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September 2022 How to live a better story Every human life on earth has a story to tell A ccording

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20 Club. “Making these changes has made a huge difference in our organization,” Breanne concludes. “

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KnowYourSkin. Only 11 % of Americans wear sunscreen every day, and almost HALF of Americans NEVER we

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7, but it’s crucial you show up for it—even if it’s just in a pocket of 10–15 minutes amid the crazi

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Kristin & Kristian Hoenicke P. 14 2022 MARKETING EXECUTIVES OF THE YEAR




Taking Charge of Your Financial Future—One Customer at a Time

As each month goes by and my calendar switches to a new month, I marvel at how quickly time is flying by. It always seems like there is so much more to do or so much more that could be done if only I had the time! I realize more than ever that taking action now on the most important things is the only way I will accomplish those things that are most meaningful in my life. Each month, I wait with great anticipation to see who is going to advance that month. It thrills me to see all their lives change as their financial burdens are lifted from them and they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I realize that, for most of them, Melaleuca is something that they have done in addition to their full-time job. In building a successful Melaleuca business, I know that they have had to be diligent and persistent in contacting and presenting to new customers. Somehow, they have found the time to pursue their dreams. They have not allowed anything to stop them. They have put first things first, and their lives will be different from now on—because they have pursued their dreams.

Each month, Melaleuca sends out tens of millions of dollars in bonus checks and commission checks. The size of those monthly checks ranges from one dollar to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The size of the check is always relative to the number of customers that each Marketing Executive has in their organization. The opportunity is the same for everyone. (I love that part!)… It’s not easy, but it is simple. The only ones who do not succeed are the ones who do not enroll customers consistently, week after week.”

It has been proven over and over that anyone can be successful in this business. The key is to increase your number of customers each week! Anyone can do it! It just


takes persistence! Those who team up with others and have weekly presentations in their homes thrive! It does not happen all at once—it is a business! If I wanted to change my life building a substantial repeat income, I would make sure that nothing stood in my way of having a Melaleuca Overview in my home each week. Or I would team up with someone else to trade off homes week by week. I would do this because I have seen the fruits of consistency and persistence. Sometimes people dream but do not follow through with pursuing and capturing their dreams. Our formula for success is easy: we add customers, one at a time. With the recent launch of the new Overview, sharing Melaleuca is easier than ever! The new Overview is designed with everybody in mind, regardless of how much experience they have in making presentations. Just read the slides and tell your story. Others will see how easy it is and will realize they can do that too. Simplicity is what duplicates! Executive Directors can make in excess of one hundred thousand dollars per year. They became Executive Directors by enrolling new customers consistently each week and by helping a few of those customers become Directors. This is not a lottery where you hope you win if they draw your number against million-to-one odds. Your success is guaranteed! If you consistently enroll new customers each week, you will get there. It will not happen any other way, but it will happen if you discipline yourself and follow through, week after week.

I am thrilled by the tens of thousands of families that are reaping financial rewards from their Melaleuca business. I continue to be impressed by the fact that it doesn’t matter if someone has an education or not, or if they come from a specific background or not. The opportunity is the same for everyone. (I love that part!) Persistence is the key! Put first things first! If you set your Melaleuca business on the back burner, you will never reach your goals. It’s not easy, but it is simple. The only ones who do not succeed are the ones who do not enroll customers consistently, week after week. During these turbulent economic times of high inflation and rising interest rates, I feel a sense of urgency to communicate clearly the tremendous opportunity that exists for people to take charge of their financial future. It starts with the enrollment process. We cannot let a day go by without reaching out to at least one more person and letting them know that we have the solution. Persistence creates success! Everyone who wants to do it can do it—if they put first things first. And enrolling new customers is the first step toward building a secure, vibrant financial future!





Delivering the Life-Changing News—in Person! Melaleuca CEO Jerry Felton traveled with Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson to Naples, Florida, to surprise Rachaell and Seville Ko with the news of their advancement to Corporate Directors 2! During the unexpected visit, they were joined by the Kos’ enrollers, Presidential Directors Jeff and Maureen Miller.


success at Melaleuca. 14

Cover Story 2022 Marketing Executives of the Year Kristian and Kristin Hoenicke share how after decades of rough waters, they found stability and


JULY 2022

Executive Messages

36 Stage to Page:

2 A Message from

Relatable Approaches by National Director 5 Jen Sebbas

Executive Chairman Frank VanderSloot

8 A Message from Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson

Product Training

42 The Power of Citric Acid 45 Smell Good, Feel Good with Affinia™ 49 Oligo® Delivers Minerals Just Like Nature


36 Business Building

24 Advancing Executive and National Directors 62 Advancing Senior Directors

Stage to Page: National Director 5 Jen Sebbas shares seven simple tips to make your approaches more relatable and effective.

