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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201605-201606


MAY/JUNE 2 0 1 6

Getting Back to Basics: The POWER of the CONTACT LIST

Small Steps lead to Big Wins

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

The Secret to Success


work. And they need to have the capacity to believe in themselves. Of course, working at the wrong things will not help, but it’s pretty easy to learn the Seven Critical Activities and to implement them. After 30 years of watching people succeed, it is very evident that those who continue to do those Seven Critical Activities are the ones who make it, and the ones who get distracted by other things are the ones who don’t. It’s persistent hard work, plain and simple. I have been a businessman for 44 years. The principles used in running a business are pretty much the same regardless of the type of business. First you must determine the critical activities that drive the business, and then you must do them consistently. For years we have been teaching the Seven Critical Activities that drive a Melaleuca business. As I travel the country and meet with our Marketing Executives, I am surprised by how many of those who want to be successful cannot even tell me what the Seven Critical Activities are. It is evident that we have not done a very good job of explaining how crucial these activities are—especially activities 1 and 2: building

Melaleuca is flourishing! I am continually impressed by the endless hard work and enthusiasm of our Melaleuca Marketing Executives and the personal growth and success that we witness on a daily basis. As I have watched literally thousands of people prosper, I am convinced that nothing replaces persistent hard work as the main ingredient of success—not intelligence, not education, not strategy, not knowledge, not personality. Based on years of observation, it is clear that persistent hard work, faith in oneself, and focus on the right activities are the most sure ingredients for building a successful Melaleuca business. That is bad news for those who are looking for some get-rich-quick scheme to propel them into financial bliss, but it is good news for those who are looking for a sure method of financial success with no risk of loss and for those who are willing to pay the price for a great life. There is no gimmick here, no secret system, no being in the right spot at the right time. Just good old-fashioned hard work! That puts success into the grasp of every person who is willing to pay the price. Anyone can do it: old or young, rich or poor, schooled or unschooled. They just have to be willing to


your contact list every day and consistently making phone calls to set appointments. This is a business. We, as business operators, need to know, understand, and implement those activities that drive our success. We must be hard at it, doing those things every day. Those who are waiting for some gimmick or secret system to propel them into motion will never experience the reality of success. Nothing replaces hard work! Nothing! Of course we could all work hard doing the wrong thing. That’s why it is essential that we each understand what those Seven Critical Activities are. Learn them. Teach them to your team. Implement them daily and hold each other accountable. There is no secret to how the Senior and Executive Directors got where they are. They understand those seven activities and they work at them consistently. There is a magic way to build a large, successful Melaleuca business! It’s called hard work! Doing the right things! Every day! It’s truly magic! And it’s a blast! Of course, the most critical and the most important of the seven activities are the first two. The other five activities cannot happen without those two. Everything begins with creating a contact list and making appointments. Making a contact list is easy! That’s the best part! The first part is the easy part! My counsel is to add one name to your contact list every day. Just tell yourself you’re not going to go to bed unless you have added one name. I would also promise myself that I would try to make at least one contact every day. I would try to call someone from my contact list every single day. If they weren’t home, I would still count it anyway as one try. Many, many Marketing Executives are doing exactly that. Those who are really growing are doing even more than that every single day. It all starts with the first two activities. Then you can do the other five. Building a Melaleuca business is not easy. But it is simple.




M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 6

EVERY HOUSE-HOLD EVERY DAY p.23 Why do customers keep coming back? Because Melaleuca offers customers products they want.




Small Steps Lead to Big Wins ...................... 15

Stay in Contact ............................................................ 19

Business Gets Social ............................................. 29

Celebration ..................................................................... 34




Why Melaleuca beats owning a traditional business hands down

More bonuses. More ways to earn. More lucrative than ever!!

Advice from National Director Maria Mosca








Getting Back to Basics: The POWER of the CONTACT

LIST by Darrin Johnson, Senior Vice President of Sales

Of all the possible topics we could choose for this elite group of leaders, why did we choose such basic concepts? Because regardless of whether you’re a newMarketing Executive or a Corporate Director, these fundamental activities are like a rush of fresh air into your business. Focusing on the fundamentals pays big dividends. Getting back to the basics has given 2016 the strongest start in Melaleuca’s 30-year history! We have enrolled a record setting number of new customers, and thousands of new Directors and Directors 3 were developed in January alone!* Whether you’re a long-time business builder or a new customer, there’s never been a better time to build a Melaleuca business. If the last month has shown us anything, it’s that people want Melaleuca

products month after month after month. And it is this customer loyalty that generates residual income for thousands of Marketing Executives month after month. What’s the secret ingredient? You. They simply need you to schedule an appointment and share the Melaleuca DeliveringWellness Presentation And the first step in sharing Melaleuca with others is building your contact list. Creating and consistently building a contact list is a fundamental part of building a long-term, viable Melaleuca business. Following are some tips frommy experience and observation of our top performers, which can help you take your business to the next level and grow the pool of people you can help with our products.

