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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

), go mourning." The Epoch of Opportunity We are all aware of what tran­ spired in the Congo during

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

must take over now that God has made a flop of things. The frustrated Christian is not to be pitied

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11 N O V EM B E R 1971 mmm N O V EM B E R

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King’s Business Magazine FEBRUARY 1

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

read an article recently which stated, 'Christ is the only one man of Adam's race who is now living

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King's Business Magazine NUMBER 1 J

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

Page 4 People J. RICHARD CHASE ish translator (A.D. 200), selected the Latin term peculiaris to tran

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

do not under­ stand Rev. 19:19-21 and chapter 20. I thought that the Christians were taken out of th

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

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JUNE 1971

B i o l a Co l l e n next h is j/


JU N E 1971


N UM B E R 6


President __

Managing Editor. . .



Bio/a Hour Ho st. . .

Editor __




E N T S ................................................. 4

Editorial Commen ts J. Richard Chase A Common Urgency Florence Edwards Spiritual o r Carnal David D. Allen / A S tudy in I P e te r Richard M cN ee ly Panel Discussions Colossians Glenn O ’Neal You r Ab ility to Face L ife Lloyd T . Anderson

....................................... 6

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Cover Photograph by Pete Schwepker, News Bureau Director


Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. Page 2


Summer Study

1st Session

. June 7-18

2nd Session

. June 21 -July 9

3rd Session

. July 12-30

Summer Tours

Bible Conference Tour to the Holy Land July 10-July 31

Directors: Dr. Richard McNeely Dr. Curtis Mitchell

Europe our Campus Tour July 10-August 18

Directors: Dr. William Bass Dr. James Henry

Page 3

in the Eye

by j. Richard Chase

Christ are not, in the final sense, left to man for his analysis and evaluation. Nevertheless, the practical point can be made. People see things differently — even Christian peo­ ple. A murderer is a criminal to be cursed, or a soul behind bars in needs of a Savior. A radical stu­ dent who destroys property and disrupts classes is damned by some while others pray and search for ways to reach him for Christ. I believe that discipline, correc­ tive action, and the full weight of

The literary critic, I. A. Richards, writes that "We are accustomed to say that a picture is beautiful, in­ stead of saying that it causes an experience in us which is valuable in certain ways." There is, howev­ er, a danger in this concept. It can lead us to the point where there are no absolutes — where there is nothing that is intrinsically of value or beauty in and of itself. The Bible indicates to me that such aspects of the Christian life as the reality of Christ's resurrection, the new birth, and the coming of

of the Beholder

Matthew 28:19 and 20 is still our charter. We should ever thank Cod that while we were sinners, evil and godless, Christ still loved us and died for us. We may have discipline to ad­ minister and a firm stand to take, but we have ever a people to love and reach for Christ. God grant that we shall see those without Christ with the eyes and heart of a missionary rather than those of a mercenary. Page 5

our judicial system is needed in these disruptive days. I do believe, however, that the Christian must ever see the sinful heart as a mis­ sion field. As Christ wept over Jer­ usalem because the people could not see what was available to them, so should Christians weep for the lost, the bitter, and the searching men and women of our cities. We have a message to pro­ claim. It is more powerful and pro­ ductive than the denunciations and condemnation we are prone to utter. The Great Commission of

3 common urgency

by Florence Edwards

.. '



"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" the prophet Amos once asked. So Christians of two races met in Kansas City last September and agreed that togeth­ er they must reach the world for Christ. Convening under the name "Congress for Evangelism," over five hundred black and white dele­ gates, coming from a dozen Mid­ western and Southwestern states and representing many denomina­ tions, gathered in St. Stephen Bap­ tist Church on the east bank of the Missouri River. They met as one race having one task, spurred by the thickening clouds of urgency. The immediate focus was on Amer­ ica's black urban community: how to reach it for Christ.



only to dispense the "know-how," but are to engage in on-the-job training in visiting homes and mak­ ing a personal witness. Evangelist Billy Graham, a Warm and personal friend to many Ne­ groes, was a featured speaker at the Congress. At a press confer­ ence at the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City he said, "The church was born in the midst of evangel­ ism and revival, and if it is to main­ tain its power and spirit fervor, it must concentrate its efforts here. I don't think anything could bring our two races together in a closer spirit of unity." Silence was a rarity during the three days of the Congress. Char­ acteristic of blacks is high-spirited and rhythmic music, and the church echoed and re-echoed with "A- mens." Some showed approval by waving a hand in the air, others by nodding affirmation. It seemed to have been contagious, for the voices of white Christians were al­ so heard with loud "A-mens," and other white faces carried a smile. A bearded Caucasian gentleman in the rear shouted, "Right on!!' Each found his own way to say, "I'm getting the message."

