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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2021

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2018

4 cups hot milk • 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded instructions 1. Steam potatoes for 30 minutes.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 480.632.7373 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOI

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2020

2 tsp vanilla extract • Green sprinkles, optional directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F, and line a 9x9-i

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2021

4 cup pure maple syrup (or honey) 1 tsp vanilla extract Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Line

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - October 2021

2 cup of baking soda and about 2–3 cups of white vinegar into the machine. (Bleach will work, too!)

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste 480.632.7373 Directions 1. First, make toasted rice p

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2021

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2021 August 2021 480.632.7373 A New Friendly Fac

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - July 2021

3 cups red enchilada sauce, divided 4 large zucchini, sliced very thin lengthwise and dried 2 cloves

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Law Office Of Kevin Jensen - June 2021

to access the map and see what’s near your hometown! On National Get Outdoors Day If you’re dreaming

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped • 2 garlic cloves, sliced 480.632.7373 Directions 1. In a large

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2021

March 2021 480.632.7373

Mom, Wife, Partner Why I Thank Kristi for the Life I Have Today

We all have people in our lives upon whom we can depend. Whether it’s the friend who supported you through your divorce or a neighbor who gave advice on how to fix the lawnmower, we are grateful for those who pull us through the dark times and cheer for us during the bright moments. I’m very blessed to say that person is my wife, Kristi. In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8 and Women’s History Month, I want to use this month’s cover letter to recognize the woman who made me the man I am today. My wife and I met at a BYU basketball game about 25 years ago. She was at the game with her roommate, whom I knew from the apartment I had lived in previously, and Kristi and I struck up a conversation. I immediately thought she was cute, but I was also drawn to her personality. It was so easy to talk to her! We went on our first date just a few days later — on her birthday, of all days — and we were married in June that same year. From the moment I met her, Kristi became one of my best friends, and, as one of my closest friends put it, I just realized that out of all my friends, she was the one I wanted to spend all my time with. Turns out, that was good for me.

that actually suited me. I was never great at math — she’s much better at it than I am — and she could see I was struggling in physics. Because of Kristi, I found my way to law school. That first year of law school was intense, but Kristi was supportive and understanding. Our oldest son was just 3 weeks old when I started classes, but Kristi sacrificed her time and energy by getting a part-time job, caring for our baby, and even staying up late to help me type up my papers. (I still wrote them — she just typed them up!) Kristi even agreed to join me on my 3 a.m. paper route, so we could earn a little extra cash as a young family. She never complained — even when she was eight months pregnant, tossing papers at 3 a.m.! Today, Kristi likes to brag about getting me through law school, and while I begrudgingly agree, I know that without her support and guidance, I wouldn’t be in the position I am today. She has always been supportive of this law firm, and she still does all of our books. She’s very involved with our administrative support, which allows me to focus on my clients and ensure I’m doing what’s best for you and your families. Needless to say, Kristi is about 1,000% better at juggling everything than me. She’s even a fantastic mom, and as the boys get older, I’m realizing no amount of sports bonding with their dad will ever take away the fact that they are all big mama’s boys.

Whether it’s at home or in the office, Kristi is the glue that holds everything I do together. She’s always humored my obsession with sports and never faltered when raising four boys who are also obsessed with sports. She’s my rock, the person who holds our family together, and one of the strongest women I know. When I think of all she has sacrificed for us, I can’t help but think how very blessed we are to have a woman like that in our lives. This International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, I hope you honor the women who make you feel the same way. Thank you, Kristi!

Kristi was the one who convinced me to give up my dreams of medical school and find a career

-Kevin Jensen

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When Life Gives You Lemons ...

