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King's Business - 1937-04

ALTOGETHER FAIR By W ILLIAM M. RUNYAN Not of this world, The purity, the light, The redolence of sweetness In the Lily of the Valley's Chaste completeness. From heaven came The Flower holy That blossomed in The manger lowly, O Lily, spotless white, Bring to my heart Thy fragrance, Thy delight! _____________________ )

P O P U L A R W IT H P A S T O R S King's Business Aids Busy Church Leaders Subscription Prize Contest Offer Closes June 30, 1937 PRICES AND CO M M IS S IO N S Subscriptions Price Commission You Remit Single annual ...... $1.50 $ .50 ea. $1.00 ea. Club of 3 to 10 .... ...... 1.50 .75 ea. .75 ea. Club of 10 or more . . ...... 1.50 1.00 ea. .50 ea.

T e n C a s h P R I Z E S *


First P rize 100 for largest number of annual subscriptions (above 200) Second Prize for next largest number * of annual subscriptions * S f I (above 100) T h ird P r ize for next largest number * ^ of annual subscriptions 4 k 1 (above 50) FIVE PRIZES OF $10.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 25. TW O PRIZES OF $5.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 15. In the event that two winning clubs are found to be of the same number, prizes of equal value will be given to each contestant. Re­ member, a liberal commission is allowed on each subscription. Thus each contestant is well paid for his or her work. *The amount offered in prizes is NOT in excess of K IN G 'S BUSI­ NESS needs. It is, rather, a sum obtained through an economy in mailing, and it has been voted that this saving shall be shared with K IN G 'S BUSINESS friends who co­ operate in building the magazine's circulation during this contest. Ten cash prizes totaling $235.

Alma O. Johnson, Wichita, Kans. :

The Club Offers of THE KING’S BUSINESS serve a real need. Pastors and church workers all over the nation and even in oth­ er lands are availing themselves of the opportunity to secure for them­ selves and their churches, Bible classes, and Sunday-school classes and workers a year’s subscription to our b e a u t i f u l l y illustrated, p r ay e r f u l l y edited Bible-family magazine. Now that cash prizes are offered, we expect that this group will re­ double their efforts, while our in­ dividual organizers will have the same opportunity—not only to earn a liberal commission, but to qualify for a prize. Should you decide to organize a church, Bible class or missionary society club of subscriptions, fill in the coupon on the opposite page. Below are some letters from church workers which speak viv­ idly of the real needs THE KING’S BUSINESS supplies in its liberal subscription offers. Mrs. M. G. Kimball, Detroit, Mich.: “Through the help of this paper, I have built my Women's Bible Class from 10 to SO in about a year. It helps supply spiritual food we all need.” Rev. M. H. Schramm, Butler, Pa., sends in a list of 10 subscriptions for the missionaries sup­ ported by his church and says: “I find much helpful and inspiring material in your magazine, including the notes on the International Sunday School Lessons.” SOM E LETTERS FROM C H U R CH WORKERS

“Our S. S. Class, the Mizpah Bible Class, of which I am the teacher, undertook this task of securing ten subscriptions, which we did in one afternoon a t a social gathering of the class, and you no doubt have received the ten new sub­ scriptions by this time. You probably would be interested to know th at we are taking this $10.00 and making the Iclass a Life Member of our Missionary Society; and before the $10.00 has answered its purpose, it will have traveled many thousands of miles, as it goes to New York and from there is sent to foreign lands.” “For the past two years the Sunday-school of the F irst Baptist Church of this city has been furnishing the teachers of the school with THE KING'S BUSINESS. As these are the only ‘helps’ our teachers have, may I ask you to renew our subscription for another year, and to send us ten copies of the January issue with the lesson comments for February ?” —Another list was later sent in by this same pastor. Rev. Alfred Danielson, Bend, Ore.: Rev. J . J . Elrod, Duluth, Minn., sends in a list of 27, and says: “Hope these will be taken care of soon, for all w ant to miss no copies of their paper. Thank ycu kindly for this consideration.” Preb Dow, Sunnyside, Wash., of the Central Association of Baptist Young People, sends a list of 14, and says: “I appreciate this reasonable offer you give out, because of the opportunity of reaching many in different homes. May God bless this work.” Rev. C. Bayless, Denver, Colo.: “I have a large Bible class, and many mote will want to subscribe, I am sure. . . . There are ten names on the blank. I have given my class the benefit of the saving and am not profiting personally except as the medium of their bless­ ing.” Rev. Irving C. Hoff, Harrisville, R. I., sends in a list of 11 and says: “We surely enjoy the prophetic articles which open windows to present world conditions.” Ida L. Bowyer, Cleveland, Ohio, with a list of 10 , w rites: “We have retained $10.00 according to your club offer, and this amount will be turned over to the Missionary Fund of the church.”


