at any time you are reading this book and have questions, you can email him at [email protected] .

We’re giving away more copies of “Back to Normal.” Why? Because you are the reason Colin published this book.

To claim your copy, call Kaizen PT at 206.524.6702 and schedule an appointment this month! We will run this until we give away another 100 copies, so call today! Appointments are first come, first served. This offer is limited to the first 100 people who call, so don't wait!