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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

wicd According to II Peter 1:5-9, there are two types of Christians: good ones and bad ones! The New

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

must take over now that God has made a flop of things. The frustrated Christian is not to be pitied

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11 N O V EM B E R 1971 mmm N O V EM B E R

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King’s Business Magazine FEBRUARY 1

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

read an article recently which stated, 'Christ is the only one man of Adam's race who is now living

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King's Business Magazine NUMBER 1 J

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

Page 4 People J. RICHARD CHASE ish translator (A.D. 200), selected the Latin term peculiaris to tran

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

do not under­ stand Rev. 19:19-21 and chapter 20. I thought that the Christians were taken out of th

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12







Managing Editor...




Biola Hour H o st...





The Light






J. Richard Chase How to Live in Two Bodies






Jam es E. Rosscup A Student N u r s e ........................................................ 10 Anonymous Panel Discussions . . . ■ 13 *The Lo st Harvest . . . . . . 19 Sidney Langford Torrey Conference Information . . . . 25 *Conflict of the Ages . . . . . . 34 Lloyd T . Anderson * L i f e ...........................................................................43 Malcolm R. Cronk * Israel and Prophecy . . . . . . 50 Charles L . Feinberg * Biola Hour Radio M essag es Christmas Cover Photograph by Pete Schwepker Student Photographer — Kirk Potter WHEN REQUESTING EXTRA COPIES OF THE BIOLA BROADCASTER, PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR DELIVERY. Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

1972 /UNDAy APTERNCCN H I IIC A I S FEBRUARY 6 Bob Shepard and Blue Meadows FEBRUARY 13 The Melody Chorus Mr. Alfred Chan (Bass Soloist) FEBRUARY 20 The David Lloyd Singers Mr. Norman Nelson (Tenor Soloist) FEBRUARY 27

Covenant Cospelaires Quartet The Ray Lutke Family Singers MARCH 5 Dan Friberg and Greg O'Haver (Trumpet Duo) To be Announced MARCH 12 Salvation Army Band MARCH 19 Biola Chorale Biola Band Mrs. Joyce Landorf (Pianist and Soloist)

J . R IC H A R D C H A S E

Recently on television a young woman in a long robe was interviewed. After a few years of searching and experimentation, she had joined a mystic religion. When asked if she had found the peace and happiness she was searching for, she replied, “ I hope so.” She was obviously uncertain. This young person is typical of so many who live apart from Christ. Uncertainty, doubt, and despair are more their way of life than confi­ dence, faith, and hope. Christ came to change lives. He was, as Simeon states in Luke 2:32, “A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of thy people Israel.” Often at this time of the year we look at the names of Christ as found in Isaiah 9:6 “ . . . wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace;” or Matthew 1:21 and 23, “ Jesus,” and “ Immanuel.” Simeon’s description of the Christ-child is also rich in meaning and heritage. It provides an explanation for the young woman’s behavior on television. Christ as light illumines, reveals, and makes possible real life — eternal life — to those in darkness. The word translated “ lighten” in Luke 2:32 can be studied with profit, but the intent of the full text is fixed in Scripture; the phrase is a picture of salvation in Christ. Isaiah 42:6 closes with this same phrase, and then verse seven expands the concept: “To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” Those who do not walk with Christ, the Light (John 1:4-9), are blind and bound in the darkness of a dungeon. Page 4

Without sight or light we live by guess and chance. Bound, we are slaves and restricted to monotony and despair.

What an effective picture — without sight or light we live by guess and chance. Bound, we are slaves and restricted to monotony and despair. This graphic picture of man without Christ is clearly demon­ strated in the lives of man, ancient or modern. Have you ever groped for the light switch in a dark and unfamiliar room? In a sense, some are groping for reality with drugs, alcohol, and mysticism. Without full knowledge and understanding, many destroy their lives before they ever see the light. Mentally, we can be bound by bias, chained to self and the hell of despair. Christ is the light that brings full life and understanding. We see our need, our helplessness and claim Him as Lord and Savior. To those who have accepted Christ as Savior and deliverer, Simeon was right: Christ is light! But Simeon added another significant phrase concerning the Christ-child. He was “ the glory of thy people Israel.” That is, when people would think of Israel, the one thought that would stand out was that Christ was of these people: He was the son of David. Christ was to be Israel’s pride and joy. This is, of course, a poor way to state it. But it does catch the basic concept of the Greek term translated “ glory.” Hereafter, the best of Israel was not Moses or Joshua. It was neither David nor the temple. It was not their culture or their law that people would consider the glory of their race. It was their Messiah, Immanuel, who had come to minister to all mankind; born of the family of David but truly God incarnate. This Christmas season the world desperately needs a light — The Light — as surely as Israel needs to recognize Christ as their Glory. Page 5

