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| B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |

Worth Sharing Melaleuca was meant to be shared! Friend to friend, mom to mom,

customer to new customer – Melaleuca grows one happy Preferred Customer at a time. See p. 20.


The Impact of McKay Christensen

that would allow him to continue his teaching role with Melaleuca. He became a professor at Brigham Young University and later a key executive for that organization. He recently left Brigham Young University to accept the position of CEO of Thanksgiving Point, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching youth in the state of Utah. Thanksgiving Point could not have chosen a better executive to head up their very aggressive growth initiatives. We congratulate McKay on his new assignment, and we are thrilled that McKay will continue with Melaleuca in the same role that he has had over the last several years. We look forward to many more years of his teachings and insights. As we move forward, I think it’s appropriate that we reflect back on the many contributions that McKay has made to our lives over the last 26 years. The following pages are a tribute to this great man. Sincerely,


be closer to his ailing mother. While we had several key executives who, at that time, had taken over the actual management and direction of the company, I felt that we needed McKay’s impact in the field, and, more importantly, I really didn’t want to complete my life journey without McKay at my side. I asked McKay if he would stay on, part time, as a presenter, teacher, and trainer. I was delighted that he agreed to do that. And for most of the last eight years, that is exactly what McKay has done. He has taught Melaleuca’s culture, our business philosophy, and the universal principles that we believe in to thousands of Melaleuca Marketing Executives throughout the United States and Canada. No one has made a larger impact in teaching our culture than McKay. I am so proud of him. I’m proud to know him. And I’m extremely proud to have him on our team. Upon leaving his full-time position with Melaleuca, McKay sought full-time employment

entire international operation. He was instrumental in starting up several of our international operations, including Europe, China, Korea, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.

No one has had a greater impact on Melaleuca than McKay Christensen. McKay joined me at Melaleuca in August of 1995. He was just 31 years old, and I was 47. McKay had already proven himself as a young executive at Procter & Gamble, Holiday Inn, and US Shoe Corporation, and in our first interview, I could tell that he would be great to have on our team. His background was in finance and accounting, but he soon proved that he had other skills as well. Since his first day with us, McKay has done everything that I’ve asked him to do. But he also took on numerous initiatives that were of his own creation. McKay can get more done in a day than any individual I’ve worked with in my career. While he started as our Chief Financial Officer, he soon took on roles in sales, marketing, messaging, literature, computer systems, IT, and human resources. He played a major role in designing the “Melaleuca Overview,” and eventually I asked him to manage our

McKay Christensen

No one has made a larger impact in teaching our culture than McKay. I am so proud of him. I’m proud to know him. And I’m extremely proud to have him on our team.


In 2008, I promoted McKay to President, and eventually he became one of our most influential public speakers. So it was a big blow when, in July of 2013, McKay told me that he needed to resign from his position at Melaleuca and move to Utah to

McKay posing with Rocky between training sessions in Philadelphia.



A LEADER RISES When McKay was first approached by CEO Frank VanderSloot about joining Melaleuca, he was intrigued by the concept of the company and impressed by the vision and steady tenacity of Frank. “Frank is the reason I came to Melaleuca,” McKay says. “His vision for how the company could enhance lives was contagious. I wasn’t excited to move to a small town, but I was captivated at the thought of working for Frank and learning from him. I remember sitting with him in his car in front of the Idaho Falls airport as I was leaving after my first visit. He talked of enhancing lives, products that would change the marketplace, and a business model that no one else could duplicate. It was then I knew I wanted to follow him.”


MCKAY CHRISTENSEN 26 YEARS OF PRINCIPLED LEADERSHIP! McKay Christensen embodies the rare combination of analytical insight and compassionate leadership. His leadership over the last 26 years has been a huge contributor to Melaleuca’s success and the success of countless Marketing Executives. McKay has recently accepted the position of CEO of Thanksgiving Point, a nonprofit organisation in Utah. We are fortunate to still have his continued influence and expertise part time, and we congratulate him on his new endeavor.

McKay and Frank VanderSloot backstage at Convention.

“Frank is the reason I came to Melaleuca. His vision for how the company could enhance lives was contagious. I wasn’t excited to move to a small town, but I was captivated at the thought of working for Frank and learning from him.”

McKay’s resume included executive positions at Procter & Gamble, Holiday Inn, and US Shoe Corporation (the parent company of LensCrafters), so it’s no wonder that Melaleuca tapped McKay to come on board as Chief Financial Officer in 1995. His impact was felt immediately. He brought with him several financial strategies, management techniques, and infrastructure concepts that are still used by the company today. McKay also played an integral role in helping Melaleuca transform from a call center to a robust online shopping company with systems and policies in place that would allow it to keep pace with the world’s increasingly ravenous desire for safer, affordable, and environmentally responsible products. In 2001, McKay was promoted to President of Melaleuca International. In that role, it was his responsibility to open new international markets, often as the first man on the ground. “I did some of the first Melaleuca Overviews in the UK,” McKay recalls. “We started the Melaleuca business in China with nothing but two or three phone numbers. But it was the leadership of each General Manager in each country that made the difference.” McKay played a major role in launching Melaleuca in several of the countries that today have hundreds of thousands of Members. In 2007, McKay was promoted to the role of Executive Vice President of Melaleuca, where he focused his attention on the growth of North American operations, built strong relationships with Marketing Executives, and saw several businesses advance

– McKay Christensen

McKay and Jennifer with their family at Redondo Beach, California.