On January 5th, 264 Executive, National, and

Corporate Director businesses convened in Salt Lake City for an exclusive, invitation-only meeting. On the agenda was the importance of consistently doing the basic activities to build a thriving business: adding names to your contact list, scheduling appointments, and sharing the Melaleuca Delivering Wellness .



life. As you follow up and learn more about their lives, you will gain much greater insight into how Melaleuca’s products and business opportunity can help meet their needs. This will help you more precisely tailor your approach and will lend greater value to your brand as a problem solver. The key is to get the focus off of yourself and onto others. Keep in mind that Melaleuca is one of the top wellness companies in the world, and it’s having its best year in history. You might consider it a responsibility to share what you know with those who need our products. By focusing on others, you’re simply meeting their needs with what Melaleuca offers. WHODOYOUKNOWWHO... One of the best ways to get the most out of your social network is to increase its size and continually meet new people. A great source for expanding your contact list is your customers. They love the products and they very likely know others who would too. When you ask for referrals, don’t just ask, “Who do you know who would be interested in Melaleuca?” Instead, ask, “Who do you know who has young children?” or “Who do you know who is really into fitness or nutrition?” Focus on the needs Melaleuca can fill and try to prevent your customer from prejudging their own contacts. You should also contact former customers or people who’ve said “no” in the past. More often than not, a “no” does not mean “no, not ever.” The real answer is “no, not right now.” Timing is everything. Don’t give up just because you asked once before. Politely ask if the timing is right for them to reconsider Melaleuca as a customer or a business.

Life is too busy, with too many distractions. When was the last time you gave a project 100 percent of your attention with no interruptions, no texts, and no pings of email notifications? I was recently coaching two young, single professionals who both expressed frustration that they didn’t have a network outside of their workplace. As a result, they felt their personal and professional development had hit a wall. During our meeting, I gave them the assignment to spend 15 uninterrupted minutes researching groups and clubs of interest to them. After just 15 minutes of focusing 100 percent on expanding their network, both had joined groups on and had meetings on their calendars. If you feel you’ve hit a wall or if you just want to expand your network, try the following exercise: 1. Set your smartphone timer at 15minutes. 2. Hit start. 3. Add newnames to your contact list andmake as many phone calls as you can. No excuses. No interruptions. 100 percent focus. You’ll be amazed at howmuch you can accomplishwhen you focus 100 percent of your attention on one activity for 15minutes. BUILDARELATIONSHIP People do business with and refer friends to people they know, like, and trust. When you first meet or reconnect with someone, your focus should be on them and their lives. Ask about their families, what they do for work, their hobbies, what goals they are trying to achieve. Put the people before the products. Be genuinely curious about others. You don’t have to pounce if you are showing genuine interest in what is happening in the potential customer’s

DON’T PREJUDGE The most common mistake that all

business builders make is limiting their thinking when putting pen to paper. After all, it is only human nature to prejudge. They think, “Who do I know who would be interested in Melaleuca?” I would argue that the correct question is simply, “Who do I know?” When making your contact list, be sure you also include all of the people you “know of.” You may know of someone who wouldn’t recognise your name or who doesn’t know you. This could be a local real estate agent whose picture you see on signs around town or a teacher at your child’s school who teaches another grade. All of these are people you should consider adding to your list. OWNYOURNETWORK In today’s fast-paced world, there are more and more opportunities to expand your network of contacts. As you go about your daily routine, think about the people you associate with. Consider where you are, where you were, and where you are going. Keep a running list of who comes to mind. Who’s on this list? If you’re stuck in the same routine day after day and always hanging out with the same crowd, it may be time to shake things up. Where can you go to meet new people? I’ve noticed the most successful people continually get out of their comfort zone on purpose. They actively manage and expand their network. Whether they join gyms, run races, volunteer, or join other groups, they always make a point of engaging with everyone, remembering names, and writing personal notes.

