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UVB protection EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS 9 ADVANCEMENTS NEW Stephanie & Klinton Keller NEBRASKA The Right

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7 access to these prerecorded Overviews—allowing you and your customers even more flexibility and op

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Women of the NFL Conference (her husband is a retired NFL cornerback). Melaleuca just made sense, es

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KnowYourSkin. Only 11 % of Americans wear sunscreen every day, and almost HALF of Americans NEVER we

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Overview . JUNE 2022 | MELALEUCA.COM 23 Total Body, Total Health Peak Performance Total Health now s

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20 Club is where the switch happens—once there, a lot of other worries fall away and you can truly f

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SeasonsOfPure or by scanning the QR code below. CORPORATE DIRECTORS 4 N EW ADVANCEMENTS Ashley & Bra

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E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

The OnlyWay to Success is Through Failure


I recently heard a story and some insights about a man on the topic of fail- ure. His name was George Herman Ruth, Jr. Otherwise known as “Babe.” Babe Ruth, the “Bambino,” the “Sultan of Swat.” His career in the big leagues lasted from 1914 to 1935. He is known as the best and greatest baseball player of all time. He was the American League’s most valu- able player, the American League batting champion six times, the RBI (runs batted in) champion six times and the home run champion 12 times. Babe played for seven world champion teams with the New York Yankees. He is still, after all of this time, in the top ten in batting average, times on base, runs scored, and home runs. He’s ranked third, still, after all of these years, in number of home runs, and second, after all of these years, in RBIs. Even after 84 years, nobody beats Babe Ruth! And he did that in an era when there were no steroids and the seasons were much shorter than they are now.

People also know that Babe Ruth was known for how many times he struck out. In fact, he had more strikeouts in his career, at that time, than anyone else had ever had. He set a new record for strike- outs, at 1,330, which is far more strikeouts than anyone had ever had prior to that. Some also called him the “King of Strikeouts.” But here was Babe Ruth’s attitude towards strikeouts: “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from coming up to bat.” “Let me tell you how to hit home runs. I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball… I swing big, with everything I’ve got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can.” Those are strong lessons for us. The story is told about this one par- ticular game. It was the ninth inning. The Yankees were behind by one, but the tying run was on base. There were

If you look at what separates those who achieve success and those who do not, you will find many significant differences in behavior. Work ethic, tenacity, determi- nation, and passion are all key differences between those who achieve success and those who do not. The biggest difference, however, is how these individuals view and deal with failure. To many people, failure is the ultimate rejection. They tell themselves, “You’re not good enough.” “They don’t like you.” Or “you’re a loser.” They allow failure to discourage them. They allow it to stop them from trying again. Champions, on the other hand, view failure completely differently. They understand what failure is. They know that failure is a necessary and essential step on the pathway to success. They don’t let failure discourage and stop them. To the contrary, failure emboldens them and increases their determination. Each time they fail, they know that they are one step closer to success.


He said, “I knew I had it. I already had two strikes. The next one had to be a hit.” You can’t get to home runs without strikes. You can’t get there from here without strikes. That was his attitude. We can learn a lot from how he dealt with failure. We have several leaders at Melaleuca who remind me a lot of Babe Ruth. These are our Corporate Directors. Each one of them has a lot of similarities to Babe Ruth, because they know the track to success is through failure. They have had more “No’s” than anyone. If we could learn how to deal with failure like these champions deal with failure, we would all end up where they are. They just get up to bat again, and they know they can’t get there without “No’s.” You’ve got to have “No’s” before you get a “Yes.” There’s no way to get a “Yes” without a few “No’s.” Every “No” is one step closer to a “Yes.”

Every time! Every time! Every time! We all need to learn that. And we should let nothing stop us. The way to success is through failure. There are no other roads to success. All our Corporate Directors know that. Babe Ruth knew that. It’s learning how to deal with failure. Learning how to deal with objections. Learning how to deal with obstructions. Learning how to get back up with enthu- siasm every time we fall down. That’s the road to success! Babe Ruth summed it up perfectly: “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” That’s what we need to learn.

two outs. Babe Ruth came up to bat. The pitcher winds up and throws the ball right over the plate. Babe Ruth swings. Strike one! If he can hit the ball, they win the game. If he doesn’t hit the ball, they lose the game. It’s on his shoulders. The pitcher winds up and pitches again. Babe swings—strike two! Babe steps back for a second, gathers himself and then steps up to the plate again. It’s all on this one. The entire game is on his shoulders, on this pitch. The pitcher winds up and hurls the ball over the plate. Babe gives it everything he has. BAM! The ball flies right over the center field fence. Home run! Yankees win the game! After the game, a reporter comes up to him and says, “It was the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs and you had two strikes, tell me about the pres- sure. That must have been a lot—how did you do that? How did it feel?”






Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

Forging Friendships in Paradise President’s Club rewards the top Melaleuca earners with a once-in-a-lifetime experience in a breathtaking location. Together with CEO Frank VanderSloot, they trade stories, embark on adventures, and forge relationships that last long after the event ends. Here, members of the 2018 President’s Club take in a panoramic view of Kauai, Hawaii, that few visitors ever get to witness.




Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

Celebrating Summer, Melaleuca Style Each summer the numbers at Melaleuca’s global headquarters swell dramatically as spouses and children join employees to enjoy the Melaleuca Family Picnic. Families enjoy a fully catered meal, all-you-can eat snowcones, activities like bounce houses, face painting, pony rides, prize drawings, and more. It’s an exciting opportunity to celebrate the employees who dedicate themsleves to Melaleuca’s mission.




Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

Running on Melaleuca Melaleuca athlete Bernard Lagat crossed the finish line of Australia’s Gold Coast Marathon on July 7, 2019—setting a new American masters record in the process. Running the marathon in a scorching time of 02:12:10, the 44-year-old Lagat proved yet again that peak performance is possible at any age. Bernard now holds the fastest time by a US man over 40 at every distance from the 1500m through the marathon.




A U G U S T 2 0 1 9

Congratulations to Corporate Directors 4 Erin & Aaron Clark! ................................. 18 With hard work and tenacious accountability, Erin and Aaron Clark have built a life that’s better than they could have dreamed.



Keeping Things Personal with QuickShare PRO............................ 32 Jill Parker: Approaches That Become Appointments......................... 36 The Role of Florify® in the Peak Performance Pack......................... 44 The Ultimate 5-Minute Skin Care Routine ................................................. 48 Snacking Is So Good with Simply Fit™ ............................................... 50

YOU’VE JUST ENTERED THE ACCOUNTABILITY ZONE What’s the secret to a growing and thriving business? Becoming a connected, committed business builder by finding your place in the accountability zone. PAGE 42


ADVANCING LEADERS These Melaleuca businesses are advancing, and yours can too! Learn from these impressive, high-achieving leaders.

When your goals seem out of reach, it’s tempting to work harder and faster. But the best Melaleuca leaders know that true progress requires taking a step back and getting connected with your why . PAGE 14



T E A M , W H A T D I D W E L E A R N ?


Leadership in Action is more than reading material—it’s an empowering development tool for you and your team! After reading this issue, turn education into action. Below you’ll find questions that you can ask yourself or use to engage your team in discussions to help everyone reach their goals.



E X E C U T I V E M E S S A G E S True champions are those who aren’t afraid to fail. After reading Frank’s message, make a game plan for how you will continue to press forward despite any setbacks you may encounter. Darrin encourages new or struggling leaders to take a step back and understand their why before continuing to pursue their goals. Who on your team could benefit from a better connection to their purpose? Take time at your next leadership meeting to try the exercise from this article. ›  › MA I N M E S S A G E Long before finding Melaleuca, Corporate Directors 4 Erin and Aaron Clark developed the skills that would eventually make them successful business builders. What strengths do you and your teammates already have that could be applied to building a Melaleuca business? How can you practice accountability the way Erin does? ›  ›  A D VA N C E M E N T S Exeuctive Director 5 Sabrina Ellis makes an extra effort to learn from the coaching and leadership materials available at Melaleuca. How can you make time to practice and “push play” the way she does?  ›  ›  B U S I N E S S COA C H I N G A N D M I N D S E T How is your team doing when it comes to setting appointments? Read National Director Jill Parker’s Convention 2019 presentation and learn how you can turn approaches into appointments. Learn to incorporate her tips the next time you talk to someone from your contact list. Add your personal touch before and after sharing the QuickShare PRO Overview videos. Next time you use them, try using the three-category close explained in the article on page 32. ›  ›  P R O D U C T E D U C AT I O N A N D W E L L N E S S Do you trust your gut? With Florify® , one of six supplements found in the Peak Performance Pack , you can at least trust that your gut is healthy. Learn more about how this powerful probiotic works better than any other. Stacy Bodnar’s 5-Minute Skin Care Routine is perfect to share and study at your next teammeeting. Learning her four easy steps will help you confidently encourage others to use Sei Bella ® products to care for their skin morning and night.

QUESTION OF THE MONTH What dreams are you hoping to accomplish this year? How does staying connected to your why help you reach your dreams? Share your ideas with us at [email protected].

When we say “ goodness , ” we mean it!







