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Law Office of Don E. McClure March 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure April 2018

Law Office of Don E. McClure April 2018 LIVE LIFE VIVE LA VIDA! April 2018 8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite

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Law Office of Don E. McClure February 2018

corteo. Enjoy a free weekly tai chi class each Tuesday at Central Green Park. Tai chi is an ancient

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Law Office of Don E. McClure May 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - July 2018

smores-milkshake to enjoy this sweet treat even in the heat of summer. It’s the simple recipe that o

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - August 2018

bikes-for-kids-texas or reach out to our office today at 281-747-9961. The Bikes for Kids Giveaway D

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - June 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure January 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure - September 2018

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Law Office of Don E. McClure Nov 2017

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Law Office of Don E. McClure Dec 2017

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Law Office of Don E. McClure March 2018


March 2018

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478

page 1 Introducing the McClure Clan

page 2 Are You Keeping Up With Your Goals?

page 3 Preparing for the Negative Consequences of Divorce

page 4 St. Patrick’s Day vs. the Color Green



professional YouTuber if he sets his mind to it, and I’m willing to do what I can to help him. My youngest daughter is Bethany. She is such a wonderful little girl — truly a treat to be around. Bethany is hilarious, witty, and extremely intuitive. Like her brother, she wants to start making YouTube videos. Right now, Bethany wants to create a channel for toy reviews. She loves all things related to Disney princesses, Rainbow Dash, Shopkins, and unicorns. She’s such a big personality that I think her videos would catch on in a heartbeat. As Bethany gets older, I realize that she is just like my mother. Everyone used to call my mom Nonita, and since she was tiny, we’ve called Bethany “Little Nonita.” She’s loving but she’s also a pistol. I hope she never loses her spunk. Each year, my kids travel to Mexico with Edith to visit her hometown. Although they experience some of Edith’s culture here in Texas, nothing compares to their experiences in La Labor. I think it’s deeply important for them to know where they come from. As long as we are able, we plan to give them an opportunity to immerse themselves in their culture every summer. My kids bring me so much joy and happiness. They are all so different and wonderful in their own ways, and I am truly grateful to be their father.

Last month, you learned the story of how Edith and I met. This month, I’d like to tell you more about my children: 16-year-old Natalie, 12-year-old Nathan, and 5-year- old Bethany. Natalie passed her driving test and is now a licensed driver! She attends a technical school for law enforcement and has straight A’s. Outside of the standard curriculum, Natalie and her classmates perform forensic searches and analyses, as well as mock trials in which students act as defense attorneys and prosecutors. Her schooling is truly a unique experience! In her free time, Natalie plays competitive soccer, and she’s extremely fast, which makes her a great defender. I think Natalie would love to play soccer at the next level, and I’m sure she can achieve that goal if she puts her mind to it. Natalie’s favorite team is Barcelona, and her favorite player is Messi. She is a pretty serious kid and very focused on soccer and earning good grades. She will be taking the SAT this spring, so

“My kids bring me so much joy and happiness.”

in sixth grade, Nathan is playing competitive soccer for the first time. They’ve had a difficult season, but he has matured through this experience. I am very proud of him for sticking it out. Nathan is sharp and witty. Right now, he wants to be a gamer and a famous YouTuber. He’s been talking about this for a year now, so one night I challenged him and said, “You know what? If you really wanted this for yourself, you’d

actually do it.” So he went and made a 12-minute video that night! I told him I was proud of him for taking the first step toward his goal, and we sat down and strategized how he could improve for the next video.

a lot of her time has been spent studying. Natalie is also fluent in Spanish. It’s a lot of fun to listen to her talk with Edith and other family members.

Our middle child is Nathan. He can also understand Spanish, although he usually responds in English. Now that he’s

Nathan has a huge heart and truly cares for people. I know that he can become a

–Don E. McClu re, Jr.

281-402-3478 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro •

March is the month of springtime and rejuvenation. It’s also the time when most people have forgotten about the resolutions and goals they set earlier in the year. Have you neglected or given up your goals? If you have, you are far from alone. Most people let their goals fall to the wayside at least by March, if not long before. It comes down to four simple reasons. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO STAY ON TRACK AND PUSH FORWARD

LOVE NOT ONLY IN WORD, BUT ALSO IN DEED “Love thy neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39 No matter our spiritual affiliation, we should all be called to love not only in word, but also in deed or action. It is easy to say you care, but if you do not sacrifice or make any effort to make a difference, what do your words really mean? Nothing. United by Love is an organization of people who walk the walk and talk the talk. They are dedicated to helping people in medical-financial crisis by raising money to assist with uninsured medical expenses through community events. Many recipients have been fighting cancer, but this organization is open to all those in need, regardless of their illness. If you or someone you know needs help through a financial hardship due to a medical condition, feel free to contact them through their Facebook page UNIDOSXAMORR. Please be advised that due to the large number of people in need and limited resources, United by Love has to be very selective of who they can help. Remember: They are all volunteers and, at this time, 100 percent of any money collected goes to the affected person(s).