North American Executive Director 6, Val Heard’s planner

*Results may vary, USA statistics



North American National Director Maria Mosca

those around you. Youmay find that even as you are working hard, you are also slowing down and taking the time to smile, make eye contact, and say hello. Everyday activities like working out, supermarket shopping, or attending children’s sporting events are all excellent opportunities for generating contacts. You can draw some inspiration fromNorth AmericanNational Director MariaMosca and her efforts to build her business while traveling to January Launch. Whenever Maria travels, instead of going into “travel mode,” she enters “new contact mode.” That means more thanmaking awkward small talk in an elevator. It means approaching every encounter with the intent of reaching her goals. Maria chose to engage in setting appointments while in Salt Lake City. She talked to Kenny, her driver in Idaho Falls, and invited him to Launch. She engagedwith Lexie, the front desk associate at her hotel, telling her about Launch and why she was staying in Idaho Falls. She got to know Jeremy, a passenger on her flight to Idaho Falls. “As it turns out,”Maria said, laughing, “Jeremy was already aMelaleuca customer!” Maria loves talking about Melaleuca to brand new acquaintances and believes that

every opportunity to meet a new contact happens for a reason. “I even talked to our waitress about Melaleuca!” Maria said. Maria’s determination to approach others and set appointments while traveling paid off. She enrolled four new customers and one of her new enrollees has already enrolled five additional new customers! “THE SHORTESTANSWER IS DOING.”—LORDHERBERT Thinking about your business isn’t going to change a thing. Do your best. Just do something. Make a goal today to step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to someone new. Invite them over for a cup of coffee. Take 15 minutes to focus 100 percent on expanding your contact list. Build relationships by focusing on others and how you can help them. The more people you meet, the easier it will become to make new connections, get referrals, and help

NEVER STOP BUILDINGYOUR CONTACT LIST From the moment you start building your Melaleuca business, you need to continually add names beyond your immediate circle to your contact list. You will find that you begin listening from a different frame of reference and hearing about challenges you may have heard before—challenges that you now bring solutions for. Set a goal to add at least one name to your contact list each day. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you enrol a new customer or make an approach each day. Your only objective at this point is to get their name and number; this is what keeps your list growing. As you go through your day, youwill find yourself payingmore attention to

people meet their goals. These fundamental activities will be a rush of fresh air to your business.

*Results may vary, USA statistics


EXECUTIVE Melaleuca presents

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

Betty-jean Vaughan QLD

Zena Fatrouni QLD

Ian & Karen Muntelwit QLD

Karen & Matthew Buttery VIC



TheMental Game of your Contact List and Approaches

by Daniel Wood, General Manager

“ Add one name to your contact list and make one approach every day. ” This important advice comes from Frank, a man who knows more about building a Melaleuca business than anyone else. Those who action this advice almost always flourish; those who ignore it almost certainly fail. Melaleuca is a business and work is always required for a business to be successful. You know people and you meet more people every day. You can write and you can talk. And, you can find ten spare minutes each day. states that the average person has 338 Facebook friends and a survey from the Telegraph newspaper proves that the average person has more than 50 contacts in their mobile phone. There is NO physical reason for you not to act on Frank’s advice. If you did you could change your life for the better—I think you know this—but many of you still don’t do it. It’s weird that changing your life is within your control but there is mental block stopping you from doing so. Being illogical and irrational are normal human characteristics. They’re caused, I believe, because we are emotional. I think you will agree, that it’s our emotions that drive our actions and they are equally as powerful at driving our inactions. I need you to be honest with yourself, have you put all your Facebook and mobile phone contacts onto your Melaleuca contact list? Why not? Perhaps emotions such as doubt and embarrassment stopped you. Making approaches is even more emotionally charged. You can make a call and have a chat with someone, you’ve been doing it since you were a child. However, when many of you think about making an

approach, you feel anxious and there is a real reluctance to make the call. Whatever we name these emotions, they are caused by the same thing: Fear. Fear that something will go wrong. Fear you will bungle or forget your words, or you will be ridiculed and rejected. This is an unpleasant and unproductive way to feel. It’s feeling this way that stops you from being successful. It’s crazy, none of the things your are imagining are real. They haven’t happened and they might not happen. Yet they are almost certainly holding you back and stopping you from achieving your dreams. What’s more, even if it did happen, say someone was to laugh at you and say “No”, would it really be that bad? Would it? I think you’re made of tougher stuff than that! Ask yourself this question, “Are the consequences of what might happen bad enough to stop me from reaching my goals?” You can have the income you want to live the life of your dreams, you just have to get past your fears. North American Corporate Director 8, Eddie Bestoso says it well, “ When people become great enrollers, the rest of the business is easy. ” Conquer these fears and the wind will fill your sails, you will enjoy building a business that rewards your for helping people—it’s remarkable! Remember, the reality of writing a list and making an approach is almost always much better than you imagined. Most people are nice and respectful. The occasional person may be mean, but don’t let that worry you! Feel sorry for them, as they are turning down meeting someone who wants to help them be healthier, wealthier, and altogether happier!

