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4 cups hot milk • 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded instructions 1. Steam potatoes for 30 minutes.

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4 pounds pasta (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli florets • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 pound

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2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus desired doneness. Skirt steak is

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Law Office of Kevin Jensen - September 2018

Welcome, Fall !

September 2018 480.632.7373

Bringing Back Sam Picking Up Our Son From Ecuador After a 2-Year Mission

Last month, after two years of exchanging emails and a scant four phone calls, my wife and I finally got to see our son Sam in Ecuador, where he’s spent the past 24 months on a mission for the LDS church. It was an incredible trip, full of fun and eye-opening adventures, but of course, we were just thrilled to hang out with our son again, to see all that he’s been doing, and to marvel at how much he’s grown. We started out the trip in Quito, which became a kind of hub for Sam during his mission work. We had a day before he arrived, so we whiled away the hours by trudging up and down the steep hills of Ecuador’s capital, doing our best to get by without knowing any Spanish. We took a bus tour, and as we navigated through the old parts of the city, built on ancient Incan ruins, I was struck by the ramshackle concrete buildings and the winding, narrow streets. It was hard to imagine my son living among the locals, walking these 45-degree hills in the thin air 10,000 feet above sea level. That was the case only until we met up with Sam the following day and immediately saw how capable and confident he’d grown over the past couple of years. It was an emotional moment when we first saw his face, grinning from ear to ear, all of us so happy to see one another. With an easy air about him, he fluently guided us from place to place, showing us the five different

locations in which he’d been working across the country.

There was Quito, of course, but also Cayambe, a little farming community dwarfed by the shadow of a massive volcano. And there was Otavalo, known across the continent for its massive outdoor market, where we picked up a bunch of beautiful, colorful alpaca blankets and souvenirs, dropping a fair bit of quid in the process. My personal favorite was an area called Coca, a town next to the Napo River, one of the biggest tributaries to the Amazon, in the midst of dense, canopied jungle with wild greenery stretching in all directions. It was a welcome respite from the Andean highlands. Along our travels, we had the incredible opportunity to meet with many of the folks who Sam had been working with over the past two years. Whether they were members of the church or just people he’d spent time working alongside, it was amazing to hear all the moving things they had to say about our son. When we met with church leaders in Cayambe, they were thrilled to see us, and invited us into their home for some food. To celebrate the occasion, they cooked an Ecuadorian delicacy called “cuy” — a kind of guinea pig. Though I wasn’t exactly enamored with the flavor of the little critter, it meant a lot that they were so eager to share their culture with us. As we ate, they told us just how grateful

they’d been for our son’s help, raving about all the good work he’d done. I can tell you that few things will make a dad prouder than that. That pride was a running theme of the entire trip. In many ways, Sam was the same old Sam we’d always known, though maybe a couple of inches taller. But on the whole, he’d left for Ecuador a boy and come back a man. His fluency in Spanish, the way he carried himself, and even the way he ate had evolved (he never left behind much more than a couple grains of rice). When he first made his way to South America, we received letters from him wracked with self-doubt, wondering whether he had what it took to carry out his mission. But the man we saw on that day in Quito was different: more self-assured, more disciplined, humbler, and more worldly. He’s already off to BYU for college, and though

it’s going to be an adjustment, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll do great. It’s impossible to express just how proud of him I am.

-Kevin Jensen



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Kids’ Crazy Schedules? Need a Personal Assistant to Manage Your Try These 3 Tips Instead

School has started. Youth sports are in full swing. Work is crazy. Food has become more about necessity than enjoyment. All of this can only mean one thing: Fall has begun. The crazy schedules this time of year can make it tough for parents to keep their heads on straight; making it through the insanity sometimes feels more like survival than life. But there are tactics you can employ to turn the tide and find more time for yourself. Tag Team There’s no reason to try to do everything on your own. The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” exists because managing the stressors of life requires help. A great place to start is by establishing car pools with a parent group you trust. You can alternate drivers weekly,

which provides the opportunity for you to focus your attention on other priorities — or if you’re lucky, have some freedom. The Right Tool for the Job Technology makes organization easier and more accessible than ever. By using a tool like a shared calendar, you can coordinate the entire family’s schedule so you never miss a beat. And apps like Mealime and MealBoard give you the ability to whip up food that is cost-effective and delicious. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work While you’re busy trying to rally the troops at soccer practice, the scene at home resembles a horror movie. Laundry is piling up, food is spoiling in the fridge, and the dust Before you officially file for divorce, you’re going to want to do some planning and investigate your current circumstances. You may want to arrange for alternative housing away from your spouse. If there are others involved, make sure the timing for the divorce will minimize negative impacts on their lives. And square away enough money to pay any bills you might accrue — including legal expenses. Finally, investigate all of your debts, assets, tax returns, and account statements, and inventory your property. In short, be prepared. You’ll also want to get a trusted attorney on your side as soon as possible. Sure, it’s possible to file for divorce on your own, but it’s a complex, bewildering process in which the smallest slip-up can cause you to lose thousands of dollars or wind up with a massive headache. Then, you’ll file a petition with the court for the dissolution of your marriage, along with a pile of other necessary documents. These documents will be “served” to your spouse by a registered process

bunnies around the house now have names. Housecleaning is a part-time job in its own right. The only way to stay on top of duties around the house is to work together. A chore chart with clear responsibilities is a great place to start. Whether you have one child or eight, everyone is capable of pitching in. You can have all the organizational abilities in the world, but the best way to manage life’s madness isn’t by directing day-to-day tasks; it’s by managing stress. Instead of using these tools to control life, look at them as a way to free up time so you can decompress and enjoy the things you love.