"I am convinced," said the di­ rector of the Congress, Pastor Ed­ ward V. Hill of Watts, Los Angeles, "that we are not going to build a better social order with lost peo­ ple. We in the black community are disturbed by the fact that the percentage of lost souls is on the increase. You're not going to have a world in which to enjoy your civ­ il rights, with a lost community." It was the first Congress on Evangelism in the Western hemis­ phere to be planned and directed by black Christian leadership. Al­ though oriented toward black peo­ ple, the spirit of the Congress was that of burden bearers seeking to preach the Gospel to all men ev­ erywhere. Four words were heard repeatedly from the speakers' ros­ trum, and were considered indis­ pensable by the Christians pres­ ent: "repent," "together," "evan­ gelization" and "now." One of the high moments of the Congress came when a former member of the Black Panther par­ ty, James Weston, gave his testi­ mony to the saving power of Jesus Christ. "I came to the point," he said, "where I could no longer crit­ icize either whites or blacks. I had to face the truth about myself." For him Christianity proved to be not an arrow but a boomerang. Mr. Weston is now engaged in a full-time evangelistic ministry among the black militants of the San Francisco Bay area. Dr. D. James Kennedy, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pre­ sented the "how" of getting the job done. He made it clear that his method requires the ministers' ac­ tive participation. Pastors are not

Color was an important and in­ teresting factor but not a barrier. It was a great sight to look upon, for the races were together as a unit. The link was what Pastor Hill described as "the common de­ nominator of Jesus Christ." Is it any wonder that the Congress was a complete success? The white brother and the black brother left Kansas City to return to their evan­ gelistic fields with the challenge ringing in their ears: "Go and bring all you can, but go!" From Decision Magazine, © 1970 by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Page 7

chvia/wicd According to II Peter 1:5-9, there are two types of Christians: good ones and bad ones! The New Tes­ tament terminology is spiritual and carnal. They share the same salva­ tion, but what a difference there is between the two life styles. This is what the paragraph in verses 5-11 is all about — the Christian life!

by Dr. David D. Allen

We are commanded in verses 5-7 to build upon the substructure of faith, these principal parts of Christian character that are listed for us. These are the basic building blocks of our Christian lives. It is the Holy Spirit inside a believer who reproduces the life of Christ. In order for these basic principles to overflow, they must be in us such measure that we are completely filled with them—enabling us to abound or overflow. "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). Being filled with the Spirit is not possible until first coming to Christ. He is the One who can rearrange a life. He is the One who has the solution to life's perplexing problems. The items in verses 5-7 are beautiful things. However, in verses 8-9 we are presented with the other side of the coin. The characteristics of the carnal Christian are found in verses eight and nine. "And I brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and Page 8

not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men" (I Corinthians 31:1-3)? The carnal Christian has the wrong attitude toward Christ, the Bible, the church, and other Chris­ tians. There is a wrong mental atti­ tude and a poor spiritual heart beat. If you are constantly up-tight spiritually, you are lacking in the necessary "spiritual cool." When you finally realize that the Chris­ tian life does not have to be ex­ perienced on a second-class level, limping to Heaven, you will be sorely disappointed with yourself and your life. You may never have come to grips with what the Lord Jesus Christ bought for you, the fact that He paid so much! "For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren . . ." Carnal Christians are barren. Our Lord said: "That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matthew 12:36). An idle Christian is an "unem­ ployed" Christian, not fully com­ prehending the job that is his, or the commitment that is required. Idle people with time on their hands can become "tattlers" and "busybodies" (I Timothy 5:13). Have you ever noticed that many troublemakers in our local church­ es are Idle Christians? This word "idle," is translated differently in Titus 1:12: "One of themselves, even a prophet of their

own, said: The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies." The word "slow" is the same word translated "idle." This is a clear case of arrested spiritual develop­ ment! ". . . that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowl­ edge of our Lord Jesus Christ." This is knowledge of the Person of Christ. That is how you became saved in the first place: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true Cod, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). Through the experiences of life, in the deep valley of sorrow, we get to know the Lord more inti­ mately. The better we know Him, the more we love Him. And the more we love Him, the more ef­ fectively we serve Him. The Epistle closes on the same note: "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (II Peter 3:18). "But he that lacketh these things is blind." A blind Christian knows the Lord as His Saviour but he can­ not see! The Laodicean Church in the third chapter of Revelation is the outstanding example of a "blind" church. Christendom is lit­ erally filled with barren, unfruitful and blind Christians. " . . . and cannot see afar o ff. . . " There is no vision, and "where there is no vision, the people per­ ish" (Proverbs 29:18). The carnal Christian is not interested in Bible Page 9

study or soul winning. Saving faith has been experienced, but the life shows little sign of growth or de­ velopment. . . and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins." We have been saved so long that we have forgotten we were ever lost! It describes many of us, does it not? "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children" (Hebrews 12:5). The spiritual believer permits Christ to live His life through him. The carnal believer refuses to do that, he determines that he is go­ ing to live his own life by his own set of rules. He is assured of salva­ tion, but wants Cod to keep His hands off his life! The saddest thing in the world is a lost soul. The next saddest thing is a wasted life! Dr. David D. Allen is Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of Hazel Park, Michigan, is a popular Bible Conference speaker and former Torrey Conference guest speaker at Biota.