At every training event, McKay takes the time to interact with attendees and answer their questions. But he says he’ll never regret his decision to come to Melaleuca. “Frank has been a tremendous mentor,” he says. “He has patiently guided me. He has been one of the most positive forces for good in my life. Frank has built a foundation at Melaleuca like no other. His values, leadership principles, and commitment to enhancing lives are part of me now. I am forever grateful to him.” “Internally, the contribution I am most proud of is seeing the people I started working with now running Melaleuca: [Chief Operating Officer] Cole Clinger, [Chief Financial Officer] Tom Knutson, [Chief Information Officer] Todd Sorenson, [Senior Vice President of Sales] Darrin Johnson, [Senior Vice President of Business Development] Kevin Sommer, [President of Melaleuca International] Jerry Felton, [Vice President of Global Marketing & Strategic Initiatives] Hank Toone, and [Chief of Staff ] Isaac Bottelberghe, just to name a few,” McKay says. “I am proud to have genuinely helped Marketing Executives be better at their business – helping them change their lives and then go on to change the lives of others.” You would think that someone with such a robust and successful career wouldn’t have any regrets. But McKay says that he has “tons.” “I didn’t know the things I valued early on in my career,” he says. “I pushed too hard. I wasn’t much of a people person. I charged at things too fast. I didn’t slow down. I didn’t know how to work through people. I was immature. I wasn’t humble.” McKay has turned down several attractive career offers since leaving his full-time position at Melaleuca. He was determined to only consider an opportunity that would not conflict with Melaleuca’s mission and his desire to still be involved in coaching and teaching Marketing Executives. In 2013, McKay became a professor at BYU’s Marriott School of Business, teaching business strategy part time. He was then offered the opportunity to serve as the managing director for BYU Alumni and External Relations. Both of these positions are largely philanthropic, offering little compensation in return. “I love Melaleuca,” McKay says. “I love the Marketing Executives. I love the employees. My biggest desire nowadays is to help others and make a contribution. Right now I am able to both contribute to Melaleuca and do philanthropic work. It’s rewarding.” CONTINUING CONTRIBUTIONS As a speaker, McKay is captivating. His trainings are legendary. Frommessages he’s written in Leadership in Action to ADVANCE trainings and unforgettable Convention main-stage presentations, it’s no exaggeration to say that every Melaleuca organization has been impacted by his insight and paradigms. In response to changing needs in the company, at Frank’s request McKay returned temporarily as a full-time employee in October 2018. For 14 months, McKay commuted from his home in Utah to Idaho Falls and implemented strategic initiatives focused on improving Melaleuca’s digital presence, marketing messages, and product development. In December 2019, he returned to Utah and to his previous role as a part-time speaker for Melaleuca events.

to Corporate Director status for the first time in Melaleuca history. Having lived without personal debt himself, he readily promoted that aspect of Melaleuca’s unique culture and developed Melaleuca’s Financial Freedom Awards and trainings. In 2008, Frank named McKay President of Melaleuca, Inc., and his impact continued to grow. AN INFLUENCE THAT CHANGED MELALEUCA FOREVER After 26 years, McKay’s fingerprints are all over Melaleuca. He played a key role in establishing the infrastructure and systems that allowed Melaleuca to grow to the multibillion dollar international company it is today. He also helped lay the groundwork for programs like Loyalty Shopping Dollars. Throughout his career, he helped instigate several enhancements to the Compensation Plan, which rewards Marketing Executives for activities that support the Melaleuca Mission Statement. Over the years, McKay has at some point been involved with almost every department in Melaleuca. While working as a full-time executive at Melaleuca, McKay stayed physically fit by running marathons. He obtained his PhD in Adult Education and Organizational Learning from the University of Idaho. “I wanted to learn how people learn,” he explains. “I knew I could be more effective in my training and speaking, and I was really drawn to that part of my work.” AN UNFORESEEABLE CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES In July of 2013, McKay learned that his mother was ill. He chose to resign his full-time position at Melaleuca so he could move to Utah to be closer to her. Frank asked McKay if he would contribute to Melaleuca part-time as a trainer and spokesperson, primarily at leadership events. That’s exactly what he has been doing for most of the past eight years.

McKay with his parents, Neal and Lois.

McKay and Jennifer taking a New York selfie with Mark Atha, Dave and Lynn Crescenzo, and Charlie and Amanda Costello.

“The truth is that your life will go by one way or the other. Whether you wait or not, the time will pass and your life will accumulate one way or the other. Lose the wait.”

“No matter what size their paycheck, people

can outspend their salary. Financial assurance is really defined by how much you save or owe. Real assurance happens when you’re debt-free.”