1. They set goals that were out of reach or unrealistic.

2. They had zero accountability.

3. They set abstract goals.

4. They didn’t track progress.

Setting goals is the easy part. A lot of people say they want to lose weight, eat better, learn a new skill, or try a new hobby, but they don’t define their goals any further. Vague goals aren’t really goals at all. The best way to stay on track is to be as specific as possible. Understand what you need to do to accomplish your goals. Make sure you have access to the appropriate resources that will help you make progress. Resources come in all forms. Look to the people around you for accountability — your family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues. If you don’t want to involve anyone else, keep a notebook or diary to track progress. Or if you are learning a new skill, such as a foreign language for a trip next year, the resource you need may be an app on your phone. When you bring specific goals together with the necessary resources, achieving your dreams becomes more possible than ever before. You just have to take steps to avoid falling into the mistakes listed above. Set attainable concrete goals, track your progress, and check in with someone to keep you accountable. Since it’s been a few months, take a moment to review how far you’ve come since January. What do you need to do to make 2018 your best year yet?



EN ESTA EDICIÓN Marzo de 2018 | 281-402-3478

8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017

Esta publicación es solo para fines informativos y no se pretende asesoramiento legal.


en un YouTuber profesional si se lo propone, y estoy dispuesto a hacer lo posible para ayudarlo.

El mes pasado, les contamos la historia de cómo nos conocimos Edith y yo. Este mes, me gustaría contarles más sobre mis hijos: Natalie, de 16 años, Nathan, de 12, y Bethany, de 5. Natalie aprobó el examen de conducir y ahora es conductora con licencia. Asiste a una escuela técnica para ser agente judicial y tiene muy buenas calificaciones. Ademas del plan de estudios estándar, Natalie y sus compañeros de clase realizan búsquedas y análisis forenses, así como simulacros de juicios en los cuales los estudiantes actúan como abogados defensores y fiscales. ¡Su educación es una experiencia única de verdad! En su tiempo libre, juega fútbol competitivo; es muy rápida, por eso es una gran defensora. Creo que a Natalie le encantaría jugar fútbol en otro nivel, y estoy seguro de que puede lograrlo si se lo propone. El equipo favorito de Natalie es el Barcelona, ​y su jugador favorito es Messi. Es una niña muy seria y muy centrada en el fútbol y en obtener buenas calificaciones. Esta primavera hará el SAT, por lo que ha dedicado gran

Mi hija menor es Bethany. Ella es una niña maravillosa, realmente un verdadero placer. Bethany es muy graciosa, ingeniosa y extremadamente intuitiva. Al igual que su hermano, quiere comenzar a hacer videos de YouTube. En este momento, Bethany quiere crear un canal para hacer reseñas de juguetes. Le encantan todas las cosas de las princesas de Disney, Rainbow Dash, Shopkins y unicornios. Tiene una personalidad tan grande que creo que sus videos se harían famosos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. A medida que Bethany crece, me doy cuenta de que es igual a mi madre. Todo el mundo la solía llamar Nonnie, y, desde que Bethany es pequeña, la llamamos "Pequeña Nonita". Ella es amorosa, pero también es impredecible. Espero que nunca pierda su chispa. Todos los años, mis hijos viajan a México con Edith para visitar su ciudad natal. Aunque experimentan algo de la cultura de Edith aquí en Texas, nada se compara con lo que viven en La Labor. Creo que es muy importante que sepan de dónde vienen. Mientras podamos, tenemos la intención de darles la oportunidad de sumergirse en su cultura cada verano. Mis hijos me traen tanta alegría y felicidad. Todos son tan diferentes y maravillosos a su manera, y estoy realmente agradecido de ser su padre. –Don E. McClu re, Jr.

