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King's Business - 1933-11


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Cuuriesy Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.


r‘A s the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven, . . . and watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud . . . so shall my word be.”

PLANNED LIVES Mr. and M rs. D. L. M o o d y and their grand­ daughters. 2. The dormitory life ntust be conducive to well- rounded Christian character— “ ! would be glad to have them room together.” Bible Institute associations are life-long and ennobling. 3. Opportunities fo r practical Christian work must be offered — “ to visit from house to house,”

etc. (See pages 412 and 413 of this issue o f T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s .) 4. Part-time employment ■must

be furnished —-“ I should like them to do some house­ work.” The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has Always Fol­ lowed Moody's Wise Precepts In its classrooms, the Bible is expounded by those who belieye it from cover to cover. In its beautiful thirteen-

T here is something god­ like in planning, years in advance, for the lives of little children. The brooding tenderness that outreaches its own gen­ eration and seeks to mold servifceable lives for the Master’s use in the far future is no human im­

pulse, but a veritable gift o f the Spirit of God. In D w igh t L. Moody, “ the father of all Bible Institutes,” this gift was highly de­ veloped. On this page are two remarkable repro­

story building, homelike ac­ commodations are provided for its students. Its courses, with the exception of those of the evening school, are al­ most: all arranged for the morning hours, so that the afternoons may be free for personal work or for employment. Who Will Plan for the Youth of Today as Moody Planned for His?

ductions*— one, a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Moody and their two little grand­ daughters, as they appeared in 1895; and

the other, a letter written by Mr. Moody to the superin­ tendent of women at the Chicago Bible Institute (the lat­ ter now known as the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago), providing for the enrollment of the girls and their train­ ing to be begun twenty-one years later! This is an extraordinary letter. As Paul’s instructions to young Timothy have become the pattern for all evan­ gelists to follow, so, in a humbler sense, Mr. Moody’s let­ ter reveals the working principles which must govern any Bible Institute worthy of the name. 1. The W ord o f God must be the chief Textbook. Mr. Moody does not use this phraseology, but he implies this thought when he says, “ I only want to make sure to get them in®—for nothing else than the urge to obtain a thor­ ough, reverent, practical knowledge of the Bible could have; drawn young men and women from all parts of the world.

Here in Los Angeles at this very moment, over 400 consecrated young people are enrolled at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. They come from far and near. They pay no tuition, for none is requested. The expense o f ; their training (about $75.00 per student per semester) is met through the free-will offerings o f God’s people. When it was announced in July that funds (later fixed at $15,000.00) would be needed for the educational costs of the present semester, loyal Christians began to contribute, and now nearly $10,000.00 has been received or pledged. The remaining $5,000.00 is sorely needed. Will you not include some student in your Christmas plans this year? Your gift, large or small, will reach another generation.




S. Hope St • Los Angeles


SPECIAL NOTICE: Donors not at present on our subscription lists are entitled to receive THE 9 KING'S BUSINESS if requested at the time of making their donation, on the following basis: § 3 months for each $1.00 gift, 6 months for each $2.00 gift, 12 months for each $5.00 gift.

From The Life of D. L. Moody B y His Son, used by permission of the publisher, Fleming H. Revell Co.

Hereceiveda salary raise eleventimes

2 fteSibledfamlïutfttaga^me M otto: " Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood."—R ev . 1 :5.

“ 1 want to relate what the Lord has done to a fam ily since they contribute to the cause of the Jew­ ish mission. The head of the fam ily, a man about 45 years o f age, has received a raise in salary eleven times since they have contributed to the cause of bringing the gospel to the Jews, which, of course, is only secondary to the spiritual blessings the Lord has bestowed upon them .” (Name and address-in our files.) Y ou see , it’s this way; the Jews are God’s property, and you can’t touch them for good without some blessing sticking, as a contagion to you; no less than did the poor woman who said, “Let me but touch»the hem of His garment!” Do you know of anything more directly in the line of God’s bless­ ing than helping those “of whom as c o n c e r n i n g the flesh, Christ came?” Or, do you know of any other people or person concerning whom He has said, “ I will bless them that bless thee” ? Our work merits your every con­ fidence. Our field is not only the 2,000,000 Jews of New York, but the 4,000,000 Jews of America. And through co-operating mission­ aries we are represented, and our Yiddish publications are being dis­ tributed, in all the important Jew­ ish centers of the world. In Amer­ ica, Branches are being established in the larger cities as the Lord gives us the means and the workers. Your help and prayers are always needed. “ The Chosen People,” loved by many Bible students for its helpful information on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors. May we hear from you? AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS Incorporated! 3 1 Throop Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.