will earn from 50c to $1 .00 on each subscription.

Please remember that those who do not win any prize Study carefully the following tahle: Size of Club 200 C j ^ o ' 157°5 To Prize W inners Only $100 (1st prize)

Total Returns fo r P rize W inners

Total Commission $ 200.00 150.00

50 (2nd prize) 25 (3rd prize) 10 (5 prizes) 5 (2 prizes) and by their combined efforts sold more than 1,200 subscriptions each week. The same success can be achieved again in our present campaign, and we believe that any earnest worker who will con­ scientiously show the magazine to his friends or fellow church members will reap a handsome reward. H O W TO G O TO W O R K Begin today—for every day counts. Use this magazine for a sample. Fill out the application blank, and write at once for sample copies. If you are working for your church, take up the plan at the next meeting of your congregation or other church group, and organize for a careful canvass of all members and their friends. Bear in mind that THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS is interdenominational, and hence is just as acceptable to members of other Christian churches as to your own group. Two steps are very necessary at your first meeting: (1) F IX A QUOTA fo r each member fo r th e nex t month. 75.00 50.00 25.00

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(2) APPO INT A TREASURER to collect from the workers th e money received and to forw ard the proper pay ­ ments to TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS* a p ­ plying th e balance to such need as you may select. Thus you easily can help to pay th e p asto r’s salary, rep a ir the church, buy hymn books or new seats, or help to pay th e church debt from the cash proceeds o f th is campaign. Almost any one can promise to get 5 or 10 annual subscriptions (of $1.50 each) within a month. Many wealthy members will wish to pay for subscriptions to be sent to missionaries, shut-ins, or Sunday- school teachers. If your club equals or exceeds ten, each subscription sold provides ONE DOL­ LAR for your church and its work. Think of it, and then go to work with a vim to raise a really large sum for your church or your church society, or as a pleasant spare-time and profitable enterprise for yourself. Fill out the coupon below and mail today.

Of course it is not certain that the club totals in the first column of the above table will be sufficient to win the prize shown, but the commissions in the third column are assured in every case, and the prizes will be added to the winners only. P A S T C A M P A I G N S SUCCESSFUL There are several things about THE KING’S BUSINESS which make it easy to sell. B eautiful appearance, carefu l edit­ ing, valuable articles, and helpful de­ p artm en ts a re of use both to general read ers and to active church workers and m issionaries. The g rea t Club-of-Ten campaign which began on November 1, 1936, and has ju st closed, produced over 20,900 subscriptions to F eb ru ary 28, 1937. The campaign’s outcome shows that our hundreds of organizers made a good re­ turn running into the thousands of dollars

Information Blank and "King's Business" Order Form Circulation Manager, TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

Please send me......................copies of TH E K ING’S BUSINESS free, to be used as. samples, in the campaign I am starting. I hope to secure....................subscriptions before June 30.- I understand that subscriptions which are to count in this contest are to be received at the full price of $1.50 for each annual subscription. Sent by....... ......J................................... —.................. ........... Address........................................... I.................. ..................

Your Office.'................................................ J....... ........ The campaign is for: □ Church. [71 Bible Class. EH .........——...................| ......... -.................... .......... Society o f.........................................................7....:..;............„ (Name of Group and Church) of............................................................................ (Address) which has......... .................. ..members. (The above information is desired only where church or church society is cooperating.)

