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Lead Generation and Conversion Package for Insurance Agents

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Lead Generation and Conversion Package for Realtors

Lead Generation and Conversion Package for Realtors • A DIGITAL RESULTS MARKETING AGENCY What We D o

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family who took pity on you when you begged for page likes). So, who should you not be targeting? Yo

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Lead Generation and Conversion Package for Insurance Agents


What We D o We are a full-service marketing agency specializing in brand strategy , sales tactics , and advanced digital marketing .

Who I Am H i ! I'm Alex Caragiannides , founder of BS M V ault . I started this business in 2017 with the goal of helping entrepreneurs and sales leaders in the mortgage and real estate sector to grow and scale their businesses using smart digital marketing strategies . It’s that special sector focus , combined with a will to succeed and a passion for customer e x perience that ' s driven BS M Vault to where it is today . Core to what we do is the belief that effective marketing can transform businesses . No matter where you are in your growth cycle , BS M V ault will work with you to turn marketing from a cost center into an asset and help propel your business to new heights .

Ale x's Philosophy From the Greek community in Chicago where he grew up , to rising through the mortgage industry , to founding a full-scale marketing agency that helps businesses live their dreams , Ale x knows you can ' t do it alone.

A humble student to his mentors and coaches, Ale x' s core belief is that when somebody teaches you something , the speed with which you implement that lesson is the number one factor determining your success.

Who This Is For We work with three types of businesses: Realtors | Loan Officers | Insurance Agents

Our Clients


" I would highly recommend BS M V ault over all other social media marketing companies out there !" Marie Schultz " They have a proven track record of success and are fully informed of trends in the digital marketing industry ." Jeff Coral "V ery passionate about making agents successful . H ighly recommend ." Bryan Auer "BSM Vault has helped out my mortgage business tremendously . I would highly recommend Ale x and his team ." Alex Barnett " I highly recommend them to anyone : you will absolutely benefit from having them on your team ." Chantelle Ottoborgo " Super knowledgeable and pleasant to work with ." Scott Rodgers

Y our Challenge Leads are the lifeblood of your business , so of course you want a steady and predictable supply of them . Trouble is , without the right support , the j ob of guaranteeing that supply can be complicated , time consuming and costly .

Our Solution Let us take control . We offer a comprehensive , end-to-end service model where we do it all , so our clients can focus on what they do best : Selling !

Our Clear Process-To-Revenue Work Flow

Power ISA

Re- T argeting

Follow Up & Nurture

Technology & Automation

Lead Generation Funnels & Campaigns

Pricing & Packages

Guarantees 50 L eads

Tier 1

$ 1750 permonth

Guarantees 100 L eads

Tier 2

$ 2750 permonth

Guarantees 200 L eads

$ 4500 permonth

Tier 3

* All tiers include Facebook ad spend * **Power ISA is Included with Tier 2 and 3 Packages**

In less than 12 months , BSM V ault helped RCG M ortgage reali z e a 20x return on their marketing spend . Case Study

Andrew Russell , President | RCG M ortgage "Alex was the most important business introduction I ever had in my mortgage career ."

Sei z e the D ay!

Are you struggling to create a consistent flow of leads and sales for your business ?

Schedule Y our Free Strategy M eeting Today !