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King's Business - 1931-01

Sfte üSible XamilttM a r in e January - 1931

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'ucca Trees in Santa Barbara National Forest Reservation , California


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Roger W. Babson N ationally Known S tatistical A uthority Says in his book: “Enduring Invest­ m ents” : « g i v e while you live” “ If th e cau se is w o rth w h ile, th ere is n othin g th at so develops th e sp iritu al side o f a m an’s n atu re as w h ole-h earted , unselfish givin g . . . w e can n ot a fford to m ake p o o r investm ents fo r G od an y m ore th an w e can fo r ou rselves.”


Write fo r Particulars Bible Institu te of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California


^3he K in g ’s b u s in e s s W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor J. E. J aderquist , P h .D., M anaging E ditor Motto: "I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTINGTHE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXII January, 1931 Number 1 Table o f Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...................................... 3 Editorial Comment.................................................................................. 5 The Work of the Holy Spirit and our Work —Roy Talmage Brumbaugh.................................................... -.......7 A World-Wide Ministry to Sailors......................................................9 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison...................j.......... ...12 Premillennialism and Practical Christianity—P. W. Philpott...........14 Among the Chosen People—J. A. Vaus.......................................... 15 Deliverance from Fears—Christopher G.Hazard............................... 17 Seed Thoughts from St. Mark—Wilfred M. Hopkins.....................18 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell........................... .................................. 21 Radio KTBI.................... 23 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell...................................................24 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth Lemmel........................... .25 Homiletical Helps.......... .............................. :......:...............................27 30 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Milo F. Jamison...;...........................38 Daily Devotional Readings.................................................................. 42 Our Literature Table...................................!............... International Lesson C o m m e n ta r y .....................

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A D VERTISIN G : For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St. Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North America Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post'Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for Ip Section 1103, ' Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. TERM S: $1.50 per year. Single copies 25c. Foreign Countries (including Canada) fel.75 per year. Clubs of 4, 25c reduction on each subscription; clubs of 10 or

more, 50c reduction on each subscription, sent to one or to separate addresses as preferred. REM ITTANCE:. Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P.O. Money Order, payable to "Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for reg­ ular subscriptions,. ..but-,date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. CHANGE OF AD D RESS: Please send both old and new addresses at least one month previous to date of desired change.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, worok and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. 536-668 S. Hope St. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, Calif.




A 100% INCREASE 1 IN The Kings Business Family OUGHT TO BE DONE! CAN IT BE DONE? HOW CAN IT BE DONE? It cou ld b e se cu red in ON E D A Y if e a ch m em b e r o f th e fam ily w o u ld go o» t a n d g e t ONE SUBSCR IPT ION . W e d o n ’t m e an th a t y o u a re to sub scrib e fo r them , b u t b e a m ission ary a n d GO GET ONE! W HA T A FAVOR TO US and A BLESSING TO YOU. DO IT NOW !


B ible stu d e n ts w ill w a n t th a t in stru c tiv e a n d h elp fu l series o f stud ie s on “S tru c tu re in S c rip tu re ,” b y D r. N o rm an B. H a rriso n , s ta rte d w ith th e D e c em b e r num b e r. W e h a v e re se rv e d som e cop ies fo r tho se w ho w a n t th e first in sta llm en t.

W e a ré d o in g o u r u tm o st to m a in ta in th e h ighest s ta n d a rd possible. W ill you n o t d o y o u r p a rt b y g e ttin g th e m ag a z in e in to th e h a n d s of y o u r C h ristian frien d s?


THE KING’S BUSINESS 536'558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.


January 1931

T h e

K i n g ' s

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Mm Qrumbs ÇFrom the King’s ‘ioable .o— «—»—o— B y t h e E d i t o r

When I was a boy on the farm, my father once told me to do a certain thing one day that I really did not like to do. He went to town, and I noticed that our barn door needed paint. I knew where there was a can of red paint and à new brush.- I tried my hand at painting-fhat door. I did a good job, but when my father came home, well— I do not need to tell you about it ! It is not a precious memory ! I performed a service, but I did not

The Rewards for Christian Service ,N 2 Corinthians 5:10 we have these words: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” The judgment seat of Christ has no reference to the great white throne,,or to the judgment of the nations when “thè Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory.” The ref­

erence here is to the judgment of believers, and the issue involved is not heaven

e thing that my father left for me io. So with the Christian : he will be rewarded, not for doing the thing that he wants to do, but for doing the thing that Christ left him here to do—-to fulfill the great . commission. The word here translated


hell, but rewards for faithful performed under the guidance of Holy Spirit. It is plain to any one reading thè context that this judgment involves no one but believers. The “we” of the tenth verse is the “we” of the first verse where we read : “We know that if our earthly house of __ this tabernacle were dis­ solved, we have a building of God, an house not. made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” In 1 Corinthians 3 :10- 15 we read: “But let each man take heed”—that is, let each Christian man take heed ; for, if you will notice the context, it is the Chris­ tian man alone who is re­ ferred to in this passage. “Let each (Christian) man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foun­ dation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if .any man (that is, Christian man) build upon the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble ; each man’s work shall be made manifest : for the day shall declare it, because it is re­ vealed in fire; and the fire itself shall prove each man’s work of what sort it is. If any (Christian) man’s work shall abide which he built thereupon, he shall receive