Is God not there because I cannot see? Are not my eyes the windows of my soul? Is love so rich, so warm, so free, Not there because dark billows roll? God whispers to us In a still small voice. Though we can’t see, yet He is near. Unuttered words can make our hearts rejoice, And we can walk through darkness without fear. Oh, let me live by Thy control; That I may see the Truth through Thee, And light the windows of my soul, That others too may walk with me. —V. L. Weber

For information and brochure on the College or Seminary summer sessions, address inquiries to the Dean of Admissions (Biola), or the Registrar (Talbot).

Page 10

by Dr. Richard McNeely Chairman, Department of Biblical Studies


As a native of Galilee, Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, was the human author of the two epistles bearing his name. His con­ version was brought probably by his brother Andrew. Because of his actions his character is one of im­ petuousness. The chief significance of this man is well defined for us in the first 12 chapters of the book of Acts. This very vital epistle of living hope was written during a time when persecution was be­ coming a reality to the Christian flock. Written in about 64 A.D. these trials had become exceed­ ingly difficult. The Apostle refers to these tormentors as being lik­ ened to prowling lions under the direction of Satan. Charges had been laid against Christians. They were called evil-doers because they failed to engage in the practices which were the fashion of their day. The natural reaction to anyone who is being persecuted is to fight back. Peter encourages them to en­ dure the hardness that they would have to face. One of the key words is sojour­ ner for these people had no per­ manent or fixed dwelling. They were pilgrims and strangers. Other Page 11

INTRODUCTION ( 1 : 1 - 2 )

GOD'S CALL TO SALVATION ( 1 : 3 - 2 : 10 )


GOD'S CALL TO SUFFERING ( 3 : 13 - 4 : 19 )

GOD'S CALL TO SERVICE ( 5 : 10 - 11 )


that they might be obedient and show effectively what the blood of Christ has produced in their own lives. The salutation includes a greet­ ing of grace and peace. This was the normal greeting among Jewish people, as well as Gentiles. It shows the unity that there is in Jesus Christ. SALVATION As we next consider "Cod's call to salvation" we find the section divided into three parts. The first gives us an explanation of Cod's call (1:3-12). The second is His ef­ fectiveness (1:13-25) and the third is the engagement of the call (2:1 - 10). Jonah declared from the inside of the great fish, "Salvation is of the Lord." This section amply shows that truth. All three mem­ bers of the Godhead are promi­ nent in man's redemption. The work of the Father is seen in verses 3 to 7. The section is begun with the doxology. (Ephesians and II Corinthians start similarly.) Man can do nothing to earn his salva­ tion, it is all of the Lord. The inheritance here is charac­ terized by four great qualities which should be vital to us as well. Our salvation is incorruptible; it never becomes useless. It is also undefiled and will never become contaminated. Then, it will notfade away or become obsolete. Finally it is reserved for us in heaven. Ac­ cording to verse five Cod works to give us security. Think of being kept by the power of Cod. He de­ sires to stabilize the believers. Our eternal reward will be revealed in the last day. Since nothing can remove salva­ tion from us we are shown that the experiences of suffering have a

prominent words are suffering and salvation. The greatness of Cod is also prominent in the epistle. And the term well doing is seen with some prominence. The key verse is 5:12 where the Apostle explains that he has sought to explain the true grace of Cod. He then admonishes them to stand fast in this message of hope. In the introduction the term apostle speaks of one who is about to speak authoritatively giving a revelation to the church. As to those to whom he writes, Peter notes their holy calling as elect ones of Cod. They are referred to as sojourners which again speaks of those who have no permanent residence. He points out that this pilgrimage is in accordance with God's foreknowledge. There is a purpose to such suffering which is

Dennis McNeely pictured in the Biota Chorale is the son of our author, Richard McNeely, and a sophomore at Biola this year. Page 12

former has to do with mental dis­ cipline, while the latter shows the need for discipline in the outward life. So many times our minds drift around trying to find some abso­ lutes. Our only hope must be per­ fectly set in Jesus Christ instead. So many times we are content to have a partial hope while at the same time worried about how oth­ er things will turn out. This hope will be realized in the future when Jesus Christ Himself is seen by all mankind. Paul pointed out this same truth when he told the Roman Christians not to look to the present in order to find their fulfillment as the sons of God. In the future all creation groans in travail waiting for the redemption which will reveal the Lord's eter­ nal purpose. Secondly Peter demands that be­ lievers should have an exalted kind of life (vrs. 14-16). Obedience is again the key! Do we desire what the Word of Cod says? Do we be­ have in light of these truths? We are not to allow our lives to be fashioned according to our former lusts. We have no business living like we were before Christ entered our lives in regeneration. Cod's command is that we should be holy individuals. In Rom. 8 we see that we are called (or predestined) to be conformed to the image of Cod's Son. You see, the standard is to be God's character itself. We are to be holy in all conversation or manner of life which is the better translation. The testimony is, "Ye shall be holy, for I am holy." Peter quotes from Leviticus. Verses 17 to 21 give us a third command which has to do with an enlightened walk. We are to call on Him as Father, who judges with- Page 13

