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King's Business - 1931-06


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Practice Limited to Refraction and Muscular Anomalies of the Eyes

he K in g ’s b u s in e s s W il l ia m P. W h it e , D.D., E ditor Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” Rev. 1:5 , PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELEi Volume XXII June, 1931 Number 6 Table of Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...............................243 There Shall Be Signs—Louis S. Bauman...................................... 245 Thè Everlasting Gospel—Clarence Edward Macartney...............246 Euodia—A Great Work Among Los Angeles School Girls....... 247 Mary of Magdala—John G. Reid.................................................. 248 An Exposition of the Eighteenth Chapter of Isaiah P/-r-Elbert L. McCreery.'............................................................249 Has the Church Failed Socially ?||-Hugh R. Monro...................252 Came Where He Was...................................................... ................. 254 The Mystery and Romance of Israel—Max Isaac Reich...............255 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison...............................256 KTBI Sold.......................................................................................... 258 Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews—John C. Page...................259 The Return of the Tide—Zenobia Bird.......................................... 261 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell...................... .............. '....... ....... :.266 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell.................................... ..........268 Our Literature Table...... •. ......... .269 Homiletical Helps...................................... ......... -................ .......... 270 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth Lemmel.......................271 International Lesson Commentary....................... 273 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Milo F. Jamison...,....................... 279 Daily Devotional Readings................................................................ 284

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For the Next Six Months the International Sunday School Lessons w ill be in th e book of A cts. W hy not study this book thorou gh ly? Supply the m embers of your class w ith printed lessons, w ith sp ace provided opposite questions on each verse to record an ­ swers, as offered in our C orrespondence Course, STUDIES IN ACTS. SPECIAL LOW RATE for classes of five or m ore only $1.00 for each enrollm ent. Includes: Com ­ plete set of lessons in loose-leaf form for each student, correcting of papers by our office, issuance of Institute certificate upon satisfactory com pletion of course. ACT IMMEDIATELY to insure delivery of courses by July 1st. — ------------------- C O U P O N --- ---------------— C orrespondence School, B ible In s titu te o f L o s A ngeles, 536 So. H ope S t., L os A ngeles, C alif. D ear S irs: E nclosed p lease find $.._____ _ fo r........ .. ......... enrollm ents in C ourse No. 10, “ Studies in A c ts.” A lso n am es an d ad d re sse s of m em ­ b e rs enrolling. Signed......,....,.,.......... ..........______ ..........__ A d d ress ................................ .......1;,........................... .......


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ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising, address THE KING'S BUSINESS, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879; Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. TERMS: $1.50 per year. Single copies 15c. Foreign Countries (including Canada) $1.75 per year. Clubs of 4, 25c reduction on each subscription; clubs of 10 or

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EVERYBODY WILL WANT THE JULY ISSUE Besides the regular features, it will contain:

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June 1931

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


Grurnbs Gfrom the K ing’s ^ab le

Stand Fast in th e Faith LESSED is the man who in times such as these, when the hearts of many are failing them with ¡ L p l r fear, can still serenely and sublimely say with the psalmist: “I have stuck to thy testimonies.” ^jgllllgjP You can well afford to cling to the Bible. “ j S j r l Y ou can confidently stick to its history. It was for a long time the habit of infidel critics to savagely as­ sail the Bible and to mock at its manifold inaccuracies.

It is my confident contention that if the facts of science be thoroughly known, and the teachings of Scripture be rightly interpreted, it will be found that “as face answers to face” in water, so does geology to Genesis. The tele­ scope of latest construction and of farthest reach has not yet made any discovery that contradicts a single line of the Book. You can afford to stick to its teaching as to doctrine and duty. The theory of evolution has been pressed to

