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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Vitality to find it! [ Throw new fruits and veggies into the mix. ] There’s a good chance you’ve onl

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201811


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201809

afternoon tea & lunch provided) • Group Dinner Friday, 16 November 2. 1. Two ways to qual ify as ful

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201805

BusinessCenter under News &Meetings. If you’d like to host an event, talk to your Regional Sales Spe

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beliefs you know they value. This shift in attitude also matters to your customer too. As the saying

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709

09 In January 2009, Christian flew to Melaleuca headquarters for the semiannual Road to Executive Di

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801

20 Club. What happened to transform this quiet couple so dramatically? In Taran’s case, she became p

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201803


March 2 0 1 8 LEADERSHIP IN ACTION | B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |

2017 Marketing Executive of the year Carole Sellar CONGRATULATIONS TO

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

Another Milestone on Our Journey, and the Pace of Our Growth Continues to Accelerate


Reaching $2 billion in annual sales is a significant milestone for Melaleuca.

It took 19 years from the day we started to reach $500 million. It took only eight years from then to grow an additional $500 million (and reach the $1 billion milestone.) It then took only five more years to reach $1.5 billion. And now it has taken only 14 months to achieve $2 billion! These are fun times! Thank you to all of those happy customers who are referring other customers. Our success is entirely because of you!

It’s important to know that milestones are not destinations. They simply mark significant points of progress along the journey. Our rapid growth over the past two years is evidence of a very bright future. Our products and business model are being enthusiastically embraced throughout the world. Superior, naturally derived products with exclusive formulas backed by scientific evidence are in great demand, and Melaleuca is the world leader in that space. The speed at which Melaleuca is gaining momentum is evidenced by the amount of time it has taken to reach each $500 million increase in annual sales.




Time It Took to Reach $500 Million (In Annual Sales)

19 Years to First $500 Million

8 Years to Second $500 Million (A Total of $1 Billion )

5 Years to Third $500 Million (A Total of $1.5 Billion )

14 Months to Fourth $500 Million! (A Total of $2 Billion )





M A R C H 2 0 1 8

Melaleuca Hits $2 Billion in Annual Sales! p. 10 Melaleuca is on an upward trajectory of unprecedented growth. We’ve gone from $1 billion in annual sales in 2011 to $2 billion in just six years! There’s no better time to be here!


2017 Awards winners......................... 21 Convention at a glance...................... 23 NEW Hidden Garden Tea................ 27 NEW PreSpot Stick............................ 28 NEW Sei Bella Foundations............ 29 NEW Sei Bella Facial Wipes............ 30 Meet the Uplifting NEW Essential Oils from PURE ™ ................................. 31 Revive Range......................................... 33 You are what you read ...................... 34 Are You Financially Literate?........... 35 Recognition............................................ 39


CONVENTION 2018 Two days filled with, training, business announcements, product show case, recognition and Marketing Executive of the Year

CAROLE SELLAR She has done it again! Congratulations to our 2017 Marketing Executive of the Year

Senior VP of Sales tells how a handful of the ways attending Convention can help you change your business and your future.... PAGE 05





T E A M , W H A T D I D W E L E A R N ?


Leadership in Action is more than reading material—it’s a training tool for you and your team! After reading this issue, turn education into action. Below you’ll find questions that you can ask yourself or use to engage your team in discussions to help everyone reach their goals.



F R A N K ’ S M E S S A G E : Melaleuca has recently announced two big milestones—paying out $5 billion in commissions to Marketing Executives and achieving $2 billion in 2017 annual sales. What is the relationship between these milestones? Frank points out that milestones are not destinations. How does this affect the way you look at your personal progress and set your own goals? ›  ›  A D VA N C E M E N T S Marketing Executive of the Year Carole Sellar used to put so much pressure on herself to be perfect that she was afraid to set goals. Can you relate to that? What personal growth have you experienced because of your Melaleuca business? ›  ›  P R O D U C T T R A I N I N G A N D W E L L N E S S What new products are you most eager to try yourself? What new product is most likely to change the lives of your customers? Make a plan to contact each one of your customers to tell them about Melaleuca’s newly launched products. ›  ›  B U S I N E S S T R A I N I N G A N D M I N D S E T Do you agree that “you are what you read?” Make a list of books and articles you can read this year that will help you in your New Year’s resolutions. Do you think you’re financially literate? What finance-themed books, podcasts, or magazines might assist you on your journey to financial wellness? ›  › E V E N T S Did you attend Convention 2018? What message stuck with you? Who are the members on your team who could likely attend Road to Executive Director? What goals can you set to help them achieve this huge milestone? Share your commitment to attend Convention 2019. What do you need to do to get there?


