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King's Business - 1920-04

®iya 31?aaa hath (Soil rata^h

doh also Ijathhighly rxalteh ^tm anh gtoptt 2ftm a name utljtrh ta ahntta ?wry nama- Pbtl. 2:9

APRIL, 1920

A N N O U N C E M E N T A NEW CORRESPONDENCE COURSE BOOK S T UDY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR BY REV. W. H. PIKE, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES ‘T T 'O U W ILL WANT THIS COURSE. Nothing k o exactly like it has ever been prepared. It will take you through the entire Bible giving you a compre­ hensive view o f each book. Fourteen points on each book are treated and the same outline is held to through­ out the whole Bible. 1. T h e K ey W ord s 2. T h e K e y V erse 3 . T h e K ey C hapter 4. T h e W rite r o r W riters 5. T o W h om W ritten 6 . D ate B ook W ritten 7. S co p e o f the B ook 8 . Sum m ary o f B ook 9. Gist o f T ea ch in g 10. P ractical T ea ch in g 1 1. T h e V ie w o f Christ 12. D ispensational Setting 13. H ow to M aster the B ook 14. Setting o f the B ook We expect to start the course April 1. Enroll at once. Total cost only $3.00. Full benefits of our Correspondence School and a Bible Institute Certificate when course is successfully finished. Write S ecretary C orresp on d en ce S ch o o l BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

TH E K IN G ’S BU S IN ESS MOTTO: "I, the Lord, do keep It, I will water It every moment, lest any hurt It, I will keep it night and day. = = ■ • . = Isa. 27:3 — P U B L IS H E D M O N T H L Y B Y T H E BIBLE I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S Rev. T . C . H O R T O N . Editor in Ckief Rev. K E IT H L. B RO O K S, Managing Editor Entered as Second-Class Matter No-Jember 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California , under the A ct o f March 3. 1879 JjL Acceptance for mailing at special rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct o f October 3, 1917 m i authorized October 1, 1918. |

April, 1920.

Volume X I

Number 4


Editorials: The Radiant Way (339) Getting Money Under False Pretenses (340) Theologians Deny— the Government Affirms (340) Pessi­ mistic Critic (341) Doped by the Devil (342) The Lion Won’t Lie Down (343) Ruthless Rutherford (344) The Parental Frown (344) The Religio-us Press (345) Sentence Sermons (347) The Resurrection o f Christ—By Dr. F. W. Farr (348) Onght Not Christ to Have Suffered?—By Dr. A. C. Dixon (351) Shall We Believe in a Resurrection Body—By Rev. Gerrit Huyser (353)

-The Day of a Risen Christ (357) Bible Institute Happenings (359) Evangelistic Experiences—By Institute Workers (361) Notes on Jews and Palestine (370) Homiletical Helps (372) Thoughts for the Unsaved (374) The Worry Habile—By Rev. Franklin W. Huling (376) International Sunday School Lessons (380) Daily Devotional Readings—By Dr. F. W. Farr (412)

Send us the names of worthy missionaries or country pastors who might be helped by this magazine. We try to maintain a fund whereby The King’s. Business can be sent free to such persons.


subscriptions, address correspondence to Office ¡H-Sfe So.BuS nes^ Bi*jle Institute of Los Angeles, 536-558 str®et- . Checks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected with the Bible Institute. V