Volume X X IV December, 1933

Number 11

' TABLE OF CONTENTS Around the King’s Table......................................................................... 411 Five Wise Men and their Gift—Mildred M. Cook.............................412 The Preeminent Christ^W . W . Catherwood................................... 414 Four Great Truths— H. A. Ironside................... .............................. 416 Invisible Conflict Behind Visible Chaos—Arthur I. Brown............419 Present-Day Fulfillment o f Prophecy -Louis S. Bauman.............. 421 Girl’s Query Corner—Myrtle E. Scott..............................................424 Bible Institute FamilySCircle................................................................. 425 Our Literature Table..............................................................................427 Living Lessons from the Book of Life and Everyday Life H S -R oy Talmage Brumbaugh.................................... 428 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker............... ........................429 Notes on Christian EndeavorJgMary G. Goodner............................. 431 International Lesson Commentary...................... .......................... , 4 3 4 Daily Devotional Readings................. 443


ADVERTISING: For information with reference to ad­ vertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Re­ ligious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. 15c Annual Subscription ...................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50 TERMS: Single Copies.............................................

Five annual subscriptions..........................................$ 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions........................................ 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. R EM ITTAN CE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of desired change.

Ask for our f r e e b o o k l e t “ Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds.”

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. 554-558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, Calif.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1933

H h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s for 1934 will be the same K in g ’ s B u s in e s s that has been loved by thousands of readers for more than twenty years, but in many ways it promises to be better than ever. It will be the same in its unwavering loyalty to the written and the living Word; it will be better in the scope and richness of its material. These are not boastful statements. They are based on the belief that more people than ever before are praying for the ministry of the magazine and for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles that it represents —and prayer always means progress. Please keep praying! Remember, it is the King’s business, and to exalt the King is the magazine’s chief concern. The most outstanding Bible- loving leaders of the present day have generously agreed to contribute to its pages. The following departments will be continued: Editorial, Present-Day Fulfillment of Prophecy, Girls’ Query Corner, Bible Institute Family Circle, Junior King’s Business, Literature Table, Notes on Christian En­ deavor, International Lesson Commentary, and Daily Devo­ tional Readings. In addition to these, the January issue, typical of others to follow, will contain the special features described on this page.

The Mastership of Christ

In the Jewish World

By William Evans T n the New Year num- 1 ber will appear the first of three remarkable arti-. cles on this theme. The author is a world-famous Bible teacher whose pulpit ministry and published w r i t i n g s are unexcelled. The wealth of many years of study is compressed into this brief series of messages, making them rich in every line. Reaping Amid Manchurian Storms By Rosalind Goforth T n a personal note accom­ panying this article, the author, who, with her hus­ band, is a missionary of the Canadian Presbyterian Mis­ sion, writes: “ Dr. Goforth and I are among the few couples left who came to the Far East more than forty-five years ago. God has been won­ derfully good in sparing us to work together so long. We have not lived shel-. tered lives, but have been pioneers.”

By J. A. Vaus C o m e one has said, “ The Jew is the key to his­ tory.” Almost every day witnesses starding events taking place in Jewry. In these momentous times, Christian p e o p l e cannot afford to lose sight of God’s chosen people. This page of up-to-the-minute infor­ mation will enable one to keep abreast of the times.

Helps for Preachers and Teachers

If you have enjoyed THE KING'S BUSINESS in the past, you will like it better in the future

By Paul Prichard C ermon outlines, sugges­ tions for Bible readings, and helpful illustrations will be offered for the use of the busy preacher and teacher. Readers are urged to contribute original ma­ terial for this department, that may be found useful to other subscribers.

On Earth Peace— But W hen? By John E. Brown T n this article, the well-known evan- A gelist and educator— founder of the John Brown Schools— shows up false teaching with fearlessness and points to a better day.

More Light on the International Lessons 1U 1 any Sunday-schools s u pp l y T h e ^ A K ing ’ s B usiness to their teachers. The 1934 helps will be greatly enlarged and improved. See page 434 of this issue for fuller announcement.

December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



■ ro u n


B [The comments on this page, with the exception o f the Christmas meditation, are furnished by Dr. W. E. Edmonds, pas­ tor of. the First Presbyterian Church o f Glendale, Calif., and a member o f the Board o f Directors o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. To many, not only on the Pacific Coast where he is well known, but also throughout the United States, he is “a brother beloved” for his fidelity to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus .— E ditor .] From Bethlehem to Calvary 1 ethlehem is not far from Calvary. Today there is a burst o f light on Judaea’s plains, a heavenly multitude bearing glad tidings, an adoring audience o f shepherd folk