positive effect strengthening our faith. The analogy of metal is used. Faith is more enduring than any gold that would perish. There is a future day of revelation as we read in I John 3:1-3. The second Person of the God­ head is also involved in this work of salvation (1:8-10). Here we see the worthiness of the Son and of our love and faith for Him. This is the basis of joy for the Christian life. Christ is worthy of one's hope (9-10). This salvation had been earnestly sought out by the proph­ ets. They tried to determine what the full picture was, but were not given the complete revelation as we are privileged to have. Consid­ ering the worthiness of the Son we find a trilogy of eternal truths: love, faith, and hope. Peter points out that each one of them will abide. Then we are allowed to see the witness of the Spirit, the third member of the Godhead. He, too, is our salvation. The Spirit of Cod was the One who instructed the human authors. We see here some­ thing of the blessings of God in His call to salvation. Father, Son and Holy Spirit all took part in this great eternal work for our eternal benefit. Have you ever wondered why it is some people make a profession of faith and yet never seem to have a life that goes along with it? This is discussed in I Peter 1:13-25. There are four things Peter notes in this passage dealing with God's call to salvation. First of all we should have an expectant hope in the Saviour. To make this possible there must be some kind of discipline in the life. This requires girding up the loins of our minds and being sober. The

out respect of persons, according to every man's work. The all-im­ portant aspect is one's relationship to Cod. Certainly, in the midst of the persecution that these people were enduring, the Fatherhood of God was an important topic. This guaranteed them that there was Someone who really cared. God next appears as Judge. He will scrutinize each Christian. Are we ready to give an account of what we do in the flesh? Remem­ ber, God will judge, without re­ spect of persons, according to the work of every man. With the Phil- ippians we are reminded that our citizenship is in heaven. It is from that wonderful place to which we look for the coming again of Jesus Christ. He is going to change our bodies of humiliation into a glori­ ous body made likened unto His. The character of this walk, then, is to be one of sojourning. We are simply pilgrims in this world with no permanent or continuing city. Cod does not expect us to walk in blindness. We should have the knowledge that something has happened in our lives. The basis of this confidence is the blood of Je­ sus Christ. Redemption did not come from a corruptible substance. God foreknew that Christ would be crucified for the sake of all saints (vrs. 20, 21). Likewise, at the time of His own divine appoint­ ment God will raise us up and glorify us with Christ. Our hope rests perfectly upon the grace which is yet to be revealed in the future. Next we consider the im­ portance of an effective witness (vrs. 22-25). This is one dimension which all too frequently is over­ looked. We are exhorted to purify our

souls. This comes by obedience to the truth with the outworking to be characterized by unfeigned love of the brethren. Peter's desire at this point is that we understand what real love is. This is espe­ cially spelled out in I Cor. 13. It means to love with a will to love. We do not do it for what we might obtain in return, but because the object of our love desperately needs this kind of devotion. This is the very reason why we were called. The Word of Cod must be the final authority in the Christian's life. To have effective testimonies we must hold an expective hope and live exalted lives before the Lord. In this way we can be effec­ tive witnesses to a world that knows not the Saviour. Our salvation is based upon the work of the triune Cod. The effec­ tiveness of our calling is borne out in our manner of living with hope and expectancy. It is vital for us to consider our relationship to the Word of God (2:1-4). We are first to be a babe in our desire. First of all, we are to put away all wicked­ ness. This is not only things that are bad in themselves, but also those things which appear to be bad. Next we are to set aside all guile. This is another word for de­ ceit. Do not try to fool people and cover up the truth. After this we are to be done with hypocrisy. Or­ iginally this word referred to some­ one who was acting. What a pic­ ture that conveys today! Then, we are to put away envyings or any desires we may have for the things which belong to others whether spiritual gifts or actual material possessions. Finally, we are ex­ horted to avoid all evil speakings.

Peter says we are not to be speak­ ing against things. With these things behind us we are to have a strong desire for the sincere milk of the Word. Through­ out one's Christian life we should have the tenacity of a babe seek­ ing milk as we grasp for the sus­ taining Word and the strength which will come from it. In a day of such uncertain and even radical standards the Bible alone is with­ out deception. Only it can give you a true picture of what things are like. If we follow such a pro­ gram spiritual growth is bound to ensue. Every Christian needs milk. This is true for newborn Christians as well as for those who are mature in the faith. In such a way we can prove to ourselves that the Lord is gracious. You see, these persecuted pilgrims were wondering why they were being put through so much suffering. Is Cod really gracious when He causes me to go through hard times? Yes, this is exactly what Cod's grace is all about. In fact, this is the theme of the book itself. Paui testified that he had a thorn in the flesh. Three times he sought the Lord to remove it. In­ stead he got the words, "My grace is sufficient for thee." We see that grace is important amid Christian trials. There is also pointed out here something of the mystery of the person of Jesus Christ. We come to Him as "a living Stone." He was rejected of men but elect and precious to God. The believer is really Cod's building. We are a spiritual house and are the living stones. How does this fit in with the work of God? You see, the Lord never erects a building just for the building's sake. We're not Page 15

