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| B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |

The importance of consistency in an uncertain world. There are many factors that contribute to success. But one that can be controlled, measured, and developed is consistency. What is consistency? How do you develop it? And why is it so important for success? See p. 14.




what those Seven Critical Activities are. Learn them. Teach them to your team. Implement them daily and hold each other accountable. There is no secret to how the Senior and Executive Directors got where they are. They understand those seven activities and they work at them consistently. There is a magic way to build a large, successful Melaleuca business! It’s called hard work! Doing the right things! Every day! It’s truly magic! And it’s a blast! Of course, the most critical and the most important of the seven activities are the first two. The other five activities cannot happen without those two. Everything begins with creating a contact list and making appointments. Making a contact list is easy! That’s the best part! The first part is the easy part! My counsel is to add one name to your contact list every day. Just tell yourself you’re not going to go to bed unless you have added one name. I would also promise myself that I would try to make at least one contact every day. I would try to call someone from my contact list every single day. If they weren’t home, I would still count it anyway as one try. Many, many Marketing Executives are doing exactly that. Those who are really growing are doing even more than that every single day. It all starts with the first two activities. Then you can do the other five. Building a Melaleuca business is not easy. But it is simple.

The Secret to Success

1 Build Your Contact List


years. The principles used in running a business are pretty much the same regardless of the type of business. First, you must determine the critical activities that drive the business, and then you must do them consistently. For years we have been teaching the Seven Critical Activities that drive a Melaleuca business. As I travel the country and meet with our Marketing Executives, I am surprised by how many of those who want to be successful cannot even tell me what the Seven Critical Activities are. It is evident that we have not done a very good job of explaining how crucial these activities are – especially activities 1 and 2: building your contact list every day and consistently making phone calls to set appointments. This is a business. We, as business operators, need to know, understand, and implement those activities that drive our success. We must be hard at it, doing those things every day. Those who are waiting for some gimmick or secret system to propel them into motion will never experience the reality of success. Nothing replaces hard work! Nothing! Of course we could all work hard doing the wrong thing. That’s why it is essential that we each understand

Melaleuca is flourishing! I am continually impressed by the endless hard work and enthusiasm of our Melaleuca Marketing Executives and the personal growth and success that we witness on a daily basis. As I have watched literally thousands of people prosper, I am convinced that nothing replaces persistent hard work as the main ingredient of success – not intelligence, not education, not strategy, not knowledge, not personality. Based on years of observation, it is clear that persistent hard work, faith in oneself, and focus on the right activities are the most sure ingredients for building a successful Melaleuca business. That is bad news for those who are looking for some get-rich-quick scheme to propel them into financial bliss, but it is good news for those who are looking for a sure method of financial success with no risk of loss and for those who are willing to pay the price for a great life. There is no gimmick here, no secret system, no being in the right spot at the right time. Just good old-fashioned hard work! That puts success into the grasp of every person who is willing to pay the price. Anyone can do it: old or young, rich or

poor, schooled or unschooled. They just have to be willing to work. And they need to have the capacity to believe in themselves. Of course, working at the wrong things will not help, but it’s pretty easy to learn the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities and to implement them. After 35 years of watching people succeed, it is very evident that those who continue to do

Set Appointments 2

Share Melaleuca: An Overview 3

Hold Strategy Sessions 4

There is a magic way to build a large, successful Melaleuca business! It’s called hard work! Doing the right things! Every day! It’s truly magic! And it’s a blast!

Celebrate Success 5

Always Be Involved

with Fast Track 6


those Seven Critical Activities are the ones who make it, and the ones who get distracted by other things are the ones who don’t. It’s persistent hard work, plain and simple. I have been a businessman for 48

Lead by Example 7








APR I L / MAY / JUNE 2 0 2 1








STORIES: ACHIEVEMENT LEADERS ......................... 10 NEWADVANCEMENTS .............................. 12 RECOGNITION ....................................................... 32







1 Albert Mehrabian, Silent Messages: Implicit Communication of Emotions and Attitudes (Wadsworth, 1990). 2 Blake Eastman, “How Much of Communication Is Really Nonverbal,”, accessed November 2019.



Having the COURAGE to Pursue Your Dreams! I ’VE BEEN THINKING A LOT ABOUT HOW FEAR AFFECTS US, both in our efforts to build a Melaleuca business and in our lives in general. Fear robs us of the ability to progress. It stops us in our tracks, and makes us afraid to move forward. Often what we fear is not an actual threat so much as the idea of a possible problem or failure in the future. Maybe these fears are based on our past experiences or the experiences of those close to us. Maybe they represent our worst-case scenario.

Or maybe they’re not grounded in rational thought at all. Whatever the reason, when we let fear rule our lives we lose our power to progress and succeed.

Thorsten Kilb General Manager




Maybe we haven’t taken the time to figure out what it is we really want. Maybe we worry that people will think less of us or that by setting boundaries we are being selfish. But part of living a fearless life is having the courage to pursue your goals. Once you identify what matters most to you, take a look at how you’re spending your time. Does what you’re doing each day reflect your goals and priorities? The one resource we all have equal access to is time. No matter your income, education, or social standing, we all get the same 24 hours in a day. The key is making sure that you spend your time on what really matters. This means sometimes you’ll have to say “no” to the requests and invitations of others. That’s okay. It’s not selfish or mean to keep a prior commitment. And the commitments you make to yourself are every bit as important as the commitments you make to others. What are you doing to fuel your success? We fuel our goals in a lot of different ways. First, we make sure we’re taking care of our health. It’s really hard to make progress if you’re feeling run-down and in desperate need of a nap. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to take the Peak Performance Pack every morning and every night. You won’t believe the difference the Pack can make in your energy levels, not to mention the impressive health benefits found in the Freiburg Studie.* In addition to taking the Peak Performance Pack , you also

want to make sure you’re getting at least six hours of sleep every night. Multiple studies have shown the benefits of a good night’s rest, including things like strengthened immunity, faster skill development, increased focus, better decision-making skills, lower blood pressure, and a healthier weight, just to name a few. Help keep your health on track with adequate sleep and good nutrition from the Peak Performance Pack and other Melaleuca products. The second way we fuel our success is through nourishing our brains. What we read, watch, and listen to has a big impact on our mood, our confidence, and our focus. Work on developing the attitude of a perpetual learner, someone who is continually acquiring new skills and knowledge. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re just as capable of developing new strengths and habits as anyone else. How can you think bigger? Too often we let fear dictate our expectations for ourselves. We limit our vision for success out of fear of failure. When it comes to setting goals, don’t be afraid to aim high. Set a goal that makes you a little nervous but also excites you. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, and recognize that the real win comes not in the final outcome but in the pursuit. It’s the changing of your routines

and habits that makes the real difference, not the status next to your name. Once you’ve set your big goal, break it down into daily habits and actions. Focus on the process rather than the result. Talk to your support team and get advice for what you can do more of. Then make smaller weekly goals to track your habits. For example, make a goal to do at least 20 calls and add 10 names to your contact list each week. Who can you team up with? You don’t have to accomplish your goals alone. In fact, studies show you’ll have better success if you team up with someone else and pursue your goals together. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or build your Melaleuca business, you’ll benefit from having an accountability partner. Make it a habit to check in with your partner daily and report on your progress. Share your daily goal with them, as well as your weekly and long-term goals. Have a planning session every month where you evaluate where you are and where you want to be. In addition to your accountability partner, make sure you’re surrounding yourself with friends and family who support your goals. The quality of your relationships will make a big difference in your ability to pursue 5

your goals, as well as your overall happiness. You don’t need to have a lot of friends or relationships; you just need to have people you love and support and who love and support you too.

Renowned sports psychologist Dr. Craig Manning said in his book The Fearless Mind: 5 Essential Steps to Higher Performance : “It seems that a large majority of us settle because we are afraid of what the future holds. One subtle choice here or there can lead us down a path we never planned on taking. Unwittingly developing a fearful mind, we settle for what is safe and easy instead of pursuing our dreams.” So how can you shift your behavior from fear-based reactions to a proactive approach that moves you closer to your goals? Here are six areas I’ve identified that can help you begin to shift from focusing on what could go wrong to realizing what is going right.

What can you do more of or what is going right? Sometimes we make the mistake of focusing on what we’re doing wrong, but knowing what you shouldn’t do isn’t the same as knowing what you should do. Rather than identifying all the things you’re doing wrong, take some time each day to notice what you’re doing right. What can you do more of? What skills do you have that you can use to reach your goal? For example, if you find you have the most success setting appointments during your lunch hour, then make it a habit to schedule your calls at this time. Or maybe one of your strengths is your ability to connect with others one-on-one, so you deliver your Melaleuca Overview to one or two friends at a time. Identify the things that work for you and use your strengths to reach your goals. If you find yourself falling into the trap of comparing yourself with others, stop and take a minute to identify five things you are doing well. Anytime you find yourself dwelling on fear or negativity, repeat the exercise. You might even consider writing down your five achievements in a notebook where you can review each day’s success and make a plan for how to build on that success the next day.


What is one thing you can do right now? Too often people wait until “tomorrow” to make a change, thinking that at some future point in their life it will be easier to reach their goals. Maybe they just don’t feel motivated enough right now, maybe their schedule is already too full, or maybe the thought of changing just feels impossible. That’s okay. Start small. Identify one thing you can do in the next 5 minutes that will bring you one step closer to your goals. Keep it simple. Do that one thing and see how you feel. For example, try making one extra phone call. When it’s done, regardless of the outcome, celebrate that step forward. Taking one step forward creates the motivation you need to take another step. You can’t wait for motivation to act, instead you create motivation through your actions. Maybe all you do is that one extra step each day for the next week. Or maybe you do more. But the key to change is to act now.

3 4


How can you spend more time on what matters? Too often we put other people’s desires or priorities above our own.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Melaleuca presents EUROPEAN

a y g r a n t

ACHIEVEMENT LEADERS The European Achievement Leaders are those businesses with the highest contribution index. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their Organisational Preferred Customers during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each leader’s personally enrolled Directors, plus their number of personally enrolled customers. Membership of this elite group is reviewed bi-monthly. In order to be recognised as a member of this team, leaders must submit a picture to Melaleuca.

Valerija Raupiene Executive Director 7 Germany

Olga Apanaviciene Executive Director 8 United Kingdom

Katarzyna & Marek Dziura Executive Director 7 Poland

Vivian Yun Ho Executive Director United Kingdom

Jolanta Puidokiene Senior Director 4 Germany

Agnieszka Dambska-Wardęga Executive Director 3 United Kingdom

- G u a r d B o t a n i c a l ® .





Agnieszka is particularly fond of the sea and the sun, which is why she and her husband try to go on holiday at least twice a year. “Now we can afford it,” she says. “I am a happy, fulfilled woman who is firmly on the ground and not afraid to reach for her dreams.” Agnieszka recognizes that reaching for her dreams takes a lot of work. “Being a leader is not easy,” she says. “It

Part of what makes Agnieszka a successful leader is her ability to recognize the different needs of her team. “I think it’s very important to have an individual approach to each person,” she says.

Agnieszka Dambska -Wardęga

Agnieszka describes herself as a happy wife, mother and grandmother. Her husband, Wojciech, is not only her partner in life, but a great supporter of her business. For the last nine years, Agnieszka and Wojciech have lived in England. Agnieszka has two daughters, Magda and Jogoda, who have families of their own, and a son, Damian, who lives in Poland. The family is still very close, calling each other daily and getting together as a whole family at every chance they get.

requires self-discipline as the example needs to come from the top.” Agnieszka leads by example and works consistently every day. Agnieszka believes that the key to success is to focus on people who want to learn, work to implement the knowledge they’ve been given, and don’t give up when they encounter discouragement. But that doesn’t mean she neglects the rest of her team. “Once a week I hold a general meeting with my personally enrolled customers where we analyse the week’s work, take stock, draw conclusions, and motivate each other to continue,” Agnieszka explains. “I want them to use my knowledge and learn how to lead their teams, becoming better themselves. I focus on teaching them how to duplicate that success.” Agnieszka also holds workshops for anyone on her team who is interested in building a business. “I try to make sure that every Marketing Specialist has the knowledge to be a leader,” she says. “This is extremely important in leading a group and growing together. And when I see that a person has reached the right level and is able to lead a team on their own, it gives me great joy. Nevertheless, I try to be a support for everyone, regardless of how long they have been involved in the business.”

“We must not forget that everyone is different – everyone can work at a different pace and everyone is entitled to have different expectations when working with Melaleuca. This is one of the many things which makes my job so exciting and gives me so much joy every day!”

Agnieszka Dambska-Wardęga began her Melaleuca adventure in July of 2017, and she loves where the journey has taken her. Even though she has already reached Executive Director 3 status, she has no intention of slowing down. To date, she has more than 2 000 members in her organization – 46 of whom she as personally enrolled. She also has 83 directors, 11 of whom she has enrolled.

As a grandmother of four, Agnieszka loves to spoil her beloved grandchildren. She especially loves reading them books and going on bike rides.


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics




Consider Your Morning Routine To help gain a better understanding of what consistency is and how it is developed, think about how you start your day. Ask yourself what you need to do in order to start your day right. Some people pray or read spiritual texts. Some meditate or exercise. Regardless of your views on religion, exercise, or meditation, you probably always brush your teeth—even if you’re in a hurry. Even if you’re traveling. Even if you have to go buy a toothbrush and toothpaste because you forgot them. But why? Why is brushing teeth such an integral part of the morning? Brushing teeth offers a glimpse into the power of consistency. At some point in your life you thought about brushing your teeth. For most of us that thought originated with Mom or Dad telling us to brush. But there came a time when you made a conscious decision to continue brushing your teeth every day. And now, because you’ve repeated this small act so many times, you barely need to think about it—yet your morning wouldn’t be complete without it. You are a consistent tooth brusher. It’s Part of Who You Are Like the example of brushing your teeth, consistently having a thought, giving attention to that thought, and then acting on it leads to change. Continued over time, the action you choose to repeat—and the change it inspires—goes from being merely an item on your to-do list to a part of your identity. Imagine the power of that when applied to your business! Think of everything you could accomplish if working on your business were as automatic as brushing your teeth. Success would become simply another part of who you are. It’s possible. And you can do it if you’re consistent. In fact, when you do something consistently, you learn something greater than the activity itself. You learn that you have the ability to change your behavior for the better. And once you know you can change your behavior, the possibilities are endless. You’ll be capable of making massive changes because you know that little things done repeatedly with purpose will lead to big changes in your life. How to Develop Consistency Because consistency begins with a thought, it’s important that you give attention to the thoughts that lead toward your goals. In order to do this, you have to have a goal. So find something that gets you