But the very stones have been crying out against the critics, and monuments have been tumbling down upon the heads of the men who were digging a grave for the dear old Book. The bricks of Babylon have covered them with con­ fusion. Every spadeful of earth thrown up in oriental ex­ cavations has brought to light fresh confirmation of the truth of the holy Bible. You may stick to its science. There is no essential conflict between science and the Scripture. It was not in­ tended that the Bible should be a textbook of science. The Lord will not do for us that which we can do for ourselves, and which will make us all the better for the doing. There­ fore, He has not given us a scientific treatise on geology, but He has said to the rever­ ent scholar: “Come with your hammer and your pick and break up the stones and turn up earth’s strata. Read my elder revelation written on the rocks.” It will do him good. God has not given us a text­ book on astronomy, but He

such extravagant lengths that its exponents would have us believe not only that man is the subject of evolution, but that God is as well; that there was one kind of deity in the days of Abraham, another in the days of Moses, another in the days of Elijah, and so on. According to them, with the roll of the ages God has changed like a chameleon. These changes, it has been con­ tended, have been reflected in the character of His worship­ ers. As a corollary, it is de­ clared that, if Elijah or David were now to reappear on earth, no Christian church of the present day would receive them into its fellowship. We may frankly concede that down through the ages there has been increasing clearness in the knowledge of God, because there was in­ creasing revelation until God beamed upon the world in the face of Him who was “the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his per­ son.” We may frankly concede that neither the saints of the

Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord Thy Word is like a garden, Lord, With flowers bright and fair; And every one who seeks may pluck A lovely cluster there. Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine, And jewels rich and rare Are hidden in the mighty depths For every searcher there. Thy Word is like a starry host; A thousand rays of light Are seen to guide the traveler, And make his pathway bright. Thy Word is like an armory, Where soldiers may repair, And find, for life’s long battle-day, All needful weapons there. Oh, may I love Thy precious Word, May I explore the mine, May I its fragrant bowers glean, May light upon me shine! —Edwin Hodder, 1868.

has said instead: “Come on ! Grind your lenses, fit them to your telescopes, and spell out my glory as it is written in the stars. Man can dig and delve and spell and cipher; he shall make his own science. He can do it well enough. But that which is too deep for his drill or his plumb line and too distant for his telescope—but which it infinitely concerns him to know—I will tell him; and I will put it in ,a book with my imprint on it.” It would be singular indeed if He who made the world and made the Book should, in the Book, mislead us as to the facts relating to the world. We may be sure that He has not done so. He is not responsible for the shallowness of man’s knowledge of science, nor for the shallowness of man’s interpretationis of the Bible.

Old Testament nor of the New were immaculate. The sins committed by them are candidly recorded, for the Bible is a very honest book; and these sins are held up* not for emulation or approbation, but for reprobation. And yet, through all these changes, God’s standard remains immutable; right is right and God is God—“the same yes­ terday, to day and for ever.” In these days of surging theological currents, in these days of perplexing doubt and perilous drift, when so many are being swept off their feet and borne far out to sea, let our word of faith and hope ring clearly over the abyss of the seething wa­ ters: “I have stuck to thy testimonies.” We may stick to its prophecy. “Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of


June 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

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¡God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” The faithful minister today is teaching his people the prophetic word. God’s people are hungry for the ex­ position of that part of the Bible which has been neglected so long. The subject that draws the largest audiences and holds interest the longest time is : “What does God say in His Word about the future?” The churches that are cutting down their missionary program and withdraw­ ing faithful men from the foreign field are the churches that are scoffing at prophecy and saying: “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning.” The churches that are growing are those that are teaching a whole Bible. — o — Egotism H OW difficult it is to be certain that our most beautiful and benevolent actions have not sprung from selfish motives! With what nervous anxiety do we watch any action that is likely to affect our interests, and with what ingenious indignation do we regard any person who has remotely touched them! Are we not secretly pleased to hear favorable things about ourselves, and do we not seize every occasion to talk about our own affairs ? Are we not unconsciously in the custom of relating every sub­ ject to our own life; so that, wherever the conversation begins, it will always end in our diseases or our children or our experiences or our travels: or our views or our ex­ cellencies or our failings, and, if every other subject be exhausted, our very sin? We spread ourselves on every side and extend ourselves across every neighbor’s, fron­ tier, till people approaching too near the outer circle of the whirlpool are sucked in and whirled around this maelstrom of egotism. Is it not rare to meet with a person so unself-conscious and so self-forgetful that he will not know he is alluded to either in praise or blame, that he will never dream of obtruding himself or anything that has to do with him on his neighbor, that he will be ready to give himself with undivided mind to the con­ sideration of his neighbor’s difficulties or ideas as he may be invited ? It is humiliating and exasperating to re­ flect that some of us hardly ever escape from ourselves. This self-concentration, which is apt to grow with years and may reach monstrous proportions, is the parent of many evils and discomforts. It is apt, for one thing, to rob us of our neighbor’s good will, for even a person who has fallen into some great sin is not always so much disliked as an egotist who is concerned about nobody except himself. For him, friendship with its inspirations and consolations is impossible. He must remain isolated and unloved. He is certain to be a bore before whose weary reiteration of “I ” people will flee as from a pesti­ lence. He is likely to be peevish and discontented, since the greed of self can never be satisfied, and the weariness of self can never be removed: In his imagination, he is ever being slighted, affronted, and criticized; and as the slave of self-will, he suffers his chief loss in a nar­ row and stunted character, the sickly growth which has been breathing its own air. He has never stood on those high places where the greatest as well as the least loses himself in God. The passion for self can only be driven out by the passion for Jesus Christ and for others, and our eyes can only be turned from the fascination of our own things if they be brought to rest on the.things of others.; We;