Celebration & Events

65 Advancing Directors

52 Calendar of Events 54 2022 Convention Award Earners

Business Building

28 Why Military Families Love Melaleuca

74 President’s Club 2023: You’re Invited to Earn a One-of-a-Kind Island Adventure in Bora Bora!

32 Stage to Page:

The Power of Presenting in Person by National Director Courtney Martin

8 Executive Message Are your habits moving you closer to your goals? Maybe it’s time to revisit them.

24 Advancing Leaders

What can you learn from the experience and advice of these leaders?

CANADIAN MARKETING EXECUTIVES: Product information and promotions in Leadership in Action are written in compliance with US requirements but may not be suitable for use in connection with marketing products in Canada. Therefore, please use only Canada-approved literature for marketing products and services in Canada.




@darrinToGo @darrinjohnson1


Recently, I was coaching a newer Melaleuca leader when she expressed concerns about her ability to be the leader her team needs to help them reach their goals. So I asked her, “How do you want to show up today as a leader?” I could tell that wasn’t something she’d thought about before, so I rephrased the question. “What do you want your team to say about you at the end of each day?” I asked. That got her thinking. After a few seconds she said, “I want my team to say that I work as hard as they do and that I do the right things every day.” We spent the next 30 minutes talking about her definition of the right things to do as a leader. She quickly and enthusiastically listed these habits and characteristics.   Consistently adding names to her contact list Finding the time and courage to approach others  Sharing the new Melaleuca Overview with confidence Prioritizing celebrating the small wins achieved by her personal enrollees and her team Holding celebration events in person and virtually Scheduling Strategy Sessions for new Category 2 and Category 3 customers Attending in-person Melaleuca events Holding routine team meetings and earning Circle of Influence every month I asked whether I would see those very activities scheduled if I looked at her calendar. If I shadowed her for a week, how often would I see her consistently doing the habits that result in her achieving her list of the “right things”? She paused for a few seconds and then smiled. Her self-assessment told the truth about how her habits were helping her or hurting her. In short, whenever we question our abilities or self-doubt starts creeping into our thoughts, we may find the answer in our actions and habits.



CHECK OUT MELALEUCA LEADERCAST Hear interviews with Melaleuca leaders who are getting unstuck and pushing past their goals! MELALEUCA.COM/ LEADERCAST

Isn’t it empowering to know we can get unstuck whenever we choose simply by taking action and revisiting our habits? I love setting goals, and I’ll bet you do too. I know many of you have a goal of earning a supplemental repeat income with your Melaleuca business. Others have a goal of earning significant repeat income and setting their lives on a new track. Whatever your goals happen to be, we honor them. So let’s have some fun and look at our goals differently than we usually do. The book Atomic Habits by James Clear affirms that goals are essential and momentary. However, good behaviors and habits create long-lasting life changes. Our goals may shift depending on the season of life we’re in, letting us zig and zag on our leadership journey. But the best way—and maybe the only way—to keep growing is to focus on the proper habits that keep our mindset right and our actions going. I’ve always loved learning from high performers. When I was Vice President of Medical Sales for a Fortune 100 pharma company, I studied the habits of high performers—the consistent behaviors that made them great. I commissioned a comprehensive study of the best pharmaceutical reps in the industry to understand what makes them the best of the best. What I discovered was that those reps often struggled to verbalize their habits because they just inherently knew what to do. So I shifted my study methodology and observed their actions and behaviors daily to get the answers. What did I learn? I saw them consistently making small habits that created a high-performance culture. Our habits are what bring us closer to or push us farther away from our goals. Do a quick personal inventory: What habits are moving you closer to or farther from your goals?

What habits do you need to shift or create to help you push past your goals? What’s the one new habit you’ll tackle starting today? As you think about what habits you need to shift or create, my advice is to dream big and start very small. Too often, we try to start 10 new habits all at once. While that might be admirable, you’re unwittingly setting yourself up for failure. We’ve all been there. Let’s try it differently this time. Instead, think about the one new habit you want to develop and then start doing it every day. When that feels comfortable, introduce the next one. You’ll find that the practice of constantly creating new habits produces the right results and the right mindset. I’d love to hear from you about the one new habit you created due to reading this article. After establishing your first new habit, drop me an email at [email protected] and let’s celebrate! I can’t wait to learn about your experiences as you strive to live better lives and become better leaders.




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David Rodriguez TEXAS

Sarah & Joshua Rankin FLORIDA

Chelsie & Bo Gilbert MISSISSIPPI

Yeison Ramirez PUERTO RICO









Makenzie & Steven Schultz NORTH CAROLINA

Art & Kimberly McCauley IDAHO


Dennis & Delora O’Brien FLORIDA





All Executive Leadership Council (ELC) calculations are based on Member growth from US and Canadian customers only. These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


The Executive Leadership Council is composed of the top Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a current Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in an organization’s Members during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each Presidential, Corporate, National, or Executive Director’s Personal Enrollee Advancement Factor (the same factor found within President’s Club criteria). Council membership is reviewed monthly. At least five positions are reserved for Masters.

