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Kinetic PT - September 2019

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Kinetic PT - September 2021

4 tsp pepper. Set aside. 2. In a small bowl, combine apple cider and mustard. Set aside. 3. In a

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Kinetic PT - September 2018

2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (preferably Parmigiano- Reggiano) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Butter each s

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Kinetic PT - September 2020

4 cup fresh mint • 4 chives, chopped DIRECTIONS 1. To blanch the carrot tops, bring a pot of salted

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Kinetic PT - February 2019

2 cup bittersweet chocolate shavings, for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk

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Kinetic PT - August 2019

AIRPLANE HANGAR GENEVA, FLORIDA Airbnb super hosts Dan and Deborah have no shortage of quirky proper

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Kinetic PT - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Kinetic PT - November 2019

2-inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes,

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Kinetic PT - April 2019

Kinetic PT - April 2019 APRIL 2019 847-515-8970 • IT’S THAT TIME ONCE AGAIN A SPE

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Kinetic PT - December 2019

4-inch thick. Use dog-shaped cookie cutters to cut out treats. 5. Bake for 20–25 minutes on baking s

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Kinetic PT - January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat

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Kinetic PT - September 2019


847-515-8970 •


I’ve given a lot of love to the Cubs in this newsletter in years past, so it’s high time I give the Bears their due. We’ve got our fair share of Packers fans in this neck of the woods (many of my patients reminded me after last year’s painful loss), so I’ll try to tread lightly. But “da Bears” are looking even more promising than they did last year, and I cannot wait for the coming season. I’ve been a Bears fan since before I understood football. To this day, I vividly remember sitting with my dad in the living room every Sunday like clockwork. He’d get excited and whoop and holler at the TV, and I would join in — despite having no idea what was going on. At the time, it just looked like a bunch of guys slamming into each other over and over again. But as I grew, I came to understand that football is just as mental as it is physical. This is part of the reason I love the sport so much. Once you learn the rules, watching a football game feels like viewing a sensational chess match. Behind all the big hits, the sacks, the long bombs, and breakaway runs, an intense strategy game informs every play. The ways offensive and defensive coordinators respond to and anticipate one another’s strategies are almost a game in itself.

the signs of a concussion, and treat it seriously if it occurs. As much as I admire the athletic ability of NFL players, I’ve stopped following individual stars throughout their careers. There was a time when I’d watch every game and memorize stats. But players change teams too quickly these days, and I don’t have the time to keep tabs on multiple games. These days I’m content to sit back and watch the Bears, when they’re good. I even gave up yelling at the TV, or at least I’ve cut back. Of course, when Emilie’s Oregon Ducks are playing, she’s out of her chair every other play! So, we’re both looking forward to another great football season. I’ve got high hopes for the Bears this year — heck, we may even get one over on Green Bay. But, regardless of who wins this year, take some advice from the pro players and don’t ignore your pain. We’re happy to get you up and moving again, even if you come in wearing a cheese hat.

When I got to college, I gained a deep appreciation for those who play football. Pursuing my bachelor’s degree in athletic training, I got to see the sport behind the scenes and work with the players directly. This perspective showed me something you don’t often get on the TV screen — these players are dealing with pain constantly. I’m not just talking about the victims of big tackles, either. Constantly colliding with other players takes its toll on the body. Everyone who goes out on that field basically lives on a physical therapy regimen. Realizing these athletes are pulling off amazing feats of strength and speed, despite significant aches and pains, was incredibly eye-opening. The truth is, you don’t find the same level of injury potential in other sports. Even in hockey, collisions are incidental — they aren’t a vital part of the game. Meanwhile football is a team collision sport . Those who put their bodies through that kind of gameplay really are impressive. This is all to say that I completely understand both sides of the argument when it comes to putting kids in football programs. If it’s what your young athlete wants to pursue, great! But know

Bear Down,

–Mike Ulmer | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

In her best-selling lifestyle guide “French Women Don’t Get Fat,” Mireille Guiliano advises women in their 50s to invest in a set of free weights — nothing too heavy, perhaps 3–5 pounds — in order to maintain their toned, youthful appearance and range of motion. She notes that lifting weights isn’t entirely necessary during your 20s and 30s, but it’s essential to maintain muscle tone and bone density in your later years. Though Guiliano’s evidence is anecdotal, the science confirms that lifting weights can be an indispensable aid to healthy aging for both men and women. A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information recommends strength training 2–3 times per week to lower your risk of health problems and preserve bone density, independence, and vitality. According to WebMD, “Muscle loss is one of the main reasons people feel less energetic as they get older. When you lift weights, work out on machines, use resistance bands, or do exercises with your own body weight (like pushups and situps), you build strength, muscle mass, and flexibility.” You don’t have to join a gym to reap the benefits though; just pick up a set of free weights and a

resistance band and research how to safely use them in your own home. Bodybuilding. com recommends designing a workout routine that includes one

or two exercises for each of the major muscle groups: legs, back, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs. Try 8–10 repetitions per set, but don’t push yourself to use heavy weights. Even options that are 10 pounds or less should be enough to keep you chasing after your grandchildren for years to come. One public figure who has taken the weightlifting creed to heart is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The documentary “RBG” shows the 86-year- old judge at the gym, pumping lightweight iron with her personal trainer, and she even walked spring chicken Stephen Colbert through her routine on “The Late Show.” Ginsburg has called her trainer “the most important person” in her life apart from her family, which is a ringing endorsement for lifting weights if ever there was one.

