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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2019

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Juice of 1–2 limes, to taste 480.632.7373 Directions 1. First, make toasted rice p

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2020

4 cup flour until mixture is crumbly. 7. Sprinkle mixture on top of cake batter and bake for 45 minu

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus desired doneness. Skirt steak is

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - August 2019

Airplane Hangar Geneva, Florida When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers h

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - October 2019

2-inch pieces directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - March 2019

2–3 hours. 5. Remove, slice across the grain, and serve. 3 480.632.7373 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOI

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - November 2019

3 cup leftover dressing or stuffing Note: Don’t worry if you don’t have all the leftovers required.

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019

Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2019 September 2019 480.632.7373 Europe in 14

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - May 2019

May 2019 480.632.7373

Rub Some Dirt on It My Recovery From a Bad Leg Break This Winter

Growing up in ranch country, the mentality to get back on the horse after you get bucked off is always on my mind. My sons have frequently heard me tell them to rub a little dirt on their injuries and get back on the field, but I don’t think any amount of dirt could have helped me with a recent injury. This Christmas, my wife and I decided to take our boys skiing in Flagstaff for three days, and the conditions were perfect. Growing up in Idaho and Wyoming, my wife and I were frequent skiers, and we wanted our desert-grown boys to experience a classic skiing holiday. As I finished a late third-day run, I saw my wife and boys hopping back on the ski lift. By then, the hill had cleared out from the day after Christmas crowds that were enjoying a sunny day on the Arizona slopes, so I decided to go once more. I wish I could say what happened next was a better story, but ultimately, as I was flying down the hill, I caught an edge while turning and the next thing I knew I was tumbling head over skis down the hill. When I landed, I knew something was out of place. My left knee was screaming with pain, and my boot was level with my ear. I thought if I could just get myself untangled, I could make the painful ride down to the bottom of the hill. A passing skier stopped to help me, and as soon as he helped me get my boot out of the ski binding, I knew this was something worse than a bumped knee. The skier made his way down the hill to alert the resort’s patrol, and all I could do

was plop down and embarrassingly accept defeat as I waited for a ride of shame down the hill. After years of telling my kids to rub some dirt on it, they didn’t waste any time telling me to do the same when I got to the bottom.

None of us had any idea how severe the injury would turn out to be.

In the emergency room, the doctor informed me that I had fractured my left tibia, and on a scale from 1 to 6 — with six being the worst break it could be — my leg was at a six. With that blow, I accepted that I was going to have surgery, which is nothing new for me. Longtime readers will remember I was born with a congenital heart defect, which meant I underwent multiple surgeries throughout my childhood and within the last decade. But as I learned, heart surgery was nothing like a broken leg. After heart surgery, I was walking within hours, but I had no such luck with my leg. bone. However, due to serious swelling, the doctors had to preform emergency surgery to relieve the swelling in my lower leg. Two incisions were made to drain the fluid in my leg and I had to go in for surgery every other day until finally, a week after breaking my leg, the surgeons were able to repair the bone with two plates and 13 screws. Since then, I’ve been non-weight bearing on my left leg, and I recently began physical therapy to gain some mobility back. I was wheeled into surgery the next morning for what I thought was surgery to repair the broken

Throughout this process, I’ve been extremely grateful for my family, employees, and clients who have sent their well wishes and support. I was bummed that I had to spend the kids’ break in the hospital, and I missed New Year’s Eve at home. But this whole experience has given me more appreciation to have had two mobile legs for most of my life. You never realize how important your legs are until they fail and you’re left immobile. I’m now fully back in the office, and I’m grateful for how understanding my clients have been, especially since they are in the middle of one of the hardest things they will go through. Moving forward after a divorce can be stressful and difficult, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from this experience, it’s that you have to get back up. And if you can’t do it on your own, there’s always someone willing to help you get down the hill.

-Kevin Jensen



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Learning to Be Grateful

Some Ways to Help Children Appreciate Their Teachers

Donating School Supplies Many teachers use their own money to buy school supplies for their classroom. This is just one of the ways teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis, and buying some extra school supplies can help ease that cost. Take your child shopping with you and help them pick out supplies that you know their teacher will appreciate. Your children spend several hours a day with their teachers, so fostering relationships with them is vital. Use this day to help your children understand the importance of teachers, to teach them the power of gratitude, and to encourage them to show respect for everyone who helps them in life. other real estate ventures. Pertinent property can include much more than just real estate, so be sure to gather documentation on your personal effects, like jewelry or artwork, too. Take It Personally The dissolution of a marriage involves all aspects of your life — even the life you led before the marriage. Personal banking information, birth and Social Security certificates, your marriage license, previous marriage information, premarital documents, and any other legally-binding documents are always great to have on hand if your case calls for this information. Not every document you gather prior to a divorce will be used, but it’s valuable to at least know the location of some pertinent legal documents. At the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen, we understand how all-encompassing divorce can be. If you need help gathering these documents or are in need of guidance, give us a call at 408.632.7373.

as valuable as a gift. Help your child write an appreciative note and then write one yourself. Teachers often have to maintain the happiness of students, administrators, and parents. Your card could relieve some of the stress of that balancing act and let them know that you acknowledge their efforts. A Homemade Meal Making a homemade meal (or dessert) shows teachers that you went the extra mile to appreciate their hard work. You could make a favorite dish of yours or try to find a new recipe online. Either way, encourage your child to help you with the process so that the meal is truly a gift from both of you.