"Mis hijos me traen tanta alegría y felicidad".

en inglés. Ahora, está en sexto grado, así que juega fútbol competitivo por primera vez. Han tenido una temporada difícil, pero él logró superar gracias a la experiencia. Estoy muy orgulloso de él por seguir hasta el final. Nathan es listo e ingenioso. En este momento, quiere jugar videojuegos y ser un YouTuber famoso. Hace un año que habla de eso, así que una noche lo desafié y le dije: "¿Sabes qué? Si realmente quisieras hacer eso, lo harías de verdad". Así que esa misma noche hizo un

parte de su tiempo a estudiar. Natalie también habla bien español. Me encanta escucharla charlar con Edith y otros parientes.

video de 12 minutos. Le dije que estaba orgulloso de él por dar el primer paso para alcanzar su objetivo, y nos sentamos

a planear qué podría mejorar para el próximo video. Nathan tiene un gran corazón y realmente se preocupa por las personas. Sé que puede convertirse

Nuestro segundo hijo es Nathan. También comprende español, aunque suele responder



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barato, y ambas partes pueden terminar con temor por el futuro. Debido a los cambios en la estabilidad financiera, es posible que deba comenzar a trabajar de nuevo o tomar un segundo trabajo. Si considera divorciarse, un factor importante que debe considerar es si tiene las habilidades para conseguir un trabajo que le permita mantenerse a usted y a sus hijos. Si no puede aceptar estos cambios, no está listo para divorciarse. Si no puede aceptar las consecuencias negativas del divorcio, tanto visibles como invisibles, probablemente no esté listo para pasar por ese proceso. Sin embargo, si comprende y acepta que se enfrentará a consecuencias negativas que no podrá controlar, puede estar listo para seguir adelante. Comprenda que el proceso no será perfecto, pero, si puede aceptar estas consecuencias negativas, podrá superarlo en el largo plazo. Consulte nuestra lista de comprobación de predivorcio en . Lo ayudará a decidir si está listo para el proceso de divorcio. Y recuerde visitar para obtener una copia gratuita de "Guía de supervivencia al divorcio en Texas" antes de que finalice nuestra oferta, el 31 de marzo. LUEGO DE HACERSE LAS PREGUNTAS IMPORTANTES, PREPÁRESE PARA EL PROCESO

La mayoría de las personas que se divorcian no están del todo preparadas para el proceso, aunque sean ellas quienes lo quieren. La decisión de pasar por un divorcio puede significar años de consecuencias negativas, algunas de las cuales no son fáciles de anticipar. Una vez que comienza un divorcio, no es raro que uno o ambos cónyuges se den cuenta de que no estaban listos para el proceso. EMOCIONAL Algo importante es darse cuenta de que un divorcio no ocurre en el vacío. Todas las partes involucradas, usted, su cónyuge, sus hijos, sus padres, sus suegros, familiares y amigos, experimentan su propio nivel de dolor asociado con él. Si bien la decisión de divorciarse puede centrarse en dos personas y sus hijos, la mayoría de las personas no están preparadas para el impacto que tendrá la decisión sobre sus seres queridos. CUESTIONES FINANCIERAS El dolor emocional no es la única consecuencia negativa del divorcio. A menudo, ambos cónyuges pueden sufrir cambios en sus finanzas, lo que puede ser un desafío para su nivel de vida. Hay una buena posibilidad de que ambas partes pierdan su estabilidad financiera. Divorciarse no es


AMOR NO SOLO CON PALABRAS, SINO TAMBIÉN CON HECHOS “Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.” – Mateo, 22:39

En el bufete de abogados de Don E. McClure, Jr., tratamos a nuestros clientes como si fueran de la familia, porque muchos de ustedes son familiares o han sido referidos por su familia. Casi todos los clientes que tenemos pueden remontarse a nuestro

No importa nuestra afiliación espiritual, todos deberíamos intentar amar no solo con palabras, sino también con obras o acciones. Es fácil decir que nos importa, pero si no sacrificamos ni hacemos ningún esfuerzo por hacer la diferencia, ¿qué significan esas palabras en realidad? Nada. Unidos X Amor es una organización de personas que predican por ejemplo. Se dedican a ayudar a las personas en crisis financieras médicas: mediante eventos comunitarios, recaudan dinero para ayudar con los gastos medicos que no cubre el seguro medico. Muchos beneficiarios han estado luchando contra el cáncer, pero esta organización está abierta a todos los que la necesitan, sin importar su enfermedad. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce necesita ayuda ante una dificultad financiera por una condición médica, no dude en contactarlos a través de su página de Facebook: Tenga en cuenta que, debido a la gran cantidad de personas necesitadas y los recursos limitados, Unidos X Amor tiene que ser muy selectivo con las personas a quienes ayudan. Recuerde todos son voluntarios y, en este momento, el 100 % de todo el dinero recaudado va a las personas afectadas.