You have every reason to expect success with the people you add to your list and approaches. Just do two things: 1. Even if you think of a reason not to add someone to your list, think of two reasons why you should add them —these reasons are always there—add everyone to your list! 2. Before you make an approach, think about how you can help people: physical, financial, environmental and personal wellness. Nearly everyone needs and wants help in one or more of these areas. Imagine success, the person on the other end of the phone accepting you and saying 'Yes' to meeting up with you. Make sure you feel good before making a call. You may think these exercises are pointless or trivial, please reconsider. In my opinion, they are an important part of leading yourself. You know that achieving something meaningful involves overcoming problems. You’ll do this only if you think positively, and think why someone can be a Melaleuca customer. And believing that people do want to hear from you and that you will make successful calls. John Maxwell considers personal leadership to be the keystone of leadership itself when he says, “ To lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself .” Believe in yourself, lead yourself to success by conquering Critical Activities 1 & 2 and you will have the skills, knowledge and experience to lead an army of wellness warriors to the lives you all dream of. Yours truly Daniel


International President’s Club 2017 Discover the Gems of the Riviera Qualification Period: January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. For more information about President’s Club 2017 and Business Rules and Calculations, please go to and visit the Business Centre.


Seabourn Odyssey

This is the experience you have been waiting for. Destinations you have always dreamed of. A chance to join other President’s Club winners on a once-in-a- lifetime adventure into one of the most beautiful, celebrated corners of the world. Come with us to the Mediterranean— and explore the timeless beauty of the gems of the Riviera. You will board the Seabourn Odyssey in Barcelona, Spain, and for the next seven days you will enjoy the unmatched style and comfort of a true luxury liner. You will sail up the famed Cote d’Azur and make port in the beautiful cities of Palamos, Sete, and Nice. Then you’ll sail south to Corsica and cast anchor under the towering white cliffs of Bonifacio.You will stop at the historic, charming island of Elba, once ruled by an exiled Napoleon. Then you’ll sail up the Italian coast to stunning Portovenere. Finally, you will sail west to glittering Monaco, where you’ll disembark with your horizons expanded, with the Mediterranean’s unparalleled sights, tastes, and rich culture transforming your vision of what is possible. For seven days you will live in the very lap of luxury and it’s all part of a voyage that will change your life!

Barcelona, Spain

Nice, France

Monte Carlo, Monaco




to senior director

Luxury Accommodation • Training • Celebration • Action • Relaxation

Qualify for this amazing Melaleuca training event by either advancing your business to Director 3 or developing two Personally Enrolled Directors 3 between November 2015 and April 2016.* Held at beautiful Kingscliff, NSW, over two days, celebrate your success and focus on setting your goals to take your business to Senior Director. QUALIFY TO ATTEND 8–9 JULY 2016

Achieving Director 3 and attending this event should be everyone’s first goal in getting started with their Melaleuca business. For those qualifying newly advancing Directors 3, Melaleuca will pay for your training, meals, accommodation and airfare to the event destination. Reward yourself for achieving Director 3 and attend our next Road to Senior Director, July 2016.

*For more information visit the Business Centre at


Why Melaleuca beats owning a traditional business hands down


you’re like most people, chances are you’ve dreamed about being your own boss. You have imagined what it would be like to set your own work hours, determine your salary, and go on holiday whenever you feel like it.

Unlike some people, you already have all the resources you need to make this happen—

you have Melaleuca.



As a Melaleuca business owner, you are far from a one-man show. SOLUTION # 4

You are better off than most business owners. he reality is that most new businesses fail. According to Forbes, 8 out of 10 new businesses don’t even survive 18 months. 1 So what is it about Melaleuca that has allowed thousands of Marketing Executives to build and maintain thriving businesses?* The answer is simple: Melaleuca solves all five of the most common problems that cause new businesses to fail.

PROBLEM #1: Start-up funds

The number one thing that prevents most businesses from succeeding is not having the money to get off the ground. Opening a new business costs tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. Many businesses launch only to quickly discover they don’t have the funds to keep the doors open. Other businesses go so deep into debt they drown under the weight of their debts. MELALEUCA SOLUTION All you need to start a Melaleuca business is $29. It’s kind of mind blowing when you think about it. That $29 gives you access to every one of the following solutions. All the heavy lifting has already been done for you in terms of finances, infrastructure, business planning, supply chain, distribution, marketing, and so much more. What’s more, you don’t carry any future financial risk. You don’t have to be continually investing your own money on inventory, product development, employees, or even day-to-day operating costs. No other business offers the minimal risk and high financial rewards that Melaleuca does. A successful business will have a product people both want and can afford. This is harder than you might think. You have to identify a need and create a product that stands out from the competition. This requires time-consuming research and development, not tomention a significant financial investment. Then, once you’ve created a superior product, you have to figure out how to recreate it in a cost-efficient manner. For example, let’s say you invent the world’s best can opener. Now you have to get the resources and manufacturing connections to be able to produce it for a mass market. If you have to charge $250 for the world’s best can opener, what are the chances people are going to buy it? Even if people do think your can opener is amazing, most of them simply won’t be able to afford it. PROBLEM #2: Products people want and can afford


1. 8-out-of-10-businesses-fail/#1ec7d24d5e3c

* Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 68.


line and aggressively develop new products that are both science based and naturally derived. And a stable of top-tier attorneys make sure Melaleuca is in compliance with all state and federal laws. The results of all these employees’ hard work for Melaleuca is available to you at no extra cost!