cannot be hopelessly in love with ourselves if we live in fellowship with Jesus Christ. We cannot be forever babbling about ourselves if our minds are exercised with eternal verities. Without self-forgetfulness, no one will be loved ; no one can do any great work. Just in propor­ tion as we Christians have forgotten ourselves—our health, our position, our interests, our ideas—and have flung ourselves into the service of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and our fellow men, shall we be strong and glad. There is a great temptation these days to divide sin into two classes—sins that are respectable and sins that are not. Let us remember that there is no sin that is re­ spectable with God. God hates all sin, but perhaps He hates more the sins that professed followers name re­ spectable sins, such as jealousy, a lying tongue, egotism, complaining, worry, unjust criticism, stinginess, and the whole list of sins that respectable Christians commit with­ out losing their standing in the church or in society. PP ^.i^. a» m New Contributors F OR a number of months, readers of T h e K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness have been given helpful and suggestive Sunday- school lesson material in the form of blackboard outlines prepared by Rev. I. G. Hoff, a busy and versatile pastor in Rhode Island. In addition to his regular church work, Mr. Hoff is serving the Providence Bible Institute. He finds himself unable, because of the pressure of other du­ ties, to continue to provide the blackboard outlines. The department in which he served so splendidly will be taken over by Mrs. Bessie B. Burch, of Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Burch writes : “The Lord has given me whatever talent I have, and I have dedicated everything to Him. The only remuneration I desire is that of Col- ossians 3 :23, 24.” Her first contributions to the magazine are found in this month’s issue. Beginning this month, the exposition of the Sunday- school lessons will be furnished by Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, well-known and^ greatly loved Bible teacher, formerly of Portland, Ore. *Dr. Sutcliffe was leader for eight years of the Portland Union Bible Classes. He is now leading Bible conferences. Any church securing the services of this good man will be greatly pleased and edified.

HP ܧ The Feast is Spread How sweet and sacred is the place, With Christ within the doors, Where everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores ! While every heart and every tongue Join to admire the feast, We each exclaim, with thankful song, Lord, why was I a guest? Why was I made to hear Thy voice, And enter while there’s room, While thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come? ’Twas the same love that spread the feast That sweetly forced us in; Else we had still refused to taste, And perished in our sin. —Isaac Watts.


June 1931

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Old Rome Revives Daniel 7 :23, 24; Revelation 13 : 1-3

his “quaint” idea of a Jewish national home. In fact, a quiet campaign is on, urging Great Britain to transfer her mandate over Palestine to Rome. Italy is more than willing ! Mussolini sees a possible opportunity to secure a place to locate some of his ever-increasing surplus of Italians. It will come! Daniel informs us that it is not London, but Rome that is to enter into a seven-year agreement “with many” Jews. Gradually, all things shape them­ selves according to the Scripture that “cannot be broken.” T O those who recall the history of the World War, the name of the German general, Ludendorff, is quite familiar. This famous old warrior has written a book, A World War Menaces Us, which is creating tremendous sensation throughout Europe. His visions of the near future for the unhappy peoples of that unhappy continent are anything but reassuring. He paints pictures of the depopulated nations, showing whole populations wiped out of existence, and others in their death throes. Vic­ tors and vanquished alike die in the agonies brought through a hell of shell, fire, deadly gases, plague, and 'famine.. As if already in that awful hell, he writes: “Governments have collapsed; or, indeed, if they are still in existence, can exercise neither authority nor force. There is no possibility of concluding peace!” Thus does one of the world’s greatest military minds, standing sur­ rounded by all the boasted progress of unregenerate man, confess man’s miserable failure in government. But, failure in human government always has been the out­ standing sign of the end of an age. Verily, men’s hearts are “failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth” (Lk. 21:26)— a sure indication given us by the Master Himself “that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Lk. 21:31). But, if General Ludendorff is not wholly astray in his thinking, what are we to think of those who have scoffed at the devout students of prophecy who long have taught a literal interpretation of the plagues written within the book of the Revelation, when whole popula­ tions shall be swept in a day into the gaping throats of “Death and Hell” (Rev. 6:8) ? And-S-mark well the statement—in that awful catas­ trophe when men “shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Matt. 24:10), “there is no possibility of concluding peace!” It is the picture of a world wholly gone over into the hell of most godless and pitiless an­ archy! Such a condition can only bring forth a giant dictator—-the only hope (?) of a Christless world. For the hope of the salvation of man’s cosmos, the world will literally worship him and “cause that as many as would not worship . . . should be killed” (Rev. 13:15). But vain will be their hope! They only ride on to the awful day when “blood . . . unto the horses’ bridles” (Rev. 14:20) shall gush-forth in “the winepress.” “Unto th e End—War” Daniel 9:26

OME,” says Signor Mussolini, “is a universal city, dear to the whole world. It has taught and will teach law to the whole world. It is destiny that Rome again takes her place as the city which shall be the directress of the civili­ zation of all western Europe. Let us make out of Italy a nation without which it is impossible to conceive the future history of humanity.”-— Britannia, Dec. 7, 1928. Berlin informs us that the latest photograph of Mus­ solini shows the Duce buried in the “archaeological dig­ gings” of old Rome. “Within five years,” says the famous dictator, “Rome must appear as a marvel to all the world—vast, ordered, and powerful, as it was in the time of the first Empire of Augustus.” Reliable witnesses from Italy are inform­ ing us that any one in Italy who lacks Latinity is likely to be looked upon with suspicion. It is well known that the Fascist salute comes from old Rome. “Fascism,” as the London Times has said, “is an attempt”—proving surprisingly successful—“to turn Italians into Romans.” We are informed tha t: “Even the hotels and inns evince an ancient Roman spirit of which old Rome is now the center. The new mood is manifest in the class­ ical Latinity of the placards and signs. The Castello dei Cesari on the Aventine, universally known for its glorious view, calls itself now Taverna ad Castrum Caesarum. Its tempting bill of fare offers its guests pullum, piscem, et pernam. This means, if you please, chicken, fish, and ham. Famous hotels glorify themselves as Aedes primi Ordinis frequentatae ab Cardinalibus et Praelatis. They refer to their modernized conveniences as amplia cubicula cum singulis balneis. Even the barber’s sign makes con­ cessions to the rush for Latinity: Comae barbaeque ton- sor et magister manibus curandis. Sufficient evidence this, that even the everyday details of life are noted in class­ ically accurate forms of expression. Thus they derive a fresh consecration besides giving proof of the swiftly progressive Latinization of Italy.” All of this is intensely interesting to the student of prophecy. As the language of Abraham returns to the streets of Jerusalem (Zeph. 3:9), the language of Caesar returns to the streets of Rome. As the bones of the house of David begin to shake and come together, “bone to his bone” (Ezek. 37:7), so the bones of the house of Caesar begin to shake unto resurrection. See Revelation 13:3. Jerusalem and Rome—watch those two cities! Revival, and then the last awful struggle! The victory belongs to David!