Wow to Uve in Two Codies


Many Christians have memorized Romans 12:1-2. Some, however, have not realized the tremendous way in which Paul's words about presenting the body and having the mind transformed lead into the rest of the chapter. Paul speaks of two bodies. What you do with your own body comes first, but after this what do you do with your spiritual gifts and fruit in the body of Christ? The experience of verses 1-2 is necessary for the reality of verse 2b, realizing the will of God. It is when your mind is being renewed

that you can properly exercise your role in the body of Christ. It is there, according to Paul's emphasis here, that you do the will of God. Of course this does not deny that you are to do His will in all other aspects of life as well, as in obeying civil authority (13:1-7), etc. How do you relate the will of Cod to others in the body of Christ? Paul shows us. By a proper estimation of your gift (vv. 3-5). You are to take a spiritually healthy attitude toward yourself and your ability, between

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volvement with others. Reach out, meet needs, bring blessings to them. In Paul's context here, proph­ ecy brings edification by the Word of God; service ministers to others to meet such needs as the bodily; teaching lays out and clarifies what God has said so that its meaning is evident and others may live in the good of it. We could go right on down the line with all of the gifts. When your attitude is sound here, it will often melt away your criti­ cisms of others. Your heart will be warmed by thanksgiving. You will look for some blessing Cod has marked out for you through the gifts of others. You will also foster within yourself a spirit of helping others. Aquila and Priscilla illus­ trate this for us in Acts 18. They took Apollos aside (was it home for dinner?) and explained the things of God to him more per­ fectly. They filled out areas of his need, and he went away a growing and more useful Christian to open the Scriptures and touch the lives of others. We, like these two, may help and not hinder in the body of Christ. Third, learn to say yes and no. Some stagger under the self-im­ posed and false burden that spir­ ituality always says yes. But if you see where your gift primarily lies, this will help you to know the things you should emphasize and the things you should leave to others. Fourth, remember that it is not just what you can do but what God can do. Refuse to strap yourself down to your own small dimen­ sions but live in the great terms of what God can do. Then the possi­ bilities for your gift bringing bless­ ing to others open up more and more. Page 7

two unhealthy extremes. On the one hand, avoid self-exaltation from exaggerated ideas of your gifts in relation to others. On the other hand, guard against self-belit­ tling from a false humility which makes light of your gifts. A faithful Cod has given them to you, and you really can be the blessing He has intended if you learn to let Him work through you. By a proper exercise of your gift (vv. 6-8). Paul emphasizes exercis­ ing yourself primarily in the area of your gift (as in prophecy, ser­ vice, teaching, exhorting) and watching that your attitude fits your gift (as in giving with liberality). There are very practical ways in which Paul's counsel can make a difference in the exercise of your gift. First, if you know you have a cer­ tain gift, be faithful in it. Stick with it patiently. Let the Holy Spirit de­ velop it through you. If you have still other gifts they will also be­ come apparent as you simply give the larger portion of your effort to the one about which you are al­ ready clear. Some display spiritual narrow-mindedness here that puts "all the eggs in one basket," so to speak. They demand that you fit into their mold and fulfill the same functions they are fulfilling. But it just makes sense that in certain cases it may be the will of Cod for you to stay primarily with the one function in which you can do the best service to the body of Christ without being unfaithful in certain other roles on occasion. Second, involve yourself with others. Do not back into a shell. Cultivate a consciousness that your gift is for the building up of the body, not just for you. This calls for unselfish sensitivity to and in­

Paul continues to show, with one final emphasis, how you implement the will of God in the body of Christ. By a pure expression of godliness (vv. 9-21). There is a clean-cut dis­ tinction between the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit, but Paul stresses that they should be inter-related and coordinated. The Christian who has presented his body to Christ and is being transformed will be able to implement God's will in ways like these— in the pure good­ ness of the love of God. Take one example. "Let love be without hypocrisy." Paul means that in exercising our gifts we are not to be actors wearing masks and faking a love which we do not really have. Our whole hearts should be in it with the love which is the fruit of the Spirit. If a Chris­ tian's gift is prophecy, what he says to benefit others is to be with gen­ uine love and not false motives; if service he is to mean it and not be grasping after some prize plum for himself; if teaching, he is to do so with sincere concern for the high­ est good of others and not for his own advantage; if exhorting, he is to do it with real interest and not just words, words, and more words. A friend of our family visited a TV studio while a well-known lead­ er of a children's program was do­ ing a show. The leader gathered the children around him and in var­ ious ways acted lovingly toward them, laughed with them, and was very tender. Our friend was im­ pressed. The program ended, they were off the air, and the children had gone home. Then the leader let his hair down and did an about- face. He said, "Now that we've got those little brats out of our hair Page 8