My experience getting to this point with PT has been over the top. Emilie’s caring attitude and compassion have brought me to a stage in my life that I thought I might never see. Two and

This is my third experience with Kinetic, but my first experience with Chris. Each time has been excellent. Chris is very good at what he does and improved my condition greatly. I went from constant pain to only occasional

a half months ago, I saw a dark cloud over my bowling days. Now there is a silver lining. I owe her more thanks than I can possibly relate. I will miss her and all the friendly staff. –Laura Hrabe

discomfort. I would highly recommend Kinetic Physical Therapy to anyone who needs PT.

–Richard Keller

2 | 847-515-8970

Numb limbs, an aching back, cramping — sounds like old age, right? While these and similar symptoms may check all the stereotypical “I’m getting older” boxes, your age may have very little to do with them. In fact, these seemingly unrelated symptoms may all be linked to spinal stenosis. FEELING THE SQUEEZE Spinal stenosis is a condition caused by a constricting of the channel within your spine. This space is where your nerves run from your brain all the way down to your lower body, and the “squeezing” of this core part of your nervous system doesn’t just cause pain. Inflamed nerves can cause a host of odd sensations throughout your body. A PAIN IN THE NECK — OR BACK This condition normally takes place in one of two areas along your spine: your neck or your lower

back. Both forms of spinal stenosis cause pain in the narrowed area and can cause your legs to become numb or weak. When stenosis occurs in the neck, you may also have numbness in your arms, and, in extreme cases, may experience bowel or bladder dysfunction. Stenosis in the lower back can cause prolonged leg cramps when standing or walking. Long story short, neither condition is enjoyable. IS THERE A CURE? Sadly, no. In extreme cases surgery can be used to relieve pressure on the spine, but this procedure is not without risks. The best thing someone living with spinal stenosis can do is exercise. By strengthening the muscles in your arms and legs, you can minimize or eliminate symptoms and manage pain. Better still, staying active will improve your balance and overall

mobility, reducing the impact of stenosis on your everyday life.

Of course, finding the right exercises for you, targeting the affected areas of your body, and improving

your mobility can be difficult. This is especially true if your balance has been severely affected. We understand these

Sudoku challenges and are here to help. Mike holds regular workshops designed to educate you on the causes and treatment for lower back pain and sciatica. If you’re living with spinal stenosis, give us a call. We’d be happy to save you a spot for the next lesson!

Basil Berry Sorbet

Unlike standard ice cream recipes, this delicious sorbet doesn’t require fancy equipment or difficult prep. It’s also entirely dairy- free, making it the perfect vegan treat for the end of summer.

INGREDIENTS • 1 cup sugar • 1 cup fresh basil leaves

• 6 cups frozen mixed berries • 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice

DIRECTIONS 1. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar with one cup of water, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves, creating a syrup-like consistency. 2. Remove syrup from heat, add basil, cover, and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain syrup into bowl and refrigerate until cold. 3. In a blender, combine syrup with frozen berries and lemon juice. Purée until smooth. 4. Transfer to a square baking pan, cover in plastic wrap, and freeze until set, about 2 hours. 5. Scoop and serve. | 3



11920 Oak Creek Parkway Huntley, IL 60142

INSIDE Bears, Packers, and PT PAGE 1

Stay Toned by Lifting Weights at Home PAGE 2

My PT Story PAGE 2

Getting on Your Nerves PAGE 3

Basil Berry Sorbet PAGE 3

An Excursion in the Pennine Alps PAGE 4

Nestled between Italy and Switzerland, Monte Rosa is the second highest peak in the Alps, making it one of the best views in either country and one of the more physically demanding ascents in the mountain range. In the late summer and early fall, tourists and locals alike tour Monte Rosa to pay their respects to the peak and to be challenged by the cross-country trek over the mountain. The full tour of the mountain is a nine-day journey that starts in Switzerland and crosses quickly over into Italy, winding its way through both countries before eventually returning trekkers to their starting point. The out-and-back path is the most popular route, though there are other ways to approach it. However you go, you’ll encounter massive glaciers, rigorous 1,000-meter ascents and descents, and breathtaking views that are sure to make this journey memorable. For accommodations, opt for charming mountain huts to immerse yourself in the true Alpine experience. You can book them in advance to guarantee your bunk and a dinner of spaetzle or lasagna, depending on which country you’re in that night.

Unless you’re traveling with an experienced mountaineer, a guide is recommended for touring Monte Rosa, even if you only plan to traverse a small section of the mountain. Weather can vary greatly and change quickly in this region, so you never know when you’ll encounter ice or snow, which can lower your visibility. Toward the top of the peak, you’ll even have an opportunity to cross a sprawling glacier, and having a guide will ensure you have the necessary equipment for a safe trip. On top of the spectacular views, you can expect a beautiful blend of cultures and an experience unlike any other on your tour of Monte Rosa. Plus, you may even get to see a few Swiss cows or mountain goats along the way!

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .