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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

), go mourning." The Epoch of Opportunity We are all aware of what tran­ spired in the Congo during

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

wicd According to II Peter 1:5-9, there are two types of Christians: good ones and bad ones! The New

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

must take over now that God has made a flop of things. The frustrated Christian is not to be pitied

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11 N O V EM B E R 1971 mmm N O V EM B E R

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King’s Business Magazine FEBRUARY 1

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

read an article recently which stated, 'Christ is the only one man of Adam's race who is now living

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King's Business Magazine NUMBER 1 J

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

Page 4 People J. RICHARD CHASE ish translator (A.D. 200), selected the Latin term peculiaris to tran

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

do not under­ stand Rev. 19:19-21 and chapter 20. I thought that the Christians were taken out of th

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03


M ARCH 19 7 1


N U M B E R 3


President. . .

Managing Editor. . .



Editor. . .

Biola Hour Host. . .




Editorial Comment Dr. J. Richard Chase Linguistics and Scripture . Dr. George Cowan F E A T U R E In The Latter Days: W itchcraft . . . . .













Richard Dalrymple Panel D iscussions - .


. .



. .

1 9 25

Biola Today .




Dr. J. Richard Cha se Does My Church Really Need Me? . . .


This Month’s Cover photographed by Pete Schwepker


Second Class postage paid in La M irada, California. Printed in U.S.A. b y Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., W hittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola A venue. La Mirada, California 90638.


I have fought a good fight,

I have fin ished my course I have kept the faith

II Timothy 4:7

Bill Richards, a 1948 Biola alumnus, and Field Representative for the College since 1960, went home to be with the Lord on Sun­ day, December 27, 1970. The testimony of his friends throughout California expresses the love he had for Biola College and the ministry he was so completely devoted to these past ten years. Page 3


Mere W o rd s

good living teaching others the “ef­ fective” use of words. In a demon­ stration of speaking ability in prais­ ing Helen of Sparta, Gorgias states, “Persuasion is a powerful potentate, who with the frailest, feeblest frame works wonders. It can put an end to fear and make vexation vanish; it can inspire exultation and increase com­ passion. These men were not afraid to distort truth, inflame the listener, or over-simplify a matter. Their goal was results—not honesty and integ­ rity. Today we are as much, if not more, adept at wielding words to our ad­ vantage. We can involve and mold the feelings of the reader as does John Steinbeck when he describes a

The old cliche, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is misleading. Al­ though words may be nothing more than empty vessels, they can be pow­ erful. Words bring to life our thoughts when skillfully used. Words poorly used can confuse, mislead, antagon­ ize, and obscure. As Christians, we are counseled to bridle our tongues and take care in the words we use. Yet, we still devour one another, still distort, and frequently seek subtle ways to gain our goals. Even twenty-four hundred years ago, it was well known that words could move an audience or destroy an opponent. Such ancient sophists as Gorgias and Prodicus earned a Page 4

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Linguistics and Scripture


CHAPTER ONE Have not you found it true that many portions of Scripture take on new meaning for us when we are confronted with special needs? As we consider some of the many differ­ ent languages men speak, it is especi­ ally interesting to see God’s dealings with them as well as with us. Our Lord often presented profound spir­ itual teaching from some very prac­ tical experiences of those to whom He spoke. In Genesis 11 we have the account of how languages began. The whole earth at one time was of one vocab­ ulary and speech. Think of what it would mean to have no hindrance to communication such as we know it today. Then, a plan was devised to build a monument to man, eclips­ ing any need for God. This has been the consuming passion of the human race ever since. God brought judg­ ment upon such folly. The result was a confounding of the languages and a scattering of the people. The place was appropriately called Babel. The Lord is the One who confounded the languages. Humanity had a tremen­ dous potential had it not been for sinful pride. Such will always be the result when one acts in disobed­ ience to God’s will. God is not unaware of the lan­ guage complexities of our modem world. If we have a tendency to for­ get we have but to leave our shores Page 7

forever grateful for the linguistic training received from one of the Summer Institutes of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma. This gave me the basic to a long, hard job. I could not find anyone to help me regularly. Many promised but they never followed through. The situation became desperate for with­ out people to sit down and help in their own tongue, it would be im­ possible to make any progress. One morning I woke up early with