árbol genealógico. Como resultado, su caso no es solo negocios, ¡es personal! Es por eso que cada referencia que nos envía hace

la diferencia. Ayudamos a muchas más personas y nuestro árbol genealógico sigue creciendo. Y por eso, gracias por sus referencias y por confiar en nosotros no solo para ayudarlo, sino también para ayudar a las personas que le importan.

Publicado por The Newsletter Pro •


both parties may end up fearing the future. Changes in financial stability might mean you have to start working again or pick up a second job. An important factor to consider when thinking about getting a divorce is whether you have the skills to get a job that allows you to support yourself and your children. If you can’t accept these changes, you are not ready for a divorce. If you are unable to accept the negative consequences of divorce — both seen and unseen — you are probably not ready to go through the process of divorce. However, if you understand and accept that you will face negative consequences out of your control, you may be ready to move forward. Understand that the process won’t be perfect, but if you can accept these negative consequences, you will be able to make it through in the long haul. View our predivorce checklist at to help you decide if you’re ready for the process of divorce. And remember to visit to get a free copy of “Texas Divorce Survival Guide” before our offer ends on March 31!

Most individuals going through a divorce are totally unprepared for the process, even if they are the ones who want the divorce. The decision to go through a divorce can lead to years of negative consequences, some of which are not easily anticipated. Once a divorce begins, it’s not uncommon for one or both spouses to realize they weren’t ready for the process. EMOTIONAL One important thing to realize is that a divorce does not happen in a vacuum. Every party involved — you, your spouse, your children, your parents, your in-laws, extended family, and friends — experiences their own level of pain associated with your divorce. While the decision to divorce may be centered on two people and their children, most people are not prepared for the impact their decision will have on all of those who love them. FINANCIAL Emotional pain is not the only negative consequence of divorce. Often, both spouses’ finances are impacted, which can challenge their standards of living. There is a good chance both parties will lose their financial stability. Divorcing is not cheap, and At the Law Office of Don E. McClure, Jr., we treat our clients like family, because many of you are family or have been referred by family! Almost every THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS


client we have can be traced back to our family tree. As a result, your

case is not just business; it’s personal! That’s why every referral you


send our way makes a difference. We get to help even more people, and our family tree continues to grow. For that, we

Do you love our newsletter? Do you know of family or friends who could benefit from this information? If so, just email us at [email protected] to get your free download now or call 713-571-7777 to have a copy mailed to you.

thank you for your referrals and for trusting us to not only help you, but to help the people you care about.

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8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017


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This publication is for informational purposes only and no legal advice is intended.

Of course, you can’t forget leprechauns, the little creatures that have always been affiliated with the holiday. But just like St. Patrick’s original blue garb, these impish tricksters used to wear red instead of green. While green overtook blue as the shade of choice for St. Patrick, leprechauns began putting on their signature green suits. You might wonder where the tradition of pinching comes from. We can thank the leprechauns for this one. It’s said that if the gold-loving redheads caught you not wearing their favorite color, they would pinch you. To avoid pinches from leprechauns and people alike, be sure to put on some green this St. Patrick’s Day to blend in with the festive crowd.

in the 17th century, when the symbol for the United Irishmen Rebellion became the clover. St. Patrick used the clover to teach the Irish people about the Holy Trinity, and it eventually became a symbol that represented both the saint and the holiday. Another theory comes from Ireland’s nickname, “The Emerald Isle,” which was coined because of the plentiful green foliage that adorns the country’s landscape. It also relates to the green in the flag. Each of the three colors in the flag have their own symbolic meaning: green for the Catholics who live in the country, orange for the Protestants, and white for the peace between the two.

There’s only one day of the year you’ll be scorned for not wearing green: St. Patrick’s Day. If you’ve ever gone the whole holiday wearing any other color, you’ve probably been pinched by your peers, family, spouse, and anyone else decked out head to toe in green. Green has become so deeply associated with the St. Patrick holiday that many people are unaware that green wasn’t always its official color. Blue was the first color to symbolize St. Patrick’s Day, and the saint himself is almost always depicted dressed in what’s known as “St. Patrick’s blue.” What caused the shift from blue to green is more speculation than hard fact. Some have theorized that the change happened sometime


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