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Kramer Law Group - July 2019

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Kramer Law Group - April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Kramer Law Group - January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves • 1 avocado, cut into wedges • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat

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Kramer Law Group - October 2019

2 tsp sugar. Add sesame seeds and 1 tbsp miso, pulsing until miso is fully broken up. Spread evenly

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Kramer Law Group - May 2019

2 inch between filling and top of mold. 6. Using a small knife, gently swirl layers together. 7. Ins

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Kramer Law Group - September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Kramer Law Group - August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to tast

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Kramer Law Group - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Kramer Law Group - November 2019

3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have

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Kramer Law Group - March 2019

3 cup canola oil • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted DIRECTIONS 1. In a small skillet over mediu

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Kramer Law Group - February 2019


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Kramer Law Group - July 2019



W ith school officially out, older students are preparing for one of life’s most instructive events: punching the time clock for the first time ever. While I spent some of my earlier years babysitting, the first official job I ever had was a paper route, and it may well have been one of the most physically demanding jobs I’ve ever had. My parents had their own routes they delivered, so once I hit the age of 12, they brought me up to speed, and I got a route of my own. Delivering newspapers taught me more about independence than anything else up to that point. For starters, I had to wake up before the trucks dropped off the papers in my driveway at 6 a.m. As an adult, I still can’t call myself a morning person, but as a preteen, I was even less so. I’d drag myself out of bed and try to rub the sleep from my eyes as I put rubber bands around each set of papers. I’d then load them up on the bike and start my routes. Some customers were particular about where they wanted their paper. Some asked that I toss it on their porch or front stoop, while others were fine with retrieving it from the sidewalk. Either way, I was always careful to watch for sprinkler schedules. A lot of people had them set to water in the morning, which meant I needed to be careful where I threw their paper. A soggy paper isn’t the way anyone wants to start their day.

I remember a particularly hilly neighborhood that was always a struggle on Sunday mornings. Here I was, this slender 12-year-old boy on a single speed bike, weighed down by pounds upon pounds of exciting news just waiting to be consumed by the public, using all the strength I could muster to propel myself up these massive hills to get the papers delivered on time. While I was often drenched in sweat by the time the sun came up, my Sunday routes taught me so much about responsibility and perseverance — and the joys of a geared bike! “HERE I WAS, THIS SLENDER 12-YEAR-OLD BOY AND SINGLE SPEED BIKE, WEIGHED DOWN BY POUNDS UPON POUNDS OF EXCITING NEWS JUST WAITING TO BE CONSUMED BY THE PUBLIC, USING ALL THE STRENGTH I COULD MUSTER TO PROPEL MYSELF UP THESE MASSIVE HILLS TO GET THE PAPERS DELIVERED ON TIME.” My favorite part of having my own route was going from door to door to collect payments. Nowadays, people pay for their papers online, but back in the days that I was delivering, I had to knock on each person’s door with my own little envelope to collect the money. Sometimes

my customers would add in a little something extra for me, which made it more exciting. While I’ve held a number of jobs since then, none stands out quite like those routes. As the only person responsible, I had to wake up early seven days a week, and I couldn’t call in sick unless I physically couldn’t ride my bike. It was a great way to learn about the value of hard work and personal integrity, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

During the week, I could typically fit all the papers onto my bike at once and deliver them in time to get to school, but the Sunday paper was a different story. Since it contained more articles and was so much thicker, the paper took longer to fold and rubber band, so I’d wake up earlier in the morning. I also typically made two or three trips back to the house to restock, so I was delivering for at least twice as long.

–Ron Kramer

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Published by The Newsletter Pro |

Every year, the League of American Bicyclists rank the 50 states according to progress made to the five important emphasis areas: legislation and enforcement, policies and programs, infrastructure and funding, education and encouragement, and evaluation and planning. Since 2015, Utah has maintained its spot at number five, demonstrating our state’s commitment to keeping the roads safe for cyclists. Just last year, city officials in St. George and Salt Lake took their safety measures a giant step further by installing devices in streetlights that allow the light to change to green when the system senses a cyclist is present. These systems rely on microwave signals combined with Wavetronix equipment to sense when a cyclist, or any other vehicle, enters the space. Once it detects movement, a green light will shortly follow. Prior to this helpful technology, cyclists riding light- weight bikes wouldn’t be detected by light systems when they approached an intersection. They’d have to rely on pedestrians pressing the crosswalk button or other motorists pulling up to alert the system. While bicycles are required to follow the same rules as motorists, when streetlights can’t detect the weight of a bike, the cyclists will often get tired of waiting and run the light. Fortunately, intersections with this technology will detect the cyclist and then project a picture of a bicycle on the pavement to let riders know the light will be changing soon, so they don’t have to put themselves in danger by running the light. Because attorney Ron Kramer is a cyclist himself, he is excited about these changes and believes that the updated system will give riders more peace of mind knowing they can abide by normal intersection laws, which will ultimately lead to greater safety on the road. DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE NEW TRAFFIC LIGHT TECHNOLOGY? CYCLISTS FINALLY GET THE GREEN LIGHT!


