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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Vitality to find it! [ Throw new fruits and veggies into the mix. ] There’s a good chance you’ve onl

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201811


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201809

afternoon tea & lunch provided) • Group Dinner Friday, 16 November 2. 1. Two ways to qual ify as ful

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201611-201612


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201805

BusinessCenter under News &Meetings. If you’d like to host an event, talk to your Regional Sales Spe

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201605-201606


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201609-201610

beliefs you know they value. This shift in attitude also matters to your customer too. As the saying

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201607-201608


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201803

Penguin, 2011). 2 Michael Schein, "Stop Studying Success Gurus. Do This Instead,", May 5, 2

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801

20 Club. What happened to transform this quiet couple so dramatically? In Taran’s case, she became p

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709




Melaleuca’s Newest SENIOR DIRECTOR 2 Siutaka V atikani -V aka

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

assigned to the station at the 19-mile mark. This station was in a strategic place—after running 18–20 miles, the body hits “the wall,” as marathon runners call it. Essentially, what that means is your body is worn out. All your energy has been used up, and there is no more fuel to keep the body going. The only way to keep run- ning is to overpower the fatigue with a mental determi- nation to take step after step. The young doctor began to treat the runners who jogged into the little roadside tent. They would sit down, then the doctor would wrap ankles, give cups of water, massage cramped leg muscles, and do everything he could to get them ready to hit the road again. He quickly finished and told them they could now go out and finish the race. But they didn’t move. They couldn’t. Once the runners had sat down, it was like their bodies were glued to the chair. The physical fatigue would overcome them and their mental determination to finish the race was gone. So the doctor changed the way he treated the runners. Each time someone came into the tent, he immediately asked them, “Do you want to finish the race?” If they said “yes,” he would not let them sit down but asked them to remain standing. He wrapped ankles, bandaged scrapes, Don’t Ever Sit Down! Not Even for a Minute! If YouWant to Cross the Finish Line…


Melaleuca’s record-breaking growth means thousands of new Marketing Executives all across North America have been busy making the most of the opportunities before them. Thousands of people have started enrolling new cus- tomers. Many more are adding new names to their contact lists, making phone calls, setting appointments, and doing presentations. I’m excited about what is happening! I know that everyone who decides to focus on these basic activi- ties will see their businesses grow this year. With so much activity going on, people will soon be reaching new milestones and drawing closer to their goals. They are racing forward, working their businesses with a sense of real commitment. That commitment will be the factor that will help them reach their goals and see new levels of success. I once heard a story that captured the true meaning of commitment. This story takes place along the streets where the New York City Marathon is run. The marathon brings over 50,000 people from all over the world to com- pete, from age 18 to 90. With so many competitors, many volunteers are needed to assist the runners at certain points along the course. One of the volunteers was a young doctor who offered to help with any medical needs. When he arrived, he was


Nothing has surprised me quite as much since Melaleuca began as the type of people who have become successful and the people who have not. I learned a long time ago that I could not predict who would go far in this business. When I tried, I was often wrong! Those who seemed to be dynamic, powerful leaders often quit before they reached their goals. I wondered why. Then I recalled this quote from President Calvin Coolidge: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuc- cessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determina- tion alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” There is the key! The ability to press on, to never “sit down” while building this business makes more dif- ference in finding success than does talent or personality or influence. As a leader in your Melaleuca business, you need to commit to reach your goals no matter what! By com- mitting to reach your goals, you commit to help other people reach their goals as well. How can you do this? By focusing on the seven critical activities. By teaching the Category 2s and 3s you enroll to keep doing those basic activities, and by setting the example yourself. By keeping your “why” in mind and encouraging your organisation to dream and set goals and determine their “why.” And by pressing on, never stopping, and never sitting down! When you reach your goal, you’ll look around and see all the tough miles behind you…and even greater goals ahead! Each time you reach a goal and set a new one, you’ll keep building the momentum in your business and keep finding more success. If you learn the two keys to running a marathon—deciding to finish the race, then never sitting down—you’ll conquer each goal and reach each dream. Put on your running shoes, get out on the road, remember your decision to finish the race, and don’t ever sit down!