excited, something that you just can’t stop thinking about—then write it down. Write it and post it where you’ll be able to see it multiple times a day. Once you have your goal, do some reverse engineering on it. Ask yourself the following: 1. What do I need in order to achieve my goal? For example, there may be skills you need to develop, tangible objects you need to acquire, What repetitive actions are required in order to achieve my goal? You could also ask what repetitive actions you need to avoid. Consider the distractions and counterproductive actions you already do that could potentially take you What habits do I need to develop to support the positive repetitive actions and diminish the negative actions? Remember that small, beneficial actions repeated over time will yield or attitudes you need to adopt. 2. away from the important work. 3.


What Determines Success? Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful in their fields while others, who are just as intelligent, equally as passionate, and just as competent, don’t achieve as much? Of course, there are many factors that contribute to success, but one that can be controlled, measured, and developed is consistency. But what is consistency? How do you develop it? And why is it so important for success? It Starts in Your Head Everything you do in a day begins with a thought. Some of those thoughts enter your consciousness and demand attention while others merely float by without acknowledgement. The nice thing is that you get to choose which thoughts you give attention to. The thoughts you attend to affect your behavior and your actions. Those actions, in turn, set the course of your day. And your actions, repeated day after day, create habits that affect your life. This is consistency. And as powerful as consistency is, it all begins with a simple thought.

extraordinary results. 4.

When will I do these positive activities? Schedule your time; otherwise, you may find yourself sliding back into previously created habits that will not lead you to your goal.



But What If…? This question, and its negative association, is a plague to those who are developing consistency. It’s an unfortunate reason why some people never start to live their dreams. But this too is all about thoughts and where you choose to put your focus. If you ever find yourself paralyzed by negative thoughts of what if , take a moment to focus on the positive. Remember that you’re looking to make incremental changes that yield huge results. If you fall short here and there along the way, that’s okay. You will be so much better for having tried and failed than for never having tried at all. A Final Thought Consistency in life and business is one of the most powerful things you can control that will determine how far you exceed your goals. It is focusing on the little things that will lead you to success. It is your ability to change your life and to achieve your goals. And it all starts with a thought.

Consistency in Action Now that you have some idea of what consistency is and how to develop it, here are some examples from Marketing Executives like you who have developed positive, consistent actions that have helped them build their businesses. What can you take from their examples and apply to your business?

Executive Director 4 Dianna Forsberg

As you ask yourself these questions, keep in mind that we live in an a culture of instant gratification. We are accustomed to getting what we want quickly. Remember that developing consistency and achieving your goals will take time—and that’s okay. Give yourself the time you need to succeed. Where Is Your Focus? There will be things that will distract you from moving toward your goal. As they say, life happens. But if you are able to stay focused on the things that really matter, you will be better prepared to weather the distracting storms of life. Here are a few tips to consider as you work on developing focus: 1. Focus on what’s important, not necessarily on what’s fun, easy, or convenient. It’s easy to get distracted by the things that appeal to us or those that don’t require us to stretch ourselves. If you find yourself slipping into this type of behavior, return to your goal, your why , and remember the reasons you’re putting in the work. 2. Focus on one thing at a time. That way, you can improve at the activity quicker and create the needed consistency that will lead to Focus on the execution of the activity, not on its desired outcome. Set aside the desire for immediate results and trust that meaningful, positive action will create life- Give yourself a break. Rather than battle brain fatigue, plan for short breaks in your activities. This is especially important if you don’t particularly enjoy the activity you’re focusing on. completing your goal. 3. changing consistency. 4.

“Life is going to happen. You’re going to have things going on in your home that can distract you. You’re going to have things going on in your business that can distract you. But consistency is making the decision to commit to your commitments and to be disciplined. “To improve consistency, a person has to focus on a mindset. Focus on what your goal is and then write it down. In addition, the very first thing you do in the morning—if it’s prayer, meditation, exercise, whatever—that first thing has to put you in a positive frame of mind. When you’re there, do at least 30 minutes of personal development. Because the way you start your day will set the tone for that day. You want to make sure it’s positive so you can keep your mind going in a direction that’s going to move you forward.”

National Director Rainbow Lackey

“To help my team with consistency, I teach them to choose three daily disciplines and commit to doing them every day no matter what. Those disciplines are to add five names to your contact list, make ten emotional deposits to people you know, and do five approaches. Every day. It’s important to remember that persistence will get you to your goals, but consistency allows you to keep adding to them. “Sometimes we feel defeated if we don’t hit our goals. But that’s where consistency comes in. It doesn’t really matter if you hit your goal this month if you’re consistently striving for it. Because if you remain consistent, inevitably you’re going to hit all of your goals. “Consistent positive action is going to provide consistent positive results.”

National Director 9 Sandie Siemens

“Consistency starts with having a tough, honest conversation with yourself and asking, ‘What do I want out of this business?’ Being consistent is a personal responsibility, not something you can rely on your enroller or support team to do for you. “Consistency can’t depend on emotions. So often, people will be consistent as long as they get yeses, as long as they see growth. But consistency is more than that—it’s having a line in the sand and saying, ‘I’m doing this whether I feel like it or not— whether I’m getting yeses or whether I’m tired—I’m doing it.’ “Finally, to be consistent you need to be realistic. I think people sabotage themselves by thinking they are going to work seven days a week, seven to eight hours a day. And when they don’t, they think they’ve failed. So I try to teach people to be realistic with what life looks like and what your time looks like and then to be determined not to waste any of that time. Because if you’re committed to not waste time, you are better able to really work hard when you’re working so you can live big when you’re living.”

National Director Geneveve Sykes

“Every month, I would venture to say that 80% of my enrollments come from people who I first approached three or more months prior. So for me, being consistent in my business is very important. It’s what allows my business to grow. “To help me be consistent, I think about my why and my team. I ask myself, ‘Do I want my why and my team to succeed more than how I’m feeling at this moment?’ The answer is always yes, so I show up and get the work done. “If there is any area of your life you care about improving or a goal you want to achieve, it’s never going to happen unless you become consistent in the areas that lead to where you want to be.”

Ultimately, where you place your focus will determine where you end up. Remember that you are the one who chooses what to focus on moment to moment. You are the one who knows what changes may be necessary to achieve your goal. And you are the one who decides if your goal is important enough to make those changes. You are certainly capable of reaching your goal and so much more—it’s really just a matter of focus and consistently controlling your thoughts.



Executive Director 4 Amber Hoerner

Executive Director 3 Ismael Cruz

Executive Director 6 Sadie Kolves

Executive Director 4 Kai Fluitt

“The work we do today may not pay off today. There are plenty of times when life happens—we get busy and we forget. But being consistent and writing things down has a great payoff. Each week is a new week to plant new seeds. A flower doesn’t bloom overnight. It can take months of daily watering, sunshine, and time before it’s ready to bloom. Much like a flower, our contacts don’t always enrol right away either. The work we do today will pay off 2–3 months from now, so consistent, daily action is important in order to see the results we want. If you ever have a slow month, look at the work you did 2–3 months ago. I have found there is a direct correlation between doing the work and the number of enrollments you get. “Also remember that it takes the average person seeing something 7–10 times before they are ready to take action on it. So consistency is key.”

“To help me be consistent, I have a blackboard on my wall that has all the things I need to do on it. And there are days when I don’t feel like doing all those things, but that blackboard is always a reminder for me to do the work anyway. That blackboard and my family are the gas for my engine to keep working hard to achieve my goals. They help me stay consistent. “In my team, we also always share two sayings. They are: ‘Sí, se puede, si tú quieres,’ and ‘El éxito es una decisión.’ Translated they are: ‘You can do this, if you really want it,’ and ‘Success is a choice.’ Those help keep us consistently going in the right direction as well.”

“One thing that can help you develop consistency is to surround yourself with like-minded people. If you surround yourself with negative people, you are going to drown. But if you have like- minded, supportive people surrounding you, they can help buoy you up, especially on the days you don’t feel like doing the work. “Another way to build consistency is to write your daily schedule. Put what you are going to do every day down on paper. If you start your day by making your bed, write it down. Make sure you include some time for self-development. Attend trainings, read or listen to books, and apply what you learn. Finally, be coachable. If you’re able to follow directions and do what has worked for others, you’re more likely to learn consistency too.”

“Your why is a very important part of being consistent because it’s going to fuel you when you don’t feel like working. This business is not always going to be peaches and cream, so you have to really understand why you’re doing it. I try to tell people to have a word or something that reminds them of their why. Something that can inspire you, motivate you, and help you realize that if you don’t do the work, nobody is going to do it for you. “It is said that it takes 21 days to create a habit, 90 days to create momentum, 6 months to create a new reality, and 12 months to completely change the trajectory of your life. When you keep that idea in the forefront of your mind, then even when you don’t feel like working, if you’re connected to your why, you can still find a way to get the work done.”

Executive Director 5 Danny Tore

Executive Director 2 Shannon King

“Consistency is doing the little things you have to do that add up to a big impact. They’re not the glamorous or exciting things, but they are nonnegotiable. The Seven Critical Activities are part of that. You have to do them whether you feel like it or not. “I relate consistency to going to the gym. In the gym, you can’t avoid going for a week and then go cram all the work in on Monday and get the physique you want. Instead, you have to do little things every day, and it doesn’t have to be a lot, but do something every day and those things will add up. “If you trust the process and stick with it, then you’ll wake up at the end of 180 days with a new physique. The same thing applies with your business. You can’t just show up and work like crazy one day a week and think you’re going to build anything that lasts.”

“I’m a firm believer that no one will do as much on their own as they will if they’re partnering with someone. So I encourage others to partner with someone whose business is in a place they want their own to be. That’s because those businesses are in the position they are for a reason. Lock arms with that person—they are going to support you. And if you try to back out of something you committed to, they’re not going to let you. That’s because you made a promise to people who take this business seriously, and that will help you to stay consistent. “I like to tell people to do one thing that scares you every day. That might be contacting that person you’re afraid to contact, or it could be anything. But live outside your comfort zone and grow. Stretch yourself and that will make doing the Seven Critical Activities that much easier every day. And that’s the path to consistency, which is the path to success.”



A beautiful, clean home starts at floor level

Much of life happens on the floor. It is the foundation of all family activity and the gateway to your home. It’s where everyone gathers for games, homework, story time, and relaxing. It’s the playground for your children and the highway for family pets. You want your floors to be welcoming to bare feet, five-second rules, and everyone who stops by. Life on beautiful floors is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, family life can be hard on floors, and even harder on the one who has to clean them. When you run a household, keeping up with life’s messes can be frustrating and never-ending! That’s why Melaleuca created Clean & Gleam ,™ our all-new floor care system designed to help you clean and polish your floors quickly, easily, effectively, and yes, frequently. Because a beautiful floor is the foundation of a beautiful home.

Life throws a lot at your floors. Dust, clean, and polish them with the Clean & Gleam Floor Care System.




Cleaning pads simply press into place on the mop, where rows of tiny plastic teeth hold them firmly in place. No slipping, no sliding, no falling off. BEAUTIFUL FLOORS in simple steps PREPARATION: The refillable reservoir • Remove the reservoir from its mop base by grasping the handle and lifting it up and out. • Remove the green cap. • Fill the reservoir to the 12x line (in raised lettering at the bottom) with Clean &Gleam Floor Cleaner . • Fill the reservoir with water up to the Fill Line (in raised letters near the top). • Replace the green cap. • With the reservoir handle facing outward, align the concave-centered back of the reservoir with the mop handle, and press the reservoir down gently into the mop base. • Simply squeeze the handle to spray. STEP ONE: Dust • Sweep the floor thoroughly. • Press the blue dusting pad into place.

• Dust the floor to remove all traces of lint and dirt. • Use whenever you want to do a quick touch-up. STEP TWO: Clean • Press the green cleaning pad into place. • Spray the floor as you go, mopping areas about at a time.

FLOOR POLISH • Restores the shine you love and evens out the floor’s appearance • Protects against scuffs and scratches with our durable OptiShield ™ finish • Protects the environment because it’s zinc-free and phosphate-free; plus, it is nontoxic and safe to use around children IMPORTANT: The Floor Cleaner and Floor Polish work together for excellent results and are specifically formulated for hardwood floors and any other hard, sealed surfaces like tile, linoleum, and concrete.

SPRAY MOP No batteries required.

FLOOR CLEANER • A beautiful, clean finish – no streaks or haze • Longer-lasting results • More affordable than premixed bottled cleaners because it’s 12x concentrated • Clean scent of sweet citrus and crisp lime essential oils • Most important of all – it is nontoxic so you can safely use it around children

REUSABLE MOP PADS Our mop pads are washable and reusable, and they’re individually designed for dusting, cleaning, and polishing. All are microfiber for dust-free, lint-free results.

• In about 20 minutes the floor will dry to a clean, streak-free shine. • Use anytime you need to clean the entire floor or do a quick spot. STEP THREE: Polish • Press the white polishing pad into place. • Pull open the applicator tip on the Clean &Gleam Floor Polish . • Gently squeeze the bottle and apply the polish in a serpentine pattern on about of the floor at a time. • Work backwards across the floor; finish at an exit from the room. • If, for desired shine and protection, you want to apply an additional coat, wait at least 50 minutes before reapplying. • Use whenever you want to make your floor gleam or to protect it from scratches and scuffs. IMPORTANT: Do not put Floor Polish into the mop reservoir; apply directly to floors. STEP FOUR: Touch Up • Press the blue dusting pad into place on the mop. • Use for quick touch-ups and dust removal.

• Light and easy to maneuver • Gets the job done faster with a wide mop head that gives you more floor coverage • Flexible to reach every inset and angle of your floors • The refillable reservoir is more environmentally responsible because it reduces the need to constantly buy and discard refills

Blue dusting pad: Thousands of feathery fibers collect and cling to dirt. Excellent to use before mopping or for touch-ups. Green cleaning pad: High-count absorbent fibers clean thoroughly and entrap all the dirt. White polishing pad: Soft, clustered texturing spreads the polish evenly so it dries to a brilliant shine.



Tips on Building Your Business with Facebook Smart & Simple

TIP: Teach Facebook who to connect you with.

TIP: Send a friend request and “like” or comment at the same time.

How to find business partners.

Is there a room somewhere with all the potentially awesome rock star business partners sitting together, and we can walk in, pick a couple of them, and be on our merry way? I’m joking, obviously. It comes back to the same thing that I said about finding your target market: write it down on paper. What are some of the traits of your ideal business partner? I wrote out a few of mine: high energy, multitasker, high Facebook engagement, a large network, caring, giving, kind, positive, an entrepreneurial background. Facebook tells a story about each person. You can read it. What are you looking for? And then ask yourself, “Where am I going to find them?” Put in the work that nobody sees and stay consistent with it.

If I’m in a conversation on a group post and feel a connection, I “like” or comment on something they posted and then immediately send the friend request. Here’s why—their newsfeed will show two back-to-back notifications from me. The first one might be, “Jen Sebbas commented on your post in the cooking group,” and the next one, “Jen Sebbas has requested to be your friend on Facebook.” This way the person instantly makes that connection. It makes sense to them. The trust level is there, and they are far more inclined to accept the friend request. I usually send out about five friend requests a day, and I track them all on paper.

Facebook will offer “suggested friends.” You’ll find them in that little bar you often scroll past. Don’t simply add them all, because things could go wrong very quickly. Instead, click on each person and then immediately click on “common friends” and look for a connection to Melaleuca with that person. You’ll see it right away if they have one. If you discover that a suggested friend is connected through Melaleuca, click to dismiss the suggestion . The more that you do that, the more Facebook knows you don’t want to be connected with people who have Melaleuca in common, so it won’t put those people in front of you anymore. Imagine if you inadvertently friend request a new business partner’s mom and then, without knowing better, approach her about Melaleuca? That would be terrible. You also teach Facebook who you DO want to connect with. Last October I went to the Rise Leadership Circle networking event in Chicago, connected with a few attendees in person, and sent them friend requests. Facebook picked up on that, and instantly I started getting friend suggestions from other people in the Rise Leadership Circle! I now have more than 200 amazing entrepreneurial- minded leadership women in my contact list, and many have become customers.

Jen Sebbas National Director 5

TIP: Don’t post in groups participate instead!

At Melaleuca’s October 2020 Standing Executive Leadership Council (SELC), qualifying Executive Directors celebrated achievements, built relationships, and experienced coaching from the best at Melaleuca. Here in her own words, National Director 5 and five-time President’s Club winner Jen Sebbas shares how you can turn Facebook into a specifically calibrated tool to work wonders in building your own business.

How do you know when to approach a Facebook friend?

Once you are in your groups, don’t drop a fishing net into a sea of strangers and see who you can pull in. A commercial- type post may get lots of requests for information, but the truth is it doesn’t really produce anything. It’s just a big mess! Connect by watching for opportunities to engage with, comment on, and “like” or “love” their posts, and get to know the group through good old- fashioned conversation.

How to find your target market.

Jen Sebbas

The best advice I can give you is to ask yourself if it were reversed and that person were reaching out to you and asking you to take a look at something, would that be welcomed? Would you feel enough rapport? Would you feel a high enough level of trust, which is really what it comes down to? Or would you be thinking, “What’s her name again? Who is this person?” Just test it, and you absolutely will know. It’s a gut feeling. There are those who just jump right into somebody’s inbox immediately and gush Melaleuca even before the friend request is accepted and they’ve said hello. Others think, “I’m going to foster this friendship forever because I need to build the relationship! I’m going to get to know their dog’s name, their children’s school schedules, and their birthday!” Find yourself somewhere in the middle.

Today I’ve been asked to talk about how Marketing Executives can connect with purpose on social media to build their businesses. I think the best way to start is to say there is no magical pixie dust that will reveal a secret formula where you plug in X, Y, and Z and are guaranteed business partners and customers. Success in social media means a lot of mingling and a lot of work. But I have terrific tips to share on what’s working well for me! I’ll focus on Facebook, although the same principles apply throughout social media. If you’re accustomed to building in person, social media may make you feel as if you are suddenly in a foreign country and you don’t know the language. I promise if you’re feeling that way, you’re overthinking it.

Have you thought about your target market? Maybe you’d say, “Well, it’s social media. Everybody’s my target market!” Yes, we have access to everybody, but are you really trying to make a connection with everybody? The last thing you should do is go out and join 75 groups! I’m never involved in more than three groups on Facebook at any given time. Put pen to paper and figure out who on Facebook are the people you share interests with and would enjoy talking to. Where are they right now? The answer is that they are in authentic groups on Facebook.



TIP: Use old Facebook messages to build your business.

TIP: Give new Facebook friends a virtual handshake.

I may rattle a few cages by saying this, but I’m going to say it because it’s true: It is okay that you are networking on Facebook. It is okay if you’re not looking for a new best friend because they probably aren’t either. Just be genuine, open, and honest. Be transparent and be relatable. I can tell you that Facebook is work, but it is real connection, it has consistency, it has infinite potential, and it is worth it.

It’s a good idea to scroll back in Messenger, and I mean scroll way back! I’ve talked to people who I last talked to maybe two years ago when they said no . It makes a lot of sense right now to reach out again and say, “Hey, listen, I know that two years ago when we were chatting, it was the wrong time. Melaleuca was not a fit for you. But I’ve been finding a lot of people would rather do their shopping from home in their jammies. And you know what? The bonus is we have hand sanitizer!” A lot of people are either coming back to Melaleuca or are now saying yes .

When I send a friend request to someone, I promise you I do nothing until that friend request is accepted. When it is, I give them a virtual handshake in the form of a quick little voice message. In that message, I’m transparent about why I sent the friend request because it takes a lot of pressure off down the line when you want to approach them. Do you want somebody to think that you sent them a random friend request by chance or because you’re just looking for a new best friend? I want them to know it was very purposeful and I’m networking with intention. So I say, “Hey, thanks for accepting the friend request. I really appreciate it. I do a lot of intentional networking with the work that I do from home. I’m kind of picky about who I connect with. I noticed that we both had the [cooking] group in common, and I was enjoying some of your posts. I think we’re cut from the same cloth and would just love to hear a little bit more about you. And again, just thanks for accepting the friend request. Hope you’re having a great day.”

It all starts with a phone call.

Want to speed the growth of your organisation? Double your phone calls. Phone calls lead to appointments. Phone calls are the simple fuel that powers your business.



Safeguard your hands

Keeping your environment clean and germ-free is an important step in preventing undue stress on your immune system. Sol-U-Guard Botanical TM makes any surface perfectly clean without putting your family’s health at risk. Safeguard your home with Sol-U-Guard Botanical

You’ve heard it before, and we’re going to say it again: one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness caused by germs is by washing your hands. In fact, one of your first lines of defense against illness-causing pathogens is clean hands. And there’s no better way to keep them clean than with Sun Valley® Hand Washes powered by Sol-U-Guard Botanical TM .


What makes Sol-U-Guard your must-have?

• Its powerful botanical formula is safe to use around children, and food • It contains no bleach or quaternary

ammonium compounds which can irreparably damage your lungs; instead it uses the natural power of citric acid and thyme oil • It can be used on all hard, nonporous surfaces except natural marble or stone, and it leaves behind a light, fresh herbal fragrance

Make it a power wash

1 “Show me the science – Why wash your hands?,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 10, 2020) 2 “When and how to wash your hands,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 1, 2020) When should you wash your hands? Frequently washing your hands for 20 seconds or longer is probably already part of your daily routine. But here are some additional guidelines from the CDC 2 to keep in mind about how frequently you should wash your hands. Wash your hands: • Before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, because that’s how germs enter our bodies • Before and after caring for someone at who is sick • Before, during, and after preparing food • Before eating food • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing • After touching garbage • After you have been in a public place where you touch items that are frequently touched by others – like door handles, gas pumps, and shopping carts

Sun Valley Hand Washes contain the same key ingredients as Sol-U-Guard Botanical to help you wash away germs. Our powerful duo of thyme oil and citric acid help to wash away germs without harsh ingredients. And because our hand washes are formulated with glycerin and aloe vera, they will keep your hands soft and healthy wash after wash.

Where are you worried about germs?

You probably associate Sol-U-Guard with kitchen and bathroom surfaces, but when it comes to safeguarding your family don’t forget about these often overlooked areas: • Work desks • Keyboard/mouse • Doorknobs • Light switches • Remote controls • Car handles (inside and out) • Steering wheels • Plastic toys

Hand washing backed by science

Multiple studies reviewed by the CDC 1 show that washing hands properly significantly reduces the risk of spreading germs and getting sick. Here are scientifically proven best practices for properly washing your hands. • Wash for at least 20 seconds. Scrubbing both sides of your hand, between fingers, and under fingernails with soap creates the friction needed to remove the most microbes and dirt. • Use hot or cold running water. You run the risk of recontamination if you use standing water to wash and rinse hands. Studies show no difference in the number of microbes washed away just by using warmer water. • Thoroughly dry hands with a clean towel. Wet hands transfer germs more easily than dry ones.