persecution had come to most of them. Some m.ay have felt that God Himself had gone off and could not be reached by them. Peter seeks to encourage them. Fleshly lusts refers to things dealing with sexual immorality. This is what wars against the soul. Because they are so occupying they are defeating. The Spirit's desire is that we might have our "behavior seemly among the Gentiles." The purpose for this is pointed out in light of some ac­ cusations that were being brought against believers. Since they did not engage in the things that were fashionable for that day they were called "evildoers." How damaging this is to a person who is trying to do the right thing. But right is right even if nobody does it! Those who are wicked will be judged by God, we do not need to worry about that! The Bible tells us that we have only One to obey; God alone. People may call us "evildoers" and yet because of our godly lives they will have no way to confirm their false and exaggerated claims. Con­ sider Daniel when he was in cap­ tivity. The Hebrew children had been ordered to stop praying. Yet, they could not violate their con­ science. Because of such dedica­ tion they were criticized and threat­ ened with the penalty of death. So, in this exhortation to abstin­ ence Peter points out something of the importance of living in light of the Scriptures, and having a dis­ ciplined holy life. Next we see the commands of submission (2:13-3:7). We are to be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake. We see our relationship to the country in which we live. We are not to fol­ low the pattern of rebellion and

to be a structure giving the appear­ ance of one thing on the outside but something else on the inside. Such is never the case with God's construction. For those who do not believe, Christ is the Stone which the builders rejected and stumbled over. We are also linked or related to the witness of God as we find in verses 9 and 10. We are to show the world that we are related to God as an elect race (Isa. 43:20). We are a royal priesthood (Ex. 19:6). We are a holy nation and a peculiar people, or a people for God's own special possession. The purpose is that we might show forth the excellencies of God. In times past we were without hope and without God in the world. Yet, because of the things Christ has accomplished, we now have obtained mercy and grace. What a blessed hope is ours with the con­ fidence and assurance our Saviour brings. In this study we come to the sec­ ond section of Peter's first epistle. We have seen that every true born- again child of God must have a desire for the Word of God. We need a daily engagement with the Scriptures. We are an elect nation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar peo­ ple called out for God's own pos­ session that we might show His excellencies to all men. This sec­ ond section covers I Pet. 2:11-3:7. In verses 11 and 12 there is the exhortation to abstain from fleshly lusts. The reason for this is because we are sojourners and pilgrims. While a sojourner is one away from his native land a pilgrim is one away from his own people. Think of the loneliness and desper­ ation in such circumstance. Terrible Page 16

anarchy which seems to typify these days. One day earlier Peter had testified, "We should obey God rather than man." Is this con­ trary to these thoughts? No, there are some points on which God has given us definite commands. These include prayer, assembling togeth­ er with other believers, witnessing, and other commands of God. Should the government make a law to interfere with these require­ ments we must obey God. We can­ not take every trivial thing and seek to apply it to this great prin­ ciple. We do have some very real obligations. While we are to be in subservience to the Lord we can al­ so be obedient to the State as a witness to our faith. He points out that the will of God is that by well

doing they might put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Then there is obedience in the realm of employment. He is refer­ ring to household servants (vrs. 18- 25). The believers were told to obey even those masters who were cruel. This again would reveal their holy calling. Our perfect example is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not worry about our outward circum­ stances. Christ commited Himself to God in every aspect of life. So must we be willing to do the same. There also must be obedience in the marital realm. To the wife who knows the Lord comes the injunc­ tion to live in a godly manner before her husband, regardless whether he is saved or not. It may not be possible to preach to a hus-

Both Larry and

Tom are



Larry Keyes, a May '71 graduate of Talbot, has been accepted as a mis­ sionary with Overseas Crusades.

Tom Finley is a May '71 graduate of Talbot and will work on a doctorate in Near Eastern Studies at U.C.L.A. Page 17

4. Then we are called to have a tender heart which will give us an openness to others. 5. The last of these attitudes has to do with one's place in the group. We are to be "humble minded." This reminds me of Phil. 2:5-11 speaking of Christ. He did not come to seek His own, but rather seeking the needs of others. He came to become a carpet on which others might tramp so that they could be brought to God. Attitudes by themselves are not really going to do the job. Cod says that actions are doubly im­ portant. Negatively we are not to return evil for evil, or reviling for reviling. It is only human, albiet the old man, wanting to get even. We are not to dish out in kind what others have heaped upon us. On the positive side we are to offer blessing. In Eph. 1:3-14 it speaks of the fact that God has done certain things for us involv­ ing deeds. The word itself, howev­ er, means to speak well or for the good of other people. Only in this way can we expect to receive a blessing from the Lord. The aim of selflessness is de­ scribed in vrs. 10-12. Peter refers to the 34th Psalm. "Loving life" and "seeing good days" speaks of more than just going through our existence enjoying good things. As we look back on life can we real­ ize that things have happened which are God's will and work? Notice our requirements. "Let him refrain his tongue from evil, let him turn away from evil, and let him seek peace." He begins with the negative things and moves to the positive. The first of these has to do with the tongue. We must be careful not to say the wrong