and massaged muscles while they stood. He made them keep moving while drinking water. Then the runners were able to keep their focus on the marathon and regain the momentum they needed to finish. “Don’t sit down,” the doctor said hundreds of times that day—and each runner who did not sit down went on to finish the race. There were two key elements that made it possible for those worn-out runners to finish the race: One was the mental decision that they were going to run the full race. The other was their physical momentum and sense of commitment that never stopped because they never sat down! By following these two principles, we too can finish our race and reach the goals we’ve set for our lives. The first step is to decide to finish. When do you make that decision? Before you start! If you haven’t resolved upon finishing the race, the obstacles that get in your way will be too much. You’ll be tired and ready to quit after a while, and without the mental determination to keep go- ing, your race will end right there. Don’t let that happen. Decide now that you want to finish. Then decide why. Your “why” is the driver, the reason behind the decision. If you lose focus on your “why,” you forget the reason you made the commitment in the first place. What is your “why”? What is waiting for you when you reach your goal? What will you gain? Why is that important? If you create a vivid picture of the rewards in your mind, you will get past the obstacles and reach the end. The second key is to never sit down. Once you’ve begun, once you’ve even got a small amount of momen- tum going, never pause. Momentum is precious! Momen- tum can be kept up with a small amount of energy, but starting over will take 10 times the effort. So never cease pursuing your goal. Never give yourself an excuse to “sit down.” How do you “sit down” while building your Melaleuca business? By never adding new names to your contact list. By setting fewer appointments. By doing presenta- tions only now and then instead of weekly. By skipping a Melaleuca meeting in your area. Once you let up on these basic activities, you’re taking fewer steps towards your goal, slowing your pace, and letting go of your determina- tion to reach the finish line. You’re giving a mental signal that the commitment is gone. If it’s not urgent to get involved in these basic daily activities, it’s not urgent to reach the end of the race. Remember, each race is made up of thousands of steps. The next step you take is just as important as the last step that takes you over the finish line. Take the next step now! Then immediately take the next step! It is crucial to take these small daily steps, for that is the only method that will move you toward your goals.






S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 7

SIUTAKA VATIKANI-VAKA OUR NEWEST SENIOR DIRECTOR 2 Siu’s aspirations for the future are sky-high.



SENIORDIRECTORS ............................................ 11

ROADTOSENIOR DIRECTOR EVENT .................................................. 23

PORTDOUGLAS FASTTRACK ............... 25

CELEBRATION ......................................................... 37


ON THE ROAD TO SENIOR DIRECTOR Hear from these amazing Marketing Executives and how they have earned a great income on their journey to Senior Director Incentive.

SEPTEMBER LAUNCH 2017 Enhancing Lives Through Product

National Director Christian Crescenzo on developing Senior Directors





EXECUTIVE Melaleuca presents

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

Bj Vaughan QLD

Yvette & Justin Brewin SA

Carole Sellar SA

Karen & Matthew Buttery VIC

Hayley & Ben Harding SA



BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS and they will come true

Most people don’t fully value their dreams. They think because they can’t physically see, touch or hear their dreams, they aren’t real. Successful people on the other hand, know that their dreams are the start of something that could be life changing. They cherish their dreams. They believe their dreams will come true. Every day, they do something that moves them towards their dream. Irrespective of how many times they fail, they never… ever, doubt that their dream will come true. These are the people that change their lives; what’s more, these are the people that change the world. When you’re in clearer, brighter, bigger and altogether more real. You can become absorbed in your dreams, they’re a nice place to be. The way you want to live your life starts as nothing more than a thought – probably a fleeting one. If the thought is really nice, you will come back to it and dream about it. You add detail, make it

who work when they want and decide how much they’ll earn. They gained this freedom because they never stopped believing they could change their life, no matter what anyone said or what obstacle life through at them. When you live your life with this much conviction people will want to be around you and you will transmit your belief to them. When people work together and pursue their dreams relentlessly there can only be one very beautiful outcome: MUTUAL SUCCESS. These are very exciting times for Melaleuca Australia and New Zealand. Your belief in your dream that you really can be a Senior Director is the only thing holding you back. Remember, you control what you think and believe so don’t waste your thoughts on doubt and uncertainty think only positively. Work towards your dreams every day and believe your dreams into reality.

their company, it’s inspiring. Through their unwavering belief that the future will be better than today, they make you feel as though anything is possible. It wasn’t too long ago that Frank VanderSloot had nothing more than a dream. It was his belief alone which has made Melaleuca a $1 billion (and counting) company with more than a million customers that consequently helped thousands of families across the world live healthier, happier lives. At this very moment, I am inspired by many of you. Time and time again, during conversations I am hearing you say, “I can do it,” and “It will happen” and “I’m going to advance my business this month.” These statements are what successful people say. It’s exciting and humbling for me to be part of. I am not hoping or wishing or dreaming that good things will happen, I know for certain through your attitude that we are on the verge of something great and I cannot wait to see how far we can go – Frank has set an excellent benchmark! For those of you who want to change your lives but doubt that it’s possible, understand that doubt is your biggest mistake. Inside the pages of this copy of Leadership in Action , you will find stories of ordinary (but very successful) people

Yours truly,



“Remember, you control what you think and believe so don’t waste your thoughts on doubt and uncertainty think only positively.”