Experts say that writing down and sharing your goals increases the likelihood that you’ll achieve them. Why not share them with your Leaders and your Team? Make the commitment, achieve your goals




The Magic Convention Convention 2017 was my fifth ConventionwithMelaleuca, and I can say with confidence nothing else compared. Over the course of my career in themedical and pharmaceutical industry, I planned and attendedmany other national sales conferences. As Vice President of Medical Sales for a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical company, I planned national meetings for thousands of medical

sales representatives. But it just wasn’t the same. Magic happens at Convention. Youwalk away a different person than youwere when you came. You’re stronger, more focused, andmore primed for success. “I think a lot of people miss out because they don’t feel like they need it or don’t want to spend the money, but you really can’t put a price tag on the tools that you walk away with from Convention. It’s the university of Melaleuca. If you want to grow your business, if you’re really considering Melaleuca for your future, you have to go !” —North American Executive Director 4 Molly Pretzlaff


Every year at Convention, I learn something new. I walk away reenergised, and with at least one or two things I’m going to do just a little bit differently. I am convinced that Convention is a critical tool for success in this business. Here are just a handful of the ways attending Convention can help you change your business and your future....

Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales

Convention helps you...

Evaluate and Change Your Habits Your greatest asset is the 24 hours you have in a day. Is your time spent on the specific activities that move you closer to your goal? For many of you, your Melaleuca business either is or COULD BE the vehicle for you to change your life—if you’re truly willing to consistently perform a few critical activities. For those building a Melaleuca business, continually adding to your contact list and making at least four calls a day (or 20 calls a week) are the required intentional steps to take. When you do this, your Melaleuca business—and your income—will grow, and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your goal. Identify or Strengthen Your “Why” Do you know why you’re building this business? It’s never just about the money. To succeed in this business (and life in general), you need to have a meaningful and sustaining purpose that drives you forward. Convention provides you with a unique opportunity to really define and strengthen your “why.” You will learn more about Melaleuca, its products, business plan, and company values, and you’ll get a better sense of what Melaleuca can mean for you and for those you share it with. Understanding that potential and hearing from other Marketing Executives how this business has enhanced their lives will help you further clarify your goals and motivations.

The routine exercise of taking a moment to write down your “why” is a transformational experience. Don’t just write a simple phrase or sentence. Write a paragraph (or more!). Really flesh out the meaning behind why you’re building this business. It’s a powerful exercise that will help focus your actions and make sure you are truly moving in the direction you desire.


Build a Support System With thousands of Marketing Executives in attendance, Convention is one of the best networking opportunities you’ll ever get. You will meet individuals from around the world who are building a business just like you. You’ll rub shoulders with the very best in the business, and have a chance to hear from leaders you may never meet otherwise. This is a priceless opportunity to create lifelong friendships, learn new approaches and solutions, find an accountability partner, and widen your support system beyond your team, state, or even your region! Become a Lifelong Learner Study after study has found that the most successful individuals are those who are committed to lifelong learning. They’re constantly looking for ways to improve, change, and evolve, that's what Convention is all about. No matter what your status or how many years you have built a business, you’ll never outgrow Convention. You’ll always leave smarter, more efficient, and better prepared to take your business to the next level. Part of the reason Convention workshops are geared towards specific statuses is because we want to ensure you’re getting information that is relevant and effective for your specific needs and experience. Just remember, the real payoff for all this learning is the action you take after Convention. As the philosopher Herbert Spencer said, “ The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ”

Fall in Love with the Process This is one of the most important steps for creating a healthy, thriving business—learning to enjoy the work that leads to success. It’s a lot easier to grow your business if you don’t dread approaching others or aren’t nervous about meeting someone new. However, it’s not uncommon for some new business builders to struggle with the process at first. It’s a lot like losing weight or getting in shape. Those first few weeks at the gym can be uncomfortable. You’ll probably have sore muscles, and your workouts might leave you feeling worn out rather than energized. But if you keep going, over time you’ll start to notice how good you feel when you work out. While your original goal might have focused on losing a certain amount of weight, you’ll begin to see value in exercise beyond just a number on the scale. When you fall in love with the process of exercise, or the process of a building a business, your mind-set shifts. The process becomes part of your lifestyle— something you do naturally and consistently. When you fall in love with the process of enhancing lives, you get excited about sharing Melaleuca with others. It’s easier to reach out and speak up. You’re no longer building a business just to see a certain status by your name. You’re sharing Melaleuca with others because you genuinely enjoy it, and you see the value Melaleuca has for both your life and theirs.

What is your #ThisYearIWill goal?