band who has rejected Christ. Peter is saying win them without a word by the way in which you live in subjection to your husband. These first seven verses of I Peter 3 are most significant for wives whose husbands have never professed faith. On the other hand the husbands have two things they are to do in regard to their wives. First of all they are to dwell with them ac­ cording to knowledge. This means to know something about the things that she appreciates, living in the light of them. Then, the hus­ band has an obligation to honor his wife as the weaker vessel. This means giving her a proper place of respect and dignity in every way. This is Cod's second great call that we should be in submission to Him. The purpose is that we might live before the unsaved and bring glory to Cod in our sincere testi­ mony for Christ. SELFLESSNESS In this study we want to consider the theme of selflessness as a part of Cod's grace (I Pet. 3:8-12). There are five attitudes of selflessness de­ scribed in this passage: 1. There should be regard for the group with whom we-are worship­ ing and fellowshiping. The exhor­ tation is to like-mindedness and harmony among fellow Christians. While there may be diversities among us there should never be division. 2. Next comes compassion or sympathy. This is our attitude of concern for others. 3. The third underscores broth­ erly love. Do we accept others who know Christ as brothers in the Lord?

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Ken Watkins (left) '71 Talbot graduate, and Ken Narrower, student at Talbot are talk­ ing over plans for a youth conference. Ken W. will be serving in an internship program at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto beginning this summer.

Phil Taylor of Talbot Sem­ inary is working with former Talbot Representative, John MacArther, at Grace Community Church of Panorama City.

most absolutely positive that suf­ fering should be our portion. Christ testified, "Marvel not that the world hates you, for you know that it hated Me before it hated you." Suffering can be a blessing if it is for righteousness sake. It is interesting to note that the word "blessing" here is the same one that is used in the Beatitudes. This can be translated, "Happy is the man who suffers for righteous­ ness sake." Peter relates the responsibility of suffering to fear and to worry. Our difficulties are there so that we might produce holiness in our lives. We must be ready to give an an­ swer (3:15). This demands that we know something of what Cod's word and will is. This calls for a good conscience toward the things of God (Eph. 8). Keep in mind that suffering does have an end. Con­ sider carefully the great example of Jesus Christ (vrs. 17-22). Christ suffered, was put to death, was made alive, and He is seated now at the right hand of Cod (v. 22). What a glorious Saviour! Final exhortations concerning suffering are summed up in 5:1-11. The first six verses deal with our relationships within the church. Peter addresses himself to his own qualifications. When a writer of the New Testament speaks of him­ self as an apostle we know that what he is about to say will be­ come authoritative. He has already done that and now takes his place in the local church as one of its elders and leaders. In stating that he is a "fellow elder" he removes himself from the office of the apostleship for a moment. He places himself in equality with the other appointed rulers of the

thing. The verb really means to rest or to cease our tongues from evil. This little member in our mouth can produce deceit. It is never right, according to the Word of Cod, to tell a lie. Paul told the Ephesian Christians, "Lie not at all, but speak ye the truth, each man with his neighbor." The next exhortation relates to deeds. "Let him turn away from evil, and let him do good." We see the negative in turning away from something. The positive is simply "to do good." The third suggestion is related to unity. "Search out for peace, and pursue it." Unity is something that does not come easy. This is true in na­ tional government as well as the church. We must seek the Bible principles in order to find the way of unity. The pathway of peace is not always an easy road. The motivation for all this is in verse 12. Here we find that Cod sees what we do. His eyes are al­ ways upon the righteous. We can be assured that He hears us. His ears are always open to supplica­ tion. Finally, that Cod judges. His face is upon them that do evil. The Lord puts down on His record the fact that others who do not know the Lord may have strong emo­ tions, generally of hate, toward Christians. Selflessness is an im­ portant thing in the Christian's life. No wonder Paul's writings have so much on the subject. SUFFERING The fourth of these topics in Peter gives us God's call to suffer­ ing (3:13-5:11). Peter wants us to know that suffering can be a bless­ ing. This is one of the paradoxes in the Christian life. We can be al­

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this is that the elders have more depth and maturity in the Word of God. This was an important con­ sideration for leadership in the early church, and it should be in ours today also. The third exhortation is a com­ mand to the church in general. It is interesting that they are to be subject one to another. This can be done if they put on the garment of a slave. This suggests lowliness of mind as a part of one's attitude toward others. With people under­ going persecution it would be easy to think of one's own rights and possessions. Paul reminded the Philippians that we must ever be looking on the needs of others. The way to accomplish this is by being humble under the mighty hand of God, (vrs. 6). All of us are to recognize God's sovereignty. No matter what might become of us in the experiences of persecution or hardship, we must recognize that God Himself is behind every­ thing we do. God has promised to exalt us at His appointed time. This is why we can roll all of our wor­ ries and concerns upon Him. The third of these exhortations is in verse 7, "Be watchful, be sober, for your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, is seeking to swallow up someone." We must constantly be on guard for Satan's ensnare- ments and tricks. He seeks to come as an angel of light endeavoring to draw believers away from the truth. It is Satan himself who is behind the sufferings being brought to these believers (vrs. 8-9). The sphere of our steadfastness is not to be in our own strength. We could never out-fox the devil! Our only hope is the power of the Word of God and the indwelling Page 21