for some foreign land. The commun­ ications barrier can be impossible in many instances. Linguists tell us that there may be more than four or five thousand different languages in the world. A few more statistics show that this is not as incredible as it may sound. Spanish is the national language in Mexico. But did you know that those of our nearest neigh­ boring country in the South speak between 85 and 100 other languages, completely unrelated to Spanish? Most of these Indian languages were in existence long before the Spanish conquest. Further south, there may well be 300 different languages spok­ en in the Amazon Valley alone. On another exploding continent, Africa, there are at least 1,000 completely different tongues. I am not referring to dialects either. The South Pacific area represents 1,200. Many of them are still without any witness of the Gospel. The complexity of it all should not frighten us away. God, in His infin­ ite love, wants to reach all men with the good news of salvations story. The diversity of languages is an evi­ dence of man’s sinfulness, not of his genius. Sin caused this curse upon the world. These languages as such have never really been used as ve­ hicles for conveying divine truth. Are they adequate for doing this? Our Lord Himself used the Galilean dialect of Western Aramic to speak to the people of His time. He con­ sidered it adequate (John 15:8). Yes, God has ordained languages to con­ vey His truths to those in darkness. Yet this language barrier to which I refer is a very real thing when the missionary goes abroad wanting to convey God’s truth to a lost world. When I first went to Mexico, I was just fresh out of seminary. Having pastored a church, I had been busy in meetings, evangelistic efforts and other responsibilities. When I got to this primitive tribe in Mexico, I knew not one word they spoke. I am Page 8

“In Africa there are at least 1,000 com­ pletely different tongues.”

a heavy concern. Rolling out of my hammock, I climbed up a little moun­ tain overlooking the village. Since it was still dark, the moon was shining over the little huts and wav­ ing palm trees. How my heart ached for those people. There was no way to tell them of Christ. As I bowed my head in prayer an Indian boy came up quietly. He sat down beside me on the rock, perhaps thinking I had fallen to sleep. He didn’t know what prayer was. As I opened my eyes he started chattering in his mu­ sical language. Here he was, an open-hearted boy, friendly, willing and wanting to converse. I was un­ able to share with him the most wonderful message in all the world. I was further from the lad that day than if a mountain range, or the Pa­ cific Ocean had been placed between us. I beseeched God somehow to give me the language to be able to communicate His love. Yes, these language barriers are real. Praise the Lord, however, train­ ing is now available through linguis­ tic courses whereby any missionary, going anywhere in the world, can be able to converse with those among whom he seeks to work. With such preparation he can put God’s Word into the mother tongue of the peo­ ple, reduced to writing for the very first time. Make no mistake, Babel’s curse was never meant by God to keep men from hearing about Jesus Christ. The Lord plans and purposes to use the very languages as the means for His communication. This is why the Old Testament was given in Hebrew since it was directed to the Jewish people. The New Testa­ ment is in Greek since it was given first to the Greek-speaking world. When Christ did personal work on the road to Damascus, stopping Saul, He spoke to him in Aramic, his mother tongue. Languages are different which cre­ ates a real problem for us. Rather than bypass it, feeling somehow that

“His Word in their own language will be quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword." everybody should learn our lan­ guage, God fully intends that we should rather learn their languages. He, by His Spirit, will help us. His Word in their own languages will be quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. May He help us to finish this task in the time allowed to us. Page 9

CHAPTER TWO It is interesting to see the vital part languages have played through the centuries. In the 42nd chapter of Genesis we see their effect on Jo­ seph and his brethren. Jacob’s be­ loved son had been sold by his half brothers into slavery. Famine then hit Canaan and these men had to go down to Egypt to buy com. Joseph was now the governor over the land. He had the responsibility over all of the Egyptian storehouses. When the ten came into his presence they bowed their faces to the earth. They had no idea who this was for they never expected to see the wronged brother again.Joseph knew them, but did not want to reveal himself so he spoke to them through an interpre­ ter. There was a very definite gap between them and he spoke quite roughly in his test of their character. This is true all around the world for language barriers separate people. Joseph had asked if there were any other brothers at home. This caused them to be uneasy no doubt thinking their sins might be catching up with them. They were not aware, as they carried on the conversation between them, that Joseph could understand every word. Reuben pricks their con­ science further by reminding them that he was opposed to hinting Jo­ seph. When he heard the replay on their actions, he turned away and wept. When he had regained his composure he ordered Simeon bound before their eyes (vs. 22-24). In chapter 43 we find them go­ ing home, and then, because of a desperate situation on food, having to go back again to Egypt. Verse 15 shows us the presents and payments they took in appeasement. When Joseph saw Benjamin he ordered that the men be brought to his home for a feast. The brothers did not un­ derstand and were naturally afraid. Such is a natural apprehension when men cannot understand one another. When they arrive at his home, Jo- Page 10

seph asks about their father. He pronounced a blessing on Benjamin, but the sight of him was too great and he had to retreat in tears. When the meal proceeded each one was seated in order of his age. They won­ dered how this strange Egyptian would have such knowledge of them. The situation became all the more puzzling to them. Joseph deliberately kept himself apart because of Egyp­ tian customs. Judah finally confesses and explains the situation (44:27,28). Joseph learned from his brother’s lips the false story they had told his father. Joseph, behind the barrier of the Egyptian language, was able to hide his identity successfully.

It is a proven fact that language differences will affect people’s at­ titudes towards others, even those who are closely related.

Finally he could refrain himself no longer (45 :1 ). Joseph dismissed his interpreter as he proceeded to make himself known unto them. He speaks in Hebrew and weeps aloud. Can you imagine the shocked sur­ prise of those brothers? He knew the worst as he penetrated the reaches of their guilt. Joseph does not scold them but suggests it was all in the plan of God to preserve life. They still could not believe that this was Joseph for he had only been a boy of 17 when they had sold him as a slave. He urged them, “Just listen to the way I talk. Bring down my fath­ er to Egypt.” When the stoppage of their tongues was unloosed that room buzzed with their talk in joy and gladness.


CHAPTER THREE When Moses was in Egypt there was a language difference between his people and those of the land (Psalm 81:5; 114:1). Even after 400 years the contrast was most pro­ nounced. The Jews didn’t become absorbed by the population. While doubtless many learned Egyptian, yet, that didn’t mean that they for­ got their own language. Hebrew was still their mother tongue and the med­ ium of communication. Languages, linguists tell us, tend to die out more than the people who speak them. People resent and resist some­ one trying to do away with their language, passing legislation to pro­ hibit them from speaking it. This was the case in Egypt. In Acts 7:20, we read more of this. Moses lived as a baby only three months in his par­ ent’s house. Then he was cast out, and Pharoah’s daughter took him up. This meant he would live in the royal palace. Moses’ education was all in the wisdom of the Egyp­ tians. The Bible tells us that he was mighty in words and in deeds. Don’t underestimate the training in Egypt. Philo credits Moses with sufficiency Page 11

How often have we acted as these brothers did against the one who is our Saviour? Maybe you have thought that somehow God did not know what you were doing, saying or thinking. How foolish! God hears and knows every word you say, ev­ ery act you do, every thought and intent of your heart. Nothing is hid from Him. Yet, the Lord does not want to hold it against you. He stands ready to forgive and cleanse you through personal faith in Christ as Saviour. What a glad release when the Lord takes over. I have seen young converts pouring out their hearts in their own languages. With God there are no barriers. He understands them all. I remember hearing a woman from Scandinavia wondering, “What do the poor English believers do when they want to talk to God and don’t know Swedish?” To her there were no other languages. My friend, just bow your heart and in your own words, tell God of your need. He understands you in every way and will respond, speaking comfort to your heart. How wonderful to real­ ize that God understands!

in arithmetic,geometry, poetry, mu­ sic, phiolsophy, astrology and vari­ ous branches of education. Archaeo­ logical remains that survive to this present day give us some insights into the high level of culture for that day. In mathematics alone the men were working on some of the very same theoretical problems which occupy mathematicians’ think­ ing today. Doubtless Moses was flu­ ent in the entire educational system ( vrs. 23). In which language do you think Moses was most at home? Ob­ viously Egyptian would be only nat­ ural. His mother had doubtless taught him Hebrew since she had been hired to take care of him as a child. God called Moses to lead his peo­ ple out of Egypt. He hesitated with the excuse, “Nobody will believe or even listen to me.” He wanted to get out of the responsibility (4:1,10). Moses must have been a powerful speaker, an orator. He was a little afraid to follow his commission when he was asked to go and speak with the children of Israel, who still spoke their Hebrew tongue, when perhaps he hadn’t used their language all those years. He confessed, “I have trouble getting my thoughts to come out right. I don’t have the persua­ siveness or the power of argument.” He evidently felt embarrassed and ashamed, thinking the people would be very sensitive about it. I know of Indians in Mexico who have gone to the large cities to learn Spanish. When they come back to their own area, the tribespeople laugh at them; they’ve forgotten some of the things learned when much younger. Moses didn’t want to face this kind of treat­ ment or response from his own people. He asked God to excuse him. How much this is like so many people today. There are so many reasons given for not serving the Lord. None of them are real reasons. I have even seen missionaries who went ahead and did their preaching Page 12

in English instead of getting busy to learn the language of the people. This isn’t a valid excuse in the eyes of God. God reminded Moses that He was the One who made men’s mouths. He provides hearing and seeing. Having created our mouths, lips, tongues, and all of our articulatory organs enabling us to communicate God’s truth to others. He gives the ability to learn a new language so that we can command pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammatical struc­ ture. A person can obtain phonetic training that will limber his muscles and get him out of old habits so that he can learnstrange sounds and learn linguistic principles. If God is call­ ing He will accept no excuses. He says to Moses, “Go! I will be with thy mouth.” God, the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus Christ, will teach us those things concerning the Sav­ iour we need to remember. He’s put them down in His Word preserved through the centuries so that the text is in a written form in our hands. In that way we can carefully, meticu­ lously, painstakingly, and prayer­ fully take that Word and put it into other languages. Will you be a mouth­ piece for God? He’ll help you so that you’ll know what to say. There’s no excuse because of language de­ ficiency or inadequacy. Moses who was skilled in all of the wisdom of the Egyptians claimed he wasn’t competent. This shows us that it was a spiritual problem, not an intellec­ tual one. It wasn’t his knowledge that gave him the handicap, it was his will. Spiritual pride stood in the way. You and I can think of a thou­ sand excuses why we shouldn’t do God’s will. But I tell you, the Lord’s promises are sure. If it has anything to do with language and language learning, you can trust God to give you the training. He’ll also endow you with the ability, the flexibility, and the facility to speak that lan­ guage adequately in order to com-