Erin & Aaron Clark MISSOURI 9

Kristin & Kristian Hoenicke TEXAS 10 MASTERS

Shawn & Jessie Williams TEXAS 11

Susan & Sean Dampier FLORIDA 12






Natali Krause & Kent Wonnell CONNECTICUT 14 MASTERS





Brittney & Kellen McLaughlin CALIFORNIA

Michael Ivery TEXAS

Angela & Anthony Cook ARIZONA





Masters are those Executive, National, Corporate, and Presidential Directors who have been Senior Directors or above for five or more years.



These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Sailing Smoother Seas with Melaleuca

Four traditional businesses. A dozen MLMs. Twenty-two moves. For nearly two decades, Kristin and Kristian Hoenicke sailed the rough seas of life searching for stability but only finding waves of uncertainty. Now, as Melaleuca’s 2022 Marketing Executives of the Year, their course is charted for smooth sailing as they navigate onward with Melaleuca principles as their North Star. This year, no business was better able to enhance the lives of others and help them reach their goals.



Kristian Hoenicke—a self-described serial entrepreneur—can trace the beginnings of his journey to Melaleuca to a childhood experience that has proven definitional. At the tender age of 12, his father dropped him off at the Travis Air Force Base library with one instruction: go learn a skill. The oldest of nine children in a military family living on base in Northern California, Kristian knew his parents’ limited income would never provide the luxuries in life he dreamed of. So he checked out a book on small engine repair and got to work repairing and reselling the more than 40 lawn mowers he found left behind by recently deployed soldiers. Kristian quickly expanded his vision and convinced his dad to drive him around the base to find other things he could repair and resell—bicycles, string trimmers, chainsaws, and other items with small motors. “In just a matter of weeks, I had a giant operation in my parents’ backyard!” he remembers. “I would bring everything I had ready out to the front yard and put out a sign and see what I could sell. I made pretty good money for a 12-year-old!” But Kristian didn’t stop there. He expanded his business to include repairing household items as well. Then he went into business with his younger brothers handling seven newspaper routes and mowing lawns in the summer. The lawn care operation became so successful that they had to hire additional neighbor kids to keep up with the demand! Kristian was such as a successful young entrepreneur that he was able to buy his first car before he even learned to drive. Everything about Kristian’s work ethic and personality pointed to a future of success. In fact, he was so focused on the future of his business ventures that he almost missed the best thing that ever happened to him: meeting Kristin. Getting in the Boat Together While Kristian’s youth was defined by his passion for fixing things and making money, Kristin had other interests. She grew up a couple states away developing her love for music—especially singing and playing the piano. The summer after graduating from high school, she flew from her home in Newcastle, Washington, to a music school in Indiana. That’s when she was first introduced to Kristian. “I didn’t like him,” Kristin remembers. “And the only reason I ever thought about him again was because my roommate had a crush on him and wouldn’t stop talking about him!” “The funny part is that I didn’t notice her,” Kristian adds. “I don’t remember meeting her at all. I was the weirdo who was too focused


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Optimistically Setting Sail One of the things that Kristin loved about Kristian right away was his drive and ambition to support her and their future family. Kristian already had his lawn care business, was working as a commercial plumber, and had just started his university studies to become a lawyer. “Kristian was doing all these things when I met him,” Kristin says. “I thought it was so cool that he was going to be a lawyer. But then he was introduced to his first MLM in 1997, right before we got married. I trusted Kristian, and he trusted that company— but it died four and half years later.” Kristian is the first to admit it—he allowed his life plans to change course because he was sucked in by the shiny

on thinking about my small businesses to pay attention to anything else!” Luckily, their their mutual friends couldn't miss out on the opportunity to see if they could help Kristin and Kristian fall in love, and a few months later the two of them were gently coerced into talking on the phone. Before she knew it, Kristin was flying to Disneyland to meet Kristian’s family for the first time. Less than a year after that first phone call they were married! “We talked for a long time on that first phone call,” Kristian remembers. “It only took me about five seconds to fall in love with Kristin’s voice. It was love at first sound! Once I got to meet her in person, it was game over—we needed to plan the wedding right away!”

things that the MLM world promised him. And as a 19-year-old, who wouldn’t be enamored by the prospect of major wealth, fancy cars, and stylish clothes? It seemed like they would be riding the waves of life in style! But hidden beneath the surface was a completely different reality. Everyone around him was spending more money than they made, trusting that their efforts would eventually bring the money back around. But nothing ever lived up to the promises. For the next 15 years, the Hoenickes could never quite get their sails up and instead were lost at sea, tossed around by wave after wave of terrible experiences. “It was totally self-inflicted,” Kristian explains. “Life was extremely difficult. We never had enough money. We ended up with literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. It was just so miserable.”



