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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2018

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2020

3 of egg whites into batter mixture, then fold in the remaining whites. 8. Fill cake mold with batte

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - December 2018

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - December 2018 December 2018 480.632.7373 Looking Back o

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2021

2 cup fresh chives, chopped and divided 480.632.7373 Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 F and grease

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2018

4 cups hot milk • 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded instructions 1. Steam potatoes for 30 minutes.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2018

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2018 Hello, August! August 2018 480.632.7373 Les

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - June 2018

4 cup soy sauce instructions 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. Rinse wings under cold water and pat dry. Sea

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus desired doneness. Skirt steak is

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2018

Presidents Day,” “Washington-Lincoln Day,” “George Washington Day,” and more. Let’s untangle how all

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2018

APRIL 2018 480.632.7373

A Bavarian Adventure Raving About My Recent Trip to Germany

Just two weeks ago, my wife and I returned from Germany, and it was one of the most thrilling vacations we’ve ever been on. Though I’ve been to Europe once before, this trip was one of the most engrossing, incredible adventures of my adult life. Honestly, I have my in-laws to thank, as they were our excuse to book the tickets and meander around such an interesting place that’s so steeped in history.

mission in the Czech Republic, where my father-in-law was serving as the mission president. They joined us as we toured the country, marveling at the amazing architecture, exploring the deep and complex historical landmarks, and eating some of the best food in the world (which, personally, was my favorite

activity). When my in-laws were recently called to serve in Bavarian Germany, they jumped at the chance. My father-in-law had lived there as a young man, so he was eager to return. And of course, we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to visit them in their fantastic new home. I prepped for the trip by learning about the local history and brushing up on my WWII facts. I appreciate having context for the places I visit, so I devoured as much information as I could. I’m the kind of tourist who people get annoyed at because I read every single plaque in the museum. Once a history nut, always a history nut, though I really think that when you are able to read a little before you visit a place, you can absorb so much more of the local culture. My in-laws are based in Frankfurt, so that was the starting point for our trip. We joined up with them there and proceeded to amble around the Bavarian part of Germany, visiting the little villages and magnificent castles dotting the countryside, and eventually ending up in Salzburg, Austria. The entire time, I was (as always) floored by the historical gravity of the places we were visiting. Once we were in Salzburg, I was eager to check out some famous

spots from one of my grandma’s favorite musicals: “The Sound of Music.” I never got to do the Julie Andrews twirl on a mountaintop like I teased my brother-in-law about, but needless to say, it was an amazing experience. Even while typing this, my head’s up in the clouds, reminiscing about the staggeringly beautiful scenery, the stately, thought-provoking landmarks, and the interesting people we met along the way. While it’s always comforting to come home after being in a new place like that, I keep replaying the memories in my head. I guess pretty soon I’ll have to find another excuse to book an international plane ticket and head off on another mind-boggling adventure.

“The entire time, I was (as always) floored by the historical gravity of the places we were visiting.”

I have to say, I’m grateful that my in-laws are such avid missionaries. About a decade ago, we had the pleasure of visiting them on their

-Kevin Jensen



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Gardening: Bringing Family Together

After spending a winter cooped up inside with your family, there might be a little tension between everyone. Fortunately, it’s spring, and the warm weather, melting snow, and blooming flowers offer a good way to ease restlessness. This season, why not bring your family closer together by starting a family garden? A Learning Experience

it’s usually not quality time. Working in a group to create and

maintain a garden is a hands-on experience for everyone. It’s a chance to get the whole family involved with a single project, and you can literally share the fruits of your labor. Deciding on Plants When it comes to deciding which plants you want in your garden, there are many variables to consider. Do you want to grow edible plants, ones that have magnificent blossoms, or ones that are easy to care for? Flowers are a good start if you want a plant that grows a little faster; plus, they lend a pop of color to your garden. Growing vegetables is also rewarding, as the kids will take great pleasure in eating what they’ve grown. Other possibilities include sunflowers, blackberries, peas, and lettuce. You might be surprised at how willingly children eat their greens when they’ve had a hand in growing them.

Nearly every step in the gardening process can be a learning experience for kids and parents alike. Begin by discussing where you should start and why, what supplies you’ll need, and the types of plants you want to grow. Gardening also offers opportunities to learn about science, ecology, and nutrition. Collaboration

Gardening gives your family a chance to collaborate. When you’re stuck inside for long periods, you may be spending time together, but

Family gardens can bring something new and fresh to your home. So, get outside, enjoy the sun, and discover the joys of plants and gardening.