for the day . . ." and some other bad things about the children. To our friend, the whole big thing suddenly dwindled to a cruel farce, a sorry bit of make-believe, the hypocrisy of an actor pacing him­ self through his motions. Let us, as Christians involved with other "children" of Cod, exercise our gifts with a pure expression of godliness, with the fruit of love which can be the genuine outflow of hearts possessed by the Spirit. How, then, do I exercise my gift? In short, this gift of the Spirit is to be in coordination with His fruit. I am to present my body to Cod and let Him transform my mind so that I might implement His will in the body of Christ and in all other spheres of life. I can do that will in the body of Christ by a proper estimation of my gift, a proper exercise of my gift, and a pure ex­ pression of godliness.

Dr. Rosscup is Associate Professor of Bible at Talbot Seminary.

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■ 6 ^


n K 9 9 H I K f b i b l e con fef É n c e t o u r s APRIL 13- MAY 4 A B IBLE CONFERENCE TOUR TO: • Rome

• Athens • Corinth • Egypt (Lupar and Valley of The Kings) • Lebanon (Beirut, Baalbek) • Israel (8 full days) , /I • Turkey (Smyrna, Ephesus, Pergamun)

| Tour Bible Teacher: Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland Tour Escort: Dr. Israel Carmona ; DOST: $1098. from New York — *$1298. Wm West Coast J B X 9 minimum of 15 people ir\ sa/ue tour , -/ U june jüLy 3 A Bible Conference tour vfijfi Tffe-sare .itinerary as the April Tour. . - .. -—A----- " * Tour Bible Teachers DR. LLOYD T. ANDERSON' . Biola Hour Bible Teacher A DR. CUR.US MITCHELL Biola College COST; $1171. from New York — *$1371. from West Coast *iT}ipimum of 15 people in same tour

For more inforolatipri write: DR. f f l t t L CARMONA ....... '

PB IW BS srf^ rouR ■ cooH^fhATPR J 3 io l a J R le g e

■ffaoo BIOLA A v ê fU Ë \ * » LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638

A Student Nurse

This ¡s a reprint of a letter written to Miss Leonie Soubirou, Chairman of the Nursing Department.

!23saz ¿Afi±± ¿SoukLiou, 0 fsLt a nssd to arzits you and tsLL you a LittL fait alrout nzy liait iix urszki of mmmzz.

...andp roud o f

Q z iU i, i u t d finaLLg dzaidzd Lt VJCL6. hojlS.Ls.û.6., Ü7 iz x z t\rai no futuxz tiz x z fo r mz! d arai a "'fLoa tzx." d ia d a nzur gxoufi o f jia tizn ti zuzxg o tiz x dag. Ü 7 ¡ izze , vcrai no urag d could zffza t t i z a iangzi t i a t virzxz îo dzijrzx- atzLg nzzdzd. d txizd i u t d faiLzd . . . m iizxaiLg.

Between fighting the wind and the size of the sign, Olatunji Ajibola seems to be having some difficulty.

PANELDiscussions Q. Seattle, Wash. "In Greek the word 'soma' means the body and 'sarkos' means sinful nature. In Galatians 2:20, Paul's statement confuses me. Perhaps the word 'sarkos' means human nature as well as sinful nature?" we are not in the flesh but in the spirit. This does not mean that we are out of our physical body. There it has the ethical concept of "sar­ kos." It must not be categorized too limitedly.

Q. Santa Cruz, Calif. “ Would you compare Daniel 1:1 with II Chron­ icles 36:5 which gives an apparent difference in the dates of the rul­ ing of Jehoiakim, king of Judah?" A. There is a difference in reckon­ ing between Daniel and what we find in the earlier passage. (This is the same,too, with Jeremiah 25:1). The question is in what year, dur- Page 13

A. “ Soma" means "body" but not “ nature." To say that “ sarkos" means sinful nature is defining it too limitedly. It also represents “ flesh." When Paul says, “ I have been crucified with Christ" in Ga­ latians 2:20, he means what hap­ pened to Christ physically hap­ pened to me spiritually. Paul said