Create a Game Plan The first step to success is to have a clear destination. After all, how do you know if you’re headed in the right direction if you don’t know where you are going? One of our goals for anyone who attends Convention is to help them identify a clear goal and come up with specific steps for how they will accomplish that goal. You will receive training, worksheets, and step- by-step guidance to help you create a unique game plan on your road to success. I strongly encourage you to solidify and commit to the daily habits and processes that will make the most difference in your business. You’ll be amazed what you can accomplish in a few months once you have a focused plan and destination. And remember, you don’t need to wait for Convention to make your next game plan. This is a practice you should do regularly. Your game plan will evolve with your business and your goals.



hat is your hisYearIWill goal?

All Roads Lead to Melaleuca Many of you will read this at Convention or on your way home from Convention. Travel safe on your road. Remember all roads truly do lead to Melaleuca. And that nothing else compares. Like many of you, I came from another industry. When I first started out in my professional career, I had no idea I would end up in Idaho. But I’m so glad I did. I’ve seen enough of the corporate world and the marketplace to know this is truly a one-of-a-kind company. We’re offering solutions and opportunities that everyone needs, whether they’re customers or business builders. You can share Melaleuca with confidence. And don’t worry if sometimes the answer is “not right now.” Keep coming to Convention, keep sharing your knowledge, and you’ll be amazed at how all roads really do lead to Melaleuca.

Recommit to Your Goals When it comes to business (and to your goals), there is no stasis. There’s either growth or atrophy. The problem is that change takes time—and after a while it can be easy to start letting go of little actions here and there. Maybe you get busy, so you make one less call a day. Maybe you fall into the “maintenance” trap, where you stop focusing on your power to progress and start doing the bare minimum to get by. Sometimes these changes are so little you don’t even realise you’re making them. And because you might not see an immediate difference in your business, you can end up frustrated and confused when six months later you’re struggling to maintain your status or income. Coming to Convention every year is crucial because it helps you take inventory of your business and recommit to the critical daily actions that allow you to reach your goals. It serves as an “aha moment” for Marketing Executives at all levels, giving them the knowledge and training they need to move forward. It’s no wonder that in the months following Convention, many attendees see dramatic growth in their businesses.

Discover Your Power A lot of times, when we hear the word “power” we think of strength or control. But there’s another definition of power. The Oxford English Dictionary defines power as “the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.” All too often, we underestimate or forget our own power—our ability to act and to achieve certain goals. That is why Convention and all Melaleuca events are so important. They are designed to help you realise your own power and ability. Nothing compares to sitting in a room filled with thousands of Marketing Executives and listening to their stories of how Melaleuca enhanced their lives. It’s a transformative and revealing experience. North American Executive Director 4 Sherry Bedinger said of her first Melaleuca Convention, “I walked into Convention and I saw thousands of ordinary people just like me doing extraordinary things. And I thought, ‘If they can do it, then I can do it too.’” You are capable of building a Melaleuca business—you have that power. You might not see it now, but come to Convention and you will.




EXECUTIVE Melaleuca presents

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

Bj Vaughan QLD

Yvette & Justin Brewin SA

Carole Sellar SA

Karen & Matthew Buttery VIC

Hayley & Ben Harding SA

Sharlene Lesa NSW



MELALEUCA where little guys win!

The stories, the training, the inspiration, all provided by Aussies and Kiwis. And why not, we’ve had an incredibly amazing fantastic year: four times as many advancements in 2017 than 2016, the highest growth rate in our history, nine new Senior Directors and two new Executive Directors – we triumphed and in doing so we helped Melaleuca become a $2 billion company. Whether you’ve been with Melaleuca for one month or 17 years; customer or Executive Director, you contributed to this result – well done! new location: Adelaide. And yes, the product showcase was spectacular! The real difference this year however, was the success was well and truly home grown! Convention this year was different. Yes, attendees enjoyed a fully catered event. Yes, we were in a

Carole absolutely believes that she can enhance people’s lives with our products and business opportunity. Helping people brings her enjoyment so building her business is something that she wants to do, so consistently, each day, she is adding names to her list and making approaches. Over the last four years, I’ve seen Carole’s incredible development. She doesn’t clean homes any more. Now she helps people improve their health and prevent illness. She is a leader who sincerely puts other people’s goals above her own and works tirelessly to change the lives of her team. Nowadays, she’s confident, she’s inspirational and she earns an incredible income. You can do the same. Forget your doubts, don’t over think things. The more you focus on our mission the more success you will achieve and the happier you will be working your business. Work every day, it doesn’t have to be for eight hours, just add a name to your contact list or if you bump into an old friend invite them to see an overview – consistency is the key and it’s the only thing that’s stopping you achieving the same success as Carole and becoming Marketing Executive of the year!

Of all the success at convention, Marketing Executive of the year is the highest accolade. The criteria for this award covers business growth, leadership development and status, therefore, the winner must consistently be the best at enrolling and retaining new customers and helping to enhance lives for the entire 12-month qualification period. Our winner this year, and now two-times Marketing Executive of the year was Senior Director 8 Carole Sellar. What a remarkable accomplishment, and proof yet again that Melaleuca is the business for the “Little guy!” Carole joined Melaleuca on the 13th May 2013. When she joined she was lacking in confidence and had earned a living cleaning houses for many years. She wasn’t blessed with the gift-of-the-gab and she had no experience in sales. She wasn’t trained in marketing and communications. She isn’t a financial expert with an innate ability with numbers. In summary, Carole is one of us: normal, a “Little guy!” So why then has Carole achieved such extraordinary success with Melaleuca? I think it’s quite simple, she has a deep connection to our mission.

Best wishes for 2018, Daniel



T h e

$2 Billion O ver the years, Melaleuca has reached a lot of milestones. Enrolling our hundredth customer. Opening business in a new country. Launching a new product. Reaching a new record in annual sales. Each milestone is exciting in its own right, but collectively they mean more. Like an acorn taking root in the soil and emerging as a young tree, each season—each milestone—adds to the growth of the season before. Melaleuca is transforming into a mighty oak tree. Looking back, we can see how much each milestone matters and has contributed to our overall growth and success. M i l e s t o n e



What $2 Billion Means to Us and to you The tallies are in. Melaleuca closed out 2017 as its highest revenue year ever. Melaleuca achieved over $2 billion in annual sales. That’s something worth celebrating! Why? Because it means that more lives are being enhanced than ever before. And it makes a statement about our very bright future. We don’t see a dollar as simply revenue. To us, every dollar means so much more. Every dollar in sales represents a smiling customer. Every dollar represents cleaner streams and air. A family with better nutrition. A mother who can stay home to raise her children. Good news from the doctor. Each dollar represents the difference Melaleuca is making in the world. Exponential Growth Reaching the $2 billion annual sales mark is all the more impressive when you consider how it all began. Melaleuca started with a handful of products in a small, rented building with a few eager employees. CEO Frank VanderSloot not only steered the company, he helped fill bottles, fielded phone calls from customers, wrote company brochures, and wrote the company’s monthly magazine The Melagram. It was a small operation, but, like an acorn destined to become a mighty oak, it was taking root. Melaleuca is unlike any other business. In fact, it’s not in line with any other industry. It’s completely unique. Melaleuca was created as a vehicle to change lives. It was designed to be an opportunity for the “little guy” to earn a good income without waiting for someone above him to grant him a promotion. At Melaleuca, your destiny is in your own hands. Our products are like nothing else. We’ve never needed to pay a spokesperson to brag about our products—our customers have done it for us! Frank established the company on solid principles and has always led it that way. That’s the difference. As you can see from Melaleuca’s sales chart, the company’s growth is more than steady—it’s exponential! It took 19 years for Melaleuca’s annual sales to climb to half a billion dollars. It took another eight years for Melaleuca’s annual sales to reach the $1 billion milestone. From that point, it took only five years to reach the next $500 million. Now, 14 months later, we have reached $2 billion. Each $500 million increase takes substantially less time to achieve. We celebrate the closing of our 32nd year with $2 billion in annual sales. Melaleuca’s growth chart is a real example that doing the right things for the right reasons results in unprecedented success. Driven by superior products Melaleuca has a unique relationship with its customer—that’s you. While every company could state that it wouldn’t exist without its customers, that statement is particularly true for Melaleuca. The only way we grow is when one customer refers Melaleuca to another. That’s no easy task considering vitamins, cleaners, and lotions aren’t exactly things people casually talk about. Our products not only need to be superior to the competitors. They need to be so good that they will become a topic of conversation. Our business relies on real customers enjoying far superior products. Success at the Global Headquarters is inextricably tied to your success in introducing new customers to products they will love and order month after month. Success is fulfilling our mission statement: to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals. This number, this $2 billion, just happens to be a numerical representation of the growth, excitement, and activity of those who actively refer others to our amazing products and unique shopping club.





Each $500 million increase in annual sales has taken substantially less time to achieve.



19 yrs

8 yrs

5 yrs

14 mo

It took 19 years for Melaleuca’s annual sales to climb to half a billion dollars. It took another eight years for Melaleuca’s annual sales to reach the $1 billion milestone. From that point, it took only five years to reach the next $500 million. And now, 14 months later, we have reached $2 billion. And we’re just getting started!



In the springtime, it can take as little as four to six weeks for an acorn to sprout and shoot roots into the soil. Once the sprout takes hold, the little sapling stretches toward the sky, taking in what nutrients, oxygen, rain, and sunshine it can. After five or six years, it has begun to take the shape of a small tree, now a few feet tall, pliable and poised for growth. In the years that follow, growth happens at an amazing rate, accelerated by a healthy root system and expanding branches. Eventually, the sapling becomes a sturdy, solid oak that can live for hundreds of years, bearing acorns of its own.


In 2017, we experienced record-breaking month after record-breaking month. We have established a pattern of exponential growth. Customers everywhere love Melaleuca’s products—and they’re telling their friends. There’s no better time to build a Melaleuca business! Just as your success is tied to Melaleuca’s growth, Melaleuca’s growth is linked to your success. No longer a small acorn searching for sunshine, the oak tree that Melaleuca is growing into provides more to its customers and business builders than ever before. Melaleuca offers the “little guy” the same opportunity it always has—along with more resources, knowledge, experience, and support. To our Marketing Executives, a dollar isn’t just corporate revenue. Every dollar represents further investment in your personal Melaleuca business. Thanks to the growth we’ve experienced, we’re able to provide our Marketing Executives like you with one of the Internet’s most visited shopping websites; 350+ wellness products for you to market exclusively; over $120 million in computer software and hardware; an elite staff of PhDs and research scientists; top-tier attorneys and accountants; over 1,400 marketing, finance, and IT professionals; and, of course, hundreds of cheerful employees who’ll answer your call after one ring and provide you with helpful service. Every dollar represents innovation and expansion. It represents one more step in getting Melaleuca’s products into every household. $5 Billion in Commissions Paid As of December 2017, Melaleuca has paid out $5 billion to Marketing Executives for referring new customers. Because of this exponential growth, Melaleuca’s business model is providing opportunity to thousands upon thousands of families all over the world. Some of the checks are small. Some of the checks quite literally change lives. Each acorn planted has the potential to grow into a mighty oak tree of a business that provides strength and shelter for a family. GAINING MOMENTUM We said it in 2003 when we achieved a half billion dollars in annual sales. We said it in 2011 when we achieved $1 billion in annual sales. We have just passed the $2 billion milestone and we’ll say it again—we’re just getting started! In 2011, when Melaleuca reached $1 billion in sales, President McKay Christensen directed our attention not to the accomplishments of the past, but to the possibilities ahead: “Your opportunity is bigger than ever! The markets we’re competing in are huge! With superior products, great value, and our unique business model, it’s only a matter of time before Melaleuca products are in every household.” Melaleuca is being discovered! From customers who want a better way to shop for better products, to individuals looking for a chance to improve their financial standing in life, Melaleuca has what others are looking for. The future looks very bright! The question is, how will you participate in Melaleuca’s growth in 2018? You have the opportunity to share Melaleuca with your friends and neighbors. If you don’t, chances are somebody else will. Now is the time to throw in with us in our mission of enhancing lives—and experience a rate of growth like you have never seen before. Together, we’re just getting started!




$2 Billion Lo o k l i ke? WH AT D O E S Two billion is a number so large, it can be difficult to comprehend. The page to the left holds 8,064 dots. If each dot on this page represented $1, it would take 248,016 pages to contain the two billion dots representative of Melaleuca’s sales in 2017. That’s enough pages to fill 3,100 consecutive issues of Leadership in Action —or the next 258 years’ worth of magazines—filled with nothing but dots!




For the hundreds of attendees at Melaleuca Australia and New Zealand 2018 Convention, all roads led to a new location, new venue and a new theme. The Adelaide Convention Centre in South Australia was a fitting venue to hold what was a truly an inspiring event.

The band began to play and the Marketing Executives enjoyed the rest of the evening dancing, celebrating and sharing each other’s company. Day two saw the introduction of Director of International Sales, Peter Lamb who hosted a panel of our most experienced and qualified leaders through a series of ‘how to’ and ‘why’s’. This lead to many questions being asked and answered by newly joined Marketing Executives who have just begun on their road—Some of the question were: How have they worked their way to where they are today? How do I make approaches? What happens if someone says “no” to me? Daniel drew the event to a close as he invited comments from the floor and asked where their road would take them from here. Belinda Onofria’s answer resonated with many in the room and one all will take away: “ I’ve worked for the same employer for nine years. Recently, one of my customers sent a thank you letter to the owner of the company thanking me for my work. He didn’t pass it on or make any mention of it! Now, having seen how people at Melaleuca are rewarded, I’ve decided I’m going to work hard here and get recognised properly !” As the event came to a close and looking back over the two days of tears, laughter, celebration and of course recognition we can really see that—All roads do lead to Melaleuca.

the benefits of Peak Performance closed a very informative presentation from Director of International Marketing, Brandon Mucci. Melaleuca Australia and New Zealand then launched into a new age of Online Enrolments and Digital Membership Kits coinciding with the introduction of the all new Melaleuca: an Overview; which replaces the Delivering Wellness Overview. A long overdue step into the 21st century with a view to ease of access and user friendliness. The Bowties and Bling theme set the mood for the much-anticipated prestigious Awards Gala on Friday night. Staged in a scenic panorama ballroom, attendees strode the red carpet stopping for the occasional glamour shot, and then were attentively escorted to their seats to await the night’s proceedings to begin. Blessings were made, dinner was served and then the awards to honour the hard work and dedication, many of our Marketing Executives had achieved in 2017. This then lead to the announcement of, the Marketing Executive of the Year award. Deservedly won for the second successive year by Senior Director 8, Carole Sellar. To a standing ovation and a blast of confetti, Carole received her award. With her irrepressible persona still shining through amongst the hysteria, you could taste the palpable murmur of many Marketing Executives in the room contemplating—what it must be like to be in her shoes at that very moment.

General Manager Daniel Wood opened the event by discussing the crossroads in your life, and by how deciding which path you will begin on next, will most likely determine the future that you may have. Having shared his own personal crossroad moment, Daniel set the tone for what was to come over the two-day event, as Marketing Executives begun to wonder “ Am I at a crossroad ?” “ Where is my road taking me ?” As the morning progressed, Events Coordinator, Natalia Dasilva recognised and celebrated Directors through to Directors 9 in attendance. The hall was buzzing with excitement and the celebration continued with the announcements of Melaleuca’s newest products. Flavours new and familiar from Hidden Garden Premium Tea were met with an overwhelming response. Prespot Instant Stain Remover Stick , a completely new addition to our Prespot range, and must have product for any Melaleuca Customer, set the enthusiastic vibe for the multitude of other new products launched. You could sense the leaders in the room beginning to realise how Melaleuca could enhance their customers shopping experience again and again, month after month. The Product showcase was opened to allowed Marketing Executives to explore, touch and try all of Melaleuca’s 400 plus products. An emotionally charged video, showing Marketing Executive TimWelch advocating






“This is not the happily ever after. This is just the beginning .”

These are the prophetic words of Carole “Queenie” Sellar, only two weeks after achieving marketing Executive of the Year in 2016. That year was a big one for Carole, advancing four times, and qualifying for five expenses-paid training and convention trips with her Melaleuca family – or “Melatives”, as she affectionately calls them. While such an amazing year full of achievements may have felt like a dream come true, even Carole was shocked to find out that she’d yet again won Marketing Executive of the Year, for 2017. “I don’t think I’d actually gotten over the shock of winning the year before!” Carole exclaims, “There are so many awesome leaders doing such a great job of enhancing lives every day, it could have been any one of them.” Carole’s Melaleuca team, and the friends she has made since starting her Cinderella journey in 2013 are undoubtedly what she holds the dearest about her experience so far. “I’ve made many new friends - or Melatives, as we fondly call them - along the way. Every day I thank the universe for such a wonderful life. Nothing compares to the five days spent holidaying with Daniel, Mel, Natalia and the beautiful leaders from Australia and New Zealand. For me, life definitely started at 60. I have never experienced such fun, laughter, and tears of joy…” But it’s not all about holidays in Fiji and awards for Carole, who remembers when she found her “why”. “Helping people enhance lives and watching them grow, blossom in to new people, leaving negative pasts behind is inspirational for me because we all have a story.” After battling serious liver toxicity caused by harsh chemicals and long, hard working days running her own domestic cleaning business,

Carole was eventually faced with an impossible choice to risk her life continuing to progress her business, or sell her family home. It was at this difficult time that she was approached by Senior Director 9 Yvette Brewin. “I use my story whenever I meet someone. I’m not ashamed to share my past with anyone because they see the positive person I am today. Melaleuca is the company that changes you.” “It’s only been two weeks since the excitement of Convention and receiving Marketing Executive of the Year.” says Carole, who’s already looking forward to the year ahead. “Being awarded Marketing Executive of the Year two years running has inspired me so much to have my biggest year yet in 2018.” And she’s got her sights set high: “I have to announce on stage “wow I got a hat trick!”” After finding out that a hat trick is three in a row, Carole’s obvious answer is “Really…well, I’d better make it three.” As all good leaders do, Carole has taken her success and shared it with her team at Melaleuca, and the lives of everyone else that her vibrant and inspiring story touches. “It meant so much to have my team in the room

because without them this award would not be mine. I’m so blessed to have such a big Melaleuca family… Thank you for coming in to my life and, more importantly, for staying there. I wish all the teams a massive 2018. Let’s show Frank Vandersloot how much we care for others, by enhancing the lives of those we touch, by helping people reach their goals.

The rags-to-riches princess Cinderella has been crowned Queenie. And her story’s not finished yet.




20/20 Club Leader Award Presented to the top active businesses with the highest number of personal enrollees who achievedthe 20/20 Club.

Retention Award

Director 3 – Executive Director Awarded to the leader who has a Retention Index of 50% and a net Preferred Customer growth of 50 or more will be honoured.

Carole Sellar Senior Director 8, SA

Ashleigh & Ricky Ciampa Director 6, SA

Home Conversion Award

Friends and Family Award

Director 3 – 9 Category One Senior & Executive Director Category Two Awarded to the top businesses that have the highest percentage of new organisational Preferred Customers who purchased a Home Conversion or Value Pack.

Director 3 – Executive Director Presented to the business with the highest average product point per new personal enrollees with 50 or more Preferred Customer growth will be honoured. (Excludes Value and Home Conversion Packs).

Carole Sellar Senior Director 8, SA

Rapid Advancement Award Category One: Awarded to the top business that achieved Director 3 status in the shortest amount of time during the award time period.

Bo Malupo Director 5, NSW

Siutaka & Sosaia Vaka Senior Director 7, NZ

Circle of Excellence Director 3 – Executive Director New Personal Enrolments 48 or more new quality personal Preferred Customers in the award year — must have 50% retention.

Taimani & Solomone Grewe Director 7, NSW

Moana & Sonasi Samita Senior Director 2, NZ

Jenny & Greg Poett Executive Director, WA


CONGRATULATIONS to these outstanding Marketing Executives on their success in building their Melaleuca businesses.

Personal Enrollee Advancement

Leader Achievement Award

Director 3 – 9 Category One Senior & Executive Director Category Two Recognises the top active Marketing Executives who have the highest number of Director and above advancements among their personal enrollees during the award time period.

Director 3 – Executive Director Presented to the Marketing Executive with the highest net Preferred Customer growth and the highest number of new personally developed Director 3’s.

Sharlene Lesa Executive Director 3, NSW

Taimani & Solomone Grewe Director 7, NSW

Esther Tevaga Executive Director 2, NZ

Personal Director Growth Director 3 – Executive Director Recognises the top business with five or more new net personal Directors in the award year.

Business Builder Award Presented to the business with the largest number of active Preferred Customers in their organisation. Who have also developed a personal Director during the award time period.

Sharlene Lesa Executive Director 3, NSW

BJVaughan Executive Director 4, QLD

Personal Director 3 Growth Director 3 – Executive Director Awarded to the top business who has demonstrated true leadership developing the highest amount of Personal Director 3’s.

Marketing Executive of the Year Presented to the Marketing

Executive with the highest total combined monthly contribution index during the award time period. The contribution index is the number of the net increase of Preferred Customers in an organisation during the previous twelve months, multiplied by the number of personally enrolled active Directors.

Siutaka & Sosaia Vaka Senior Director 7, NZ

Carole Sellar Senior Director 8, SA








When people don’t care for the planet, she rages with a vengeance. Our mission is to help you safely and powerfully clean your home, your dishes, and your laundry without harsh chemicals. So we created products that are safer for your home and the environment—helping keep Mother Nature calm and happy.

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Pyramid sachets. Hidden Garden Tea is a collection of premium tea blends made with high- quality tea leaves, then packaged in innovative pyramid sachets to bring out their fullest flavours. Our light, roomy pyramid sachets are shaped to allow all the complex flavours of the tea to be released while steeping, while preserving the ease and convenience the tea bag brings.


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Instantly remove stains with PreSpot Instant. No need to worry about stains—like coffee, tea, wine, tomato sauce, mustard, and makeup. PreSpot Instant is convenient and easily transportable in purses, handbag, briefcases, backpacks, or pockets.

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ORIGIN: Turkey EXTRACTION METHOD: Solvent extraction AROMA: Sweet, rich with floral top notes

WHAT SHOULD I BLEND IT WITH? PURE ™ Rose pairs Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Jasmine Absolute, Patchouli, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.

HOW CAN I USE IT? • This fragrance and rose oil is highly sought after for perfumes and aromatherapy. • Diffuse for a positive and balanced environment. • Dab on wrists for a light foral perfume alternative. • Add to bath water for a relaxing soothing bath.

HISTORY In 1888, the damask rose was cultivated at Miltitz near Leipzig. It has been cultivated in Anatolia in Turkey since 1894, and today there are many distilleries throughout the country which can be visited. Extraction of the essence with solvents started in Bulgaria in 1904, and this method has since become widespread. There is much cultivation of the damask rose in the Balkans at an altitude of 300 – 800 m (990 – 2640 ft), and many experts claim that these ‘high-flying’ roses give a better oil than those grown on the plains. In Russia, cultivation started in 1931, especially in the Crimea and Transcaucasus. A variety called ‘Novinka’ has been developed which can resist the extremely low temperatures. In Morocco, 4 – 5,000 tonnes of damask rose petals are distilled during the short season of four to six weeks. With their modern methods of distillation, they can distil 150 tonne DIY DIFFUSER BLEND RECIPE: UPLIFTING BLEND: Rose, Jasmine Modern life is stressful. When you are feeling anxious or down, try this refreshing blend in your PURE™ Diffuser by your nightstand before bed. This will help you wake up feeling more energized and ready for next day. 5 JASMINE 5 ROSE



Make the most out of every day. With Limited-time PURE™ Essential Oils From Melaleuca



Far far away can be right where you are. Select a destination fragrance and breathe in a daydream. A condo on the Cape...romantic Italy...a private island. Refresh everywhere—transform the atmosphere in your home with the delicate, delicious scents of Revive Room Sprays, Candles, Wax Melts and Fabric Freshener & Wrinkle Relaxer.




Light, fresh scent helps any room breathe easier. REVIVE ORIGINAL

Windswept jasmine softens the cool sea air over drafts of sweet vanilla cream.

Airy notes of orange, peach, and cucumber float on sandalwood and green lily.

Cool tangerine and mandarin chill with bright hibiscus and sweet mango nectar.















You Are What You Read

It’s a mystery! The same child who can’t retain textbook information long enough to pass a test on it can recite the names and abilities of 300 Pokemonwith a confident fluency a PhD would envy. How can that be? Answer: being interested in a subject makes the difference between blocking that knowledge, and allowing it in and allotting it brain space. You may be well aware that reading will supply constructive input to transform your life in ways you never thought possible, but the very thought of opening a book sends you into slumber. Take heart! When you read material directly applicable to you—your fulfillment and happiness, successfully building your business—your interest will perk up and you’ll find yourself not only turning the pages, but highlighting key portions as well.

Start with a subject Success, confidence, connecting, teamwork, leadership, motivation—pick a subject that appeals to you.

Search online and you will find Refining your search is imperative. A Google search of “success” summons 1,330,000,000 results! (And it doesn’t help that they run the gamut from “The Success Gurus: 17 Lessons in Greatness from the Best Minds in Business” 1 to “Stop Studying Success Gurus. Do This Instead.” 2 ) However, a search of “best success books of all time” or “best personal development books of all time,” for instance, will lead you not only to specific book possibilities but to links of related reading materials that may be helpful. It takes all kinds Pick the kind of book that holds your interest. A study of success, for instance, will lead you down the written roads of biography, self-help, motivational literature, business books, and more. One approach may appeal to you more than another. For instance, biographies are wonderful ways to meet people of importance and influence from every age of history, including our own. These role models put a human face on the greatness they have achieved, and it may prove just what you need to rise up and fulfill your own destiny. As a man thinketh You can also investigate and read about the psychological aspects of your subject. Are you working against your own goals? It’s quite possible to want something, but have subconscious reasons to avoid achieving it. Find out if you do! The right book can help you discover your true motivation. Connecting new dots Go to any online bookstore and peruse their subject list for a new topic that interests you. Why? Learning new things keeps our brains in shape, so to speak. “Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, refers to the brain’s ability to change throughout life,” says Pascale Michelon, MD. “The human brain has the amazing ability to reorganise itself by forming new connections between brain cells (neurons). This occurs in the brain through adulthood whenever something new is learned and memorised.” 3 On the flip side, psychiatrist Daniel G. Amen says, “Our brains are designed to prune away unused synaptic connections.” 4 It’s very important to keep the new information coming! Read, learn, and hone your mental edge! Great escapes Relaxing doesn’t have to rely on the stupefying re-watching of a TV series. Highly intelligent people have been found to indulge in mystery novels because a good whodunit or legal thriller is relaxing even while engaging the brain with delightfully superficial puzzles. 5

Hit refresh When life becomes busy and you are achieving your goals, there is a tendency to think you already know what you need to know, so why keep reading? Answer: When you’re learning you’re growing. A lake takes in refreshing new water from streams—a stagnant pond does not. Read to grow your business and to grow as a person. There is always something new to learn about achieving your life and business goals.

1 Andrea García Cerdán, “The Importance of Motivation: What Is It and Tips to Promote It,” CogniFit Blog, October 30, 2017. 1 Andrew B. Clancy, The Success Gurus: 17 Lessons in Greatness From the Best Minds in Business (New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2011). 2 Michael Schein, "Stop Studying Success Gurus. Do This Instead,", May 5, 2017. 3 Pascale Michelon, “Brain Plasticity: How Learning Changes Your Brain,” SharpBrains, February 26, 2008.

4 Daniel G. Amen, “What Impact Does Constant Learning Have On the Brain?” 5 Nancy Curteman, "Mystery Novels: Why So Popular?" Global Mysteries Blog, November 21, 2010.