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Kenneth Woo DDS - June 2019

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Kenneth Woo DDS - August 2019

hour (roughly 186 mph). It was very quiet and smooth — you could barely feel it move as you're ridin

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Kenneth Woo, DDS - November 2019

2 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp crushed red pepper • Kosher salt, to taste Directions your smile,

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Kenneth Woo DDS - September 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix all fillin

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Kenneth Woo DDS - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Kenneth Woo DDS - May 2019

2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Ins

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Kenneth Woo, DDS - October 2019

Kenneth Woo, DDS - October 2019 Treats, Tricks, and Scary Perry! JULIA LEE SHARES HER LOVE OF HALLOW

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Kenneth Woo DDS July 2019

4-inch rounds 1 block feta cheese, cubed 1 bunch fresh mint leaves Salt, to taste Equipment • 1 pack

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Kenneth Woo DDS - January 2020

or safeguard your follicles. Try adding more eggs, berries, spinach, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, avo

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Kenneth Woo DDS - April 2020

or petroleum jelly. These lock in moisture and don’t evaporate as quickly. 3. Don’t forget your suns

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Kenneth Woo DDS - March 2020

Kenneth Woo DDS - March 2020 Growing Into Dentistry WOO’S NEWS DENTAL ASSISTANT TIFFANY PHUNG HIGHLI

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Kenneth Woo DDS - June 2019

Becoming a Dad



In the late summer of 2016, my wife, Ester, and I were preparing to jet off on a trip to Italy. Eagerly anticipating the sights and food we would enjoy, I never would have guessed Ester’s pending announcement would make me forget about the adventure we were about to set off on.

set to announce in a few weeks, it’s a moment we all laugh about today. It’s been two years now since Braedon was born, and it’s been an absolute joy to watch this happy, smiley kid learn and grow. He’s always happy when

17 Firstfield Rd Gaithersburg, MD 20878 240.683.3833 3704 Perry Ave Kensington, MD 20895 301.933.1833 2 Locations

Ester was pregnant, and I was going to be a dad!

As she held up the positive pregnancy test, I remember being caught totally off guard. We were planning to have a family someday and had moved back to Maryland a year prior with that intention. Still, talking about becoming parents is one thing; when it started to happen, I was not mentally prepared. Regardless, we were excited about both the Italian adventure and the one we would be thrust into in the next nine months.

he’s around people he knows, and he’s never

short on energy. Now that he’s figured out how his legs work, he runs around everywhere. I often think about how much excitement Braedon has brought into our lives, and I’m grateful I have had the opportunity to experience this life. And I have a pretty good role model to look up to when it comes to being a father. My dad is one of the hardest-working people I know, and he taught me the value of maintaining that strong work ethic. Going to work in a kitchen when he was just 13 years old, my dad never had the opportunity to get an education past the eighth grade. Yet, he always wanted better for me. Today, my dad works six days a week at his own restaurant, and every day, I look to him as an example of what hard work looks like. Since adding a baby to our growing family, I’ve had to apply that work ethic to cleaning and cooking without being asked to do so. I’m not too proud to admit that before Braedon was born, I wasn’t the most helpful around the house. I have since learned how my actions can support my growing family. In fact, now that Braedon is 2, Ester and I have considered adding another child into our lives. But for now, this is all just talk. We can’t wait to see where this adventure with a 2-year-old takes us.

In Italy, we met for dinner with a couple who were visiting the same part of the country. The wife of this duo was also

pregnant and a few months ahead of Ester, but since Ester wasn’t too far along, we didn’t want to share our good news just yet. So, there we all were at dinner in Italy, not drinking wine. The couple was pretty confused why we weren’t enjoying a glass or two of wine in a country that drinks its wine like water, but we tried to play it off as

