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Landmark Tax Group - August 2022

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Landmark Tax Group - August 2019

Airplane Hangar Geneva, Florida When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers h

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Landmark Tax Group - August 2021

Landmark Tax Group - August 2021 Landmark Ledger (949) 260-4770 Professional | Experienced | License

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Landmark Tax Group - August 2020

Results. S UDOKU TAX QUOTES INTAXICATION: Nice feeling you get when you receive a tax refund until y

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Landmark Tax Group - May 2022

Penalty S UDOKU TAX QUOTES “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.” –Gerald Barzan, humor

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Landmark Tax Group - June 2022

50K today to learn the same steps John followed and to resolve your debt affordably. S UDOKU TAX QUO

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Landmark Tax Group - July 2022

or dishes. When attendees aren’t eating, they can relax at a musical or cultural performance. Key We

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Landmark Tax Group - February 2022

Results to read some of the many IRS approval letters we’ve secured. “Michael and his Landmark Tax G

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Landmark Tax Group - March 2022

Free . Mistake No. 3: Paying Your Taxes on a High-Interest Credit Card It’s tempting to pay your tax

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Landmark Tax Group - January 2022

Results . S UDOKU TAX QUOTES “Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is quite as satisfying as an

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Landmark Tax Group - April 2022

free . 2. Hit the gym. Exercise releases mood-boosting endorphins that will drain your stress away.

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Landmark Tax Group - August 2022

Landmark Ledger

(813) 406-4612 Professional | Experienced | Licensed Expert IRS & State Tax Relief



When my wife was pregnant with our daughter, Sophia, we didn’t take her Aug. 2 due date very seriously. Usually, those predictions are off by a day or two, and sometimes the baby comes weeks early or late. I’ll never forget climbing into bed with my wife at midnight on Aug. 1 and teasing, “Okay, let’s go — the baby is due!” The joke was on me because a couple of hours later Hanna woke up in labor. Sophia arrived right on time, and I can’t believe that this month she’s turning 3! Between planning her birthday party, getting our son, Benjamin, ready

affordable, high-quality guidance from a former IRS agent (me). It’s designed to help you resolve your back taxes successfully by yourself without the $10,000-plus expense of hiring a tax relief firm. And because I know how life-changing the IRS Fresh Start Program can be, I made sure IRSvideos. com has a “How to Get an IRS Fresh Start!” course you can take on demand for free.

The course is less than an hour long, and it covers everything you need to know about what the IRS Fresh Start Program is, how it can help you, and how to qualify for it. More than 700 taxpayers have already taken the “How to Get an IRS Fresh Start!” course for free and started down the path of protecting their income and assets,

for first grade, and all of the other turmoil in the world right now, my stress and anxiety are running high. Whether you have kids or not, I’m guessing you can relate!

“One of the most highly rated and best reviewed businesses on Yelp!” AS SEEN ON:

I wish we could just snap our fingers and solve all of the world’s problems, but it’s not that easy. The day care dropoff schedule

reducing the chance of IRS enforcement action, and getting in good standing with the IRS.

won’t sort itself out overnight and neither will our country. But if you feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed there is one thing you can address today to make your life easier tomorrow: your back taxes. The IRS knows how overwhelming tax debt can be, so they offer something called a Fresh Start Program that cuts taxpayers like you a break. The IRS Fresh Start Program is a special initiative designed for anyone who wants to learn more about squaring away their IRS debt! It’s an amazing opportunity, but it can be difficult to navigate the IRS jargon to discover whether or not you qualify and how to proceed — which is where comes in.

This free video course could be exactly what you need to sleep better at night and get through the stress of the world’s current events. It’s not quite as easy as snapping your fingers, but it’s very close! All you need to do is type into your browser and click a few buttons. Back taxes are stressful and scary at the best of times, but when your life is busy and the world is in turmoil, they can be the straw that breaks you. Don’t let that happen! Visit today to learn about the IRS Fresh Start Program and explore all of the other courses that will help you resolve your back taxes in the same way a professional tax firm would.

Entrepreneur, Inc

As I shared in last month’s newsletter, is a brand-new resource for taxpayers offering accessible,

See you there,


(813) 406-4612 | [email protected]

Published by Newsletter Pro |

Choosing Joy Every Day

3 Ways to Foster a Positive Attitude

Keep a gratitude journal. When we think about gratitude and thankfulness, our minds usually think about Thanksgiving. But we don’t need to wait for a special day to show gratitude. Things happen to us every day that we should be grateful for. If you’re struggling to acknowledge your blessings, keep a gratitude journal and write a few things you are thankful for each day. Over time, that thought process will seep into your daily life. Surround yourself with positive people. The people we associate with play a huge role in our mental well-being. If you’re constantly around people who put you down or tell you that you can’t accomplish certain things, you will feel worse about yourself — or even believe them. You need to block the negative people from your life and surround yourself with those who think optimistically.

In today’s society, we are faced with tragic stories and upsetting information, no matter where we turn. This can quickly lead us to a negative mindset where we believe things can’t be fixed and will only get worse, so it’s even more important now to establish a positive mindset. Though it might be easier to bury your head in the sand, fostering positivity in your life will provide you with many benefits.

But doing so is easier said than done. If you’re unsure where to begin, try out some of these methods to help you get started.

Focus on the silver lining. When something bad or unfortunate happens, we are quick to think about the negatives and how they will impact us in the future. Instead, we should be searching for a silver lining. You can find a positive in any situation, but you’ll have to put in the effort to flip your perspective.