What Our Clients Are Saying “I was recommended to Mr. Jensen by a friend, and I am very thankful for that. He helped me out once already and is in the process of doing so again. He has made the process a lot easier and is a really great person to have on my side. I don’t think I could have found anyone better!” –Doug

be described as pleasant, but I do believe that having the right attorney made it easier. I would recommend Brandon Yost and the Law Office of Kevin Jensen without a second thought.” –Anonymous “Kevin is a great attorney with a lot of experience. When I have questions about family law, I don’t hesitate to contact him.” –Casey “Divorce went off without a hitch. Brandon was compassionate and understanding during this difficult time. I don’t think a divorce can 2

2 of the Ugliest Celebrity Divorces of the 21st Century What NOT to Do When Parting Ways

Divorce is a stressful, complicated, messy, emotional process, no matter which way you slice it. It might feel overwhelming at times, but it’s never a good idea to make it ugly — especially when it’s so bad that it ends up in the news! Just take these celebrity divorces as an example of what not to do when parting ways with your spouse. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen It’s no surprise that the monomaniacal star of “Two and a Half Men” had one of the most publicly messy divorces of our generation. In 2006, after only four years of marriage, the “Starship Troopers” actress filed for the split. The ensuing court battle was essentially a battle

to see who could destroy the other’s character first — with Richards winning handily. Richards asserted that Sheen was abusive, addicted to cocaine, a reckless gambler, and that he regularly slept with prostitutes. Sheen fired back with a now-infamous string of vulgar emails and voicemails, calling Richards a “sad ... talentless ... jobless pig.” In the end, a judge granted her a restraining order to keep Sheen 300 yards from her, her home, and their daughters in the middle of a vicious custody battle. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren When Elin Nordegren, suspicious of Woods’ comings and goings, reportedly went through his phone in the middle of the night, she found

a called number of the woman he was having an affair with. Soon after, she woke him up, allegedly battering him with her fists. When Woods ran out of the house in an Ambien- induced stupor, she allegedly grabbed a golf club and sprinted after him. Trying to escape in his SUV, he took out a fire hydrant and slammed headlong into a tree. mistresses were named publicly in the press, and he reportedly admitted to sleeping with over 120 women during his marriage. Finally, the divorce settled, and Nordegren reportedly walked away with $100 million. Later, 15 of Woods’

Pasta With Turkey and Broccoli


This simple, delicious recipe only takes 20 minutes from start to finish. It’s also a great way to encourage kids to eat their broccoli. The next time you make pasta, leave the canned sauce in the pantry and make this instead!


• 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Salt • Parmesan cheese

• 3/4 pounds pasta (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli florets • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 pound ground turkey


of salt. Cook while breaking up meat with a wooden spoon for 3–5 minutes. 3. Combine turkey with pasta and broccoli

1. Cook the pasta according to package directions. Add broccoli when pasta is 1 minute from done. Drain both and return to pot. 2. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the turkey, garlic, crushed red pepper, and a pinch

mixture, adding the remaining olive oil as you stir. Serve in bowls topped with Parmesan.

Recipe inspired by




3740 E. Southern Ave #210 Mesa, AZ 85206

Kevin Jensen on His Recent Adventure in Germany

Why You Should Consider Investing in a Family Garden

Celebrity Divorces: What Not to Do

April Fools’ Pranks From the Pre- Internet Age

3 April Fools’ Pranks From Earlier, More Trusting Times

Swiss Spaghetti Growers Enjoy Record Harvest Ah, to be as naive as we were during the early days of television. In 1957, a BBC news show called “Panorama” conducted a special report on a massive spaghetti harvest in Ticino, Switzerland, following a remarkably mild winter. The black and white images showed farmers pulling huge strands of noodles off tall trees and prompted hundreds of viewers to call into the station and ask how they might procure their own spaghetti tree. Thomas Edison’s Amazing Food Machine When Edison was in his prime, Americans truly believed he could create anything — even a machine that transformed air, water, and dirt into biscuits, vegetables, meat, and wine, as reported by the New York Daily Graphic in 1878. The article was reprinted in newspapers across the country. Thousands of people bought the trick. When Buffalo’s Commercial Advertiser ran an editorial on Edison’s genius in the endeavor, the Graphic reprinted it in full, along with the headline, “They Bite!”

April Fools’ Day isn’t what it used to be. Sure, it’s still a fun distraction, with Google announcing “scratch and sniff” digital technology and Amazon declaring new features enabling Alexa to understand your pets. But it’s pretty hard for anyone to genuinely pull your leg in the internet age. Back when you couldn’t debunk a hoax with a simple Snopes search, things were a little more interesting. Here are a few of the most hilarious — yet somehow convincing — April Fools’ pranks in history. Nixon for President, 1992 When NPR’s popular “Talk of the Nation” program announced in 1992 that former President Richard Nixon had announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, listeners were shocked. Never mind that he’d been the center of the largest presidential scam in history, but his campaign slogan, “I never did anything wrong, and I won’t do it again,” left something to be desired. NPR even brought political experts on the show to discuss the ramifications of such a move, and listeners flooded the station with outraged calls — until host John Hockenberry revealed that the on-air Nixon was actually comedian Rich Little.


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