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JESUS The light of heaven is the face of Jesus (Rev. 22:4-5). The joy of.heaven is the presence of Jesus (Rev. 5:6). The melody of heaven is the name of Jesus (Rev. 19 :Î0). Thé harmony of heaven is the praise of Jesus (Rev. 5 :13). The theme of heaven is the work of Jesus (Rev. 4:9) The employment of heaven is the service of Jesus (Rev. 1 :6). The way to heaven is the blood of Jesus (Rev. 1 :5). The fullness of heaven is Jesus Himself (Rev. 21:22). T he rad ian t w a y On the evening of January 17th, the street of Broadway, Los Angeles was proclaimed to be the most brilliantly lighted street in the world, and ,was named The Radiant Way. ” • | ¡ B | wa®. wonderfully lighted before, but now it is a challenge to the brightest sunlight of a California day. These new lights stand twenty teet m height, and are of over three thousand candlepower. Man is a genius and is learning to master the forces of nature in hew ways, brilliant ways but what of God? If He can give such power to man wnat can ±ie not do? . ’ There is a theory that all light in the universe is reflected from the face ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 M M 8 We have *t had sufficient light upon the subject to know brighter E l 9 B B I ° r 9 but we know there is a B I in His face that is brighter than the noon-day sun, and Paul of Tarsus testified to it. The M l disciples on the Mount were dazzled by it, and John, the beloved, was overcome by it and fell at His feet as dead. ■ B 9 I tells us that in the coming day there will be no need of the light of the sun or moon, for ‘ the Lamb is the light thereof.” If we walk l U B B H ? Te. 1S B the li^ht’ we have fellowship one with another— feUowship with Himseif—He is The Radiant Way. We. can walk in fellow- ship with Him, be at one with Him. Darkness, doubt, discouragement, dif­ ficulties flee away, when we are in His presence. He opens unto us the Scripture and our eyes, holden by ignorance and unbelief, are opened to unfailing 'brighteess, ^Urn Wlthm US and the wa^ beeomes heavenly with the M I B B 30 f B l 0* heart to believe? Why do we walk so much . W y do we make so little of His promises and of His presence__ always available, if we will? Are we' not told that we all, with unveiled same ^ 9 9 9 & glaSS the glory of the Lord, are changed into the (Pickering).- ^ m i=>/ ~ m m

340 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Why not put our hand in His and have the joy daily, hourly, of walking with Himself along The Radiant Way?—T. C. H. GETTING MONET Under False Pretenses “ The Presbyterian” is a good, sound Protestant paper, and has what every evangelical paper should have, the courage of conviction. In a re- C6Ilt • ? iDCr1ominentSprotestant minister has been giving a series of talks upon the BibleP Excerpts from these addresses have been published m papers of his city, the Bible. Excerpts rrom iues because 0f their destructive character. Among i i N I j a M K i f «^ rid icu lou s The only view in which intelligence can receive them is as alle- lories It °ra lso Lserted that the early writers were unscientific believing that the world was made in six days, that it was flat, and that the sun and moon moved B S v 1 aii thiq mistake and error— a human husk m which the kernel of divine truth may be found. The preacher is reported to have said there were i?rreco“ cnaWe discrepancies in the New Testament, and other like criticisms of the Bible as being largely a human hook.” TM-myiinent We wish The Presbyterian had published the name of this prominent humbug. We wonder where the red-blooded fathers and mothers are, who will sit idly by and permit their children to he hoodwinked, their faith under­ mined, the Word of God maligned and the Lord Jesus Christ who set His seal to the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures villified. Where are_ the church officials who permit a renegade of this character to violate his minis­ terial vow, vaunt his professed scholarship in their presence, and then pay him for the performance? Are there no men and women in that church to utter a cry of protest? No one hold enough to rise m the midst of such blasphemy and demand that the preacher he arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses? , • „ Why should we not pray that God would save the innocent by paralyzing the tongues of these hypocritical higher critics? T. C. H. THEOLOGIANS DENY— Glie Government Affirms In Romans 3 :12 are found these words: ‘ ‘ There is none that doeth good; there is not so much as one.” ic, Some good intending theologians deny this. They tell us that there is at least a spark of good in every man, hut the Bible says “ No, not one. Ask some official, “ Are there not some good honest men?” and they will reply, “ We hope so, we trust so, but we operate upon the supposition that there are none.” . The law is framed on the basis that every man is a potential law­ breaker and officials themselves are not free from this attitude of the law. So laws are enacted to include the officials of thef law, for law-makers ^are often law-breakers. Paul had sense enough to include himself m the _no, not one” and said, “ I know that in me, that is in my old nature, there dwelleth no good thing.”