“But I had that accounts receivable list, and I didn’t want to walk away from that.” After packing up their apartment and sending Kristin and the kids to Washington, Kristian faced his troubles alone for the next six months. He spent a few miserable, sweaty nights sleeping in their white minivan in the Texas heat before a friend offered to let him sleep in his office outside of work hours. Kristian woke up early every morning to leave before employees arrived at work and spent his day visiting business after business on his list. Hit hard by their own financial instability, the businesses he approached regretfully couldn’t pay. Those who could spare something would give Kristian $50 here and $20 there to help him stay afloat. One night at Costco, Kristian sank to an all-time low. “I got in line to get my usual $1.50 hot dog and a drink at the end of my day,” he remembers. “When they asked for the money, I reached for the $1.50 assuming I certainly had at least that to my name. I came up with $1.43. That was a defining moment for me. I went to my van and couldn’t find the remaining money, so I walked around the parking lot looking for loose change until Costco closed. I couldn’t find enough. For the first time in my life, I tried to fall asleep while I felt like my stomach was eating itself.” Rising to the Surface Kristian started to rise from rock bottom when he upgraded from his friend’s office to a bedroom in that same friend’s home for a few months. He began working for the friend’s catering business and eventually was able to move into a tiny studio apartment on the wrong side of the tracks.

Finding a Glimpse of the Shore

world, Kristian started a small company publishing a quarterly advertising magazine that covered several zip codes in the Austin, Texas, area. But instead of success, Kristian found himself behind on everything, waiting on nearly $50,000 dollars owed to him by numerous small businesses. Kristin’s parents had just come to visit from Washington when Kristian got a call from their landlord threatening to send the sheriff to evict them if they couldn’t pay their rent. He didn’t tell Kristin or his in-laws about that call but instead went to work showing up at all the businesses who owed him money, hoping to collect enough to pay rent and smooth everything over. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t collect a dime. “Kristin’s parents had no idea we were so on the edge,” Kristian says. “I was just so used to living my whole life on the financial red line that this was normal to me. I finally told Kristin and her parents what was going on three days before the sheriff came.” “I was mortified,” Kristin remembers. “I was embarrassed that my parents had to see this and that they felt obligated to walk through this with us. We had finally hit rock bottom, and I knew our time had run out. I just trusted that God would take care of us. But it was a relief to relinquish control knowing it was the first time we didn’t have a way out. We were going to have to reap the consequences of our mistakes. I was looking forward to it, even though it was terrifying at the time, because I knew it could only go up from there.” Kristin took their two boys and went to live in her parent’s guest room in Washington while Kristian stayed behind to salvage what he could from the publishing business. “No one wanted me to be physically homeless,” Kristian says.

As fate would have it, around the same time Kristian found the MLM world, he also first spoke to Executive Director 4 Kent Wonnell about Melaleuca. It would take nine years of Kent following up before the Hoenickes decided to enroll as Melaleuca customers in 2008! “Laundry detergent and toothpaste just weren’t shiny enough or exciting enough for me,” Kristian remembers. “So I brushed Kent aside. We are so grateful to Kent for being persistent over many years and for also introducing us to Corporate Director 9 Ed Bestoso. I think Kent learned pretty quickly that we needed stability and peace of mind. What I was trying to build for my family was exactly what he was offering.” But Kristian and Kristin didn’t recognize the true value of being consistent in building their Melaleuca business when they enrolled. “I had it in my mind that advancing to Senior Director would fix all our financial problems,” Kristian says. “So when we achieved Director 9 after a couple of years, we waited and waited for the call that we had advanced to Senior Director, but it didn’t come. “We got right to the edge of Senior Director, and I had no gas left in the tank mentally and emotionally, so I gave up. I fell back into pursuing anything that looked shiny, anything that looked like I could make a big pile of money fast enough to not be homeless. And that all worked well enough until October of 2011.” Watching Everything Sink Finally convinced he could make a better life for his family outside of the MLM


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Those small wins helped the Hoenickes muster enough new belief in themselves to push forward. But the call of another MLM was too persuasive to resist. And at first, they made money and moved the family to Hawaii. But the success was fleeting. A few years after moving, they started to run out of money again.

I was looking forward to it, even though it was terrifying at the time, because I knew it could only go up from there.

That’s when Kristian came up with an unconventional solution: move their belongings into a storage unit on the island, buy one-way tickets to Malaysia, and temporarily live overseas in inexpensive countries while they saved up the money to come back to the United States. For the next year, they bounced around the world chasing a wide variety of international financial opportunities. “We were in London, the business we were trying was failing, and I knew we needed to come home,” Kristin remembers. “I told Kristian, ‘Why can’t we just go back to Melaleuca? We have always loved the products and have never stopped ordering. We have always loved the company culture. Let’s just give it another go—it’s the one stable thing that we have always been able to count on.’” “In the fall of 2018, I finally put my stake in the ground after all those years,”


Kristin and Kristian, along with their two sons, Kole and Karter, have found their home in Georgetown, Texas. Thanks to their Melaleuca business, they see a bright future for themselves.

After moving 22 times, the Hoenickes are glad to now have their roots established in Texas and they have no plans for going anywhere soon. Just last year, they purchased a property with two homes on it, one of which Kristin’s parents now rent. Having her parents so close allows Kristin to help care for her mother, who has Alzheimer’s. They also have the flexibility to homeschool their sons and be there for all their extracurricular activities. They have repeat income they can count on. But best of all, the Hoenickes feel they have found their true family at Melaleuca. “We have an amazing team that feels like family,” Kristin says. “And we have met so many other friends throughout Melaleuca who feel like family too. It’s so different from the MLM world. It’s just so amazing!”

Kristian says. “I decided I was going to build this business no matter what I had to do. I still had a lot to learn. It wasn’t easy. But it was absolutely worth it.” Navigating the Future Since that decisive day in 2018, the Hoenickes have become stalwart leaders in Melaleuca. While Kristian is the primary force behind enrollments and developing leaders, Kristin completes their partnership by helping with celebration and product education while homeschooling their boys. Because of their diligent hard work, they now have the one thing they had been searching for all along: stability.


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Because of their diligent hard work, they now have the one thing they had been searching for all along: stability.

GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Here are some of the Hoenickes’ guiding principles that have anchored their business and allowed it to flourish.

Master the Critical Business-Building Activities “This business is about the fundamentals,” Kristian says. “You must choose to master them. It’s simple, but it’s not easy. It requires a lot of time, energy, and focus. I often explain it this way: If you want to excel in any field, you’ve got to master whatever it is you’re doing. You’ve got to be one of the best at whatever that is. Melaleuca is no different. If you want to grow your business, you must master the fundamentals, especially the first three Critical Business- Building Activities.” Empower Your Team “The one thing that has absolutely changed in the past year is my trust in my team,” Kristian says. “I tell them all the time, ‘You’ve got this! You don’t need me. Here are the tools—now go enroll your mom, your sister, or anyone else.’ My team feels empowered, and they do it! We believe in them, and they start to believe in themselves. That’s when they produce results. Now we have a largely independent group of people we work with who know we are always around to provide them with an abundance of support.”

Hold Ongoing Strategy Sessions

“If we were working together, I would want to know all about your life—how you’re feeling, what you’re facing,” Kristian says. “If you’re celebrating, I want to celebrate with you. If you’re grieving, I want to grieve with you. I want to try to get as close to being in your shoes as possible so I can help you see how much I believe in you. That’s why a significant portion of my day is spent doing Strategy Sessions— and not just the one right after someone enrolls. I do repeat Strategy Sessions. When you enroll, your first Strategy Session is certainly not the last!”

“We love the people, the culture, and the heart of everyone at Melaleuca,” Kristian adds. “I feel that the work we do here is honorable and good. And working with our team has just been so much fun! We’ve always had this dream of doing life together, making memories, doing fun things, and having adventures with the people we work with. Lately many of our teammates have joined us on the trips we earn from Melaleuca while also having amazing experiences with us outside of Melaleuca events. It has all been so fulfilling, gratifying, and meaningful. We look forward to a long future with so much more of that!”

Focus on Enhancing Lives

“When it all boils down, if our team isn’t winning, we wouldn't feel like we were winning,” Kristin says. “If this weren’t changing people’s lives, we wouldn’t be doing it. We wouldn’t be here if everyone wasn’t winning.”


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Sarah & Joshua Rankin FLORIDA A Safe Place to Call Home

transformative realizations,” she says, “and that just makes this advancement mean so much more.” Sarah believes that trading expectations for appreciation makes the journey more beautiful. “We are so appreciative of everybody who does show up for themselves,” she says, “but it is them who ultimately drive me to lead by example. Our biggest focus is on community—to create a community where people can show up as they are and be encouraged and inspired to be more and do more.” One tip the Rankins have for staying consistent is to make a “Should List.” “Write down all the things you should be doing,” Sarah advises, “and pick three things from the list that you could honestly say, ‘If I did this, it would drastically change my life.’ Then you decide how you could do those things that would fuel your jetpack by the end of the week, month, or year. That’s how you figure out how to make Melaleuca work for you.” One common story the Rankins keep hearing from their team is how Melaleuca is a safe place to call home, a place that provides emotional freedom and peace for families. Joshua couldn’t agree more. “We feel like we are home,” he says. “We’re building a legacy that’s not just about building a business to make some money. This is a place where we are all genuinely on a mission to help others.” Joshua sums it up with this: “Melaleuca is a company that is principled, operates with the highest integrity, doesn’t hype, and backs up their claims with real science, and it’s been a pleasure and an honor to be a part of it.”