Scrub the Microwave

Lemons don’t just add a tart flavor to your favorite desserts or cool you down in a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. In addition to bold flavors, lemons also have powerful cleaning properties. Their acidity and oils cut through grease and can sanitize many of your household items. The best place to clean with a lemon is in the kitchen. For the microwave, simply juice a whole lemon into a bowl of water, then plop the used peels into the bowl. Microwave the mixture for a few minutes, let the bowl cool before removing it, then wipe away the grease in the microwave. You can also use this method for your oven. For odor-blocking properties, you can use a lemon as an air freshener. Leave half of a lemon in your refrigerator to trap and block

potential smells and toss old lemon rinds down the garbage disposal. Run the disposal to clean the blades and freshen up the sink. As for your kitchen tools, don’t toss them out without trying this lemon trick first. Start by sprinkling salt on a wooden cutting board, then slice a lemon in half. Using half the lemon (flesh-side down) like a sponge, scrub the board really well. Wipe and remove the leftover lemon juice and rinse the board before using it again. Not only will the board appear cleaner, but it also won’t smell as bad, and the bacteria will be gone. You can also use this method to polish dining ware, spruce up copper, and even remove stuck-on food from plates. Now, here’s the real secret: Once you master kitchen cleaning a la lemon, you can use these same principles to clean other parts of your

house. For example, salt and lemon can be used to scrub grimy sinks and faucets, while a few squeezes of lemon juice in a cup of water makes an excellent cleaning solution for mirrors and windows. You can even make your own reusable cleaning spray by fermenting lemon peels — and the peels of other citrus fruits — in white vinegar for two weeks. Remove the peels after two weeks and spritz the mixture over surfaces you need to clean!

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish Tips for Building Self-Care Into a Single Parent’s Schedule

Between juggling school, activities, visitation schedules, your job, and household responsibilities, single parenthood can feel like a constant battle between your sanity and keeping order in your house. As a result, many single parents often forfeit their well-being.

However, self-care is vital to continue as an effective parent, employee, friend, neighbor, and human. Whatever your self-care looks like, here are a few ways you can incorporate it into your busy life. Find the Pockets of Time It may not feel like it, but you likely have a few moments in your day when you’re not at the beck and call of a child, boss, or friend. Identify these moments and use this time to replenish your tank. For some people, this might be in the morning, when their children are still sleeping and work hasn’t begun. Others will find more time when their children are at practice or go to bed. Use this time to sip tea, write, watch your favorite shows, or even bake! Find something small you like to do that fits

self-care that helps you feel the most rested. Take a bath or have a quick nap between work and cooking dinner. It’s perfectly fine if your version of self-care isn’t exercising, building something, or learning something new. But it’s also perfectly fine if those activities are how you replenish your batteries. Focus on what you need to feel rested. Schedule It Out Once you identify the free points in your day and find the self-care actions that best serve you, make a schedule. Decide when, what, and where you will engage in self-care. For example, you could work out at lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, read your new book on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and spend Saturday evening watching your favorite TV shows once the kids go to sleep. One final reminder: Self-care isn’t selfish. It’s necessary to ensure you can be the best parent you can be. Take time for yourself this spring!

into these pockets. Focus on Rest

You don’t have to spend the moments you get to yourself on being “productive,” so focus on



but make sure they know it’s an option. Ask them if they would like to talk to someone about this experience, or if they would like support from someone who isn’t their parent. (You may even consider mentorship

In therapy, your child is given an opportunity to talk about their concerns without fear. Trained therapists are educated to help children process their emotions and the world around them, and they can provide your child with the perspective needed to cope with this big change. It may take time, but finding a therapist you and your child trust can be a powerful tool in your child’s development.

There isn’t any perfect way to divorce. You and your spouse could be splitting up amicably, offering your child as much support as possible, and that child could still lash out. It’s perfectly normal for children to process their most complex emotions — like those common during a divorce — by acting abnormally. This all may beg the question: Should your child go to therapy because of your divorce? Again, there isn’t one right answer. Therapy can be beneficial for everyone, regardless of your afflictions, fears, circumstances, or well-being. Therapy offers tools to cope with some of life’s biggest challenges, and anyone can benefit from spending time with a trained professional. However, some children may need to see a therapist, whereas others may not. If your child is the latter, consider leaving the decision for therapy up to them,

programs for children who may not necessarily need or want therapy.)