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1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

April, 1937



“RIVERS OF LIVING WATER” for you at the Summer Bible Conference of Biola and the Church of the Open Door AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 6 , 1937

It is easy in these days to be " hustled out of our inheritance.' Avoid that possibility. “Come ye . . . apart . . . and rest a while” and partake of the living Word of God under the ministry of empowered servants of the Lord.

This conference will be characterized by: Revelation Inspiration Recreation You owe it to yourself to tak e advantage of th is opportunity. The conference grounds a t the Pacific Palisades are in a canyon near the sea, twenty miles from the heart of Los Angeles. Prices for lodging for the entire period range from $ 20.00 for tents with complete housekeeping equipment for four people, to the more elaborate cabins at $33.00 with complete accommodations for four people. Rates are less for smaller groups.

For further information write to: THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated

Extension Department

558 S. Hope St.

Amphitheater Trail, Pacific Palisades

Los Angeles, Calif.

Biola's World-Wide Prayer Circle Brings Blessing to Thousands F ollowing are a few excerpts from letters received from members of Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle. These lines G. F., writing from Duarte, Calif., bears this testimony: “More spiritual blessing than I had ever known before has come to me since the burden was placed upon my heart to pray definitely for the Bible Institute each week. I do praise God for this won­ derful privilege.” of glowing praise to God indicate in a measure the blessing which has come to in­ dividuals who have devoted time to prayer on behalf of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. In answer to prayer, it has pleased the Lord to meet the needs of the school in ways too many to enumerate.

By Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary

A. D., residing in Clarkston, Wash., says: “I can certainly join with others of the Prayer Circle in testifying to the bless­ ing that has come through being a member of this group. This experience has deep­ ened my prayer life and widened my prayer interests. The call to join the Prayer Circle came to me just after my father, who had been my companion for twenty-five years, was called Home, and I believe the invita­ tion came at that time in order to help me to allow the Lord Himself to replace what I missed so sorely—the companionship and presence of my father.” Mrs. C. O. M., writes from Brookville, Pa.: “It is a real pleasure to be a member of this World-Wide Prayer Circle. It gives me great joy to know that while I am pray­ ing here, hundreds of other Christian friends are praying at the same time in other places for God’s work at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Mrs. D. McD. H., of Los Angeles offers a practical plan: “I had read with growing interest in T he K ing ’ s B usiness of the need of Biola, with its 400 students who are required to pay no tuition. A friend

came to me one day, asking me to devote one hour a week to prayer for the school. I agreed to do so. But then the question came to me: For what shall I pray? shall I say over and over again for an hour, ‘O God, bless Biola’? To do so would seem like uttering vain repetitions. Finally I found a plan which helped me. I took be­ fore the Lord the picture of the school taken in front of the Bible Institute build­ ing. I began to pray for that long line of faculty members, and the vision came to me of their steadfastness in the faith and of their love and concern for the young lives in their care. Then I studied the students’ faces. I thought: What if one of them was my boy, my g irl! I prayed for each one, as though he or she were my own, and I, felt my own heart strangely warmed. That wonderful reflex blessing was something I had not counted on. Other departments of the Institute’s work presented themselves to my mind. . . An hour to pray? The time was not nearly long enough!” Biola needs more prayer partners. Will you be one? Why not mail the accompany­ ing coupon today?


E xplanation: Friends who desire mem- bership in Biola's W orld-W ide P rayer Circle are invited to select one hour in the week (day or evening) when they will pray for th e Bible Institute of Los Angeles. When th e hour has been chosen, an d thé Institute has been informed of this fact, a gold sta r will be placed on the official prayer chart, and a num ber will be a s ­ signed to the new member. All nam es will be kept in absolute confidence. Application: 1 hereby volunteer to pray one hour each week u ntil the sum needed is received to carry on th e work of Biola for the present school year. N am e......................................................................... A ddress..................................................................... A.M. H our selected................................ o’clock P.M. (Cross out one) E ach ............................................................................ (D ay of the week)

April, 1937



PAUL W. ROOD, Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

“And Also to the Qentile”

3 he 3 iòle Tamil# OHa^a^ine Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —R ev . 1 :5.