supporting the wife who couldn’t drink. Given what we were

Dr. Hokai Wang •

1 240.683.3833

Tips for Capturing the Best Outdoor Photo! Celebrate Nature Photography Day Harness the Light Nature photos often look great in the morning or evening light, but the type of lighting you use is often dictated by the scene you are trying to capture. It’s generally accepted that side-lighting, where the sun is coming from either side of the camera, is the most desirable for landscapes because the contrasts between light and shadow can add depth to your photos. However, front- and back-lighting —where you shoot away from or into the sun — can also produce nice photos. Similar to angles, try experimenting until you find something that looks good to you. Crop for Texture Sometimes the difference between an amazing shot and a mediocre one is distance. When photographing nature, try zooming in or moving geographically closer and cropping close on your subject. This could be tree bark, a leaf, the forest floor, or a lizard’s skin. The fine details of your subject can often create stunning images. In your quest to snap the most Instagram-worthy shots, the most important thing to remember is to respect the animals and the environment. Be sure to bring bags with you to take any garbage or other waste with you, and stay on designated trails while exploring. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be taking incredible nature photos in no time.

Nature Photography Day is June 15, and it continues

to garner enthusiasm with each passing year. It’s been designated by the North America Nature Photography Association as a day to promote the enjoyment of outdoor photography and to explain how nature photography can advance conservation efforts

locally and worldwide. Almost everyone has access to a sufficient camera with smartphones, but not everyone knows how to best capture a beautiful nature scene. Here are some tips to help!

Find the Angles Landscape photography isn’t about appealing to someone else’s sense of style; it’s about shooting what makes you happy. Take some time to study the work of other nature photographers you enjoy. What angles do they use? What colors do they coordinate within the frame? How close do they get to their subject? Try something different. Go against the grain, use a different angle, shoot a close-up where others would shoot wide angle. Find a good starting place and experiment a little.

Celebrate Father’s Day With These Fun Activities THANKS, DAD!

Set Up Camp June is the perfect time to explore the great outdoors, and

Break out the neckties and dad jokes — Father’s Day is coming up! If you’re not sure how to properly celebrate the man who never fails to be there when you need him, check out these ideas. Host a Roast Does Dad always fret over the thermostat or insist on flipping through the channels during the commercial break? Now’s your chance to poke a little fun at him with some good-natured humor. Gather your siblings and come up with a few jokes about your favorite “dad quirks.” Be sure to finish your set with a few words on why you appreciate the guy so much — quirks and all. Pro tip: Make this even better by working in a few dad jokes. Our personal favorite is, “What time did the man go to the dentist? … Tooth hurty!” Foodie Father Prepare a buffet with all of Dad’s favorite foods! Fire up the grill and load it with teeth-friendly favorites like roasted vegetables or lean meats, or prepare a hearty and healthy breakfast in bed. If your dad loves to try new things, schedule a cooking class you can take together, or compile a tour of all his favorite restaurants. Nothing says “I appreciate you” quite like someone’s favorite food.

Father’s Day provides a perfect excuse to get out there. Take Dad camping this Father’s Day, or arrange for a special hike or fishing trip. Sign the family up for a guided tour of Dad’s favorite historical site, or plan a

beach day. You could even plan a day on the golf course! However you choose to get outside this Father’s Day, make sure it’s the kind of trip Dad would plan for himself. Dancing Dads What could be better than a party full of dads? Invite your family, neighbors, and friends over for a backyard barbecue celebrating all things “dad.” Plan a few games, ask guests to bring a dish or two, and celebrate the many dads in your life. Don’t forget to turn on the tunes to see your favorite dads break out into their greatest dance moves.


Q: What kind of glue would you use to keep your teeth together?

Teeth Straightening for Every Lifestyle

H umanity has been grappling early philosophers even mused about teeth straightening! Today, there’s no better time to seek a straighter, healthier smile, and Invisalign is an option designed to fit into any lifestyle. An Invisalign treatment plan features a series of clear, plastic aligners that gently nudge and push your teeth into the proper position. This process works similarly to traditional braces, but instead of cementing or attaching wire and pads to your teeth, Invisalign is completely removable, flexible, and comfortable. The discrete, clear look of Invisalign keeps your orthodontic treatment private and gives you the confidence to show off that improving smile. with the best way to straighten teeth for centuries. In fact,

A: Tooth paste.