^judgment . s e a t ” i s ' t h e Greek word “bema.” The „reference is to tho -Cdympic Games. The “bcnui' was the place where the judge sat when he placed the laurel upon the victor in the game. When will this reward

be given to the Christian? We sonietifnes hear, in the announcement of the death of one of God’s faithful ser­ vants : “He has passed to his reward.” Such an an­ nouncement is always in­ correct. Paul does not yet have his reward.. He said : “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: hence­ forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the right­ eous judge, shall give to me at that day :'and not to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing.” D. L. Moody does not ÿet have his reward. Why? Because the returns are not all in. D. L. Moody is. doing more today,. right down on, this earth, than he did when h% was here in the flesh. “His works do follow him.” God cannot reward His faithful servants now, or at dèath, be­ cause their service has not been finished. We do not stand before the judgmëiS^^àt-of Christ at death, but at the coming of the Lord for" Ilis people. Luke 14 :14: “Thou shall be recompensed at the resurrec­ tion of the just:” When is the resurrection of thë just?

“God bless you!” from the heart we sing, God give to every one His grace, Till He on high His ransomed bring To dwell with Him in endless peace, God bless you on your pilgrim way, Through storm and sunshine guiding still; His presence guard you day by day, And keep you safe from every ill. God bless you, and the patience give To.walk through life by Jesus’ side," For Him to bear, for Him tv live, And then with Him be glorified. —El. Nathan.

a reward. If any (Christian) man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall!be saved; yet so as by fire.” The gold, silver, and precious stones represent work that shall endure the judgment of God. Wood, hay, stubble stand for work that God cannot approve or reward.


January 1931


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1 Thessalonians 2:19: “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” This seems to be a reward for leading souls to Christ. The saints at Phil­ ippi and the saints at Thessalonica were Paul’s investment. They were his crown of rejoicing, and they will all stand together in the presence of Jesus Christ when He comes. Fourth, the crown of glory. 1 Peter 5 :2, 4: “Feed the flock of God . . . And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” This is a reward for feeding the flock of God. It is the reward of the Bible teacher. It is the reward of the expository preacher. The church is in great need to­ day of men who are entitled to this reward. Daniel 12: 3 has i t : “They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteous­ ness as the stars for ever and ever.” Fifth, the crown of righteousness. 2 Timothy 4 :7, 8: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing.” This is a reward for God’s people who are faithful to the faith. It is con­ nected with a love for His appearing. It has been our observation that the men who are looking for His appear­ ing are the men who are faithful to the faith. God, make me quick to see Each task awaiting me, And quick to do. Oh, grant me strength, 1 pray, With lowly love each day And purpose true, To go as Jesus went, Spending, and being spent, Myself for God. oppressed the poor and the fatherless and neglected the widow. It is a solemn warning. For a supreme example of the right use of hands we must turn to our Lord. How wondrously He used His hands! He labored with His hands at the carpenter’s bench during His earthly ministry. Then what a beauti­ ful picture we have of Him placing His hands upon the heads of the children and blessing them! We see Him in the temple court making clay and anointing the eyes of the blind man that he might receive his sight. They were ever stretched out to heal the lepers, the maimed, and the halt. It was with those same hands that He took a towel and girded Himself and washed the disciples’ feet. When His hour of agony; came, His hands were bound. He gave Himself into the power of wicked men, knowing that soon these same hands would be pierced, thus ful­ filling the great purpose for which He had come into this world. We have still another picture of these hands: It was some time after the resurrection. The disciples were gathered together in an upper room and Jesus appeared in their midst showing them His pierced hands. We will do well to meditate upon this picture. They are the hands that are beckoning us to come unto H im: they are appeal­ ing to us for our fidelity to Him.

„When “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with ■ a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: ¡then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up ¡together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Peter 5: ¡;2, 4: “Feed the flock of God . . . And when the chief ¡'Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory.” Revelation 22:12: “Behold, I come quickly; and my re­ ward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” These rewards are spoken of as crowns. There are five crowns spoken of in the Scripture in connection with rewards for Chritian service. What these crowns are I do not know- They are something beyond our imagination. First, the crown o f life. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall re­ ceive the crown of life” (James 1 :12). “Be thou faith­ ful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Rev­ elation 2:10). Second, an incorruptible crown. 1 Corinthians 9125 (R. V.) : “And every man that striveth in the games ex- erciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to re­ ceive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, as not uncertainly ; so fight I, not beat­ ing the a ir : but I buffet my body and bring it’into bond­ age: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.” This is the reward of a victorious life. The word translated “castaway” in the Authorized Version is misleading. The Greek word is “adokinio's” which means rejected or disapproved; that is, in this case, a Christian, but One out of the race, and with no testimony. Third, the crown of rejoicing. Philippians 4 :1 : “There­ fore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed- for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord; my dearly beloved.” “Let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good” (Eph. 4:28). HE hand is the symbol of service and power. How marvelous its adaptability to all the crea­ tive skill of man ! How much of good and how much of evil is within its power ! Think of the kindness and the cheer that can be brought through willing hands. In the de­ scription of a worthy woman ih Prov. 31 it is said that she “worketh willingly with her hands” and “she reacheth forth her hand to the needy.” One of the most pathetic sights we can think of is that of a strong healthy man without hands; having strength, but being unable to use it. Not on­ ly is he not able to use his strength, but he is in a position where he must be waited upon : he is helpless. It is only as we realize our helplessness without hands that we can begin to appreciate the privilege that is ours in possessing hands and having the ability and power to use them. Jehovah, in speaking to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah through Isaiah, said : “When ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.” The context shows that while it was within the power of their hands to clo well, they had done unjustly and had