Hiking has many benefits as a family activity, such as mental health improvement, strengthening your relationships, and experiencing new sights and discoveries together. It’s also great exercise, and you get plenty of quality time, fresh air, and sunshine. Here are three guidelines to help you and your kids have fun on your next hike. One of the best ways to have your children learn about the world is letting them explore it. Being there for your children and encouraging them to ask questions about flowers, bugs, or animals you see on the trail will help them expand their vocabulary and learn how things work. When they learn they can explore independently and ask about the world around them, they’re gaining the confidence to teach themselves. WATCH THEIR WORLD EXPAND WITH EVERY STEP ENCOURAGE THEIR CURIOSITY Getting your children to engage in nature while you’re out hiking can be as simple as bringing a magnifying glass along with you. Let your kids look at leaves, rocks, insects, or anything else you might come across on the trail. You can also bring binoculars to help them look at a bird that might be perched a little too high up. Another option is a bug holder to let your kids catch smaller insects, such as grasshoppers or pill bugs, and give them a close-up look. While you’re out on the trail, it's essential to make sure that both you and your family are safe. Wear breathable, noncotton material and sturdy shoes that don’t expose your toes. It’s important to dress according to the weather. For example, if the day is sunny, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and apply plenty of sunscreen on any exposed skin. Bring your kids’ favorite snacks and water bottles for everyone to stay hydrated. It’s crucial that you also bring a fully stocked first-aid kit in case someone is injured on the hike. Starting with one of your local hiking trails can be a rewarding way to spend the day with your kids. You can watch their excitement as they expand their world with new discoveries. KEEP SAFETY IN MIND BRING ALONG SOME TOOLS OF DISCOVERY

Happy riding!


At Kramer Law Group, we pride ourselves on always aiming to consistently better ourselves and grow in a way that positively serves our clients. Referrals are an excellent way for us to help even more people. To those of you who have recommended our services to your family and friends, thank you so much. If there is anyone else you believe we could help, don't hesitate to send them our way!



A sk the average American citizen if they have broken a law in the past week, and the vast majority will laugh and quickly answer, “Of course not!” While it’s safe to assume human beings aim to live respectfully and responsibly, many Americans break laws every single day without even knowing it. No matter how law-abiding you believe you’ve been, here are a few laws you might have broken recently. 1. SINISTER SHARPIE If you work in an office, then you’re likely to see a Sharpie marker no matter where you look, and if you have a desk at home, you probably have a few of your own lying around. Have any of these Sharpies ever made their way into your pocket, purse, or backpack? If so, then you have unknowingly broken a law. The federal government considers the Sharpie a tool of graffiti, so if you are walking around town with one, you might find yourself in a world of trouble! 2. WILD, WILD WI-FI These days, the world runs on Wi-Fi. In fact, the vast majority of workers in a variety of fields couldn’t complete their daily tasks without internet access. If you’re unable to connect to your own Wi-Fi, don’t be tempted to connect to an unsecured

network because, according to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, you could be charged with a felony if you knowingly or unknowingly connect to a network that doesn’t belong to you. Luckily, the possibility of getting arrested for this crime is minimal. 3. MALICIOUS MAIL TOSSER If you’ve ever lived in an apartment, chances are you’ve received mail meant for a previous tenant. You may have even received mailboxes full of letters, advertisements, etc. While

you might be tempted to either open the envelopes to take a peek or toss them in the

trashcan on sight, both options are illegal. The penalty for throwing out or opening someone else’s mail can be as high as a $250,000 fine and a five-year prison sentence! Be sure to return the mail to your postal worker or post office to avoid trouble.




• 4 Ibs. medium Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and halved • 6 sticks cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 1/2 cup heavy cream • Kosher salt


1. In a stockpot or large saucepan, submerge potatoes in just enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp of salt, and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. 2. Drain potatoes and let cool for 3 minutes. 3. Using a ricer, grate potatoes into the original saucepan over medium heat. 4. With a wooden spoon, stir potatoes until they begin to stick to pan and steam, about 2 minutes. 5. Add butter in four equal batches, stirring constantly and adding each batch only once the last has been fully incorporated into the saucepan. 6. Stir in cream, season liberally with salt, and serve immediately.

Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine

| 3 801.601.1229






1 2 2 3 3 4

My First Paper Route

Hiking With Your Kids

Cyclists Finally Get the Green Light!

3 Laws You Might Not Know You’re Breaking!

Impossibly Silky Mashed Potatoes

A Tail of Bravery



A mid the devastation of the wildfires that tore through California in the fall of 2017, a few heroic tales rose up to give people hope. One such tale was of Odin, a loyal Great Pyrenees guard dog. Along with his sister, Tessa, and eight rescue goats, Odin is part of the Hendel family.

with each passing minute, the Hendels made the heart- wrenching decision to leave Odin and the goats behind. The family made it to safety with Tessa in tow, relieved to be together but heartbroken that Odin and the goats weren’t with them. After several agonizing days, it was finally safe enough for them to return home and survey the destruction. What did the Hendels find? Ashes, rubble, their barn and home burned to the ground — and Odin. There he was, still guarding his eight goats and some small deer that had sought shelter with the brave canine. Weakened, burned, and limping, but nevertheless steadfast, Odin had never left his goats, even as the fire raged around them. Odin wagged his tail as he saw his family, happy to see they were also safe. The Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue and the Goatlandia Animal Sanctuary provided temporary shelter for the goats and pups while the Hendels rebuilt their barn. Odin received all the care he needed, along with a lot of love and treats. Today, Odin and his goats are back with their family, rebuilding their lives after this devastating wildfire. But the Hendels, and anyone who’s heard the story, won’t soon forget the bravery of Odin, the amazing pup.

It was mid-October when the Hendels were awoken by the smell of smoke, a fierce orange sky, and sounds of

destruction — urgent warnings from Mother Nature. Gathering everyone as quickly as they could, the Hendels got their human family members and eight goats, refused to get in. Try as they might, the Hendels could not get him to come with them, and there wasn’t enough room in the car for the eight Tessa in the car, but Odin, seated proudly next to the

goats. With the firestorm quickly approaching and the risk of losing even more family members increasing


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