“ Prepared . . . td Sound” t is said of the seven angels which had the seven trum­ pets, that they “ prepared themselves to sound” (Rev. 8 :6 ). In like manner, the sounding forth o f the gospel of peace in our day requires divine preparation. T o be truly prepared, we must live very near to our Lord. Nehemiah says, “ He that sounded the trumpet was by me” (Neh. 4 :18 ). Only by such nearness to the Captain o f our sal­ vation can “ the word o f Christ dwell in you [us] richly in all wisdom” (Col. 3 :1 6 ); and only thus can we know “ the things which God hath prepared for them that love him,” for “ God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit” (1 Cor. 2:9, 10). “ Even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a dis­ tinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is

to hear and to rejoice; tomor­ row there is darkness on Goll| gotha’s hill, there is scoffing, there is weeping, there is dy­ ing, as heaven’s dear One be­ comes “ sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” It is only a step from the bosom o f the Father to the agony o f the cross— but what a step!—and one that is possible only by way o f the incarnation and the inexplic­ able humiliation o f which Bethlehem formed the scene. Not as an Example, merely, but as the only Saviour from sin, Christ came. Think, if you will, of the beauty and the wonder and the joy o f that first Christ­ mas day. Echo again the glad­ ness that heaven began. It is the sweetest story earth has ever heard. But, as you join the shepherds and the wise men in their gift-giving and their praise, forget not to no­ tice that across the manger bed where lies the Lord of life garbed in human flesh, the long, dark shadows o f the cross are already lengthening. Bethlehem means C a lva ry . And whoever lingers

piped or harped? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare him­ self for the battle?” (1 Cor. 14:7, 8 ). Trumpeter o f Jesus Christ, what o f your prepara­ tion? What of your testi­ mony? Wake Up n old Greek merchant killed his w a tchm an whom he found asleep, and justified himself before the senate with the remark : “ I left him as I found him.” A dead watcher is as valuable as a sleeping sentinel. For prac­ tical purposes, a cemetery is as serviceable as a dormitory. Oh, how blindly enamored is the slumbering Christian with his delusive dreams ! He says that the g o ld e n age has dawned, when the darkest hour o f apostasy has come; that the age is good and great, when it is drunken with abom­ inations, and besotten with vileness indescribable. “ What meanest thou, O sleeper ?arise, n

H Qhrtetmas I wish that I might lead to Christ’s dear feet —- Those nail marked feet — Some straying soul, some wandering one Who has no Christmas in his heart or home. The year has been so blank and dark, And my devotion but a spark, A glimmering light, uncertain, dim, So poor the service I have rendered Him who loves me so,

That while I smile this Christmas day, And join my friends in mirth and play, I cannot let the day depart Without an honest look into my heart. Be this my prayer:

O Jesus, let my earnest word be brother to my deed; And let my uttered love to Thee be more than creed, And when upon the threshold o f another year I stand, With joy may I stretch forth to Thee A full and not an empty hand .— S elected .

at the cradle to the exclusion o f the cross has missed the meaning o f Christmas and all that divine love would impart. Ask for the Old Paths hat is the way o f safety and enjoyment, wherein one may walk in these troublous days ? It is the path o f life : “ Thou wilt show me the path of life” (Psa. 16: 11). It is a plain path: “ Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies,” or, “ be­ cause o f those who observe me” (Psa. 27 :11). It is a path which the Lord directs: “ He shall direct thy paths” (Prov. 3 :6 ). It is a right path: “ I have led thee in right paths” (Prov. 4 :11 ). It is a peaceful path: “ All her paths are peace” (Prov. 3 :17 ). It is a straight path: “ Make straight paths for your feet” (Heb. 12:13). It is a shin­ ing path: “ The path o f the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Prov. 4 :18 ).

call upon thy God.” “ Ye, brethren, are not in darkness . . . Let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” By the Word I f the experience of an older preacher is worth any­ thing, young ministers may be urged to quote much Scripture in their sermons. Without this, they may exhibit their learning, or show their eloquence, or adorn their sen­ tences with beautiful and poetical figures o f speech; but their oratory will be like a fine musical entertainment, going in at one ear and out at the other. By the Word we are begotten (Jas. 1 :18) ; by the Word we are born again (1 Pet. 1 :2 3 ); by the Word we grow (1 Pet. 2 : 2 ) ; by the Word we are sanctified (John 17 :17) ; by the Word we are defended (Eph. 6 :1 7 ); by the Word we overcome (Rev. 12:11). All men’s sermons will be forgotten in a little while, “ But the word o f the Lord endureth for ever” (1 Pet. 1:25).

December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



a s the crisp coolness o f the De­ cember night swept in from the old and weatherbeaten, looked out with feebly blinking eyes upon their sur­ roundings— a monotonous stretch of unyielding alkaline soil. Twelve miles away, the highway traffic, like a fast- moving stream, flowed into the Califor­ nia coast towns from points East, quite oblivious of its one narrow tributary which cut a way bravely into this for­ gotten region. In a day or two, it would be Christ­ mas. But there was no sign of it here— unless, perhaps, the lights from flicker­ ing candles and kerosene lamps that burned every night in the year could be called such a sign. This was a commun­ ity of men and women grown old in

Grandmother. She wrote* me she was keeping house for you.” He paused and looked around expectantly for a glimpse of the silver-haired saint whom he loved. “ She ain’t here.” The answer was brief, but not rude, “ Gone North for a spell. But you’re welcome, same as if she was here. Come in and eat, and stay the night, if you ain’t got other plans.” A great wave o f disappointment swept over the boys, but so quickly did they rise above it, that no one would have guessed that it had ever appeared. They had planned to tell Grandmother all about their work at the Insti­ tute, about the richness of the Word that the class instruc­ tion had imparted, about the opportunities for soul-winning that opened up every day, about the experiences (pleasant and otherwise) that had been theirs in meeting the prac­ tical requirements for board and room in a school where tuition is always free. Grandmother would have beamed approval. She would have wanted to know about the groups o f Institute students—both of men and of women —who were choosing to forego the pleasure of being with family and friends during the holidays in order to witness for Christ in neglected communities. She would have asked how many students the Institute had recently en­ rolled, and would have breathed, “ Praise G od !” when told that the number was steadily mounting. As these thoughts raced through five young minds, the man o f the house removed his coat methodically and hung it on a nail. He drew up to the table the few chairs the house afforded, and augmented the number with a packing

desert, a half-dozen shacks, squat and

the struggle with the soil for a livelihood, a generation that took life as they found it and had long ago forgotten to be gay. For years, the grey dust of the desert had covered their dwellings, and with it, the dust o f indifference had sifted in. And so it was that when, in the gathering night, an old touring car drove up before one of the shabbiest of the houses and five young men-—released for a two-weeks’ holi­ day from their studies— climbed out, no one but themselves seemed to be particularly glad or even surprised. As they

box or two. He removed the red-checked table­ cloth that covered the L eft — “ The dust of indifference had sifted in.” B elow — Where prayer was an~ swered and a costly gift was found.

approached the house, its lone occupant, a stolid man of per­ haps sixty summers, saw them coming, put down his milk pail and his lantern, and wait­ ed. He did not know any of the boys. It did not occur to him to ask or even to wonder why they had come; and if he had asked, he would not have believed their answer, that they felt God had led them here, contrary to their pre­ vious plan, to find, perhaps, a Christmas gift for Him. Their host lifted the lan­ tern, and, “Come in,” he said.

One of the hoys spoke up cheerily, “ I’m Donald Pratt,* and these are four other fellows from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. You ’re Mr. Beckett, aren’” The answer was merely a nod. “ Well, we’re on a vacation (having a grand time, too) — speaking in churches and schoolhouses— wherever the old gospel of the Word of God is wanted, you know— singing and playing our instruments; that is,” he added, twinkling, “ wherever folk can stand that!” Not waiting for comment, he rushed on. “ Our sched­ ule’s pretty full, but somehow we felt we just had to see *Inasmuch as this is not fiction, but a description of actual occur­ rences, kindness demands that other names be substituted for those of. the real characters and places.

.. SOtSfS



foodstuffs left from noon, moved the lamp to allow the milk pail to become the centerpiece, and climaxed the action with the command, “ Set, lads.” They sat—and wondered that they felt so strangely and happily at ease in the presence of this silent man. God was with them—the One to whom they looked for moment- by-moment direction, and who had never failed to guide aright. Surely God had led them here, for had


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1933

When a Life Becomes a Gift ^ “What does So-and-so really want for Christmas?” How often have you heard the question? Gifts that are wanted are precious gifts. Have you ever asked yourself, ' What does my Lord really desire?” If you have, and if you have been still enough to hear His answer, you have learned that, perhaps more than anything else, He longs to have men and women accept the salvation that was purchased with His own life blood, longs to see the last member added to "the church which is his body,” that He, the returning Bridegroom, may claim His own. Are you giving the King the gift He wants most? Remember, it is “ one sinner that repenteth” that causes heaven’s courts to resound with joy. Can you point a poor sinner to Christ, the Saviour ? Stu-

“ Oh, how he needs the Saviour!” somebody said. And another added, “ Y e s ! And if there is joy in the presence o f the angels over one sinner that repents, don’t you im ag in e there would be special rejoicing if one, like our friend here, gave his heart as a Christ­ mas gift to the King?” The reply was inaudible. “ It seems to me,” one of the boys said, after a long

they not read and believed: “ In all thy ways acknowl­ edge him, and he shall direct thy paths” ? Unitedly, they had prayed that some oppor­ tunity for witnessing to His soul-saving power might re­ sult from their digression from the beaten course; silently now every man bore on his heart the need of the one before them, a need of which only God knew all. The meal finished, one of


pause, “ that I just can’t stand it, if somebody doesn’t find Christ as Saviour this Christmastime!” True, there had been souls saved all along the way on the trip thus fa r ; but so worthy was the Lord to receive increased glory and praise, that past trophies of grace were not to be count­ ed. All night long, huddled together in the cr ow d e d quarters that the humble home afforded, the words rang in the hearts o f five young men: “ Some soul to be a Christinas gift for Christ!” About midnight, rain, cold and dismal, began beating on the roof. “ Some soul to be a Christmas gift for Christ!” it seemed to say. Changed from thought to p ra y e r, all night the words went winging from burdened hearts up to the throne o f God. “ W e will speak to him

dents of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles can, and do. They are in daily contact— as you may not be— with lost souls in a great city. You may enter into partnership with them. There are more than 435 students at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles at the present time. Every one of them is, or wants to be, a soul-winner. For the fulfillment of this God- given desire, the Bible Institute offers to the student, absolutely free, classroom instruction which costs the Institute approxi­ mately $75.00 per student per semester. It does this, confi­ dently believing that the cost of training (exclusive of board and room, which are furnished at cost) will be met, as it has been met through the years, by Christian stewards who wel­ come the opportunity of claiming as their representatives young men and women who are learning of Christ to be “ fishers of men.“ Will you enter into partnership with one student, volun­ teering to pay for the cost of his or her training? For a semester...................................................$75.00 For a month..................................................... 25.00 For a week......................................................... 6.25 For a day......................................................... 1.00 O beloved, for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life for sinners, for the sake of suffering humanity in des­ perate need of a Saviour, for the sake of the continued minis­ try of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as a soul-saving sta­ tion, I urge you to consider this matter prayerfully! Shall the Christ of Bethlehem and of Calvary receive at this Christmas season the gift for which His loving heart yearns? If you would like a student to be your partner in witness­ ing for Christ, mark your gift “PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNT and send it to the TREASURER of the Bible Institute, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Yours for Christ and for souls,

the boys asked if they might not read a chapter from the Bible. It was their evening custom, he explained. Ever so slightly, their host in­ clined his head in silent as­ sent, and the reading began. “ He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.” With gratitude, five men prayed, as they heard the words; one, who could not pray, bent his' head sadly. “ All we like sheep have gone astray, we have tu rn ed every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Five men knew that by ac­ tive faith, this Sin-Bearer had become their personal Saviour; one did not know it, and sorrow wrenched his heart. He might ignore the Christ whom he saw in the lives of those about him, but he could not escape the en­ treaty o f the Christ of the living Word. Lower his head bent, and he did not attempt to lift it.

again in the morning,” one o f the boys whispered hope­ fully. “ Perhaps he will be ready to yield then.” But morning brought the reply, crisp and unchanged, “ No, it’s not for m e !” The parting over, the boys moved on, silently. Grief and longing gripped their hearts. How many times, they wondered vaguely, had the same scene been enacted in the life o f this man— the Word understood, the claims of Christ presented, the heart’s door still securely barred. As Old Age had followed Youth, so sullen indifference had [Continued on page 418]

As simply as Andrew told Simon, the way to Christ was explained by those who had found Him themselves and were glad. But feet grown calloused on the rocks o f human effort are not easily turned into the paths o f righteousness. “ No, it’s not for me,” he said at length, sadness and rebellion commingled. “ All right for you fellows; you re young. But life’s been hard—mighty hard— and there ain’t no way to better it now.” Abruptly, he left the room and walked into the night.


December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

r is i

^ C lie C 0 r e e m t n e n i B y W . W . CATHERWOOD* RiversidêpCalifornia

he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things • , •_ imi t t cn

- he Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Colosse. The theme o f his letter was: “ The Person and Work o f the Son o f God and the Position and Walk of the Sons of God.” He summed it all up in the words of my text, found in Colossians 1:18: “ That in all things Tie might have the preeminefrcer1 Living as we do, far down the stream o f human his­ tory, when, as some one has said, “ the name of Christ has long since attached itself to and associated itself with all that is most classical in literature, most refined in art, most exquisite in poetry, most advanced in civili­ zation,” when the cross, no longer a word of shame or a brand of ignominy, has become the badge of honor and the banner o f progress, it is difficult for us to pro­ ject ourselves into that far-off century and to estimate the strangeness with which these words must have fallen upon the world o f Paul’s day— that Jesus, the despised Nazarene, He of the manger cradle and the crucifixion cross, should in all things have the pre­ eminence. Yet that is the place prophesied of Him and predicated for Him. D ivine A uthentication Christ is preeminent in the voice of divine authen­ tication. When He came to the Jordan, with the years o f preparation behind Him and the work of His min­ istry before Him, heaven’s silence was broken, and the sovereign voice and verdict of God was heard: ‘ This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” When His body had finally been placed in a borrowed grave, and when hell was gloating and glorying over its seem­ ing triumph, God vindicated both His claim and His cross, both His person and His passion, by raising Him again from the dead. What you and I may think o f Christ matters little. What God says matters much. God authenticated the person, program, and passion o f His holy Son. P reeminent in E arth ’ s O rigination . Christ is preeminent in the work of earth’s origina­ tion. “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” How simple, satisfying, and sublime! “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God------All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”? The Creator of Genesis was the Christ of the Gospels. In the Colossian letter from which the text is taken are these words: “ For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” He is both the agent and the object. He wrote His revelation first in sparkling stars, in splashing brooks, in blazing sun, and in blooming flowers. “ The heavens declare the glory o f G od ; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.” He is preeminent in the work of creation. P reeminent in R evelation Christ is preeminent in the Book of inspired revela­ tion. *“ And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, *Pastor, First Baptist Church.

W. W. C atherwood

concerning himself. He fills all the pages o f the Book. He fulfills their prophecies. He is the expectation o f the prophets, and the explana­ tion o f the Epistles. He is the center and the circum­ ference of the sixty-six books of the Bible. Finding Him, you find the heart and brain of divine revelation. The Old Testament said, “ He is coming.” The Gos­ pels say, “ He came.” The Epistles and Revelation re­ veal that He is coming again. Take Christ out o f the Scriptures, and they are messageless and meaningless. To use His own words, these “ are they which tes­ tify o f me.” , P reeminent in S alvation Christ is preeminent in the plan o f human salva­ tion. “ The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” “ Neither is there salvation in any other.” The cross is the illumination o f divine revelation from Eden’s gloom to Revelation’s glory. The Bible is a bloodstained and cross-marked Book. The scarlet thread o f redemption’s story runs through its every page and prophecy. When Jesus Christ, of virgin birth and virtuous life, offered Himself in vicarious death, He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and made salvation possible for every sinning soul of Adam’s race. With John, the last great prophet of the old economy, we cry ou t: “ Behold the Lamb o f God, which taketh away the sin o f the world!” P reeminent in A dvocation Christ is preeminent in the work o f ever-living ad­ vocacy. There are three appearings of Christ refer­ red to in Hebrews that cover the whole sweep of redemption’s story. He appeared once in the end of the. age to put away sin by the sacrifice of H imself; that is atonement. He has gone into heaven now, to appear in the presence o f God for u s ; that is advo­ cacy. Unto them that look for Him, shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation; that is advent. In the first of these appearings, He was a Prophet. In the second, He is a Priest. In the third, He will be a King. It is with the second that we are now con­ cerned. “ Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” “ If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” “ Consider,” saith the writer to the Hebrews, “ the Apostle and High Priest o f our He hath made a full atonement, Now His saving work is done. He hath satisfied the Father, A T Who accepts us in His Son. Oh, glad and glorious gospel, With joy we now proclaim A full and free salvation Through faith in Jesus’ name!

December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


profession.” As Apostle, He represented God before men, revealing, redeeming. In that capacity, He met the need o f the sinner. As High Priest, He represents man before God, interceding and advocating, and in that capacity He meets the need o f the saint. His advo­ cacy yonder, based upon His reconciliation here, secures for us at least five things: First, freedom from condemnation: “ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which, are in Christ Jesus.” “ Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand o f God, who also maketh inter­ cession for us.” Second, absolute justification: “ Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justifica­ tion.” “ Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Third, individual representation: “ We have an ad­

receive pow er,. . . and honor, and glory, and blessing.” All hail the power of Jesus’ name I Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all.

P ractical A pplication What is the application o f this truth to us? It is a challenge, first, to consecration to Him. God hath made Him both Lord and Christ. Have you ? The Scriptures make Him preeminent. Have you? Is He both Saviour and Sovereign in your experience? “ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies o f God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, ac­ ceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” That is the secret o f purity. He cleanses the life in which He is crowned. It is the secret o f peace, for He keeps them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed

vocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous,” who has gone “ into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence o f God for us.” Fourth, unfailing preservation: “ I . . . am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” “ Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence o f his glory with exceeding joy, . . . be glory . . . now arid ever.” Fifth, ultimate glorification: “ Fa­ ther, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am ; that they may behold my glory.” “ Whom he justified, them he also glorified.”

upon Him. “ And the peace o f God which passeth all understanding, shall keep [guard] your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” It is the secret o f passion. “ Y e shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come up­ on you.” The Holy Ghost empowers the life in which Christ is preeminent. “ There cafne a time,” said John Wes­ ley, “ when I gave all the possibilities o f head, and heart, and hand in abso­ lute consecration to Christ, and was born anew unto power.” In the second place, it is a chal­ lenge to manifestation o f Him. As the body is the medium for the manifesta­ tion o f the spirit, so the Christian is the medium for the manifestation o f Christ. “ For me to live,” said Paul,

