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Liberty Inspection Group - March 2018

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Liberty Inspection Group - September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds Ingredients: • • • 20 basil leaves, choppe

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Liberty Inspection Group - April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra- virgin olive oil Ingredients: • • • Kosher salt • • 2 teaspoons lemo

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Liberty Inspection Group - August 2018

2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish Ingredients: Kosher salt and black pepper,

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Liberty Inspection Group - May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak 2 tablespoons canola oil • • • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper Ingredients: Salt

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Liberty Inspection Group - March 2019

3 cup canola oil 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted DIRECTIONS 1. In a small skillet over medium

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Liberty Inspection Group - July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons raw honey 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepp

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Liberty Inspection Group - November 2018

4 cup celery, diced 2 large sprigs thyme DIRECTIONS 3. Add 6 quarts cold water to 1. In a large stoc

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Liberty Inspection Group - December 2018

Liberty Inspection Group - December 2018 610.717.3082 DECEMBER 2018 AN AC

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Liberty Inspection - October 2018

spirits-meath-halloween-festival-2018 . Page 4 | | 610.717.3082

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Liberty Inspection February 2018

3 cup sliced green onions 1 diced avocado DIRECTIONS pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste.

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Liberty Inspection Group - March 2018 610.717.3082 MARCH 2018


A lot of American kids, including my three daughters, live in a comfortable bubble of privilege. Sure, they may not receive every single thing they want, and they’ll struggle every now and then just like any child, but on the whole, it’s an abundant, easy life. Growing up in this life where every need is almost instantly met, I think it’s common to lose perspective. You could make it all the way to adulthood without developing any real understanding of how other people, cultures, and communities might live.

My daughter mostly helped out by taking care of a few of the local kids who ran amok while the adults provided the manual labor. While their mothers were working right alongside us, my daughter was holding babies, keeping the toddlers entertained, and engaging in this amazing cultural exchange.

Both of us were struck by how the locals went about their day-to-day activities in ways much different than what we’re used to. There were families who got their water from a well and lived out of a block house — not much more than a concrete slab and a metal tin roof with only two working outlets. One family of eight shared a single bedroom, the two parents sleeping in a small bed while the kids slept wherever they could find a comfortable spot to lie down. The whole community acted almost as if it were one big family. If a neighbor’s kid was getting into trouble, the elder neighbors had free reign to discipline them. It was an incredibly trusting, cohesive place. Despite their humble settings, everyone seemed just as happy as could be. They were all so kind and welcoming, eager to bridge the language differences and spend some time with us. It’s funny: When we picture traveling abroad to share some time and resources, Americans often imagine we’re going to help the locals to lead a better life and teach them important things you assume they don’t understand. We think we’re going to offer some aid toward “saving” them from poverty and steering them to a happy life. But in the middle of that town, with the whole community pitching in and the kids scampering around laughing, it was clear to me that the people there already had a great and happy life. It’s just a shift in context and perspective. In the end — and this is probably a cliche — I think the locals helped us more than we helped them. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in that completely different world with such wonderful people. My daughter and I can’t wait to go back as soon as we can. –Chris Earley

It’s always been important to me that my young daughters avoid this pitfall. Every opportunity I get, I encourage them to see things from other perspectives, trying as best I can to foster the natural empathy and curiosity that comes with being a kid. To that end, I brought my 13-year-old along with me on a church mission trip last January to an impoverished town in the Dominican Republic. Though our church has had a humanitarian partnership with this small town for about eight years, it was the first time we had been there. Needless to say, it was an incredible, eye-opening experience. Three years ago, our church traveled there and built a playground for the community. This time, our mission teamwas quite a bit smaller, so we couldn’t do anything quite so big. But we contributed in any way we could. Mostly, that entailed repainting the beaten-up playground and sprucing up some of the local wooden marketplace stands to help them get more use in the coming years. We also worked together to build an enclosure around a big outdoor stove in the middle of the town just behind their community center. The man who runs it makes pizza, donuts, and bread for the entire town. Now he won’t have to worry about wind, rain, or teenagers messing around with his equipment | 610.717.3082 | Page 1



As the weather kicks up a few degrees and signs of spring emerge, buyers and sellers come out of the woodwork, tax refunds in hand. But when you’re thinking of putting an offer on your dream home or posting a property on the market, it’s vital you get a skilled inspector to ensure you won’t find any nasty surprises. Here are three ways to skirt inexperienced, inattentive home inspectors and find the very best option for you or your business. 1. Pick an Inspection FirmWith a Great Reputation Let’s face it, you can’t get consistent quality, punctuality, and professionalism each and every time from a one-person shop. No matter how skilled they may be, they simply don’t have the resources to deliver foolproof results. Be sure to ask your prospective inspector howmany inspections they conduct annually and howmany years they’ve been in the business. It takes a minimum of 250 inspections to develop the eyes, ears, and nose to hunt down serious problems. 2. Pick an Inspector With Education, Training, and Certifications Being a contractor is very different from being a professional home inspector. To be able to provide a competent evaluation of all the systems

and components of the home takes comprehensive and continuing education from one of the top home inspection schools. Keep in mind that while certifications are important, they let the world know that the inspector can pass a test, not that they can inspect a home properly. There’s no substitute for experience. 3. Pick an Inspector That Provides a Thorough Inspection Report Top home inspectors don’t produce two-page, handwritten

reports. Instead, they give their clients comprehensive, full-color reports that cover every possible issue, with digital photographs of specific concerns. In addition, the report should contain “summary pages” with specific categories of marginal and defective problems. What the report should not include are repair costs or action plans for repairs. Professional home inspectors inspect; they don’t repair! An inspector that makes repairs should always be avoided due to the conflict of interest inherent in that situation. At Liberty Inspection, we only employ experienced, top-performing home inspectors you can trust. If you’re looking for true peace of mind with your inspection, give us a call at 610-756-1002 or visit our website and download a free sample inspection report!


If you’re a business owner like me, you know how difficult it can be to keep your company going in the right direction. I can’t tell you how many peers I know who struggle to properly manage their effort and time, basically letting their companies run their lives instead of the other way around. With the marketplace constantly changing, employees leaving or dropping the ball, profits stalling, and an endless to- do list, it can seem impossible to keep everything afloat, much less grow and evolve over time. After running Liberty Inspection for over 11 years, I feel like I’ve gotten a pretty good grip on the entrepreneurial process. But I also know that any good leader is constantly striving to learn more in order to better guide their team and serve their customers, so I’m always on the lookout for books that will help me sharpen my business and personal practices. Recently, I finished the popular “Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business” by entrepreneur Gino Wickman. It focuses on wrangling the problems described above and pushing your business to the next level.

one that actually backed up its claims with a comprehensive, powerful method to implement right away. Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Operating System provides crystal-clear instructions so you can establish what he identifies as the six key foundations for any healthy company: a compelling vision, a stellar team, tons of >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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