Miso Soup With Mushrooms and Kale

Inspired by

For Invisalign users, one of the biggest advantages of this treatment option is how moldable it is to their lifestyles. There is no need to avoid certain foods, as users can remove the aligners when they eat, brush their teeth afterward, and pop the aligner back in their mouth. The removable nature of Invisalign means there is less chance of food getting lodged or stuck behind your device, which decreases your chances of plaque buildup and tooth decay. Best of all, unlike those with braces, you don’t have to avoid crisp apples or crunchy crusts! When considering Invisalign, keep in mind that the treatment plan’s easy, moldable style doesn’t come without responsibility. Because the aligners can be removed from the mouth, the onus for care is put on the patient, as they must remember to wear their aligners. It’s vital to brush your teeth and rinse after eating to avoid food particles clinging between your teeth and your aligners. This will also keep the device clean and functioning throughout the duration of your use. Regardless of the minor responsibilities required of Invisalign users, there is no denying the simple, comfortable nature of Invisalign. If you or a loved one is considering a teeth straightening regimen, our experts at Woo Wang Dental can help. Call 301.993.1833

Because miso is fermented, it comes packed with all the important probiotics. As a bonus, it tastes pretty

dang good, especially in this umami- packed soup filled with mushrooms and kale.


• • • • • • • • •

1 splash olive oil

4 oz. mushrooms, sliced 4 cloves garlic, minced

4 cups water

1 cup vegetable broth 3 tbsp yellow miso paste

8 oz. extra firm tofu, pressed and drained

3/4 cup kale

or 240.683.3833 to schedule a free consultation , and visit to learn more about this treatment option.

1 tbsp rice vinegar


1. In a stock pot or Dutch oven, heat oil to medium. Add mushrooms and saute until mushrooms just begin to shrink. Add garlic, water, broth, miso, and tofu. 2. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes. 3. Stir in kale and rice vinegar; cook until kale softens. 4. Divide into bowls and serve.


17 Firstfield Rd Gaithersburg, MD 20878 240.683.3833


My Journey to Fatherhood 1 WHAT'S INSIDE? Tips for Capturing the Best Outdoor Photo! Celebrate Dad This June 2 How Invisalign Fits Into Your Life Miso Soup With Mushrooms and Kale 3

Pillow Talk 4

Is Your Pillow Affecting Your Health?


If you’re feeling stiff and tired during the day or constantly waking up at night, it could be because of your pillow. Many people don’t think about their pillows when it comes to health, but your pillow plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Rest Everyone knows that getting eight hours of sleep per night is ideal for a healthy body and mind, and your pillow can make all the difference in how you sleep. A lousy pillow causes discomfort and makes it difficult to

pillow to support their neck, while a back sleeper needs a thinner one. Your pillow should allow your neck to rest comfortably without straining your muscles. If you’re sleeping with the wrong kind, it can cause stiffness and pain in the neck, which can lead to dizziness, anxiety, nausea, and headaches. Acne Breakouts are no fun, and they happen to everyone. Pillowcases tend to collect oil and dirt through constant contact with your skin, hair, and the environment. This buildup can irritate your skin and result in acne. By washing your pillowcase once a week, you can significantly reduce unpleasant breakouts. Allergies Along with collecting dirt and oil, pillows can accumulate dust mites and dead skin cells, which are key triggers for allergies. If you suffer from severe allergies, it’s a good idea to invest in a dustproof, zipper-locked pillowcase to keep irritants away. There’s one excellent way to see if you need a new pillow or not: Try bending it in half. If it returns to its original shape, your pillow is fine, but if it doesn’t, it's time to invest in a new one.

relax, which can prevent you from getting the quality of sleep that is best for your health. Stiffness The way you sleep is connected to the type of pillow you use at night. For instance, a side sleeper needs a thicker •