Joshua and Sarah Rankin recognize that this advancement to National Director is not something that could be achieved alone. “This is a major win for our organization,” Sarah says with excitement. “My goal has always been to help my team be more successful than myself, and it feels like I’m on track to do that.” The Rankins were Melaleuca customers for 18 months before they became business builders, and this power couple has stayed consistent and disciplined from day one. “This advancement means a lot because as a team we all set a goal to help a specific number of customers every month. We knew if we did that, we would be on track for all of the advancement goals we’ve set for ourselves.” Sarah is especially moved by the lives their team has changed and enhanced. “We’ve gotten to go through some beautiful,

$555,781 $635,482




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Sharon & Pat Autry TEXAS The Importance of Personal Connections

Since then, the Autrys have been sharing their new favorite store. Prior experience with other business models allows them to highlight the benefits of buying directly from the manufacturer. “We have a restaurant and a retail store,” Sharon says. “When we buy products, we have to bump the price up and resell them to our customers. But when we buy products from Melaleuca, there’s no middleman. We get the product straight from the company. No markups.” Another difference with traditional businesses is that Melaleuca doesn’t have a large startup cost. “Traditional businesses take a long time to make money,” Sharon points out. The Autrys also have sound advice to share about keeping a balanced mindset. “We are in an emotional business,” Pat says, “so don’t let your highs be too high, and don’t let your lows be too low. Just measure the things you can control. Don’t measure enrollments; measure reach-outs. Measure names added to your contact list. The enrollments will follow.” The Autrys also really appreciate the support they have available. “It’s so encouraging to have people to help me when I run into something different and don’t know how to do it,” Pat says. “I’ve called four or five of the seven people listed on my business report. It’s amazing that they’re so available!”

Sharon and Pat Autry have a thriving Melaleuca business. A conversation with them reveals that one of the natural skills that has helped them build their business is making connections personal. Sharing how the products have changed their lives really gets potential customers to listen. “It’s the personal stories,” Sharon says. She loves the Peak Performance Pack and shares the benefits she’s experiencing. “I tell people it’s made the biggest difference in how I feel,” she says. “It carries more weight when somebody you know personally shares their experience,” Pat adds. “Honestly, that was part of my very first connection to Melaleuca,” he says. “When our enrollers, National Directors 2 Sabrina and Doug Ellis, shared the Melaleuca Overview, it was not just anybody sharing a story of success in their business. These were friends that I knew personally. It was really meaningful to hear what was going on in their lives and about the new safer product store that they had found.”

$276,222 47




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Jason Martin NEW JERSEY Like Grandparents, Like Grandson

me to help other families switch to Melaleuca and discover greater wellness for themselves.” A lifetime entrepreneur who makes his living as an employment recruiter, Jason knows the sales world inside and out—and he is tired of the predominant mindset there. “I’ve worked in too many sales environments where everyone is trying to be the best,” he says. “It’s a cutthroat culture. If you find something that works, you don’t share your secret with anyone. “Contrast that environment with Melaleuca’s culture of enhancing lives. At Melaleuca, success is all about helping others reach their goals. Your purpose is to help everyone you come across. You share with them the information they need to be successful, and you act as a guide and a mentor to them.” Here’s a case in point: since Jason enrolled in April 2021, his enroller, Executive Director 5 Shawn Williams, has been an unwavering coach and mentor. “I haven’t had a question that has gone unanswered by Shawn,” Jason says. “I feel so fortunate to have someone who I can always rely on.” Knowing that Shawn has given him a formula for lasting success, Jason is duplicating it in his own team. He pays attention to their efforts and offers them constant support, coaching, and encouragement at every step. “People everywhere are focusing more on health and wellness these days,” he says. “Melaleuca offers all of that and so much more. Everyone wants to be part of it.”