JÉ? Éè Ès? Helping Hands B y E rnest N ichols


January 1931

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insisting that all Christian men shall agree as to the in­ terpretation of the Scripture teaching concerning Christ’s - second coming, but we do insist that a doctrine so inter­ woven with Qie thought of the New Testament is too sacred and too sublime to be laughed out of court. Fur­ thermore, we do insist that consecrated and able men who find joy for themselves, and give joy to others by preaching the imminence Of Christ’s visible return to the earth, should not be made the butt of ridicule . . . . We plead for Christian courtesy and for the manifestation of the spirit of Christ. Roman, Catholic Imperialism R OMAN CATHOLIC ambitions never die and never. change. World dominion, political as well as religi­ ous, has always been and still is the aim of this church. Every set-back encountered is considered only a challenge to more subtle plotting and more zealous endeavor to gain the desired end. Rome is today in a very favorable position. She has gathered a financial “war chest” from all parts of the world, much of it by direct and indirect means from Protestants in Protestant lands. In her oath-bound se­ cret orders, she has most effective agencies for her kind of diplomacy and propaganda. She has quite recently strengthened her political status and power. She has many tens of thousands of devotees prepared to do her bidding in any kind of service anywhere in the world. What, then, is to hinder her onward march ? Laying aside the ,question of God’s overruling and of the limitations that He puts upon Rome, it may be said that one great obstacle in the path of Rome is her own inherent moral and spiritual weakness. The lands that have been completely under her control are little better than in heathen darkness. In some of these lands the masses are turning away from the church that has so sig­ nally failed. Sad to say, they are not turning to Christ but to infidelity'. This is strikingly true in Latin America. In Europe also it is said that numerically Rome has for decades .been on the decline. In Austria, in the Balkans, in Poland, in other sections there have been mass move­ ments away from Rome. In France the low birth rate has decreased her power. The Churchmen’s Magazine is authority for the statement that “in 1800, in Europe (out­ side of Russia), Roman Catholics numbered seventy-one per cent. They now number sixty per cent.” Viewed politically, the situation is quite different. A recent writer who is an acknowledged authority gives the following facts: The Pope now has diplomatic relations with thirty- nine of the civil governments of the world. He is accustomed to making treaties with the civil powers. Dozens of such pacts are now in full force and effect. He deposes rulers and sets aside the constitutions of sovereign states at will. He has enacted and developed the Canon Law, which is one of the three judicial systems administered in Europe and America. The Canon Law vests in nim ultimate title to all ecclesiastical property, so that he is by far the wealthiest individual in the world.

What th e Pew Expects from th e Pu lp it HE Presbyterian has been having a series of articles concerning the church from the point of view of different members. A lawyer, a phy­ sician, a banker, and a farmer have spoken. It is interesting to notice that the gospel pleases or displeases every class of hearers according to the heart attitude of each toward God and His Word. The farmer, who states that he has been “an elder in the Presbyterian church for thirty years,” said some very timely things that are worth repeating. While attending a rural church conference at one of our universities, I heard an instructor advise the rural pastor to take a short course in agriculture in some state college. Now let me say right here that one of thfe things that I do not want and do not expect from my pastor is an agricultural lecture from the pulpit. When he calls on me, I would much rather talk church than crops and , cows. Pastor, please do not force your ideas on agricul­ ture or animal husbandry upon us from the church pul­ pit on the Lord’s Day. Nor do your attempts to inform us on current topics, civic affairs, or even politics, meet with our approval. We believe that with the daily papers and magazines, with our radios and telephones, we are about as well in­ formed on current topics as you...........No, we farmers go to church to hear the man of God preach and teach the Word of God as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. “Preach the word,” not ag­ riculture, current topics, or civics, but “the word,” in season and out of season...........Expository preaching is what we farmers need and what we expect to hear from the pulpits of our churches. Right A ttitude Toward th e Lord’s Return I T is amazing how men who are usually thoughtful and courteous are sometimes driven by unthinking prejudice in their opposition to the doctrine of our Lord’s coming again. Do they not realize that they may be making light of that which was often in the thoughts and on the lips of our Lord when He was on earth? Have they fairly con­ sidered the fact that the New Testament most certainly declares this truth ? Is it nothing to them that “the blessed hope” has been cherished by a very large proportion of Christians in every period of church history? True, it has sometimes been mixed with error and fanaticism; but, nevertheless, it has always been an effective agency for the building up of the church in godliness and the stirring of the church to world-wide evangelism. Should not these facts be admitted, and should they not temper the language of those who fail to see the importance of this subject? The Editor of the Watchman-Examiner has some very earnest words to say about this tendency to ridicule the hope of Christ’s coming again. We are amazed at the number of men who sneer whenever the subject of our Lord’s return is mentioned. . . . . Their antagonism to all “this second coming non­ sense” knows no bounds, and their choicest sneers are reserved for “those premillennialists,” among whom might be numbered such scholars as Alford, such preachers as Spurgeon, and such saints as Gordon. We are not