Establishing a positive mindset in today’s world may be difficult, but it is not impossible if you develop a strategy and follow through with it.

Spread the Good News! Can Help Your Friends With Back-Tax Problems

Do you have a friend, family member, or client struggling under the pressure of IRS back taxes? If you do, you can make their day with just a few clicks by showing them .

everyone , so you can share it with your friends, family, clients, and business contacts. There, they can choose from courses like “5 Ways to Pay Less to the IRS: And Have Them Thank You For It!,” “How to Know When Your IRS

Taxes Expire!,” “How to Get an IRS Fresh Start!,” and “Owe 50K or Less? How to Set Up an IRS Payment Plan!” If you know someone with a back-tax problem, telling them about IRSvideos. com will make their day and could even save them thousands of dollars. Plus, it’s just the right thing to do as a good friend, neighbor, or business professional. If you can save a person and their family from tax stress and heartache, why wouldn’t you?

As we explained last month, is a NEW resource that helps taxpayers resolve back taxes on their own without the risk or expense of hiring a tax relief firm. When you use it, you don’t have to worry about losing your investment or being scammed out of your hard-earned money! The courses are affordable, easy to follow, and were even created by a former IRS agent who knows all of the ins and outs of the agency. There’s truly no better way to get rid of back tax stress for good.

Please help us spread the good news: is an affordable, accessible resource for taxpayers all over the country! Just one visit to the site can change someone’s life for the better.

What we didn’t mention last month is that isn’t exclusively for Landmark Tax Group newsletter readers. It’s a resource available to


(813) 406-4612 | [email protected]


You Can Use the Same Trick!

Back taxes are bad enough. But when you pile on penalties and interest … Well, it may feel like you’ll never get out of debt! Fortunately, there are ways you can convince the IRS to wipe those penalties away. We shared these methods with one taxpayer recently — and he got incredible results. Let’s call this man John. When John’s tax preparer sent him to us for help, he owed about $100,000 to the IRS from 2013. This debt racked up sky-high penalties and interest for years. Every time the amount John owed the IRS ticked higher, he felt more frantic and helpless. He didn’t know what to do, so we told him! That’s right: We didn’t take John on as a client. We simply shared the information in our “How to Remove IRS Penalties & Interest!” course on with him and empowered him to advocate for himself. The course includes several methods taxpayers can use to convince the IRS to remove their penalties and interest. Thanks to that advice, John was able to call a special number and persuade the agency to remove $27,504.37 in penalties from his debt! Let that sink in: With just ONE phone call, John wiped away more than $27,000 in IRS penalties. And he did it by himself, without the risk and expense of hiring one of those tax relief firms from the radio!

John felt like a huge weight had lifted off his chest. With the penalties gone, he could breathe again! He quickly set up an affordable payment plan to pay off his remaining tax debt and moved on with his life after almost a decade in IRS purgatory. You can use the same strategies John did. If you owe penalties and interest on your IRS debt, visit and enroll in the “How to Remove IRS Penalties & Interest!” course. You’ll learn two simple ways to eliminate those panic-inducing bills — including the special number John called. has already helped thousands of taxpayers with their IRS debt. If you visit today, you’ll be next on the list!



“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” – Albert Einstein

Solution on Pg. 4

3 (813) 406-4612 | [email protected]

19046 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. Ste. 1520 Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 406-4612 Professional | Experienced | Licensed Expert IRS & State Tax Relief


Inside This Issue

Sudoku Answer Key

How to Reduce Your Back-Tax Stress 1

Dealing With Negativity? Try These 3 Things! News That Will Make Your Friend’s Day 2 Make One Call, Wipe Out Your Penalties Tax Quote 3

Siri, What’s the Prettiest U.S. Restaurant? 4 3 Most Beautiful Restaurants in America

Where the View Is Part of the Menu …

When you go to a nice restaurant, you’re not just paying for food — you’re also paying for an experience. Decor might be the last thing on

in Brooklyn Bridge Park, your table might have dramatic views of the bridge or a waterfront view of the Manhattan skyline. It’s the best possible pairing with their classic Italian menu, complete with handmade pasta and high-end ingredients from Italy.

a guest’s mind, but with the right design, some restaurants are absolutely breathtaking. Here are a few of our favorites. Pink Cadillac Diner — Natural Bridge, Virginia Taking a step into this restaurant feels like stepping straight into the 1950s … in all the best ways possible. The diner’s bold, beautiful shades of bubblegum pink — including a vintage pink Cadillac parked in front — prompt nostalgia and delight. Accompanied with a classic burger and ice cream diner menu, this East Coast gem is a destination you won’t want to miss.

The French Laundry — Yountville, California If there’s a contest for the best food and views offered by a restaurant in America, this three-star Michelin restaurant just might place first. Run by Thomas Keller, its rustic, cottage-like setting in Napa Valley always turns heads with its surprisingly sophisticated design (as well as its exclusive tasting menus!). The restaurant’s gardens are beautifully lit and dotted with Japanese maple trees — a sight that will blow you away.

Cecconi’s Dumbo — New York City There are plenty of gorgeous restaurants in the Big Apple, but you’ll always hear Cecconi’s Dumbo mentioned among the best. Located

Most people can have a good meal at home, so if you have the time and money, why not pay a little extra for a nice view? Go ahead and indulge. We won’t judge — we’ll even be a little jealous!


(813) 406-4612 | [email protected]