When Jason Martin tore open the shiny foil wrapper of his first Gold Bar ® from Melaleuca, the scent that wafted out transported him instantly back to his childhood and the many magical days he had spent at his grandparents’ house. “I’ve never smelled another bath bar like it,” he says. Then he began to wonder: was that the very same Gold Bar he had used at their house all those years ago? He gave his aunt a call—and found that yes, his grandparents had indeed been Melaleuca customers! That discovery just made Jason all the more enthusiastic about his own Melaleuca membership. He had the same desire for wellness as his own grandparents. “Two years before I was introduced to Melaleuca, I had decided I needed to pay better attention to what I was putting into my body,” he says. “I switched to more organic, less-processed foods, and I even expanded my backyard vegetable garden. When my Home Conversion Pack from Melaleuca showed up on my doorstep, I began swapping out the grocery store products in my home with Melaleuca products. They provided all the wellness benefits I was looking for. And because they’re so easy to share, they’ve allowed

$153,395 $85,966




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Melissa & Bennett Webb ALABAMA Be the Change You Want to See

At that point, BJ hit a flat spot and stayed at Senior Director 6 for another two years. But he was able to regain his momentum last month, and his business just exploded. “I realized my organization lacked leadership,” BJ admits. “Developing leaders is what got me back on track.” BJ started enrolling customers and duplicating the process again. “I had to be the change and inject that energy into my team,” says BJ. He believes that when you make your approaches personal, that’s when the magic happens. His theory is simple: “You can never say the wrong thing to the right person.” That’s why BJ always does his approaches with total honesty and directness, and he is a true believer that all roads lead to Melaleuca. “I always tell others that I see their potential and that I want to work with them,” he says firmly. “People need to hear about Melaleuca because we have the solution. We are the solution. Once they experience that, they will understand how lifechanging it is here.” BJ’s why is none other than his beloved wife and two adorable kids. “Melissa took a step back from her real estate career to take care of our kids,” he explains. “So I dove into Melaleuca out of a necessity to supplement my income as a teacher. That’s why the checks from Melaleuca and the peace of mind they bring are major for our household.” “Mindset is everything,” BJ always tells his team. “A lot of times, we cannot accomplish what we want to accomplish because we get in our own way. Free your mind to the possibilities.”

When National Director 2 Ernest Ross approached PE teacher Bennett (BJ) Webb about Melaleuca back in 2017, BJ wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. “Having been burned by the MLM world, and not understanding the difference with Melaleuca, my first reaction was that I didn’t want anything to do with it,” he says honestly. “But Ernest broke it down for me, and I trusted him, so I jumped in.” Thanks to that leap of faith, BJ, his wife, Melissa, and their two children are now building the life of their dreams. But it hasn’t always been rainbows and unicorns. “As a sports coach, I was required by the school to pass certification exams in order to renew my contract, and I had to spend time studying for the exams,” BJ remembers. “As a result, Melaleuca got put on the backburner for two years.” When PE classes were suspended during the pandemic, BJ realized he still had a whole organization, and his Melaleuca checks were still coming. “I came back on full throttle, and I got the momentum back,” he says with pride. “I went from Director 5 to Senior Director 6 in 2020.”

$134,022 $104,913




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Why Military Families Love Melaleuca

WITH YOUR CONTACT LIST IN MIND, THINK OF THE TRAITS THAT WOULD MAKE SOMEONE A VALUABLE BUSINESS-BUILDING PARTNER. Among the qualities that come to mind, you’ll likely list commitment, integrity, persistence, self-discipline, and loyalty. If you were looking for a simple way to identify a group that has these qualities, look no further.

This month, we’re highlighting Marketing Executives with a connection to the military. We’ve interviewed four couples to help you understand why they found Melaleuca to be such a good fit for their goals and their lives and how you might approach military families on your contact list.


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.


Panel of Military Families



Janetta and Femi Olaseni are both US Army veterans. In addition, Janetta is a nurse and Femi is a pastor; he served as an army chaplain and now has his own online ministry. Janetta has the rare honor of coming from a military family that has accumulated over 200 years of combined service! Janetta and Femi love sharing Melaleuca supplements with other veterans as a way to maintain their peak health, and they love helping others earn a repeat income.

Lauretta Kloha and Mike Brandow met when he returned from his third tour as a US combat marine in Iraq. Lauretta was spending a lot of time on the road in a corporate job. When they had their son, it became clear they needed a home-based business. They were introduced to Melaleuca by National Directors 9 Steve and Jennifer Morgan. Steve is also a veteran, which helped build the trust that brought Mike onboard.



Shane Harmon and Alison Feliciano-Harmon love to help people. Their associations within Melaleuca have become like a family that they want to keep for life. Shane served in the US Navy and had five deployments over nine and a half years of service, which took him to 42 countries. Alison comes from a background in finance and loves that Melaleuca helps her merge her financial coaching with wellness.

Arthur and Barbara Gill have had a Melaleuca business since 1995. After serving 30 years in the US Army, Arthur was looking for a home-based business and found that Melaleuca was a perfect fit for his job skills and values. Barbara, a Department of Defense civilian employee, soon joined him, and they have earned a check from Melaleuca every month since March 1995.