homes, hospitals and jails which are filled with people who could be visited and testified to with the Gospel. Such a program of out­ reach might be far more helpful to young people than trying to get them interested in other non-spir- itually related activities. Certainly, during the appointed hours for Sunday school and church wor­ ship, no one should be out playing during these times. This is for his own good, as well as for his testi­ mony before others. Q. San Francisco, Calif. "What is your opinion of the Jerusalem Bible Translation?" A. It is to be preferred over some of the other translations of today such as the New English Bible. In many areas it does a fine work of presenting true-to-the-original in­ terpretations. It was prepared by a group of Catholic scholars from various parts of the world. Some feel its weaknesses include a ten­ dency to transpose portions of a Scripture, relocating certain pas­ sages. This is not an acceptable practice. Also, a translation should not be a commentary, as this has done in a number of places. Gen­ erally, it is very reverent and could be used for comparative study. Having said this, we believe the best we have available for refer- nce, reading and peraching is still the King James Version. Q. Albuquerque, New Mex. "What is your impression of 'Good News for Modern Man'?" A. This is not a translation but rath­ er is a paraphrase. Keep in mind the distinction which is in view. The former traces the original lan­ guages while the latter is the im-

ing the reign of the king, was it that Nebuchadnezzar came to be- seige Jerusalem? Daniel says that it was the third year while the oth­ er two passages tell us it was in the fourth year. The basis must be determined by the time that the king actually ascended to the throne. The Judean way of deter­ mination was that any part of a year constituted an entire year. (The same is true for us with Inter­ nal Revenue Service. If a child is born even on the 31st of Decem­ ber the parents get the entire year reckoned on thir taxes.) The Baby­ lonian computations were just the opposite. It was the first full year after going to the throne. In other words, our usage today would be the calendar or the fiscal year's reckoning. Both of these accounts are therefore correct. Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. "Should any work or play be done on the Lord's day? A church, after the evening service, has the young people playing ball. They also al­ low them to wash cars for money on Sunday. How should we look upon such activities?" A. Quite a few of our ideas and convictions are based upon the way in which we were brought up. Many of us can be thankful for the rather strict guidelines and direc­ tions which we experienced. Such times of spiritual molding can be most meaningful when exerted in a spirit of Christian love and obe­ dience. Basically, these matters are of one's own convictions. The church should encourage young and old alike to spend time with the Word and in things which would bring glory to Him. There are many rest

Page 14

should be operated correctly. It is similar to an automobile. There should be proper instructions and guidelines given. That is why it is too bad that you cannot be with these young people more. Keep in mind that probably, unless the children see TV in your home, un­ der your guidance and direction, the likelihood is that they will see less desirable things at the homes of others. In a completely different area consider the many possible and inexpensive hobbies which can be undertaken. A great num­ ber of cities have programs set up in this area, particularly for young people. Let your children get in­ volved in different things that pro­ vide for diversity and interest. As to your older children, now away from home, it would not be incon­ sistent, if properly explained to bring in a TV set now. They would no doubt appreciate discussing the problem with you. Such times can prove to be the most important and rewarding for them as well as for you. Q. Centralia, Wash. "In I John 3:6 and 9, can a Christian sin in this life? Please explain these passages for me." A. Yes, Christians can and do sin as you will note from the first chapter and the first few verses of the second in this same book. Thank Cod, we do have an Advo­ cate with the Father, even our Lord Jesus Christ (2:1). There is no discrepancy between the two verses which you have mentioned. When a person be­ comes a child of Cod through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he is a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17). When you become a Christian, it Page 15

pressions, generally of one man, as to what he feels the verse says to him. Paraphrases are useful to some for study or reference work. We feel that perhaps the best to recommend would be the Ampli­ fied Bible which gives all of the various shades of meaning to the original words and text. Another very excellent new work by way of translations is the new American Standard Bible which has just re­ cently been published by Creation House. We would encourage you to get a copy of this. Q. Clearbrook, B.C., Can. "We have three lovely children at home. We have had to move a number of times recently and they have suf­ fered for it. They often tell us that there is nothing to do in this area since their friends are left behind. Hence, they beg for a television set. We have been told that there is hardly anything good for chil­ dren on TV. Having to be away a great deal we are afraid that they would see programs which would destroy their morals and our teach­ ing. We did not allow our older children to have television when they were at home. If we bought a set now, would this be inconsis­ tent and a poor testimony to them ? A. Our entire purpose, of course, should be what will please and bring honor to the Lord. In this area, the matter is one of personal conviction. It is not something for our legislation upon others. Could you possibly have time to interest your children in new friends who might be a part of one of the near­ by churches? It is true that most of the things on television are not for the consumption of young minds. Like anything, television

President Chase addressing the student body during Convocation.