Arthur McCauley & Kimberly Bertolucci IDAHO

Erin & Aaron Clark MISSOURI

Rebecca Garrett GEORGIA

Kristin & Kristian Hoenicke HAWAII









Rachaell & Seville Ko KANSAS

Jefferson Green GEORGIA

Ann Maynard FLORIDA

Jennifer & Steve Morgan CALIFORNIA





All Executive Leadership Council (ELC) calculations are based on Preferred Member growth from US and Canadian customers only.


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

The Executive Leadership Council is composed of the top Corporate, National, or Executive Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a current Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in an organization’s Preferred Members during the prior 60 days, multiplied by the number of each Corporate, National, or Executive Director’s Personal Enrollee Advancement Factor (the same factor found within President’s Club criteria). Council membership is reviewed monthly. At least five positions are reserved for Masters.







Sondra & Alan Pariser NEVADA

Claudia & Paul Hardin TEXAS

Bunmi Adetunji GEORGIA

Courtney & Graham Martin LOUISIANA












Natali Krause & Kent Wonnell CONNECTICUT

Megan & Ben Terk OREGON

Anne-Marie Laperle QUEBEC

Alan & Sondra Pariser NEVADA





Masters are those Executive, National, and Corporate Directors who have been Senior Directors or above for five or more years.





@darrinToGo @darrinjohnson1

One of the best parts of my role at Melaleuca is the vantage point I have to observe many Marketing Executives across North America. I do more than simply watch; I intentionally connect with leaders and dive into their Business Reports to learn as much as I can about their businesses. I speak with their teammates to better understand the culture within each organization. When I’m on stage at Convention, Standing ELC, or Road to Executive Director, I can safely say I know quite a bit about every leader in the room. Like many of you, I’m fascinated by every aspect of leadership. What makes a great leader? What goes into building and nurturing a high-performing team? Why do some leaders appear to win each day effortlessly? I’ve asked these questions, and I think I may have the answer. Here are just a few of the things the very best leaders do:

• They practice daily accountability in their own lives. • They know that with accountability partners and processes that help form good habits, they often reach their goals faster. • They are consistent in implementing good habits in all aspects of their lives. • They know their purpose, and it shows. • They are very intentional and strategic in how they leverage events and time to their advantage. In short, there is no wasted movement. • They love the long game. They are persistent. And there are times when their pace might slow, but they never give up.


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

Powerful leaders know their purpose.

Have you ever had a goal that you just couldn’t seem to reach? Or have you struggled as a leader when you didn’t feel worthy of leading yourself, let alone a team of people? Your self-belief is low. Distractions and obstacles seem to appear out of nowhere. Despite your best intentions, you simply struggle to take the steps you know you need to take to get there, or you do more of the wrong things. Like a car stuck in the snow, the more you accelerate, the more you get stuck. I’ve been there. How about you? Are you interested in upping your game? Read on. Maybe you need to take a step back so you can leap forward. When You Know Your Purpose, Everything Else Falls into Place When was the last time you were doing something and it just felt effortless? We’ve all had those periods in our life when we feel like we’re “in the zone” or “all cylinders are firing.” Have you ever stopped and thought about what the factors were that went into that feeling? I suspect you’ll find that your goal and your subsequent habits were aligned with your values or beliefs. Your actions were playing into what you’re genuinely great at—your strengths and talents. You knew that your why was so much stronger than any discomfort you may have felt. You failed often, and you viewed failures as learning experiences. The end result was probably a self- belief that was infectious to those around you.

How Do You Find Your Why ? And How Do You Keep It? At Road to Executive Director last month, I was asked to lead a life plan workshop where every attendee spends time thinking about their life’s goals beyond Melaleuca. We spent a lot of time talking about how Melaleuca can be the vehicle to change your life and help you reach your goals, leave a legacy, and live a life of purpose. To identify your purpose, start with answering a simple question: What motivates you to do what you do? Or why do you do what you do? Now complete the following statement no fewer than five times: This is important to me so that… For example, why do I do what I do ? I want to make $2,000/month with my Melaleuca income. • This is important to me so that: I can have some extra dollars at the end of the month. • This is important to me so that: My wife and I can reduce our worries about not being able to pay bills. We can breathe. • This is important to me so that: I never have to see that look of fear and worry in my wife’s eyes when we have an unplanned expense that hits our budget. • This is important to me so that: My wife and I can actually talk about having her stay home with the kids. • This is important to me so that: My kids will grow up having their mom and dad present in their lives. I invite you to dive into this exercise to help you really discover your why —your purpose.



Below are just a few results from those who created a life plan at Road to Executive Director last month.

“Our ultimate goal is to live a meaningful life with our family and to help others in a way we feel good about.”

“We want to live our best lives and become our best selves for each other and for our children. We want to show our children firsthand what happens when you work hard for what you want. Our why is to have the freedom for quality family time and making memories together.”

“Our why is to create an environment where our family can have time together and enough money so our children can pursue their creative gifts without financial burdens. Ultimately, we want to live our lives by design and not default.”