MELALEUCA SOLUTION For that same $29 we mentioned above, you get the exclusive right to market more than 350 wellness products that are not only world-class but also highly affordable. Melaleuca has spent millions of dollars developing one-of-a-kind products and creating manufacturing techniques that give us a competitive edge in the marketplace. Some of these products are protected by dozens of patents and trade secrets. And our month-to-month reorder rate of over 95% proves that customers both want these products and purchase these products on a regular basis. Even when businesses have a great product that customers are willing to buy, they can still end up going under because they failed to properly assess the cost of creating, marketing, and selling the product. When setting the price of a product, they forget that in addition to covering the cost of producing the product, their profit margins must also take into account a whole slew of other expenses, like renting warehouse space, building utilities, shipping materials, taxes, and so much more. MELALEUCA SOLUTION When you build a Melaleuca business, all of this work has already been done for you by experts with more than 30 years of experience. Not only that, but you get access to a wide variety of resources worth millions of dollars—all at no cost to you. You get immediate use of over $110 million of manufacturing facilities and equipment to produce your products. Over $120 million of computer hardware and software that are already running programmes to support your business. Plus, a shopping website equipped with an advanced Internet ordering system that is already programmed and ready to take your customers’ orders—again at no charge to you. You have virtually no costs to run your business. What other company can offer you that kind of profit margin? Some businesses fail because they hire too many people too fast. Their overly optimistic view of sales, leads them to overstaff their company and then get dragged down by the high costs of excess employees. Other companies have the opposite problem. They try to stay lean and maximise profits by being a virtual one-man show or hiring inexperienced or unqualified employees willing to work on the cheap. However, the lack of skilled manpower quickly catches up to them and results in poor product quality, dissatisfied customers, and a damaged brand. MELALEUCA SOLUTION As a Melaleuca business owner, you are far from a one-woman or one-man show. You have thousands of employees who work tirelessly to make sure your business runs smoothly. You have a staff ready to take the orders of your customers. A large team of marketing, finance, and IT executives and professionals support the needs of your business. An elite staff of PhDs and research scientists continually upgrade and enhance your existing product PROBLEM #3: Accurate cost/profit analysis PROBLEM #4: Employees and hiring

PROBLEM #5 The business plan

No business can survive long term without a business plan. The problem is many new business owners fail to truly define their company’s purpose, mission, and desired direction. Some don’t even go as far as defining their potential customers. Without a clear plan of where they are heading, businesses can quickly get off course, make poor investments, and end up alienating their customer base. MELALEUCA SOLUTION: Melaleuca’s business and compensation plan is unlike any other in the market. It’s one of the reasons we have reached over $1.3 billion in sales and been in business for over 30 years. Melaleuca has been recognised again and again as an exceptional company and has reaped local, state, national, and even international accolades for its business prowess and charitable kindness. We are in the Inc. 500 Hall of Fame, and have received the Better Business Bureau Torch Award and the United States Chamber of Commerce Blue Chip Enterprise Award, just to name a few.

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL These are only a few of the ways a Melaleuca business offers a smart, high-return alternative to building a traditional business. With unlimited earning potential and low personal risk, Melaleuca offers a superior opportunity for a truly phenomenal price of just $29. If you have dreamed of being your own boss or just having a bigger bank account, why not take advantage of the edge you have with Melaleuca? Talk to your enroller for help building a business that can truly change your life and the lives of others.



Small Steps Lead to BIG Wins Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales In just two short months, Melaleuca has already seen record-breaking success. People all over the world are discovering the Melaleuca difference when it comes to natural, high-quality wellness products. And your work as Marketing Executives is what’s making it happen. We’re seeing phenomenal growth just by taking small steps, building our contact lists, and setting appointments. Thousands of Marketing Executives are enrolling new customers, developing new leadership, and seeing their businesses grow and advance. I loved hearing all the success stories on the Peak Performers Cruise . And I wanted to share with you just of a couple of the leaders whose small steps or daily actions, if duplicated, will help your business advance.



Her Daily Activity “Once I’m finished with family activities, I dedicate some time every day to making a few phone calls. That’s my priority and my business is growing because of that. Before looking at my email, before posting on Facebook, before following up with a client, I make a few phone calls. As soon as I started making daily phone calls, my business started to grow. I have 12 new customers from the U.S. and 2 from Mexico—a total of 14 Preferred Customers in January. It really works.”