Pa lestine—To Italy? Daniel 9:27

B RITISHERS of note and influence are complaining that Great Britian is still spending their tax money in Palestine,.all because Lord Balfour tried to develop

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1936 seems to be a year toward which the nations of Europe are looking forward with a great deal of appre­ hension. Mussolini and not a few other European states­ men have referred from time to time, and with more or less misgiving, to 1936 as a year when the whole world shall face momentous events—and a crisis! Mussolini, five years ago, started Europe guessing (and trembling) with his mysterious prophecy: “We must at a certain time be able to mobilize 5,000,000 men . . . We will be able then, between 1935 and 1940, when I be­ lieve there will be a crucial point in European history, finally to make our voice heard and see our rights recog­ nized.” This statement is almost uncanny when we reflect that 1936 is just 2,520 years (seven times 360 years) after the last sOn of Abraham who sat on a throne in Jerusalem was taken from that throne, had his eyes put out, and was carried away to Babylon in chains. We believe it is folly, in the face of an uncertain cal­ endar, to set any exact dates for the return of our Lord and for the momentous events connected therewith; more­ over, we believe it to be contrary to Scripture. Never­ theless, Daniel surely definitely set the time for our Lord’s crucifixion in his great prophecy of “seventy weeks,” and the Scriptures present us with some other interesting figures. Those who are “wise” at least are able to “see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). Swing responded: “Suppose now you try the gospel!” We must not be deceived by the'glitter and glamor of the material and mechanical side of our modern civiliza­ tion. These are but surface things. Automobiles, radios, moving pictures, airplanes, and all the wonderful devices of modern life are no index to the hidden life of the soul. Who can measure the sadness and sorrow, the tragedy and sin of our modern life? Only the gospel of redemption can reach it or touch it. You can’t feed hungry souls with the sawdust of theories and guesses! You can’t comfort broken hearts by telling them in gilded rhetoric that what they used to believe, or their fathers once be­ lieved, now must be “reinterpreted,” or in plain English abandoned! You cannot light the pathway of man across the void of dread and darkness with the flitting phosphor­ escence of a brilliant aphorism,! No! In the straits of the soul the only message is the old message of Calvary, the story of repentance and salvation and regeneration through faith in Christ. Those who deal in the by­ products of Christianity and attract congregations by whaf they deny rather than by what they affirm are like sky rockets which go up and spray the night for a little moment with their light, and then come down and leave the world in darkness as it was before. But they who proclaim the everlasting gospel are like the stars. The stars shine on in the depth of the heavens after the sky rockets have been forgotten. —Record of Christian Work. A young preacher went to David Swing, the poet- preacher of Chicago, many years ago and asked him what he should do to get a congregation on Sunday. He said: “I have tried history, biography, literature, poetry, book reviews, politics—but the people won’t come. What shall I do?”

But, thank God, through it all, the saints shall be kept safely-—above, with Him! With Him—until the hour when He shall ride forth in majesty to strike down every arm that is raised against His righteousness, and to “speak peace to the nations” (Zech. 9:10). Ludendorff is right! Among the unregenerate sons of men, “there is no possibility of concluding peace.” “Unto the end wars and desolations are determined” (Dan. 9:26, margin). Peace belongs to righteousness, and it emanates only from God! 1 9 3 6 T HE recent British-French-Italian naval agreement is being discussed pro and con. The world’s statesmen are asking, “Is it a truce or finish of the Franco-Italian Feud ?” Among newspapers, the Paris Figaro asserts that “this partial superficial accord is a sign of total and profound discord” ; while the French Le Petit Journal says: “The accord marks the suspension of all Franco- Italian sea rivalry until 1936, the date of the next naval conference.” Likewise, an Associated Press dispatch from Rome, cabled at the close of this new agreement, points out that the “principle of party” which broke up the London Naval Conference so far as France and Italy are concerned, “is not settled by the new accord, but is postponed until 1936.” ' | 1HE one thing in the world across which there falls no shadow of decline or decay is the gospel of Jesus' Christ. It is an endless gospel because it is founded upon an everlasting Christ. Every effort to make Christ appear natural by strik­ ing out the supernatural only succeeds in making Him unnatural. Every attempt to make Him historical by ig­ noring the facts recorded in the four Gospels only suc­ ceeds in making Him unhistorical. We have Christ in the four Gospels, and outside of that, silence and dark­ ness. The gospel is an everlasting gospel because it has an everlasting message. Nothing that Jesus said has been rendered obsolete by the progress of knowledge and the advance of science. His words are forever applicable to mankind. The habitat of the gospel is the heart of uni­ versal man. The great message of the gospel is summed up in the cross. The cross is its power and its glory, no matter how much that power and glory are neglected and scorned in popular modern Christianity. The gospel gives us not merely a great personality, not merely great ideas of truth, not merely lofty examples of living, but a gréât act, a sublime, God-conceived and God-executed transac­ tion ; namely, the death of Christ on the cross for the sins of the world. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. The minister who preaches the gospel will never play out. He has a message which cannot fade. If he sets up as a book reviewer, or lecturer on current events and contemporary politics, or as sort of a second-hand dealer in somebody else’s guess or theory or scientific hypothesis, sooner or later he will play out..