Senior Directors 9 Geneveve & Sean Sykes

Executive Directors 2 Mondez & Kayla Hollomon

Senior Directors 6 Nicole Renzi & John Caracciola

Can you see how this exercise can help you uncover your true why ? Digging deep helps you find a why that is greater than your discomfort. It motivates you to keep going. Now let’s talk about what your life looks like when you reach your goals.

Experiment with your own goals and enjoy this process. Executive Director 3 Kristin Kingrea is a perfect example to me of the powerful change that can happen when you clearly envision your future. When she enrolled as a customer 11 years ago, she was an interior designer making a six-figure income at a well-established firm. From the outside, it seemed as though she had no need for building a Melaleuca business. But she was often working up to 60 hours a week, and she felt like something was missing. “Every morning while dropping off my two young children—Charlie and Reese—at school, I couldn’t help but notice the moms who were wearing their workout clothes while on their way to the gym,” Kristin says. “Other moms lingered for a conversation or two. However, I was always in a rush as I juggled my corporate career with being a good mom and wife. I did my best, but life was tough, and I thought that was how it was always going to be! “Sundays were the worst. I always had that gut- wrenching feeling knowing it was going to start all over again. My turning point came during a phone call with my sister, National Director 9 Brooke Paulin. We had been Melaleuca customers for six years by then, but I had never truly considered the

What Is Your Envisioned Future?

What does your life look like, smell like, and feel like when you reach your goal? Describe it in specific terms as if you’ve already achieved your goal. When you give your brain the particular vision of what success looks like in great detail, you’ll be surprised how much easier it becomes to take the steps necessary to get there. Here’s a quick example: Instead of saying, “I want to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving,” try this: “I see my family at Thanksgiving, and they can’t believe how good I look. My daughter arrives home from college, and she tells me how proud she is of me. My annual physical shows improvements in both my blood pressure and cholesterol for the first time in years. And maybe most important of all, my favorite jeans fit perfectly.” Can you see the difference between the two? Can you feel the difference?


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

business opportunity. After that phone call with Brooke, I decided it was time to find out more and I truly committed to five hours a week for six months. “Originally, we saw Melaleuca as a plan B that would allow me to do contract work from home. But that changed when we advanced to Senior Director within eight months and that little plan B turned into plan A. I am now one of the moms who has time for a conversation in my gym clothes after dropping off the kids at school. But little do some of those moms know—I also bring in a six-figure income and a residual income that keeps growing! My business has allowed me to do what I wanted this summer—take my kids to swim practices and swim meets with cousins, work out when I want, cook meals, have the kids write the lists of activities they want to do, and have lazy mornings and late movie nights.” The future you want might not look the same as Kristin’s—but the principle is still the same. When you have a clear why and know what you want your future to look like when you reach your goal, you can understand what actions you need to take to get there. commitments you will make to yourself and to your accountability partner to reach your goals? Consider these commitments to be nonnegotiable if you’re going to achieve your goals. And one of the best ways to do this is to calendar everything. What gets scheduled gets done. When I work with leaders on improving their performance, often one of the missing steps in their plan is that they fail to calendar these commitments. As a result, other distractions take over, and day by day, they drift further away from their goals and further away from their purpose. My Challenge to You I get it. You’re busy. So is everyone else. If you’re ready to make a change, schedule two hours of uninterrupted time this week to discover your purpose, your envisioned future, and your specific commitments. When I say uninterrupted, I mean no texts, emails, or social media. When you do this, you’ll immediately notice a change in your mindset and your actions. Your goals will feel closer, and your self-belief will skyrocket. Leadership is far too important to just be going through the motions. When you lead with purpose, just watch how your life can change. Leadership isn’t for the faint of heart. I know. I’m cheering you on as we all take steps to be better leaders. What Are the Specific Commitments? Now it gets real. What are the specific

Listen to these Leadercast episodes. Do you want to hear more about finding your purpose from some of Melaleuca’s best leaders? At July Road to Executive Director, I had a chance to catch up with our main-stage presenters, Corporate Director 8 Rafael Rojas and National Directors 9 Brooke and Jason Paulin. Each of these leaders has a unique story to tell about the power of why and purpose in their own lives. Among other things, you’ll hear how their whys and their purposes have evolved over time. As a result, they have been able to remain remarkably consistent and at the top of their game over their careers.

To listen to this Leadercast, visit Leadercast.



Melaleuca’s newest Corporate Direc- tors 4 Erin and Aaron Clark have built the life they’ve always wanted. Working hand in hand with their team, it’s unmistakable that their future is bright. But even with a clear vision of what’s ahead, the Clarks are the first to say that with Melaleuca, you can never dream just how good things can get. Dreams B E Y O N D T H E I R W I L D E S T




She’s unapologetically authentic. She’s aggressively patient. And she’s filled with grit and determination that’s second to none. This is what makes Erin Clark such a dynamic leader. As she works hard to enhance the lives of others, she’s proud of the journey she’s taken to find Melaleuca. Growing up in small town Missouri, everything Erin Clark did involved her tight-knit family. By watching her parents and other family members, she learned that with hard work and determination it’s possible to achieve anything. “My mom has worked her butt off her whole life and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty,” Erin says. “She always taught me to never complain about the work at hand and just go get the job done. She had lots of obstacles thrown at her, and she always made the best of it. She’s a tough cookie. I am just like my mother! I just got a head start in life because she gave it to me.” Erin’s mom, Director 4 Kim Bryant, encouraged her to attend college in Kansas City, where she studied Spanish and communications. After graduating, Erin stayed in Kansas City to pursue her fledgling career. With some prodding from her mother, she bought and remod- eled a little old home and fell in love with renovating houses. During this period, Erin came across Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Moun- tains —the story of Dr. Paul Farmer, who cured tuberculosis in Haiti. The book left Erin questioning her own life’s trajectory. Ultimately, it inspired her to go back to school and study medicine. “I went back to college for this, totally randomly,” she says. “I believed that was the way I could change the world.” True to her character, Erin went all in and started medical school immediately, working multiple jobs to make ends meet. While working at a Kansas City restau- rant, she met Aaron—who was a police officer at the time—when he came in for lunch. Months later, they decided to tie the knot and pursue their dreams togeth- er. Newly married, Erin decided medical school wasn’t the right path and eventu- ally went back to corporate America.

From Multilevel Marketing to Melaleuca Erin became quite successful working in corporate America while Aaron worked nights as a police officer. But when their daughter, Reyna, was born, their conflict- ing schedules made it nearly impossible to function as a cohesive family. The Clarks knew something had to change or their marriage and family would fall apart. So Erin left her job to try an at- home multilevel marketing business. “Seventy-five percent of police officer marriages fail, and we were going to end up part of that statistic,” Erin says. “I knew I had to figure out something

less stressful. I had to be the one with flexibility if Aaron was going to do police work for the rest of his life. So that’s why I got started with multilevel marketing. I was a young, exhausted mom hoping for something else. And we often say a lot of negative things about network market- ing, but it taught me a lot and helped me develop a lot of grit and determination.” Shortly after starting that business, Erin met National Director 3 Madra Jones. She admired Madra’s success in the company and followed her progress for years. Eventually, they became close friends. With Erin’s new income stream and more flexible hours, the Clarks saw the


light at the end of the tunnel. However, like many multilevel marketing busi- nesses, there was no real opportunity to build a lasting income. Before they knew it, the Clarks were working 80 hours a week to salvage a business they knew wouldn’t be there in another two years. And at the same time, they were hit with unexpected medical bills stemming from their son’s kidney issues. That’s when the Clarks decided to walk away frommultilevel marketing and focus on getting out of debt. They planned to move across the state and start a real estate business. Erin dreamed of fixing up more houses like her first home in Kansas City, and Aaron was ready

to leave police work so they could invest in real estate together. It seemed that the only way to accomplish this new dream was to sell their home, use the profits to pay off their debt, and start over. “There was a point, about six months before I found out about Melaleuca, when I told Madra, ‘If you ever find something that you really believe in— even if you’ve only stuck your toe in it— I want to be the first person you call,’” says Erin. “We were so burned by MLMs that by the time Madra told me about Melaleuca, I never wanted to do any- thing like it ever again. I never wanted to do direct sales. I was so scarred and hurt and broke.”

But Erin trustedMadra, so she told Aaron she had been offered an opportunity to learnmore aboutMelaleuca. He imme- diately told Erin he wanted nothing to do with another networkmarketing business. “When Aaron told me no , I knew I had to look at Melaleuca just out of total rebellion,” Erin says. “After we listened to the Melaleuca Overview, I thought, ‘I don’t know if they’re telling the truth. I don’t know enough about it yet to know if it will work, but I know it’s laundry detergent, I know it’s cleaning supplies, and I know I’m not going to get hurt. And I’m going to buy this stuff anyway.’” So Erin enrolled their family with Melaleuca and got to work.



The Road to Belief Many of the skills Erin developed while working in the multilevel marketing industry helped her see success at Melaleuca very quickly. Her grit and determination to build a new life for her family drove her to consistently do the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. But the big paychecks she got

this family. This is the event where you can look around the room and say to your- self, ‘We’re going to grow old together.’” That key experience has stuck with her ever since. Now, Erin is focused on bringing as many teammembers as she can to Melaleuca events. She knows it’s difficult to fully believe in the Melaleuca model until you hear, see, and feel every- thing up close and in person. She tends to

love the products too. That’s why I have so much confidence after today—it’s the sum of small efforts over time.” Erin helps her team focus on those small actions that build belief by practic- ing accountability. It starts with early- morning accountability video conferences where everyone reports their activities from the day before. But for accountability to truly work, it has to become about more than reporting numbers. “Accountability works—not because every day I tell my teamwhat I did and what I’m doing tomorrow but because it establishes honesty,” Erin says. “We’re re- ally transparent with each other. We take our guards down and we get to know each other really well. My team is honest with me when they’re having a bad time. We talk about it when their husband or kids are struggling. But we also talk about it when they are having a good time. The honesty and transparency create a culture of accountability.” Because Erin and her team have worked hard to create this culture of accountability, they were able to fully take advantage of the time they spent participating in the corporate Fast Track held earlier this year. Many of her team- mates reported daily and qualified for the trip to Hawaii. Erin is especially proud of what her momwas able to accomplish when she made a concentrated effort to stay accountable. Before Fast Track, she had only enrolled a few customers each month. In the end, Erin’s mom earned 23 points and the trip to Hawaii. Erin and her team know that critical, foundation- building growth happens when you stay accountable. With true accountability, Erin sees that her teammates focus on enhancing the lives of others rather than competing with each other. That’s why it’s impor- tant that everyone on the team knows Erin’s three ground rules. “Number one, it’s okay to ask questions,” she says. “Number two, it’s okay to mess up. And number three, we’re all equal.” The Power to Dream Bigger Since enrolling with Melaleuca, the Clarks have accomplished more than they had ever dreamed. After selling their home, they moved across the state to be closer to Erin’s family. Erin had been itching to buy and renovate proper- ties, so she and Aaron used some of their

weren’t enough to keep her from feeling that the rug would be pulled out from under her at any moment. It wasn’t until she attended Road to Executive Director in February 2018 that Erin solidified her belief in Melaleuca. It was one of the first events that Aaron attended with her, and it took Melaleuca from their minds to their hearts. For the first time, they could both see how Melaleuca was a game changer. They re- alized they had something in their hands that was bigger than anything they had dreamed of. “Road to Executive Director is the event where you really get a taste of what Melaleuca is,” Erin explained when she spoke at Road to Executive Director in February 2019. “This is the event where you start picturing yourself as a part of “Accountability works—not because every day I tell my team what I did and what I’m doing tomorrow but because it establishes honesty,”

set her goals in six-month chunks, work- ing with business builders who are set on going to Road to Executive Director, SELC, or Convention. This method works. At her first Con- vention in 2018, Erin was ecstatic knowing she had brought around 50 teammates with her. At Convention 2019, that num- ber nearly tripled—she estimates around 150 people from her team learned critical lessons by attending Convention. Erin finds that attending Melaleuca events is critical to building confidence as a business builder. “Even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, if you can just study Melaleuca and attend events, you’ll find confidence in [Melaleuca CEO] Frank [VanderSloot], the products, and the 96% reorder rate,” Erin says. “And then you can get through the Melaleuca Overview because even if you don’t believe in yourself yet, you know you have something really big behind you that you can believe in. Your belief in yourself will come later.” Accountability Works After solidifying her own belief in what Melaleuca can do, Erin focused on help- ing others build their belief. “I know that every single time that I am accountable, add to my contact list, set an appointment, give an Overview, develop a Director, or set up a Strategy Session, I believe a little bit more,” she says. “Every time I enroll another customer, I believe I can do it again. And every time that customer loves her products, I believe the next person will


early Melaleuca income to purchase and remodel their dream home. They soon began purchasing other properties to start their real estate busi- ness. At about the same time, Aaron picked up a camera and learned he has a knack for taking photos—and has since become a well-known photographer in their area. Now he works full time managing their properties, taking photos, and supporting Erin’s efforts with their Melaleuca business. In addition, Erin’s uncle, cousin, and mom are employed by the Clark’s real estate business. Building a Melaleuca business has done more to bless the Clark family than they ever thought possible. Several years ago, Erin’s mom and stepdad ad- opted three young children. When Erin enrolled with Melaleuca, her mom’s inflexible work schedule made it hard for her to be the mom she wanted to be for her now teenage children. Erin’s mom

became one of Erin’s first Melaleuca customers, and they haven’t looked back since. Today, they have the freedom to make their own schedules so they can work together to juggle the responsibili- ties of their family and their businesses. “I’ve had dream boards for ten years, but I would never have pictured this,” Erin says. “My dreams were only a thirtieth of what has happened with Me- laleuca. I would have laughed at myself if I would have said years ago that I would bring home a $500,000 check and be completely debt-free.” Youwould think that advancing to Corporate Director 4would give the Clarks a chance to catch their breath, but they aren’t slowing down. “I don’t thinkwe’ve slept since enrollingwithMelaleuca to be totally honest,” Erin says. The Clarks own an Airbnb in a neigh- borhood that was recently decimated by a tornado. Though their house needs re-

pairs, it’s still standing—so they decided to find ways they could help the entire community recover. While helping at a fundraising event and distributing sup- plies donated by Melaleuca, Erin met a young single momwho had lost the home she was renting. The Clarks have taken her under their wing to help her get back on her feet. The same day Erin interviewed for this article, the Clarks signed on a new house that they will furnish and rent out to this young mom at an affordable rate. “Before Melaleuca, we were selling our own home just to pay our bills,” Erin says. “We were using the profit to get out of debt and just start over. Fast forward to today, and we just bought a house in cash that we’re going to rent to a momwho has nothing as she gets her life back together. Melaleuca has changed every single thing about our lives.”



Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

Erin never dreamed of being in a professional photo shoot until she was asked to participate in the Own Your Beauty campaign for Sei Bella ® ealier this year. Even though she was feeling ill at the time, she kept her promise to show up and take part in this beauti- ful shoot.

After remodeling and moving into their dream home in Jefferson City, Missouri, the Clarks experienced a myriad of unexplained “para- normal events” and decided to move out. Instead of selling the home, the Clarks now rent it out as a haunted Airbnb. The Clarks and their house are set to be included on episode of The Dead Files on the Travel Channel this month.

“For years, we had dream boards with Disneyland on there,” says Erin. “But now we don’t have to put those kinds of things on a dream board. We are just able to do what we want—like camping and going on vacation.”

Erin started her first dream board when she was making just $1,000 a month in her previous business. And though it took her more than five years to reach her goal of earn- ing $30,000 a month, she never stopped dreaming it would happen.

Erin is a family girl through and through and she loves sharing Melaleuca prod- ucts with them. Her grandpa takes the Peak Perfor- mance Nutrition Pack and has never felt better!

Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.



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Stephanie & Klinton Keller NEBRASKA The Right Decision, the Right Moment

Those Marketing Executives who were just starting when Fast Track began now have their own accountability groups, and they’re bringing everything they learned from Fast Track—the daily activity, the accountability, and the coaching—into their own teams. Businesses sometimes find it a challenge to keep growing. The Kellers think that’s often just a matter of perception. “You’re always going to have people on your team for whom the timing’s not right to build their business,” Klinton says. “But on the flip side, you’re always going to have people on your team for whom the timing is right—who are saying, ‘I have to make this work.’ The secret to continued growth is to find the ones who want to work and then lock arms with them.” That’s the attitude and focus that has led to this latest advancement for the Kellers. But, as thrilled as they are, the many stories of lives being enhanced in their organization are what really drives them forward. Thanks to Melaleuca, they’ve seen a family move from piles of debt to bills paid and savings started. They’ve seen another family move from sleeping on the floor at a relative’s home to being able to put a down payment on their own home. And the stories go on and on. “It’s the reason I get up early every morning and stay up late every night,” Klinton says. “I always tell people that someone did it for me when they didn’t have to, and I’m certainly going to pay it forward and do the same for others. It’s one thing to advance. It’s great. It’s fulfilling. But it’s not even close to the feeling of helping another family change their lives.” JC

In January 2019, Klinton and Stephanie Keller made a crucial decision while setting their yearly goals. “We shifted our focus,” Klinton says. “We said, ‘Okay, we’re going to put more time back into personal enrollments and finding our next wave of leadership.’” They couldn’t have timed it better. When the company-wide Fast Track was announced that February, the Kellers and their team were perfectly aligned for it. They had a group of dynamic new Directors just getting started, and Fast Track provided just the structure they needed to start strong. “We placed those new Marketing Executives into Fast Track teams,” Klinton recalls, “and that allowed for accelerated mentorship and daily accountability right off the bat. They learned a lot quicker. They grew a lot faster. And today we are in more frequent communication than we would have been without Fast Track. Back then we met online every night, Sunday through Thursday. Now it’s four phone calls and one web conference. That allows so much more coaching to happen. When you’re on the phone with them every night, you’re pouring into them and they’re able to make adjustments a lot quicker. Growth is going to come a lot faster.”

“Just now,” Klinton says, “we are 100% debt-free outside our mortgage. We are so thankful that we’ve been introduced to Melaleuca and for what it has done for our lives.”




Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.


Melinda Lough NEW MEXICO Restoring Dreams through Melaleuca

different as apples and oranges,” she explains. “In my corporate job, I worked so hard to build other people’s empires. I was also an at-will employee, so I worked really hard to make myself invaluable. And that’s what a lot of people in corporate America have to do. They have to put their jobs before their families so their companies won’t get rid of them. “And now, I get to build my own empire. I get to build something I see value in. And I get to build this empire by lifting others up. I love that. I love that a little guy like me, who lives in a town with one Dollar General store and a post office, can do this and can bring others with her.” Melaleuca has also given Melinda hope again. “For the first time, I feel like we’re going to be okay,” Melinda says. “My daughter is going to be able to go to any college she wants to. I’m going to pay my mortgage off early. If you had told me five years ago that this was possible, I would have laughed at you. But you know, Melaleuca gives people hope. It has brought hopes and dreams back into our lives. And for the first time probably ever, I can be positive about the future.” Sharing this hope with others and getting people dreaming again is Melinda’s favorite part of her job. “Melaleuca is for those people who work multiple jobs and have lost their dreams and lost their hope and feel like they’ll never get to raise their kids because they have to work too much. I love showing others that they can do it just like I did. I love seeing lives change through Melaleuca businesses.” L

When Director 5 Jennifer Dansie invited Melinda Lough to a Melaleuca Overview, Melinda didn’t even have time to consider attending one, let alone actually attend one. At the time, she was working three jobs and raising two kids. Jennifer was persistent though, and Melinda finally agreed to listen to an Overview, but she made it clear that she only had 30 minutes and wouldn’t stay a minute longer. Thirty minutes into the presentation, Jennifer told Melinda a half hour had passed. But Melinda wasn’t going anywhere. Earlier that week, she had put on an event at her house that helped local artists by giving them a space to display and sell their work. “During that Overview, I just kept thinking, ‘If I can help people in my community on a small level, what can I do with this company?’” Melinda says. Melinda wasn’t the only one who saw value in Melaleuca. “On our way home from the Overview,” Melinda recalls, “my daughter looks over at me, and she says, ‘Mom, God sent us this. You know that, right?’ And I’ve been on fire ever since. I saw a better life and a better way for my kids and me.” Melinda continued to work her corporate job as she built her Melaleuca business. She was able to bring herself home three years ago. “Corporate America and Melaleuca businesses are as

“Some people want a different life,” Melinda says. “And they’re on their knees praying for what we have here at Melaleuca. So it’s our job to give back.”




Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.


Sabrina & Doug Ellis TEXAS The Future Looks So Bright!

I studied Melaleuca: An Overview and worked at it. I’d polish it, record it, and watch myself do it.” She only tweaked one thing. “In every Overview I watched, the presenter was standing, but that wasn’t comfortable for me. Sitting down together made it feel more like a conversation.” Persevere Sabrina’s perseverance is more like walking on a treadmill than straining at gut-wrenching crunches, so it’s duplicable by her team. “When I first began my business, I thought, ‘I’ll do my best for a month and see what happens,’” Sabrina says. “I remember being told I was advancing rapidly, but I didn’t experience it that way. I was just building. I learned to be more open and more comfortable, to read leadership materials, and be a stronger, better leader for my team. It was a slow, gradual awareness, little by little, as I experienced personal growth through the process.” During the dark times three years ago when Sabrina’s husband, Doug, the primary provider, abruptly lost his job, she remembers, “The lights were out and I was living someone else’s life. It was scary and nothing was normal. Melaleuca allowed the lights to come back on. It made life come back to normal, but a new normal with a stronger, brighter hope. It gave me the vehicle, a track to run on, an opportunity to be the best I can be. Melaleuca partners with you, and as you work hard, the results come. On my team, we’ve all locked arms together and it has changed all our lives.” Training. Hard work. Commitment. Anyone who will do the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities will find that success follows. Sabrina Ellis is a steadily shining example.

Sabrina’s approach to building her business is appealing to Preferred Members because it is so accessible. It’s simple and direct, and it works like crazy! Push “Play” “The training offered by Melaleuca is incredible!” Sabrina says. “The key is listening to it. Just push play.” Whenever Sabrina is in her car—and because she lives in the country about a half hour from anywhere, she is frequently in the car—she is listening to a Melaleuca audio training. When she gets home, she doesn’t default to watching TV—she again plays training episodes. “When they tell you how to do an approach, you just tweak it and do it, and it works!” Sabrina says. Can it really be as simple as that? Evidently! As an Executive Director 5, Sabrina speaks from experience. Prepare Sabrina practiced the Melaleuca Overview 50 times before she did her first presentation. “I wasn’t afraid to present the Overview, but it was a new experience for me, so I looked at it as a college class assignment. What did I have to do to get an A?

“I began with belief in the wonderful products, and I went on to develop belief in myself,” Sabrina says. “My residually secure future means everything to me.”



Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.