January 1931

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Habakkuk 3:17, 18 “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” —0— Missionary Free Subscriptions B ECAUSE , of the many appeals for various financial needs, it has not seemed wise to press the claims of our friends in foreign lands to whom, through the gen­ erosity of other subscribers, we have been able to send free copies of T he K ing ’ s B u siness . Our special funds for this purpose have been practically exhausted. Many to whom the magazine has become very dear have been deprived of its comfort and ministry. It was a grief to us some months.ago to be compelled to discontinue its visits to more than forty stations of the China Inland Mis­ sion. One of the missionaries of that society, who has received the magazine through the liberality of a friend, speaks of its value in the following language. I am so grateful for T he K ing ’ s B usiness . I feel we really need it, for each week the Lisu come to us for help on their sermons. Without such magazines as T he K ing ’ s B usiness , it is almost impossible to keep our sermon barrels full enough to supply their demands. Sometimes I am required to help them prepare as many as four messages a week.; They have no commentaries or helps in the Lisu language, and therefore I have to read to them. T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be a great help. Should any of our subscribers wish to have a part in thus passing on the Word to others, like these aborigines in China, a contribution to the missionary free subscription fund will be welcomed.

He maintains in this country (U. S.) a political or­ ganization that for efficiency and power is not rivaled by either of our two major partiës. ' His three hundred periodicals (in the U. S.), with a circulation in excess of seven million subscribers, con- stantly attack our public schools, our immigration laws, . , prohibition, and the federal Constitution. ij ■„In missionary lands also, Rome is on the alert. Ac­ cording to recent statistics, she has on various mission fields more than 150,000 official workers. Among them are 281 bishops, 91 vicars without Episcopal rank, 24,305 native priests, 28,938 European priests, and 226 medical doctors. They have in their schools 1,500,000 students. They conduct nearly 700 hospitals, with accommodations for about 300,000 patients. The Vatican is increasingly making use of native work­ ers, but it is Romanizing them by training in Rome under the immediate oversight of the Pope. While Italians are still in the majority in “The Sacred College of Cardinals,” it is evidently the policy to internationalize the church as far as possible without yielding control. As a matter of fact, the Pope seems to be more and more concentrating power in his own hands. Catholic imperialism will see to it that centralized control is still maintained. It is evident that the new propaganda is something to be reckjoiied with and something to cause Protestants to think seriously. — o — Monthly Message to Parents and Teachers T-TELEN Howarth Lemmel, the new Editor of the J u n - -V ior K ing ’ s B usiness , desires the cooperation of par­ ents and teachers. Hereafter, she will address them per­ sonally in her columns. Her appeal is passed on to our readers in the hope that it will be given serious and earn­ est consideration. The sense of privilege as we enter this field is equalled only by the realization of responsibility. We ask you, with us, to inquire of God: ‘‘What wilt Thou have me to do for Thy lambs ?” The need for definite, aggressive, .large-scale action in the spiritual realm on behalf of the'youth of today is very great—even appal­ ling. There is worthy effort, but it is neither sufficient nor coordinated. There is concern, but it must be uni­ versal and consuming. Shall we not make the Lord Jesus the most attractive person in this age of striking personalities ? Shall we not present God’s Word as the Wonder Book that we know it to be? Nay, not “can” or “shall,” but must we not do this ? Will you consider these suggestions ? ■ Read the J unior K ing ’ s B usiness with your young people. Help them with the Questionnaire, and possibly, help yourself to new knowledge. Help the children to locate and learn the Memory Four. Interest yourself in their use of the folder in which they are to keep the Junior pages of thé magazine from month to month. Teach them the songs, and work out with them the suggestions given. All the material has been tried and found useful. Then ■—let us hear from you, Constructive criticism is price­ less*/!:-Some one has pointed out that it takes only four volts , of electricity to ring a door bell, but it requires from 260 to 280 volts to light a lamp. Similarly, it takes . only a little power to make a noise, but it requires much power to shine steadily and brightly for Christ. Je­ sus said that we are lights in the world and we must shine, “beginning at Jerusalem”A-the hardest place. Is not home often the hardest place in which to shine for Him ? But we must : Keep the home light burning, By His power divine. He has chosen, that through you His love-light may shine.


Z e n o b ia B ird ’s n ew a d v e n tu re sto ry , “ Eyes in th e D a rk ,” w ill b e g iven as a p rem ium with new subscriptions only. T h is b o o k , b y th e au th o r of “U n d e r W h o se W ing s,” is a lre a d y hav ing a w id e sale. It is in ten se ly in te re stin g an d sou n d to th e co re. T h e fo llow ing re d u c e d ra te is o ffered to n ew sub sc rib e rs o n ly :

Sub scrip tion to The King’s Business (U . S .) $ 1 .5 0 “Eyes in th e D a rk ” 1.50 V a lu e $ 3 .0 0

The two for $ 2.50

W ith C a n a d ia n a n d fo re ign sub scrip tion s, 25 c en ts shou ld b e a d d e d fo r po stag e . T h e m ag a z in e a n d th e b o o k m a y b e sen t to d iffe ren t ad d re sse s.

THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

The trusting soul in trial sings; “Radiant in the thick o f things." Keep the home light burning.