The Everlasting Gospel B y C larence .E dward M acartney

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Euodia—A Great Work Among Los Angeles School Girls

VER twenty years ago, a wise and prayerful woman, with a heart full of love for girls, had a deep desire to see them come to the Lord in the strength of their youth. This woman was Mrs. T. C. Horton, wife of the first su­ perintendent of the Institute. Her desire was realized when the first Euodia club was formed, in the Los Angeles High School.

beautiful canyon by the sea. This year the tenth gath­ ering of this kind was held at Pacific Palisades, April 24 to 26. For several days preceding the conference, the, rain fell heavily, so that from the human standpoint a large attendance seemed impossible. But with God all things are possible. To the amazement of the leaders, nearly 250 girls registered the first night, and the number

increased until, at the close of the conference, it was found that approximately 400 girls had been present for all or for a part of the time. The weather contin­ ued cloudy, but it rained only one night, and nothing could dampen the ardor of the young people. The p rogram included heart-searching add resses, helpful group discussions, a missionary pageant, and a delightful banquet. At the banquet, one-minute speech­ es based on the verse, “He must increase, but I must de- •crease,” were given by rep­ resentatives of several of the larger clubs. Every one of them showed remarkable spir­ itual discernment, and it was

The name, “Euodia,” mean­ ing fragrance, was suggested by the club verse: “Now thanks be unto that God who always leads us forth to tri­ umph in the Anointed One, and who diffuses by us the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14, lit. trans.). The aim of the club is to lead the girls first of all to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as a per­ sonal Saviour, and then to yield their lives to Him. Although Mrs. Horton is with the Lord, the work which she began is still be­ ing carried on. There are now fo rty -th re e Euodia clubs in Los Angeles and vicinity, taught by eight

Prize-Winning Speech a t Euodia Banquet By R uth A tkinson

"He M u st Increase, bu t I M u st Decrease.” The great Creator must increase, but I, the created, must decrease. What am I, that I should increase? I am nothing but g sinner saved by God’s grace. The God of that grace must shine forth in my life. All my righteousness is as filthy rags in His sight. He is the great I AM. I must humble my­ self and become as a little child learning at His feet. He is the True Vine; I am only a branch which must abide in Him. As I abide in Him and He abides in me, His love and beauty will shine forth, and my life will become fragrant for Him. When I have gone the last mile of the way, I can look upon my Saviour and know that it was truly best to let Him, the A l­ mighty, the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, the great I AM increase in this frail, unworthy, selfish life of mine.

Bible women of the Institute and ten volunteer helpers. About 700 girls are reached each week during the school year, and hundreds have been led to a personal acceptance of Christ. In their club meetings, they study but one book, the Word of God—and they love it. There is one event to which every Euodia girl looks forward throughout the year. It is the annual conference —several days of the best of fun and fellowship in a

difficult for the judges to decide which message was the best. The main object of these days at camp was the same as that of the weekly group meetings^—to lead unsaved girls to Christ and to enrich the spiritual life of every one pres­ ent ; and that purpose was gloriously accomplished. Yet the program was by no means heavy or uninteresting. There was ample time for music, hikes, and supervised play. It is difficult to imagine a more inspiring sight than

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They are serving today in churches and on mission fields, in homes and schools and offices. In the language of Dr. W. P. White, President of the Institute, a work so valuable and so far-reaching is worth any sacrifice that may be necessary in order to maintain it.

that of nearly four hundred girls, in the bloom of young womanhood, united in their ambition to be “fragrant for Christ.” Yet this number is only a fraction of that larger company of girls who, through the years, have been touched by Euodia and empowered by the Anointed One.

