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Kunkel Law Firm August 2018

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Kunkel Law Firm - September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • • 20 basil leaves, chopped • Salt, to

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Kunkel Law Firm November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 1 cup canned coconut milk • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1

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Kunkel Law Firm December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 leek, chopped • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 tab

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Kunkel Law Firm - October 2018

4 cup shelled pumpkin seeds • Nonstick vegetable oil spray Directions 4. Using a slotted spoon, stra

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Kunkel Law Firm - January 2019

Kunkel Law Firm - January 2019 JANUARY 2019 KunkelCase Files 800-467-5272 • •

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Kunkel Law Firm - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing • • 2 tbsp leftover gravy 1 tbsp butter, room temperature Note:

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Kunkel Law Firm - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Kunkel Law Firm July 2019

4- inch rounds • • Salt, to taste Equipment • 1 packet of bamboo skewers Directions 1. Assemble skew

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Kunkel Law Firm - February 2019

2 cups strong espresso, cooled Directions Place soaked ladyfingers at the bottomof a walled baking d

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Kunkel Law Firm - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped 6. • Social Security Disability • Workers’ Compensation • Employ

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Kunkel Law Firm August 2018

AUGUST 2018 KunkelCase Files 800-467-5272 • • [email protected]


Gregory Kunkel, Esq.

Welcome to Kunkel Law Firm’s newly designed monthly newsletter! I established Kunkel Law Firm in March of 2013 after practicing law for 25 years with different firms. Our firm’s mission is to represent injured and disabled workers pursuing claims for Social Security Disability and workers’ compensation benefits and to provide representation to workers in employment rights litigation. As our firm continues to grow, we remain committed to implementing new and innovative approaches to practicing law and communicating with our clients. As part of our professional development, I was recently recertified as a specialist in the practice of workers’ compensation law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association, which recognizes attorneys who have successfully demonstrated the required level of skill, expertise, and years of practice to be certified as a specialist in the area of workers’ compensation law. Currently, I am one of only 211 attorneys across Pennsylvania to be recognized as a certified workers’ compensation specialist.

Anxiety, concern, conflict — parents and teens agree that digital devices are a source of all three of these, according to a study from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. The comprehensive study compared digital device usage in the United States and Japan and how they have an impact on family relationships in both countries. “The patterns of daily life have been forever altered by the ubiquity of digital devices,” says Willow Bay, co-author of the study and Dean of USC Annenberg College. “Clearly, our always-on media environment is presenting challenges.” So why do we still have these devices on us at all times, and how can we use them more responsibly? USC Annenberg’s study demonstrates that technology isn’t going away anytime soon, and learning how to manage its usage is critical. Here are some tips that both parents and teens can learn from. HOWTOBALANCE TECHNOLOGYUSE INYOUR FAMILY ManageYour Devices; Don’t Let ThemManageYou The study gave interesting insight into how we perceive our kids’ technology usage and how they perceive ours. It found that most parents think their teens are addicted to their mobile devices. Most parents also felt addicted themselves. Their teens are aware of this — 1 in 3 teens also believes their parents are addicted. Your kids learn from how you spend your time. As the parent, you are the No. 1 example your child has for any behavior. If they see you looking at your phone most of the time they’re with you, they’ll likely start to do the same. BE THE EXAMPLE

We truly appreciate the confidence our clients have placed in our firm and look forward to providing quality services for many more years to come.

- Gregory

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Social Security Disability • Worker’s Compensation • Employment Rights • 1

Cover story, continued ...


process with contacts, music, photos, and anything taking up space. In his article, “Tips to Declutter Your Phone,” Ryan Reed includes the automation app he swears by, If This Then That. It can link all your apps and services to streamline your life.

One way to set an example is to limit screen time. This could take the form of an after- school “technology free” hour. It’s time that your family spends together without phones, only interacting with each other. Sound hard? Set the timer. Ask your kids how their days were. Try cooking together. If you feel that you really are addicted and can’t quit your device on your own, set up firewalls for yourself. Turn on your “do not disturb” signal during the nights and mornings. If you really want to take a break from your device, take a full day away from it, then reflect on how you felt afterward.


This is a question that’s kept many parents awake at night. When is the right age for an adolescent to have their own mobile device? There’s a lot to take in. Yes, it can offer some security; you’ll (theoretically) be able to reach your teen at any time, and they can reach out if they are in danger. But there are drawbacks. Phones cause distraction, which doesn’t pan out well for driving or sleep, not to mention homework. Talk with your teen to find out what’s right for them and your family — and not just via text. Keep the conversation going, and you’ll build a stronger relationship, whether you choose to give them a digital device or not.


When you open up your phone, does your busy screen overwhelm you? Do you really need that MLB app that you last used two years ago? Start by deleting apps that you no longer use. Then organize your remaining apps into folders. You might also try the same

3 WAYS TOMENTALLY PREPARE YOUR KIDS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR It may not feel like it yet, but summer is coming to a close, and summer break is ending along with it. Soon, the kids will be back to early- morning breakfasts before the school bus arrives and late-night study sessions. Thankfully, there are some steps your family can take during these closing weeks of summer to ensure your kids hit the ground running this school year. be a great opportunity to help them prepare a study schedule. Ask the following questions to help them get started: “Do you want to dive right into homework when you get home? Do you need to accommodate for a sport or extracurricular activity? Do you work best when doing your assignments in one large chunk, or would you prefer taking breaks in between assignments?”


Your kids may find that last year’s schedule doesn’t work for them this year. Emphasize that this is okay; part of growing up is learning how and when you work most effectively. Don’t be afraid to help them switch things up as the school year progresses.

For many kids, summer schedules are flexible. They may have become accustomed to sleeping in and staying up late without any obligations. Getting back into the rhythm of the school year can take some getting used to. In fact, according to psychologist Cherie Valeithian, it can take upward of two weeks to properly adjust to a new sleep-wake cycle. So why not give your kids a head start and ensure they begin the school year bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?


Maybe your kids are excited about the school year. Maybe they are anxious, or perhaps they’re just disappointed to see summer vacation come to an end. Starting a dialogue about the aspects of school your kids are looking forward to and those they’re dreading can help you dispel myths and identify problem areas. More than anything else, this can help your kids feel at ease about the coming year.


Resuming a homework regimen can be a difficult transition for some kids. Late summer, when they don’t have assignments to worry about yet, can

2 • 800-467-5272

Social Security Disability • Worker’s Compensation • Employment Rights

WHAT’S AT THE CORE OF YOUR BACK OR KNEE PAIN? The Muscle That’s Key to Your Mobility


If you’re not on close terms with your psoas, it’s time to get familiar. This muscle, pronounced “so-as,” is a key player in your core and comprises the group of muscles called hip flexors. As the only muscle group that connects your spine to your legs, the psoas has a big effect on mobility and posture. Psoas imbalances can contribute to back and hip pain because the muscles in these areas get overused to compensate. Imbalances are usually caused by short and tight or weak and overstretched psoas muscles. Activities that compress your hips, such as sitting, excessive running or walking, and excessive sit ups, can shorten your psoas and even lead to weakness. If your psoas muscles are short and tight, you may benefit from stretching and lengthening exercises. If the muscles are weak and overstretched, they may require strengthening movements. Here are a few ways to begin addressing imbalances.

Sitting for long periods of time can compress and shorten the psoas. To decrease this effect, take regular breaks to get up and move, and practice good posture. If you’re going on a road trip, consider sitting with a rolled-up towel under your sitting bones, which can release pressure on the psoas.


Here’s permission to treat yourself. Because of where the psoas is located, it can be difficult to stimulate, and a certified massage therapist will know how to access it. Regular massages can help with circulation and may improve function.


This neutral position can help release tension in your psoas. Lay on your back with your knees bent and heels on the floor, and set your feet hip- width apart at comfortable distance from your buttocks. Don’t force your back to the floor, but simply rest your hands on your belly and let gravity do the work. Try this rest position for 10 minutes a day.


If you’re experiencing pain in the lower back, hips, or knees, an imbalanced psoas may be to blame. A licensed physical therapist can recommend appropriate stretching or strengthening exercises depending on what’s right for your body.

Take a Break!

Green Bean


3 cups green beans, ends trimmed

1 small red onion, finely chopped

1 teaspoon white wine vinegar

Small bunch of fresh mint

1 tablespoon olive oil

Small bunch of flat-leaf parsley

2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted

Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Bring a large saucepan of water to boil; cook green beans for 4–5 minutes; drain well. 2. In a blender, mix finely chopped mint and parsley with olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Blend until combined. 3. Add dressing, onion, and sesame seeds to beans. Toss together. Cool dish, then refrigerate until ready to serve.

Recipe courtesy of Good Housekeeping • 3

Social Security Disability • Worker’s Compensation • Employment Rights

Kunkel Law Firm 800-467-5272


One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant Street, Suite 4300, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

A good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your mind and body. One study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that the quality of your sleep is much more important than the quantity — that is, if you want to feel rested. And we all want to feel rested. So, what can you do to improve the quality of your sleep and get the rest you need? LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. This, above all else, is crucial to a good night’s sleep. Your body knows when it’s time for bed. Generally, you want to go to bed when you feel tired, whether that’s at 8 p.m. or 1 a.m. Whenever your body tells you it needs rest, you should make a habit of going to bed then. The more consistent you are, the better your sleep will be. WAKE UP NATURALLY. Jolting yourself awake with an alarm or radio isn’t doing your brain and body any favors (it can be stressful on the body and even elevate blood pressure, INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Gregory Kunkel, Esq. PAGE 1 How to Talk to Your Teen About Cellphone Use PAGE 1 How to Prepare Your Kids for School PAGE 2 Why You Should Get to Know Your Psoas PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Green Bean and Sesame Salad PAGE 3 Sleep Better and Feel Great PAGE 4

Published by The Newsletter Pro •


which is not good first thing in the morning). If you do need an alarm, consider a wake-up light. Wake-up lights mimic the sunrise, slowly brightening the room, waking your body in a natural, gentle way. KICK THE SCREEN HABIT. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: Looking at an electronic screen — a TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone — before bed is detrimental to sleep quality. Light from these devices is disruptive to your brain’s suprachiasmatic

nucleus (SCN), which helps regulate your circadian rhythm, and screen time before bed can throw off normal SCN function. Put your excuses for staying up too late to bed. Say no to “one more episode.” And all those emails? They can wait until tomorrow. Not getting enough quality sleep is harmful to your mental and physical health. When you get into the habit of following these three tips, you’ll find yourself feeling rested and refreshed in no time.

4 • 800-467-5272

Social Security Disability • Worker’s Compensation • Employment Rights