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Lathe Lavada July 2018

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Lathe Lavada - Edition 7

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon Baharat or other spice blend • 2 tablespoons lemon

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Lathe Lavada October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper • Nonstick vegetable oil spray Inspired by Bon Appétit magazine 3 702-476-

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Lathe Lavada September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves outsides and sprinkle with Parmesan. 2. Layer ham and cheese evenly on top o

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Lathe Lavada - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1. Heat oven to 37

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Lathe Lavada - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste • Pinch of freshly ground

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Lathe Lavada - Edition 8

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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July 2018

July 2018 July 2018 PR COVERAGE JULY This month's PR coverage includes the Food Standards Agency's (

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Elite PT July 2018

smores-strawberry- shortcake-recipe . You’re just three ingredients away from the perfect summertime

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RTS labs July 2018


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Aire Serv - July 2018


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Lathe Lavada July 2018 702-476-2000

JULY 2018


MY STORY as well. I wanted to help others in the same way Schwarzenegger had helped me. But my girlfriend had other plans. The woman I was dating in college had high standards for the life she wanted and made it abundantly clear that a personal trainer’s wages weren’t going to cut it. Being young, wanting a bigger and better future for myself and thinking I understood what love was, I threwmy plans out the window to keep her happy. At her insistence, I hung up the sweat bands, donned a suit, and tried my hand as a stockbroker. I hated working in the stock market; it felt like being a cliché used-car salesman, but worse. I didn’t feel I was helping people as a stockbroker and could not ultimately keep up with both jobs . I wasn’t providing any value or improving people’s lives. Like I said, detours and hard lessons. I got out of the stock market — and out of my toxic relationship — soon after. That’s when I discovered real estate. I first became a loan officer, and I was surprised by howmuch I enjoyed it. I got to actually help folks get the homes they wanted, and it felt great. Over time, I worked my way through the industry, eventually climbing my way up to where I am today. While the journey may have been tough, I don’t regret any of it. Without these trials, I might not be the man I am today. Helping people face their own challenges and giving them the resources and dedication they deserve is the


could think was, “Man, I want to look like that.” I went to the library and immediately picked up a copy of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 book, “Encyclopedia of Modern Body Building .” I devoured Arnold’s writing. While I’d picked up the book to learn more about getting in shape, I found myself connecting with the life story of this Austrian weightlifter-turned-celebrity. He also grew up in poverty and used exercise as a way to gain self-reliance and self-respect. After school, I used to ride my bike 10 miles to mow the lawn at a local resort. My mom took every cent I made. But at night, I read about Arnold riding his bike to a small gym, dreaming of making it to the promised land. At this point, I adopted the philosophy “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” For once in my life, I had someone I could look up to. I threwmyself into bodybuilding, becoming quite the aspiring bodybuilder by the time I graduated. I went to college on a full-tuition waiver scholarship for college cheerleading, leaving my tiny hometown for sunny California, and later Hawaii. Through hard work and dedication, I set myself free. You may be wondering how I went from being a college cheerleader to a real estate broker. Well, as you might imagine, such a transition was the result of a few detours. Their were some hard lessons that had to be learned, but they helped shape me into the man I am today. Throughout college, I had my heart set on becoming a personal trainer and ultimately a physical therapist. I’d seen firsthand how diet and exercise could build more than just muscle — they could build confidence and self-respect

Sometimes a friend or a client will ask me how I got my start. It’s an innocent enough question, but one that

gives me pause. The road to founding my own Las Vegas real estate brokerage and real estate investment company has been a winding one, with more than its fair share of ups and downs. And it all begins in the mountains of the Idaho panhandle, with a boy watching Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone movies on a black and white TV with a bad reception connected to a car battery for power. I didn’t come frommoney. In the backwoods of Priest Lake, Idaho, my childhood home had several walls made out of cardboard, and the property was littered with derelict cars. From a young age, I was milking cows, feeding chickens, and chopping firewood to help keep my family afloat. My home life was difficult, to say the least, and school wasn’t much better. I didn’t start going to school until the third grade and didn’t learn to read until the fourth. Getting on the bus every day in my Goodwill clothes and hand-me-down sneakers and being unable to participate in class with kids my age made me feel ashamed just for being who I was — for not having as much as everyone else. That all changed in the ninth grade, when I discovered bodybuilding. We were getting ready to start a course on weightlifting for gym class. To prepare, our coach showed us a video of a world-class bodybuilder. Seeing his muscles and the confident, dignified way he carried himself, all I

best part of my job. So, how can I help?

Lathe Lavada

1 702-476-2000

Nature’s Wonder Sweetener HONE IN ON HONEY

Honey is a wonderful all-natural sweetener. Despite being sweet, it comes with actual health benefits — something you can’t say about other types of sugar. But some honeys are better than others, so it’s important to buy the right kind.

become acclimated to those allergens. But these three points — raw, unfiltered, and local — are crucial. When honey is processed and filtered, it loses practically all of its allergy-fighting power and becomes an ordinary sweetener. Most experts advise finding honey that was produced as close to your home as possible, preferably within 20 miles. The closer, the better. Keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you feel results. Of course, you won’t find a more delicious way to combat allergies.

Raw honey may help your body heal itself more effectively. One study in BMC

Complementary and Alternative Medicine pointed to raw manuka honey as an effective way to speed up the time it takes wounds to heal while also reducing risk of infection. Simply apply manuka honey to a wound and let it do the rest. One of the best types of honey you can buy is raw, unfiltered, local honey . While it isn’t known to decrease the healing time of wounds, it can reduce symptoms related to allergies. Raw honey contains trace amounts of pollen, as well as other allergens from grasses and weeds. Local honey contains many of the pollens and allergens you would normally breathe in on an average day. The pollens in local honey are just enough to kick your immune system into gear. As a form of immunotherapy, raw, local honey helps your body




That’s when Barbara saw Lathe on television and decided to give us a call. “You came into my life and, goodness gracious, you made everything better in such a short period of time,” she says. “I didn’t think it could happen like that. You came on Tuesday and told me you were going to take it Wednesday … things would have been a lot worse if we hadn’t gotten it done that fast. I don’t know what I would have done.” Catching up with Barbara after the sale, we’re happy to say she’s doing very well. She’s returned to her hometown of Boulder City and is finding the support she needs. “I’m moving into a rental, and I’ve already made plans to go visit my family in Salt Lake City on Thanksgiving,” she says with a smile. Talking to Lathe, she tears up a bit. “You helped me so much, Lathe. You are forever in my heart. I know my husband is grateful to you, too.” For more on how we help, go to testimonials/

Selling a home is often a very emotional process, so when clients check back in with us to tell us how well they’re doing, it makes our day. That’s why we’re so grateful to Barbara Grissette for volunteering to share her story. It’s a great reminder of why we do what we do. Barbara was in dire straits. After her husband passed away, she was left with too much house and too little income. “I was losing the home,” she reflects. “I couldn’t foreclose. It would ruin me, my self-esteem, and my credit.” To make matters worse, the house was in need of renovation. “It was horrible,” Barbara says of her former home, “Popcorn ceiling, outdated bathrooms … I could go on forever about what’s wrong with that house. The Jacuzzi in the middle of the family room floor really killed it.” With bills mounting, Barbara reached out to acquaintances in real estate. None of them were able to give her the offer she needed in the time frame she had.





INHERITED A HOUSE? Why a Quick Sale Might Be the Right Choice



the best circumstances. But if the building in question is in disrepair, isn’t up to code, or simply fails to stand out in an overcrowded housing market, listing a home may be more trouble than it’s worth. Selling your home for a reasonable amount of cash cuts out all of this hassle. The transaction can be done quickly, meaning the property won’t eat up more of your time and money than absolutely necessary. YOU WANT TO MOVE ON Inherited property can be a burden to someone who has just suffered a significant loss. The last things you need to worry about are property taxes and utility bills on a house you may not even live in. As time wears on, this property can become an overwhelming source of anxiety. Selling can relieve the stress of being chained to an extra piece of property. If any of these situations are true for you, you need to consider a cash sale. First Prime Realty Group can get you a fair offer fast, ending the stress and giving you the cash you deserve. Don’t let an inherited house weigh you down. Call us today at (702) 476-2000 or visit our website at