Mary of Magdala B y J ohn G. R eid ( Spokane, Washington )

life of Mary Magdalene? With a woman’s characteris­ tic devotion, this liberated one joined the company of women who had likewise been healed, and of those who ministered to the Lord Jesus “of their substance.” The social standing of those with whom she is mentioned war­ rants the inference that she possessed more than average resources. All this is a very different picture of her from the one popularly drawn. Her case was bad enough— worse could hardly be imagined—but it is not fair to unnecessarily stain her history, when the inspired record gives absolutely no warrant for doing so. Note the facts that are further recorded of Mary Magdalene. She is at the cross (John 19:25; Mk. 15: 40; Matt. 27:55, 56), where her name is again coupled, without the slightest hint of social inequality, with the names of women of rank and distinction. Knowing what we do of the conventions of those times, as reflected in Luke 7 :39, John 8:3-5, etc., we cannot imagine her ming­ ling freely, without embarrassment or protest, with such women, if she were the “sinner” of Luke 7 :37, even though she had been reclaimed. Without remonstrance, she associated on perfect social equality with these same women in preparing the spices with which to anoint the Lord’s body; and in company with “the other Mary,” she was first at the sepulchre (Matt. 28:1; Mk. 16:1; Lk. 24:3; John 20:1)—a fact specially noted by each of the evangelists. When, upon “entering into the sepulchre” (Mk. 16: 5), they “found not the body of the Lord Jesus” (Lk. 24:3), Mary Magdalene hurried to notify Peter and John that the tomb had been despoiled. Arriving at the sepulchre, these two men received the astounding cor­ roboration of her words. When they went away to their home, Mary, desolate and heart-broken, tarried at the tomb, weeping. There the risen Christ, whom she at first supposed to be the gardener, revealed Himself to her as He called her by name.- Thus to Mary of Magdala was granted the privilege of the first glimpse of the resurrected Lord, and to her was given the honor, of being the first to announce to the disciples the fact of His actual, bodily resurrection. Further, though her name is not mentioned, the in­ ference is fair from the expression “with the women,” that she was one of the one hundred and twenty to whom reference is made in Acts 1 :14, who continued in prayer with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren. Since Acts 1:15-26 is parenthetical, the connection be­ tween Acts 1:14 and 2:1 is not broken; so that, in all probability, she was one of the number upon whom the Spirit descended at Pentecost.

SINGULAR and striking illustration of the ten­ acity with which an erroneous idea will persist, even in the face of the clearest language to the contrary, and will be accepted and transmitted without foundation or investigation, is seen in the popular confusion of Mary Magdalene (Lk. 8: 2) with “the woman who was a sinner” (Lk. 7:37). Even ministers, justly held in repute for thorough and

careful knowledge of the Scriptures and for exactitude in exegesis, have fallen into this snare. As a result of this almost universal identification, “A Magdalene” has acquir­ ed a popular signification which has been immortalized in some of the most beautiful works of the artists and in the noblest architecture—as in the Church of the Made­ leine—and in institutions of mercy, hospitals, etc., which have been dedicated in her name to the rescue of fallen women. The belief that Mary of Magdala and “the woman who was a sinner” are identical is the more strange in the face of the fact that a mere superficial reading of Luke 8:1-3 will suffice for its correction. The very first words (in the Greek, at any rate) are enough to separate the two sections absolutely. Commenting on this point, Dean Alford states: “I may add that there is not the least rea­ son for supposing the woman in this incident to have been Mary Magdalene. The introduction of her as a new per­ son [italics his], so soon after, in 8:2, and what is there stated of her make the notion exceedingly improbable.” There is no reasonable foundation for assuming that the “seven demons” meant, included, or had any reference to impurity. The pictures of Mary Magdalene presented to the popular imagination are beautiful and touching as illustrations of. the power of the gospel to reach, and the attitude of the Master toward, women of even the lowest class. But in persisting in this application, a gross injustice is done to one of the most beautiful and honored characters in gospel history. S ketch of th e L ife of M ary M agdalene Recall the dark foil upon which this gem is displayed, as set forth in Luke 8:2, where the first mention of Mary Magdalene is given. She is a woman greatly af­ flicted with that mysterious malady which holds so prom­ inent a place in the ministry of our Lord—demoniac pos­ session. Being under the sinister power of seven demons, her deliverance by the Lord Jesus furnishes illustration of the'fact that no one is beyond the power of Him who “commandeth . . . even the evil spirits, and they do-obey him.” ,; Delivered by the mercy and the mighty power of Jesus, is it difficult to account for all that followed in the

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An Exposition of the E ighteenth Chapter of Isaiah B y E lbert L. M c C reery (Los Angeles, Calif.)

NE of the wonders of God’s Word lies in the l fact that the meaning of many a passage that I has been obscure to the natural man has been * made so apparent, in the time of God’s fulfill­ ment, that no one could question the verity of it. For example, the disciples asked Christ why He spoke in parables, and He clearly indicated to them that it was in order that those who were spiritually

The fifth gives a picture of the terrible destruction of vegetable life. The sixth shows the awful carnage and destruction of human life. The seventh contains a glorious promise of the re­ demption of the people of that land. V erse 1 “Ah, the land of the rustling of wings, which is be­ yond the rivers of Ethiopia.” The marginal reading of the Revised Version changes this reading in two particulars, so that we may read it

enlightened might know the meaning of that which was a hidden mystery to others. One of the most obscure passages of the Word of God is the eighteenth chapter of Isaiah. It has been only within

the past generation that anything has been put into print, so far as I know, which seems to throw the true light on this brief passage. Rev. J. Kelly Giffen, D.D., in The Egyptian Su­ dan, which was pub­ lished twenty-five years ago, was the first per­ son, I believe, to see the significance of these verses. A few years later, Professor A. H. Sayce, of Oxford, Eng­ land, after having vis­ ited the Sudan, wrote a series of articles in The Sunday School Times, in which he- identified the Sudan as the land referred to in this prophecy. At the time of his writing, he was, I understand, not cog­ nizant of the fact that

thus: “Ah, the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the riv­ ers of Cush.” In these brief statements of this chapter, God would point out to His people the l a n d concerning which His Word has gone forth. While no name is mentioned, the description is so accu­ rate that, to one who understands the land, it is just as definite as though the name of the country had been in­ serted. It is immaterial which one of the read­ ings is used—whether that of the text or the one given in the mar­ gin—for the land of Qush 'is the land of Ethiopia. .Ethiopia is identified with the Bib­ lical Cush, and it is the


Dr. Giffen’s book was in print. The interpretation given by these writers seems to me to be logical. Having spent a number of years in missionary service in the Sudan, there is no question whatever in my mind but that God has given us in Isaiah 18 a prophecy concerning that land and its people. A brief exposition of this chapter may be of interest. I suggest a bare outline of the seven verses as they appear to one who is familiar with the Sudan. Unlike the fol­ lowing chapter, which begins with the words: “The bur­ den of Egypt,” the eighteenth chapter has no specific title of address. The first verse gives a description of the land. The second tells something concerning the people of that land. The third is a summons to all the world to behold what is taking place there. The fourth is the simple statement of God’s purpose of non-interference in that which is taking place.

name of the region lying to the south of Egypt, which includes modern Nubia, Abyssinia, Kordofan, and Sen- nar. Today the official title of Abyssinia is Ethiopia, and the inscription on the postal stamps of the kingdom is :“Ethiopia shall hasten to reach out her hands unto God.” This makes clear that the land here referred to is not Egypt. It is also clear that the passage must refer to a section of Africa lying to the south of Egypt. “The rivets of Ethiopia” here specify the headwaters of the Nile, primarily those tributaries which form the Blue and the White Nile, which unite near the tri-cities of Khartum, Khartum North, and Omdurman. The Nile is a peculiar river in that, for a thousand miles or more if its last journey to the sea, it receives not a single tributary. Going south as you approach Khartum, the Atbara River is the first to join the Nile. At Khartum is the union of the Blue Nile and the White Nile. Following the White Nile for about 500 miles, you find the Sobat River enters, and farther up, the Jur, Jebel, and Bahr Ghazal. All these rivers