Her Leadership Philosophy “I don’t see a way my Melaleuca

business is going to be successful if I don’t follow the Mission Statement. Every single morning, every single day, my intention is to help other people reach their goals and improve their lifestyles. This is about THEIR goals, not mine. I’m doing it for them and at their pace, so they don’t feel pressured and forced to do something. That’s what works and that’s what makes this business enjoyable: helping people reach their goals and improve the quality of their lives.”

Laura takes the Melaleuca mission to “enhance lives” literally, operating a meal programme across the border in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, twice a week.



The Real Secret to Success Laura and Jen are just two of


thousands ofMarketing Executives who are seeing tremendous growth and success with theirMelaleuca businesses. As their examples show, the key to building aMelaleuca business is taking small, daily steps and focusing on the fundamentals of adding names to your contact list and setting appointments every day. I love the philosophy of success of Brad Stevens, former head basketball coach at Butler University and current BostonCeltics head coach: “My goal is towin the next game one possession at a time. That’s it. I don’t have any other goals.” Coach Stevens is right. Youwin the game by focusing on the actions you need to do now. It’s amazing how fast your business can growwhen you take daily steps to build your contact list, set appointments, and share Melaleuca’s life-changing products with those you know. You don’t need an elaborate plan, extensive training, or special programmes. If you are looking for a guaranteedway to grow your business and accelerate your growth, followLaura and Jen’s examples andwatchwhat happens.


Her Daily Activity “I like to make about 10 approaches and 2 new appointments per day. This is a people to-people business. Some days it’s hard to pick up the phone, but you have to do it. I’ve been doing a lot of training with my team to get out there, get involved in their community, and start shaking hands with people. I also use friend recommendations on Facebook to find people I already have a connection with. Then I keep track of how many people I meet each day and how many appointments I set.”

Her Leadership Philosophy “My leadership philosophy is to stay in the trenches. I always want to be doing what I want my team to do, but I’m going to do it times two. If the goal is 2 enrolments, I’m going to do my best to enrol 4 customers. My biggest fear is to slip into ‘Management Mode.’ The fun is in the trenches.”


*Results may vary


More bonuses. More ways to earn. More lucrative than ever! The announcement of the enhanced New Day Compensation Plan in Australia and New Zealand had many leaders lifting their heads in surprise, ears pricking with interest and minds spinning with unending possibility! It’s no wonder, with the introduction of the Core Mentoring Bonus, Leadership Growth Bonus and increases to Director, and Director 2 Advancement Bonuses , Marketing Executives have earned more in March 2016 than ever before! The introduction of the Core Mentoring Bonus , Leadership Growth Bonus , and increased Advancement and Pacesetter Bonuses get right to the heart of our mission statement: rewarding you more when you team up and enhance lives. The Core Mentoring Bonus is the perfect extension to the Mentoring Bonus . When you help your personal enrollee advance their business you earn the same Ad vancement and Pacesetter Bonus they earn. The Core Mentoring Bonus takes this a step further. You earn the exact same Advancement Bonus as the personal enrollees of all your personally enrolled business builders. This is the perfect reward for building teams and stable leadership in your business! National Director 4, Yvette Zona explains: “The enhanced New Day Compensation Plan helps you focus on helping new Marketing Executives develop their first Directors and build their business teams. All arrows are pointing towards Director 3.” The New Day Compensation Plan guarantees you a bonus every month you grow your business, even if it’s just by one customer. The Leadership Growth Bonus can give Directors 4 an additional $3,600 per year, while Senior Directors can increase their earnings by $9,000 and Executive Directors by a life-changing $48,000! General Manager Daniel Wood explains the keys to unlocking the New Day Compensation Plan potential: “It’s what we’ve all been waiting for, a very simple compensation plan: you will get big rewards for growing your business and developing leadership. Exactly what you need to do to advance your business Every time you advance your business, you will increase your residual income . It all makes perfect sense.” It’s a New Day for Melaleuca of Australia and New Zealand, why not be part of it? Compensation Plan Enhancements A NEW DAY!

Melanie Frazer Director of Sales


Creating the financial resource to live an extraordinary life!




senior director 2






1 1

Personally Enrolled Director

Organisational Director 2



director 6






1 1

Personally Enrolled Director Personally Enrolled Director 2



director 2





Personal Customers


In March 2016, Senior Director 2 Carole Sellar teamed up with her personal enrollee, Director 6 Hayley Harding. Together they helped Hayley's personal enrollee Darice double advance to Director 2! As a result Carole, Hayley and Darice were able to take advantage of the New Day Compensation Plan enhancements to earn more than ever before!


*Results may vary



Why you can’t afford to lose touch with your contact list.