Mourning the loss of a loved one will never be easy. But if you’ve inherited property, a great deal of sudden fiscal and legal responsibility can make an already emotionally difficult time unbearable. In these situations, a quick sale is sometimes the best option. Selling your loved one’s former property can be uncomfortable to think about. But in these situations, it’s best to keep an open mind to what your options are. If any of the following factors are true for your unique situation, a quick sale may be the right choice. YOU’VE INHERITED PROPERTY IN ANOTHER STATE Probate and tax laws are complicated enough when one state is involved. But when you’re faced with managing property in another legal jurisdiction, the paperwork alone can be a nightmare. On top of everything else, you face all the logistical difficulties of managing a property from afar. Keeping up with the protection, maintenance, and listing of a property hundreds of miles away is no easy task. YOU LACK THE RESOURCES TO LIST THE HOUSE Often, inheriting a house is not the windfall many believe it to be. The time, labor, and money required to maintain a property until it sells is a lot to handle in

10 ounces Brussels

1 1/2 pounds chicken breast, cut into pieces 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup olive oil Juice of 1/2 lemon

sprouts, halved, stems removed 2 apples, cored, peeled, and coarsely chopped 6 slices bacon, cut into squares Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

• • •

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1/4 cup rosemary, finely chopped


1. Blend balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon, rosemary, and garlic to create marinade. Pour into bowl or sealable bag and add chicken. Marinate for at least 5 minutes or up to 12 hours. The longer you marinate, the more flavorful the chicken will be. 2. Heat oven to 375 F. Spread Brussels sprouts, bacon, and apples on a baking sheet. Add chicken and pour any extra marinade over the top. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Bake 20–25 minutes until chicken is cooked through. For extra crunchiness, turn the heat up to 425 F for the last 5 minutes. 4. Transfer to platter and serve immediately.

3 702-476-2000


9550 S. Eastern Ave. Ste. 253 Las Vegas, NV 89123



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How Lathe Got His Start A Natural Sweetener With Real Health Benefits How We Made a Difference for Barbara When to Sell an Inherited Property Balsamic Chicken With Bacon and Apples Ringo to the Rescue!

Ringo the Tabby Saves His Family A NOSE FOR TROUBLE

Ray and Carol Steiner found Ringo, a red tabby Manx, living in a shed when he was 10 days old. Despite already having three cats, the couple decided to open their hearts to the friendly feline — a decision that would one day save their lives.

dig in the jagged lava-rock landscaping, cutting his paws on the sharp stones. When Carol leaned over to get a better look, she was nearly overwhelmed by the smell of natural gas. The gas company discovered an old steel coupler had broken open, leaking dangerous levels of gas into the Steiners’ house. A single spark outdoors could have set off an explosion that would have consumed six other houses, potentially killing 22 people. Ray and Carol’s doctor told them that even if they avoided an explosion, they would have died from methane poisoning if they’d been exposed much longer. The gas meter did not register the leak, but Ringo did. Once they aired out their home, the Steiners’ health improved immensely. Because of his dedication to his family, Ringo became the 11th cat in history to be awarded the American Humane Association’s national William O. Stillman Award for bravery.

Years after adopting Ringo, Ray and Carol began to oversleep and

experience high blood pressure, dizziness, and headaches. The couple attributed these troubling symptoms to their recent health problems — Ray had just undergone heart surgery, and Carol was recovering from a car accident with her leg in a cast. But Ringo realized something was amiss.

One blistering day in August, the usually mellow cat caused a ruckus. He meowed loudly and banged his body against the front door. Carol let him dart outside, but the moment she closed the door, Ringo began to aggressively meow again. This was unusual behavior, and Carol realized Ringo wanted her to follow him. The red tabby brought Carol around to the side of the house, where large bushes hid the air conditioner and gas and water meters. Ringo started to