January 1931


T h e

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The Work of the Holy Spirit and Our Work B y R oy T almage B rumbaugh * (Tacoma, Wash.)

“When he is come” (John 16:8). Literally, “And he having come.” ISTEN to Christ! Our Lord is speaking about the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. In the previous verse, •Christ tells the disciples that it is profitable for them that He' go away! They undoubtedly did not think so. He was their shepherd. Surely the sheep would be scattered if He were smitten. He was their leader. How could they continue their work without the presence arid inspiration of the Christ of God? However, if Christ

the sweet singer of Israel because the Holy Spirit came upon him. The prophets wrote concerning things to come because -the-Holy Spirit fell upon them. Now the Holy Spirit lives in all of us who believe. Before we moved into our present home, the family visited this house a number of times. We stayed a little while and then'departed. But moving day finally arrived. We now live here. In the same way, the Holy Spirit vis­ ited certain persons in the old dispensation; but at Pente­ cost He came to live in the church and to abide forever in the heart of every true believer. A P ersonality The Holy Spirit

had not gone, the Spirit would not be living in and work­ ing th rough all Christians a t a l l times. If Christ were still in the flesh, He would be limited by time and space. If He were preaching in Palestine, the peo­ ple o f A me r i c a would not have the joy of looking into His sweet face and of hearing His won­ derful words. Therefore, it was profitable to Chris­ tians that Christ go away. If He had not gone the way of the cross, we would

is not an ecstatic light, nor a vision beatific, nor a beau­ tiful dream, nor an apparition, nor an in­ fluence, nor an im­ personal power, but He is a person. “And he-’H I § l B l a s p h e m y against t h e Holy Spirit is the unpar­ donable sin. I read of a dinner given by a Press As­ sociation in London. It was the centenary of Thomas Huxley, the irifidel scientist, and the beginning of

still be in our sins. If He had not ascended on high, the Spirit would not have come. Thanks be unto God for the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, and for the descent of the Holy Spirit. H ere B efore “And he having come.” The Spirit, of course, was in the world before this. He was present in creation. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God the Father was the architect, God the Son was the builder, and God the Holy Spirit was the decorator. The first heavens and the first earth became waste and empty, and “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” . ;. So, too, the Holy Spirit came upon men in the Old Testament age. Samson was weak in himself; but, when the Holy Spirit came upon him, he put to flight the armies of the aliens. He killed more of the uncircumcised in his death than in his life. In the wilderness, the Jews were about to build a tabernacle according to the pattern given to Moses on the mountain. The Spirit of God came upon the artisans, giving them skill to construct the building according to the divine instructions. David was * Pastor, First Presbyterian Church.

a campaign against Christianity and the church. The speaker of the evening bitterly denounced Christianity and Christian miriisters in particular. He made a joke of the statement that the light of the Holy Spirit had directed the church for nineteen centuries. He said that that light probably had the same effect upon the church that the light Paul saw on the way to Damascus had upon the apostle. It dazed him, the speaker declared, and Paul re­ mained dazed the rest of his life. His hearers laughed at this (alleged) witty remark. They applauded and proposed a toast in the speaker’s honor. Then the speaker suddenly collapsed. Laughter and cheers were replaced by silence, broken only by the strangled breathing of the speaker. He died before help could reach him. This may have been a mere coincidence, but it is also a warning. The Holy Spirit is a person. Do we recognize Him as living in us? We receive visitors into our homes hos­ pitably. Have we thus welcomed the Holy Spirit? C onviction The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. Having come into the world, He works. Christ said: “He will reprove the world of sin.” “Reprove” is translated elsewhere “con­ vince,” “convict.” It means to present evidence so over­ whelming that denial is impossible. The Spirit presents


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evidence that conveys the proof of sin. Philosophers, poets, moralists, reformers may reprove, but to no avail. Parents reprove their children, but usually without last­ ing effect. Sin may be temporarily silenced .by man, but no man can eradicate sin. The Spirit really convicts. He will convict men and women of all races, peoples, tongues, and tribes. He will convict the immoral, the moral, and even the religious sinner of the fact that “there is none righteous, no, not one.” The Spirit does not convict sinners of the love of God. No one is interested in the love of God until he sees himself as God sees him, “desperately wicked” and lost. Some say that we should preach the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The sonship of the be­ liever is attested by the Spirit of God. in the heart of the Christian after he has been introduced into the family of God. Why should children of the devil be told about divine sonship? The Holy Spirit will not convict the world of the mercy of God. There must be conviction of the need for mercy before there can be a desire for it. He does not convict the world concerning heaven or hell as real places.. Realization of heart condition precedes concern for an eternal habitation for the soul. S in The Holy Spirit convicts the world of the fact of sin. Sin has been connected with the human race since the fall of Adam. To deny sin is to deny history. Men, in­ stitutions, and nations in their rise and fall manifest the presence of sin. I f there be no sin, then the work of Christ is in vain. He was without sin. “The wages of sin is death” ; therefore why should He die if He did not die for the sins of the world ? Sacrifices upon a thousand altars, tortuous pilgrimages and penances the world over attest the fact that man is conscious that he has sinned against God. Paul proves the fact of sin by the fact of death. If none sinned, none would die. All die because all have sinned. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of the guilt of sin. All the world is guilty before God. Man is respon­ sible for the sins that spring from his sinful nature. He has broken the law of conscience, the law of nature, as well as the law of God—and that presumptuously. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of the source of sin. An evil tree brings forth evil fruit. Our Adamic nature brings forth the works of the flesh. The natural man erroneously blames matter as the source of sin. The Spirit convinces us that sins spring out of our carnal na­ ture. The Holy Spirit convicts us of the works of sin. “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, de­ ceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another” (Titus 3:3). “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idola­ try, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, rev- ellings, and such like” (Gal.,5 :19-21). The Holy Spirit convicts us of the folly of sin. “The way of the transgressor is hard.” “There is a way that seemeth Fight unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” “Be sure your sin will find you out.” U nbelief - However, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of a par­ ticular sin. Society considers vice, crime, and immorality

