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KC Estate Works Dec 2017

star-cookies.) PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 5350 College Blvd Overland Park, Kansas

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KC Estate Works Oct 2017

2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • • • • • Cooking spray Dire

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KC Estate Works - August 2017

eclipse2017 to plan your trip. Luckily for us Kansas Citians, we’ll have a front-row seat just to th

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KC Estate Works - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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KC Estate Works January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” Roth whisks us to a planet where each person has a “currentgif

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KC Estate Works - August 2018

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 8 cloves garlic, smashed and coarsely chopped • 2 tablespoons fresh r

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KC Estate Works November 2017

Sollars Thanksgiving circuit, sporting drawstring pants and a healthy kid in tow. Fire up those oven

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KC Estate Works Sep 2017

4 cup rolled oats 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Vanilla ice cream, optional 1 cup packed brown sugar •

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KC Estate Works - June 2018

4 cup soy sauce Directions 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. Rinse wings under cold water and pat dry. Seaso

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KC Estate Works - March 2018

KC Estate Works - March 2018 The Works Everything you need to know for greater peace of mind. 913-21

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KC Estate Works

The Works Everything you need to know for greater peace of mind.


February 2018

A Valentine’s Day Story

How I Met My Wife, Allison

memorable than dinner and a movie. After wracking my brain, I found an exhibit called “Dialogue in the Dark” that was currently at Union Station. It is this amazing experience where blind tour guides walk you through different environments in complete darkness. Essentially, the sighted become blind and the blind become sighted. This would have been great, but I didn’t read the fine print on the tickets requiring us to show up 15 minutes before the guided tour. When we arrived, our tour had already started, and we had to reschedule for another time. Zero for three. By now, I am sure you can see the theme developing in our relationship. Me with my bungled attempts at romance, and Al looking on with the same love and affection akin to watching your dog run snout first into the storm door for the fifth straight time. Thank God, the woman has patience. In the end, my persistence paid off. In 2013, Al and I returned to the scene of the crime and got hitched at Union Station. Together with the birth of my son, it is the best thing that ever happened to me. Though it now appears there will be a third event to add to the “best things” category. I am so happy to announce that Allison and I are expecting a baby girl, Lainey Grace Thompson, next month! We, of course, are over the moon. Allison, you are the most wonderful wife and mom, and I am so lucky to know and love you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

I met my wife, Allison, when I was in law school, but that is not where this love story begins. In true romantic fashion, our tale starts in a bar, but there will be more on that later. When I first met Allison, she was way out of my league, and she remains so to this day — a total knockout! I would have made my move back then, but for the minor detail that I was currently dating the girl that introduced us. I doubt I made much of an impression anyways. She had just returned home from completing her MBA in San Diego. And here I was, this unshaven law student in a ratty old ball cap and jeans, probably espousing “Fortified with liquid courage, I made my move. But I am pretty sure the second impression did not do much in supplanting the first.”

tax theory in an attempt to sound smart. Unfortunately for my wife, that is still a pretty apt description of me — minus the student part. In any event, we went on our separate ways. I continued to toil away at school in Lawrence, and Al moved to Kansas City to do what grown-ups do. Fast forward a couple of years, and in walks Al to a bar on Martini Corner in downtown KC, back where the cool kids used to hang out. Also now living in Kansas City and belly up at this particular bar, was an overserved, overstressed, and more-than-slightly-out- of-shape law school graduate. Fortified with liquid courage, I made my move. But I am pretty sure the second impression did not do much in supplanting the first. All I remember is a lot of slurring and broken dance moves, but she took pity on me, because I got her number. I had my in, and I wasn’t about to screw it up. For our first date, I desperately wanted to make an impression. Third time is the charm, right? I wanted something more

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, as well. We will see you soon.

-John Thompson 913-214-1884 1

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.

EDUCATION IN THE KITCHEN What Your Child Can Learn From Baking

Following Directions Not unlike computer science, baking requires a strict order of operations. The wet and dry ingredients often need to be mixed separately and then folded together. It only takes one deviation from the instructions for a pastry to go from delicious to disgusting. Spending time in the kitchen, then, is a great way for kids to learn the importance of reading directions carefully and comprehending what they’ve just read. Cultural Understanding Cuisine is a fundamental part of every culture. Introducing your child to dishes from around the world will expand their horizons. Want your child to be a less picky eater? Involving them in the cooking process is the surest way to get them excited about trying new flavors and ingredients. Nutrition Now, you might not think that baking cookies will encourage greater nutritional awareness, but hear us out. Sugar is often buried within packaged foods.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you’re probably wracking your brain for the perfect recipe to bake for your loved one. There’s nothing wrong with store-bought chocolate, but there’s no topping the personal touch of some homemade baked goods. If you have kids, baking alongside them can be just as rewarding as enjoying the fruits of your labor. As an added bonus, baking is a hands-on opportunity where your child can learn all sorts of important concepts. Here is a short list of some of the educational lessons hiding in your kitchen. Math Baking is a numbers game. Just take a look at any recipe, and you’ll recognize the importance of math in building a beautiful cake. Having children measure out ingredients helps them learn about fractions and ratios. You can also test your kids by doubling or halving a recipe for multiplication and division practice. With older kids, practice unit conversions by asking, for example, how many pints are in half a gallon. At KC Estate Works, we are dedicated to your estate, tax, and business succession plans. We’re here to help you achieve peace of mind by getting your affairs in order and minimizing the burden placed on your loved ones. That’s why every referral you send our way makes a difference. We get to help even more people. And for that, thank you for your referrals and thank you for placing your trust in us — not only to help you, but to help the people you care about. Your Referrals Make a Difference

When you bake something at home, a child gets to see, firsthand, just how much sugar goes into certain sweets. Meanwhile, cooking savory dishes also allows them to learn what constitutes a balanced, healthy diet.