Dr. Saucey (center) and Dr. Rosscup from Talbot Seminary talking with Chapel speaker

Page 13

States that kind of reaction. The fact is it doesn’t mean that at all. It’s very wrong to read conclusions into these dialect differences. What about the relationship of one Christian to another? It seems hard to believe and yet I know that some missionaries on deputation were not acceptable to some churches because of their provincial accents. Actually they had merely used the speech with which they had been bom and reared. The same happens with missionaries on the field. For­ eign languages have many norms which are quite unfamiliar to us. This is why we in Wycliffe Bible Translators require all of our work­ ers to have linguistic training. This way they can learn much sooner talking in the manner of the people whom they seek to reach. By the way, these courses are open for all missionaries, not just our own work­ ers. Such experience can make all the difference in the attitude of the tribespeople or nationals. One time I was in the mountains of Mexico traveling along one of the trails. I met a contingent of Mexican soldiers who were checking up on all of the foreigners. They wouldn’t let me pass and I was told I’d have to present myself to the officer who was having his breakfast in an In­ dian hut beside the trail. I went in and waited for him to finish his meal. Then, presenting my papers, he looked them over. He saw that I was duly authorized by the govern­ ment and looked me up and down. Finally he asked, “Man, where is your gun?” At that time in this area there had been a lot of antagonism between outsiders and the natives. I started to tell him why, when his Indian host broke in the conversa­ tion. The explanation, “Why, he doesn’t need a gun! He talks our language!” You see, that small fact that we talked their language put us on their side. While we were for-

municate His message to the people to whom He will send you. May He speak to your heart if you’re one of those who’s been begging off because of some superficial difficulty. CHAPTER FOUR It’s a proven fact that language differences will affect people’s atti­ tudes towards others, even those who are closely related. In Judges 12:1-7 we have an interesting ac­ count about an event with spiritual significance. Ephraim was one of the tribes of Israel. Since they settled slightly apart from the others on the west side of Jordan, variances in the speech began to occur. This same process is going on right now all ov­ er the world. It is what is known as dialect differences. Proud Ephraim would come to help in time of need. When Gilead went ahead, under Jepthah to defeat the Ammonites, the Ephraimites felt left out. They started an altercation with their fel­ low Israelites from Gilead. After the skirmish the Ephraimites were trying to escape back to their homes on the west side. As they reached Jordan the Gileadites stop­ ped them. Since it was difficult to recognize them by their physical appearance they asked each one to say “Shibboleth.” Those of Ephraim couldn’t quite get their tongues around the word saying it naturally like those of Gilead. As a result they lost their lives. They failed to make a language distinction. We find this true in the world to­ day. People react very quickly to dialects. They’re very quick to no­ tice when someone speaks slightly different from their natural form. The unfortunate part of it is they form unnecessary opinions and atti­ tudes toward others because of it. Some Americans, listening to a Brit­ ish accent, may think that the Eng­ lish were “highhat” or snobbish. Sometimes that particular flavor of British speaking gives one in the Page 14

Dr. Cowan (left), President of Wycliffe pictured with Dr. Chase

simply by the unusual aspects of what they say, and the way they say it. Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t make a difference between people? His blessed declaration is, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” The Lord doesn’t make any dis­ tinctions. He loves everyone and is ready to accept all those who came to Him in faith. Some of these na­ tives get an erroneous impression when we don’t speak their language. One said, “Well, God is a foreign God because He talks only English. There’s proof because the Bible is in the English language rather than ours.” We need to be very careful lest not to neglect giving people the Word of God in their own language. God grant, that we may not be found fighting brother against broth­ er because of “Shibboleths.” May the Lord give us a love that will over-ride these superficial differences which tend to divide men. Continued on Page 34 Page 15

eigners we enjoyed this close iden­ tification. We all have these “Shibboleths” in our English language. We make differences between people, having standards we expect them to meet in order to agree with us. Otherwise we won’t accept them. Our theolog­ ical “Shibboleths” will sometimes cause us to reject those who are true brethren in Christ simply because they don’t do or say things our way. All of this is really one of the effects of God’s judgment on the foolish efforts at Babel. We should humble ourselves to learn the language and dialects of others in need. Only in this way can we witness effectively for Christ. No wonder there are so many tribes today who have never heard the Word of God. There are many dialects among the Indian languages of Mexico. The dif­ ferences are very pronounced. Some­ times, those who have studied such speech can determine specific tribes

In The Latter Days: Witchcraft By RICHARD DALRYMPLE Herald-Examiner Religion Writer

Along with the decline of main­ line religion, reports indicate an up­ surge of public interest in astrology, witchcraft, spiritualism and other oc­ cult arts. According to the congressional quarterly, Editorial Research Re­ ports, “Classes in the history of witchcraft, sorcery and the black arts are being taught in many high schools and universities, and they are us­ ually over-enrolled.” From another source, a university publication states that although withcraft courses are being taught many students are disappointed when they find out it is history instead of actual practice. However, their disappointment may be short lived. Just last month a Tucson, Ariz. high school teacher was accused of telling her students she is a witch and instructing them in the black arts. Dr. Charles Lee Feinberg, Dean of the Talbot Theological Seminary at Biola College says that none of these things should come as a surprise — particularly to the clergy. “Most the­ ology scholars agree that these are the last days and, as we can see, the world is building up to a crisis. The prophets say ‘that in the latter times some shall depart from the faiths, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;. . 1 Tim. 4:1. “But aside from prophetic observa- ations,” comments Feinberg, “nature can’t stand a vacuum. If a person’s religious faith is destroyed some­ thing must replace it.”And it’s clearly evident that this is what’s happening, he explains, pointing to the over­ abundance or reported narcotic us­ age, brutality slayings, cannibalism and devil worship. Dr. Feinberg was asked how he viewed witchcraft: as an actual S a ­ tanic force or simply imagined? “Definitely a force,” he replies. “Of course imagination can play a part with psychosomatic ills and so on, but there are too many accounts

where imagination has nothing to do with it.” To illustrate, Feinberg related an incident described in the book “A Fire of Flame” by J. H. Hunter. Hunter tells how a then young mis­ sionary, Thomas Titcombe, had ar­ rived at a certain village while trav­ eling in Nigeria. The whole populus of the village was congregated and the witch doctors were out with their hideous masks on. They were gestic­ ulating, and gyrating and the mob was shrieking and roaring, creating a noise beyond description. And Tit­ combe could sense the presence of a great evil spirit hanging in the air. Here are Titcombe’s exact words: “ ‘I wondered what was going on. When I pushed my way to the center of the ring I saw to my utter aston­ ishment a young woman rigid in the air. Her feet were some two feet off the earth and as she came toward me gravitation had no power over her. The perspiration was coming out of the young woman’s body like a fountain as she approached me in mid-air with no visible support be­ neath her. ‘Sometimes one rushes in where angels fear to tread. I did so that day and the experience remains with me to this hour. Without thought or prayer I put out my hand and touched the girl. Immediately it seemed as though a host of discamate entities were pressing upon soul and heart with a terrifying weight. More quick­ ly than one can relate my clothes were wet with perspiration. ‘I hope that no one who reads these lines will ever go through that horror of great darkness that was mine at that moment. In my ears rang the laughter of the heathen in the market place as they saw what they thought was the failure of a ser­ vant of the white man’s God to do something beyond his power. My boys had fled to the long grass, the girl had passed by and I was stricken with fear. Page 17

‘In agony of soul I cried: “Jesus, deliver me from this awful thing that has come upon my body.” Immedi­ ately peace came into my heart, and while sitting with God’s Word in my hand I read, “Fear not, I will help thee.” Then turning to Mark 16 I read, “In my name shall they cast out devils.” He explains that if God wants to reveal something He will do so through the prophets He has set up. “This is especially clear in Deut. 18:10, 11, where the Bible states, “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with fa­ miliar spirits, or a wizard, or a ne­ cromancer,’ and Deut. 18:18, T will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethern, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.” Raised in an orthodox Jewish home, Dr. Feinberg studied Hebrew and related subjects for 14 years prepar­ atory to the rabbinate. In 1930 he was converted to Christianity. He is the recipient of six degrees, the last from Johns Hopkins University in 1945: a Ph.D. in archaeology and Semitic languages.

‘I said, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” and received the reply, “Fear not, I will help you.” ‘I rose to my feet and walked slow­ ly toward the crowd, praying every step of the way. When I got to where they were, they laughed, they shout­ ed, they jeered, they challenged the power of God. The girl was now ly­ ing prone on the ground. When I came to her I knelt beside her and put out my hand, when to my aston­ ishment she rose from the earth as though drawn by a magnet. All I said was, “Lord, Thou has said in Thy name we shall cast out demons. Lord, deliver this girl from the bon­ dage of Satan.” Immediately she dropped to the ground, and her body became as limp as my clothes. I picked her up and carried her into the first hut.” “I would like to point out here,” says Dr. Feinberg, “it is not only this particular occult manifestation that is an abomination to God. It is all occult practices . . . including astrol­ ogy”

Reprint used by permission Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Saturday, Jan. 9,1971.

Dr. Feinberg conducting chapel service. Page 18


D l

Dr. J. Richard Chase

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Q. Clifford, Mich. “Can those who are not born-again reach God in prayer to receive an answer? I know H e hears their prayer fo r salvation, but what about other requests? Do you have Scripture fo r your answerP" A. God has promised in His Word to answer only those who come through Christ. Sovereignly He is not bound to confines or limitations imposed by man. God’s eye is good, His heart is merciful and we should not endeav­ or to restrict His love. In Jonah 1:5 we see the mariners who were afraid.

The Bible says “they cried, every man, unto his god.” This terrible storm had them all afraid for their fives. Read this account on down to verse 14 where we find them be seeching the Lord that they might not perish as a result of Jonah’s fife. They declare, “Lay not upon us in­ nocent blood; for thou, O Lord, hast done as it pleased Thee.” Earlier we find them turning to gods in idolatry. Now that storm and tempest was preaching the omnipotence and om- nicience of God better than any the­ ological argument. We do not read Page 19

Students using the library listening lab for class preparation

individuals who try to talk with the dead (Deut. 18:9-13). Read these verses and see the standard which is delineated very particularly. Inci­ dentally a necromancer” (v. 11) is one who is endeavoring to reach the dead. We have the privilege of talk­ ing with the Lord. He is the One who will give us all the information we need to know. There are boun­ daries which God has set. These are not to be crossed over by man what­ soever. One of the tremendous dis­ tinctives of our belief is that we serve not a dead Saviour but a risen Lord. Our key interest is in those things which are alive and soon to come. We should be more concerned about the fellowship we can have with Christ.

that they looked to God in faith. Af­ ter it was all over verse 16 shows how they “feared the Lord exceed­ ingly.” Some of the seamen may have been saved afterward. God does many things, even for the unsaved. He causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall upon the just and the un­ just alike. Q. Fremont, Calif, “is it possible to talk with the deadP I am thinking o f the late Bishop Pike who supposedly talked with his d ead son.” A. It would be best to keep our ques­ tions on an impersonal basis. While Dr. Pike may have been a man of many capabilities he was not an evangelical in his theology. The Word of God is very explicit about Page 20

THE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE is in the preparation of those who will carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. There would be no missionaries to send, no min­ isters for churches, no Christian teachers for schools, and no evangelists to proclaim the Gos­ pel unless Schools like Biola are maintained to prepare dedicated Christian young people who want to use their talents and their lives in the service of Jesus Christ. With a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible, Biola graduates take their place as lead­ ers in various fields of service. We invite YOU to make a regular investment in this most important ministry through the Biola Fellowship. (See coupon on reverse side of page.) We would also urge you to consider a deferred gift through Biola’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/ or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at Biola. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN’S WILL and Biola’s AGREEMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Mrs. Miss_____________________________________

Q. Vancouver, B.C. "In the tenth chapter o f Matthew, Judas Iscariot is named with Jesus’ other 12 dis­ ciples. In the first verse it says that Christ gave the 12 pow er to cast out unclean spirits. How was Judas able to have pow er against unclean spir­ its when Jesus said he was o f the devil? Is it possible that the devil can heal the sick? If so, how is a person to knoiv if the healing is of Satan or o f God?” A. The answer is simply that Christ gave him the power. This does not mean that He gives everybody the same power. There were many godly people in Israel in that day who were not commissioned with such endowment and yet they were true believers in the Messiah. The pur­ pose here was for Christ’s sovereign preaching of the Gospel. Judas was also being given all the opportunity in the world to believe. God is not willing that any should perish. Even Satan has certain powers God allows to him. As far as Judas is concerned, when Jesus said that he was a devil, the translation is really that he was devil-possessed. There is only one devil, however, there is his army of demonic forces made up of fallen angels. Judas was absolutely im­ pelled and indwelled by Satan. Je­ sus declared, “Not everyone who says unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall en­ ter into the kingdom of heaven.” We need to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith. How is a person to know if healing is of the devil or of God? Keep in the Word! Keep looking to Christ! Do not look to healing as an end in itself. When you pray always ask, “If it be Thy will, O God.” Q. Chula Vista, Calif. "Is it stated in the B ible that no drunkard or gam­ bler may enter the kingdom o f heav­ en?” A. In Revelation 21:8 we have a list of those who will not enter the king­ dom of heaven. While the word



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“drunkard” does not occur there it is certainly implied. Drunkards and gamblers are those who love the sin­ ful ways of life. Keep in mind, how­ ever, that one is not made to stay out of heaven because he’s a drunkard. Salvation is only based on a person­ al acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Any who accept the Lord have their sins forgiven. They are made new creations in Christ. Q. Belmont, Calif. “As Christians, w e know all o f our sins are forgiven. Yet w e are not to sin willfully. Will you then explain Matthew 5:32 and 19:9P Isn t fornication the only b ib ­ lical ground fo r divorse? Does the situation apply if the woman put away her husbandP One last ques­ tion, if a remarriage results in an adulterous situation, is not God dis­ pleased?” A. This is a very contemporary ques­ tion. There are many strong opinions on both sides. We do believe that fornication is the only bib lical grounds grounds for divorce. This situation applies if the woman puts away her husband and vice versa. Adultery and fornication are used synonymously in Scripture several times. We respect the conviction of those who claim that there are no scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage. It does seem clear, how­ ever, in these passages, and else­ where, that there are these grounds for divorce and for the innocent par­ ty to remarry. Were distinctly told not to sin willfully. The innocent spouse would not be guilty in such a new relationship. While we con­ demn adultery in the strongest terms possible, yet the promise of the Bible is that if one will come by faith to Christ his sins will be forgiven. Let us also be careful as far as judging others is concerned. In the sight of God there’s gossip, hatred, pride, jealousy, lust, anger, jealousy and all the rest.