the most heinous sins. Philosophy considers abuse of privilege and misdirection as the greatest of faults. The Jew looked upon those who did not observe the law, cer­ emonial and moral, and the traditions of the fathers as being guilty of the foulest sin. The Holy Spirit, however, convicts the world of the sin of unbelief: “Because they believe not on me.” Unbelief is the root of all sin. It is not necessary for the Holy Spirit to convict a drunkard of his sin. The children who see him reeling down the street do that. It is not necessary for the Holy Spirit to convict the murderer of sin. The law of the land does that. It is not necessary for the Holy Spirit to con­ vict the lawless of sin. Society does that. It is not neces­ sary to convict the adulterer of sin. Conscience does that. The Holy Spirit alone could convict a moral and religious man like Paul of committing the sin of sins, the rejection of Jesus Christ. Unbelief is the sin of sins because it makes God a liar. “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son” (1 John 5:10). Read also john 3:18; Mk. 16:16; John 3 :36. Those who reject Christ insult the Spirit of Christ. They tread the precious blood of Jesus Christ under foot. They spit into the face of God. They reject the love of the Godhead. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” It is because unbelief is the greatest of all sins that we send missionaries to home and foreign fields. Otherwise, we would leave the heathen alone. But unless they be­ lieve, they shall be lost. The ,promise is that, if the “good news” be preached, some shall be saved. For the sake of the few, our missionaries ieave home and loved ones and live among people alienated from the promises of God and under wrath. R ighteousness The Holy Spirit convicts the world of righteousness. First, He convicts the world of the righteousness of Christ. His enemies called Christ “a gluttonous man,” “a wine-bibber,” “a friend of harlots and sinners.” When our Lord declared His deity, the high priest said that He blasphemed. The Saviour was crucified as a malefactor. The righteous Father received Him at His own right hand. To do so meant that He, the righteous Father, considered the Son righteous. Had the Father not already said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” ? The com­ ing of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was proof that the risen Christ had been exalted. Second, the Spirit con­ victs the world that Christ’s righteousness is offered to all and is sufficient for all. He convinces man that he (Continued on page 11) TRIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Y ou w ill b e d o in g y o u r frien d s a k in d n e ss by sen d in g th em The King’s Business fo r th re e m on th s. W h e n th ey h a v e b e com e a cq u a in te d w ith th e m agazine, th e y w ill p ro b a b ly w ish to receive it regu larly . T ria l su b sc rip tion s (th re e m o n th s) w ill b e re c e iv ed a t th e ra te o f 25 c en ts each, in th e U n ite d S tates, o r 35 c en ts in C a n ­ a d a a n d fo reign countries.

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A World-Wide Ministry to Sailors

f N far-away Vienna, Austria, God spoke to a lad of fourteen years of age and burdened him because of his sin. In that great city of three million peo­ ple, he knew not a single born again one who could help him to find relief for his sin-burdened soul. God in His providence brought him as an immi­ grant across Europe, across the Atlantic, and across the continent to Oakland, California, in order that the cry

and which would have been denied him and many others like him had not God raised up Christian stewards who enabled the Institute to provide thorough Biblical train­ ing without cost. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has always emphasized practical work for its students in addition to the studies in the class room. One day after classes were over, a student, who had been conducting meetings at the chapel among railroad men on Terminal

of his heart for a Saviour might be met. There, in due time, God sent a faithful m in ister who knocked on the door of the poor imm igran t home and left an invita­ tion to near-by c h u r c h services which were being conducted in the only language that the boy understood. The invitation was accepted and the warm welcome giv­ en at the church led to the lad’s regular attendance. After a short time, it was an­ nounced that a spe­ cial series of gos­ pel meetings would

Island and who was compelled to give up the work on ac­ count of illness, ap­ proached our young friend and asked him to take over the task. The work

was small; the field was hard. There were many discour­ agements. Further, it was far from the city, and among very poor people who could give little for its support. It seemed to offer a poor p rospect— nothing that indi­ cated that it would be the beginning of a life work. Yet the call was clear. The task was taken up, and in the face of many difficulties the post was held ag a in st th e enemy. A L ife W ork B egun After the homes on the island had been visited several times, with meager results, attention was called to a new field. A ship was boarded—a small lumber schooner which was at one of the docks on the island that forms a part of Los Angeles harbor. The crew were invited to attend the meetings at the chapel, but they promptly and flatly refused. However, they offered no objection to an impromptu meeting then and there, nor to the distribu­ tion of gospel literature among them. This encourage­ ment led to other visits to near-by ships, and almost be­ fore the student realized it, a new and large field lay open before him. Although it required a long and (to limited purses) an expensive ride by rail, other students were soon taking part in the ministry. It meant they must rush out after afternoon classes at the Institute, and that they had very little time (if they had money) for suppers. But the zeal of God was in their hearts. Often, behind lumber piles or in empty box cars, prayer meetings were held be­ fore the evening’s work was begun on the ships.