Court Kennedy Janelle Carroll Julie Pfefer Bruce Gorthy Steve Brown Christina Carter

Sharon Weaver Nate Rahmeier Josh Wedel John Kornitzer Chris Carr


Consider Your Options When

Leaving Your Assets to Your Spouse

Today, most married couples have two choices

Upon the surviving spouse’s death, the combined marital assets will be distributed pursuant to the terms in your spouse’s will or trust. This works perfectly if your surviving spouse leaves the property to the designated beneficiaries that you both agreed upon, but this also highlights one of the primary disadvantages of this option. By granting your spouse 100 percent control over your half of the marital assets, you are giving up your right to control the final disposition. If this is a concern for you, then option two may be a better fit. Property Held in Trust If you choose to place your assets in a trust for your spouse’s benefit, you will know for certain where your assets go after you are gone. A trust is simply a legal arrangement where you designate a third party, known as the trustee, to manage the property and distribute it according to your wishes. Property placed in a trust created in your spouse’s benefit will ultimately go to your children

upon your spouse’s death. Technically, the trustee owns the property after

when it comes to leaving assets

your death, and the terms of the trust will dictate

to their spouse. The first is by gift, so the surviving spouse owns the property free and clear, and the second is by leaving the property in a trust for the benefit of the surviving spouse. Both options have their pros and cons.

how the assets are to be distributed to your spouse. There is less flexibility for your spouse

with this option, but they will still have access to your half of the assets for living expenses and other needs, as you outline in the trust. Not always, but generally, the ongoing administration costs of maintaining

Outright Distribution Under outright distribution, your spouse will receive 100 percent ownership of your property upon your death. From that point forward, he or she will have the ability to dispose of and use the assets in any way he or she feels fit. The surviving spouse is free to use the inherited assets to cover his or her own future needs as well as those of your children, including any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

a trust during your spouse’s lifetime will be slightly higher than if you left your property outright to your spouse. To learn more about all of your options when it comes to leaving property to your spouse, schedule your free consultation today by calling 913-214-1884.

Laugh Out Loud



For the Salad: •

For the Dressing: •

3 cups chopped kale leaves 2 cups chopped broccoli florets 2 cups chopped red cabbage

1 large carrot, roughly chopped

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

1/4 cup rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup matchstick carrots 1 cup chopped cilantro

1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds

1 tablespoon white miso 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil Salt and pepper, to taste

1/3 cup sliced green onions

1 diced avocado


1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a large bowl; toss to combine. 2. To make the dressing, add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste. 3. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately.

913-214-1884 3

(Recipe inspired by


5350 College Blvd Overland Park, Kansas 66211

I nside T his I ssue


A Love Story: How I Met Allison Cook Your Way to Better Grades Your Referrals Make a Difference Should I Create a Trust for My Spouse? Whip Up This Winter Salad in a Flash!




Adventure Is Waiting

Are you ready to set out on a grand adventure? Many people spend their entire lives thinking about the exotic locations they want to explore, only to let the opportunity slip through their fingers. Stop dreaming about adventure and make it a reality with these top-of-the-line travel companies. Ready to Book Your Dream Vacation? Adventure Is Waiting

Grand Circle Travel Established by AARP founder Ethel Andrus, Grand Circle Travel specializes in affordable tour packages that let travelers focus on a true local experience. Your tour can include language lessons, visits to neighborhood schools, and home-hosted meals with local families, all of which allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture. If you’ve been dreaming of a nautical adventure, Grand Circle Travel also boasts an impressive fleet of small ships for ocean sailing and river cruises. Satisfy your wanderlust by visiting Road Scholar Looking for an adventure that will also quench your thirst for knowledge? For over

40 years, Road Scholar has dedicated itself to creating memorable and educational global travel experiences. Road Scholar crafts vacations that match your interests, group size, and desired activity level. Go on a maritime expedition with your grandchild in Hawaii or enjoy a solo adventure to the ancient ruins of Egypt or Greece. It’s like taking a semester abroad in college, but with fewer essays to write. Start planning your dream vacation at Globe Aware Have you ever wanted to travel the world and help make the planet a better place? Then it’s time to consider “voluntourism.” Take the international trip you’ve always wanted

by donating your time in a meaningful way. The experts in “aging with attitude” at Senior Planet celebrate Globe Aware for its success in catering to the adventurous and the generous. Learn how you can volunteer with orphans or help clean up coral reefs at There will never be a better time to take the trip you’ve dreamed of for years. Adventure is out there; don’t keep it waiting any longer.


The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.