Alignment of Values Many of our military families share that they found a match between the values at Melaleuca and their own personal values. “Having been in the military, I was used to people with integrity and ethics,” says Arthur Gill. “The integrity and the ethics of Melaleuca fit my military experience perfectly. Melaleuca is full of honest, God-fearing people who actually want to do good for the world—good for each other. As Melaleuca Executive Chairman Frank VanderSloot says, we help ‘the little guy.’” “People in the military are highly motivated,” says Janetta Olaseni. “We are taught self-leadership and discipline. So those people will do really well in Melaleuca because of their training.”

A Powerful Peer Group Considering that there are close to 2 million active-duty and reserve service members and 17.4 million veterans in the United States, it’s not surprising to learn they have powerful networks. “It felt good to know that there were veterans at Melaleuca who had success with a company that stands behind them,” says Mike Brandow. “Our enrollers are a military family. We’re a military family. We have quite a few military families in our support team. Typically, if you’re a veteran, you are probably talking to other veterans.” An Interest in Well-Being Given the military’s emphasis on fitness, it’s not surprising that veterans carry that habit forward in life. Having strong connections in the military community matches perfectly with a health and wellness business. “I literally have people reaching out to me about the Gut Health Bundle and Peak Performance ,” says Janetta Olaseni. “And people are learning they need nutritional supplements because we’re not guaranteed good nutrition in our food anymore.” Her husband, Femi, adds, “We’ve come to the understanding that if we’re going to live long and strong, we have to be mindful of what we eat and how we take care of our bodies.” Retirement Talk to a Melaleuca military family and the most important message you will hear is the need to build a stronger retirement. “Nobody goes into the military to get rich; that’s for sure,” says Arthur Gill. “I knew I would receive a pension for my military service, but we never really figured it out until our

Lauretta Kloha clearly remembers the moment things clicked for her with Melaleuca. “For me, it was when I first watched the Foundations video,” she says. “When I listened to Frank, I felt like I could trust him. I felt an alignment with his mission and him as an individual.” Her husband, Mike, had his experience at Road to Executive Director. “One morning we were at the Melaleuca Global Headquarters cafe, and I started to talk to this employee who was super motivated just cleaning dishes. He was just intriguing to me because he was out-of-this-world grateful for the job at Melaleuca. That was just a different experience than what we had seen in other companies.”


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

IDEAS FOR GREAT APPROACHES Not sure how to approach

military families on your contact list? Try some of these ideas below!

Arthur & Barbara Gill’s Go-To Approach: “The problem that military spouses have is they move so often that they can never establish a career,” Barbara explains. “So I approach them from the angle that this is a business that you can create that doesn’t go away when you have to move.” Another advantage a Melaleuca business has, Arthur explains, is that “it doesn’t violate any Status of Forces Agreements.” These agreements tend to prohibit home-based businesses that require families to keep inventory on hand and ship directly to customers. Lauretta Kloha & Mike Brandow’s Go-To Approach: “Show customers that this is not an extra bill. This is taking from one store and spending at another store. Show them that they are already spending this money. Then ask about their wellness goals. Learn what they’re concerned about and show them what we have here at the club. We coach people to understand that their health is their greatest wealth. We’re their shopping tour guide. We love Melaleuca. We’re going to do this until we die.” Janetta & Femi Olaseni’s Go-To Approach: “In the military, there is a mission. The mindset is thinking about the mission. After retirement from the military, our question to veterans is ‘What is your individual mission in this world?’ We want to help veterans discover their own purpose. Most of the people coming out of the military don’t really know what they want to do. We share that Melaleuca is a great opportunity to build a home- based business.” Shane Harmon & Alison Feliciano-Harmon’s Go- To Approach: “There are different ways to make money nowadays if you’re open to them. Prior to the pandemic, we were already moving further away from brick and mortar to click and order. This is a portable business. You can be anywhere in the world. So whether you’re on active duty or you’re retired, you can do this anywhere.”

retirement hit. For both Barbara and me, our government pensions amounted to living on half of what we were used to. So we needed something to supplement our income.” Alison Feliciano-Harmon shares a similar story. “Here’s a myth to dispel: people think that if you serve 20 or more years in the military that your pension is going to be huge, but it’s not,” she says. “Shane did fairly well in the military, but the pension alone is not enough to live on. Different streams of income are actually a necessity now.” In addition, military retirements have changed over the years and may take longer to start paying out. “I retired from the army in 1994, and we got our pension immediately,” says Arthur Gill. “Now there are certain military retirements that may not kick in right away, and those military retirees may have to wait until they hit a certain age.” For many, the additional income from a Melaleuca business makes all the difference. “We were able to rewrite our story versus just taking what was handed to us,” says Lauretta.