be held in a tabernacle not far distant. The lad went there every night in the week, listening to the services, although they were conducted in the English language—to him a strange tongue. His attention was particularly drawn to a motto on the wall bearing part of a verse of Scrip­ ture. With the aid of a small dictionary, he studied the text faithfully night after night: “The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” At the close of the week, the meaning of the message had not only been understood intellectually, but it had sunk deeply into his heart. He was born again by the Spirit of God and freed in an instant from the burden of sin of the past years. L ed S tep by S tep The next chapter in his life that showed the providence of God was a vacation trip to Mount Hermon, the well- known Bible conference grounds in the Santa Cruz Moun­ tains. The lad was now grown to young manhood and had an earnest desire to know more of the Word of God. Through one of the Bible teachers, the late Dr. J. R. Pratt, he first learned of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Two or three years later, he went to Los Angeles and to the Institute. There he found opportunity to obtain the knowledge of the Bible which he had so eagerly sought,


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been reached, for each year new ports are opened up, and Scriptures are supplied in new tongues. The story of the extension and the financial support of this mission to seamen is a continuous record of the grace of God. There has never been a single gift larger than $500.00, and that amount was received only once. The three extensive missionary trips were made with very little expense. Railroad and steamship companies, recognizing the value of the work, kindly granted free transportation. In no port were more than two weeks spent. Seldom was that much time needed to look over the field, to interest Christian workers in it, to gain access to the ships, to locate the suitable man to superintend the mission, to teach him hów he ought to go about the work, and to secure needed literature. In spite of the fact that much of the work had to be done in ports where the language was entirely unknown to Mr. Zimmerman, es­ pecially in the orient, God marvelously answered prayer and gave success. To be his coworkers, the Lord has called men from almost every walk in life, always finding the right man at the right time to: meet the need. Mrs. Zimmerman is also a1graduate of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles and in;her! sphere has had a real partnership in the work. They began their new and en­ larged ministry in the confidence that God would supply every need. They took their stand upon such scriptures a s : “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in, glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19); and “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall: reap also bountifully . . .

E ncircling t h e G lobe w it h t h e G ospel Who would have imagined that from such a small and insignificant beginning there would result a gospel effort which would encircle the globe, by which seaman and passengers on ships are now reached in all the largest ports on the seven seas? Yet such is the case. It is an amazing record of the grace of God. For this service, God saw fit to choose one who was not learned or elo­ quent, but one who had been a poor, unlettered immigrant hoy. The work, begun so humbly in Los Angeles harbor, after a time became one of the evangelistic departments of the Bible Institute. The student who began the work served as its superintendent for eight years. This stu­ dent was Oscar S. Zimmerman. The only school in the United States which he attended was the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. His life story illustrates what God can do, in spite of handicaps, when there is a determination to serve Him fully. After leaving Los Angeles, Mr. Zimmerman was called to a similar but larger work in the port of San Francisco. There he founded the Immanuel Mission to Seamen on October 1, 1921. Soon after this, he was en­ abled to take his first missionary trip, calling at the har­ bors of the United States^ and Canada, and opening work in such ports as New York, Boston, Baltimore, Buffalo', Halifax, and New Orleans. A second trip, with similar results, took him to ports in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and Italy. On a third journey he visited Hawaii, Japan, China, and the Philippine Islands: In various in­

direct ways, the work has spread also to Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Africa, In­ dia, Ceylon, Australia, and New Zealand. In the course of nine years, since the found­ ing of Immanuel Mission, about forty sta­ tions have been opened from which the gos­ pel is going out daily in over a hundred dialects and languages. Nor has the limit

and God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, having all sufficiency in all things; may abound to every good work” (2 Cor. 9 :6 , 8). God has been faithful to His promises. The record of the work of the mission to seamen is a testimony to His faithfulness and to the truth and power of the Word of God in these days of apostasy.

There ty a s a

B y R obert M edill

Great Ca lm The sun was bright, the sea was slight, One shining summer's day; The sails were spread, the vessel sped To regions far away. But suddenly, the changing sky Assumed an aspect dread; Instead of blue, another hue Its features overspread.

He did not hear the waters sneer, They could not shake His calm, For He whose sway all things obey Could never feel alarm. The sailors wrought, they bravely fought, They did not want to drown; They could not think the Lord would sink, But what if they went down?,

The tempest moaned, the rigging groaned, The ship was drenched with spray; The billows said, and tossed their head, “You shall not pass this way." The thunder pealed, the vessel reeled, She tossed upon the deep; But in the stern, without concern, The Master lay asleep.

Amid the storm, the sleeping Form They summoned with a cry: “Dost Thou not heed our bitter need? Behold, Thy children die." The Master woke, one word He spoke, The billows to allay; Each watery crest was stilled to rest, And He did pass that way.


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concerning Christ who is to come again and judge the world. He convicts through things and through persons. The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. It divides asunder soul and spirit. It is a critic of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Bible is powerful unto salvation. Tracts also have been used by the Spirit to bring people to Christ. Many a “Jesus Saves” sign has brought conviction to thoughtless souls. However, the Spirit works usually through h'umap be­ ings. The Spirit could have Himself convicted the Jews gathered in Jerusalem, but He was pleased to work through the sermon of Peter and the personal work of the one hundred and twenty Spirit-filled evangelists. The Ethio­ pian eunuch was returning from Jerusalem. He was seek­ ing the truth. He was reading the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah. He needed someone to give him the, necessary in­ terpretation. The Holy Spirit, therefore, placed . Philip in the path of the eunuch. The< result,was Conviction, conversion, and then baptism. /jG|poieli«|í.|.ther. centurion, paid alms. He supported' : He wanted more light". An angel did not give it to him,, but he told Corne­ lius to send for Peter. The apostle pr£ached,ancl through him the Holy Spirit convicted the centurión and his'entire household. I was preaching in Atlanta during á special /scrips;- of meetings. When I gave the invitation one nightj-a ybjing girl came forward sobbing loudly. I questioned her afte.r the service. She said that, two years previous to this, she had left her home in South Carolina. Her mother did not know where she was. The runaway knew that her mother was praying for her, but she would not obey the convict tions of conscience. She saw the “Jesus Saves” sign in front of the church. The Spirit used that to woo her into the service, where she was converted. She Was con­ victed as the quartette sang, “Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?” The Holy Spirit worked through gospel "singing. This happened about the first of December. She wrote home to her .mother, telling her where she was and what had happened. She asked her mother what she wanted for Christmas. The mother wrote back, “I want you.“ Saved parents may be used by the Holy Spirit to con­ vict sons and daughters who are out of Christ. Christian wives may be used by the Spirit to convict their unsaved husbands. Sayed husbands may be used by the Holy- Spirit to convict their worldly wives. Christians in any walk of life may be used by the Holy Spirit to convict friends, business associates, anyone. Little convicting is done, however, because few Christians are willing to be used. There is so much of the world, the flesh, and the devil in the average Christian heart that the Holy Spirit cannot work. “And he (the Holy Spirit) having come,” is reproving the world “of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.” Is He doing this through you? A WORTH WHILE PREMIUM T h e N ew B iblical G u id e (e ig h t v o lum e s) b y Jo h n U rq u h a rt w ill b e sen t w ith o n e y e a r’s sub ­ scription to The King’s Business fo r $ 8 .5 0 . T h e re g u la r p ric e o f th e b o o k s a lo n e is $ 8 .0 0 . In th ese vo lum es, ev e ry p o in t o f criticism a d ­ v a n c e d a g a in st th e B ible u n d e r th e guise of science is m e t fairly a n d squarely .

The Work of th e Holy Spirit and Our Work (Continued from page 8) has no righteousness in himself. “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags,” “as dung.” “There is none rightepus, no, not one.” The most unrighteous are the self-right­ eous. Christ likened them unto whited sepulchres, beau­ tiful on the outside, but full of dead men’s bones. As soon as the Holy Spirit convinces a man of his own unrighteousness, He presents God’s righteousness as a gift. God’s righteousness is Jesus Christ. The heavens could not provide this righteousness because they are un­ clean in the sight of the holy God. The saints are im­ perfect and, therefore, they could not supply this, right­ eousness. God even charges the angels with folly; so perfect righteousness is not found in them. The Father declares righteous the righteousness of Christ, and this is offered to all men. It is revealed to the eye of faith. God looks at the Christian and sees the righteousness of Christ.' J udgment ' The Holy Spirit convicts the world of judgment. This word is also translated “condemnation,” “accusation,” “damnation.” The prince of this world is judged. This world, then, has a prince. The prince of the world is not Christ, nor is it man. Man was the ruler, but he fell. His place was taken by the usurper, Satan. “The whole World lieth in the evil one.” Satan lords it over our physical nature. He smote Job with a great swelling from his head to his feet. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh””was a messenger from Satan. Satan lords it over our psychical nature. The affections, desires, and aspirations of the carnal man are saturated with’lust and pride. Satan lords it over our religious nature. Abounding idolatries, “isms,” cults, and false religions attest this truth. Satan .lords it over nations. He of­ fered Christ the kingdoms of the world if He would fall' down and worship him. Christ did not deny his right to give Him these kingdoms. He merely said: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God.” In Daniel we read that the devil has a prince over each nation, who endeavors to per­ suade the leaders of the nations to do the will of the prince of this world. Satan lords it over the heavens. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” But “the prince of this world is judged.” Christ met him at the cross and defeated him. In the mind of God, the head of the serpent is already crushed. He shall be driven out of the heavens, to have access never again to the presence of God. He shall be cast out of the earth into the pit for a thousand years, after which he shall be released for a season. Then, with his followers, he shall be hurled into the lake of fire where he shall suffer tor­ ments for ever and ever. Christ came into the world to destroy the works of the devil. These works have been destroyed. “We are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” We may, even now, claim victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. As Christ has judged the prince of this world, He has also judged the world. “In the world ye shall have tribu­ lation : but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” T h ing s and P ersons The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of right­ eousness, and of judgment. He convicts concerning Christ who was crucified, concerning Christ who was glorified,