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Leadership in Action - Lietuvis - 202201

KOVAS | EU.MELALEUCA.COM „Melaleuca“ pristato EUROPOS PASIEKIMŲ LYDERIAI Europos pasiekimų lyder iai

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MARZEC | EU.MELALEUCA.COM EUROPEJSCY Melaleuca przedstawia LIDERZY SUKCESU Europejscy Liderzy Sukces

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Leadership in Action - English - 202201




| B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S | BILLION PAID! 6 . 5 To families just like YOURS! 7



SolvingWorld Problems via Respect and Mutual Understanding

their conclusions. Then they see us as evil because we disagree with them, and instead of seeking solutions together, we now just seek to prove each other wrong. This situation is becoming more serious as almost every major national issue is becoming politicized, with both major parties trying to destroy the other. I think I should be clear: I don’t belong to any political party. I refuse to allow someone else to decide what I should believe and whom I should have allegiance to. I tend to lean conservative on economic issues, and I tend to lean more liberal on environmental issues. But, above all, I value truth! I think there’s great value in knowing the truth! Whatever the truth is, I believe we should seek it. Only by knowing the truth, and sorting truth from fiction, can we make good decisions and find good solutions. A person who disagrees with us is not our enemy. They may be our best friend. They may be our spouse. They may be our brother or sister or our neighbor. If people disagree with us, there is probably a good reason. And if we shut them down, we will never be able to work out issues together to find solutions that we can all support. Let’s listen to what they have to say. Let’s explore our differences. Let’s see where we can agree. Let’s work together to find solutions we can all support. Recently, I’ve seen far too many families and friendships split up because people simply disagreed

on things like politics, mask mandates, vaccines, and so forth. These are important issues that we need to be able to talk about safely without taking offense and without retribution. We need to make it safe for people to disagree with us. And we need to let them know that we love them and value them even though we have different points of view or different opinions. Let’s not listen to those who would tell us that it is politically incorrect to have discussions about such important things. Let’s not listen to those who would tell us that we need to shut up and be silent. Let’s not heed those who tell us that discussions about really important issues are not for the public forum. And most of all, let’s make sure that we don’t deem those who disagree with us as someone who needs to be silenced. We all are looking to find the best solutions for ourselves, our families, and our nations. When you get down to it, there is more that unites us than divides us. The best solutions always come from hearing all sides and seeking truth – no matter where it is found. Sincerely,


As Melaleuca has experienced tremendous success around the world, I’ve had the opportunity to work with individuals from all over – folks from all walks of life, different ethnic backgrounds, different religions, different levels of education, and different political persuasions. At Melaleuca we celebrate and respect our differences. We have learned to love and honor each other even though we don’t all see the world through the same lens. At Melaleuca we seek and value truth, regardless of its source. We give credence to facts, not dogma. And we seek solutions to the world’s many problems through understanding and analysis rather than from the propaganda of one political party or another. Over the past few years, I have noticed a trend emerging in society that I think is very dangerous for mankind and for our nation. It seems it has become commonplace for people to actually deem those who disagree with them as their enemy. Especially in social media, it has become the norm to become offended if someone disagrees with us on almost any topic. And instead of listening to each other, we are taught to attack those who disagree with our opinion or the opinions of those whose side we have chosen to be on. Indeed, we are being taught by society that if someone disagrees with us, we should silence them. We should punish them. We should attack them. We should shun them. Or at the very least we should shut them up! We

have made it politically incorrect for people to state their views on any topic that might disagree either with us or with those whom we have sworn allegiance to. I think that’s dangerous. Unfortunately, it is apparent that in today’s world many first decide who they want to follow or what they want to believe. Then they seek only the evidence that sustains their belief system and “proves” they are right. Often, people seek less truth once they become advocates of their own position and try to get converts. And unfortunately, they begin to ignore any facts that might suggest they are wrong. Society is now teaching us that those who disagree with us are our enemy. That somehow if they disagree with us they are evil, regardless of how they came to A person who disagrees with us is not our enemy.… If people disagree with us, there is probably a good reason. And if we shut them down, we will never be able to work out issues together to find solutions that we can all support.




CONTENTS January / February / March 2022


Thorsten Kilb General Manager

Let me start with wishing all our Melaleuca customers, business partners, and their families a Happy New Year! The new year has arrived at an unbelievable pace, but there’s still so much uncertainty around us. Now more than ever, we need to take the time to focus on our personal well-being, our families, and our future. How best to plan for the future? The best way to prepare for the future is to make a decision, plan out a path to reach it, and follow through with it. In times like these, one of the few things that we do have control of is our own actions. One could say we hold the future in our own hands. With Melaleuca, I will… That is our new theme for 2022. The theme encourages you to set goals and take action by allowing you to fill in the blank. With Melaleuca I will… start living again… dreaming again… have hope for the future…. I can take control of my life and build the future I have always dreamed of. A lot of our customers, people who joined Melaleuca simply for the exceptional products, have also started growing their Melaleuca businesses. That right there is one of the core reasons why Melaleuca has continued to thrive for over 36 years. We offer a business opportunity that doesn’t require you to break the bank to participate. It provides a real chance to supplement your income, to help support your family, and gain control of your financial future. The Melaleuca Compensation Plan is designed to reward you for every single customer you refer. With each customer, you can start to gain financial independence. With an extraordinarily high retention rate, every customer you enroll not only gains access to world-class products, but also helps you build and plan for your future by adding to your residual income. Our “Why” is what gives us the strength to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way. With Melaleuca… I will make it my year! Do you agree that this is possible? What are you waiting for? Grab a pen and paper. Write down your “why”—your goal—and then just do it! Look at your “why”. Focus on it. Use the energy that your “why” gives you and take action. Make a game plan. Don’t just write it down, follow through with your plan. Every “No” you get, should motivate you even more to find a “Yes” next time. Why? Because we know it works. We have exceptional products at reasonable prices, and this has been proven— again and again and again. With more than 36 years of experience, Melaleuca has proven that even in the stormiest times, we can help you weather the storm. We have paid out more than 6.5 bl. USD in commissions to people like you. I am truly honored to be part of Melaleuca and your life.

$ 6 . 5

BILLIONPAID! To families just like yours!

$6.5 Billion Paid to Families Just Like Yours! $6.5 billion is more than just a number – it represents the countless lives that have been changed. And it’s all thanks to those who share Melaleuca with families everywhere. 7

Why becoming a Senior Director changes everything

You are what you do Developing Consistent Habits to Meet Your Goals

Let´s Chat! Practical Ways to

Grow Your Contact List and Set Appointments

Advancing to Senior Director. It’s one of the best things you can do for your Melaleuca business – and your life.

Yours sincerely,





Fast Tack 2022

Achievements Leaders






Advanced Results in Introducing Advanced Microbiome Support! 1. 2. 3

$ 6 . 5

BILLIONPAID! To families just like yours!

October2021markedanotherepicmilestone. At thispoint,Melaleuca Marketing Executives had earned and been paid $6.5 billion in commissions. As impressive as that astronomical number is, it’s the number of lives those dollars have changed that matters most.

Executive Director 4 Barbara Ryan, MD , USA CUSTOMER SINCE 2010


Consider this powerful lesson from nature: Aspen trees are quite humble. Individually, they are outranked in most measures by other species of trees. Their wood is soft, and their roots often burrow as little as 30 centimeters below the soil. They have trunks 7-46 centimeters in diameter and grow 6-24 metres tall. An individual aspen tree will rarely live longer than 150 years – that’s nothing compared to the thousands of years a bristlecone pine can live. But collectively, aspens are like nothing else on planet Earth. Did you know that the aspen trees living in a grove together are all connected underground by one massive root system? Entire hillsides of aspens can be one connected plant – every tree in the grove shares the same DNA. In fact, the largest organism in the world is a grove of quaking aspen trees – named Pando – located in Utah. It has been spreading and growing and thriving since the last ice age! The roots you share at Melaleuca Melaleuca’s phenomenal growth comes from the hard work of thousands upon thousands of individuals just like you. Each story is unique. Collectively, we are amazing. Take a moment to explore a few experiences of fellow Marketing Executives whose lives are connected thanks to those individual dollars.

ill and James are very experienced in traditional businesses. As entrepreneurs, they’ve learned a lot about risk. “We’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in other businesses that didn’t make it,” Jill shares. “We watched one of our companies burn to the ground one night. We lost everything and had to rebuild.” When the Vinecourts were introduced to Melaleuca, they saw something truly unique. “We looked at the business plan from a traditional business standpoint and thought, This is a no-brainer. There is little risk. There’s no financial investment,” Jill explains. “There’s risk in my other businesses. If I don’t do my job that day, maybe one of my employees won’t get a paycheck that week.” One of the qualities that Jill and James like about Melaleuca is there’s room for everyone. “We can only hire so many people in our traditional company,” Jill points out. “We share the Melaleuca business plan because there are people out there that we know cannot make it from paycheck to paycheck. There are so many people out there who haven’t been given opportunities like we have.” Living near the fourth-largest Amish community in the world, the Vinecourts have found an opportunity to build a unique Melaleuca team. Jill works closely with Senior Director 3 Ruth Ann Gingerich, an Amish community member and close friend. Together, the two travel to Amish communities in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and even Montana. To make it possible to visit very rural places where there are no hotels, Jill used her Melaleuca earnings to buy a little travel trailer that she pulls behind her pickup. “We go places where Melaleuca isn’t taught and teach it,” Jill shares. “How else do you get Melaleuca to an underserved community like that where there isn’t technology to reach them?” “It is so rewarding,” Jill shares. “I can’t tell you how good Ruth Ann and I feel when we leave an Overview. We are very honored and humbled.” Jill & James Vinecourt Senior Directors 4 • Ohio, USA J

A part of something incredible Consider the amount of work and reward that $6.5 billion represents. Each dollar of commissions earned corresponds to the focused effort of thousands of Marketing Executives. It represents the lives enhanced by customers who were each personally introduced to Melaleuca by someone like you. Consider the sum total of personal interactions, needs discussed, products shared, and problems solved that the number 6.5 billion only begins to reveal. Figures in billions of dollars have become commonplace in the news. The Walt Disney Company bought Marvel Entertainment and Lucasfilm for $4 billion each. An average Major League Baseball franchise costs $2.2 billion. Out of the world’s 195 countries, only 41 have a gross domestic product less than $6.5 billion. While we frequently hear about numbers measured in billions, we rarely stop to wrap our heads around how enormous a billion really is. You have a very personal relationship with Melaleuca and the person who introduced you to the company and its products. Your sense of the organisation may be limited to a few people, or, if you’re a busy business builder, it may involve hundreds of contacts. But either way, it can be difficult, as the saying goes, to see the forest for the trees. In celebrating this milestone, let’s help you zoom out to see the experience we all share from a different perspective. If you were counting the $6.5 billion and could continuously stack one $100 bill per second without sleep, it would take you 752 days to count every bill. That’s over two years! The stack of bills, by the way, would be 7,09 kilometers high. Or you could lay those $100 bills end to end in a continuous line from San Diego to Boston and back! How has Melaleuca grown from a company of eight people and eight products to something so massive? This growth has been accomplished entirely by the passion of thousands upon thousands of customers – the little guys – building something to rival the giants. Each contribution adds to the overall growth. The company has grown to this size one conversation at a time. Each new Customer starts as a relationship that is nurtured. Each new Customer had a need that somebody took

the time to identify and help solve. In business terms, this is called organic growth. The power of connections How did you get introduced to Melaleuca? Someone shared it with you. How did you discover your first favorite product? You shared your need and then found a solution. What does $6.5 billion in commissions paid actually measure? Millions of connections made between the little guys.

PANDO Means “I spread” in Latin {

• Covers 106 acres with over 47,000 connected trees • Weighs nearly 6 million kilograms • Age estimated to be 13,000–80,000 years old • Started as a seed the size of a pepper grain



LISBON FAST TRACK TRIP Qualification Period: 01. January 2022 - 30. April 2022

483,171 Families Have Earned Over $1,000

126,829 Families Have Earned Over $5,000

67,633 Families Have Earned Over $10,000

13,789 Families Have Earned Over $100,000

6,835 Families Have Earned Over $500,000

670 Families Have Earned Over $1 Million +

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