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King's Business - 1920-07

“The SPIRIT of TRUTH and The SPIRIT of ERRORS A Wonderful Chart showing v?hat God has said on SEVEN FUNDAMENTALS and what M en are now Saving

The best publication to meet the erroneous cults and teachings of o f the day)— Deals with Eddyism, Spiritism, Theosophy, Millennial Dawnism, Mormonism, Seventh-day Adventism, Roman Catholicism. Thousands haVe returned to faith in Christ by means of its gracious and wide-spread ministry

A NewEdition, 100,000, Now onPress

N O T E —Scores o f Ministers and trained workers have volunteered \ to distribute this pamphlet in hundreds o f communities blighted by Anti-Christian propaganda. $15 will enable The Christian Fundamentals League {Inc.) to place 1000 copies, postpaid in the hands o f these Workers. YOUR HELP SOLICITED. Your Gift may Win Hundreds SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TODAY TO ROBERT A. HADDEN, General Secretary) The Christian Fundamentals League IN C O R P O R A T E D 207 Van Nuys Bldg., LOS ANGELES, CAL.

T H E K IN G ’S BUS INESS MOTTO: "I, the Lord, do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, l will keep it night and day. ■ .................................i-n .... . ■■= Isa. 27:3 • PUBL ISH ED M O N T H L Y B Y TH E EUv. T . C . H O R T O N , Editor in Chief BIBLE IN S T I T U T E OF LOS A N G E L E S Rev. KEITH L. B R O O K S. Managing Editor Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under the A ct o f March 3, 1879 ■ Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct of October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918.

Ju ly, 1920. __________________________Number 7 CONTENTS

Volume X I


Editorials: Talking vs. Toil (635) Tlie Real Christ (637) It Made No Difference (638) A Flagrant Falsehood (638) Brethren, Pray for Us (639) Do You Know? (649) The Power Behind (640) World-Into-the-Church Movement (641) Sentence Sermons (643) Marriage and Divorce—By Dr. A. C. Dixon (645) What Jesus Taught About Money— By Dr. A. T, Pierson (647) Salvation of the Household—By Rev. B. Davidson (652) Notes on the Jews and Prophecy (656) Homiletical Helps (658) Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Error (660)

Thoughts for the Unsaved (663) Bible Institute Happenings (664) Evangelistic Stories (667) Daily Devotional Headings-—By Dr. F. W. Farr (701) Good Books (709)

Fundamental Studies— By T. C. Horton (710) Perils in Africa—By Dr. Chas. Hurlburt (715) *®-Help us put the K. B. in the hands of needy Christian workers. PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Office of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536-55S South Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected with the Bible Institute. Y E A R S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E— In the United States and Its Possessions and Mexico, and points in the Central American Postal Union, $1.00 per year. In all other foreign countries, including Canada, $1.24. (5c. ad.) Single copies 10 cents. See expiration date on the wrapper, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope Street - - - • - Los Angeles, California O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A

A PRACTICAL PROPOSITION You are entitled to know WHERE and HO^X^ your money is used in the Lord’s work.

INSURE YOUR INVESTMENTS FOR THE LORD The world is the field. The work is definite. W hat the Lord has laid upon your heart to do with your funds you should have the joy o f doing, and we will gladly help you to do this by giving you the benefit o f our years o f experience in studying the world field, the work and the workers. W e are in touch with missionary enterprises in this and other lands, where loyal-hearted men and women are laboring with unfeigned faith in the whole W ord o f G od , and with unfail­ ing devotion to the souls o f the lost. Don’t waste a penny! Make it go as far and as fast as you can in the saving o f souls out o f a ruined world. W e will joyfully serve you in the matter without any charge, and put you in touch with dependable agents and agencies. Write us for any desired particulars. OPPORTUNITY SPELLS OBLIGATION

BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. T. C. Horton, Superintendent.

T k e Enter-Ckurck-Into-The-W orld M ovem ent

T A L K IN G vs . Toiling More than a hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson said : “ I served with Gen. Washington in the Legislature of Virginia, before the Revolution, and, during it, with Dr. Franklin in Congress. I never heard either of them speak ten minutes at a time, nor to any but the main point, which was to decide the question. “ They laid their shoulders to the great points, knowing that the little ones would follow of themselves. If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it he otherwise, in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour? That one hundred and fifty lawyers should do business together ought not to he expected.” Is not the Church a little over burdened with “ talk-fests” ? Has it not too many wise men, burdened and bowed down with an insatiate desire to tell thé dear people how to run the Church? They call themselves specialists. Many of these dear brethren have never run anything successfully excepting their ideas. Their heads are full of theories. They have wonderful “ talk- fests.” They can talk by the hour. They toil not neither do they spin” excepting the spinning of their theories. The Church is long on specialists who are prepared to tell us how to do it. We need some illus­ trations showing us how it has been done. This everlasting talking business gets on our nerves ; it has the sound of brass and the tinkling cymbal, and the brass is there good and plenty. We love you dear brethren, but time is short, and souls are dying, and we must be honest with you. We are tired nigh unto death with your telling us how to do it. Won’t you please take up a job and show us. The Message


THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S says, “ Go work in my vineyard” . You have been telling us about the vacant fields, now take a vacation from the “ talk-fest” , and try the “ work-fest” awhile and give us a little “ rest-fest”-, and when you have made good in some real “ test-fest” , come back and we promise you a real good time at a festival. —T. C. H. F inancing Salvation It is helpful, sometimes, to see ourselves as others see us and the secular newspapers often prove good photographers of the Church. The Los Angeles Times in a recent issue had an editorial on ‘ ‘ Financing Salvation” which had a little iron in it, as well as some irony. It was com­ menting on the big, newsy advertisements of the Inter-Church Movement. We wish we could give the whole editorial, hut must content ourselves with a few extracts which evidence its trend: _ “We have all heard about the campaign drive due April 25th to raise a few hundred million dollars for Christian salvation. * * * The thirty Christian denominations represented are not exactly united on little matters of creed and ceremony; our souls are still offered an embarrassment of choice of ways and means; but they speak as one voice in exhorting us to ‘come through’ with the filthy lucre, by which alone the simple creed of Jesus and His humble fishermen disciples can be perpetuated. In short, religion has decided to adopt the methods of big business and brilliant financial co-operation, whatever its other multi­ tudinous differences may be. Our Christian pastors and masters tell us, vide the advertisements, that ‘nothing but millions can buy salvation for a world torn with war’, and they are probably right, since that same world which we are told ‘a shaft of light has struck’ boasts few humble carpenters and fishermen to renounce all worldly comforts, to follow a possessionless Master today. * * * These expensive advertisements teem with ironical truths. They demand ‘In America we must have Sunday School experts, 'Bible teachers, skilled fishers of men.’ How very far we have travelled from the simplicity of Jesus, from the Sermon On the Mount, from that sublime doctrine, free and gratis for all who cared to take. They, say ‘The realization of humanity’s need for Christ at this time has followed with sudden, blinding brilliance, not unlike that which came to Saul of Tarsus’. But Sauls of Tarsus seem to be peculiarly rare. Rather are they forsaking the ministry on all sides because of the meager worldly reward entailed. Nothing but millions can lure them back or create new Sauls. Our modern Sauls don’t accrue without expert training and the promised reward of high salaries. * * * Every item in these expensive advertisements is quite logical. One cannot take issue with a single assertion. They all rec k of efficient promise; of indubitable statements as to conditions and needed reforms. And yet, somehow, they leave us with a feeling of irony that Christianity should have come to such a pass. Per­ haps it is due to the glaring omission of exhortation to our spiritual duty— only our financial duty is emphasized. We are not asked to each and every one of us constitute ourselves a personal missionary without pay. We are not asked to examine the condition of our own souls, our own lives, our own spiritual prac­ tices. We are only exhorted to pay for the religious education of others; the religious improvement of others. There are numerous paragraphs beginning “ Your money will buy * * * etc.’ explaining just, how much other people’s service it will buy. In fact there is a general impression of buying ourselves off from personal duties other than money. ‘We must continue to send out men and women who will carry the Christ-life into their businesses, their recreations and their homes.’ Send other people out, you see; not necessarily be those other people ourselves. * * * They will raise their hundred millions and doubtless we shall all give, just as we have always given,—but unless most of us take our Christianity more per-

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S 637 sonallv and individually, unless we recognize a few other requirements in ourselves besides fu rn to llg the money, our deputed Christianity isn’t going to do the world much good, and our financial credit won’t cut much ice in Heaven. — T. C. H. T h e REAL Christ Dr R A Torrey, Pastor of the Church of the Open Door of Los Angeles has been giving a remarkable series of Sunday morning sermons on the “ Real Christ” , covering the following themes: His holiness; His love to God- His love for His fellowmen; His love for souls; His compassion; His meekness; His humility; His manliness; His optimism; His prayerfulness Every sermon was bulwarked with the Scriptures, and great audiences ol people listened Sunday after Sunday to these vivid pictures, going away refreshed in soul and with larger apprehension of the Lord. We could not but wish that some of our friends of the gospel who speak so much of “ The Larger Christ” , could have heard them. g 1 There can be no “ Larger Christ” . He is God manifest m the flesh. He is the Creator. All things were made by Him and for Him. Men use meaningless terms when they speak of, “ The Larger Christ . What the church needs is a larger conception of the “ Real Christ. A better knowl­ edge of Him, a more definite realization of Him. We need to know Him better, to walk and talk and live with Him. It is wonderful how He grows upon us as He grows in us. Wonderful how the Holy Spirit loves to .take the things of Jesus and show them unto us, how He loves to bring His words to our remembrance, how He loves to glorify Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord to us. , , „ I „ I The more we know about Him the more wonderful He becomes to us, and the better we love Him. If we permit His Holy Spirit to have His way,


THE K I N G ’S BU S I NE S S He will make Him seem to us, “ The chiefest among ten thousand and the One all together lovely. ’ ’ If the Real Christ could be lifted up in every pulpit in our land, how He would draw people to Him, and how the tide would turn, and it would not he possible for men of God like Bishop Rhinelander, of Philadelphia, to say that, “ The United States as a nation has turned away from Christ.” Him up ! Lift Him up ! And if you do lift Him up, in the pulpit, in the Sunday School, in the home, in the busy mart of trade, by lip and life you will see a tide flowing in toward the Real Christ. __T. C. H. •$!£. ¿We. ^ I T M A D E N o Difference Here is a newspaper that says, “ We are pleased to report that the storm that blew down th e ................. ........ ........ . Church did no serious damage to the town.” Probably the reporter was just a bit careless about his diction but the item just as it stands should give us a thought. What about your church? If it should blow down or burn up, would it make any difference? Would the devil’s crowd rejoice? Does it stand for anything in the community ? Is it out and out against the things of the world, the flesh and the devil in the town? Is it fulfilling its divine mission or is it sort of a religious club ? Here is a statement just received from a Southern California Baptist pastor who says that by a vote of the deacons of the church the following resolutions were presented to the church and approved. This is the kind of a church the devil does not like. Would that its kind might be multiplied in these days of great church worldly movements. RESOLUTIONS mTTTriy'^iT,f,ralise 9 0d for adding t0 our church those that have renounced the THEATRE, together with the MOVIES, CARDS, the DANCE, and TOBACCO with other compromising practices. J Thf ug?1 the world may persecute such clean Christians, it does not respect the profession of God’s children that indulge in these worldly amusements .£ Our experience teaches us that these weights and handicaps not only prevent the believer from reckoning himself dead to the one manner of life, but they ensnare and drag him into backsliding. Though these fleshly indulgences are growing in popularity, Spirit-filled,.soul­ winning brethren have a keen healthy conscience against these things They produce a distaste for prayer-meeting and Bible study. They beget an indifference to the peril of the lost. They destroy intimate communion with Christ. They seal the lips of Christian testimony. God is planning to make this church different from the Laodicean type that prevails m these latter days. He is calling us to be a body separated unto Himself, filled with His joy and power. Therefore we strongly advise our loved fellowmembers to renounce all these forms of disloyal worldliness, in order that they and the church may not grieve God’s, but rather be filled with the Holy Spirit.. " l S —K. L. B. j&S? A F L A G R A N T Falsehood One of those six hundred dollar advertisements in a secular paper with a picture of our Lord in the carpenter’s shop, and underneath the words,

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S 639 “ Think what Labor owes to Him” , carrying a camouflaged appeal for funds from the working men, and written by some paid advertising agent who knew nothing about the Bible, contained one of the most blasphemous lies we have ever seen when it said,—speaking of our Lord, “ He spoke a phrase that flamed with power, ‘ You are the Sons of God’, He told them” . This is an infamous lie calculated to deceive the working men. Christ never spoke any such words, never any words that could by any means sug­ gest such a thought. Nor does the Bible anywhere suggest that any were sons of God, save those who become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. He did say to the rulers, “ Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” He did say, “ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Every dollar obtained by this advertisement from the working men or from the so-called “ friendly citizens” who dwell in “ No Man’s Land” , was obtained under false pretenses and would entitle one to have the authorities who authorized the advertisement printed arrested, and any sober minded judge would be justified in sending them to prison. A great and grievous wrong has been done to our fellow men and there will be a fruitage of untold sorrow as a result. What would happen were one of these men to go into a church where the real Gospel of the Son of God was preached and the minister should have for his text, “ The wages of sin is death,” or, “ The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God,” or “ In hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment,” or “ He that believeth on the Son hath life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on Would he not be justified in condemning the preacher and the church and shaking the dust off his feet as a testimony against them? This is all the result of the money-mad craze which has possessed the leaders. Look out for the reaction. —T. C. H. jpsg Uir JSs? Jiè B rethren , Pmy for us We are distinctly commanded to pray for ministers, that doors of utter­ ance may be opened to them (Gal. 4:3), that they might speak boldly (Eph. 6 -19 20), that they might be clothed with righteousness (Ps. 132:9) and that the word spoken might be glorified (2 Thess. 3 :1). There are probably few people in these days who pray for the minister as much as they criticise and if the ministers are thus neglected, what about the Christian editors? Through the progress of the printing art the possibilities for doing good or evil through the printed page have become tremendous. Probably more people are being touched through the printed page than by the voices of preachers. In the case of many of our religious periodicals the congregation of the editor amounts to hundreds of thousands of people a month—more than even the greatest minister is able to reach. The editor’s words go directly into the homes and reach every member of the family who reads. Printed words are more likely to be carefully considered than words uttered in haste. The thoughts are permanently set forth so there can be no mistake as to the meaning. The words may be re-read until the mind grasps them.