While we are a Mission to the Jews, the Lord uses our testi­ mony as a means of grace to “the Gentiles also.” Here is a letter, wholly unsolicited, which came to one of our itinerant missionaries, from a pastor with whom he had labored for a few days: “I have wanted to write you of the fine results of your four day preaching mission here. Our ten Jewish families are more friendly and approachable than ever before. My wife and I have been invited to visit in the G--------- home. W e are pray­ ing for the Lord’s leading and guid­ ance in the course of this visit. “ It would be unfair to you if I did not tell you of the wonderful way in which the Lord used your sermons to touch people. One woman was received into our church this morn­ ing who was converted to Christ during your Sunday morning sermon. She had been away from the Lord for an entire year, stubbornly resist­ ing H is will until th at Sunday morn­ ing sermon she was awakened anew to her responsibility to Him. She went home, opened her Bible, prayed and wept for half an hour, and found her Saviour. She had been almost a nervous wreck, and your message came at a crucial time. She was a Gentile, and, I feel, will be a very substantial Christian. Our entire Church was stimulated and quick­ ened into new spiritual life. The stories still keep pouring in one by one of the changes in this and th at person’s life in our congregation. “I have come to see the tremen­ dous enrichment which the Jew brings to enlighten the entire Bible.” This m issionary is a convert of our own, a godly Jewish brother. Is not the Jewish Mission worth while, when it can produce such results? And will you not coyet a share in such a work? AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, Inc., 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, New York. Dear Friends: I do w ant a p art in so God-blessed a m inistry which reaches Jews, and blesses Gentiles. Here is $ ....................... May God


April, 1937

Number 4


Around the King’s Table— Paul W . R o o d ....................................125 Basic Principles of Justification— Herbert Lockyer . . . . 127 Home from Hollywood— Mildred M . C o o k ....................................128 A Remarkable “Horse-and-Buggy Days” Prophecy Being Fulfilled ,—Louis S. Bauman 129 The Messianic Psalms— William L. Pettingill . . . . . 130 Evangelistic Notices .................................... ....... . . . . 132 Bible Institute Family Circle .................................................................133 Our Literature Table . 133 International Lesson C om m en ta ry ......................................................... 134 World’s Christian Fundamentals A s s o c ia tio n ....................................144 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner . . . . 145 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. H o o k e r ....................................149 Daily Devotional Readings........................................................................151




TERMS: Single Copies_______ ____________ 15c Annual Subscription___________________ $1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50 Five annual subscriptions_____ _______ _____5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions!________________ 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft. Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “The King's Business." Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of desired change.

ADVERTISING: Fbr information with reference to advertising In THE KINO'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative, Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Fa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for dm Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

POLICY (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental«truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (o) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work, and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

continue to bless and guide you. Name __ ____................................ Street ________________________ City ----------------------------- State.


Los Angeles, California

558 South Hope Street

April, 1937






m m

Frank A. Keller Superintendent ABOU T twenty years ago, there was founded in the teeming Chinese city of Changsha, in Hunan Province, an interdenomina­ tional Bible school, its leaders having as clear a vision of the duty to evan­ gelize the heathen world as has ever been translated into definite missionary activity. The work was organized by a de­ voted medical missionary, who former­ ly had served under the China Inland Mission, and it was built largely by means of the personal gifts of two consecrated Christian laymen. The plan of operation included the very practical method of house-to- house evangelism by bands of trained native Christians. The center of the work was a perfectly appointed Bible school—said to be one of the best equipped plants on any mission field. Ever since its founding, the school has served, without money or price, many local missions supported by denomina­ tional boards. It has trained hun­ dreds of native workers, has published its own magazine, Evangelism, and even has developed an extensive corre­ spondence department. We are describing, of course, the Hunan Bible Institute, the China de­ partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and are referring to Frank A. Keller, M.D., its faithful superin­ tendent. With the coming of the great de­ pression, preceded by the deaths of the school’s two principal benefactors, the Hunan Bible Institute fell upon diffi­ cult days. The modest needs of the great Chinese work, added to the ex­ penses of the Los Angeles school, be­ came harder and harder to finance. The climax is now at hand. A letter from Dr. Keller, dated February 8, 1937, sent by air mail via Shanghai, reads in part as follows:

Administration Building, Hunan Bible Institute

JUST F IV E THOUSAND DOL­ LARS sen t (o r pledged) NOW will save the work in Hunan . . . Five thousand dollars from rich Am er­ ica to w ar-to rn China . . . Five g ifts o f a thousand dollars each . . . or fifty of one hundred dol­ la rs each . . . o r five hundred of ten dollars each . . . or even sm aller g ifts . . . would save a work th a t has cost n early h alf a million dollars to establish. JU ST $5,000! We will write to the members of the Biola Prayer Circle. We will pray also that through this plain statement of fact, published in T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness , God will speak to the hearts and consciences of His stewards who will read it this month. Friends, we are dealing with the most precious of commodities—the SOULS OF TH E HEATHEN who know not the Way. WHAT SAY YOU, one and all? SHALL WE CLOSE HUNAN? The "SAVE THE HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE" Pledge and Gift Form Date..................... Paul W. Rood, President The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated I want the work of the Hunan Bible Institute to continue as a school teaching the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. I am enclosing the sum of % ..............................and will forward { monthly quarterly semiannually beginning............................... . until I have donated the sum of $.................................. Name .................... .. . .:.. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Dear Dr. Rood:

The few teachers who have bravely rem ained and who are looking unto God fo r th eir support have agreed to rem ain fo r one y ear only. Unless something very definite is done soon, th ere will be n eith er teachers nor studen ts a fte r th e middle of June, 1937. We will answer Dr. Keller’s letter in the presence of the 100,000 Chris­ tians who doubtless will read this is­ sue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness . SHALL TH IS BE OUR REPLY? Dear Dr. Keller: We have not remitted sufficient funds, for a very sad reason. The great Christian community in America, to whom we minister by sermon, by radio, and through the printed page, seems to have forgotten Changsha. These friends know of the great and needed work of the Hunan Bible In­ stitute. They know of the millions in heathen darkness, many of whom you are leading to the Light. They have seen pictures of the Hunan Bible In­ stitute, have heard of its unselfish work, know of its dire need. But like the priest and the Levite in the Bib­ lical incident, they have passed by on the other side of the road. And no Samaritan has appeared.

Dear Dr. Keller, it may be that you will have to close the Hunan Bible Institute. We are told that there are plans to confiscate the property, if abandoned, and to use it for a bar­ racks or a non-Christian school. Per­ haps the Hunan school will be closed. And yet, even as we write this, some one seems to whisper that this sad conclusion is not inevitable. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

Street .............V...........................]..... City and State........................... ..!......



April, 1937

Around the K ing 's Table


there be no nail prints, the teacher or the teaching is spurious. We will never get away from the cross. Throughout eternity we are going to worship the Lamb that was slain. We “shall know Him by the print of the nails in His hand.” When the Emmaus disciples had received this wonder­ ful revelation, they said to one another: “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures ?” Oh, that is what we need—burning hearts! There are many who have religion in the head. We need the Holy Spirit in the heart. We must have hot hearts and cool heads. Flam­ ing hearts will kindle revival fires in other lives. Fellowship with the living Christ-caused the hearts of the disciples to glow with holy fervor and enthusiasm. Restored fellowship with the Lord will rekindle the fire, and continued unbroken fellowship with Christ will main­ tain the fire on the altar. The first secret, then, of a burn­ ing heart is the experience of sustained fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Allowing Christ to open to us the Scrip­ tures is the second secret of a burning heart. Do we take time to read and to meditate upon the Word of God ? Do we talk to the Lord about our problems? Do we listen to His voice? If we do, our hearts are aflame. The result of this experience in the lives of the Emmaus disciples was that they were saved from doubt and de­ spondency, for the Scriptures were made plain and these believers had a ringing testimony, a report of meeting their risen Lord. In the understanding that “the Lord is risen indeed,” there is assurance, enthusiasm, and victory. When our hearts are set on fire by the Lord, we likewise will be living above the clouds of skepticism and discouragement and we will understand the Bible. With burning hearts we will witness boldly and enthusiastically for our resur­ rected Lord. „ Churches abound with sit-down strikers, au - own j t jjas jjeen said that we have in the church strikes “shirkers, jerkers, and workers.” The shirkers are those who do nothing, i The jerkers are those who work occasionally. The workers are those who are faithful to their tasks morning, noon, and night. Those who belong to the last-named group are the ones that keep the church going. The second group, the jerkers, accom­ plish little if anything and the first-named group, the shirkers, nothing at all. They are a hindrance instead of a help. To which group do you belong? “Why stand ye here all the day idle?” is the question that comes to all sit-down strikers in the Lord’s vineyard. This is no time for idleness. This is the time for work. Laziness is abominable in the sight of the Lord. “Six days shalt thou labor” is just as much a command as is the injunction to use one day out of seven as a rest day. God has made work a necessity because an idle life is a menace to man spiritually, morally, and physically. Work makes for health and happiness. The Apostle Paul expressed God’s standard thus: “If any would not work, neither