– McKay Christensen

– McKay Christensen




LESSONS FOR THE FIELD As a Melaleuca trainer, McKay has a unique vantage point of Marketing Executives. He sees their triumphs and their struggles. Here, in his own words, he shares four lessons he’s learned. 1. Put people before progress “Early in my career, I was so focused on the end goal that I wasn’t the best people person or leader. I’ve learned that when you put people before progress and genuinely and authentically serve them, you enable them – and in the end, you will progress.”

McKay with his grandson Ben.

2. Marketing Executives often give up too early

“I am going to contribute to Melaleuca however I can for the rest of my life. I am also doing things that are important to me – teaching, trainings, and philanthropic work.”

“I’ve seen a lot of Marketing Executives get started and start tentatively. As a result, their half-hearted or timid effort does not work, so they quit too soon. I’ve learned that if they were to give this business their whole heart for a period of time, maybe 90–120 days, they would soon see that it does in fact work. Staying in the game is critical in any business.” 3. No voting day “When Marketing Executives set a new goal, they often vote by asking, ‘Do I like this?’ or ‘Does it feel good?’ In anything difficult, it takes work and sometimes isn’t easy. If you keep asking if you like an endeavor, especially in the beginning, the answer is sometimes ‘no’ because it takes work. But if you defer voting until after your first three months, you’ll soon find that you’ve gotten past the emotional ups and downs and have likely succeeded in your goals.”

McKay loves spending time with his children and grandchildren.

– McKay Christensen


McKay has now found an opportunity to put his leadership skills to work as CEO of Thanksgiving Point, a nonprofit organization that helps children and families, while continuing to teach and coach at leadership events for Melaleuca. McKay will continue conducting seminars and speaking at national events. He will also continue to serve on Melaleuca’s Board of Directors, as he has for the last 15 years. “I am going to contribute to Melaleuca however I can for the rest of my life,” McKay says. “I am also doing things that are important to me – teaching, trainings, and philanthropic work. My Melaleuca title is changing, and it should change. It reflects my current role. Melaleuca has so many qualified leaders who are guiding Melaleuca to new heights. My role is to support them and do whatever I can to help.” We offer McKay our enthusiastic endorsement and total support as he begins his new service at Thanksgiving Point. We’re fortunate to have his continued influence and support at Melaleuca.

McKay with his wife, Jennifer.

4. Serve in your circumstance “I’ve learned that circumstances change. My job

McKay onstage at Convention 2016 with Gabe Adams.

circumstances have changed, and other circumstances have changed in my life. But I’ve often thought about how I will measure my life. And I’ve realized that my life will not be measured by title, pay, attention, or popularity. My life will be measured by how I served people in my current circumstance. So, my circumstances change, and it’s not a problem. I do my best to serve those who are now in my circumstance in life. This perspective has transformed how I feel about where I am in life, and I want my life to be measured in this way.”




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Vaida Urlakiene Germany

Melaleuca presents EUROPEAN

At first, Vaida just wanted to be a customers and experience the amazing products. She didn’t talk to anyone too much about either the products or the business opportunities. Therefore, even though Vaida started with the Value Pack, she didn’t make use of the Pacesetter program. ‘’I learned my lesson, now I recommend to all my customers not only to start with the Value Pack but, with the help of a mentor, to start sharing information about a great online store, products and the amazing business opportunities’’. Melaleuca changed Vaida’s view of a clean household and in general, she realized that she can achieve with Melaleuca what she was unable to achieve in other network marketing companies. ‘’Here, not only I got the biggest reward I wanted in my life, but I also found new friends and joy for what I do. I realized that every day would enable people to live safer, healthier and without polluting nature. I can also help them to build themselves a rewarding salary by helping others to achieve their goals, just like I do’’- she says. ‘’My strategy is not a strategy at all, it is my life. I am open and always ready to help when asked’’. Vaida is suggesting making the effort to not only meet new people but to become friends with them, understand what is most important to them in their life, what they are doing and what their hobbies are. ‘’A good mood and always a smile on the face is a door- opener for everyone, be an optimist and it will bring you to the fulfillment of your dreams’’ concludes Vaida.

ACHIEVEMENT LEADERS The European Achievement Leaders are those businesses with the highest contribution index. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their Organisational Preferred Customers during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each leader’s personally enrolled Directors, plus their number of personally enrolled customers. Membership of this elite group is reviewed bi-monthly. In order to be recognised as a member of this team, leaders must submit a picture to Melaleuca.

Senior Director 4 Vaida Urlakiene has a simple and at the same time big guideline for herself ‘’Living life to the fullest means to love yourself, love other people, and be ready to help them’’. When she was introduced to Melaleuca, she realized that she had to get it done: ‘’Not only to help myself but others as well. Besides, I had a dream. More than 15 years ago I realized that I want a different life than the people who retire in Lithuania, I want a respectable pension and a source of passive income’’. Vaida tried to work even in two other network marketing companies, but without success. Therefore, she did not believe that Melaleuca could succeed her. She has been invited to join Melaleuca a couple of times. ‘’I am grateful to Robertas Januškevičius for having enough perseverance and patience and to not letting me down and permanently staying in touch”.