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


f§ ‘ ‘^ U have sinned in coming short of the glory of God.” Human laws thank God, restrain men, but they do not regenerate them. You do not change the nature of man by changing his environment, or his condition. Of course, a man is looked upon as innocent until proven guilty but laws are framed with the idea that he may be guilty. The law give's no ma^1 a certificate of honesty. Governments and corporations put a man under bond. The bonding company requires a certificate of character be­ fore they issue the bond. The bonding company may employ a detective to watch the man they have bonded, and then you look up the standing of tiie bonding company before you pay for their bond ! There is the ring of the street car bell, and the “ ting-a-ling” of the cash register; the inspector that accompanies the railway conductor; the credit man m the business house; the detective in the department store; the man who carefully scrutinizes employees when they leave the store; the auditor who carefully goes over accounts ; the detective that is on the track of the policeman; the plain-clothes man that you never know, and the burglar alarm m the home,—and in spite of them all, the thousands that crowd the jails and penitentiaries all witness against the deluded theologian, and all witness for the Word of God “ No, not one!” __T. C. H.

A PESSIMISTIC HigHer Critic || ,

£ear Preachers who have been trying so hard to persuade themselves that we have already entered the boundaries of the millennium, are some­ times compelled to voice a false note in their sweet lullaby of “ The World is Getting Better. Mr Henry Van Dyke, erstwhile American Minister to the Netherlands, in an address before The World’s Church Citizenship Confer­ ence m the City of Pittsburgh, is quoted as saying:

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Wha“ elsTcould you expect from a world which does not go to church, and whose chief intellectual influence is the moving-picture show?

D oped By crEe Devil A woman recently brought suit for annulment of marriageon the „rounds that the man she married had doped’ her with drugs and that she did not know what she was doing. She is not the only devil-doped person we have heard-of. Now comes Sir Oliver Lodge, Scientist, from England He has a won- derful discovery. He says so and he is prepared to prove it. He is anxious that the unlearned scientists of America and the poor unsophisticated peo- plfshould have the pleasure of participation m the wonderful revelations which have come to him from the fairy land. We appreciate very i„ y goodness of this old gentleman’s heart in behalf of our I but, unfortunately, he is in error. Our fathers Jearf ^ i ^ r s i s t o s in vival originated here about seventy years ago when two scl^ ™ c,®1f a town near New York City got into touch with the other realm And at the close of the Civil War a great many good people hear fro the departed who had laid down their lives on the battle held bpintist papers were published; seances were held everywhere. We ourselves sat in the dark rooms with hands on the tables and felt them S B We heard the rans wonderful raps, two for “ Yes,” and three for No, to ail ot our auestions. We felt the taps on our heads and strange noises. There we cabinets in those days on the stage, and audiences waited m lightless rooms for the raps and taps and strange phosphorescent faces and forms and banjo m ^ f a s Seinstrument sailed through the air. We paid our quarter and asked for no change. We had double slates m those days with pencils and paper upon which came wonderful stories about our grandparents. We had Planchette boards with pencils attached, only fifty cents each, and when our hands were placed upon them, they would write m a most mysterious man- H H M I Oniia of today We couldn’t make out the messages very well, and the spelling was fearfuily and wonderfully performed, but what did that matter * Were we not in communication with the departed, and if they were hav£g s u i i good time that they couldn’t stop to spell; correctlY we knew that they were living. A good many interesting and interested folk reaped a good many shekels and a good many people lost a good many hours m the vain pursuit of information and some deluded people lost their minds, but what did that matter? Was it not all done in the interest of science, and is not science a wonderful thing, anyhow? K f f n i Now there was one thing that was unfortunate m those days When­ ever the light was turned on unexpectedly, it spoiled the spirits and spoiled the meeting, also, for the medium proved to be playing upon the fancies of the people, and was found with the false goods upon his or her person We feel sorry to be compelled to tell Sir Oliver all thm- We woukln t hurt his kindly heart for anything, but we must tell the truth. Sir Oliver,

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 343 the American people have béen buncoed along this line once before, and there is nothing new about it. We are also informed that in your own coun­ try the renowned magicians, Mashelyn and Devant of London, have freely offered to duplicate the scientific results you have obtained, and go you something better. ^Sir Oliver, wé dislike to hurt your kindly heart, but we must do it in the interest of Science. The devil is at his old game, and has been putting something over you. The devil ought to be ashamed of him­ self, but he has no shame. He is a liar and a deceiver and he is a scientist, too, probably one of the highest order, seeing that he has been in the busi­ ness for thousands of years, and has the >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100

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