Where to Start When You Want a Divorce

server or deputy of the sheriff. Your spouse then has 20 days to file a response.

After this, the discovery phase begins, in which both parties gather information pertinent to the case. This may include statements establishing your respective incomes and assets, and, if there are children involved, evidence as to which custody arrangements may be best for them. Shortly after this phase, parties will often settle before heading to court, but if they can’t, they’ll appear before a judge. After hearing the arguments and evidence of both sides, the judge will render a decision. Divorce doesn’t have to be the nightmare most people expect. With the right counsel guiding you through the process, you can ease the feelings of frustration and confusion that naturally accompany the process. Call Kevin Jensen at 480.632.7373, and get peace of mind knowing an expert is on the case.

Beginning a Difficult Process

It’s time for you and your spouse to split. Maybe you’ve tried working things out; maybe you’ve even tried marriage counseling. Or maybe you both know your relationship has dragged on long past its expiration date. Either way, the prospect of divorce can be a daunting, depressing thought. It’s important to have guidance from the outset in order to avoid the pitfalls that can cause a split to turn ugly and to make sure you’re financially sound after you exit the relationship.


The Hidden Benefits of Divorce

It’s Not All Bad!

When you’re in the throes of a difficult divorce, it can be difficult to feel anything but pain and remorse. It’s the end of something you and your spouse built together, and despite all the ways your relationship has become fractured over the years, it’s always hard to leave it behind. But while you’re finalizing your divorce papers and dealing with the pain of the past, a new era of your life begins, flush with opportunities and personal freedom. Divorce doesn’t have to be a source of despair for the rest of your life — in fact, many studies show that it can have significant positive effects. Here are three facts that will help you keep an optimistic eye toward the future. 1. Divorce can make you healthier. A few people may cluck their tongue at you when they learn of your divorce, thinking to themselves how you should have “stuck it

out.” But, as anybody who’s actually been stuck in a horrible relationship can tell you, toughing it out can wreak havoc not only on your emotions, but on your physical and mental health as well. Numerous studies indicate that bad marriages can contribute to problems ranging from depression to stomach ulcers, heart disease, death, and even increased risk of cavities in your teeth. 2. Divorce can make you happier. In 2013, London’s Kingston University completed a study that gauged people’s happiness levels after major life milestones. For 20 years, 10,000 individuals between the ages 16 and 60 were questioned regularly. They were asked to rate their personal happiness and contentment levels before and after big events. Both men and women experienced a marked increase in happiness following a

divorce, with women in particular exhibiting drastically increased happiness levels for as many as five years afterward. 3. Divorce can make you richer. There’s no escaping the fact that divorce is expensive. But, especially if you’re a woman, it may spur increased earnings growth over time, and it certainly encourages financial independence. When researchers at the University of Connecticut looked back 40 years to examine the effect of divorce on income, the greatest income increases happened with divorced women who never remarried. What’s more, they had smoother retirements. And while you may not want to dissolve a union for a few extra bucks, it’s certainly reassuring to know that you can bounce back after undergoing this financial and emotional nightmare.

Inside-Out Grilled Ham and Cheese



• 8 ounces ham, thinly sliced • 1/2 pound Swiss cheese, sliced • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard • 1/4 cup apricot preserves

• 8 slices of bread (Pullman works best) • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

directions 1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with Parmesan. 2. Layer ham and cheese evenly on top of 4 slices of bread. 3. Spread apricot preserves and mustard across the other 4 slices. Press sandwiches together. 4. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté pan over medium heat, grill sandwiches until golden, about 3 minutes per side. 5. Cut in half and serve.




3740 E. Southern Ave., #210 Mesa, AZ 85206

Kevin Jensen Picks Up His Son From Ecuador

3 Tips to Help Organize Your Crazy Life

Thinking of Divorce? Here’s Where to Start

3 Hidden Reasons to Be Optimistic About Your Divorce

Beef Grades Decoded Understanding USDA Beef Guidelines

USDA Choice: A lot of people purchase USDA Choice when they want a good cut of beef but don’t want or cannot afford to pay the USDA Prime price. These cuts generally have less marbling, but they are still fairly high quality. When you just want to throw a few steaks or burgers on the grill, Choice will serve you well. USDA Select: This grade of meat is decent quality, but it doesn’t have the level of marbling found in Prime and Choice cuts. Because of this, Select cuts are usually less tender and flavorful. These aren’t great options for steak, but if you’re making a stew, you can’t go wrong with Select.

Standard and Commercial: These cuts of beef don’t always make it to the supermarket, but when they do, they’re often priced lower. They also have limited marbling, which can mean a tougher texture with less flavor. Keep in mind that these cuts are not often labeled anywhere on the packaging, so if you see beef packaging that lacks a grade, it may be a lower-grade cut. Utility, Cutter, and Canner: Many people never encounter these grades at the supermarket. These are cut from very lean, older cattle and are usually sold directly to food manufacturers to make processed meat products, such as hot dogs. These grades are also used in dog food.

If you’ve ever purchased a cut of beef or strolled past the meat counter at your local grocery store, you’ve probably noticed the different grades of beef. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has guidelines for the meat sold in stores across the country. Before the meat is sold, it receives a grade. As a shopper, it can be difficult to understand what these grades really mean. Here’s how the grades break down: USDA Prime: If you want a high-quality cut of beef, you should get USDA Prime. These cuts of meat tend to be more expensive, but for the price, you get a tender, flavorful, well- marbled cut of meat. For a fantastic steak, you should reach for Prime.


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