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Fritz: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

4 cups flour • 2 teaspoons baking soda • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 4 cups milk chocolate chips I

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Training • One-on-One Time with a Licensed Expert • Evidence-Based Treatment Approaches • Tailor-Mad

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Progressive: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

3 cup brown sugar DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspic

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Crabapple: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the

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MPTS: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

or technique.Ouradvancedmanual therapy training allows us to apply a hands-on approach philosophy to

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Family: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

HEALTHTRAX P: (860) 698-6308 Refer a Friend Patient Success Spotlight If you know

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Fleming: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Ca

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

walk is Saturday, April 29, 2017 at Anglers Park in Danville, VA. DOAR, Martinsville PT and ACI PT p

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Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Don’t Let Neck Pain KeepYouFromNewAdventures! ” LiveWithout Neck Pain &Headaches

Do you suffer from frequent neck pain and headaches? People literally live on acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for years because they constantly have a nagging headache, induced by muscle spasms in the neck. A concern with those who have frequent headaches, is an underlying neck problem that may go untreated. The Cause of Most Headaches Headaches can range from minor nagging pains, to full-blown migraines that knock you off your feet for a day or two. Any headache, whether tremendous pain or not, should be a warning sign that the muscles in your spine and neck may be too tight and tense. Prolonged muscle tension may cause you to feel stiff and achy. One may feel pain in the shoulders, neck, upper back and even radiating out to the upper arms.

Inside: • Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Hello! I am Kevin, Therapy Technician. Read more about me in my Staff Spotlight inside!

• Relieve Neck Pain & Headaches

• Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes

• Patient Success Spotlight

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Spring Into More Activity By Seeking Treatment For That Nagging Headache! ” Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Most people who have headaches complain about having neck and shoulder pain. The most intense pain usually lies directly in the back and upper sides of the neck. The pain then radiates into the shoulder area. This is why many people who have headaches treat themselves to frequent neck and shoulder massages. A problem in the neck, head, or jaw--such as an injury or arthritis- -can lead to tension in the muscles at the back of the head and to increased pressure on the nerves to the face and head. Poor posture can cause these muscles to become overworked, which can trigger a headache. Most headaches are harmless and resolve on their own, although severe headaches that recur frequently can affect your ability to do your daily activities and can reduce your quality of life. Physical therapy can help you to relieve the tightness and tension in your muscles, helping you live a happy, pain-free life. Physical therapy goes beyond massages to evaluate and treat the root cause of your pain. Muscular tightness may lead to poor joint movement andweakness.Ourmedicalexpertsaretrained inspecialized,hands- on treatments to quickly reduce your pain. Furthermore you can enjoy the added benefits of corrected posture and improved motion. We help to train you in gentle exercises and self-help techniques to relieve neck pain and headaches independently and prevent the problem from reoccurring.

Patient Success Spotlight

“I had a good experience here. I came with shoulder pain, right hip pain and headaches. I found sleeping difficult, stopped walking my dog and I got tired easily. I now feel that the pain and discomfort has gone and I have more energy and feel stronger. Many thanks to Sharma and your team for all your help!” – Martina M. I have more energy and feel stronger!


1935 Springbrook Square Drive Suite 105 Naperville, Illinois 60540 (630) 637-9955

424 Fort Hill Drive Suite 123 Naperville, Illinois 60540 (630) 637-9955

“What Should I Do To Gain Pain Relief Naturally? ” RELIEVE NECK PAIN & HEADACHES

The neck can be a hidden and debilitating source of headaches. Very often neck pain and headaches go hand-in-hand, leading to a miserable time coping with every day activities. According to the National Institute of Health Statistics neck pain and headaches are the second most common form of pain experienced by Americans, with 59% reporting it affected their enjoyment of life. Headaches areoftengroupedunder the term“cervicogenic headache” meaning that the primary source is from the neck. There are well mapped out patterns of headaches that come from the different parts of the neck, shoulder and upper back areas. The discs between your bones (vertebrae) and joints in the upper neck often contribute to headaches. Even headaches located in the forehead or behind the eyes are often referred pains stemming from problem areas in the neck and base of the skull. The joints connecting the top three levels of theneckhandlealmost50%of the totalmotion of the entire neck. This means they absorb a lot of repetitive strain. These joints bear the

main loadof theweightof thehead (about that of a bowling ball). With fatigue, poor posture, injuries, disc problems, arthritis, muscular stress and even prior surgeries, the wear and tear on this critical region of your body can prove too much, resulting in pain. It is also possible that you may develop a narrowing of the spinal canal itself. Since the spinalcord runs through thespine,anarrowing of the canal or where the nerves exit, can lead to a condition named spinal stenosis. There is much that can be done to treat neck pain and headaches. Our expert physical therapists have years of experience helping people with neck pain and headaches. By finding the root cause of your neck pain and headaches we can relieve your pain quickly, reduce the need for medication and get you back to the activities you enjoy. Discover how our team of specialists at Activa Physical Therapy can eliminate your neck pain and headaches allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life. Call today for more details!

If you are experiencing these symptoms call Activa Physical Therapy today!

Difficulty turning your head from side to side Pain at the area where the neck and the upper back meet Poor posture Neck or shoulder pain that interferes with your sleep Stiff neck Pain when reaching for objects overhead Limited ability to exercise Unable to work due to pain Neck pain that radiates into your shoulders

Healthy Recipe

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

8 INGREDIENTS • 6 oz water • 1 large tomato • ½ cucumber • 2 pieces celery • 2 carrots • handful of baby spinach • lemon juice from 1 lemon (or balsamic vinegar) • 6 ice cubes Vegetable Smoothie

Relaxes Shoulders

SCAPULAR RETRACTION Stand tall, shoulders relaxed. Pull shoulder blades back and down. Don’t hunch your shoulders. Repeat 8 times.

DIRECTIONS Wash the vegetables, throw them in the pitcher (after washing), turn blender on low, and then turn it up to high for about 30 seconds. You may need to use the tamper to get it circulating at the beginning.

LOW BACK PAIN & SCIATICA: How To Treat Without Medications, Injections Or Surgery Workshop


Don’t wait until the last minute! Limited spots available! UPCOMINGWORKSHOP FOR BACK PAIN SUFFERERS

We have an event coming up for an in-office workshop on Saturday, May 6TH at 10AM at the Springbrook Square location. Patients can either email us at [email protected] or call us at 630-637-9955 to register for the event. Breakfast, coffee and light refreshments will be served. It will be an interactive event that will demonstrate how to treat back pain and sciatica naturally. Patients are encouraged to attend, and bring friends, family or someone who could use our help.

1935 Springbrook Square Drive, Suite 105 Naperville, Illinois 60540

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Staff Spotlight

Kevin Whalen Therapy Technician

Kevin is an Orland Park, IL native who is currently a junior at North Central College here in Naperville. He is currently majoring inexercisesciencewithaminor in Spanish, and has ambitions of moving ontograduateschoolforphysicaltherapy. Kevin’s hobbies include participating in and watching sports, especially golf and

Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following:

� Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely

� Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

basketball, and spending time with his family and friends. While working at Activa, Kevin enjoys getting to develop relationships with patients he works with,andseeingwhat it reallymeans tobeaphysical therapist in today’sworld.

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Activa Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an appointment.