THE KI NG' S BUS I NE S S What are these editors giving the people? How important that they use words of wisdom and truth and that they waste no words in these busy days. Oh, Christian, pray for the editors that doors of utterance for vital things may be opened to them, that they may write in love, yet without fear or favor, that they may be clothed with righteousness and that the word written might be glorified. Hear the call of Christian editors, Brethren, pray for us. __K. L. B. Do Y O U Know ? That the devil is playing a big game in these last days, playing it in the world and in the Church ? Do you know that the devil is seeking to destroy the faith of men, women and children in God’s Holy Word? Do you know that the devil is using some officials of high standing in the Church to accomplish his devilish work? Do you know that some of the devil’s agents,—infidels—are filling the pulpits of so-called orthodox churches? Do you know that it is a rare thing to find a school, college or seminary where the devil is not at work, through the professors, injecting the virus of doubt and denial of the Word of God into the minds and hearts of our youth and making them an easy prey to every false system? Do you know that in heathen lands the enemies of the truth are begin­ ning to eliminate the men who are sound in faith and doctrine, and to install Bible-denying men in their place ? Do you know that many of the so-called church papers are controlled and edited by Satanic sooth sayers whose writings are inspired of Satan, and designed to shipwreck the souls of the readers ? Do you know that much of the so-called Sunday School literature pre­ pared for teachers and scholars dishonors God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, and will produce a harvest of tares ready for the burning ? Do you know that crime is on the increase in this land of ours in such terrible proportion that the statistics would startle you from your fanciful dreams and false hopes ? Do you know that there is a cloud bigger than a man’s hand, which spiritual eyes can see, hovering over the earth and which portends an on­ coming storm which will bring sorrow and desolation to a sin cursed world? Do you know that, knowing all of these facts, God expects you to stand fast in the faith and to use all of your God given powers to save something out of the ruined and wrecked world, and that He will hold you responsible for doing this ? What are you going to do about it? When are you going to start? —T. C. H. s k g&y T H E P O W E R Behind the Throne “ Our Sunday Visitor,” a Roman Catholic paper published at Hunting- ton, Ind., recently quoted Vice President Marshall as follows:

THE KI NG ' S BUS I NE S S 641 “ There is a religious communion which venerates and worships a type of woman—The Blessed Virgin. It delights me to consider her the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God incarnate upon the earth. I do not myself happen to be a communicant of that great church; but I hope I shall be violating none of the proprieties, when I say that the feelings of those com­ municants from the divine standpoint have appealed to me from the human standpoint. * * She, the typical mother of all time, has glorified and beauti­ fied and made sacred motherhood in all the ages. But particularly has she made sacred that motherhood, which for a cause, in which the son believes,, has been ready and willing that the son should give up his life, his fortune and his sacred honor to the accomplishment of his noble ideal.” (Address at Convention of War Mothers.) The editor says that Mr. Marshall understands the Catholic principle. It seems strange that Mr. Marshall, who is supposed to be a man set for the defense of the true Gospel, should be dishing out soft soap of this kind to the Romanists, and especially in view of the fact that the Roman church has such a strangle hold upon our government. Perhaps he has not been correctly quoted. No doubt the Roman influence is so powerful that it compels the homage of many of those in authority, but surely those who believe in the Bible, ought to stand up for their convictions or at least refrain from giving the Romanists encouragement. In England, Wm. E. Gladstone pointed out that the Roman church had entered upon a new and dangerous policy, namely an attempt to gain con­ trol of all the civil governments of the world, a power it had exercised dur­ ing the dark ages; and as a means to the desired end the Vatican council had asserted an enlarged power of the pope over his subjects in every land, com­ manding them to obey him whenever he should claim to exercise civil power. In America, Abraham Lincoln said: “ I do not pretend to be a prophet, but I see a very dark cloud on our horizon, and that cloud is coming from Rome. It is filled with tears and blood. The true motive power is secreted behind the walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents and the nuns and the confessional boxes of Rome.” The man who shot Lincoln was a Catholic. The man who shot Roose­ velt was a Catholic. The man who shot McKinley was a Catholic. The man who shot Garfield was a Catholic. Isn’t it about time the Protestant voters of this country did a little meditating on the words of Gladstone and Lincoln? —K. L. B. ^>