is not the old nature that's patched up! The old nature is still just as wicked and sinful as before. It is the new creation that we read about in these two verses. The new nature, born of the Holy Spir­ it, cannot commit sin because it comes from Cod. When we sin, it is the old nature that does the iniquity. The man of the world has only the old nature, while the Christian has the two. The new na­ ture will live throughout all eter­ nity. Someday, we will be done with the old when we meet the Lord either in death or at the Rap- Page 16

ture. This is why we need to realize the conflict of which Paul speaks in Romans 7 between the two na­ tures. Q. Lapeer, Mich. "What type of baptism is spoken of in John 3:22? Were the people whom John bap­ tized in Matthew 3:11 saved? If not, what was the purpose of this baptism?" A. They were baptized for the re­ mission of their sins as these were confessed before God. The Lord Jesus had not yet appeared on earth when John the Baptist came

did not keep their first estate, re­ ferring to those who followed the devil in his rebellion (Isaiah 14:13, 14). The devil had the power to choose to follow Cod. Instead he decided to rebel. For this reason he was cast out of heaven. Most Bible theologians believe that an­ gels today do not have the power of choice any longer. They are messengers of God doing His bid­ ding. They do not have the power of free will in the same sense as we do. No means of their redemp­ tion has been made possible, al­ though that privilege is given to all mankind. We trust those who read these words have made that choice, accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Q. Centralia, Wash. "Is it all right to pray to Jesus, or are we to pray to God the Father in Jesus' name?" A. It was Dr. R. A. Torrey's convic­ tion that we should pray to God in the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind, however, that there is ab­ solutely no jealousy among the members of the Godhead. The main thing is the sincerity of heart from the one who has truly been born again through faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary's cross. Q. "Why do teachers not encour­ age feasting and prayer as Jesus did in Mark 9:29?" A. As to this specific passage, you will note in the margins of many Bibles that most ancient manu­ scripts omit the words "and fast­ ing." This does not mean, however, that there are not places where fasting is coupled with prayer throughout the Bible. Fasting was done on an individual as well as on a national basis. Page 17

preaching in the wilderness of Ju­ daea. The purpose was to indicate cleansing and repentence from the old life, and a readiness and pre­ paredness to receive the Messiah when He came. The people were not saved through that particular rite, just as people are not saved today by this means. These people were disciples and learners who were anxious for the coming of the Lord. Q. Seaside, Calif. "Are the angels in heaven creatures of free will as we humans are?" A. In Jude 6 we see that the angels

time. It was always, "Not my will, but Thine be done." You and I can never understand just what was contained in the full measure of that cup containing the wrath of God in judgment upon the sins of all mankind. We cannot con­ ceive of the meaning of the sepa­ ration of God the Father from God the Son during this moment of sacrifice for man's salvation. Q. Soquel, Calif. "If the dead in Christ are caught up in the first resurrection, and the unrighteous in the last resurrection, one thou­ sand years later, when will those who have given their lives during the Tribulation be resurrected?" A. The answer to your question is found in Revelation 20:4. The first resurrection has certain stages. The first is past with the resurrection of our Saviour. Then, there will be the Rapture when those who have both died and are alive in Him will be taken to glory. (I Thessalon- ians 4:13-18). Then, Old Testament saints, Daniel 12:1-3, and also the Tribulation martyrs are resurrected before the Millennium. In this man­ ner, before the 1000 years of reign on this earth, all the children of God from all the ages are going to be resurrected and complete in Him.

Many Bible teachers today do teach the subject of fasting. There is more Scripture, interestingly enough, on how fasting was mis­ used than there is on how we should do it. It has been much abused. Fasting is not meritorious. If the praying is more important than the taking of food, then by all means fast. But do not think there­ by that God has to do something because He has seen you fast. God does things in His infinite will on the basis of the merit and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not try to make fasting legal or binding on someone else. It is not in any sense obligatory. Do not get super-pious about it, telling others of your greatness and sacrifice. That is not the purpose of fasting at all. Q. Glendale, Calif. " I was told that Jesus was bearing our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was praying in agony, and that God the Father forsook His Son in that moment. Would you interpret the Scriptures this way?" A. Absolutely not! It is only in the shedding of blood that there is re­ mission for sins. The Father did not forsake Him. He was praying there in fellowship with God at that

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B y R E V . S I D N E Y L A N G F O R D

crowd of people sheltered under the few shade trees that remained. They seemed in a state of shock, bewildered at the turn of events, not knowing what to do next. There was anger for those now unknown who might have been responsible for the catastrophe. We see an interesting picture of a similar tragedy in Joel's day (Joel 1:1-10). If the worms spoil every­ thing, the locusts would ruin what was left. The harvest of the field was so completely wasted that the people would howl and wail. The Spirit of God spoke through Joel and properly placed blame on Israel with the responsibility of a "lost harvest." The problem was the sin of disobedience. It had lead to a turning away from God. Judg­ ment was meted out on the fruit of their fields (vs. 11). Israel was known as God's earthly people. Her blessings thereby were to be earthly. The barrenness of the Jew­ ish crops were a barometer reg­ istering their spiritual condition down throughout the ages. Page 19