In these days of cold intellectualism and dead formalism we need to emphasize the necessity of a heart experience of Christ’s

A Burning Heart

presence and power. We are surrounded by coldness on every hand. There is a lack of fire and enthusiasm in most churches. We are affected by our environment, and consequently we reflect individually what is true collec­ tively of the average church. If we are spiritually cold, we become negative and often critical and cynical. Under these circumstances we are unhappy and useless as far as effective service is concerned. We admit and deplore the coldness of the churches and of our own hearts, but what are we doing to remedy the situation? First of all, we should recognize the fact that it is un­ necessary and abnormal for a Christian to be spiritually cold and that it is possible and normal to be spiritually warm, filled with love for Christ. Then we should ex­ amine ourselves and ascertain our spiritual condition. The physician makes a diagnosis before he prescribes the remedy. When we have learned our lack and its cause, we should confess it to the Lord and ask Him to restore unto us the joy of His salvation. We need spiritual renewal. Charles Finney said that he needed to go to the altar once a month in order to maintain a normal spiritual state. If Finney, Spirit-empowered as he unquestionably was, needed spiritual adjustment and renewal, who today will dare to deny his own personal need? Coldness and laxity must be confessed and judged if we are to escape the chastening of the Lord. Spiritual indifference may arise from various sources. The two disciples on the way to Emmaus were despondent. Their hearts were sad because of unbelief (Lk. 24:17, 21). Doubt chills the soul. You cannot have skepticism in your mind and fire in your soul. Has your coldness been caused by reading skeptical books and periodicals and by listen­ ing to teachers who major in question marks instead of in exclamation points? Or, it may be that you have not yielded to the Lord when He has allowed your own plans to come to naught. Frustrated hopes cast a dark shadow upon your pathway. Your hopes have not been realized, and therefore you have allowed clouds of disappointment to hide the face of the One altogether lovely. O r is it that some unconfessed sin has broken the fellowship that caused the joy bells to ring in bygone days? In all of these needs, the Lord Jesus is the sufficient Saviour. “Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.” The Lord does not forsake us in our hour of gloom. He comes to us in the darkness and gives us songs in the night. He deals with us faithfully and tenderly. He up­ braids us for our unbelief and then proceeds to restore our faith by His unfailing Word. He reveals Himself as the living Christ and as the subject of divine revelation. He opens the eyes that were “holden,” and we recognize Him. Cleopas and his companion saw the nail prints when Christ broke the bread, and then they knew that He was their risen Lord. Look for the nail prints when you read a book or listen to a sermon or to teaching that purports to be Christian. The nail prints are the credentials. If

April, 1937



Christ.” Throughout the whole period of this pastor­ ate, he was identified closely with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, in recent years serving as the chairman of its Board of Trustees. He gave time, thought, and energy to the Bible Institute, the school which occupied a large place in his heart. As we think of Dr. Edmonds, we are reminded of the words of David concerning Abner, recorded in 2 Samuel 3:38: “Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?” Dr. Edmonds was “a great man.” Any minister who can come to a church of less than 200 members, see its membership grow to include more than 3,000 believers, and remain in the same pulpit for a quarter of a century is a man of no ordinary pro­ portions. Dr. Edmonds was a great leader, and his quali­ ties of leadership were recognized not only by his church and community but also by his denomination in which he served as Moderator of the Presbytery and of the Synod. The words of Malachi 2:6 are also applicable to Dr.

