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LIM_Injuries Are A Real Pain In The Back

October/ November 2019

Newsletter The Newsletter That Helps You Return To A Life In Motion


October/ November 2019

Newsletter The Newsletter That Helps You Return To A Life In Motion


Personal Story

Written by Adrienne Riveros

It’s Almost Time! Very shortly, you will find that we have yet another new addition to the LIM family!Thankfully, this pregnancy has been kind so far! If smell aversions, swollen ankles and muscle pains are the extent, I consider myself lucky! So far, we know she is a girl, but she remains nameless! That is at the top of our to-do list in the coming days:) If I recall the last weeks of baby Greyson’s pregnancy correctly, I do remember that sporadic back pain did play a roll in my every day life and managing it appropriately made the difference between a hard day and a... a bit less-hard day as I waddled

from here to there. ;) I am watching for the beginning signs of back pain with baby girl as we finish out her pregnancy. Stretching, staying active, staying hydrated and good nutrition all play important roles. However, if it progresses, I know where I can find a good therapist to help me! Haha! Remember, back pain comes in all shapes, sizes, severities and reasons. If you are having trouble with back pain, don’t ignore it. Don’t wait until it is so bad that your body MAKES you do something about it. Come see us at Life In Motion and let us help you navigate the stormy, sometimes uncertain waters of dealing with back pain. We are always here to help.

Find Relief For Your Aching Back

• 30-40 percent of all workplace absences are due to back pain. • Approximately one quarter of U.S. adults reported having low back pain lasting at least one whole day in the past three months, and 7.6% reported at least one episode of severe acute low back pain within a one-year period. • More than two-thirds of back strains are caused by lifting and other exertions, such as pulling and pushing. • Most cases of back pain are mechanical— meaning they are NOT caused by serious conditions,suchas infection,fracture,orcancer. 7 Tips For Alleviating Back Pain: While consulting with a physical therapist is the first step in finding relief, there are a few tips you can also try on your own, in order to relieve your back pain at home.This can help alleviate pain that may occur while you’re away from the clinic and help prevent it from worsening: 1. Get more exercise. If your back is hurting, you may think the best way to get relief is to rest. However, studies show that frequent changes in position and regular physical activity can actually help ease inflammation and muscle tension faster in the back. 2. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds, especially in your midsection, can make back pain worse by shifting your center of gravity and putting a strain on your lower back. Maintaining a healthy weight can help control back pain and will provide additional health benefits.  3. Adjust your sleeping position. If you’re prone to back pain, talk with your physical therapist about the best sleeping position for you. It is important to sleep in the position that will help you achieve the most rest.

It is typically best to avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you enjoy sleeping on your back, you can try putting one pillow under your knees and another under your lower back. If you sleep on your side, you can try pulling your knees slightly toward your chest and sleeping with a pillow between them. 4 . Watch how you lift. It is a common mistake to lift with your back, rather than your legs. Make sure you don’t bend over at the waist to lift heavy objects. Instead, bend your knees and squat, pulling in your stomach muscles and holding the object close to your body as you stand up. Don’t twist your body while lifting. If you can, push heavy objects, rather than pulling them. 5. Improve your posture. Posture is important, whether you’re working, exercising, or simply relaxing. Find a good chair to sit on that will allow you to keep your feet flat on the floor while you sit. Try to avoid soft couches or chairs that put you in a slouched position. When standing, try to alternate your footing and walk around if possible. 6. Use supportive shoes. A good pair of cushioned shoes can reduce pressure on your back. If needed, you can discuss inserts with your physical therapist that can help provide you with the support you need while standing, walking, and running. 7. Quit smoking. Nicotine in smoke restricts the flow of nutrient-containing blood to spinal discs. Because of this, smokers are especially vulnerable to back pain, which typically dissipates on its own after the nicotine is out of your system. Call (727) 369-6355 today to schedule a Free Back Pain Consultation or visit us at

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, back pain is the most commonly experienced type of pain across the United States. Infact,one ineveryfourAmericanshasexperienced back pain within the last three months. The type of pain felt in your back can vary, from a slight nagging ache to crippling, shooting pains. Because of this, it is no secret that back pain can limit you from enjoying your daily life to the fullest. Fortunately, Life in Motion can get you the help you need so you can improve your quality of life! Did You Know This About Back Pain? “Back pain” is an all-encompassing term used to describe a vast number of conditions that cause pain in the upper or lower back. Sports-related injuries, poor posture, and car accidents are just a few of the many ways that someone can develop back pain. The most common cause of back pain is from sustaining an injury. This can happen in one of two ways - from an instant, sudden trauma, or from a repetitive-use injurythatdevelopsgraduallyovertime. Because back pain is so commonplace in the United States, there is a lot of information on the topic. Some helpful facts that may help you understand your back pain a little more include: • Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45. • In the United States alone, there are an expected 31 million people with lower back pain at any given time. • Back pain runs second, only after the common cold, as the top reason for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States. • Experts place the likelihood of any person to experience some type of back problem in their lifetime at about 80%. That’s four out of every five people!

We at Life In Motion have quite a few core values - one of them is Education. We believe in educating the public on the value of conservative care and we believe in empowering our patients, through education, to be advocates for their own health. Check your newsletters or check our website at www.lifeinmotion-therapy.comforupcomingdates! Remember - registration is required - online or by phone. INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP SERIES The therapistsofLife InMotionarecurrentlyputting on workshops every two weeks that are open to the public. We alternate between Lower Back Pain/ Sciatica and Shoulder/Rotator Cuff workshops. More topicswillbeaddedsoon,sokeepaneyeout!

November 2nd @ 10AM Shoulder & Rotator Cuff December 14th @ 10AM Shoulder & Rotator Cuff

November 23rd @ 10AM Lower Back Pain & Sciatica January 4th @ 10AM: Lower Back Pain & Sciatica


Patient Success Spotlight

“I cannot say enough good things about Life In Motion from the moment I stepped in the door.” atmosphere, and the staff are fantastic at their job. Once I got back there for my appointment, my therapist went straight into identifying the issue. From there, my therapist explained what the issue was and went straight into treatment. I’m very glad I was referred here and very much looking forward to future appointments!” -J. B.

TryThis Tasty Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal!

“I had my first appointment for back pain. I cannot say enough good things about Life In Motion from the moment I stepped in the door. The front desk staff greeted me promptly, completed my paperwork, and were very kind. I was quickly taken back for my appointment. Each and every staff member was very friendly. Life In Motion has a family-like

• 3 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tsp vanilla • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • ¼ tsp salt

• cooking spray, butter or coconut oil • 1 cup steel-cut oats • 2½ cups water • 1½ cups unsweetened almond milk • 1 cup pumpkin

Coat your slow cooker with cooking spray, butter or coconut oil. Add all the ingredients into slow cooker and mix well. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. If you have a programmable slow cooker, set it to cook on low for 7 hours and then switch to warm. In the morning, give the oats a good stir as the oats will settle to the bottom. Portion into a bowl to serve and top with pecans, maple syrup and almond milk.

Being Grateful is Good for You!


GRATITUDE AND HEALTH Researchshows that theexperienceof gratitude can induce a sense of relaxation, improve the immune system, and decrease blood pressure. Grateful people also tend to cultivate better health habits, like eating more nutritious food, exercising, and avoiding risky behaviors. In addition, the optimism that stems from gratitude can create a healing attitude: research shows that people with optimistic attitudes have better outcomes after medical procedures. GRATITUDE AND JOY RobertEmmons,an internationally renowned scientific expert on gratitude, has found that acknowledging the good in life has a tendency to amplify positive emotions, such as joy and contentment, because it helps us slow down. “I think gratitude allows us to participate more in life,” he says. “We notice the positives more, and that magnifies the pleasures you get from life.” Consider the last time you had a good cup of coffee—did you pay attention to the warmth of the cup on your hands, or the feeling of pleasure as you took the first sip? It’s easy to ignore these small moments of positivity in our day as we rush from one activity to another, but stopping to appreciate them makes them more powerful. GRATITUDE AND RESILIENCE Practicing gratitude can make you better equipped to handle the difficulties of life that inevitably arise. In fact, according to Emmons, it’s an essential part of the process of healing from trauma. Even despair can be mitigated by the experience of appreciation for the good, however slight it might be. Many people with life-threatening illnesses report decreased distress and increased positive emotions when they practice gratitude. Recent MRI studies have mapped the gratitude circuitry in the brain, which activates a sense of reward, fairness, and decision-making—all aspects that help facilitate survival and post-traumatic growth. Emmons,R.(2010November16).Whygratitude isgood.GreaterGood.Retrievedfromgreatergood.berkeley. edu/article/item/why_gratitude_is_good. Emmons, R.A., Stern, R. (2013). Gratitude as a psychotherapeutic intervention. Journal of Clinical Psychology; 69(8), 846-855. Excerpts taken from takingcharge.csh.umn. edu/10-ways-be-more-thankful-person

Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Relieves Back Pain

FOUR POINT TRUNK FLEXION & EXTENSION Start on hands and knees. Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, and hold. Then, arch your back the opposite direction as low as you comfortably can, and hold. Repeat 6 times.


What is Laser Therapy? Laser therapy uses a process called photobiomodulation. Unlike medications, laser therapy reduces pain without undesirable side effects. It is also important to point out that patients report long-lasting pain relief. While the number of treatments required may vary depending on the acuity of the condition, many patients experience lasting relief after only a couple treatments. How Does Laser Therapy Help? When treating acute conditions with laser therapy, it is particularly effective when it is administered as soon as possible following injury. The faster the inflammation is reduced and the healing process can begin, the better. In the case of acute injury, laser

therapy helps restore the body to normal function quicker. What to Expect Laser treatments can be customized for each individual and each situation. Depending on the condition, whether it is an acute swollen ankle or chronic low back pain, the therapist will set the laser up for your condition to treat the pain and inflammation along with improving cellular function to maximize the benefits. Depending on the laser, it can create little to no sensation or it can create a gentle, soothing warmth. Safety + Efficacy Medical lasersareclearedbytheFDAandadhere to strict ISO standards in order to provide you

with the safest non-invasive treatment option on the market. Our lasers work by flooding the tissue with photons, which energizes cells resulting in increased circulation to the injured area and ultimately pain reduction. Laser therapy allows your body to utilize it’s own healing powers by inducing a series of healing responses in your body. During treatment you will feel a soothing warmth that identifies the beginning of an 18-24 hour process of modulated cellular activity leading to decreased pain and inflammation. Want to find out if Laser Therapy is right for you? Call us today at (727) 369-6355 or visit for more information and to learn about our other services.


LaRae Murray OTR/L, OTD, Occupational Therapist LaRae is an Occupational Therapist who specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from VanderbiltUniversity inEcology,Evolution, and Organismal Biology and went on to

Josh Reilly DPT, Physical Therapist

Josh a PhysicalTherapist who specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation with a focus on prevention. He received his Bachelor’s in Health Science from the University of South Florida and his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of New England. Josh’s personal interests include competitive powerlifting, basketball and playing with his dog, Nova. Little Known Fact: Josh walked on to the USF Men’s Cross Country team his freshman year of college.

earn her clinical doctorate (OTD) in Occupational Therapy from Belmont University. She has practiced in a variety of adult-based occupational therapy settings including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. Little Known Fact: LaRae is interested in working with musicians and has worked on educational material and presentations about preventing playing-related injuries.

Exercise Can Help Improve Mental Health!

Exercise and depression. Maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing. It promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. Exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression. Exercise and anxiety. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out. By adding this mindfulness element—really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise—you’ll not only improve your physical condition faster, but you may also be able to interrupt the flow of constant worries running through your head. Exercise and ADHD. Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which affect focus and attention. Exercise and PTSD and trauma. Evidence suggests that by really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise, you can actually help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobilization stress response that characterizes PTSD or trauma. Instead of thinking about other things, pay close attention to the physical sensations in your joints and muscles, even your insides as your body moves. Exercises that involve cross movement and that engage both arms and legs—such as walking (especially in sand), running, swimming, weight training, or dancing—are some of your best choices. When you’re under the cloud of an emotional disorder and haven’t exercised for a long time, setting yourself extravagant goals like completing a marathon or working out for an hour every morning will only leave you more despondent if you fall short. Better to set yourself achievable goals and build up from there.

Your physical therapist will work with you to implement an individualized treatment plan, based on your specific needs. The main stages of your plan will focus on pain relief, which may include any combination of ice and heat therapies, manual therapy, posture improvement, targeted stretches and exercises, or any other treatment that your physical therapist may deem fit. As you progress and improve, your physical therapist will expand on your exercises and stretches by making them more intensive over time.This will help increase your overall strength and range of motion. If you have been suffering from back pain, contact Life in Motion today. Your physical therapist will work with you to address and treat the underlying cause of your back pain. We can help you find relief so you can get back to doing the activities you love! To get started with putting an end to your back pain, contact us today for a Free Back Pain Consultation or share the coupon below with your friends or family! FIND RELIEF FROM BACK PAIN WITH LIFE IN MOTION

FREE Back Pain Consultation! Call (727) 369-6355 to schedule your FREE CONSULTATION. Have you ever… • Missed work due to your back pain? • Missed out on a family vacation or activity because you were afraid to aggravate your pain? • Found yourself worrying more about your pain rather than living your life? This coupon may be given to friends or family – limited to the first 20 calls. Expires November 29, 2019.

Call (727) 369-6355 Today!

Pinellas Park Location: 9125 US HWY 19 N Pinellas Park, FL 33782

Seminole Location: 9021 Oakhurst Rd, Suite A Seminole, FL 33776