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Q. Reedsport, Ord. “The Amplified B ible states that the G reek word translated believe, means to adhere to, to cleave to, to trust, to have faith in, and to rely on. This same word is used in connection with the demons who believe. How can tahis be?” A. On the surface it may seem to be puzzling. James 2:19 is the passage referred to. Only true faith can bring forth fruit. The word “believe” can be used in more than one sense. The origin of words is one thing while usage can be another. In James, in reference to the demons, belief means an outward spoken acquiescence or assent. It does not mean that one has given himself over to Christ. De­ mons certainly do not trust the Lord in a saving faith. Q. Seattle, Wash. “1 understand that there will b e rewards fo r Christian service after this life ends. Would you shed some light on the matter o f rewards for those whose life has been cut short accidentally or for babies who have died?” A. No individual has had his life cut short accidentally. The Lord rules and overrules. When the Christian dies he has finished his course in the sovereign sight of God. We miss a great deal about rewards down here on earth. We read about our crowns in Revelation 4:10,11. A crown in Scripture is synonymous with re­ wards. These four and twenty elders are representatives of the redeemed. When they see the Lord Jesus Christ they cast their rewards before the throne of God. When we realize fully at that time what the Lord has done for us we will gladly, enthusi­ astically and joyfully cast our crowns at His feet. We will exhultantly pro­ claim that He is the One and only One who is really worthy to receive riches and honour and glory. Our service will seem as nothing in the fight of His glory and grace. Page 23

Talbot men checking mail boxes between classes at the Seminary. Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. “W e have been puzzled by the statement that the devil would like if possible to deceive even the elect. Can we es­ cap e this deception through faith in God’s guidanceF’ A. “Elect” is an interesting word. The Jews and Christians are both referred to as the elect. The context then becomes all the more impor­ tant. Matthew 24:24, from which your question is taken, refers to the Great Tribulation and has in view the Jews. We see here, too, that “Ex­ cept those days shall be shortened (or terminated), there should be no flesh saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be terminated.” God is going to stop this terrible time of travail at His appointed time. Oth­ erwise there would be no Jews left alive.

Q. San Jose, Calif. “Why did God allow false prophets to predict to the Jew s that the coming Messiah would b e as a royal King, releasing them from the dreadful Roman op­ pressors? Perhaps it was for this mis­ understanding that they rejected Christ who ultimately died on the cross.” A. The question of why God allowed false prophets is in the same cate­ gory as in His mysterious permis­ sion of sin in the world altogether. Isn’t it strange that God gave man a choice to eat of all the trees in the garden except for one. Yet, that was the one he wanted more seemingly than anything else. Adam chose dis­ obedience to obedience. The Lord wants men to choose Him not out of compulsion and necessity. Scripture tells us, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” When a true prophet came on the scene he was very unpopular for he showed the people their sins and shortcomings. False prophets would not warn of judgment or punishment. They would tell things to promote their own self image. God allowed these men to come on the scene. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other prophets predicted to the Jews that the coming Messiah would be a King. He would set up a king­ dom of peace and glory, releasing the people from the dreadful Roman oppressor if they would repent from their sins. Christ didn’t deny that He had come to restore the kingdom to Israel. He said, “It is not for you to know the times.” God has something else for this time. The disciples were to receive power from the Holy Spir­ it that they might be witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth. Their error was that they did not realize the Old Testament was full of pro­ phecies concerning the sacrifice of the Messiah. Before He could bring in the kingdom by His glorious pres­ ence He would establish first His Church. This would be during the Page 24

time of Israel’s rejection. The people foolishly listened to false prophets rather than to the Lord’s faithful messengers. This is the same thing we find in the world today. Men do not want a crucified Christ. There is still the offense of the cross. There is no other way of salvation. Q. “A neighbor o f mine goes to a church where they believe that our Lord abolished death so w e could have everlasting life. They claim that w e do not have to die physically. Is there any Scripture that will clarify this?” A. There is a cult which claims that there is no reality to matter. Hence, the adherents say we do not have to die because we do not exist in a ma­ terial form. Such is simply our imag­ ination. The Bible teaches that there will be a generation living when Christ returns for the Church who will not die (I Thess. 4:13-18). This pertains to believers in that hour. Otherwise, all men must die physi­ cally. The Scripture is very express in its statement that “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment.” MISSIONARY CONFERENCE May 3 - 7 Meetings will be held each morning and evening with over 100 participating missionaries. Principle speakers are Michael C. Griffiths o f Overseas Mission­ ary Fellowship andWarrenWeb­ ster o f Conservative Baptist Foreign Missions Society.