church. Next he tells us that he is awitness to the sufferings of Christ. The word "witness" in the Creek is that from which we get our term "martyr." It means one who not only has seen, but also one who has endured the things he has seen. Tradition has it that shortly after these words and those in II Peter were penned he met his death. The manner was by crucifix­ ion in the exact way that the Lord had come to death, except to be positioned upside down. Because of this Peter is also "a partaker of the glory which is to be unveiled." This great hope belongs to every believer. On the basis of these qualifications then he gives his commands to the leaders of the church. The first requirement is that they are to feed the flock of God. Such an office is to be that of elder- bishop. As such they are to exer­ cise the oversight of God's people. Service is not to be forced, but vol­ untary. It is to be the love of Christ which constrains them. Monetary gain must never be the motive. In their eagerness they are not to "lord it over" the flock. The pur­ pose is that they be examples to the flock. All of this, as we can see, relates to one's attitude, moti­ vation, and responsibility. Peter reminds these who have been called their service (vrs. 4). They will receive a crown of glory which will not fade away. What motivation for unfailing service for any church leader. They have been marked out by the Chief Shepherd with assured promises in glory. Young people are not overlooked in this epistle. They are to be in subjection to those who are lead­ ers in the church. The reason for

Harold Wright, '71 graduate of Biola is working with Los Angeles County Probation Department. Harold is married and has a 7 month old son he is very proud of. Marina Smith, also a '71 graduate in Christian Education will be a counselor this summer at Word of Life Island in Schroon Lake, New York. Page 22

presence of the Holy Spirit. We see the perfect example of this in the manner in which our Saviour met temptation in Matt. 4 and Luke 4. The Lord quoted from Scripture. The effectual use caused Satan to flee. As we come to the close of this important book we find wonderful promises through suffering (vrs. 10-11). Here we are told that we will be perfected by suffering. It will cause us to be established and strengthened. Paul reminds us that tribulation works patience, and pa­ tience works experience, and ex­ perience works hope, and hope brings recognition of the love of Cod to our hearts. God's desire is our spiritual maturity which comes through trials and testings. We have gone through the crucible of suffering allowed by God for our good. No wonder the close of the epistle offers a benediction to God, "To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever." Again the remind­ er that though the saints may un­ dergo suffering, yet in the future there will be ultimate triumph. As Peter concludes this book, through the help of Silas (another name for Silvanus) he does so with the greet­ ings of those who are with him. He admonishes them to continue regarding one another in brotherly kindness and love. Let us continue to remember that God has called us to salvation, submission, and selflessness. He may yet call us to suffering. All of these are a part of the true grace of God as He brings us to a place of maturity for His sake. In our study of I Peter we come to a passage which has caused a

great deal of questioning (3:18-21). The apostle has been talking about Christ's suffering and His death on the cross. He would have us con­ sider those in Noah's day who were disobedient to the Word of God. They would not repent when the patriarch preached. This leads to a reference to our union with Christ in baptism, which estab­ lishes us in His resurrection. You may be sure that this section has nothing to do with purgatory. Such, in fact, is never taught in Scripture. The passage also does not indicate that man will have a second chance after death. Others erroneously hold that between His death and resurrection Jesus Christ, in a dis­ embodied state, went to preach to certain spirits in Hades. At such a time those there were not given another opportunity for salvation but only heard Him tell of His tri­ umph. This would make it sound like He was gloating over them! The best interpretation is found in the phrase, "quickened by the Spirit." It refers basically to the Holy Spirit who made His body alive. He was raised by the power of the Spirit. The teaching appears to be that Jesus Christ preached in the past by the Holy Spirit to the men of Noah's time as recorded in Gen. 6:3. It may have been a spiritual ministry where Christ Him­ self was preaching through Noah (I Peter 1:11). By this same Spirit His body was raised from the dead. The spirits of the disobedient of Noah's day are now in prison. For the Christians of Peter's day this was a reminder that their persecu­ tors who were disobedient to the Word of God would fall under the Lord's judgment if they did not re­ pent. Their spirits would also be in Page 23

SERVICE After discipline there follows duty. We are to be of a sound mind and be sober (vrs. 7). The nearness of the Lord's return is at hand. The disciplined mind is going to follow from the expectation of Christ's coming again. The believer is to have thought out things on the ba­ sis of the Word of God. His con­ jectures are not to be based upon the emotions but what God has said. The exhortation to sobriety calls for seriousness. We are reminded of this in 1:13. We are to set our attention and expectation upon the hope of the grace of Cod revealed in Jesus Christ. This word of en­ couragement should literally drive us to prayer where we will ask for divine aid and help. After this we must get active being fervent in our love for one another, as well as for a lost and dying world. How interesting that Peter en­ courages hospitality (vrs. 9) "with­ out murmuring about it." This is a practical way to minister our gifts. When we are called upon to do something tangible for the Lord do we grumble, or is it something we enter into with joy of heart? In verse 11 we see two other gifts which are somewhat related: speaking and ministering. Howev­ er they are classified our purpose should be "that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise for ever and ever." Again, the whole pur­ pose is not that the church may be forwarded, or that we personally may have something to boast of, but instead that Cod Himself may be glorified in His Son.