In Jeremiah 8:20-22 we find that the prophet was crushed and as­ tonished because of the very bar­ renness and fruitlessness both of the lives and the land of the chil­ dren of Judah. The people were afar off from God and under His judgment. Jeremiah's heart was broken over a "lost harvest." It was a burning hot day in the latter part of January. The very heighth of the dry season had hit the southern part of the Sudan. Nearly all of the rivers were dried up since there had not been any rain for nearly three months. Fires had charred most of the prairie bush land. Sometimes back fires were lit by the Africans to protect themselves from other conflagra­ tions that might get started. By accident one of these fires swept into a large village. In desperation the people tried unsuccessfully to save their homes. Yet everyone of their huts and graineries were burned to the ground. More than 500 people lost everything of their meager earthly possessions. It was pathetic to see this large

Although the Church of Jesus Christ is known as the Lord's heav­ enly people we are called upon to bring forth spiritual fruit in an earthly field. The whole world is our responsibility. What the har­ vest yields gives us a picture of our faithfulness in sowing and nur­ turing. The Holy Spirit desires us to begin an inward investigation as to the reason why there may be a problem with the harvest. Yet there are those who might counter, “ Is the Gospel not being preached more today than in the history of the Church? Are there not more missionaries? Is radio not hurling the message of truth to the uttermost parts of the earth?" The answer to all of these ques­ tions is "Yes." Yet, any farmer who had a yield of only 10 percent would consider it a poor crop in­ deed. Statistics show that the cur­ rent response is even far less than this. Still the world population continues to explode. Joel told the people of his day (vs. 4) that the reason for the fail­ ure was sin. It is interesting to see that "The Word of the Lord came unto the prophet Joel." His heart was being prepared to carry Cod's message to the wayward children of Judah. His first exhortation was to the elders (vrs. 2). Then it was for all the "inhabitants of the land." No one was to be excluded, in­ cluding children. This was total evangelism as the only solution to a fruitless field and a wasted har- est. The throbbing of the drums out in the distant village announced the death of another heathen. We knew it was the beginning of an ordeal which would last throughout all the hours of the night. There

would be little sleep for us. The village went to the very depths of sorcery. Death, in their supersti­ tious thought, was caused by the induction of the spirit world. Some enemy, by some means, had been able to induce the evil spirits to bring death to this member of their clan. The people had met to see if they could determine who was responsible for the death. The first one to be accused was the man's own wife. Every cup of cold water she had given him out of a heart of love, every bit of food she had prepared for her dying husband was now interpreted as an act of violence. She had to give an account of herself. Friends came from miles around to join in the mourning. It was not necessarily because they were sorry. They wanted to prevent anyone from pointing an accusing finger at them, so great does fear grip the hearts of these people. During the course of the night the people would go to the grain- eries of the dead man and open them up, only to cast his well- saved crops to the four winds. Their reason was that since the dead man had planted the grain by the sweat of his brow and now was not able to partake of it, neith­ er should anyone else. They over­ looked the work of planting by his wife and children. These were forced to sit idly by showing little emotion, as all of the precious pro­ vision for months to come were totally destroyed. What a picture this is of the end of every heathen man's life. Nothing else to show for it but a lost harvest. Let me tell you about a lost har­ vest that was reaped by one of our African evangelists. The Christian

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and his young wife had volun­ teered to go in service to a tribe where heathen customs involved a wide range of superstition. Our missionary's wife became violently ill a short time after they began there. She had to be taken to a mission hospital. There our doctor diagnosed her condition as tuber­ culosis of the bones in her legs. The couple was told that they could not remain out in the village and that the wife would have to stay in the hospital for a long period of recuperation. This nearly broke the heart of the dedicated workers. Nevertheless they accepted it as from the Lord. During that period the earnest native evangelist took the nurses training course given at the hospital. One Sunday morning I had the opportunity of speaking to all of the Christians at the nearby sta­ tion where we were labouring. As I talked my heart was burdened concerning the needs of countless thousands so near to our station going to a Christless eternity. I was seeking to challenge the hearts of those there to respond to the call of the Lord in giving out the Gos­ pel. Coming to the close of my message, I was contrained to give an invitation. I could not help no­ ticing the young evangelist sitting right near the front of the church. Tears were streaming down his face. He had responded to the message but because of his cir­ cumstances he was not able to go. I was greatly burdened for his need. It was sometime later that his wife was released from the hospi­ tal. The disease had run its course and was now arrested. This was a day of great rejoicing. They de­ termined to go back to the village

where they had a spiritual debt to pay to the people. Now they had four children to take with them. They carried sufficient grain to sus­ tain the family until their own gar­ dens would grow. They soon dis­ covered that this was not nearly enough and they did not know where they could find more. As they prayed about it God brought to their attention the garden of a manwho had just died about three months prior to this time. His field was ready to be reaped. According to tribal custom, however, no one should touch the fruit. To do so meant death. The dedicated evangelist felt this was God's provision for them. He was not afraid of the superstition, and gathered the grain for his hun­ gry family. The news of what had happened reached everyone quick­ ly. When none of his family died the people began coming to ask questions about his faith and the Gospel message. Many of them responded, including the village chief who accepted Christ as his personal Saviour. That harvest could have been lost, but God used it to reap a harvest of lost souls. This faithful evangelist had followed the footsteps of his Mas­ ter. Christ looked over the city of Jerusalem and wept (Luke 19:41). His heart was broken over the lost harvest of His day. Oh that God would give us broken hearts lik­ ened unto our Master's concerning the lost harvest of our day. Jeremiah received a heart that was burdened for real spiritual needs (Jeremiah 8:20). He saw that "the harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved." No wonder he was mourning. How Page 21

cells. Each Christian was given a sheet on which to put the names of those who did not know Christ. They were to pray for them that they might come to the Saviour. Two counseling classes were be­ gun. Village evangelism and per­ sonal work were underscored. Then special evangelistic missions were conducted. They went from hut-to-hut and person-to-person giving out the Good News. Over a period of months, there were some 20,000 decisions for Christ. After that teams of evangelists went out to strategic areas. They sought to reach people in larger towns. This ministry yielded 10,000 decisions for the Lord. This all took

do the needs of the lost multitudes affect us? May we so dedicate our­ selves to the Lord that we might personally become involved in the Great Commission, saying with the prophet of old, “ I (emphatically /), go mourning." The Epoch of Opportunity We are all aware of what tran­ spired in the Congo during the 1964-65 communistically-inspired rebellions. This necessitated the evacuation of 145 of our mission­ aries. When the government forces recaptured certain areas of the northeastern section some of them were permitted to return. Today the Africa Inland Mission has more than 100 ambassadors of Christ serving there in the Congo. Cod has blessed abundantly in giving a tremendous response to the mes­ sage of Christ. The problem is that many of these who went back are now due furlough. There is a des­ perate need for personnel, for as our field director has pointed out, "We are living in an epoch of op­ portunity." Our supreme purpose for being in Africa down through the years has been to proclaim the Gospel, plant churches, and train Africans to carry the full responsibility for evangelizing their people. A year or so before the wars in the Congo, Rev. Austin Paul, a veteran mis­ sionary now home with the Lord, was the leader of a special evan­ gelistic thrust there. He guided what was called an "Evangelism for ALL Campaign." Every church member was urged to be involved in the outreach. Special prayer preparation was the starting foun­ dation. God blessed in the estab­ lishing of more than 1000 prayer Page 22

portunities are ours. Before the Congo uprisings there were 30,000 within the church. Today there are 70,000 baptized believers! For this we give God all of the praise. During the early years of 1950 we in Africa met another crisis with the Mau Maus. It was an emergency situation. The British government was frustrated and ap­ pealed to us as a mission to pro­ vide them with a Gospel radio broadcast beamed to these people. We, of course, agreed to do this, trusting that it would be a rich blessing. As a result today we have 80 broadcasts every month. Since the country has received its inde­ pendence we have still been asked

place before the terrible blood­ bath of the rebellion in 1964-65. It is thrilling to report that this spirit of revival has continued right up to the present time. It was my opportunity to be out in Africa just after the difficulties had taken place. There were so many places to minister we preached twice a day, generally travelling 50 to 100 miles to reach as many as possible. This same field director wrote a few days ago to tell of a special campaign being held by our Con­ go Church. Seven teams of evan­ gelists have gone out for three months with the result of 14,952 decisions for Jesus Christ. What unparalleled, unprecedented op­

A popular spot for relaxing between the Music Building and the Cafeteria.

duced literally thousands of peo­ ple who have been prepared for the ministry and used of God in leadership for the church. The ministries of our hospitals and dispensaries have cared for more than 1,200,000 consultations. These not only meet the physical requirements of people, but also their spiritual needs. We have 12 hospitals in the areas where we serve in Africa. There are more than 70 dispensaries together with 19 doctors and 50 missionary nurses. They in turn have trained a great host of Africans as nurses so that these may carry on this ministry. When our missionary, Austin Paul, came home on his last fur­ lough, after spending nearly 40 years in Africa, he was very weak of body. His wife died during the time of their furlough. We won­ dered whether Brother Paul would be able to go back. Yet he was determined and wanted to launch the ground-work for the coming of Jack Wyrtzen and other Amer­ ican evangelists. He was permitted to return knowing how great the needs were. He found himself hav­ ing to go to bed with an illness, yet he pressed on until one day the Lord took him. He was thrilled to the very depths of his soul with the way Cod was blessing in prep­ aration for the crusades. His heart and soul was all for the spiritual needs of Africa. While he never lived to see the coming of God's servants he saw the results through the eye of faith! I stood by the grave side of Austin Paul on one occasion. It was simple with a small headstone which was made of a rock. He was true to his Lord to the end, and gave the work

to provide these programs. This is free time given to us as a mission. The government has also invited us to participate with them in tele­ casts to present the Gospel. Ob­ viously we are accepting this op­ portunity as well. With the help of the Lord we are also launching a new program seeking to prepare telecasts which might be used in any African country throughout the entire continent. Pray together with us that this might be accom­ plished to the glory of the Lord. We also have an "epoch of op­ portunity" in the area of educa­ tional work. Each day we have the privilege of ministering to 80,000 people in our classrooms. You may be sure that the Bible is a vital part of the curriculum. Consecu­ tive studies from the Word are presented day-by-day. As a result God has worked within many hearts. More than 90 per cent of those in the Congo have come to Christ as a result of the ministry of the Scriptures within our schools. The vice-president of Kenya is one who attended our school in Ken­ ya. He is a member of the Africa Inland Church as well, and an out­ standing Christian. Six of the cab­ inet of the President are born-again Christians. Also, over 50 within the pari iament are those who know the Lord in a very intimate manner. The man who was ambassador from Uganda to the United States a few years ago was one who had been taught in the classrooms of the Africa Inland Mission. Today he is the ambassador to Great Britain. What a joy to see this fruit being used in the harvest. We have 10 Bible schools, and two seminaries. These are the very backbone of our work. They pro­

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ToRREy M emorîa I B i b l e

C oherence

David D. Allen, Jr.

Dr. Charles W. Anderson Dr. Myron S. Augsburger Dr. Malcolm R. Cronk

Dr. Torrey A. Johnson

Dr. John Hunter

Loren Fischer

Robert G. Hobson

Dr. AI Sanders

Dr. Lloyd M. Perry

Dr. Ralph L. Kelper

David L. Larsen

Lee W. Toms

Dr. Bruce K. Waltke

Dr. Andrew Telford

Dr. Lehman Strauss

SPECIAL MUSIC ♦Covenant Gospelaires Quartet ♦The Ray Lutke Family Singers

Dr. Roy B. Zuck

Vander Warner, Jr.

J anuary 50 - FebRUARy 4

FEATUREd SpEAkERS David D. Allen, Jr., Pastor Church of the Open Door Muskegon, Michigan Dr. Charles W. Anderson, Pastor Brookdale Baptist Church Bloomfield, New Jersey Dr. Myron S. Augsburger, President, Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary Harrisonburg, Virginia Dr. Malcolm R. Cronk, Pastor Church of the Open Door Los Angeles, California Loren Fischer, Faculty Western Conservative Baptist Seminary

David L. Larsen, Pastor First Evangelical Covenant Church Rockford, Illinois Dr. Lloyd M. Perry, Faculty Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Deerfield, Illinois Dr. Al Sanders, TV Host and Executive Producer Day of Discovery (TV ministry of Radio Bible Class St. Petersburg, Florida Dr. Lehman Strauss Bible Teaching Ministry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr Andrew Telford, Evangelist Dr Bruce K. Waltke, Faculty Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas, Texas Vander Warner, Jr., Pastor Grove Avenue Baptist Church Richmond, Virginia Dr. Roy B. Zuck Executive Vice-President Scripture Press Ministries Glen Ellyn, Illinois Boca Raton, Florida Lee W. Toms, Pastor Arcade Baptist Church Sacramento, California

Portland, Oregon Robert G. Hobson

North American Director Capernwray Fellowship of Torchbearers Dr. John Hunter Honorary Field Representative Capernwray Fellowship of Torchbearers Dr. Torrey A. Johnson Senior Minister Bibletown Community Church Boca Raton, Florida Dr. Ralph L. Keiper, Faculty

Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary Denver, Colorado

C onference L ocations Magnolia Baptist, Anaheim • Calvary Bible, Burbank • Grace Baptist, Glendora • First Baptist, Hemet • La Mirada Campus • Bethany Baptist, Long Beach • First Baptist, Long Beach • North Long Beach Brethren, Long Beach • Community Baptist, Manhattan Beach • Calvary Church, Pacific Palisades • Community Church of Palm Springs, Palm Springs • Christian and Missionary Alliance, Pasadena • North Redondo Chapel, Redondo Beach • First Baptist, Reseda • Bethany Baptist, Whittier • The Neighborhood Church, Castro Valley • First Baptist, San Jose • Evangelical Free, Walnut Creek.


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