P reeminent in P roclamation Christ is preeminent in the voice o f apostolic proc­ lamation. Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost was fragrant and full o f Christ. Paul said: “ I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ there. These Spirit-filled men did not preach salvation by character, creed, cul­ ture, or conduct. They preached salvation by Christ, and the Holy Spirit set the seal o f His approval upon them. Gospel substitutes are emptying our churches. “ I,” said Jesus, “ if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” There is one message for which human hearts are aching, for which tear-wet eyes are looking, for which men deep down in sin are longing, and that message is summed up in Him whose name is the Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. P reeminent in H eaven ’ s A doration Christ is preeminent as the Object of heaven’s ad­ oration. “ And they sung,” saith the seer o f Patmos, “ a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out o f every kin­ dred, and tongue, and people, and nation. . . and I heard the voice o f many angels round about the throne . . . the number o f them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands o f thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to

“ is Christ.” In other words, it is Christ living over again in me. His life I live “ yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Not I, but Christ, Be honored, loved, exalted. Not I, but Christ, Be seen, be known, be heard. Christ Jesus was under the shadow o f Calvary, and this was the record He was handing back to the Father: “ I have glorified thee on the earth: . . . I have mani­ fested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me.” “ The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom o f the Father, he hath declared him.” “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” The only thing that counts, said the Apostle Paul, is that “ Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.” W e have abundant opportunity to do one of two things—to manifest ourselves, or to manifest our Saviour. Third, it is a challenge to ministration for Him. “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” Every Christian is a sent one— sent on the same mis­ sion as his Saviour, namely, “ to seek and to save that which was lost.” Finally it is a challenge to expectation o f Him. “ For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungod­ liness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, right­ eously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” He Him­ self has said, “ And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.” “ Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


"If Christ to His throne had not bidden farewell, Sad indeed were the tolling of life’s passing bell; If Christ on the cross had not suffered and died, Dari; indeed were the passage of death's somber tide. If Christ from the grave had in triumph not risen, Bleak, indeed were the dungeons of that dreadful prison; If Christ were not living and pleading on high, Death indeed were our doom , death that never may die.


B y H. A. IRONSIDE* Chicago, Illinois

C/j-fciS i n

true human body, the earthly vessel in which the heavenly One took up His abode, in order that He might be slain for our sins. All this is involved in the fact o f incarnation. But though a true Man, He was a sinless Man, and not only sinless in thought and act, but impec­ cable; because, being as truly God as Man, it is unthinkable that He could in His humanity do that, under any circumstances, which was repugnant to His Godhead, and God cannot sin. Thus He ful­ filled the types of o ld ; He was the unblemished, spotless Lamb; like the unyoked heifer, He never came under the yoke of sin. He was as pure within as He was without, thus answering to the burnt, offering which had to be laid open and examined in every part, and could only be presented to God if found inwardly perfect. In order that this might be so, He could not come into the world through the process o f natural generation, for this would have made Him heir to all the fearful entailment o f sin and infirmity, which characterized the human race as proceeding from fallen Adam. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, a. distinct creation in the womb of the vir­ gin, and thus He entered this world through the portals of birth, but as the Second Man, the Lord from heaven. Herein lies the importance of the doc­ trine o f the virgin birth, which some today insist has no real bearing upon the question o f His saviour- hood. But His incarnation must be sinless and im­ peccable, or He could not be the Saviour o f sinjf' ners. If there were within Him the least evil or tendency to evil, He must needs have a Saviour for Himself, and He could not stand in the breach for us. We speak of His sinless incarnation. On the other hand, it is quite inaccurate to apply the term “ the immaculate conception” to this wondrous mystery. This latter term is used very loosely by many Protestants who fail to realize, or forget if they ever knew, that it is the name given by the Roman Catholic church to the Romish doctrine of the sinless, yet natural conception o f the blessed virgin Mary. No such term is ever used in the Bible, nor does such a term belong in Protestant theology in connection with the sinless incarna­ tion o f our Lord Jesus Christ.