I NT ERNAT IONAL PRES I DENT ’ S C LUB 2 0 1 8 IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW HAWAII, A SURPRISING DISCOVERY AWAITS YOU ON THE SHORES OF KAUAI. You’ll enjoy traditional Hawaiian delights like the hula and a luau in a perfect tropical paradise, but only Kauai offers a rare tropical experience that most tourists will never know. With 97% of the island reserved for conservation and agriculture, it’s no wonder that this majestic destination is known as the Garden Island. The untouched beauty of the Napali Coast and Waimea Canyon—known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific—have been featured in over 60 Hollywood films and television shows including South Pacific, Glimpse the humuhumunukunukuapua’a fish as you snorkel the Anini reef, see Kauai’s breathtaking coastline from a catamaran, explore cascading crystal waterfalls, and relax on white-sand beaches. After days of adventure and fun, the luxurious St. Regis Princeville Resort will pamper you beyond your expectations. We will spend two days on the beautiful island of Oahu in the heart of Waikiki Beach. Here you can enjoy a day at the beach or world class shopping. Jurassic Park, Gil ligan’s Island, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and many more.

Aloha from KAUAI I NT ERNAT IONAL PRES I DENT ’ S C LUB 20 18 Qualifications period: January 2017 – 31 December 2017. For more information please go to and visit the Business Centre.

Join Melaleuca’s Management Team and embrace the aloha spirit in Hawaii, for President’s Club 2018.


It all starts with a phone call.

Want to speed the growth of your organisation? Double your phone calls. Phone calls lead to appointments. Phone calls are the simple fuel that powers your business.



Melaleuca's Newest Senior Director 2 SIUTAKA VATIKANI-VAKA

Sick and tired of making someone else rich while they struggled to live week to week, Siutaka Vatikani- Vaka and Sosaia Vaka made the bold—and brave—decision to break away from tradition. With

However, after three years of hard work, the Vaka’s found that they had traded in one hardship for another. As Siu explains, “We were comfortable in that we could pay our bills. But Sosaia was working himself to the bone, often leaving at 5am and not getting home until 10pm. He could go days without even seeing our son Henry because of this.” When Siu’s best friend, Senior Director 9 Sharlene Lesa came to her with an opportunity to generate an additional income, Siu jumped at it! “I’ve always struggled with my weight, so when Sharlene showed me

over 15 years of trade experience, Sosaia perused his dream of opening his very own aluminum joinery business, with wife Siutaka at the helm of the day to day administration.


With the help of her favourite products – The Peak Performance Pack – Siu became the Kiwi version of the Tassie Devil, travelling all across Australia and New

the Port Douglas Fast Track trip, so I was away from my business more than I would have liked. But I couldn’t take my eye off the prize – I worked my presentations around the fun in the sun!” Completing presentations from her beautiful Peppers Beach Club suite while the rest of the group enjoyed some well-deserved rest and recuperation, she was unstoppable.

Zealand helping others to see what she had seen. “After Convention, I really went for it!” Said Siu. “In the last two weeks of the month Sharlene and I were presenting 5-6 Delivering Wellness Overviews everyday, and working around the clock making phone calls.” Rewarded with an advancement to Director 4 and a cheque of $4,684, Siu was only just getting started. “One thing I really took away from the US Convention was the proof that our success lies in helping others. So I made it my mission to find as many people as I could, help them see the realities of Senior Director, and put them on the path to financial freedom.” The month of June saw Siu help four of her personal enrolees achieve Pacesetter Director 3. As Siu reflects, “It was an incredibly proud moment to see my team succeed! This is what I absolutely love about this business – you’re not sitting at the top on your own! Everyone has the same opportunity to succeed, and when you work together, you all benefit.” Quadruple advancing her own business to Director 8 that same month, Siu was uncharacteristically speechless when she was presented her $17,775 cheque. “I was so focussed on celebrating my team that my own success was just so unexpected! It made me that much more determined to advance to Senior Director as soon as possible.” Said Siu. With Senior Director within her sights, Siu continued to work around the clock to secure her next advancement. “July was a tough month!” Explains Siu. “I had attended both Road to Senior Director and

what the Vitality for Life products had done for her and some of her team, I was instantly paying attention.” Said Siu. “But it was when she showed me the compensation plan that I really sat up and took notice.” Drawing comparisons to their traditional business, Siu could see her dream of time-freedom and debt- free living start to take shape. “Being self-employed didn’t necessarily mean that we were any better off financially! It’s still the same struggle but with more responsibilities.” Siu explains. “So when Sharlene showed me Melaleuca’s business model, and I saw the possibilities of creating residual income, I just said to her “sign me up, we can talk about the details later!” What came next was a whirlwind of adventure and change. “Sharlene and I got to work right away! We were busy sharing the benefits with our family and friends. Together, we made a decision to commit to attend the North American Annual Convention.” Just one month and ten days into her business, Siu found herself amongst twelve thousand Melaleuca Marketing Executives, getting a taste of what Melaleuca was truly about. “This is where I really saw the bigger picture!” Said Siu. “I knew that Melaleuca was different – the products were real and the people were real. But seeing with my own eyes the lives of everyday people that had been transformed not just for a day, or a year, but for a lifetime was what sold it for me. It was at that moment that I made the decision to make this work.”

It was no surprise then that Siu learned of her Pacesetter Senior Director and Senior Director 2 advancement just a couple of weeks later. Presented with a cheque of $42,693.61, she was brought to tears. “I was overwhelmed, happy and feeling so blessed. I had absolute faith that this would work, and this was the moment that I proved that I was right!” Said Siu. “I am just so incredibly blessed to have had this opportunity to create a better future for myself, my family and all of the people that I know.” With over $72,000 in cumulative earnings in just five months, its no wonder that Siu’s aspirations for the future are sky- high. “I don’t want to look back on my life when I’m 65 and realise that I’ve missed out being there to watch my son grow up. I want to be able to attend every rugby practice, every school event. I want to be able to give him the holidays that he deserves and surprise him with a trip to Dubai that he always wishes for. Above all- else, I want the freedom to live life on my own terms. I am going to go and create a great life for myself and my family, and I won’t stop until I’m a National Director.” Congratulations Siu and Sosaia on your amazing achievement! We have no doubt that this is just the first milestone of many more to come this year – good luck!

Director 3

Director 4

Director 8

Senior Director 2

JULY 2017: LAST CHECK $42,693 March 2017 ENROLMENT DATE:


senior director Real income enhancing lives

Top left: Siutaka with her parents Velangilala & Piulua Vatikani, sonHenry and husband Sosaia. Top right: Siutaka with her sonHenry.


Sharlene Lesa New SouthWales The ray of light in her darkest of days.

Ready to escort her new team of leaders to this once-in-a-lifetime event, Sharlene’s happy bubble suffered a devastating blow; receiving a dire phone call from the hospital, she rushed to her sister’s side. That very same weekend, Sharlene held her sister’s hands during her final moments, while her team continued on without her. This was not the way that the month of July was supposed to go for Sharlene. She suffered a terrible loss and at times she was crippled by grief. Many things in her life were put on hold but through it all, one thing remained constant; her Melaleuca residual income. In the midst of great sadness, a little ray of light appeared; along with her entire team at Road to Senior Director—she received the news of her quadruple advancement to Senior Director 6, accompanied by a cheque of $111,790! “When I saw the ‘111’, I just couldn’t believe it. It felt unbelievable. Who makes $111,790 in ONE month? I was so emotional.” Explains Sharlene. “Losing someone you love just takes your mind and your emotions in such a dark direction, but when I saw that cheque, I realised what was behind the money – the people! The outpouring of love was the confirmation that giving up was not an option—these beautiful people had placed their faith and their trust in me, and it was now up to me live up to my promises. I had a duty to them to help them on the same journey to life-changing income—I had to keep going for them.” With the darkest of days behind her, Sharlene shifted into another gear we didn’t even know she had! Working around the clock in the last 11 days of July, she triple advanced her business to Senior Director 9. “I overcame so much in July, I still can’t comprehend what I achieved! I would like to thank my Heavenly Father who helped me through this time, for without his blessings I would not be where I am today.” Said Sharlene. Presented with her second six-figure cheque in a row - the biggest one yet at $128,446 - we are left with just one thought; surely she can’t earn a hat-trick! Can she? Stay tuned…

Handing her boarding pass to the flight attendant at Sydney Airport, Sharlene Lesa boarded a plane to Auckland in a state of total euphoria. Having just learned of her Pacesetter Senior Director 2 advancement two weeks prior, she explains how she was still pinching herself to make sure it was real. “I was still trying to get my head around the fact that my bank account had a deposit in there of $64,097! I’ve never had that kind of money in my life, and I still wasn’t 100% sure the bank wouldn’t call to say there had been some kind of mistake!” Sharlene jokes. With no calls of regret, her blissful bubble didn’t pop right away – in-fact, it expanded even further at the sight of her team. “To see eleven of my leaders – many who had never been on a holiday to Australia before - ready to take off on an all-expenses paid trip to Queensland because of Melaleuca was just amazing. These incredible people put their faith in me when I came knocking on their door over the past few months, and now their trust was paying off – this knowledge filled me with an indescribable feeling of pride.” Said Sharlene.

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $128,446 senior director Real income enhancing lives



Yvette & Justin Brewin South Australia Never underestimate the power of kindness.

The way she makes you feel, it’s not a brief thing, she makes friends and builds relationships that are solid. During my coaching calls I sometimes think she is spending too long with people who just don’t want to build a Melaleuca business. But, she’s much better than me in this one key leadership quality and when she makes a commitment to someone she sticks with them! What is this mysterious quality that has enabled Yvette and Justin to earn a quarter of a million dollars over just a few years? It’s very simple yet very powerful. Use it liberally with everyone you come into contact with and it will change their lives and it will change yours too. What is it? Kindness. Yvette has thrown kindness into the world and it has returned to her as success! Yvette, it was so wonderful to see your latest advancement to Senior Director 9 at this years July Road to Senior Director training. We hope you invest the $20,791 cheque wisely and we hope to see you advance to Executive Director soon! Take a leaf out of Yvette’s book. Stop trying to push people. Stop trying to give them reasons and convince them. Stop trying to get them to do something for you … even if you say it’s for them! Just be kind – you’ll be surprised how far it gets you.

There are many things written and spoken about the skills and attributes of a leader but most miss the point. Leaders may achieve their goals by being smart, good-looking, experienced, rich etc. but there is one really powerful attribute that most leadership gurus ignore: kindness. Yvette Brewin and her husband Justin have built an incredible Melaleuca business. Yvette has a humble professional background having spent her life raising two beautiful kids, Jayden and Analyse and working part-time either in retail stores or in party-plan or both. Times were tough before Melaleuca but Yvette had a beautiful dream of owning her own property with land and horses. When you meet Yvette and talk to her, it makes you feel good. She’s a little quirky and wears a wide bright red Sei Bella printed smile. She giggles a lot and gives whoever she is talking to all her attention. Through what she says and how she looks at you, you can tell she’s on your side. She has the special leadership attribute.

“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” Aesop

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $20,791 senior director Real income enhancing lives




Esther Tevaga New Zealand A little piece of your true self.

months? Esther explains that it is all about giving a little piece of true self. “Coming from a corporate background I started out as being quite direct and professional, revealing very little of my true self. But the minute I took that corporate hat off, and put my single mother hat on, people immediately warmed up to me and wanted to team up. You see it's all about being real, being honest and being vulnerable – that’s when people start to think ‘hey if she can do it, then I can too!’” explains Esther. You need look no farther than Esther’s newly advancing Pacesetter Director 9 Asenita Tiseli to see that that the old saying ‘you get what you give’ is true. “Seeing Asenita receive a cheque of $26,618.59 in her third month was just as rewarding as my own success.” Esther revealed, “We’re a team, so my success is their success.” So where to from here? “The next step for me is Executive Director by August 31st,” said Esther. “But more importantly, I will help at least two of my team members achieve Senior Director and the life-changing income that comes with it along with me.”

“The best bit – I’m not alone! I have an opportunity to make a huge difference to my community by helping them to transform their lives both financially and physically too.”

How does it feel to earn the average annual income in just one month? Just ask newly advancing Pacesetter Senior Director 6 Esther Tevaga! Double advancing in July 2017, this humble leader struggled to contain tears of absolute joy when she was presented with a cheque of $68,184. “I am just so incredibly humbled and overwhelmed.” explained Esther, “I’ve always been exceptionally driven to succeed, and I’ve run my own businesses in the past, but nothing has ever come close to being this life-changing as Melaleuca.” With her cumulative earnings now surpassing $150K in just six months, Esther is only just starting to grasp that Melaleuca is a business that will last a lifetime. “The past six months have really shown me that this is real – the people are real, the money is real and the opportunity is real. I know now that every hour of effort that I put into this business will not only pay me now, but for years and years to come! And the best bit – I’m not alone! I have an opportunity to make a huge difference to my community by helping them to transform their lives both financially and physically too.” So how do you earn an annual income of a CEO in just 6

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $68,184 senior director Real income enhancing lives



Hayley & Ben Harding South Australia The golden rule of Melaleuca.

enrolled one personal customer that month. I wasn’t being the captain of the team; I was the coach barking orders from the sidelines. Not making Senior Director 3 was the wakeup call I needed to correct my path to Executive Director.” Acknowledging her steady decline into ‘Management Mode’, Hayley approached the month of June with a completely new mindset. “June was all about balance and discipline. I made a plan and I stuck to it no matter what! I made sure that adding names to my contact list were just as important as doing a presentation for a team member.” explained Hayley. Attending Road to Senior Director just four short weeks later, Hayley’s newfound regime of balance had already begun to pay off. “I was so happy to have helped two new business partners achieve Pacesetter Director in June. But seeing Ashleigh Ciampa advance to Pacesetter Director 6 was just the icing on the cake!” Hayley reflects. Although expected, Hayley’s subsequent Senior Director 3 advancement had left her—uncharacteristically so—speechless. “I was expecting the advancement—I had worked hard and stuck to the plan after all! But I wasn’t expecting the cheque of $18,313 for one month! I’ve never earned this kind of money before, and it has completely changed mine and my family's lives.” Congratulations Hayley and Ben on yet another Senior Director advancement, and we look forward to watching the rest of your journey towards Executive Director in 2017.

2017 has been a whirlwind of advancements and life-changing income for Hayley and Ben Harding – advancing to Senior Director in March and Senior Director 2 in April, the golden couple from Adelaide could seemingly do no wrong! With momentum and a handful of leaders on the path to Senior Director on their side, Hayley was shocked to learn that they had missed out on a third Senior Director advancement in May. “It was a complete sucker punch to the gut—we had kept up the mantra of ‘grow every month’ so I knew that we had the volume, but what I didn’t realise was that we didn’t have the Directors! I’ll admit that it was incredibly disappointing,” said Hayley. What happened next is what makes Hayley a winner —where one may have wallowed in their own self-pity and frustration, she instead took a good hard look in the mirror. “Yes I was frustrated —but when I really thought about it, I realised that I only had myself to blame. I was so focused on helping my team enrol customers and develop Directors, that I forgot the golden rule of Melaleuca – never neglect personal activity!” she explains, “I hadn’t added one single person to my contact list, and I hadn’t

“June was all about balance and discipline. I made a plan and I stuck to it no matter what!”

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $18,313 senior director Real income enhancing lives



On the road to... Senior Director

The road to Senior Director is paved with life-changing milestones $90–100K plus a car within twelve months—  it WILL change your life! These exceptional Marketing Executives took big steps on their journey to achieving this goal. Help us celebrate their fantastic achievements!

Directors 7

Director 9

ASENITA TISELI: Director 9, NZ Throughout my life I have worked in the banking and public health sector for 37 years. Like most people, I struggle financially; I have a mortgage, car loan, bills to pay and family daily needs to be met. On top of this, two years ago my husband was forced out of work following major heart surgery. With one wage, and the growing medical costs, we just couldn’t afford to meet all of our fortnightly bills. Making the decision to give Melaleuca a go was the best decision I have ever made; inMay, I advanced my business to Director 3 and received a cheque for $8,254! Not only did it allow us get on top of our bills, we even had money to put away for a rainy day! Since then, we have earned over $50,000 – that’s more than the average annual income! My life is completely changing, and I cannot wait to help other families get out of debt too!

MOANA & SONASI SAMITA: Directors 7, NZ I am a stay at home mum and fulltime caregiver for my sick husband who is currently recovering from a recent kidney transplant operation. Money is really tight, and health and wellness are things we value perhaps more than most. So when Director 9 Asenita Tiseli showed us a way to access affordable nutrition and generate an income at the same time, we were very excited to get started. Advancing to Director 3 inMay and receiving a cheque of $8,254 was just amazing. To then receive two more cheques of $18, 472 and then $28,839 in the two months that followed was mind blowing! This kind of income not only helped us pay our bills, it gives us the chance to give our kids the education they deserve, experience holidays and lots more!




Senior Director : Real income enhancing lives

Director 7

Director 6

MONICA SAMITA: Director 7, NZ It was really only a matter of time before I joinedMelaleuca. My favourite thing in the world is shopping, so getting paid to do this and help others switch stores is just amazing! When I see what I have achieved just by helping families make better shopping choices, I am absolutely humbled; receiving a cheque for $20,434 in July was proof that this compensation plan works. If I continue to focus on the people and working together to achieve their goals, I know I will be rewarded.

MANUTUUFANGA KAITAPU: Director 6, NZ “Come! It’s a blessing!” was the exact approach my cousinMonica Samita used to get my mother and I to take a look at Melaleuca. We were both clueless but based on trust, it lead us to Sharlene Lesa’s presentation at her humble home. I saw the cheques and with my Father on ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation), I made the decision to get started, hoping to be able to contribute to my family’s much needed bills and groceries budget. Teaming up withMonica, I was blown away by my second cheque of $12,527! I absolutely love what I do, andMelaleuca has become an addiction. My advice to anyone considering Melaleuca? “Take the risk or lose the chance”.





Directors 4

Directors 6

ROSA & EDWIN PUNI: Directors 6, NZ As a breast cancer survivor, Melaleuca helped me realign the two most important things in my life – my family and eliminating all toxins frommy life. Melaleuca enables me to do both – be a mother and carer for my two children while providing financial and wellness for all their needs. When I received my $11,130 July cheque, I knew this business was real. My hard work and persistence has paid off and will continue to pay off in the future. WithMelaleuca, I know that I can help anyone achieve their dreams – I know I can and will!

DAWNLISA AND SIONA HIFO: Directors 4, NZ During the month of May I was approached by my niece, Director 6 Manutuufanga Kaitapu to learn about an opportunity that would change my life. My husband has been a great provider, but he works so hard, and I’ve been looking for a way to help him retire soon. When I heard about Melaleuca, and saw the success that Manutuufanga and her teamwere having, I knew that I couldn’t let this pass me by – I could tell that Melaleuca had the power to change my life and my family’s lives forever. Advancing to Director 4 in July and receiving a cheque of $6,193 was just the start of our journey to Senior Director and financial freedom.



SENIOR DIRECTOR Real income enhancing lives


Directors 3

Directors 4

TALASIA & MOSESE MANU: Directors 4 WA Before joining Melaleuca, I was working hard with anMLM company selling perfumes, but making very little money. So when Senior Director 2 Siutaka Vaka approached me, I was initially sceptical! At the time I was financially struggling , but hearing that I wouldn’t have to carry inventory and I could essentially get paid to shop for the things I needed every month, I was ready to give it a go! Reaching Director 4 in just 3 months and receiving a cheque of $4,310 just in July has meant a lot to my family! It has allowed me to pay off a few bills and to put some money aside to help with my kids’ education fees. But this is only just the beginning – I want to follow in Sharlene and Esther’s footsteps, so Senior Director is what I am aiming for this month!

LISA & LUKE ARMSTRONG: Directors 3, NZ Before Melaleuca came into my life, each week consisted of tirelessly working 4 days a week in the retail industry. I would often come home at 6pm to my children who wanted and needed my time which I struggled to give. Being concerned with chemicals adversely affecting my childrens' health, Melaleuca’s health and wellness products stood out as the answer to my families health problems. I am excited to say that my July cheque of $4,199 has enabled me to pay off my credit card and my child’s school fees but more importantly, enabled me to only work just 3 days a week giving me a whole day more time spent with my family! I look forward to the day I can work Melaleuca fulltime and spend each and every moment of everyday with my children.



Achieve Senior Director and receive a Car Bonus to buy the car of your dreams. LET MELALEUCA PAY FOR YOUR CAR!




When National Director Christian Crescenzo decided to build a Melaleuca business in June 2008, he had a strong support system built in. His father, National Director 6 Phil Crescenzo, and uncle, National Director 7 Dave Crescenzo, were fantastic mentors. But growing up in a Melaleuca family posed a certain challenge—Christian had a very small warm market to work with as a new Marketing Executive. He learned very quickly how important it is to maximise every enrolment. By November 2008, Christian became a new Senior Director.










In January 2009, Christian flew to Melaleuca headquarters for the semiannual Road to Executive Director training and celebration retreat. He was rightfully proud of the progress he had made to become a Senior Director, but it didn’t take long for Christian to realise that what he’d been doing in the past would not take him where he wanted to go. As he mingled with other Senior Directors at the retreat, he learned that many of them had developed Senior Directors themselves—something Christian hadn’t come close to doing. He didn’t have any business partners in his organisation higher than Director 3 status. Among the businesses at the event, Christian’s had the fewest customers. “I was the smallest guy in the room,” he says. “I knew I had to figure out a way to build leaders.” He left Idaho Falls with a new mindset. “I had a new job to do and that was to get my business partners to the corporate office. Get them in that building, where I was standing, as a Senior Director at Road to Executive Director.” Between that epiphany in 2009 and now, Christian has developed nine personally enrolled Senior Directors. Reflecting on his experience getting to Senior Director, Christian knew how pivotal it was when he took charge of his own business instead of relying on his enroller for things he could— and should—do himself. The enroller has to get out of the driver’s seat and let the new guy have a go behind the wheel. “Every Senior Director I’ve developed, I’ve watched them shift the moment that they took the wheel,” he says. “They weren’t good at first. And that’s okay. But they get better as they hold the wheel.” Whether you’re heading toward Senior Director yourself or ready to develop Senior Directors on your team, Christian’s strategy can help you get going in the right direction—and get you to your destination.



START A JOURNEY WITH THE DESTINATION IN MIND. If you don’t start a journey with the destination in mind, how can you ever hope to arrive? Make a plan before you ever get on the road. Get a map. Calculate the travel time. Fill up your fuel tank.

USE A GPS. A GPS ensures you take the most direct route to your destination. It keeps you going the right way at every crossroads. If you get off course or if there’s a delay, it reroutes you if necessary to keep you moving toward your destination. With Melaleuca, your commitment is your GPS. When you’re committed to follow the path laid out for you and see your activity through, you’ll get to where you want to be.

WHAT’S YOUR DESTINATION? When you take the freeway to New York, you’re going there for a reason. Maybe you’re going to a Knicks game or a Broadway show. The same goes with your business. You might set your GPS to take you to Senior Director, but your real destination might be residual income, college education for your kids, a family vacation, or retirement money.


GET THE RIGHT VEHICLE. There are certainly different vehicles you can take to get to your destination, but Melaleuca has been custom- made for this journey. “Some of those other deals would be like riding a push bike down the freeway with two flats,” Christian says. “Rest assured, Melaleuca as a vehicle is more than sufficient. Melaleuca is so committed to fine-tuning the vehicle. You never have to doubt that.” FUEL UP. Your contact list is what powers your vehicle. “It’s a terrible feeling to be on the turnpike and not have enough fuel in your tank. You pass all the fuel stations and then hit traffic. The low fuel light comes on the dash and you’re worried you’re going to run out. That’s what it feels like when you’re trying to get to Senior Director and you don’t have a decent contact list.”

BEWARE OF DETOURS. Unwillingness to get


uncomfortable . “Sometimes we think it’s this business that’s uncomfortable,” Christian says. “But really, anything new makes us uncomfortable.” Phone call reluctance . “Inactivity breeds fear,” Christian says. If you’re not making calls every day, you’ll have exited off the freeway before you know it. Poor contact list planning . You need plenty of names on your contact list. “What happens is you get down to the end of the month and you start calling people sounding desperate, right?” Christian says. “You’re not going to build a business that way.”







TO GO FASTER, STEP ON THE PEDAL. If your contact list is the fuel, then phone calls are your accelerator pedal. If you want to go faster on the freeway, step on the pedal!

ENJOY THE RIDE. Maximise the fuel in your tank . Make your vehicle more “fuel efficient” by promoting Home Conversion Packs and improving your approach and presentation skills. Carpool . When you have others headed to Senior Director with you, you will get there faster. They’ll help fill up the fuel tank with their own contact lists. They’ll help keep the pedal to the metal. “That’s going to be an enjoyable ride because you’re going to get there on everybody’s efforts.” Don’t turn around when there’s a delay . Hiccups are bound to happen. Traffic jams. Road construction. A passenger who wants to get out of the car. It’s frustrating when your timeline changes, but keep going. “The worst you can do is turn around when you’re on your way,” Christian says. “If you are a Director 3, you’re a third of the way there.”


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics.


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Stay on nature’s good side.



ROAD TO SENIOR DIRECTOR Kingscliff, NSW, July 2017 By Daniel Wood, | GENERAL MANAGER

Our mid-year Road to Senior Director training hit new heights, it was simply incredible! We held the event at the luxurious Mantra Resort at Salt Beach in Kingscliff, New South Wales. It’s an amazing venue, so exclusive that this year we shared it with the New South Wales State of Origin NRL team! It is the perfect place to learn, celebrate success, create new friendships, relax and be treated to some fine dining and good fun.

Road to Senior Director is our most effective event when it comes to transforming Directors 2 and Directors 3 into Senior Directors. We make a real effort to help attendees experience Melaleuca’s unique culture by sharing success stories and celebrating their success. We want everyone who comes to Road to Senior to have time to reflect on their lives so that they can dream about their future – as a Senior Director—and make a life-changing decision to make it become reality. The training at this event was exceptional. One highlight for me was the amazing panel discussion on Critical Activity 2: Making Approaches. In this segment, Senior Director 9 Judith Scott, Senior Director 9 Yvette Brewin, Senior Director 8 Carole Sellar and Senior Director 5 Jacqui Scott shared their vast wisdom of the best ways to approach people—and they were unanimous, keep it simple and be very enthusiastic! They were incredibly engaging and provided some real pearls of wisdom.


Our next training segment was from the one-and-only Senior Director 3 Hayley Harding. Hayley shared her experience on how to make the presentation relevant and engaging for all audience members – insightful stuff. Then – in great detail - she covered her close. This was amazing information. No matter whether her audience shows interest or reluctance towards becoming a Melaleuca member Hayley shared wonderful tactics on how to 'close' everyone! The success we celebrated was truly awesome as always. Except this time there was more to celebrate than ever. There were 26 Marketing Executives heading a life-changing event. Then we had some real milestone advancements to celebrate; Ofa Wright, Anaise Saafi and Angela & Ian Anderson advanced to Director 4; Vineula & Fakatouolalelei Ahokava advanced to Director 5; Ashleigh & Ricky Ciampa and Moana & Sonasi Samita advanced to Director 6; Asentia Tiseli advanced to Director 7; Siutaka & Sosaia Vaka advanced to Director 8; and the we had the Senior advancements; Esther Tevaga double advanced to Senior Director 2, Hayley & Ben Harding advanced to Senior Director 3, Sharlene Lesa advanced four times in the month of June to Senior Director 6 and ultimate advancement was Yvette & Justin Brewin who advanced their business to Senior Director 9! As always, more impressive than the advancements were the stories behind them. We saw the lives of Asenita and Moana change right in front of our eyes as they earned cheques of $26,619 and $18,473 respectively – wow! It was amazing to see Hayley and Ben Harding take another step closer to Executive Director and continue to transform their lives with a cheque of $18,313 and it was wonderful to see Yvette and Justin Brewin continue with their journey and earn a cheque of $20,791. straight to Senior Director —they qualified for fully hosted status which includes flights, accommodation and everything else you need at

“Attending Road to Senior is an opportunity to focus on yourself and how you’re going to transform your life.”

accommodation, meals and training all you have to do is advance your business to Director 3 or above before 31 October 2017 and you’ll be joining us at the exclusive Novotel Twin Towers, Sunshine Coast, Queensland from the 12th-13th January 2018. We can’t wait to see you there! Good luck!

Attending Road to Senior is an opportunity to focus on yourself and how you’re going to transform your life. For those attendees who make a life changing decision at Road to Senior, they get all the knowledge and training they need to advance their business to Senior Director. If you want this opportunity and you want Melaleuca to cover all the costs associated with attending, such as flights, transfers,