Teacher Appreciation Week runs from May 6–10 this year, and there are plenty of ways students of all ages can thank their educators for everything they do. Being a teacher isn’t an easy job, and the people who make it their profession are passionate about helping kids learn. Depending on how old your child is, they may need a parent’s help in showing their appreciation. Here are a few ways parents and children can appreciate teachers together. Thank-You Notes This gesture is simple and sweet and can be very thoughtful. Telling a teacher what makes them outstanding can often be just

What Do I Need? Documents You Should Gather When You File for Divorce

Notifying your loved ones, meeting with lawyers, and mucking through your emotions can make finding time to catch your breath when you’re going through a divorce seem impossible. The best way to make the divorce process a smooth process is to be upfront, honest, and clear. Make the transition easier for you and your spouse by collecting the following documents when you file for divorce. Dollars and Sense One of the biggest questions of divorce is what happens to the finances you brought into the marriage and accumulated throughout the duration. In order to accurately disseminate who should get what

out of your accounts, gather tax documents, employment records, retirement account information, Social Security transactions, bank records, and debt statements and histories. If young children are involved, disclose any financial documents they may have. Financial statements will give each partner’s attorney a clear idea of your monetary situations. What’s Mine Is Yours Separating assets can be one of the most complex parts of a divorce, but when you provide proper documentation of purchases and ownership, the decisions become clearer. Compile any information on vehicles, properties purchased during your marriage, and


A Brief History of Some Weird Divorce Laws Divorcing Through the Decades

wouldn’t change until the 1970s, when many states adopted no-fault divorce laws. In some parts of Europe, couples actually still can’t divorce without a reason, but in the U.S., the only grounds you need to divorce are because you no longer want to be married to a person — not because the King of England demands it.

No matter the decade, divorce is never easy. Still, divorce has come a long way since it began in the early 1500s, and thankfully, some of those early laws no longer exist. Learn more about what getting a divorce used to entail below.

Poor Catherine

The history of divorce can be traced all the way back to the early 1500s, when King Henry VIII petitioned the Catholic church for a divorce from his wife, Catherine of Aragon, after she failed to give him a son. When the Catholic church declined, Henry broke off England’s ties to the church and began the Church of England to grant himself the divorce. (Fun fact: After the king was granted a divorce by his new denomination, the Church of England actually came out against divorce.) Dissolutions of marriages wouldn’t become a common practice for a few centuries, when Protestants became more open to divorce under certain circumstances. By the time the United States’ colonies were founded, divorces in the colonies were accepted in cases of adultery, desertion, bigamy, and impotence. This idea

Come One, Come All to the Divorce Mill!

By the 18th century, divorce was turned into a tourist attraction in states like Indiana and South Dakota. Whole towns would accommodate couples coming into “divorce mill” states to dissolve a marriage, and this ultimately turned these towns into destination spots for divorce. The fear and negative connotations about divorce grew because of these mill towns, and in 1887, Congress started tracking divorce statistics. Nowadays, divorce doesn’t mean a trip with the whole family, as it’s legal in every state in the nation. Divorce has come a long way, and though it’s still a difficult process, it can be a healthy, worthwhile decision. Learn more about how the Law Offices of Kevin Jensen can help you with your proceedings by calling 408.632.7373 or visiting

Inspired by Saveur Magazine

Shrimp Sausage Skewers

These shrimp skewers are a quick way to add some surf and turf to your cookout. Pair them with a vinaigrette salad for a side dish that complements without overwhelming the main event.


• 1/2 pound raw shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1/2 pound cooked sausage, cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 tablespoons paprika • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder • 1/2 tablespoon onion powder • 1/2 tablespoon cayenne or chili powder creole seasoning ingredients

• 2 zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes

• 1/4 tablespoon dried oregano • 1/4 tablespoon dried thyme

directions 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients for creole seasoning. 3. In a large bowl, combine the shrimp, zucchini pieces, and sausage pieces, and cover them with the olive oil. 4. Add creole seasoning and mix well until all ingredients are covered. 5. Load up skewers with alternating pieces of shrimp, sausage, and zucchini until they’re full. 6. Grill skewers until shrimp are well-cooked (6–8 minutes).




3740 E. Southern Ave., #210 Mesa, AZ 85206

The Road to Recovery

Teacher Appreciation Week Is Here!

Documents for Divorce

Bizarre Former Divorce Laws

How to Find Success in a Month of Excess May’s Food-Related Holidays Are a Thing of Beauty

Set the diets aside and poke another notch or two in your belt because May isn’t pulling any punches when it comes to sweet and savory holiday regrets. From National Hoagie Day and National Pizza Party Day to the holidays that really spell it out for you, like International No Diet Day and National Eat What You Want Day, we’re all looking forward to an excuse to let our stomachs hang low this month. For those of you who plan on partaking, let’s take a look at the best junk food-related holidays this month and how to celebrate them!

feeling a little lazy, throw an apple pie potluck and watch your store-bought delight steal the show as your audience praises your craftsmanship and attention to detail — just how Sara Lee taught you.

National Hamburger Day Tuesday, May 28

As if one day wasn’t enough, it turns out that the entire month of May is recognized as National Hamburger Month! Meat lovers rejoice as patties of heavenly beef are passed around the table for all to enjoy. There’s no shortage of ways to celebrate this patriotic

National Apple Pie Day Monday, May 13

Gather your friends and family around the table and dust off Grandma’s old recipes, because it’s time to treat yourself to the most American thing since, well, itself.

pastime. From grilling out with the neighbors to making sliders for your new love interest, there’s a little something for everyone, especially considering the advances we’ve made in burger technology in recent years. If meat isn’t your thing, throw a veggie or tofu burger on the grill and season it to mouth-watering perfection. We won’t tell the beef purists if you don’t.

National Apple Pie Day is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones while baking the most traditional American dessert. Make the process a game by pairing off into teams for a bake-off; you can even pit the kids against the adults — with a little supervision of course. If you’re

Eat up, everybody. Happy holidays.


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