he above lines were written by a poor un­ fortunate, a drug addict, who stumbled into a Sal­ vation Army hall years ago and came to Christ. It is evident that the Spirit o f God gave him a very vivid appreciation o f four aspects o f the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, upon which Scripture bases four great truths. Upon these I desire to meditate a little at this holiday season, hoping that both writer and readers may thus enter more fully into the completeness of the divine scheme o f re­ demption. Incarnation _ > Think, first, o f incarnation. The word itself implies a supernatural Being linking Himself with humanity, and this o f course is what actually took place when the eternal Son of God became Man in the fullness of time. Incarnation means more than the mere assumption of a human body. In Scrip­ ture, we are told, “ The Word became flesh and dwelt [tabernacled] among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as o f the only begotten o f the Father), full of grace and truth” (John 1:14, R .V .). The two changes from the Authorized .Version, which are embodied in the Revised, are, as every student of the original knows, fully war­ ranted. He was not “ made” anything. He “ be­ came flesh.” It was a voluntary act on His part. He who subsisted from all eternity in the form of God, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, emptied Himself o f the outward semblance o f deity, and took upon Him the form of a bond- man ; having come in the likeness o f men, and be­ ing thus habited as a Man, He humbled Himself still lower, becoming obedient unto death, and such a death—-that of the cross. In doing this, He linked deity with humanity in such a way that He did not cease in any sense to be God, while He became, nevertheless, in the fullest possible sense, Man. He had a true human spirit. “ He groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,” we are told, and on the cross He exclaimed, “ Father, into thy hands I com­ mend my spirit.” W e hear Him saying, “ Now is my soul troubled,” and we read that He “ poured out his soul unto death.” His body was in no sense a phantom, as some taught in early days, but a *Pastor, Moody Memorial Church shown above.

December, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


These truths need to be emphasized more than ever today, for if we lose sight o f them we become confused in our thinking, and we shall be further confused as we go on to consider the work o f His cross. He had to be what He was in order to do what He did. I f He had been in any sense less than God manifest in flesh, He could not have offered up Himself in the power of the eternal Spirit for our redemption. If He had been other than the One o f whom it was written, “ He knew no sin,” He could not have been made sin for us. While we are not saved through His incarna­ tion, and our present union with Him is not be­ cause He took our humanity upon Himself, but because we have been linked to Him, the glorified Man in heaven by the Holy Spirit, yet it is o f all importance that we hold fast to the truth “ that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself.” Bethlehem must precede Calvary. He became Man that He might die for men. In the second chapter o f Hebrews, we are told in verse 17, “ Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.” The word here translated “ reconciliation” is more accurately rendered “ pro­ pitiation” as in 1 John 2:2 and 4:10. “ He is the propitiation for our sins.” “ God . . . sent his Son to be the propitiation.” This word is used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, made in the third century before Christ, commonly called the Septuagint, and expressed generally as the L X X , to translate the Hebrew term which occurs again and again in the Old Testament, and is ren­ ' 'Propitiation^

dered in many different ways in the English Ver­ sion, a few o f which are as follows: 1. “ Pitch” in Genesis 6:14, as used for the “ covering” o f the ark. 2. “ Appease” used in Genesis 32:20, where it means literally “ to cover the face.” 3. “ Atonement” used in many places in Leviti­ cus 16, and particularly in Leviticus 17:11. 4. “ Satisfaction” used in Numbers 35 :31. 5. “ Ransom” used in Job 33:24. 6. “ Put it off,” or, as the margin gives it, “ ex­ piate,” used in Isaiah 47:11. 7. “ Reconciliation” used in Daniel 9 :24. 8. “ Pacified” used in Ezekiel 16 :63. If we put all o f these English translations together, they do not by any means exhaust the real meaning o f this word, but they do throw wonderful light upon the Scripture doctrine o f propitiation. They tell us that in the death o f Christ God has found a ransom for sinful men, and that a covering has been provided to shield us from the storm of judg­ ment. Atonement has been made for our sins, full satisfaction has been rendered to the divine justice for our iniquities. God’s judgment is appeased; sin is expiated, and God is pacified toward us for all that we have done, because o f the perfection of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now He Him­ self is our propitiation and we come to God alone by Him. Resurrection^ But although the death o f our Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished the putting away o f sin so that every believer is justified by His blood, it is through His resurrection that we know God is satisfied with the work that His Son accomplished when He took our place in judgment and bore our sins in His own body upon the tree. He “ was de­ livered for our offenses, and was. raised again for our justification.” It is not that we are justified by His resurrection, but it is that His resurrection proves that the work which justifies has been ac­ complished, and we come into the benefit o f it all when we put our trust in the Risen One. Every­ where the apostles went, they preached Jesus Christ and the resurrection. Just as incarnation without propitiation is in itself unable to save us, so pro­ pitiation without resurrection would be incomplete. None could know certainly that God was satisfied with the work o f His Son, if Christ had not burst the bands o f death asunder and risen in triumph from the tomb. More than this, had He remained enthralled in the arms o f death, it would have given the lie to His entire testimony and redemptive program. It was imperative that He rise again the third day. It was this that proved Him to be in very truth the Son o f God and the all-sufficient Sacrifice for sin. And so today the message that goes out to all mankind is as of old, “ I f thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believ-:,^ eth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confes­ sion is made unto salvation.” It is the Risen One whom God has exalted to be a Prince and a Sav­ iour. He has been made both Lord and Christ to give repentance and remission o f sins to all who turn to Him in faith. [Continued on page 418]