Building and maintaining a healthy contact list is more than the essential first step to setting appointments. It’s the lifeblood of your Melaleuca business. CONTACT

WHAT IS A CONTACT LIST? At it’s most basic, a contact list is simply a list of people you know. You don’t need to be highly successful or wildly popular to have a contact list. Between your friends, family, neighbours, classmates, business associates, and the people you interact with on a daily basis, chances are you could quickly list at least 100 people. WHY DO I NEED A CONTACT LIST? Think of your Melaleuca business as a vehicle you’re trying to drive from point A to point B. But before you can even get out of the driveway, you first have to fill your vehicle with fuel. Your contact list is the fuel you use to power your business. As you enrol customers from your contact list and earn commissions from their purchases, you move your business forward. Then you have to refill your tank with new contacts and potential customers, otherwise your business will come to a standstill. There’s a reason Melaleuca encourages you to build a contact list, rather than just approaching random people on the street. People do business with and refer friends to people they know, like, and trust. It’s natural for you to tell a friend about a great new restaurant or a laundry detergent that saved your favourite shirt. We trust our friends’ opinions. We know they understand our needs and goals. Your warm market (or the people you know) is like premium fuel for your business. They are always going to be more receptive to hearing about Melaleuca, simply because they know you and value your opinion.

HOW DO I BUILD A CONTACT LIST? First, you write down everyone you know. And we mean everyone. Think about the people you see when you go about your daily routine. Who are your friends on Facebook? Who do you talk to at the gym? Don’t leave someone off just because you think they won’t be interested. Avoid the temptation to prejudge. Use the memory jogger on the following pages to help you. Social media is an excellent source to help you build your contact list. Hopefully you have already added all the people you’re friends with on social media to your contact list. But what about all the suggested contacts? Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and many other social programs also provide suggested contacts. These are often people you already know or people with whom you share a common connection. Use these resources to reach out and get to know someone new or reconnect with an old acquaintance. The goal isn’t to approach over social media, simply to begin building a relationship. When you first meet or reconnect with someone, the focus should be on them and their lives. Ask about their families, what they do for work, their hobbies, and what goals they are trying to achieve. As you follow up and learn more about their lives, you will learn how Melaleuca’s products and business opportunity can help meet their needs. Set a goal to add names to your contact list each day.



It all starts with a phone call.


Want to speed the growth of your organization? Double your phone calls. Phone calls lead to appointments. Phone calls are the simple fuel that powers your business.




Melaleuca has an average 95%+ month - to - month reorder rate .

“I LOVE THE PRODUCTS.” It’s a refrain that comes up time and time again when customers talk about Melaleuca. And it’s more than just lip service—Melaleuca has an average 95%+ month-to-month reorder rate. The 95% reorder rate is a number we all like to hang our hats on because it not only shows that customers love Melaleuca products but it also shows that our the consumable products are things that fulfill recurring needs.


Who Can Order Just 35 Product Points? It’s no secret that Melaleuca’s strength lies in its strong product lineup. And because Melaleuca’s product lineup offers an array of products that every household uses on a consistent basis, customers return month after month. As Melaleuca expands its offering of products, it gets easier and easier for even the smallest households to order beyond 35 Product Points every month— and established customers are more likely to increase their average order size.

Products Customers Want Why do customers keep coming back? Because Melaleuca offers customers products they want. It’s as simple as that. From shampoo to snack bars to laundry detergent, Melaleuca has products that every household uses. But more than that, Melaleuca’s products offer a greater value than supermarket brands—value that goes beyond the dollar sign to include effectiveness, scientific research, eco-friendliness, affordability, and more. When customers see the value, it’s not hard to switch from big box supermarket and pharmacy to shopping with Melaleuca. For those who earn commissions from the customer referral programmes, it’s powerful to know that customers are loyally shopping with Melaleuca month after month. Melaleuca’s products are designed to aid in this endeavour. Not only are Melaleuca products something that every household needs, they are products that families use on a daily basis. All of Melaleuca’s superior products are consumable, and shoppers need to replenish them regularly.


With over 350 consumable products, our customers can always find something they need month after month. And that’s pretty powerful.




What Makes Melaleuca Products So Different? When it comes to developing new products for our customers, Melaleuca’s Research & Development and Marketing teams approach Melaleuca’s product lineup a little differently than other companies do. We don’t make products simply because they are popular.

WE ALWAYS ASK: Is there something no one else offers

that we can? Using better science and better ingredients, can we make a better product than what already exists? Can we do it more naturally?

Our research leads us to the most effective, highest-quality ingredients, allowing us to develop products with exceptional ability to perform—all at a value every customer can appreciate.

We know that what goes into our products is important to you. What we leave out is just as critical. As a company, we have committed ourselves to avoiding ingredients known to be harsh, dangerous, or simply useless in a product.