Other children may respond to a divorce in a very uncharacteristic or detrimental way. If your child is exhibiting any of these habits, you may want to consider therapy: • Trouble eating or sleeping • Issues at school, like not completing assignments or acting out in class

To begin your hunt for a great child psychologist or therapist, begin at There, you’ll find a catalog of local therapists who can assist you. Your child’s pediatrician may have referrals, and we at the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen have resources that may help. Call our office today if you have any questions.

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Extreme mood swings

Difficulty separating from one parent Exhibiting physical violence toward themselves or others

English Ground Beef Pasties


In lieu of corned beef this year, try this spin on authentic English pasties — savory pockets of pastry dough stuffed with seasoned ground beef.


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3/4 lb ground beef

• • •

1 tsp dried parsley

1 medium onion, diced

Salt and pepper, to taste

2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced

1/4 cup beef broth (as needed)

2 sheets store-bought puff pastry dough

480.632.7373 Directions 1. Preheat your oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, combine the beef, onion, and potatoes. 3. Roll out the pastry dough into roughly 10-inch circles or squares. 4. Spoon 1/2 of the beef mixture onto each sheet of dough, then top the mixture with parsley, salt, and pepper. 5. Fold the edges of the dough over the filling, pinching each pasty shut and tucking in both ends. 6. Transfer the pasties to the prepared baking sheet, then cut several small slits in each pasty for ventilation. Bake for 45 minutes. 7. Remove the pasties from the oven and reduce the heat to 350 F. Spoon 1 tsp beef broth into each slit, then bake for an additional 15 minutes. 8. Serve and enjoy! 3 Inspired by


3740 E. Southern Ave., #210 Mesa, AZ 85206

The Woman Who Makes My Life Better

The Best Cleaning Tool Can Be Found in Your Kitchen

Self-Care Is Possible as a Single Parent

Does My Divorce Mean My Child Will Need Therapy?

English Ground Beef Pasties

Corn Dogs and Basketball It’s no coincidence that National Corn Dog Day is March 20 — the third Saturday of the month. This day is traditionally the first Saturday of March Madness, otherwise known as the NCAA it’s not clear how, it spread across Oregon and eventually the rest of the country. It’s likely that An American Tradition

In 2012, in honor of the original Corn Dog Day, the then-governor of Oregon issued an official proclamation naming March 17 National Corn Dog Day in the state. Several companies jumped on the bandwagon as well, including Foster Farms (a maker of frozen corn dogs, among many other meat products) and the Pabst Brewing Company.

people just heard about it from friends and family and thought it was a great idea. The corn dog, like basketball, is an American creation. In the 1920s, the creators toyed around with

Men's Division I Basketball Championship. But wait. What do corn dogs and a basketball tournament have to do with one another? Turns out, National Corn Dog Day has everything to do with March Madness. The “holiday” began in March 1992 when two Corvallis, Oregon, high school students needed a snack while watching a basketball game. They got some corn dogs and called it good. But somehow, this simple snack and sport pairing turned into something huge. In fact, eating corn dogs while watching March Madness caught on like wildfire — and the teens didn’t even have Instagram to promote it! Though

While it’s not an “official” national day recognized by the U.S. Congress, it’s celebrated

the idea of fried foods on a stick. They battered and fried everything

with thousands of events every March. And it’s grown beyond its U.S. roots. An article printed in The Oregonian in 2009 revealed that National Corn Dog Day parties have been celebrated on nearly every continent — including Antarctica!

from cheese to bananas, but it was the battered sausages that really stood out, and the corn dog was born. By the 1940s, the convenient creation had popped up at state fairs and drive-in restaurants all over the country.


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