Vaida Urlakiene Senior Director 4 Germany

Man Chow Senior Director 3 United Kingdom

Linda Apine Director 4 Germany


Birute & Robertas Januskevicius Senior Director 6 Germany

Clara Amuzie & Stefan Leoffler

Romante & Rimas Simkai

Director 3 Germany

Director 3 Germany



SUCCEEDING ONE HABIT AT A TIME Melaleuca Launch 2021 Training with Corporate Director 6 Erin Clark

How to make this year Your best year yet

The events of the year 2020 were both unexpected and unprecedented in many ways. They introduced a wide variety of challenges that could have become so heavy they would almost have been impossible to overcome. But those challenges weren’t too heavy, because here you are primed to achieve more than you ever thought possible. This is part of the mindset that was established at Melaleuca Launch 2021. And to help you get started accomplishing more, keynote speaker Corporate Director 6 Erin Clark invites you “to start fresh with your business and give it all you’ve got.”

The power of habit You can’t wish for your goals to happen. You can’t wish for your dreams to come true. But what you can do is put one foot in front of the other and you can do the right things daily, one day at a time, one habit at a time. You can focus on winning the day. Habits are the things you do in your subconscious. They’re the things that you do on autopilot, like brush your teeth. Habits are powerful. They can be good or they can be bad, but they’re always underestimated. If we don’t use our habits, especially in our businesses, what we use is willpower. Willpower is hard, and we run out of it. The dictionary defines willpower as “control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.” Basically, you use it when doing what you don’t want to do. I’m a busy mom. I have two kids, two dogs, two cats, a tortoise, a husband, and a crazy house. By the end of the day, my willpower is shot. I’m exhausted and I forget things. This is when I’m making bad food choices or scrolling through too much Facebook. We only have so much willpower, and it goes away. But what I never forget is to brush my teeth. I always wash my face, and I always tuck my kids into bed. Those things are

on autopilot. And establishing the right daily habits for your business will allow for sustained, long-term growth. We need to do the Seven Critical Business- Building activities so many times that they become as easy as brushing our teeth. I promise you, if you commit to this, if you focus, if you set goals all the way to the moon and win the day, it will pay off tenfold. You will gain skills. You will get better at this business. You will gain confidence. You will be less “stumbly.” You will be less fearful. You will build momentum, and that momentum will be unstoppable. The Focus – Accountability sheets The purpose of Accountability Sheets is to simply document your work. Like a food journal, you are documenting the critical activities that you do every day – and both the action and documentation are powerful. These sheets don’t have to be fancy. You just have to document what you’re doing and you have to do it every single day. Commit to this for 90 days with me. Commit to 90 Accountability Sheets. And I’ll tell you that if you do this, you might just fast-track your business.



Approaches tip 1: Be blunt I don’t beat around the bush when I approach people about Melaleuca because I don’t like the feeling of being backed into a meeting that I don’t know I’m getting into. If somebody comes at me saying something like, “I have this thing and I can’t tell you about it,” I run away a million miles an hour. So don’t beat around the bush. I feel like if you just give people the benefit of the doubt, you’ll be surprised at their responses. Approaches tip 2: Follow up While this is not technically one of the Critical Activities, it is crucial. And it gets undervalued. I have seen so many people come to Melaleuca and they’re excited and passionate. They have a big why , and a ton of talent. But they come and go because somebody says no to them. Somebody ignores their text message. Somebody canceled. Somebody says, “Not right now.” And to that business builder, the negative response equals a total fail. But what I know and what I’m telling you is that on average it takes seven to ten times for somebody to look at shopping at Melaleuca before they’ll commit. And it’s not just Melaleuca, this rule applies all across our lives. So be patient and follow up with your contacts. Approaches tip 3: Give good customer service Again, providing good customer service is not one of the Critical Activities, but it is crucial. People don’t remember what we do, but they do remember how we make them feel. Your relationship with your customer doesn’t end when they open a shopping account – that’s when it really begins.

A Russian tortoise lover group. I have this dang tortoise for the next 50 years, so I might as well meet some tortoise people. There are a million ways to add to your contact list. But here’s the thing – what would you say if I were to tell you your goal this year is to add 1,000 new names to your contact list? Your stomach would drop. But what would you say if I said, “Add three names to your list a day, three people to your list every single day”? If you did that 365 days a year, you would surpass that 1,000 mark. That’s the power of daily habits. That’s the power of compounding your efforts.

Thankfully, we get to learn how to provide good customer service from the best at Melaleuca. It comes from the top. I have never been a part of a company or a place that makes me feel more valued or that makes me feel more appreciated. They go out of their way every single day to make sure that we know we are a part of something, to educate us, and to love on us. An educated customer never leaves Melaleuca. Once they find out about methylated B vitamins, once they find out about the ingredients, once they experience the products – an educated and appreciated customer will never stop shopping. Approaches tip 4: Believe in yourself You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe you are worthy. You have to believe that you are enough and that hard work pays off. You hear these stories all the time: athletes who make the most unlikely shots, doctors who successfully do the riskiest procedures, people who achieve the seemingly impossible. If you ask them how the heck did they do it, one common denominator is belief. They believed in themselves and refused the alternative. Put another way – we experience what we expect.


Accountability sheet Item 2: Approaches


Remember, we are not salespeople. We are problem solvers. We are listeners. We are helpers. We enhance lives. So keep your approaches simple. You don’t have to overcomplicate them. You don’t have to think every single approach through all the way to the end. You just have to introduce people to the store. Just get Melaleuca in front of people. The product sells itself.

Accountability sheet item 1: Add to your contact list

Number one is the first Critical Activity, which is adding to your contact list. I’m going to share a couple of tips about your contact list. One is not to leave anybody off it. Don’t forget anybody. Include your doctor, your chiropractor, your kids’ teachers, people you went to high school with, friends, family, acquaintances – everyone needs Melaleuca.

Contact list tip: Keep adding to your contact list

You’ve got to keep adding to your list. And this year, get a little creative. I am joining a virtual Sunday School class out of my church from Oklahoma. I’m going to join some committees. I’m going to get more involved in my kids’ school. I’m partnering with a nonprofit. I believe in the law of magnetism. I believe we are the average of the people we spend the most time with, so I’m going to go find some cool people to hang out with. Use social media to make friends. Go find some groups. There’s one mama who I’ve been interacting with recently who I’m super excited about (eventually I think she’ll be in my business). Guess where I met her.

It’s your turn This year, it’s your time. This year, you fly. Today is an invitation. Let’s roll up our sleeves. Let’s write down everything we want in our lives and be crazy about it. Let’s write down scary, insanely big goals, and then let’s do the daily work. Let’s succeed one step at a time, one habit at a time, doing the Critical Activities every single day until they are so normal that they’re just like brushing our teeth. Let’s win the day, and let’s start now. This is your year and I am in it with you. Melaleuca is in it with you. So let’s go show this year what we’re made of!



and simple!

We know the world of essential oils can be overwhelming – even unapproachable. There are hundreds of oils at your fingertips, all claiming to be the highest quality: a better price, exceptionally sourced, extensively tested. And it’s now up to you to figure out how to choose (and then use) these oils to achieve your optimal end benefit. Who has the time? That’s why Pure is making essential oils easy! Not only do we have a clean new look but we’ve taken the guesswork out of essential oils by bringing you ready- to-use blends and a wide variety of single oils that fit your lifestyle. No mysticism. No manuals. No mystery. Introducing NEW ready-to-use products

Clear Relief Cooling Blend Roll-On Enliven your senses! This ready-to-use roll-on blend features a soothing combination of Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lavender, Copaiba, Spearmint, Ginger, Rosemary, Cinnamon, and Melaleuca Oil. Apply to your head and neck after a stressful day to feel Clear Relief instantly.

I’m a Dreamer Nighttime Roll-On Come to bed! I’m a Dreamer is our favourite way to unwind at the end of the day. Sweet and floral with a beautifully calming aroma, it features a harmonious blend of lavender, Roman chamomile, ylang-ylang, valerian, neroli, and more to lull you into a tranquil state of mind.

Work it Out Blue Heat Muscle Massage Roll-On This soothing gel naturally cools and warms with our exclusive Blue Heat blend - a mix of wintergreen, peppermint, Melaleuca Oil, cassia, and blue tansy. Plus, it comes in a mess-free roll-on bottle you can throw in your gym bag or purse.

HOW TO USE IT Start at your hairline and temples. Roll over your neck and shoulders for added cooling benefits and relaxation! Avoid eyes.

HOW TO USE IT Roll I’m a Dreamer over your temples, the back of your neck, and the bottoms of your feet before bedtime.

HOW TO USE IT Enhance your post-work-out muscle massage by rolling it over your arms and legs after exercise.


Worth sharing

They say Melaleuca is the best-kept secret. Since Melaleuca doesn’t use traditional forms of advertising, people won’t hear about Melaleuca from a radio ad, product placement on a TV show, or from a sponsored Instagram influencer. But just because we’re not purchasing airwaves doesn’t mean that Melaleuca’s a secret. Quite the opposite – Melaleuca was meant to be shared! Friend to friend, mom to mom, customer to new customer – Melaleuca grows one happy Preferred Customer at a time. One of Melaleuca’s key themes for 2021 is Worth Sharing. Here at global headquarters, we know that if we expect our customers to share Melaleuca, we simply have to be the best. We have to have the best products. We have to have the best business model with the best Compensation Plan. We have to be worth sharing.



Themeaning behind thewords Let’s examine the theme for just a moment. Worth Sharing. If something has worth, it has significance to you. It has qualities of excellence, importance, and usefulness. It’s something you appreciate. We truly hope you have found worth in your Melaleuca membership! Since our inception in 1985, every decision we make is done to add value and worth for you. Maybe it’s a product. Maybe it’s a friendship. Maybe it’s a commission check. Maybe it’s knowing you’re doing your part to help the environment and live a littler greener. Maybe it’s something else. We truly believe that Melaleuca has something of great worth for everyone! Sharing the things we value is in our DNA. We painted on cave walls. We invented printing presses and newspapers. We leave online reviews and share our daily lives on social media. Sharing is fundamental to developing personal relationships. From sharing a possession to sharing a smile, when you share, you’re investing in another’s happiness and success.

Products that make a difference

Peak Performance Pack The Peak Performance Pack delivers targeted, research- backed nutritional support to help you safeguard the beneficial nutrient levels your body needs to reach your own peak performance every day.

Like Jessi said, Melaleuca’s products are the foundation of the entire business model. They absolutely have to be the best so our shoppers truly want to share them. When the products speak for themselves, there’s no need to feel like you’re “selling” them or pushing people to try them as a favor to you. A business model like that would never stand the test of time. It all comes down to exceptional products that can’t be found anywhere else. • Our products are inspired by nature and proven by science to be effective, safe, and better for you. • We hold dozens of patents on unique formulas and products. • We pursue independent scientific tests and/or clinical studies to ensure that our formulas are as good as we say they are. • We never stop innovating. We’re one of the leaders in formula concentration, which helps save plastic from going into our landfills and lowers our carbon footprint overall. Our supplements deliver nutrition Just Like Nature® so your body can benefit from them. We turn to nature for everyday solutions – like using the natural disinfecting properties of thymol to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses instead of harsh chlorine bleach that damages lungs over time and aggravates asthma. • We are passionate about making everyday tasks like laundry, cleaning, shaving, washing, shampooing, snacking, brushing, moisturising, and styling a whole lot easier and more enjoyable for our customers. They’re daily tasks you have to do. Why not do them extraordinarily well? With over 250 products designed with those high standards, it’s no exaggeration to say that everyone out there can benefit from the products Melaleuca offers. Think of Preferred Customer TimWelch, who transformed his health with the Peak Performance Pack . And Executive Director 2 Laura Larson, who noticed an improvement in her health after ridding her home of chlorine bleach, which has been linked to lung damage. And Marketing Executive 3 Judith Timmons, who used Renew Lotion * to help her teenage daughter clear up her severely dry skin and get back to wearing shorts again.

Mighty Brite Mighty Brite Toilet Bowl Cleaner delivers cleaning power with organic cleaners like citric acid and thyme oil instead of harsh, dangerous chemicals like chlorine bleach.

This is exactly What i was looking for In 2013 Jessi Rezac was working as a nutritionist in a small rural town in Iowa. She had a passion for wellness and wanted to share her knowledge to help others live healthier, fuller lives. In such a small town, though, Jessi struggled to expand her business. Then she was introduced to Melaleuca and everything clicked into place for her. “Melaleuca was the exact thing that I was looking for. I just didn’t know it existed.” Jessi is not the only person to have ever said those words. But that personal experience has driven her as she has shared her passion for wellness beyond the borders of her small town and changed more lives than she could ever imagine. She knows, that just like herself, there are others out there who are looking for exactly what we have – they just don’t know it exists. “First and foremost, I was intrigued by the products,” Jessi says. “They were completely up our alley. And the business side really intrigued me as well. I could be home based and work around my kids’ lives, and I could truly help others improve their lives. Melaleuca combined the best of all of those aspects.” Jessi was eager to try the products because

“First and foremost, I was intrigued by the products. They were completely up our alley.” – Jessi Rezac

Jessi Rezac Executive Director 4

Renew® Renew Lotion Intensive Skin Care is scientifically proven to leave severely dry skin softer, smoother, and better hydrated in just 24 hours.*

nothing else about Melaleuca would work if the products weren’t worth referring. She dove into her first order and was impressed by everything she tried.

There are literally thousands and thousands of customers whose lives have changed thanks to Melaleuca products because someone – like you – shared Melaleuca with them.

Having confidence in the products meant that she could genuinely share her recommendations with others. She’s seen the difference the products can make in the lives of the people she cares about – like her father-in-law, who now has healthier cholesterol levels than he’s had in years – and that reinforces her desire to share Melaleuca with as many others as possible. “Many, many times, I’ve had customers tell me the exact same words that I said when I enrolled,” Jessi says. “This is exactly what I was looking for. I just didn’t know it was there.”

* Study Hill Top Research, 2006, Winnipeg, Canada



Compensation Plan When Melaleuca’s products are as good as they are, sharing them comes easily. That would be reward enough in and of itself. What’s even more amazing is the Compensation Plan pays those who refer products. Melaleuca has paid out more than $6 billion in commissions to Marketing Executives simply for sharing the best products in the world. That’s another part of Melaleuca that’s definitely worth sharing! When Executive Director 6 Cassidy Burns’ friend Executive Director 9Melinda Lough first sharedMelaleuca with her, Cassidy watched the Melaleuca Overview but turnedMelinda down. Over the next two years, Cassidy casually noticedMelinda’s posts on social media. Cassidy knew that Melinda was a single mother who worked multiple jobs, so it caught her attention to see Melinda posting about having more time with her children and even taking a family trip.* Hoping for some tips on how to travel on a budget, Cassidy reached out toMelinda. Melinda gave her some travel tips and then also brought upMelaleuca again – that was the real “secret” to having more time with her family. After another Overview, Cassidy enrolled. Even though she was eager to refer

A stable foundation for a strong future Executive Director 6 Makenzie

Schultz worked in an MLM before discovering Melaleuca. When National Director Ashley Olive shared Melaleuca with Makenzie, she saw Melaleuca in a different way than most others. Makenzie recognized the ingenuity

Cassidy Burns Executive Director 6

Makenzie Schultz Executive Director 6

of the business plan and the brilliance of extraordinary everyday products, but it was Melaleuca’s history that really spoke to her. “Melaleuca’s been around for 35 years. It shows that they know what they’re doing in every aspect,” she says. “I think they’ve proven that exactly in the last few months. Recently, it seemed like every store out there was out of stock on hand sanitizer and disinfectant. And here’s Melaleuca, staying in stock with everything. Not only that, but I know that employees who don’t normally work in the warehouse were shipping products out to customers. Employees who aren’t meant to be answering the phones were taking orders because that is what was needed. Most companies never do that. It shows me that our future is so bright here because Melaleuca is going to do whatever it takes, and they put their customers first every time. That gives me the peace of mind to build a very, very strong business.” That peace of mind came into play recently when the restaurant Makenzie’s husband owns was temporarily closed. “It’s a scary place to be,” Makenzie says. “And we’re not the only ones. However, I have this Melaleuca business that is thriving. There are people who need what I can offer. I’m able to help add value

“There are people who want and need

customers, she felt self-conscious about approaching others. Despite her fears, Cassidy knew the value of Melaleuca. “I have this gift, and if I don’t tell others about it, then it’s like I’m holding out on them,” she says. “There are people who want and need Melaleuca, especially in light of what’s going on right now.”

Melaleuca, especially in light of what’s going on right now.” – Cassidy Burns

Because she believed so strongly in the products and business model, Cassidy powered through her fears. Every time she shared the gift of Melaleuca with others, she was rewarded through the Compensation Plan. She had seen how the Compensation Plan changed her friend Melinda’s life. And whenMelinda sharedMelaleuca with Cassidy (for the second time), Cassidy was able to transform her own life – she no longer waits tables at night to pay the bills. In turn, Cassidy shared Melaleuca with her best friend, Executive Director 2Megan Terk. Since becoming a Marketing Executive in 2016, Megan has earned a total of $283,242 * . That money has been life changing for her. It’s relieved financial pressure for her family, has allowed her to reach some of her goals, but most importantly, Megan is able to work around her family’s schedule. Knowing that she had a small part in those blessings means so much for Cassidy. “Helping Megan build her business has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my entire life.” Cassidy has found that sharing the Compensation Plan is just as important as sharing the products. “Everyone deserves to know about the Compensation Plan. Everyone can benefit from it. If you don’t ask, most people aren’t going to tell you that they’re interested or intrigued. So we make sure every new customer is aware of the Compensation Plan.” To accomplish that, Cassidy stresses the importance of holding Strategy Sessions. “If anybody even so much as whispers that they’re interested in the business, we sit down with them at a Strategy Session and show themwhat we have,” she says. “We plant the dream, show them the Compensation Plan, and let them know they have support. It’s amazing howmany new customers grab onto that. They might not have ever been interested in the business, but with a good Strategy Session, they go on to build a Director-level business.”

to their lives. I am able to help people find products they need. And this

paycheck will literally be the only thing that’s going to save us from being taken under.

I could not be more grateful for Melaleuca.”

*These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics.



Get ready to share You’re here because you know that Melaleuca has so much to offer, and you know how important it is to share it. But sometimes, it’s easier said than done. You worry that you’ll be seen as intrusive. You worry that you won’t say the right thing. You are afraid of being rejected or maybe even damaging a precious relationship. How do you overcome those hurdles? Most of the hurdles we have about sharing are hurdles we create in our own minds. Do you have the same anxiety about recommending a movie you enjoyed to a friend? Certainly not. If you recommended a movie and your friend never took the time to watch it or said it didn’t sound like the type of movie she enjoys, would it destroy your relationship? Of course not.

Change someone’s life. Change yours. Sharemelaleuca. Melaleuca offers so much to so many. Life-changing products. Life- changing income. Life-changing friendships. What we have here is unique. The best part though is that the gift of Melaleuca is not limited. The more you share, the bigger the gift gets. Over the past months of unprecedented disruption and uncertainty in the world, we’ve seen the good nature of humanity everywhere: healthy young adults sharing their time to shop for an elderly neighbor; artists sharing their work with the world free of charge; companies sharing their resources to produce supplies;

“Fall in love with the products. Then Melaleuca becomes worth sharing, and that makes it easy to share.”

– Makenzie Schultz

So how can you take down those mental hurdles?

strangers sharing smiles and messages of hope. At Melaleuca, we saw enrolments and orders go through the roof. When people were searching for daily necessities or having to go without a paycheck, our Marketing Executives didn’t hesitate to share a solution that could help. Now more than ever, Melaleuca’s worth is incredibly apparent. Products that promote wellness and protect our health. Residual income that is reliable and scalable. A business model that is successful when you connect with others and share what matters most. Now more than ever, Melaleuca is worth sharing.

Passion over pressure “Fall in love with the products,” Makenzie says. “Then Melaleuca becomes worth sharing, and that makes it easy to share.” She noticed a shift in

Use the resources you have From your enroler to

your regional manager to ADVANCE meetings to the Business Center at, you have all the resources you need to be successful. “I’m constantly reminded of just how much support we have,” Makenzie says. “The resources and tools are just wonderful for a new Marketing Executive. It’s all there for them to learn along the way.”

how she shared the products after she had experienced them for herself and fell in love with them. “I didn’t feel like I had

to talk Melaleuca up or justify what I was doing,” Mackenzie says. “It changed the way I talked about Melaleuca because it came from a place of passion versus a place of feeling pressure to enrol.” Take yourself out of it When you share Melaleuca with

Don’t overcomplicate it “Overall, people overcomplicate

someone, keep it about that person. You should never be thinking about what their enrolment would

this business,” Cassidy says. “In general, we are always wanting deeper training,

mean for you – only what it would mean for them. “Go into the approach with the right mindset,” Jessi says. “You have to think, ‘I have something that they

and we’re looking for that one thing that will help us be successful. But this really is a simple business. Once you know that, it’s easy to pick up the phone, share the store, and then repeat, repeat, repeat.”

need. I have something that they probably want and something that maybe they’re looking for – they just don’t know about it yet.’”




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A lot of Marketing Executives have set a goal to reach Senior Director in 2021. Attending Road to Senior Director in Vienna, Austria is just one of the many perks waiting for you when you advance! Make Senior Director your 2021 goal. Let’s do this!






For details go to the

For details please visit 28 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER / DECEMBER | EU.MELALEUCA.COM


NEW! Rewarding yourself by building a Melaleuca business is now easier than ever before.


Marketing Executives can double their Advancement Bonuses by participating in the Pacesetter Programme! After you view the Foundations video at in your month of enrolment or the 2 (two) following months, you will be eligible for the Pacesetter Programme*.


Bonuses and Commissions

Status (Commission Rate)




100% £/ € 250

£/ € 100

£/ € 200

Director 2



1 000

100% £/ € 375

£/ € 200

£/ € 400

Director 3



2 500 1 000 1

100% £/ € 500

£/ € 500

£/ € 1 000

Director 4



5 000 2 500 2

100% £/ € 750

£/ € 500

£/ € 1 000

Director 5



7 500 5 000 2

100% £/ € 1 000

£/ € 500

£/ € 1 000

Director 6


6 10 000 7 500 3

100% £/ € 1 250

£/ € 600

£/ € 1 200

Director 7


7 12 500 10 000 3

100% £/ € 1 500

£/ € 700

£/ € 1 400

Imagine the thrill of driving a brand-new car … and knowing Melaleuca is paying for it! Marketing Executives across Europe feel this excitement every time they start their engines, thanks to Melaleuca’s Car Bonus program. What an incentive!

Director 8


8 15 000 12 500 4

100% £/ € 1 750

£/ € 800

£/ € 1 600

Director 9


9 17 500 15 000 4

100% £/ € 2 000

£/ € 1 000

£/ € 2 000


20 10 20 000 17 500 5

100% £/ € 3 000

£/ € 2 000

£/ € 4 000

Senior Director 2

20 10 22 500 20 000 5

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 2 200 £/ € 3 500

Senior Director 3

20 11 25 000 22 500 6

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 2 500 £/ € 4 000

Senior, Executive, National & Corporate Directors

Senior Director 4

20 11 27 500 25 000 6

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 2 700 £/ € 4 500

GROW your business to Senior Director, then select your new car or truck and apply for Melaleuca’s Car Bonus program! Active leaders receive the following monthly Car Bonus for qualifying vehicles at these statuses:

Senior Director: £ / €600 ExecutiveDirector and above: £ / € 1 100

Senior Director 5

20 12 30 000 27 500 7

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 3 000 £/ € 5 000

Senior Director 6

20 12 32 500 30 000 7

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 3 200 £/ € 5 500

Senior Director 7

20 13 35 000 32 500 8

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 3 500 £/ € 6 000

Senior Director 8

20 13 40 000 35 000 8

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 4 000 £/ € 6 500

GROW your business and drive away in a new car!

Senior Director 9

20 14 45 000 40 000 9

5% of True PEG 12% of True PEG £/€ 4 500 £/ € 7 000

* For the further details go to and click on the Business Center. You’ll then find the Melaleuca Compensation Plan in the reference library.