• No chlorine bleach

• No phthalates

• No ammonia

• No triclosan

• No abrasives

• No parabens

• No phosphates

• No formaldehyde

Demonstrates measurable health improvements in as little as one hour with even greater benefits after 12 weeks, as shown by the Freiburg Study.

• No fillers

Combining those aspects along with principled formulas with reasonable prices lends value to Melaleuca’s products that puts them head and shoulders above grocery store brands. Our customers know their dollars are better spent with Melaleuca.


Affinia ™ was our first sulfate-free line of shampoos and conditioners to cost under $10.

Rayleen Griffin is the Melaleuca customer with the greatest longevity. She’s placed 365 consecutive monthly orders—that’s an order every month for 30 years!

To save on shipping and packaging, Melaleuca has concentrated formulas that provide excellent value and are better for the environment.

Timeless Age-Defying Serum uses stabilised vitamin C esters, which withstand heat, light, and oxygen exposure unlike other forms of vitamin C that often oxidise in the bottle.


4 out of 5 acne sufferers preferred Reflect over Proactiv®* and other national brands.

Exceeds the International ISO minimum quality requirements, which were lowered in 1986, maintaining superior quality for three decades.

Whitens teeth with naturally derived papain, not harsh bleach.

Clinically proven to perform better than the #1 dermatologist- recommended lotion in moisturing dry skin.

Kills 99.99% of germs without chlorine bleach.

Six times concentrated formula that is environmentally friendly and made with biodegradable ingredients.

The Gold Bar ® lasts up to 9 times longer than Dove®* because of its triple French- milled technology and premium ingredients.

The natural stain fighters in MelaPower ® make the formula effective in cold water— saving energy and CO 2 emissions.

Sol-U-Guard Botanical ® is a chlorine bleach-free disinfectant that is made with 100% food-grade ingredients.

Oligo ™ generates fewer free radicals

than inorganic mineral forms— 5x fewer than the traditional forms found in One A Day® and Centrum®.*

*Product names are the property of their respective owners.




BUILDING YOUR CONTACT LIST Y our contact list is the lifeblood of your business,” Maria says. “A lot of people feel that they have exhausted their contact list, or if they are brand new they don’t know who to talk to.” Even so, it’s critical to add to your list every single day. Whenever Maria travels, instead of going into “travel mode,” she enters “new contact mode.” That means more than making awkward small talk in an elevator. It means truly engaging with people you meet and approaching every encounter with the mindset of enhancing that individual’s life. “It’s all about mindset,” Maria says. “Being focused on ‘Who can I help today?’ and ‘Who can I add to my contact list?’” Because of Maria’s mindset, she viewed traveling from her home in Miami, Florida, to Idaho Falls, Idaho, for Launch 2016 as an opportunity to bring Melaleuca to others. From setting appointments while in the Salt Lake City airport to having meaningful conversations with drivers and hotel associates, she stayed engaged in business-building activities. Maria’s determination to approach others and set appointments while traveling paid off. She enrolled five new customers, with two becoming Marketing Executives who have already achieved Pacesetter Director! One of these new Marketing Executives is Director 2 Devyn Ricks, a local Idahoan, who met Maria over Launch weekend. “I love Maria’s energy,” Devyn says. “In the end, that’s what really motivated me to start a business. She wanted to learn about me. She was focused on me.” If you truly feel like you’ve added every person you know to your contact list, it’s time to get to know more people. “If you really want to prosper, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable to get comfortable.” Maria did just that to expand her own contact list. She joined her local Chamber of Commerce as a way to meet new people. “Don’t worry about what to say,” she says. “Just go and be yourself. Socialise. Have fun and learn about others as much as you can, learn about their needs—then you have a lead.” SETTING APPOINTMENTS W hen it comes to setting appointments, accountability is key. Even when a business builder has a robust contact list, if they aren’t making calls and setting appointments, nothing will ever happen with that business. It’s



“Every opportunity I get to approach someone, no matter where I am, I take advantage of it,” National Director Maria Mosca says. Maria doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. That’s why Maria was asked to speak at Launch 2016 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, at Melaleuca’s Global Headquarters. Since becoming a Melaleuca customer and business builder in 1999, Maria has embraced the importance of adding to her contact list, making calls, and hosting in-homes. “When you do these things on purpose and you do them consistently, your business will prosper,” Maria says. Maria has grown her business to 3,608 total customers and earned a December check that was over $33,000!* Maria attributes her success to diligently incorporating the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities into her life every single day. “On average, we enrol about three to five customers a month. And we build our business through in-homes. I love being in living rooms and meeting people because this is a relationship-building business.” Success starts with one simple thing, according to Maria: talk to everyone— yes, everyone!—you meet.