prison, in the abode of the wicked dead. Next we move to the question of baptism. Some would have us believe from verse 21 that this or­ dinance saves. By noting the quali­ fying phrases, however, it becomes very evident that baptism itself is not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but it is the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words, baptism is a matter of obedience to the Word of God. It does not gain for one eternal life. It is an outward sign of an inward change of heart. The third area of suffering is found in 4:1-11 which begins with an exhortation to discipline. We are to arm ourselves with the mind of Christ. How foolish for men to think that power, money, position or something else would be enough armament. We think of the pan­ oply of the believer for the war­ fare mentioned in Eph. 6. To the Philippians Paul rightly told them to have the mind of Christ. To arm yourself with the mind of Christ means to live according to Cod's will. Our purpose should never be to gratify the flesh. Are we desirous of doing Cod's will? Criticism will follow as it did in Peter's day. We have to realize that if we do not live according to the dictates of this society we will probably be looked upon as an ev­ il doer. Still our purpose should be to make certain that we are not fashioned according to the dic­ tates of the course of this age. We cannot be brought low because of those who would revile us (vrs. 5). Again, we are to base our actions very clearly and straightforwardly upon the Word of God. Page 24

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. J. Richard Chase


Q. "I told my daughter, who is a born-again Christian, that all have sinned. Yet, she cannot believe that this would be true of tiny in­ fants. I tried to explain, but I can­ not find proof from the Bible. Can you help me with a verse other than Rom. 3:23?" A. You are, of course, right in what you have told your daughter and we commend you for it. Start with Rom. 5:12 which reminds us that because of sin all men must die physically. She will understand that even babies die, some before they are even an hour old. Sin was not part of Cod's original creation. Death was the penalty for disobe­ dience. Sin broke the perfect re­ lationship with God. You see, death has been "passed upon all men because all have sinned." Adam's sin was different from yours and mine. All the human race was po­ tentially, physically, and actually Page 25

Q. Huntington Beach, Calif. "To whom was John referring when he spoke of the four beasts in the midst of the throne and round about the throne (Rev. 4:5)? And why were they called beasts?" A. While the King James does use the word it should be more liter­ ally translated “ living creatures." Whether these are angels we do not know for certain. We find them in the next chapter saying "Amen" and prostrating themselves in wor­ ship before our Lord who lives for ever and ever. These living and re­ deemed ones are important as rep­ resentatives of a great host of peo­ ple who are doing exactly the same thing around the throne. Down through Church history there have been speculations that these four will actually be Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Scripture is not ex­ plicit on this point, however, and we need not be dogmatic.

the Bible is based upon an intelli­ gent response, if a person is too young, or mentally incompetent, should they die before reaching the age of accountability or being able to make a rational decision they are covered by the all-suffi­ cient efficacious work of Christ.

contained in Adam. If God had cut Adam off in the garden of Eden there would have been no human family. That first sin brought about the moral ruin not just of Adam but of us all (Rom. 5:12). Yes, death is a universal fact of our existence in this world. Moral people die and so do infants who may not

. . . backhand shot

Biola tennis coach Doug Westfall with Darryl Kealy have commited actual deeds. Da­ vid expressed it by saying, “We go astray from the womb as soon as we be born, speaking lies." Adam became a sinner by sinning. On the other hand we sin because we have a sinful nature. Keep in mind, too, that every single invitation in Page 26

Q. Kansas City, Kans. "What will happen to Christ-centered institu­ tions, such as Biola, immediately following the Rapture and during the Tribulation period?" A. As far as we who know the Lord are concerned, it really matters

very little. We will be with the Lord. As a possibility Biola, and other Christian organizations could serve as valued and valid testi­ monies for the Lord to those who have rejected Jesus Christ prior to the Rapture. Think what an effect this would have on them to see the school completely emptied.

Q. Culver City, Calif. "Why do the majority of churches believe in re­ specting all of God's command­ ments with the exception of Ex. 20:8? The disciples continued keeping the sabbath after Christ's death. Pagan influences really changed the day to Sunday."

Runs back after lob shot by opponent

Darryl wins singles match against USIU 2-6, 6-3, 7-5 A. That the majority of churches do observe Sunday as the Lord's day should cause our friends to give some contemplation to the real reason. The 10 Commandments were never given to the Gentiles and certainly not to the church. Every one of the commandments, Page 27

We do not accept young people who are not professing Christians. On closer scrutiny they might check our library to find thousands of volumes of great doctrinal and prophetic truth. Suffice it to say, it is going to be a most interesting event to be sure.