In a recent combined faculty meet­ ing of Biola College and Talbot The­ ological Seminary one of our members asked me specifically to define the concept of the Christian college. The answer should serve to give you an insight as to what we really be­ lieve about this subject, and what Biola is like today. First of all consider the doctrinal position of the school. Biola and its graduate school, Talbot Theological Seminary, have an evangelical, or­ thodox and fundamental doctrinal statement. It is not involved in de­ nominational policy, but is a straight­ forward presentation of what we believe the Bible teaches. Many people define a Christian college as being simply an institution which has a very sound doctrinal position. This is only a part of the picture. It must form the basis of belief not only for the founding fathers, but also for the present day faculty. Such is certainly the case with Biola. Page 25

at Biola and Talbot there is a heavy concentration on the Word of God. Every student enrolled in Biola takes the equivalent of a major in Bible and doctrine, regardless of the other major he may select. Biblical instruc­ tion is paramount at Biola. In addi­ tion we have special conferences where the Word of God is presented carefully to our students. This in­ cludes the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference held on Campus, and in a number of leading Southern Cali­ fornia churches. We also have a Spiritual Emphasis Week held at the beginning of each academic year, and the first week of May we have our annual Missionary Conference. All classes cease during these times so that there may be a concentration on these important areas of chal­ lenge and inspiration. We are much concerned that stu­ dents, faculty and staff spend time in intercession. Not only do we have a Day of Prayer set aside in the fall and spring, but also regular prayer groups meeting throughout the cam-

Another important distinctive are daily chapel services where students hear various individuals challenge them in matters of the Christian life. There are periods for assembly as well which offer the opportunity to present programs directed to varied student interests. In Biola College, Mondays are usually given over to outside speakers. The combined stu­ dent body meets in the gymnasium to hear messages from the Word of God. On Friday the Student Mis­ sionary Union presents a chapel em­ phasizing some aspect of missions. Other days are divided into classes or by men and women. It is also helpful when the division comes on the basis of particular interests and outreach. The young people consider and pray specifically for the needs in the given area where their hearts are burdened. Chapel is indeed a very important aspect of the Chris­ tian college. Another basic is that a Christian college is where dedicated men and women study the Word of God. Here

Virginia Gabriel and Dave Bridgen pictured in the Biola Book store. Dave is the Manager of the Book store Page 26

pus. In November, 1970, the Day of Prayer was characterized by students going into the homes of faculty and staff for breakfast, followed by a time of devotions and prayer. Then everyone converged on the Campus later in the morning for a special assembly. The day was closed with a time around the Word of God and the Lord’s Table. These are the meaningful events in a Christian col­ lege’s spiritual life. You will also be interested to know of Biola’s concept of outreach. A Christian college should be involved in reaching others for Christ. At Biola and Talbot we are vitally con­ cerned with presenting the Gospel wherever possible. We are thrilled that our students are interested in being involved in service for Christ right now. There is a variety of ways in which this is done. We have an innovative approach through a wrestling team that uses this means to gain added empetus for Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through our Psychology Depart­ ment we have a counseling program dealing with troubled youth who tel­ ephone a special number and relay their problems. They are talked to about their difficulties and the way in which Christ can meet their needs. No matter what is done, students have come to realize that our only foundation is the Word of God, pre­ senting the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. What makes a Christian family? Is it the acts of the individual mem­ bers of that family? In Ephesians 2:9 we find it is not our works or attitudes. “For we are His workman­ ship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Salvation is entirely the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8,9). The works we do reveal a new crea­ ture in Christ showing forth His han­

diwork in our life as we reach others. We do not become a Christian by working our way into an acceptable position before God. It is only and entirely by faith in Christ. Interestingly, today, we place a great deal of importance upon dress and personal styles. But is a family Christian because of the way the members dress or comb their hair? Not necessarily so. God does not look at the outside of an individual —He looks upon the heart (I Sam. 16:7). A believer is a Christian not because he acts in a certain way, but it is a matter of a heart condition. Does a person become a Christian because he has a specific doctrinal statement? It must be far more than that. A mere head knowledge will never bring eternal life. James 2:19 reminds us that the demons also be­ lieve. But by no stretch of the imag­ ination could we imagine them as having salvation through Christ. The devil knows full well who God is yet he works contrary to the Lord’s sovereign purposes. Belief or a men­ tal consent is not sufficient to make one a Christian. I Peter 1:18-19 tells us that it is not through silver and gold that we were transformed and made new creatures in Christ. It is only through the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As President of Biola, it would be very difficult for me to attempt to participate in the administration of this school on anything but a Chris­ tian basis. We can only face our problems and opportunities in a Christian manner, based on the Bible as our guide. To turn to the Word of God is really the genius, the distinc­ tiveness, the uniqueness of a Chris­ tian college. Other things are indeed important, but nothing compares to the relationship between the indi­ viduals in an organization, and those individuals’ specific relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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