should he eat” (2 Thess. 3:10). Laziness in the spiritual realm is just as abominable as it is in the mental and physi­ cal realm. Every child of God is called to ,be a worker for the Lord. We should write letters and go on errands for Christ. We serve the Lord by serving one another. Our Christian activity should not be confined to going to church on Sunday morning. Tell your pastor that you want to cooperate with him in making Christ known and that you are willing and eager to begin work. Every mem­ ber of the body of Christ is supposed to function. Every one has at least one talent. There is something for you to do. Will you allow the Lord to show you your place in the vineyard? “Why stand ye here all the day idle?” Industry in America is in tur- Breakdown of Law moiL In various parts 0f the coun- I n Am erica try, employees not only refuse to work but also take possession of the property of their em­ i j » t

Edmonds: “The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.” He was a fundamentalist who believed and preached the infallible Word of God and all the verities held by evangeli­ cal Christians. For forty-three years —sixteen years as General Secretary of the Young Men’s Christian Asso­ ciation, and twenty-seven years as a pastor—-he waged an aggressive and unceasing warfare against evil in every form. Speaking to the students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in a baccalaureate service a number of years ago, Dr. Edmonds declared, characteristically: “Many today are afraid of the word ‘dogmatism’ . . . The dogmatic note needs to be sounded as touching the sin question. . . . The theology appropriate to this hour is above all else the theology of sin—God’s hatred of it, God’s salva­ tion from it, God’s inexorable justice upon it—all in the light of the mercy, love, and atonement of Jesus Christ. A man ought to tremble before the wrath of God if he stands up in the

ployers so that no one else can work. It is evident that most of the strikers are the victims of professional agita­ tors who are instigating these strikes in order to further their own ends and the purposes of certain Socialistic and Communistic leaders who are de­ termined to control the nation. It is very significant that the agitators claim to have the support of the New Dealers and that no protest against this charge has been expressed by those who are in places of authority within our national government. The hunger for power has not been satis­ fied by getting control of Congress, but now the Supreme Court must be packed with second-rate lawyers who will do their masters’ bidding and will allow the White House to domi­ nate not only the making of our laws but also the interpretation of these laws. All of these developments are of course in harmony with the ten­ dency toward dictatorship which now prevails throughout the world. We now can understand readily how one man will be able to get control of the nations and to rule the world. The stage is set and everything is in readi­ ness for the appearance of the super­

Walter E. Edmonds 1869— 1937

man for whom the world is looking in its confusion. The essence of the Communist-inspired sit-down strikes is of course lawlessness. Jesus Christ foretold that lawless­ ness would abound in the end time. Certainly lawlessness abounds in our day. Crime is rampant, and there is little respect for law and order. Property rights are n'ot re­ spected, and consequently confiscation of property is not considered stealing. The commandments of God are Routed, and men are throwing off all restraint. “There is no fear of God before their eyes,” .and “where there is no vision, the people run wild.” The world is rapidly ripen­ ing for judgment, and soon the solemn scenes described in the Book of Revelation from chapter 6 to 19 will take place. The Word of God cannot fail of fulfillment. , Walter E. Edmonds, for twenty-five years the pastor of the Glendale Presby- w ith th e L o rd ter;an church, Glendale, Calif., slipped away quietly on the morning of February 22 to be “with _

pulpit today and fails to preach against sin.” His was an evangelistic vision; consequently, soul­ winning was emphasized in his ministry. At the beginning of his Glendale pastorate, he prayed that at least one soul should be added to the membership of the church on con­ fession of faith at each communion service; that prayer was answered, in the mercy of God, far beyond the pas­ tor’s power to anticipate. Our brother was a faithful servant in the vineyard of the Lord. Filled with love for Christ, he labored inde- fatigably. He is now resting from his earthly labor and is enjoying conscious bliss in the presence of the Lord. He awaits the fulfillment of the promise of 1 Thessalonians 4:16: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” When Christ comes, our brother will receive his resur­ rection body which will be like unto Christ’s glorified [Continued on page 132]

April, 1937



Basic Principles of Justification By HERBERT LOCKYER Liverpool, England P a r t II

In the March issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness there